Do Porygon Dream of Mareep 1.00

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  • 8/13/2019 Do Porygon Dream of Mareep 1.00


  • 8/13/2019 Do Porygon Dream of Mareep 1.00


    2 Chapter One: Genre and Setting


    Credits ...........................................................................3What is Tis Book All About?.................................... 4

    Chapter 1: Genre and Setting

    So You Wanna Run a Sci-Fi Campaign? ............. ...... 6Hard or Sof Sci-Fi? ............................................. 6Whats the ech Level? ............ ............ ............. ... 7So How Do the Pokmon Fit In? ........... ............ 7

    ranslating Pokmon Setting Basics to Sci-Fi.......... 8Pok Balls .............................................................. 8Te PC Storage System ........................................ 10Pokmon Centers ................................................. 11Te Pokdex ......................................................... 11

    Ms and HMs ...................................................... 12Sub-Genres o Sci-Fi .................................................13

    Space Opera .......................................................... 13Space Western ..................................................... 14Cyberpunk ........................................................... 15ranshuman Sci-Fi ........... ............. ............ .......... 16Post-Apocalypse ................................................... 17Pan-Dimensional ................................................. 18Sci-Fi Out o Sci-Fi .............................................. 19

    Sci-Fi Pokmon Setting Rules ..................................20Gravitational Variations ............ ............ ............. . 20Vacuums and Hazardous Environments .......... 23Pokmon and Space ravel .............. ............ ...... 25Space raining ........... ............ ............. ............ ...... 26

    Sci-Fi Pokmon Variants ..........................................27Glitch Pokmon .........................................................35

    Chapter 2: Gear and echnology

    Basic Sci-Fi Gear ........................................................ 39echnology Levels ................................................ 39

    New Capture echnologies .......................................42Pok Ball Cases ..................................................... 42Pok Ball Accessories .......................................... 43

    Hard Sci-Fi Pok Ball Alternatives ............ ........ 44Future Drugs and Medicine .....................................45Weapons and Combat Gear .....................................47

    Futuristic Firearms .............................................. 47Melee Armaments ................................................ 47Single Use Ordnance .......................................... 48Armor .................................................................... 50

    Pokbots ...................................................................... 51Basic Pokbot Mechanics ............ ............ ............ 51

    New Mechanic: Complexity ............ ............ ....... 52Sample Pokbots .................................................. 53Advanced Pokbot Customization ........... ......... 54

    Cybernetic Augmentations ......................................55New Mechanic: Augmentation Capacity .......... 55List o Augmentations ........... ............. ............ ..... 56Drawbacks to Augmentation ............. ............ ..... 58

    Vehicles and Mecha ...................................................60Vehicle Construction Guidelines ............ ........... 60Vehicle Driving and Combat Rules ............ ....... 64Vehicles and Large Scale Combat .............. ....... 65Large Scale Battle Example ............ ............ ......... 66

    Advanced Poktech Systems ....................................68Augmented Reality .............................................. 68Cyberworld Hacking ........................................... 70

    Pokmon Dream World ............ ............. ............ . 73

    Chapter 3: rainer Classes

    Sci-Fi Features and Edges .........................................76Playing Non-Human rainers..................................78Engineer ...................................................................... 79

    Utility Robotics Blueprints ............ ............ ......... 81Combat Robotics Blueprints .................... ......... 82

    Jailbreaker ...................................................................83Pok Ball Modifications ............ ............. ............ . 85

    Upgrader .....................................................................86

    Glitch Bender .............................................................88

    Chapter 4: Sample Campaign and Setting Concepts

    How to Use Tese Settings .......................................91Te Age O Cassiopeia ........................................ 92Babel ...................................................................... 104Creative Destruction ........................................... 120

    One-Off Sci-Fi Locations ........................................134Te Abyssal Ruins ................................................ 134Chargestone Cave ................................................ 136Te Sword o the Vale ............ ............ ............. ..... 138Pokmon ower ............. ............ ............ ............. . 140

    Assorted Encounters ...............................................142Tree (Not So) Blind Mice .................................. 142Te Amazing Mawile Machine ............. ............ . 144Te Crystalline Parasects Mysterious Cave ..... 146Te Apparatus ...................................................... 148Te Obligatory Mechanical Monstrosity .......... 153


    Table of Contents

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    3Chapter One: Genre and Setting3 Introduction

    Do Porygon Dream of Mareep?Ver. 1.00

    Main Writing and Designcastromhp

    PTU System LeadParadox (aka Doxy)

    PTU Design Teamcastromhp, zooman, TeBlackGlove, KujiUn

    Special Thanks To...

    KamenWriter or the original Upgrader classconcept, Plutonis or the original Glitchrainer class concept, DamienLunas or the

    original Eeveelution stats and everyone whosbeen a part o the PA and PU communities

    or all the help and support over the years!

    Information Sourced FromBulbapedia, PokmonDB

    ArtworkNon-original artwork has artist citations.I you see your art here and wish to have itremoved, contact castromhp at the orumsbelow.


    Pokmon is a trademark o Nintendo anddoes not sponsor, authorize or endorsePokmon: abletop United. Pokmon:abletop United is a ree use an distributionby ans, or ans o both tabletop RPGs andPokmon.

    Contact Us!

    Zetaboards Pokmon abletop orum - - raditional Games

    #pokeymans on the suptg IRC network at

  • 8/13/2019 Do Porygon Dream of Mareep 1.00


    4 Introduction

    What is This Book All About?Do Porygon Dream o Mareep?is the official Pokmon abletop United guidebook or creating and runningscience fiction campaigns or introducing sci-fi elements into any sort o PU campaign. Not every sci-ficampaign will benefit rom using all o the content o this book, but GMs are recommended to pick and

    choose elements they like to create their own campaign world. reat the book as a toolkit.

    Chapter 1 outlines several different sub-genres within sci-fi and how they can be used with Pokmon. Aferall, theres a world o difference between a galaxy-spanning campaign about Spoinks in space and a nearuture dystopian cyberpunk campaign. Here youll find rules or handling situations that dont ofen comeup in normal PU play, such as changing gravity levels and traveling through a vacuum. Youll also findsuggestions or how to adapt the Pokmon world to a sci-fi universe, rom coming up with new origins orPokmon to the implications o a sci-fi setting on core Pokmon concepts such as the PC storage system.

    Chapter 2 is the gear and equipment chapter. Everything rom new weapons to Pok Ball modifications to

    vehicles and Pokbots can be ound here. Included are cybernetic augmentations to rainers and Pokmonalike, with variant rules depending on whether your game takes a grittier or more idyllic approach to thetopic. Be warned there are a lot o subsystems in this section! While they are included to provide GMswith many options, using them all can quickly make the game too complicated. You are reminded to bejudicious in choosing what to include in your campaign. Knowing where to simpliy is an important skill.

    Chapter 3provides brie ideas or non-human rainers such as those in robot bodies and introduces ournew rainer classes! First is the Engineer, who creates and uses robots called Pokbots. Second is theJailbreaker, a tinkerer who creates add-ons and modifications or Pok Balls. Tird is the Upgrader, acybernetics expert who creates augmentations or rainers and Pokmon. Last is the Glitch Bender, a newsupernatural class or characters whove been touched by MissingNo. or a glitch in reality itsel.

    Chapter 4offers sample settings and campaign ideas to give new GMs a head start. Each campaign conceptcomes with a detailed setting description, several plot-hooks, and in some cases, optional rules or use inthat campaign. Sample locations and encounters are also included or any campaign.

    Tis pd has hyperlinks. Any text like that will link you to another part o the document. Click hyperlinksin blue to get to the cover. Tese will be used when one part o the book reerences another or easy access.

    Meet Pory and MaryAs with the other Pokmon: abletop United books, there will be notes on rules clarifications or

    suggestions or GMs and players. Look or these gray boxes and Pokmon or those notes!Greetings, reader. I am Pory, the Dreaming Porygon-Z.My comments are intended to elucidate matters of rulesand mechanics within this document.

    Hi, Im Mary, the Electric Mareep! Ill be handlinganything thats on the fluffier side of things, frommaking your setting stand out to building your plot tojust plain commentary on this books contents.

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    Chapter 1

    Genre and


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    6 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    So You Wanna Run a Sci-FiCampaign?Alright, so youve sat down and decided your next PU campaign will be a sci-fi one. Maybe this is your

    first time with PU, but youve always been ascinated by the idea o incorporating space travel intoPokmon. Maybe youre a PA and PU veteran, but the normal Pokverse campaigns have begun to geta little dull. Whichever is the case, there are some questions you should ask yoursel when deciding howyoure going to build your setting and which sub-genres o sci-fi to draw rom.

    Hard or Soft Sci-Fi?

    Broadly speaking, sci-fi can be put on a spectrumrom hard to sof that describes how realistic thedevelopments and advancements in the setting are.

    Hard sci-fi emphasizes scientific accuracy and ofenextrapolates new technologies directly rom whatsbeing developed in the here and now. As a result,hard sci-fi is ofen near uture and prominentlyeatures as a plot point the actual construction onew technologies and making them work. IsaacAsimovs Foundation series, Makoto Yukimurasanime and manga Planetes, and many o Arthur C.Clarkes books are good examples o hard sci-fi.

