Do Labs Need to be Done in a Laboratory?

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The Influence of Laboratory Delivery Method on Learning Outcomes. Do Labs Need to be Done in a Laboratory?. Curtis M. Shoaf Parkland College. lab·o·ra·to·ry: [ lab -r uh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee,  lab -er- uh -;  British l uh - bor - uh -t uh -ree, - uh -tree]. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Do Labs Need to be Done in a Laboratory?

  • The Influence of Laboratory Delivery Method on Learning Outcomes.

  • laboratory: [lab-ruh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee,lab-er-uh-;British luh-bor-uh-tuh-ree, -uh-tree]1. a building, part of a building, or other place equipped to conduct scientific experiments, tests, investigations, etc.2. any place, situation, set of conditions, or the like, conducive to experimentation, investigation, observation, etc.





  • The ResearchAst 101 The Solar SystemBio 101 General BiologyBio 104 Environmental BiologyBio 186 Heredity and SocietyChe 102 General Chemistry IIChe 106,107 Chemistry for the Health ProfessionsEsc 102 Introduction to Physical GeologyPhy 122 General Physics II9 Courses308 Students

  • Methodologies ClassroomTraditional labs performed in laboratory

    VirtualComputer simulations/interactive software

    Lab KitPortable labs that can be performed outside traditional laboratory

  • All Courses (Content Questions) N=49Traditional LaboratoryPre51% SD 35%Post 70% SD 30%Lab KitPre56% SD 31%Post69% SD 29%VirtualPre55% SD 31%Post 62% SD 33%

  • Demographic QuestionsHow confident are you that you will be successful in the laboratory part of the course?What is the likelihood you would enroll in a fully online college science class in which labs would be performed at home or on your computer?

    Pre-LabHow engaged or interested in doing this lab are you?How anxious are you about doing this lab?Content Questions

    Post-LabHow confident are you that you completed this lab correctly?Did you feel isolated while you completed this lab activity?Content Questions

    Final Course SurveyRank the lab methodologies according to your preferenceRank the lab methodologies according to difficulty

  • Lab Methodology /Psychological ConstructsNo statistically significant effect with respect to post lab student satisfactionThere were statistically significant effects for post lab self-efficacy, post lab teacher immediacy, and time on task.

  • Lab Methodology /Psychological ConstructsSelf-efficacy, teacher immediacyClassroom vs. Virtual/Lab KitTime on taskLab Kit vs. Classroom

  • Final ThoughtsThe laboratories of the 21st Century can be more diverse and accessible than ever before.We must prepare students to learn in new environments and in new ways.Good methodologies and student engagement are just as important as equipment and buildings.