DO NOW Pick up a copy of the “Celtic Europe” notes from the table.

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DO NOW 2. Where is Mesopotamia located? a. India b. Iraq c. Egypt d. china e. Europe

Transcript of DO NOW Pick up a copy of the “Celtic Europe” notes from the table.

DO NOW Pick up a copy of the Celtic Europe notes from the table. DO NOW 1. The dominance of the Chavin can be attributed to a. Early advancements in agriculture and trade b. Being the first in the Americas to successfully domesticate horses c. Superior military resources and strategy d. Their strategic location at the center of Mesoamerican trade routes e. None of the above DO NOW 2. Where is Mesopotamia located? a. India b. Iraq c. Egypt d. china e. Europe DO NOW 3. What was the writing system of the early Egyptians? a. Papyrus b. cuneiform c. Sanskrit d. oracle bones e. hieroglyphics LESSON OBJECTIVE 1.1, 1.2, 1.3: the student will be able to describe the core and foundational civilizations: Celtic Europe HOOK What is the scariest story you know? HOOK A travelling businessman pulls up to a hotel because he needs to turn in for the night. Before walking inside to the lobby, he notices a room on the second floor with a balcony and a nice view. He continues inside, and walks up to the bored looking receptionist sitting at the front desk of the hotel's lobby. He asks if, by any chance, he could stay in that particular part of the hotel that looked so nice outside, just for the night. The receptionist apologizes for any inconvenience and tells him they aren't currently renting that particular room out. She offers to rent him the room right next to it for much cheaper, and he can at least still have the nice view. Appeased, he agrees, and doesn't think to ask why they aren't renting the one he originally wanted. Sure enough, he finds that his re-adjusted accommodations are right next to the original room, and begins to walk down the hall past this mysterious room when he stops. He swears he can hear shuffling from inside this supposedly unoccupied room. Feeling a bit foolish, and checking that no one else is around, he sets down his luggage and peeks through the keyhole into the room. It's obviously a nicely furnished room, much like his own would be he expected, but in the corner was a woman whose skin and clothes were completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. A bit shocked, he startled away from the keyhole. Why would the receptionist lie to him about not renting out the room? He wouldn't have minded if she had just told him it was occupied, he had arrived quite late. Puzzled and maybe a bit annoyed, he picked his luggage back up and continued to his room and a good night's sleep. The next day as he was departing, he couldn't resist. There was something about the room that fascinated him for reasons he couldn't explain; he had to look again. He returned to the door as he was passing and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldnt make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. A bit embarrassed, he quickly realized the inhabitants knew he had been spying. They must have blocked the keyhole with something red to stop any further intrusions to their privacy. Still, the receptionist had blatantly lied to him about the room, and he decided he'd make a point about finding out why. Playing coy as he checked out, he politely asked why they didn't rent out the room he had requested yesterday. That's when the receptionist's expression changed from bored to very sad. "Well to be entirely honest, we haven't rented it out for some time. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and it's said that her ghost still haunts it. She's often sighted by patrons, and they all agree on the same thing. They all say that the woman is completely white, except for her eyes. Her eyes are a startling shade of red. CELTIC EUROPE, BCE Continental Europe (France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania): suited to agriculture. Good soil, cold winters, warm summers, ample rainfall. Natural resources (metal and timber) and large rivers facilitated trade and travel Humans had lived here for many years but a lack of writing systems limits knowledge of early inhabitants. HOMELAND AND MIGRATIONS Celtic refers to Indo-European family of languages found throughout Europe Motives behind Celtic population movements are not well understood Celtic groups were widely diffused but shared elements of language and culture No nation- divided into loosely organized kinship groups Unlikely that Celts identified themselves as belonging to any type of Celtic society that we know of today MENTIONS BY GREEKS AND ROMANS Greek and Roman writers struck by the appearance of males: large, long red hair, shaggy mustaches, and loud, deep voices Fought naked and made trophies of heads of defeated enemies Accounts describe Celts as wildly fond of war, courageous, quick witted and eager to learn. CELTIC SOCIETY Best source is by Gaius Julius Caesar (conquered Gaul (present day France) between 58 and 51 BCE. Celtic groups in Gaul had once been ruled by kings but now periodically chose leaders (possible Greek/Roman influence). Divided into elite class of warriors, professional groups of priests and bards, and commoners. Druids (Celtic priests in Gaul and Britain) formed a well organized fraternity that performed religious, judicial, and educational functions Supported large populations by tilling heavy but fertile soils of continental Europe Metallurgical skills probably surpassed those of the Mediterranean peoples Womens lives were focused on child rearing, food production, and some crafts. Situation was superior to women in the Middle East: Celtic women were proud and strong; marriage was a partnership Could inherit the estate if their husband died BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE More than four hundred gods and goddesses ( polytheistic ) Halloween and May Day preserve ancient Celtic holidays that were tied to agricultural calendar Early Celtics did not build temples Burial included goods which suggests ideas of an afterlife ASSIMILATION Roman conquest from the second century BCE to the first century CE of Spain, southern Britain, France, and parts of central Europe curtailed the evolution of Celtic society. People in these lands were largely assimilated into Roman culture Only on the western fringes of the European continent (Brittany (northwest France), Wales, Scotland, Ireland) did Celtic peoples maintain their language, art, and culture into modern times. Druid Human Sacrifice Article RITUALS New Years Christmas Sending kids off to college Easter eggs on Easter Sunday Green beer on Saint Patricks Day RITUAL PROMPT The Druids had a seemingly unnatural and cruel ritual of human sacrifice. Why did the Druids practice human sacrifice? Explain why the Druids were justified in their human sacrifices. What is a ritual that human beings (Americans specifically) perform? Explain why the Americans are justified in their rituals. Make a comparison between the Americans and the Druids and explain how they are similar despite the seemingly large difference in their ritual attempts.