    Sof sci-fi plays more ast and loose with new

    technologies, ofen creating whats necessary to tell astory about the social implications o technologicalprogress or to just be cool. Star rek, GeorgeOrwells 1984, and Te Matrixare sof sci-fi.

    So what does this mean or Pokmon? Well, to startwith, Pokmon leans very heavily toward sof sci-fi.urning Pokmon into energy to keep in Pok Balls,the PC storage system, and the presence o psionicpowers make it difficult to apply scientific rigor

    to a Pokmon setting. Te story isnt about whythese technologies exist. Instead, the ocus is on thePokmon themselves, and the technology only existsto acilitate the story about Pokmon battling.

    Tat doesnt mean you cant have a hard sci-fi storyabout Pokmon, but it does mean i you want to godown that path, you need to spend a lot more timeexplaining how basic setting pieces work or even

    eliminate and rewrite them altogether.

    For example, youll need an explanation or whyPokmon can be stored in Pok Balls. Maybe theresa genetic trait shared among all Pokmon, startingrom Mew, that allows them to be more easilyreduced into inormation and encoded into PokBalls. In that case, the PC storage system only needsto send inormation between computers, which issimple. But this explanation brings up a lot o issues.Does this mean Pokmon can be duplicated? Can

    you corrupt a Pokmons code by unleashing a viruson the computer its stored in?

    I you want to avoid those kinds o questions, youmight just decide Pok Balls dont exist and allrainers restrain their Pokmon through moreconventional methods. Keep in mind, however,this has its own implications when it comes to thepracticality o raising large Pokmon like Wailord.

    You can check out the hard sci-fi Pok Ballalternatives sectionin Chapter 2 or some ideas onhow to handle a Pokmon world without Pok Balls.

    What about supernatural trainers in hard sci-fi campaigns?you might ask. You can apply the same explanation for psion-ic Pokmon to trainers. It might be a good idea to limitclasses like Channeler, Aura Guardian, and Medium, however.

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    7Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Whats the Tech Level?

    Tis is a very undamental question when runninga sci-fi campaign! Youll want to ask yoursel howar in the uture your campaign takes place and howmuch has changed in that time.

    Some good questions to ask are: Does space travel exist? How easy and accessible

    is it to people o all socioeconomic positions? How advanced are the AI? Are Porygon, or

    example, near a human level o intelligence, ordo they need explicit commands to unction?

    How ar has the Internet advanced? Is reeInternet access considered a basic right? Dopeople regularly dive into virtual reality

    cyberspace, or is the Internet still somethingpeople access rom phones and computers? What kinds o energy sources does society use?

    Does everything run on nuclear energy now?Have even more advanced orms o powergeneration been invented? Is clean energyabundant, or is pollution still a problem?

    Do people still need to work? Do simple robotsperorm all the mundane tasks in civilization,leaving rainers more ree time to pursue theirpassion o Pokmon battling?

    What kinds o weapons have been invented? Iseveryone fighting with blasters and lightsaberslaser swords or still using kinetic projectiles?

    From there, youll want to consider what theimplications are or society. Does privacy still existat all, or is everything you ever need to know aboutsomeone easily available online?

    More specific to the Pokmon universe, however, isthe question o what kind o a role Pokmon havein a sci-fi society. Who battles Pokmon now? Iseveryone a rainer, or are they thought o as justextraordinarily common pets? What sorts o jobs doPokmon handle? Where do wild Pokmon live, andhow amiliar are urban Pokmon with technologyand human civilization?

    Well be answering these questions and more soon,or at least giving you the tools you need to answerthem or yoursel as you plan your sci-fi campaign!

    Education: Technologymay be insufficientlyspecific to denote atrainers skill andtraining in higher

    tech settings if technologyand its problems are integralto the plot. Considersplitting the skill intocategories such as computers,engineering, and biotech.

    So How Do the Pokmon Fit In?

    Tis is the big question, isnt it? Some Pokmon absolutely fit like a glove when it comes to sci-fi settings.Rotom and Porygon become much more valuable and useul in a cyberpunk campaign, or example, or mayeven be standard issue maintenance workers and engineers on spacecraf in a space opera campaign. TeScientist class in the core PU book already points to several Pokmon species having origins as artificiallycreated organisms, developed by researchers and grown in a lab.

    Te rest o this chapter will expand on this notion and come up with all sorts o neat ways Pokmon can fitinto sci-fi settings, beginning with ideas on bringing Pokmon basics like Pok Balls and Pokmon Centersinto the uture, then an overview o sci-fi sub-genres and how Pokmon can fit in, and finally environmentalrules or sci-fi and ideas or Pokmon species variants. In a setting with commonplace space travel, orexample, it doesnt seem likely that all Pokmon species would come rom the same planet, and some mayeven make their natural habitat in the depths o space or in asteroid fields. o go even urther, you maywant to come up with ways Pokmon have adapted (evolved?) to these new environments as people broughtthem there, creating variations on Pokmon species. Maybe your setting actually has space Wailords.

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    8 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Pokmon has a number o distinctive technologies that make the world what it is. For better or or worse,ans o the ranchise will expect to see these elements in tabletop campaigns, even i the premise is ar re-

    moved rom canon, whether it be antasy or sci-fi. Its time to think about the technologies and conventionsthat make Pokmon what they are, because players are more likely to explore and challenge the underpin-nings o these technologies in a sci-fi game than in any other genre o campaign. I this section is too gen-eral and filled with questions instead o answers or you, dont ret. Chapter 4s campaign concepts will givemore concrete answers. reat this section as a brainstorming aid and toolkit.

    Translating Pokmon SettingBasics to Sci-Fi

    Pok Balls

    Tis is the big one. Pok Balls are the single mostdefining piece o technology or the Pokmon uni-verse, and thus potential players or your campaign

    will likely be curious about how theyll be treateddifferently in a sci-fi universe. Luckily, Pok Ballsare already quite sci-fi like objects, so this is simplerto handle than going back the other way and at-tempting to justiy Pok Balls in a historical setting.Either way, its good to be prepared with explana-tions about the history o Pok Ball technology andhow it works or when your players inevitably askor look into the matter themselves. Tis book wontprovide you with one catch-

    all answer but should give youplenty o ideas to think about onthis ront.

    Consider the ollowing: Pokmon are themselves in-

    herently unstable creatures.Canonically when theyevolve, they turn into energyorms temporarily as theirbodies shif and change.

    Pok Balls may artificially induce such a stateusing the same mechanisms that the Pokmonuses naturally, except this state is sustained andkept in stasis in a Pok Ball by the device insteado changing the Pokmons material orm.

    Back in the time o Mew, the first Pokmon,Apricorn plants may have been their primarysource o ood and in response they developed

    deensive traits that would allow them to bemodified by humans into Pokmon capturingdevices in the ar uture.

    Alternatively, Apricorns may not have been theprogenitors o Pok Balls at all. Tis would leave

    you room to say that Pok Balls werent inventeduntil ar in the uture compared to their wide-spread use in contemporary times or us, look-ing at the tech level o Pokmon canon.

    Rather than simply keep Pokmon in stasis, PokBalls may actually be miniaturization devices,again taking advantage o the inherent mallea-bility o Pokmon. Each Pok Ball would thenhave a small environment in which the resident

    Pokmon can relax and findsustenance. I you go this route,be sure to keep in mind theimplications. Pokmon kept insuch a way will still need to beed, and rainers will probablywant a way to send a messagerom outside the ball to let theirPokmon know theyre aboutto call on them. Pokmon mayalso be upset at being interrupt-ed i they arent given warning

    and are tossed out while sleeping or playing. What does a Pok Ball do that prevents other

    Pok Balls rom working on the same Pokmon?Are Pok Balls all programmed to check orownership? Or does the capture process changea Pokmon?

    What happens when a Pok Ball is broken inyour setting? Does it simply ail to maintainthe Pokmons energy orm and thus release it

    art by BionicleGahlok at
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    9Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    when the device breaks? Or does the energyconversion process work in such a way thatbreaking the Pok Ball irreversibly would kill thePokmon contained inside instead?

    Did Pok Balls develop first, or did other devicesthat allowed matter to be converted to energyand kept in a portable state come first? Maybeit was a challenge or scientists to find a way toapply this process to sentient lie without killingit. Tis could make or a bit o gruesome histo-ry or the PCs to dig up, or maybe the processis still ongoing and the campaign doesnt haveworking Pok Balls - yet. Will the players standby and watch this happen so they can gain romthe convenience o this technology, or will theyintervene and stop the experiments, even i it

    means they will never get Pok Balls? Do Pok Balls work in conjunction with

    Pokmon Center technology? Again going withthe idea o Pok Balls reducing Pokmon toa more malleable energy state, its possible itbecomes easier to heal Pokmons injuries whenthey are kept inside o Pok Balls.

    Why are humans not captured by Pok Balls?Tis is less applicable o a question i Pok Ballswork by the principle o Pokmon malleability,but i other energy conversion technology alsoexists, then the question arises o whether or notit works on humans as well as inanimate objects.Perhaps this is where the real experimentation ishappening now...

    art by Rune at

    These Pok Balls are socute it feels like a

    crime not to include morepictures of them.
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    10 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    The PC Storage System

    Tis is what makes it easible to catch em all inthe Pokmon universe. Te sheer logistical issuesbehind storing and transporting dozens or even

    hundreds o Pokmon in Pok Balls would stop allbut the most well-connected and resourceul rain-ers rom ever considering attempting to catch morethan a handul o Pokmon otherwise.

