Do Follow Blogs - 10 "Do Follow" Blogs For Web Design Professionals

Do Follow Blogs - 10 "Do Follow" Blogs For Web Design Professionals This is something all internet marketers should know. Giving your commentator a back link is the best way of rewarding them, and it's a great social marketing strategy. Also, by providing a large number of back links you will increase traffic on your blog and improve your search engine rank. What's the path to making a blog a Do Follow one? It's actually quite easy: all it implies is installing plug-ins in your Word Press and activating them. The first step is searching for a Do Follow plug-in; afterwards you upload and install it. In this way, the No Follow attribute will be removed from the comment section. Many internet marketers that use a Word Press hosted blog will notice that is automatically set on No Follow, not Do Follow. This implies that if anybody comments, search engines will not follow the link which is placed in the comment. Consequently, there's no redirect to your own blog. The advantages of having a Do Follow weblog are clear. A good strategy in social marketing is leaving comments on Do Follow blogs in the same industry as you. In this way, you'll build back links that redirect to your own blog and consequently, you'll increase your traffic. There are various plug-ins internet marketers can choose from, some of which you may have previously installed when you first started your Word Press hosted blog. There are even plug- ins, such as Akismet, that can protect you from any spam comments. If you're in the habit of commenting and building back links, make sure you take proper advantage of your time by leaving comments only on popular blogs with a Do Follow attribute; this way, you'll increase your traffic. Your goal should be to follow a few different leaders within your niche. You should then, on a daily basis, leave comments on their blogs. This will start to get you noticed as someone who has an understanding of the subject you are commenting on. As a rule of thumb, it is a good idea to leave a good comment so that it appears you know what you are talking about. People will take notice and then start to visit your blog or sites. Bingo, and that is traffic.... This Article is a great resource for web deign professionals looking to improve their page rank and includes a list of Friendly "Do Follow" Blogs.


This implies that if anybody comments, search engi...

Transcript of Do Follow Blogs - 10 "Do Follow" Blogs For Web Design Professionals

Do Follow Blogs - 10 "Do Follow" Blogs For Web DesignProfessionals

This is something all internet marketers should know.

Giving your commentator a back link is the best way of rewarding them, and it's a great

social marketing strategy. Also, by providing a large number of back links you will increase

traffic on your blog and improve your search engine rank.

What's the path to making a blog a Do Follow one? It's actually quite easy: all it implies is

installing plug-ins in your Word Press and activating them. The first step is searching for a Do

Follow plug-in; afterwards you upload and install it. In this way, the No Follow attribute will

be removed from the comment section.

Many internet marketers that use a Word Press hosted blog will notice that is automatically

set on No Follow, not Do Follow. This implies that if anybody comments, search engines will

not follow the link which is placed in the comment. Consequently, there's no redirect to your

own blog. The advantages of having a Do Follow weblog are clear.

A good strategy in social marketing is leaving comments on Do Follow blogs in the same

industry as you. In this way, you'll build back links that redirect to your own blog and

consequently, you'll increase your traffic.

There are various plug-ins internet marketers can choose from, some of which you may have

previously installed when you first started your Word Press hosted blog. There are even plug-

ins, such as Akismet, that can protect you from any spam comments.

If you're in the habit of commenting and building back links, make sure you take proper

advantage of your time by leaving comments only on popular blogs with a Do Follow

attribute; this way, you'll increase your traffic.

Your goal should be to follow a few different leaders within your niche. You should then, on

a daily basis, leave comments on their blogs. This will start to get you noticed as someone

who has an understanding of the subject you are commenting on. As a rule of thumb, it is a

good idea to leave a good comment so that it appears you know what you are talking about.

People will take notice and then start to visit your blog or sites. Bingo, and that is traffic....

This Article is a great resource for web deign professionals looking to improve their page

rank and includes a list of Friendly "Do Follow" Blogs.

I created this list of Do Follow Blogs because I was tired of coming across really bad

examples of the infamous do follow blog list. Many of the example sites out there with do

follow blogs or commenting websites have really old and outdated information regarding the

no follow tag, or in a lot of cases they are just crappy multi-level marketing scheme sites.

After doing some of my own research I came up with this great list of friendly blogs for

Design Professionals. These are quality sites and I have personally used the content to

benefit my own research as a marketer and web designer. Each Blog included here is chock

full of quality content from around the world. follow that blog