Do Now: Religion [paragraph] Many people follow a religion, whether that means they go to services...

download Do Now: Religion [paragraph] Many people follow a religion, whether that means they go to services regularly, praying, or just “feeling spiritual”.  Why.

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Unit #1: A Tale of Two Regions: Early Muslim Empires v. Medieval Europe (~600  1400 CE) 1.Unit Cover Sheet

Transcript of Do Now: Religion [paragraph] Many people follow a religion, whether that means they go to services...

Do Now: Religion [paragraph] Many people follow a religion, whether that means they go to services regularly, praying, or just feeling spiritual. Why do you think so many people follow a religion? What are the major benefits? What makes it so attractive and meaningful? Announcements: 1.Introduction Unit Binder Work due WEDNESDAY Unit #1: A Tale of Two Regions: Early Muslim Empires v. Medieval Europe (~600 1400 CE) 1.Unit Cover Sheet Lecture #1: Origins of Islam Key Question: How did Islam begin? What are its main beliefs? Timeline Vocabulary: BCE = Before the Common Era BCE The year 0 CE Key Questions: How did Islam begin? What are its main beliefs? CE = The Common Era Lecture #1: Origins of Islam Islamic Empires Timeline: 570 CE 1258 CE Life of Mohammed Umayyad Dynasty Abbasid Dynasty Key Questions: How did Islam begin? What are its main beliefs? I. Climate and Geography A.Mohammeds world Climate and geography Islam? I. Climate and Geography A.Middle East is a crossroads for trade B.Land was mostly a desert II. Life in the Middle East before Islam A.No farming; people were nomads and lived in small, family tribes Lots of fighting over scarce water II. Life in the Middle East before Islam B. Religion was a mix of polytheism, Judaism, and Christianity II. Life in the Middle East before Islam C.Most important city is Mecca The Kaba is a cube which was a temple for the many religious idols D. Big difference between rich and poor SUMMARY #1 Write a 1-2 sentence summary of the notes youve taken so far at the bottom of the page Do Now: Kaba [paragraph] What is the Kaba? Where is it? What was it used for before Islam started? III. Mohammed: merchant, mediator, prophet A.Was an orphan; raised by his uncle B.Began hearing messages from God telling him there was only one true God (Allah) C.Started to spread the message and gain followers IV. Teachings of Islam A.Holy book is called the Quran IV. Teachings of Islam B.The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Allah is the one God 2.Pray 5 times a day 3.Give money to the poor IV. Teachings of Islam B.The Five Pillars of Islam 4. Fast during the holy month of Ramadan 5. Make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca Pilgrimage to Mecca (see the Kaba?) SUMMARY #2 Write a 1-2 sentence summary of this page of notes at the bottom of the page Origins of Islam Text Analysis Subject v. Object? Fact v. Claim Start Homework (due Thursday)