    So what exactly is the PC Storage System and howdoes it work?

    Tere is a vast network that connects the PokmonCenters o the region, or the world, or the solar sys-tem, or even the galaxy. Tis network can transport

    Pokmon to any Pokmon Center on the networkor trainers to pick up and otherwise keeps themstored saely until they are needed.

    Te first question youll want to ask yoursel whenconstructing your setting is who controls the net-work?. Is it a government that spans the entire starsystem? Has Silph Co. gone galactic and also takenit upon itsel to construct a network or rainers toeasily store and transport their Pokmon?

    Maybe its actually a volunteer effort run by a varietyo organizations spread throughout a solar system.Afer all, its hard or one entity to control space onthe scale o what many sci-fi settings might offer.And even in campaigns restricted to a single city,such as a cyberpunk campaign might be, its possibleor there to be multiple competing PC storage net-works with their own advantages and disadvantages.Silph Co. might guarantee reliability, but they deliverall their Pok Balls between cities through physical

    couriers, which can take several days between citieswhen the network is busy, whereas Devon Corpdelivers Pok Balls instantly through an advancedenergy transer system, but eam Rocket attacks aremuch more likely to bring down the inrastructureto this system than to stop Silphs couriers.

    Speaking o which, how does the PC Storage Systemdeliver Pokmon? And where does it keep them inthe meantime?

    Physical storage is the simplest method, just a roomin each Pokmon Center where all the Pok Ballsat that location are stored. From there, physicaldelivery is also simple, either by vehicles or courierPokmon. Physical transportation is a lot more com-plicated though i it

    Electronic storage is also an option i the way PokBall technology unctions in your universe allowsor mass electronic storage o Pokmon. Tis alsosimplifies the idea o digital delivery, as the energyor inormation o a Pokmon can be sent to another

    Pokmon Center with ease.

    Also consider what happens when a rainer carriesmore than 6 Pokmon at a time or has 6 and thencaptures a 7th. Maybe your setting doesnt enorcethe limit. I it does, perhaps a rainers Pokdexsends a signal to electronically beam away a PokBall. Alternatively, a lock could engage on the lastPok Ball, preventing that Pokmon rom beingused.

    art by Ken Sugimori

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    11Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Pokmon Centers

    We hope to see you again! seems like an awullymorbid thing to say to someone leaving a medicalestablishment. Ten again, Pokmon Centers work

    miracles compared to how healthcare works in reallie. reatment is always ree, all but the most griev-ious injuries can be healed in under a day, and theyare easily available in any civilized place, providingservices in addition to medical treatment, such asacilitating Pokmon trades.

    You may wish to challenge, or at least explore andexplain, some o these basic tenets and assumptionswhen it comes to Pokmon Centers. However, in asci-fi setting, you ofen have more than enough to

    justiy having Pokmon Centers work in the idyllicmanner theyre presented in the Pokmon canon.

    How does Pokmon Center healing work? ArePokmon repaired as they are in their Pok Ballsby machines that directly reconstitute their energyorms? Or is medical treatment simply so advancedin the uture that traditional means o treatingwounds can give the results that Pokmon Centersare so amed or and at little to no cost?

    And what about the other main unction oPokmon Centers that remains so ofen unexplored?Pokmon trades, o course. Pokmon Centers pro-vide a valuable service by connecting rainers toeach other all over the world, or all over the galaxy,as it may be. With the level o interconnectivitypresent in most ar uture civilization concepts, itseasy to believe that rainers can easily search or thePokmon trades theyre looking or, and a PokmonCenter provides an easy nexus point and middlemanor those trades.

    I you think about it though, trades are hardly verysimple. I one could simply swap two Pok Balls,then Pokmon thef would be incredibly easy andcommonplace. Tere has to be some way o veriy-

    ing the trade, which leads us into...

    The Pokdex

    Far more than merely an encyclopedia on all thingsPokmon, the Pokdex is also a rainers identifica-tion, allowing them to register their Pokmon undertheir name. Te inormation-providing unction oa Pokdex is easy to explain in a sci-fi society. Werealready seeing phones and cameras that can do ace

    recognition and pull up inormation or a user romthe cameras display almost instantaneously. A Pok-dex would be simply the natural evolution o this ina more advanced civilization.

    As or the rest, it makes sense to say that everyPokmon capture a rainer makes is registered intheir Pokdex, and when trading Pokmon, a ma-chine or attendant at a Pokmon Center is requiredto veriy the identity o the rainer as well as affirmthat the trade is being made in good aith and not

    under coercion.

    You may consider in your setting whether thePokdex is still a handheld device, rather than an AIresiding in a cybernetic implant, perhaps a bioniceye or some other orm o ocular implant.

    art by Ry-Spirit at
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    12 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    TMs and HMs

    Te core PU book already provides a bit o insightinto how a GM can make Ms fit into their settings.It doesnt make much sense to tread old ground,

    so this book will only briefly note that Ms can betreated as CDs that run a certain program whenused in a M Case with a Pokmon, or they canalso be syringes that induce a Pokmon to grow neworgans or adapt biologically in a way that allowsthem to use a new Move.

    Tat out o the way, a number o new concepts be-come available with the higher tech levels o a sci-ficampaign. Ms can be licenses to access virtual reality

    worlds that put a Pokmon through a variety osimulated scenarios that gradually teach them toperorm a new Move.

    In settings where cybernetic augmentationseature prominently, Ms can in themselves beaugmentations. Tis can have very interestingimplications or a setting.

    Ms could be processes that perorm a limitedevolution-esque change on a Pokmon. I yoursetting uses the idea that many Pokmon-centrictechnologies rely upon their unstable and mal-leable nature, then this approach is a very fittingone and consistent with the overall theme. Tiscould be done through gene therapy, exposureto special types o radiation similar to evolutionstones, or even done through special Pok Balls

    which modiy the Pokmon stored in them.

    Consider what makes a M a limited one-time useitem. When were currently living in an age wheresofware is ofen licensed, not owned, and peoplepay or streamed V shows, its easy to imaginestreaming M programs or even to require Ms besold and applied at official vendors only.

    Its also really easy togo too grimdark and unfunwith this if you make allcyberaugs come with nasty

    side-effects. Moderation!art by kuuneru at

    ...On the other hand,this doesnt look toofun either. Remember,kids! Its great to makeusing TMs feel like a

    more complicated choice, butyou dont want to end up tooedgy and try-hard either!
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    13Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Remember the questions about hard vs sof sci-fi and the tech level o your setting? Keep those in mind,because this section will build on those basic ideas and expand into several common categories o sci-fi thatcould help you put together the type o campaign you want.

    Sub-Genres of Sci-Fi

    Space Opera

    Tis is probably what most people think when theythink o sci-fi. Tere are big honking spaceshipswith big honking lasers, and by god they are goingto blow each other up in a spectacular ashion. Spaceopera is o course characterized firstly by ubiquitousspace travel and secondly by its epic scale. Militaryconflicts and political intrigue span entire galaxies,the undiscovered corners o space are always filled

    with exotic and awe-inspiring locales and the heroestend to be larger than lie.

    Space opera tends to sit on the sofer side o the sci-fi spectrum, and the tech level or the genre is quitehigh. Te basic tenet o the genre relies on asterthan light travel, considered impossible by our cur-rent understanding o physics. Spaceships are sturdyand protected by energy shields that render mostmundane dangers o space irrelevant.

    In a lot o space opera works, such as Star rek, thetechnology exists only to urther the story, and anyexplanations given are largely technobabble. Manyspace opera works also ocus on military conflict,where advanced weapons and vehicles such as laserswords and mecha exist to make the battles cooler.

    Key echnologies: Faster than light space travel,advanced military technologies, planetarycolonization and terraorming

    Main Temes: Adventure and Discovery, GrandScale, High Action, Epic Heroism

    Examples: Star Wars, Star rek, Battlestar Galactica,Legend o Galactic Heroes, A Fire Upon the Deep, TeHyperion Cantos, Crest o the Stars, Gundam, MassEffect

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Pokmon easily fit into the adventure and explora-tion paradigm o space opera, providing interestingand exciting auna to discover on new planets as thecharacters travel the galaxy. Alien Pokmon speciessuch as Elgyem could provide an antagonist in theorm o an alien empire fighting against humanity.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: Energy to matter conversion is a

    very common technology in space opera, ofenused to synthesize ood on space craf. PokBalls could have easily arisen rom this tech-nology, usable on any object or lieorm. Hu-mans may be given an implant chip at birth thatrenders them immune to the Pok Balls energyconversion process.

    Te PC Storage System: With the existence oaster than light travel and the high tech levels omost space opera, its easy to say Pokmon canbe beamed to a rainer rom across the galaxy.

    Pokmon Centers: Advanced energy conversiontechnology can heal a Pokmons directly whilethey are in their Pok Ball. Even traditionalmedical methods have become highly advanced.

