DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13

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  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    1Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    September 20, 2013

    GOP Holds Federal Government Hostage

    This week, the DNC communications shop released the following video and memo blasting Republicans for theirdangerous plans to shut down the government and default on our obligations. Republicans in Congress are sofocused on undermining President Obama and his health care law that they are willing to risk the economic wellbeingof the US and world economies unless they get exactly what they want. The GOP plan to shut down the governmentand default on the US governments obligations is reckless and would be disastrous for the American people.

    Todays Republican/Tea Party: Shutdown, Default or Defund

    This week, the GOPs civil war ended and the Tea Party won. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell waved the whiteflag of surrender, throwing their support behind the irresponsible and dangerous Tea Party plans that would drive theeconomy off a cliff.

    Now that the party is united; the debate within the GOP has been relegated to which vehicle Republicans want touse a government shutdown or a default on our obligations.

    And why are they threatening to devastate the economy?

    So they can gut ObamaCare and put insurance companies backin the drivers seat of our health care. Their planwould result in bringing back insurance companies ability to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions, allow insurersto charge women more and kick young people off their families plans. If they got what they really wanted andrepealed ObamaCare it would increase the deficit by $109 billion dollars.

    Despite clear evidence that it's bad policy andbad politics, Republicans in Washington have made these plans thecenterpiece of their fall obstruction agenda. Congressional Republicans are so focused on undermining the President

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    2Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    and his legislative agenda that they are willing to risk harming the economy, even if it they hurt the economic well-being of ordinary Americans in the process.

    These kinds of partisan stunts are not what the American people want; they are looking for elected leaders to putideology aside and find common ground. This week the Tea Party won and the American people lost.

    Dont take our word for it see below for just a few examples of Republicans being called out for handing over the

    power of governing to the Tea Party and playing reckless games with the financial security of our country.

    HEADLINE:The GOP's Reckless Bet

    Republicans eager for a fight need to realize that some things are not to be trifled with. A nation that does not payits bills and fails to meet its obligations for spending is hardly following a conservative approach to fiscal policy.[National Journal,9/19/13]

    HEADLINE:Pressed From His Right, Speaker Yields on a Budget Showdown

    Speaker John A. Boehner waved the white flag on Wednesday, surrendering to demands from his right flank that hetie money to keep the government open after Sept. 30 to stripping President Obamas health care law of anyfinancing.[New York Times,9/18/13]

    HEADLINE:Analysis: House Republicans go for broke in fiscal battles

    Another down-to-the-wire fight, potentially more toxic than usual, is rapidly shaping up in the U.S. Congress asconservatives prepare to exploit looming fiscal deadlines to derail President Barack Obama's signature healthcarereform law.[Reuters,9/13/13]

    HEADLINE:How the Tea Party is winning the GOP fight over ObamaCare

    It looks like the Tea Party just won round one. [The Week,9/18/13]

    HEADLINE:The Movement Strikes Back

    For the tea-party coalition and its leaders, its a triumphant return to power inside the Beltway . . . . Republicanleadership, which initially shrugged off the defunding cry, now faces a flush and angry grassroots

    operation. [National Journal,9/17/13]

    HEADLINE:House GOP doubles down on losing bet

    There are about 30 Republicans a minority, but enough to stymie legislation who have stood firm againstlegislation that doesnt affirmatively defund Obamacare. Their sights are now shifting to the debt ceiling, and someare beginning to say they are willing to ignore the implications of hitting the borrowing limit.[Politico,9/19/13]

    HEADLINE:ObamaCare foes taking hostages: Our view

    Republicans' obsession with overturning ObamaCare is getting sillier and more dangerous at the same time. Nowthat they've failed to kill the law every way the rules allow in Congress, the Supreme Court and in a presidentialelection the opponents are taking hostages and, in effect, threatening to shoot them if they don't get their way.[USA Today,9/20/13]

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    3Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultzs Statement on House Vote to Cut Obamacare or Shut theGovernment Down

    On Friday, following the House vote on a bill that will result in a government shutdown unless the Affordable CareAct is cut, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement:

    This was a shameful vote that risks a government shutdown just to stop millions of Americans from having access toquality, affordable health care. This vote proved what weve already known for some time: The Tea Party has wonthe civil war for supremacy within the Republican Party.

    The far-right faction thats calling the shots in todays GOP is so focused on undermining President Obama thattheyre willing to drive the nation over the cliff. The only question now is what car these legislators will use: Will theyforce a government shutdown? Or, worse, will they force the U.S. to default on its obligations?

    Congressional Republicans have embarked on this course despite hearing from economists, as well as from businessleaders and Americans across the country, from across the political spectrum, that a default or a shutdown would bea devastating blow to the economy and hurt the wellbeing of ordinary Americans.

    President Obama Honors Lives Lost at Navy Yard

    On Monday, President Obamahonored the victims of thetragic events at theWashington Navy Yard.

    The mass shooting took thelives of 12 civilians andmilitary members. In hisremarks, President Obamaoffered words of consolationto those affected by thetragedy.

