Doctor doctor article

Doctor Doctor, an all girl Indie Rock band or… are they the all girl rock band. The public seem to agree as the group have been showered with several music awards including the Peoples Choice Awards for Best Breakout Artists in the USA. Their single ‘Never is Ending’ is in line for the Single of the year Brit Award alongside One Directions ‘One way or Another’. Tough competition? Who knows? Those one Directioners seem to have pushed their idols right to the top of the musical world. However they are not the only ones with devoted fans. Doctor Doctor have been followed since they set foot in Mulligan’s Pub in Manchester for their first ever paid gig. The band says it was mainly an Acoustic act, “How times have changed” Clo Ford told us and she didn’t just mean the music style. Once recognised as the talented group they are, they fell out of the world of packing taxis with their guitars and equipment and into the world of assistants and avoiding large hordes of fans waiting to express their love. Of which there are many. In their interview they talk about coping with all the attention, how ‘lucky’ they are to be loved and their love for their fans. What lovely people! Q: So would you say you enjoy the love of the fans? Haley: What! Of course it’s brilliant and something you just cannot get used to. The idea that there are people supporting everything the band does. I remember our first arena gig. I think we had to be convinced to do it because we didn’t believe enough tickets would be bought. You know performing in from of a half filled room. We couldn’t believe it when it was sold out, we had to put on another night for the people who missed out which sold out as well. We are lucky that we are in a group, we make sure are egos don’t get to big. Q: I’ve heard you’ve had a number of ‘run ins’ with some of these devoted fans. Eryn: Yes we have had people following the car we were in after concerts. But that is mainly the paperazii. The fans are great so it’s not usually the doing things like that. When we have ‘run ins’ with fans its usually a positive and funny experience, like people asking us to marry them and having our own songs sung back to us in the street. Just brilliant. Q: So you’ve been together for six years and you’ve been in the spotlight for only one of those. Had you started to doubt that fame would ever happen? Clo: “I think that no band ever expects it to happen, you know everyone has doubt or just believes it will never happen. We certainly weren’t expecting this public support

Transcript of Doctor doctor article

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Doctor Doctor, an all girl Indie Rock band or… are they the all girl rock band. The public seem to agree as the group have been showered with several music awards including the Peoples Choice Awards for Best Breakout Artists in the USA. Their single ‘Never is Ending’ is in line for the Single of the year Brit Award alongside One Directions ‘One way or Another’. Tough competition? Who knows? Those one Directioners seem to have pushed their idols right to the top of the musical world. However they are not the only ones with devoted fans. Doctor Doctor have been followed since they set foot in Mulligan’s Pub in Manchester for their first ever paid gig. The band says it was mainly an Acoustic act, “How times have changed” Clo Ford told us and she didn’t just mean the music style. Once recognised as the talented group they are, they fell out of the world of packing taxis with their guitars and equipment and into the world of assistants and avoiding large hordes of fans waiting to express their love. Of which there are many. In their interview they talk about coping with all the attention, how ‘lucky’ they are to be loved and their love for their fans. What lovely people!

Q: So would you say you enjoy the love of the fans?

Haley: What! Of course it’s brilliant and something you just cannot get used to. The idea that there are people supporting everything the band does. I remember our first arena gig. I think we had to be convinced to do it because we didn’t believe enough tickets would be bought. You know performing in from of a half filled room. We couldn’t believe it when it was sold out, we had to put on another night for the people who missed out which sold out as well. We are lucky that we are in a group, we make sure are egos don’t get to big.

Q: I’ve heard you’ve had a number of ‘run ins’ with some of these devoted fans.

Eryn: Yes we have had people following the car we were in after concerts. But that is mainly the paperazii. The fans are great so it’s not usually the doing things like that. When we have ‘run ins’ with fans its usually a positive and funny experience, like people asking us to marry them and having our own songs sung back to us in the street. Just brilliant.

Q: So you’ve been together for six years and you’ve been in the spotlight for only one of those. Had you started to doubt that fame would ever happen?

Clo: “I think that no band ever expects it to happen, you know everyone has doubt or just believes it will never happen. We certainly weren’t expecting this public support and the number of fans that have sort of appeared out of nowhere. We just consider ourselves very lucky because in this business a band can make it with a combination of good management, talent and a lot of luck. When I say luck I mean being in the right place at the right time such as playing in the right clubs or bars where you know you will have a good chance in impressing the crowds. And then every night crossing your fingers and hoping there were a few talent scouts out that night as well. That’s the traditional way of being recognised and I’m telling you this because that’s exactly how we got lucky. We were approach by a guy after a gig just like you see in the movies but just a little more awkward.”

Eryn: “Yeah we got recognised before we had even got a small group of fans first which is what usually happens. We didn’t do an Arctic Monkeys where their large following and free CDs made them famous by themselves. Our way was a little lazier I suppose. Not that we didn’t work hard!”

Q: You mentioned the Runaways are they your Inspiration?

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Clo: “They certainly inspire us being a female band but I think our style of music could be classed as different. We certainly wouldn’t say our style is original so there are plenty of bands and artists that inspire us as a group and as individuals. The difference in styles we each love is why enjoy working on music together.

Q: Have you noticed a significant difference between the number of male and female fans.

Jade: “We’ve talked about this before, we often hear more about the female fans which is probably due to being a girl band, instead of a girl group, a band still is linked to being a male thing and I supposed there is still the aspect of ‘why can’t women be a band’. That’s the reason why the Runaways got so much female support, that and being very talented. Even though there are a few female bands out there ranging from rock to indie like us the idea that attitude of ‘women can do what men do’ is still there. But I don’t think we really get more female fans than male fans. From what I see the crowd are pretty much a mixture.”

Haley: “We don’t put that idea of we are here because we are a female band. We don’t directly encourage that as the main reason to support us. I like to think we do that because of our music and the love for what we create which I’m sure is the main reason. When we look in the crowds of fans we definitely see a good mixture of male and female which lets us know that it is mainly our music that is loved.”