    Ms and HMs: Medical technology in spaceopera works tends to be rather humane, so Mslikely take the orm o CDs or virtual reality simsor Pokmon.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Star charts and maps o your galactic civilizationwould help your players take in the epic scopeo a space opera campaign. Prepare alien planetsin a way that you can toss them into any givenstar system the players happen to choose to visit.Familiarize yoursel with the vehicle combat rules inChapter 2!

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    14 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Space Western

    Westerns are all about the rontier and lie at theringes. What does this mean or a space western?Tese stories take place in the colonies on the edge

    o the galactic empire rather than at the heart oit. Here, the miracles o advanced technology thatmake lie so easy or most galactic cities arent quitepresent, and space travel is ofen a dangerous andrisky affair rather than taken or granted.

    Te tech level o a space western is ofen a schizo-phrenic blend o throw-back western icons andspace travel technology in its inancy. Your run-o-the-mill space pirate wields a classic six-shooterand pilots a clunker o a ship, barely held together

    by his spunky mechanic sidekick. Te small ship,cobbled together rom spare parts and their raidingspoils, has no shields to deend its hull, and there arecrudely mounted flak cannons rather than impres-sively shiny energy weapons. And when they touchdown on a small moon colony, their goal might asofen be a train robbery as it is hunting a bounty.

    Compared to the grand scale o space opera works,space westerns ofen have more contained settings.Rather than a galactic empire, civilization may spana single solar system. Faster than light travel almostcertainly doesnt exist, and travel between planetscan take days or weeks o dangerous navigation.

    Key echnologies: Basic space travel, westernthrowback weapons and technology

    Main Temes: aming the Lawless Frontier, PulpyAction, Stylish Anachronisms

    Examples: Cowboy Bebop, Firefly, Outlaw Star

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?A lot o western staples can fit in here. rainers rid-ing Rapidashes to steal a herd o Miltank, or exam-ple. Animal husbandry has always been importantto westerns, and Pokmon can add an extra dimen-sion or space westerns.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: Tese may not even exist! I they do,

    they likely take the orm o crude Apricorn Balls,combined with a basic technology that takesadvantage o the instability o Pokmon to min-iaturize them and sustain the miniaturization inthe ball. Players will have to think about keepingtheir Pokmon ed even in their Pok Balls, andi Pok Balls dont exist, keeping large Pokmonon a small spacecraf may be tricky.

    Te PC Storage System: With the lower techlevels o a space western, youre likely lookingat physical couriers, unconnected to any realauthority. Most savvy space-aring rainers storetheir Pokmon on their ship themselves, and thelimit o 6 per rainer may not even be enorced.

    Pokmon Centers: ough luck here. Its alltraditional medical care, i you can find a doctorat all. I youre lucky, maybe youll raid a richimperial ship and steal some o its medicines.

    Ms and HMs: Syringe Ms or drugs that senda Pokmon on a vision quest would both beappropriate to the anachronistic tech level o aspace western setting.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Plan out each world in your solar system, creating a

    clear delineation between the civilized core worldso your space empire and the ringe rontier worldsthe players will be most amiliar with. Again, thevehicle combat rules will come in handy.

    art by raemz at
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    15Chapter One: Genre and Setting


    Now we move away rom the spaceships and orbitalcolonies and move back to urban, terrestrial lie.Cyberpunk is a sci-fi genre that ocuses on develop-

    ments with the internet, AI, and cybernetic augmen-tations. Tis is the setting where your Porygons andRotoms run wild, aiding skilled hackers as they infil-trate the networks o powerul megacorporations tosteal their secrets and sell them on the black market.And at the end o the day, all o this just managesto make enough money to grab a bite to eat, keepa roo over their heads, and pay or the medicaltreatment and equipment maintenance or their nextrun on a corp or other big target.

    Cyberpunk is gritty and like space westerns, tendsto ocus on the ringe o society. Its settings tendtoward the dystopic, with massive gaps betweenrich and poor and corporations that have taken theplace o government in organizing society. Te punkaesthetic, East Asian influences, neon lights, andcramped, multi-level cities characterize the eel ocyberpunk.

    Te tech level o a cyberpunk city is near uture andtends toward hard sci-fi. Looking at contemporarysociety, its easy to see where the extrapolations weremade to cyberpunk tech. Internet access is moreubiquitous in cyberpunk, and hacking and surfingthe web ofen involves diving into a virtual realityworld. Advancements in current prosthetics coulddevelop into the cybernetic augmentations commonto cyberpunk. And concerns about corporate influ-ence in everyday lie could be extrapolated into themegacorps o cyberpunk lore.

    Key echnologies: Cybernetic Augmentations,Virtual Reality Internet, Bioengineering, ArtificialIntelligence

    Main Temes: Misery, Marginalization and Disen-ranchisement, Corporate Domination, echnologyCausing Loss o Humanity, Ethics o echnologicalAdvancement

    Examples: Ghost in the Shell, Neuromancer, SnowCrash, Deus Ex, Blade Runner, Serial ExperimentsLain, AKIRA

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Pokmon are the perect tools or runners, merce-naries who break into corporations to steal secretsand take on other risky and dangerous jobs. Silph,Devon, and other corporations provide an easybase to develop a society o megacorps. ArtificialPokmon such as Porygon also fit well into a cyber-punk world, raising bioethics concerns.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: Pok Balls are an experimental

    technology that uses the unique trait o a

    Pokmons instability to convert it into energy. Te PC Storage System: Cyberpunk places

    a heavy emphasis on digital networks andinterconnectivity. Making the storage systemcapable o transmitting Pokmon digitally is notonly in theme but also provides opportunitiesor the system to be infiltrated by hackers.

    Pokmon Centers: Cyberpunk settings tend tobe quite lethal, and getting seriously injured isdangerous and requires time to recover rom.Pokmon Centers might end up neither ree

    nor convenient in such a world, especially tothe disenranchised lower class runner whoembodies the quintessential cyberpunk hero.

    Ms and HMs: Ms should have a bit o anedge to them in a cyberpunk world, whethertheyre cybernetics that require invasive surgery,syringes filled with the questionable products ocontemporary biotechnology, or sims that jackdirectly into a Pokmons brain, raising ethicalconcerns about their use and other applications

    o the technology.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Figure out what the major megacorps are, whatareas o technology they specialize in, and who theyhave rivalries with. Get amiliar with the cyberneticsrules in Chapter 2 and the Upgrader class in Chapter3, as theyre very likely to come into use.

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    16 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Transhuman Sci-Fi

    I cyberpunk takes a look at the ugly and downtrod-den side o technological development, transhumansci-fi shows off the miraculous wonders o bioengi-

    neering, advanced AI, and nanotechnology, all usedto push humanity past its limits, hence the termtranshuman. Tis is not to say transhuman sci-fi isall sunshines and rainbows, however. In act, a trans-human setting is amazing at conveying horror insci-fi, whether it be through rogue superintelligentAI, body horror born rom biotech experiments, ormind uploads gone wrong. Cyberpunk itsel playsheavily with transhuman themes, or example, but ismore near uture than transhuman sci-fi.

    Much o transhuman sci-fi revolves around a con-cept called the technological singularity. Te idea isthat technological progress proceeds exponentially,not linearly, meaning as society creates advancedtechnology, it enables the creation o ever moreadvanced technology. Eventually, this reaches apoint, usually in the genre due to the developmento mental augmentation or sel-improving AI, wheretechnological progress hits a singularity and anenormous amount o societal transormation hap-pens all at once due to a flood o developments.

    A common result o this, especially i hyperintelli-gent AI exist, is that humanity may suddenly haveaccess to all sorts o technology it doesnt ullyunderstand. Campaigns involving transhumanthemes ofen eature the main characters working inthe employ o AI or fighting against them. In moreutopian visions o transhuman utures, resourcescarcity has been eliminated as ar as basic needs go,and the economy works on a principle o reputation

    as a currency. Hedonism is rie as people uploadtheir minds into digital containers and abandon thephysical world.

    Te result o most transhuman sci-fi is clearlyantastical and well within the realm o sof sci-fi,though some examples exist o attempts to writemore grounded versions o a transhuman uture.

    Key echnologies: Super Advanced AI, Nanotech-nology, Mind Uploads, Bioengineering, Androids

    Main Temes: Surpassing Humanitys Limits, Play-ing God, echnology Growing Out o Control

    Examples:Accelerando, Singularity Sky, Te Cultureseries, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Because o the utopian nature o most transhumansettings, its much more plausible or Pokmon bat-tling to become a sustainable hobby. Tis could eas-ily explain why a Pokmon League exists and howsuch ruthless competitive battling can be made sae.On the side o transhuman horror, MissingNo can

    tie in very, very well to many transhuman themes.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: Pok Balls could be an ill-

    understood product o the technologicalsingularity, an invention o hyperintelligent AIthat most people dont really understand.

    Te PC Storage System: Most transhumansettings are completely connected by theInternet, and many goods are digital ratherthan physical. Go with a system o digitallytranserring Pokmon.

    Pokmon Centers: In a world o mind uploadsand advanced bioengineering, its ofen trivial torepair wounds and cure illnesses.

    Ms and HMs: Ms might work like learning inthe Matrix, directly injecting knowledge into a

    Pokmons brain.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Be prepared or anything. ranshuman worldsprovide a lot o reedom and crazy technology whichmakes it hard to predict what the players will do.Prepare mysteries and conspiracies or the players tounravel, and try to create a ocal point such as an AIemployer to center the players attention.