    President Obama said:

    Its a shooting that targetedour military and civilianpersonnel. These are men

    and women who were going to work, doing their job, protecting all ofus. Theyre patriots, and they know thedangers of serving abroad -- but today, they faced unimaginable violence that they wouldn't have expected here athome.

    So we offer our gratitude to the Navy and local law enforcement, federal authorities, and the doctors whoveresponded with skill and bravery. Ive made it clear to my team that I want the investigation to be seamless, so thatfederal and local authorities are working together. And as this investigation moves forward, we will do everything inour power to make sure whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible.

    In the meantime, we send our thoughts and prayers to all at the Navy Yard whove been touched by thistragedy. We thank them for their service. We stand with the families of those whove been harmed. Theyre goingto need our love and support. And as we learn more about the courageous Americans who died today -- their lives,their families, their patriotism -- we will honor their service to the nation they helped to make great. And obviously,we're going to be investigating thoroughly what happened, as we do so many of these shootings, sadly, that havehappened, and do everything that we can to try to prevent them.

    Watch President Obamas remarkshere.

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    4Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    Republican 2016ers Flock to Michigan Republican Party Conference

    This weekend Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Karl Rove and Rand Paul will attend the Mackinac Republican Leadership

    Conference in Michigan. As they head to Michigan its important to remember what they thought of President

    Obama's decision to help Michigan when it was in trouble. Just 4 years ago, Americas auto industry was on the

    verge of collapse but President Obama refused to let them go bust despite staunch opposition from many of the

    same Republicans who will descend on Michigan for the Michigan Republican Partys annual retreat this weekend.While they are there hoping no one will remember how they turned their backs on the American people, President

    Obama will be in Claycomo, Missouri, visiting a Ford plant to highlight the auto recovery and how it has helped our

    broader economic recovery. Today, the American auto industry is once again thrivingthanks to President Obama's

    leadership, and certainly no thanks to these extreme Republican leaders.

    Ahead of Jindal, Walker, Rove and Pauls trip to Michigan the DNC released the following video:

    Watch:"Welcome to Michigan: Mackinac 2013"

    As an additional response, Michigan Democratic State Party Chair Lon Johnson wrote an op-ed published in the

    Detroit News:GOP owes Michigan answers on auto rescue

    Detroit News//Lon Johnson

    Just over four years ago, these were the stories coming out of Americas auto industry: Jobs cut by the hundreds of

    thousands; GM and Chrysler looking at liquidation; and the prospect of the end of an industry that once built the cars

    that were the envy of the world.

    But today, President Obama is in Claycomo, Mo., just outside of Kansas City, to visit a reenergized Ford plant and

    highlight how much Americas auto industry has recovered.

    What will you hear from him? Perhaps that the U.S. auto market is set for a fifth straight year of growth. That the

    North American auto industry is expanding faster than it has since 1950. And, according to a Bloomberg report this

    week, that GM, Chrysler and Ford are fielding some of their best passenger cars in a generation.

    The American auto industry is once again a world leader.

    Clickhereto read the rest of the op-ed.

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    5Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    A Nation of Immigrants: President Obama Recognizes Citizenship Day 2013

    This week, President Obamacommemorated National

    Constitution Day and CitizenshipDay as more than 18,000 peoplewere welcomed officially as

    American citizens. The Presidentattended the naturalizationceremony of 24 active duty servicemembers to mark the occasion onSeptember 17th.

    The celebration brought focus to arenewed push for immigrationreform which the Presidentsupports and spoke in the RoseGarden at the White House.

    President Obama said:

    "We are a proud Nation ofimmigrants, home to a long line of aspiring citizens who contributed to their communities, founded businesses, orsacrificed their livelihoods so they could pass a brighter future on to their children. Each year on Citizenship Day, wewelcome the newest members of the American family as they pledge allegiance to our Constitution and join us inwriting the next chapter of our national story.

    Throughout our history, immigrants have embraced the spirit of liberty, equality, and justice for all -- the sameideals that stirred the patriots of 1776 to rise against an empire, guided the Framers as they built a stronger republic,and moved generations to bridge our founding promise with the realities of our time."

    Click here to read the Presidents Proclamation on Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, and Constitution Week, 2013.

    Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month

    On Thursday, Annette Taddeo-Goldstein, DNC Executive Committee Member, Vice Chair of the Florida DemocraticParty and Chair of the Miami-Dade Democrats authored an op-ed honoring Hispanic Heritage Month which began onSeptember 15th. Taddeo-Goldstein highlighted the ongoing work of the Democratic Party to improve the lives of

    American Hispanics and repeated how the Hispanic community plays an important part in shapingAmericas diverseand rich history.

    Opinion: The future of America is linked to our communitys futureNBC Latino // Annette Taddeo-Goldstein

    The story of Hispanics in America is the story of America itself. The Latino communitys values love of family, adeep and abiding faith, and a strong work ethicare Americas values. During National Hispanic Heritage Month, wetake time to celebrate the importance of the Hispanic community to the fabric of the United States, from the earlysettlers of the New World to those reaching for the American Dream today.

    As a Hispanic-American myself, I am proud to be part of a greater community and even prouder to do so as amember of the Democratic Party that is working to advance and improve the lives of Hispanics nationwide.

