Do you know what causes headache and migraine

All in the head

Transcript of Do you know what causes headache and migraine

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All in the head

Most people experience headaches from time to time and say they know how to manage it even though there heads are all over the place as many people dont follow the recommended analgesic dose.

Research shows that 60 percent of headache sufferers never consult as they believe that nothing can be done to help them.

Headaches can vary in duration, cause and severity. Many common headaches can be dealt with over the counter products.

Tension-Type HeadachesTypes of Headache

Tension type headaches are usually described as a tight band around the head (on both sides).A tension headache can last from 30 minutes to several days. Its usually caused by a manifestation of stress, tiredness (fatigue) alcohol drink-like hangover or a sudden change in lifestyle.OTC pain killers are commonly used to treat acute tension-type headaches and removing the underlying problem which is the muscle tension. Its important to look at posture as muscle tension in the neck could cause headache.

MigraineTypes of Headache

Migraine is more than just a headache. Symptoms include throbbing headaches allied with sensitivity to light and noise, nausea, vomiting and lethargy.They tend to last from four hours to about three days and most people do not feel the symptoms between the attacks. People with migraine have a nervous system that is particularly sensitive to change, so genetics seems to play a role in susceptibility. A change could be sudden change in blood glucose levels or a sudden change in sleep pattern this could trigger a migraine. Migraines can be treated with NSAID such as ibuprofen or with paracetamol. If that doesnt work they can try sumatriptan and other stronger types of treatments after being given a prescription from your local doctor.

Hangover HeadachesTypes of Headache

These have similar symptoms to Migraines as its a result of a sudden change in water levels in the body (dehydration) and blood sugar changes.A Hangover can last for a few hours.You can reduce the chances of getting them by drinking loads of water before, during and after alcohol consumption and, another way is eating before and while drinking as this slows down the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

Eye Strain HeadachesTypes of Headache

Focusing or reading on digital devices like laptops, tablets, smart phones or games consoles for too long can strain the eye muscles, leading to headaches, dry, sore or irritated eyes and blurred or double vision. The headaches usually start around the eyes and then spread to the forehead and temples.Having an eye test, wearing glasses or contact lenses if necessary, and adjusting workstation could prevent it from happening in the first place. But if a headache occurs simple analgesics should relieve the pain

Dont forget to take regular screen breaks!

Sinus HeadacheTypes of Headache

This a headache that is located over the sinuses in their forehead and across the nose and cheekbones. Sinus headaches usually occur after a cold or allergy and get worse as the costumer makes sudden moves or bends over. Most cases of sinusitis are viral and dont respond to antibiotics. But, are usually solved by using simple decongestants and anti-inflammatory analgesics.

Viral Headaches Types of Headache

Headaches will often go along with viral infections alongside nasal congestion, fever and fatigue. A headache with a very high temperature could be meningitis, especially if it also causes a stiff neck, vomiting, drowsiness, sensitivity to light and/or a rash. Customers with any combination for these symptoms should seek immediate medical care. Acupuncture and cranial osteopathy can bring some relief to post-meningitis headaches.

Cluster HeadachesTypes of Headache

Cluster headaches affect one in ever 1,000 people in the UK. The pain is almost always on one side of the head and may be associated with symptoms like watery eyes from both or one eye, nasal congestion, facial sweating and drooping eyelids. The pain is quite severe usually starts at night one to two hours after the patient has gone to sleep waking them up and leaving them wanting to bang there head against the wall. The most common cause is alcohol or strong smelling substances like petrol. Ordinary painkillers usually do not solve cluster headaches so must be referred to a GP where they are offered various treatments depending on how severe it is like in acute situations 100% oxygen with an on demand valve so patient can control dosage, or nueromodular devices.


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