    Shout-out to zoof here! HisBlessed and Damned splatcan help you come up withideas on how to handleMissingNo in a campaign.

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    17Chapter One: Genre and Setting


    Something has gone terribly wrong. Maybe the nan-otechnology rom your transhuman campaign hasgone out o control, devouring wide swathes o the

    world. Maybe pollution and environmental destruc-tion finally got the better o the human race. Maybewe just all blew each other up with nukes, or Arceussaw us about to do it and decided to smite us back toa more primitive age.

    Most o civilizations inrastructure is destroyed,and survival is a matter o scavenging among whatslef. Most arable land is going to have been rendereduseless by the apocalypse, but those with the skill tomake plants grow despite the harsh conditions will

    find themselves much better off.

    Post-apocalyptic campaigns tend to have a ocus onsurvival. Whereas in most campaigns, ood, water,and shelter are assumed to be available, characters ina post-apocalyptic world will have to fight or everyscrap o ood they can get.

    Key echnologies: Whatevers Lef

    Main Temes: Survival, Human Folly, Desperation,Difficult Choices, Rediscovery

    Examples:Metro 2033, Te Last o Us, A Canticle orLeibowitz, Fallout, Dies the Fire

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Pokmon could easily be the results o radiationmutating normal animal and plant species. Formany survivors who are not themselves physicallyfit, Pokmon may be their only means o surviving

    the post-apocalyptic world. With weapon actorieslargely gone, Pokmon would become the primarymeans or fighting as well.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: Te explanation or Pok Balls can

    be chosen rom whatever you want, but itslikely they will have to be scavenged and cant

    be manuactured anymore. Tose who have theskill to turn Apricorns into usable balls may behighly valued in this world.

    Te PC Storage System: What storage system?Limits on Pokmon team size likely dont exist,but keeping large Pokmon or many Pokmoned can easily become a liability.

    Pokmon Centers: An intact Pokmon Centerwould be the centerpiece o a post-apocalypticcommunity, and everyone living around itwould do all they can to ensure it has power andis well-maintained. Otherwise, they would bescavenging or scarce medical supplies.

    Ms and HMs: Ms are also a lost technologyand very rare and valuable. However they work,they are likely worth whatever drawbacks might

    exist or them in your setting.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Identiy what the scarce and important resources arearound the areas the players are starting in. Decidewhether theyve been discovered, who controls themi anyone at all, and what obstacles stand in the wayo reaching them. Characters basic needs will guidethem, and preparing in this way will cover most othe early campaign.

    art by zenmai hizu at
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    18 Chapter One: Genre and Setting


    Whereas its very clear that something has gonewrong in an apocalyptic scenario, here, its a lit-tle more subtle. Everything is Youre

    sure you heard your high school Pokmon Biologyteacher died in an unortunate accident a ew yearsback, yet here he is in ront o you, and hes not evena teacher. A quick conversation reveals hes been anaspiring gym trainer all his lie. And this is only thebeginning, with differences mounting as you rownand continue to explore your once-amiliar city. Itsall too clear at the end o the day that youve some-how ound yoursel in an alternate version o reality.

    Sci-fi abounds with stories about traveling to un-

    amiliar dimensions or carousing through time aswell. Interdimensional travel o all orms is commonin sci-fi, and this element can be added to sci-fi cam-paigns that are mainly set in one o the other genres.

    Key echnologies: Interdimensional ravel or imeravel Devices

    Main Temes: Surrealism, Psychological Horror,Finding Home

    Examples: Sliders, Primer, Steins;Gate, Doctor Who,Te One, Fringe

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Pokmon may well only exist in these alternateuniverses. Nearly every Pokmon an has ponderedto themselves at one point or another whether theydbe willing to give up the lie they have now to live inthe Pokmon universe.

    Other times, all the universes involved may havePokmon, but certain species, particularly Unownor Legendary Pokmon that deal with other dimen-sions, may have a hand in transporting rainers andtheir Pokmon out o their home dimensions.

    ime travel stories can easily involve Celebi orDialga, the time traveling Pokmon.

    How to Handle... All Pokmon echnology: Most stories about

    interdimensional travel take place in a modernsetting, so use whatever you eel is appropriatethere as the technology itsel wont likely bescrutinized. However, i time travel is involvedor i Pokmon only exist in an alternatedimension, you may consider using one o thespecific explanations.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Running this type o campaign as a GM is botha blessing and a curse. On the one hand, i themeans o jumping between dimensions is esotericand poorly understood, it becomes easy or you todictate and plan or where the players end up with

    each jump or attempt to travel in time.

    Once the players develop a better understandingo the technology in character, however, thepossibilities or what they can do increaseexponentially, and you may find yoursel buriedunder the work o figuring out what youll do i theplayers jump to X dimension vs Y dimension.

    For this reason, its important to establish oryoursel what the limits to the interdimensional

    travel technology are and what organizations andindividuals might exist that cause the players tothink twice about jumping dimensions on a whim.

    Again here, the Blessedand Damned book mightprovide some ideas forhandling Celebi and Dialgain time travel stories!

    art by ribero at
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    19Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Sci-Fi Out of Sci-Fi

    Tis is not really a sci-fi sub-genre per se so muchas a category about the consequences sci-fi techin a mundane setting. Civilization can be changed

    nearly overnight by the discovery o advanced alientechnology, perhaps lef in an ancient ruin floatingin space, crashed onto Earth in a spaceship, or evendiscovered as part o a progenitor civilization pre-ceding human lie on Earth. Maybe your campaigntakes place centuries afer your post-apocalypsecampaign inspired by the previous page, and pres-ent day society is just now discovering a cache onow-ancient technology rom beore the apocalypse.

    Or maybe you just want to have a single cool sci-fi

    locale like a city in the sky or under the depths othe ocean in your otherwise non-sci-fi campaign.

    Alternatively, the sci-fi elements are hidden rommost o society, and there are powers going orthlooking or scraps o alien technology beore anyoneelse can reach them and while ensuring the public atlarge doesnt discover the existence o aliens.

    Either way these locations and discoveries could beo tremendous influence, and its likely that powerulorganizations such as governments and corporationswill try to take control o them. A common setup isto have PCs working or these organizations, toilingto unlock their secrets and keep them out o thehands o enemies.

    Key echnologies: Ancient Inscrutable echnology

    Main Temes: Discovery, Secrecy, Conspiracy

    Examples: Stargate, X-COM, orchwood, X Files

    How Do Pokmon Fit In?Pokmon may very well be the discovery itsel, withspecies landing on Earth rom outer space. Anythingrom Pok Balls themselves to evolution stones toentire new species could be the subject o inquiryand discovery in these types o campaigns.

    How to Handle... Pok Balls: A common occurrence with this

    type o sci-fi is that modern civilization makesuse o ancient technology in ways that werenot expected or intended by their originalcreators. Say Pok Balls were originally inventedspecifically to curb Mew populations in theancient past. Since then, Pokmon o all sortsevolved and propagated rom Mew, each othem retaining the trait that makes Pok Ballswork on them. Te technology is mysteriousand inscrutable, and what may have started as asimple device or pest control has developed intoa world-changing phenomenon.

    Te PC Storage System: Tis may be theremnants o an ancient computer network.

    Chances are, unless scientists have managedto reverse-engineer it, it isnt available to thegeneral public. Perhaps the players have takenthe role o government operatives dealing withthis rediscovered though, and as a result theyhave access to this network.

    Pokmon Centers: Ill-understood medicaldevices rom the ancient past may givemiraculous benefits...or now. Who knows whatsort o side-effects may make themselves knownin the uture?

    Ms and HMs: Ms could work like ancientrepositories o knowledge, with just enoughjuice lef to pump inormation directly into onerecipients brain.

    As a GM How Should I Prepare?Moreso than many others, campaigns centeredaround the discovery o powerul alien technologiesdemand the involvement o powers likegovernments and corporations. Figure out who has

    a stake in the new discoveries and how they will beacting on their goals.

    I youre preparing singular sci-fi locations or anon-sci-fi campaign, then you should think aboutwhy no one else has discovered the location yet andwhat the implications will be i the public learnsabout the discovery.

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    20 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Gravitational Variations

    Chances are, i youre running a campaign eaturing space travel, not all o the planets and habitable locales

    will have the same level o gravity as the Earth. Teres also the little issue o zero-gravity in open space. Sohow does this work mechanically with all the different body types o Pokmon?

    Rate the gravitational force of a location on a scale from0 to 5.

    0: Zero gravity, usually reserved or spacecraf and the vacuum o space in general, but can be artificial. 1: Very low gravity but still noticeable. Use this or locations like the moon or very large asteroids. 2: Low gravity. Suitable or planets such as Mars which are smaller than Earth but larger than the moon. 3: Earth-like gravity. Most Pokmon and humans will be adapted to live in environments like this. 4. Higher than Earth gravity. olerable or most humans and Pokmon, though uncomortable. 5. Very high gravity. Tis is the level o gravity simulated by the Move Gravity.Higher levels o gravity than 5 are those generally not survivable by most Pokmon and humans.

    Changed Move: Gravity

    Instead o its usual effect, when the battlefield is Warped, it is treated as i it were a Gravity 5 environment.

