Do you have what it takes to help her? Yes!!!. To Make an option, click on a button and No where...

Do you have what it takes to help her? Yes!!!

Transcript of Do you have what it takes to help her? Yes!!!. To Make an option, click on a button and No where...

Do you have what it takes to help her?


To Make an option, click on a button and No where else. If you see an arrow button it means next. The game is pretty straight forward, and for all ages. To Play, select an option provided on problems throughout the game. The aim is to stay in as long as you can, and Save Ancient Rome! You will Start as a Slave, Sophie, and work your way up from there, becoming an empress along the way. Press the button below to return to the home page. Home

You will be sentenced to percussio securi (Beheading) because you have been found guilty of failing to save Rome and finish the game. Better luck in your next life!

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You have been found guilty of being responsible for making Ancient Rome fall. You are hereby exilium (Banished) from the ruins of Ancient Rome and you corrupted flesh is no longer permitted on this soil. Be Gone with you!

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You have been found guilty of treason, so the sentence is death. You are now sentenced to death by strangulatio (being strangled to death). Better luck in your next life!

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Oh No! The public have found out about what you have been doing and have throw you off your old throne! They have been planning your sentence for months, and all of the citizens in Rome agree you should be sentenced to death. Choose a button to decide your fate.

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You seem to have it all wrong. The Barbarians want some land and for you and your people to settle down and stop interrupting them. Now they seem really mad, You better listen up. The Leader of the different Barbarian tribes have sentenced you to death, and want you gone as soon as possible. Click a button below to decide your fate.

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Uh Oh Empress Sophia. You have made a huge mistake. By Fighting Back, You Have only made the situation worse. Now many tribe that have been gathering to hate you have come together in a big war against you. You have been captured, and been sentenced to death. Click a button below to decide your fate.

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Bad Luck, Empress Sophie, it seems you do not have the wits to rule Ancient Rome. Your Law have failed, and the religious controversy has continued. Making everyone follow your religion is not a good idea, and you should have let other countries stay in peace, so that they would cooperate with you when you need them most. Click on a button below to see your fate.

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Not the wisest Choice Sophie. You must now live out your days as a slave to the Strict Empress Norell. No True Roman Citizen should ever show mercy. Click a button below for your Fate.

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Not the wisest choice, Empress Sophia. Rome’s gold has run out, and the miners have found none. Now Merchants are using painted bronze pieces to trick citizens and the entire city is poor and in a bad economic state. Shame on you for bringing this time of misery upon us. Choose a button below to see you fate.

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Empress Norell is a kind and wise ruler, and you are her Plebian Slave, Sophie. You decide she is standing in your way of greatness. You must murder her, so you can take her place as a ruler. What do you decide to do?

Show Mercy, and don’t kill her

Stab her with a cheese knife in her sleep

As you Become Empress in Place of The Late Empress Norell, You Change you name to Sophia, and cover up any traces of murder. But Alas, it is not long before problems start occurring. The Army wants more supplies because they claim they do not have enough money to buy proper fighting equipment and enough food. What do you do?

Tell them to stop being such babies and not listen to their requests

Give them all the supplies they need, including your money to buy extra

Show them mercy, so they can be the best army anyone can ever dream of. But the problems don’t end here. The vast sum of money you gave to the army has taken away from Rome’s gold majorly, and now Rome’s Gold Supply is running out quickly. New coins must be minted, and put in use before your gold runs out too! What do you want to do?

Let them use your gold until your miners bring some back

Mint new Coins out of cheaper materials

Show them no Mercy, If they are not tough enough to work in the army’s current conditions, they are not worthy of being a roman citizen! Although you may be happy with everything right now, you’re citizens still aren’t. Farmland is being destroyed, and they do not have the limitless supply of food that you do. They are complaining, and have come to you for help. What do you do?

You mint new coins out of cheaper materials, and put them into use. Even though the are worth less than gold, some merchants are willing to accept them. Although you may be happy with everything right now, you’re citizens still aren’t. Farmland is being destroyed, and they do not have the limitless supply of food that you do. They are complaining, and have come to you for help. What do you do?

Ignore Their Complaints

Steal Food from Another Tribe

Ignoring their complaints seemed to work, although they don’t seem to have as much faith in you anymore. And they kind of do look a tad on the scrawny side. It was getting too much, so you decided to have a day at the Baths, getting massages and going into the various hot and cold baths.

You were relaxing in one of the baths when you heard two men fighting over religion. They seemed to be debating over whether everyone should be allowed to believe their own religion or whether everyone should be Catholic. You realize these must not be the only men debating about religion, so you decide to set a new law. What is your new law?

Everyone Must be Catholic

All Religions Are Permitted

Now all religions are celebrated because of your new law, and all conquered countries are now at harmony with the freedom of culture they have been granted. They will now be willing to work with you if you ever need their assistance. Years pass, and your colony thrive and everything is well and There is only one problem. A Big problem. The population is too big, and everybody refuses to move from the beautiful city of Rome. What do you do?

Stealing Food from other tribes means all your people are fed and you get a chance to grow back your crops while having a bloodthirsty battle. The battle rages on for many day, but on the 11th day you conquer the entire country’s land and all the people along with it. You carry home the glory of victory and all the people seem to trust you. Well Done!

Once you return home, you are much celebrated. Years pass, and your colony thrive and everything is well and There is only one problem. A Big problem. The population is too big, and everybody refuses to move from the beautiful city of Rome. What do you do?

Spread Out into Other Countries


You Spread out into other countries, and disrupt their peace. Now other countries are cramped as well, and now other tribes are getting annoyed at all the chaos and decide to invade. What do you do?

Fight Back


By Ignoring it, the problem has seemed to temporarily gone away, but it will come back to bite you, I assure you. Now there are more people, The Living conditions are not as clean as they used to be. Buildings are not in good repair, and many people are coming down with Illnesses from poor living conditions. What are you going to do?

Develop a Medicine to protect from all Illnesses

Kill All the Sick People

The Medicine you invented to save lives has actually done the opposite. Instead of Saving Lives, It Killed a few People. Now your people dislike you even more, but they have no reason yet to throw you off your throne. You are worried, but you know they can do nothing to harm your rightful place on the throne.

After a week of persuading yourself you are doing everything right, One of your advisors comes rushing towards you and informs you Roman Warriors are joining Barbarian Forces because They are underpaid and got better offers from the Barbarian Armies. He also explains if anyone finds out the public finally have a reason to kick you off your throne. You need to come up with an idea, and fast!

Ban Everyone from going near the Borders of Rome

Retire From the Throne

Even though you did all you could to help Rome to Keep afloat, It still had to fall somehow. Since you did such a good job, a Civilization hundred of years later evolved from your ruins, and are still alive and well for many hundreds of years.

Many things, building up on top of one another encouraged to collapse. The Problems I have discussed in this Slide Show Include The Slaying of Emperors and Empresses, Military Issues, Immorality, Poor Economy, No Food and Destroyed Crops, Population Increase, Barbaric Invasions, Warriors Joining Barbaric Tribes and Illnesses. All of these things built up on one another and made Rome Fall Back to Start