    For me, being a Democrat is an easy decision. Time and time again, Democrats have fought for the issues that haveaffected my community and Hispanic communities across the country. Securing affordable health care, finding jobs to

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    6Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    support our families, ensuring there are good public schools in every neighborhood, and fighting for commonsenseimmigration reform are all things that are important to Hispanic communities. When Democrats stand up for theseissues, I know that I am doing my conscience justice.Thankfully, President Obama has made each of these issues a priority during his presidency. On March 23, 2010, hemade history by signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, into law. The law ensures all

    Americans have access to free preventative services, lowers health insurance costs so families can save more,ensures greater affordable choices, and puts a stronger focus on minority health by elevating the National Center for

    Minority Healthwhich monitors and protects the health needs of minority communities.

    Because of the Affordable Care Act, 10.2 million uninsured Latino Americans will now have the opportunity to getaffordable health insurance coverage. Because of the law, an estimated 8.2 million Latino Americans with privateinsurance now have access to expanded preventive services with no cost-sharing. These services include well-childvisits, blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, Pap tests and mammograms for women, and flu shots for childrenand adults.

    For Hispanics, Obamacare is life changing because our community has higher uninsured rates than any other racialor ethnic group. Right here in Florida, 580,000 Latinos are now eligible to enroll in a health exchange on October 1 stbecause of the new law. Our community only thrives when we are healthy and well, and the Presidents historichealth care legislation reflects this.

    Similarly, President Obamas Administration is dedicated to ensuring America remains a land of opportunity for

    all. Although he came into office during the worst recession our country has seen since the Great Depression,President Obama guaranteed he would make jobs a priority. Immediately after taking office, he signed the AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act which the Congressional Budget Office said increased employment by as many as3.5 million jobs, and a Center on Budget and Policy Priority study said kept over 2 million Hispanics out of poverty.

    Today, with more than 40 months of positive job growth behind us, he is working to fulfill his promise. Oureconomic strength depends on the success of Hispanic families across our country, and the President is determinedto put workers of all backgrounds back on the job to rebuild and modernize America, while helping small businessesgrow and creating pathways to employment.

    As President Obama has said If we want America to lead in the 21st century, nothing is more important than givingeveryone the best education possible from the day they start preschool to the day they start their career. Today,Hispanic students make up the largest minority group in our public schools, where more than 1 in 5 students in ourelementary, middle, and high schools are Hispanic. And while there is still substantial work to do, significant progress

    has been made during the Obama Administration.

    More Hispanics are enrolling in college now than ever before. Latinos are now the largest minority group on allcollege campuses, in both two-year and four-year universities, comprising 16.5 percent of all graduate andundergraduate students in 2011. The Hispanic high school dropout rate continues to fall. And since President Obamahas made college more affordable by doubling Pell Grants and raising the maximum award to $5,975, an additional725,000 Latino students have now received Pell Grants since the President came into office.

    Clickhereto read the full op-ed online.

    Aside from Taddeo-Goldsteins op-ed, the Miami-Dade Democrats responded to the GOPs videohonoringHispanicHeritage month, but failing to mention their attempts to defund Obamacare or derail comprehensive immigrationreform. As a response they released avideowhich highlighted what the Republicans conveniently avoided in theirvideo, and showed the right way to honor Hispanic members of our communities.

  • 7/29/2019 DNC Weekly Update 9-20-13


    7Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, www.democrats.org. This communicationis not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

    In the States

    See below for a look at this weeks news from states across the country.

    In Virginia this week, Democratic candidate for governor,Terry McAuliffe received the endorsement of theRepublican Mayor of Virginia Beach, Will Sessons, while the Republican candidate Ken Cuccinelli campaignedwith the Tea Party and right wing radio hostMark Levin. It is clear that Cuccinellis support keeps moving

    further and further right as he caters to the extremists in his party. As a response the Democratic NationalCommittee released amemoon Cuccinellis extremist views.

    In Ohio this week, Democratscalled on Ohios Republican Governor John Kasichto urge Speaker Boehner towork to avert a government shutdown. Kasich has said previously that helping to engineer the 1995 federalgovernment shutdown wasone of the greatest moments of his career.

    This week, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper worked with FEMA and the federal government to executea quick, effective response to the devastating floods which have hit the state. As the Denver post writes,

    While Gov. John Hickenlooper's first priority continues to be search-and-rescues in hard-hit flood areas, hesaid Monday the state already is looking at how it going to recover and rebuild. To read the full article andmore on the Governors efforts clickhere.

    In New Hampshire this week, theState Party hit backon GOP Senatorial Candidate Jim Rubens offensivecomments that he made about women in 2009 saying working women cause men to commit massshootings. To show these offensive comments and highlight how out of touch Rubens is with NewHampshire voters and values, the New Hampshire Democratic Party released a memo with his full statementhere.

    This week Chris Christie threw in his lot with the type of Republicans who are set on shutting down thegovernment and defaulting on our obligations. As a response, the Democratic National Committee releasedamemoto show voters that, while Christie claims to be a moderate, he supports extremist members of hisparty who will continue to have his backing as long as he is in office.