    New Capability: Home Gravity

    All humans and Pokmon have this capability, rated on

    the scale depending on what their home gravity level is.For most humans and Pokmon, this value is 3, whichmeans theyre adapted to Earth-like gravity.

    For each step the environment differs rom your HomeGravity value, take a -2 penalty to your Athletics andAcrobatics rolls.

    For each step the environment is higher than yourHome Gravity value, make the ollowing changes: Decrease your evasion by 1. Decrease all movement speeds by 1, to a minimum o 1. Decrease your high and low jump values by 50%. Decrease your effective Power capability by 1. I the environment is higher by at least 2 steps, you may not use Levitate or Sky speeds.

    For each step the environment is lower than your Home Gravity value, make the ollowing changes: Increase your high and low jump values by 50%. Increase your effective Power capability by 1.

    Sci-Fi Pokmon Setting Rules

    You might be tempted to think

    that lower gravity will aid inacrobatics. Incorrect! Yourbody must grow accustomed tooperating in a different levelof gravity, which requirestraining and time. Youmay jump further andhigher, but yourprecision will suffer.

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    21Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    New Capability: Gravitic Tolerance

    Tis capability represents either a natural ability to unction in other gravity levels or specialized trainingto do so. Tere are, o course, natural limits to this. A human body is designed to unction in a specific levelo gravity, and while you may be able to grow used to a higher or lower gravity to some degree, it is simplyimpossible to adjust well to gravity that is too different rom the norm.

    Gravitic olerance is represented as a range o gravity values which you can treat as your Home Gravity orthe purposes o evasion and skill penalties only. Your sheer ability to jump, lif, or run remains unaffected.

    For example, in your setting, you might decide Cleairy actually does originally come rom the Moon. Ithas Gravitic olerance 1-3 and Home Gravity 3. Why not Home Gravity 1? Well, Gravitic olerance doesntdo anything to offset changes in Power, movement, or jumping, and Cleairys Pokdex values assume itsnormal unctioning on Earth.

    Movement in Zero Gravity

    Moving around when theres gravity is pretty tricky. I youre ree floating, youre likely out o luck, and eveni youre not, you have to be careul with how you push off o suraces lest you jet off into oblivion.

    Pokmon and rainers with Levitate, Swim, and eleporter capabilities can use them as normal. Sky speedscan be used normally as long as there is an atmosphere around. I it is a vacuum, then Sky speeds no longerunction. A Pokmon or rainer who is moving along any surace with handles or ledges to hold onto canmove at hal o their Overland speed.

    I you push off o a surace, then you continue moving each round unless you hit another object or use amovement capability to stop yoursel. Te speed you travel each round is equal to the higher o your high or

    long jump.

    New Capability: Free Floating

    Free Floating is a Movement Capability and always has a numerical value. Free Floating unctions just like aSky speed but only works in zero gravity environments.

    art by itsburdy at
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    22 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Assigning Pokmon Gravity-Related Capabilities

    First o all, or the sake o simplicity, assume the values in the Pokdex correspond to the Pokmonscapabilities when in their Home Gravity, not necessarily in Gravity 3.

    In general, you should be careul ever assigning a Pokmon a Home Gravity value other than 3 i yourcampaign is largely going to take place on Earth. In a campaign where extraterrestrial exploration iscommon and the characters will just as ofen be on a Gravity 1 or 5 world as an Earth-like world, you can bea bit more ree with assigning values.

    Ultimately, its up to you depending on how you want to spread out your Pokmon through your universe,and there will be a more comprehensive section on populating a star system with Pokmon at the end o theenvironmental rules section. Here are a ew ideas to start.

    Alien Pokmon

    Te Cleairy line, the Elgyem line, the Staryu line, Genesect, Jirachi, Deoxys, and Lunatone and Solrock allpossibly have extraterrestrial origins, based on their Pokdex entries and lore. O course, i there were anyPokmon youd decide are native to planets other than Earth in your setting, these would be the go-tos.Giving them Gravitic olerance would make sense, perhaps even or living in zero gravity. You may evendecide the Cleairy line has the Free Floating capability at a value like 4.

    Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, and Unown are all known to reside in other dimensions, meaning they could alsobe easily adaptable as well. Depending on your setting, this may apply to Legendary Pokmon in general.

    Machine-like Pokmon

    Many machine-like Pokmon will be agnostic to changes in the level o gravity as ar as their coordinationgoes, and these Pokmon would likely have a wide range or Gravitic olerance.

    Te Beldum line, the Voltorb line, the Magnemite line, the Porygon line, the Klink line, and Rotom allgenerally all into this category. Tese Pokmon are also prime candidates or species who developedoutside o Earths atmosphere in your setting, perhaps growing up around the cast off remains oabandoned space stations.

    Amorphous Pokmon

    Most Pokmon with the Amorphous capability have jelly-like bodies that arent as hindered by the effects ohigher gravity. Not only are these Pokmon good candidates or Gravitic olerance capabilities that tend to-ward the higher end o the spectrum, they also are great choices to populate a planet in a solar system thatslarger and thus has higher gravity. While other planets may see more fish-like Pokmon in their waters, theShellos or Frillish lines might be native to a Gravity 5 world and thus have a corresponding Home Gravityto match.

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    23Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Vacuums and Hazardous Environments

    Space is a vast and empty expanse, largely filled with nothing. All lack o breathable air aside, the simplepressure difference rom the lack o an atmosphere is enough to do in most living creatures in the vacuumo space. Other times, youll just wish there wasnt an atmosphere at all, like when you step oot into the

    toxic og o Venus or another planet with a decidedly noxious surace. Other common sci-fi hazards includethe threat o strong radiation afer technological accidents or due to lack o a protective atmosphere.

    Wandering into these situations without equipment such as a spacesuit is an incredibly dangerousproposition. Death comes quickly and without the possibility o much recourse other than getting inside.

    Vacuum Exposure Rules

    Each round that a rainer or Pokmon spends in a vacuum causes them to accrue one injury. Upon reen-tering an atmosphere, you may recover up to two o these injuries, but you always sustain at least one injuryor being exposed to a vacuum. GMs who have opted not to use PUs injury rules may call or a loss o10% o a rainer or Pokmons maximum HP in place o the injury.

    New Capabilities: Vacuum Tolerance and Vacuum Immunity

    Some Pokmon simply have a higher tolerance or vacuums than others, and some arent affected at all.Note that this reers to the ability to withstand the pressure difference; breathing may still be an issue unlessthey do not need to breathe or have somehow oxygenated their blood in advance.

    Te Vacuum olerance capability slows down the rate o injury gain, causing the Pokmon with thecapability to gain injuries rom vacuum exposure once every 5 minutes instead o one every round.

    Te Vacuum Immunity capability prevents all injuries rom vacuum exposure.

    Most rocky or metallic Pokmon will have one capability or the other, with metallic Pokmon being morelikely to have Vacuum Immunity rather than merely Vacuum olerance. You may also choose to give oneor the other o these capabilities to some o the extraterrestrial Pokmon rom the list or gravity-basedcapabilities. Here are some recommendations or how to assign these capabilities.

    Vacuum olerance: Cleairy line, Geodude line, Onix line, Rhyhorn line, Ditto line, Sudowoodo, Unown, Forretress, Shuckle,Skarmory, Larvitar line, Nosepass, Mawile, Aron line, Baltoy line, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Cranidos line, Shieldon line,

    Drifloon line, Heatran, Regigigas, Roggenrola line, Solosis line, Frillish line, Ferroseed line, Elgyem line, Litwick line.

    Vacuum Immunity: Magnemite line, Grimer line, Gastly line, Voltorb line, Staryu line, Porygon line, Mewtwo, Mew, Misdreavus,Steelix, Shedinja, Sableye, Lunatone, Solrock, Shuppet line, Duskull line, Beldum line, Jirachi, Deoxys, Bronzor line, Froslass,

    Probopass, Rotom, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Arceus, Yamask line, rubbish line, Klink line, Golett line, Genesect.

    Realistically, toxins differ enough in effect, andradiation acts slowly enough that modeling all of theseunder one effect is inaccurate. However, for the sake ofsimplicity, they all function by these same rules.

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    24 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Noxious Atmosphere Rules

    Not all toxic atmospheres are created equal. Whether your player characters are wandering into a naturalnoxious urnace like the surace o an alien planet or are trapped in a room quickly filling with neurotoxinwill matters or how long their projected survival time is.

    Rate the level o toxicity in the environment as either low, medium, or high.

    Low Toxicity

    Tese environments arent habitable, but the level o pollution or toxicity in the air is not quite enough tokill anyone immediately. Maybe this is the afermath o a chemical accident, strong radiation in an area, orits a planetary atmosphere is just toxic enough to make it inhabitable without terraorming.

    A Pokmon or human can traverse a low toxicity environment or a number o hours equal to their weightclass without eeling any ill effect. Each subsequent hour spent in the atmosphere causes them to sustain

    one injury, and every two hours spent impose a cumulative -1 penalty to all Athletics, Acrobatics, andaccuracy rolls.

    Antidotes can be used to cure one injury rom low or mediumtoxicity exposure but have no effect on high levels o toxicity.

    Medium Toxicity

    Tese environments will kill you rather quickly, but they are alsonot immediately deadly. Perhaps this planet is particularly nastyand suluric, or youre in the lair o an alien Pokmon species,

    the air thick with a cloud o poisonous spores.

    Rather than hours, the increment o time used in a mediumtoxicity environment is minutes.

    High Toxicity

    Youve stepped onto the surace o a planet not unlike Venus, or the room youre in is quickly filling witha ast-acting neurotoxin. Either way, you will probably die very quickly unless you find a way out o thesituation.

    Rather than hours or minutes, the increment o time used in a high toxicity environment is combat rounds.Tese environments can be as dangerous as an empty vacuum.

    art by tusika at

    Analysis: These rules provideinsufficient middle ground for awide range of toxicity levels.Recommendation: GMs shouldcreate their own time increments too.
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    25Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    New Capabilities: Hazard Tolerance and Hazard Immunity

    Tese capabilities unction similarly to their vacuum-related counterparts. Tey represent a Pokmon orrainers resistance to the effects o toxic environments.

    Hazard olerance lowers the toxicity o all environments by one step. High toxicity becomes medium,medium becomes low, and low toxicity is ignored altogether.

    Hazard Immunity coners immunity to all negative effects rom toxic environments.

    All Poison and Steel ype Pokmon have Hazard Immunity. All non-Poison, non-Steel ype Pokmon thatgain an immunity to poison somehow or have the Guts Ability have Hazard olerance.

    art by purplekecleon at

    Pokmon and Space Travel

    Te possibility o space travel callsupon a number o abilities thatmight not be thought about muchwhen dealing with purely terrestrialcampaigns. Birds can always tellwhere magnetic north is and useit to navigate, and people can usecompasses to do much the same. Inthe emptiness o space, these methods

    arent available, and navigation can bevery difficult, not just on a personallevel o keeping oriented in a zerogravity environment but on the scaleo getting large spacecraf wherethey need to be going, usually inconjunction with warp drives or othersci-fi aster than light travel methods.

    Use common sense here. Using the toxic environmentrules in lieu of normal poison for the sole purpose ofinvalidating antidote usage is in poor form for a GM. Thetoxic environment rules are intended for use only when the

    exposure to the toxic substance is ongoing and unavoidable.

    Hazard Immunity might not mean the same thing to allPokmon! Oxygen might be poisonous to a species just aswhat are toxins to us might be necessary nutrients for somePokmon. If your setting calls for it, dont be afraid tomake Hazard Immunity specify only certain environments! Alsoconsider if Hazard Tolerance Immunity for a given speciesshould apply to radiation exposure or not!
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    26 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Some sci-fi works, such as Frank Herberts Dune, solve the problem o interstellar travel by having powerulpsychics who are able to chart a path through the stars by virtue o their inner eye. In a sci-fi campaign,Psychic ype Pokmon or rainers with the Clairvoyant class can learn to do the same. Tis capability isntstrictly necessary in a sci-fi campaign but can fit settings where navigational technology hasnt advanced arenough to allow computers to calculate a sae path through space.

    New Capability: Psychic Navigator

    Pokmon with the Psychic Navigator capability can put their psionic powers to use in charting a sae pathor spacecraf to take toward their destination. With access to a warp drive capable ship or equivalent vesselthat can manage aster than light travel, this is an extended action requiring a series o Perception or Focuschecks. Each check represents 5 minutes o time attempting to divine a sae path through space. Te DC is15 per light year, and subsequent rolls add on to previous rolls. For example, a 3 light year jump requires atotal o 45 on Perception or Focus checks. An Alakazam rolls 20, then 21, then 18, thereore calculating asae path in 15 minutes. Multiple navigators can collaborate on one jump, adding their rolls together.

    Sometimes you need to make that jump beore youre done navigating. Te GM should compare the accu-mulated total rom the skill checks to the DC, then decide what consequences the spacecraf should acerom not having properly navigated. Tis can range rom minor inconveniences such as being slightly offcourse to major problems such as crashing into an asteroid upon jumping or getting hopelessly lost in space.

    Feel free to modify this as fits your setting! Maybesimply having the Psychic Navigator capability guaranteessafe jumps and a check is only needed if youre trying tonavigate without a psychic. Maybe the DCs are lower oraccount for a greater distance. Just adjust things to fithow easy it should be to warp out on a whim in your setting.

    Space TrainingSo at this point you may be asking yoursel how youll let your players take advantage o these new capabili-ties without simply assigning them by fiat. O course this book has you covered there too. In addition to theEdges below, equipment in Chapter 2 will grant some o these capabilities.

    Gravity rainingPrerequisites: Novice Athletics or FocusEffect: You gain the Gravitic olerance capability ata value o 1-3 or 2-4.

    Psychic NavigatorPrerequisites: Elemental Connection (Psychic),Adept Perception or FocusEffect: You gain the Psychic Navigator Capability.

    Gravity rainingPrerequisites: NoneCost: 1 utor PointEffect: Te Pokmon gains two steps to allocate in

    any direction to expand its Gravitic olerance capa-bility. I it has none, it may acquire one by allocatingsteps starting rom its Home Gravity.

    Psychic NavigatorPrerequisites: Psychic ype, level 20Cost: 2 utor PointsEffect: Grants the Psychic Navigator Capability.

    Trainer Edges Pokmon Edges

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    28 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Tis incarnation o entacool and entacruel is designed to help give variety to the locations where you findPokmon in a sci-fi setting. Gas giant planets are difficult to design auna or, and atmospheric dwellingentities are among the best ideas or creatures who would make that sort o place their home.

    Common Habitat: Gas giant planetsMechanical Changes: Becomes Flying/Poison instead o Water/Poison. Replace Swim speed with a Skyspeed. Atmospheric entacruel has Vacuum olerance, Hazard Immunity, Home Gravity 5, and Graviticolerance 3-5. In place o Rain Dish and Hydration, it gains the Lightningrod and Afermath Abilities. Rankdown Combat and Athletics and rank up Stealth twice.

    Replace Moves in its level-up list as ollows:Bubblebeam becomes Air Slash, Water Pulse becomes Deog, Hydro Pump becomes Hurricane.In addition, Atmospheric entacruel may learn Electric ype moves such as Tunderbolt and Tunder romMs and utors.

    Crystalline Parasect

    Tis Pokmon is a union o an insectoid and a silicon-based crystalline lieorm rather than the mushroomthat adorns normal Paras and Parasect. Te glimmering silver crystal with its mirror-like surace makes ithard or these Parasect to hide rom predators. However, it is relatively undemanding, metabolically speak-ing, and its presence massively boosts the intelligence o the otherwise quite dimwitted bug and gives itheightened senses as well as a number o strange psionic and energy-based abilities.

    Rather than the strictly parasitic relationship between a regular Parasect and its mushroom, the CrystallineParasect has a mutualistic relationship with its crystal, and colonies o this Parasect variant live alongsidelarge trees o these crystals, rom which seed crystals are plucked or young Paras to grow up with. Teoldest crystal trees in a colony play a similar role to queens in an insect colony as ar as decision-makinggoes, but they are more sophisticated and tend to think in the long term better. You may even choose to

    have societies o Crystalline Parasect that have developed technology much like humans have.

    Tis Parasect variant is designed as a hybrid lieorm between what would be expected o a normal Earth-bound insect and a strange orm o alien lie that is rather unrelatable in a base orm. Te hybrid nature othe Pokmon makes it easier to explore these lieorms without contending with issues such as the nearlygeological nature that silicon-based lie would likely take on.

    Common Habitat: Planets heavy in crystal ormationsMechanical Changes: Crystalline Parasect is Bug/Rock ype. It gains the Materializer and elepathy Ca-pabilities. Increase the Intelligence Capability o both Paras and Parasect by 1. Rank down Combat and

    Stealth, and rank up Perception and Focus. Swap Crystalline Parasects Attack and Special Attack stats.

    Nearly all o Crystalline Parasects Abilities change. Dry Skin becomes Clear Body, ochukaso becomesCave Crasher, Effect Spore becomes Synchronize, Dire Spore becomes Mnemonic Minerals.

    Mnemonic Minerals

    Battle - Free ActionEffect: Connection - Shock Quartz. Whenever a target is hit by this Pokmons Shock Quartz Hazard, thisPokmon may activate Mnemonic Minerals to also Disable the last Move used by the target.

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    29Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Replace Moves in its level-up list as ollows:Paras adds Harden to its level-up list as a level 1 Move. Poisonpowder becomes Foresight, Stun Spore be-comes Disable, Spore becomes Shock Quartz, Slash becomes Power Gem, Growth becomes Rock Polish,Giga Drain becomes Bug Buzz, Aromatherapy becomes Reresh, Rage Powder becomes Barrier.

    Crystalline Parasect loses the ability to learn Grass ype M and utor Moves but adds Psyshock, Psychic,Shadow Ball, Shock Wave, and all Rock ype M and utor Moves to its learn list.

    Shock Quartzype: RockFrequency: BattleAC: NoneClass: StatusRange: Field, HazardEffect: Set 4 square meters o Shock Quartz hazards. All 4 Quartz must be adjacent with at least one otherspace o Quartz next to each other. I a oe moves within 2 meters o a space occupied by Quartz, move at

    most one Quartz to the offender, then destroy the Quartz. When that happens, the Shock Quartz causes aoe to become Paralyzed. A Pokmon who has been hit by a Shock Quartz Hazard cannot get hit by anotherin the same encounter until it is returned to a Pok Ball and then sent back out.Contest ype: CoolContest Effect: Sabotage

    Data Lifeform RotomTese Rotom variants have no physical orm, even as a ghost body, outside o electrical signals and largelymaniest as inormation in computerized systems. Tey would not appear to humanity until afer comput-er systems develop to a certain level o complexity, and they are incapable o interacting with the physicalworld outside o taking control o machines.

    Data Lieorm Rotoms most likely hail rom an advanced alien civilization where the inhabitants have allchosen to orgo physical bodies in order to become one with their machines. Tey would be capable o cre-ating humanoid androids in order to interact with humans, but they would preer to conduct their interac-tions within virtual environments i they have been invented.

    Matrioshka Brains, megastructures that may be the size o planets or even entire solar systems, made en-tirely o computational materials, would be the most likely home or Data Lieorm Rotoms. Encounteringthem is a possible catalyst or humanity to begin undergoing a technological singularity or other period orapid technological development.

    You may choose to use this Rotom variant not as a catchable Pokmon species but instead as a set o intel-ligent aliens that the players can encounter and potentially beriend or become allies with. Te variant ismeant to give a starting point or ideas or disembodied aliens and energy lieorms.

    Common Habitat: Alien computer systemsMechanical Changes: Data Lieorm Rotoms are pure Electric ype. In addition, they only exist in an Ap-pliance Form and do not have stats otherwise. Specific capability changes may depend upon the Appliance

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    30 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Form taken. Rank down Athletics and Acrobatics and rank up ech Education twice. Static is replaced byDownload in their Ability list.

    Replace Moves in its level-up list as ollows:Astonish becomes Disable, Ominous Wind becomes Tunderbolt, Hex becomes Simple Beam.

    Desert Stunfisk and SteelixOn some desert planets, most drinkable water is locked away ar underground by colonies o strange sandfish that sometimes coalesce into terriying sandworms as they grow and mature as a colony. Tese crea-tures can single-handedly define the ecosystem o an entire planet.

    Tese Stunfisk variants instinctively seek out water and attempt to surround it with their bodies, eventuallyamassing in large groups that hoard the resh water o a desert. In contrast, however, water is anathema tothe Steelix that these Stunfisk eventually become, and part o the reason water is kept locked away by thebase evolutionary orm is to allow the ully mature sandworms to avoid water as they travel through thesands.

    Common Habitat: Desert planetsMechanical Changes: Te Stunfisk becomes Water/Ground and Steelix becomes pure Ground ype. In or-der to evolve rom Stunfisk to Steelix, a large number o Stunfisk o at least level 25 must be gathered in oneplace where their bodies use to become the plates o a Steelix.

    Stunfisk: Static becomes Storm Drain.Steelix: Weak Armor is replaced with Arena rap.

    Steelix gains the Capability Melange Production, which allows it to produce a single Prescient Powder itemeach week. Consuming this item inflicts 3 injuries on a rainer but grants them the Psychic Navigator Edge

    or two hours and allows them to use the Scry or Augury Feature once, even i they do not possess it.

    Replace Moves in its level-up list as ollows:Stunfisk: Tundershock becomes Water Gun, Discharge becomes Bubblebeam, Tunderbolt becomes Sur.Steelix: Iron ail becomes Sinkhole.

    Sinkholeype: GroundFrequency: CenterAC: 2

    Damage Base 8: 3d6+8 / 21Class: PhysicalRange: Burst 4, GroundsourceEffect: All legal targets are Slowed and are Pushed until they are adjacent to the user. On a roll o 18-20during Accuracy Check, all targets are Stuck until the end o their next turn.Contest ype: oughContest Effect: Steady PerormanceSpecial: Grants Groundshaper

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    32 Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    these creatures are indeed Pokmon, though it remains to be seen just how Pokmon like this came to exist.Perhaps they were manuactured or are hybrids robotic lieorms o some sort. Unlike normal Unown, thesedrones have a blocky orm with sharp corners and right angles, giving them almost a pixelated appearanceor a similarity to Legos. Witnesses have reported seeing both Unown that appear like digital inormationgiven physical orm and ones that seem to simply be modular metal blocks.

    What scientists have managed to discover is that they communicate through small psionic signals that areemitted and received by nanites that are spread throughout the ruins in which they are ound. One in per-haps a hundred thousand people will have a genetic marker that allows them to interace directly with thesenanites, taking in millions o them simply by breathing the air around them as they explore these ruins.Tese individuals have come to be called Rune Masters and have ound an odd affinity or the creatures.

    Lef to their own devices, the letter Pokmon are content to watch over their ruins as sentinels, onlyattacking when an outside orce threatens to destroy the remnants o their home. Otherwise they simplyobserve as humans come and go. With their age, no one knows i humans are even the first race they haveobserved since their creators disappeared or died out.

    Tis incarnation o the Unown is designed to retain their mystique as creatures o an ancient civilizationthat has long vanished while giving them more o a science fiction trapping and putting them into a settingthat the characters o a space-aring campaign would more likely visit.

    Common Habitat: Destroyed spacecrafMechanical Changes: Becomes either Psychic/Electric or Psychic/Steel, either in the orm o multiplevariants or based on GM preerence. Has the Wired, Vacuum Immunity, Hazard Immunity, Home Gravity3, Gravitic olerance 0-3, and Zapper Capabilities. Gains a roll o 4d6+4 in Edu: echnology.

    Parasitic Beedrill

    Tis terriying Beedrill variant cannot reproduce on its own, requiring a host in which to inject its ertilizedeggs. Tis does not necessarily kill the host immediately, but afer the incubation period, the newly bornWeedle burrow their way out o the host, which is typically atal. Unlike most Beedrill species, the ParasiticBeedrill aims to incapacitate its prey rather than kill them outright.

    Tis variant is o course a homage to parasitic aliens such as the titular creature in the Alien ranchise.

    Common Habitat: Earth-like alien worldsMechanical Changes: Parasitic Beedrills Basic Ability is Hypno Point, which operates just like Poison Pointbut inflicts Sleep rather than Poison. Poison ouch becomes Paralyze ouch, which Paralyzes rather than

    inflicting Poison. It has a Home Gravity o 3.

    In addition, they have the Parasite Capability, which operates as ollows: Pokmon with the Parasite Capa-bility do not breed normally. When the emale is about to have an egg, they must find a living host in whichto plant the egg. Afer the normal hatch rate, the baby Pokmon will eat its way out o the body. When bornin this way, the Pokmon may add any Moves the host Pokmon knew that are on its own Egg Move List toits Inheritance Moves and it gains the benefit o any Vitamins the host ate.

    O course, this capability can be applied to any other Pokmon as well to make your own parasitic variants.

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    33Chapter One: Genre and Setting

    Silicon StarmieAll complex lieorms on Earth are carbon-based, but these alien Starmie have their organic compoundsbased on silicates instead. Due to this, Silicon Starmie have two essential states o lie. When cool, they arealmost more like geological fixtures than living creatures, and they live immensely long lives o very littlemovement, as slow as rocks shif over time.

    However, the active members o this species must maintain internal body temperatures akin to that o mol-ten lava in order to move at speeds that are comparable to those o carbon lieorms. Tis gives them a largedegree o resistance to heat as well as a white hot appearance. Its psychic powers help to contain this liquidmetal orm and maintain its shape.

    Inactive cooled Silicon Starmie can be activated by subjecting them to immense heat, though normallycool Starmie dont move at high enough speeds or rainers and Pokmon to interact with them meaning-ully as lieorms.

    Tis variant o Starmie is another example o silicon-based lie meant to demonstrate the outer limits o

    what alien lie might look like simply by switching its basic chemical composition. Unlike the CrystallineParasect, it takes another route to getting around the problems o making silicon-based lie viable anddoesnt piggyback on a carbon-based lieorm. Other variants o lie not based on carbon compounds canalso be used to create new alien Pokmon using these two examples as starting points.

    Common Habitat: Volcanic worlds high in silicon contentMechanical Changes: Silicon Starmie is Fire/Psychic ype and has its Basic Abilities replaced by FlameBody and Flash Fire. It replaces Gilled and Fountain with Heater and Firestarter. It has the Hazard Immuni-ty, Vacuum Immunity, and Home Gravity 4 Capabilities.

    Replace Moves in its level-up list as ollows:

    Water Gun becomes Ember, Camouflage becomes Autotomize, Bubblebeam becomes Flame Burst, Brinebecomes Lava Plume, and Hydro Pump becomes Fire Blast. It loses the ability to learn Water ype M andutor Moves and gains the ability to learn Fire and Steel type M and utor Moves.

    Space WailordTese oddities o extraterrestrial travel have become accustomed to living in the vacuum o space itsel,drifing through the void rom celestial body to celestial body while rarely ever entering a planets atmo-sphere. Similar to plants although more akin to solar panels, Space Wailords can derive energy rom thelight and heat o stars. For minerals, they harvest rom asteroids and other floating debris in space, and theycan harvest ice or moisture rom asteroids as well.

    Space Wailords travel in vast schools and have close-knit communities. Tey are long lived enough andtheir metabolisms slow enough that they can live their lives in slow cycles, migr