Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM DlNANT Media Contact: Roger Pineda, [email protected], +(504) 2239-8800 DlNANT STEPPING UP AS A FORCE FOR GOOD TO REDUCE IMPACTS OF COVID-19 Leading Central American business group is protecting staff and consumers; and donating food and cleaning supplies to local authorities, relief agencies and people in need TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 14 APRIL 2020: Dinant - a leading consumer products manufacturer in the central American region - is stepping up as a force for good in the fight against COVID-19. A proud Honduran company, Dinant directly employs 7,200 people, supports a further 30,000 jobs, and for many years has been contributing greatly to local neighborhoods up and down the country. But, in today's unprecedented times, Dinant is doing more to protect and serve the people of Honduras and beyond. Company spokesman, Roger Pineda, said, "We are all in this together. Here at Dinant we are working closely with our customers, suppliers, and government officials to do our part. We are fortunate to have so many talented staff, and so we are using that capacity and knowledge to develop solutions to protect the most vulnerable in society. It is truly inspiring to witness the many acts of service that Dinant's people are undertaking to support and care for each other, and our local communities." No matter how long it takes for the crisis to end, Dinant's "COVID-19 Crisis Response Team" is committed to mobilizing the company's time, talent and technical capabilities to meet four objectives:• Protecting the health and wellbeing of staff, business partners and customers. Securing every staff job. Continuing to serve customers the trusted brands they rely on - including food and cleaning products. Dinant has already provided over 14,500 liters of disinfectant to emergency staff Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM



Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM


Media Contact: Roger Pineda, [email protected], +(504) 2239-8800


Leading Central American business group is protecting staff and consumers; and donating food and cleaning

supplies to local authorities, relief agencies and people in need

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 14 APRIL 2020: Dinant - a leading consumer products manufacturer in the central American region - is stepping up as a force for good in the fight against COVID-19. A proud Honduran company, Dinant directly employs 7,200 people, supports a further 30,000 jobs, and for many years has been contributing greatly to local neighborhoods up and down the country. But, in today's unprecedented times, Dinant is doing more to protect and serve the people of Honduras and beyond.

Company spokesman, Roger Pineda, said, "We are all in this together. Here at Dinant we are working closely with our customers, suppliers, and government officials to do our part. We are fortunate to have so many talented staff, and so we are using that capacity and knowledge to develop solutions to protect the most vulnerable in society. It is truly inspiring to witness the many acts of service that Dinant's people are undertaking to support and care for each other, and our local communities."

No matter how long it takes for the crisis to end, Dinant's "COVID-19 Crisis Response Team" is committed to mobilizing the company's time, talent and technical capabilities to meet four objectives: •

• Protecting the health and wellbeing of staff, business partners and customers.• Securing every staff job.• Continuing to serve customers the trusted brands they rely on - including food and cleaning products.

Dinant has already provided over 14,500 liters of disinfectant to emergency staff

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM

• Supporting local communities and emergency services on the frontline of the fight against the pandemic.

Since the outbreak of the global pandemic, Dinant has strengthened its industry-leading practices - all certified by the SQF Safe Quality Food Program - with a range of pre-emptive measures to keep staff and products safe. Under the guidance of medical professionals, the company is providing protective face masks to all staff, ensuring everyone can work at safe distances apart, and increasing the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing of high traffic areas throughout all facilities. As a result, Dinant staff have been able to safely continue their important roles of manufacturing, packaging and delivering Dinant's trusted brands to help support people's basic nutritional needs and keep family homes clean and sanitized.

Mr. Pineda continued, "We are proud of our Honduran heritage and have a long history of supporting local communities in times of need. And we are extremely grateful for the support we have received from our talented staff and loyal customers. As a business leader in Honduras, we know we have to step up and do all we can at this challenging time to be a force for good. That is why we are providing financial support, as well as free products, to those most in need."

Dinant's Social Team - community liaison professionals working at the heart of local towns and villages adjacent to the company's facilities - has identified local people most impacted by COVID-19, enabling the company to target food and cleaning products donations where they are most needed. In total, Dinant has donated over 78,000 lbs. of food, as well as cleaning products, benefiting more than 25,000 families and around 100,000 people throughout Honduras.

Many Dinant products are key to helping prevent the spread of COVID-19, particularly those that are used on a daily basis to clean and disinfect businesses, hospitals and clinics. The company has donated 14,500 liters of disinfectant products produced at Dinant's factories in Comayagua and Choloma - including bleach, floor cleaners and detergents -to medical professionals and other emergency staff, such as the national police, fire departments, local Mayors, and the Red Cross. And there will be more to come.

Furthermore, the Latin American Business Council (CEAL), of which Dinant is a leading participant, has donated 20 respirators, electric beds, infusion pumps, lecterns, medical care beds, and biosafety equipment, among other hospital supplies, for use by frontline healthcare professionals.

Mr. Pineda concluded, "We cannot predict when this crisis will be over but, in the meantime, we're committed to stepping up of a force for good and being a part of the solution - whatever it takes to support our employees, consumers, business partners and local communities."

About Corporacion Dinant

Dinant is a family-owned consumer products manufacturer founded in Honduras in 1960. Its products are sold across Central America and the Dominican Republic. For nearly 60 years, Dinant has been leading efforts in Honduras to implement and update protocols that keep its staff and customers safe. Dinant has retained many internationally- renowned certifications such as ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, and the SQF Safe Quality Food Program that rewards a culture of safe quality and encourages responsible manufacturing and agricultural processes.

This material is distributed by Tricuro LLC on behalf of Corporacion Dinant. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

*** END ***

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM

jDin ant

Contacto de Prensa: Roger Pineda, [email protected], +(504) 2239-8800


Grupo empresarial Lider Centroamericano, protege al personal y consumidores; donando alimentos y suministros

de limpieza a autoridades locales, agendas de ayuda y personas necesitadas





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Dinant ha entregado mas de 14,500 litros de desinfectante al personal de emergencia.

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 14 de abril de 2020: Dinant, una empresa lider fabricante de productos de consumo en la region centroamericana, avanza como lider yfuerza de bien en la lucha contra el COVID-19. Dinant, una orgullosa empresa hondurena, emplea directamente a 7,200 personas, apoya a otros 30,000 empleos y ha contribuido significativamente en vecindarios locales de todo el pais por muchos anos. Pero, en los tiempos sin precedentes de hoy dfa, Dinant esta haciendo mas para proteger y servir al pueblo de Honduras y mas alia.

El portavoz de la companfa, Roger Pineda, expreso: "Estamos todos juntos en esto. En Dinant estomos trabajando muy de cerca con nuestros clientes, proveedores y funcionarios gubernamentales para hacer nuestra parte. Somos afortunados de contar con un personal tan talentoso, por lo que estamos utilizando esa capacidad y conocimiento para desarrollar soluciones para proteger a los mas vulnerables en la sociedad. Es realmente inspirador presenciar los muchos ados de servicio que las personas de Dinant estan emprendiendo para apoyarse y cuidarse mutuamente, asi como cuidar de nuestras comunidades."

Sin importar cuanto tiempo tarde en concluir la actual crisis, el "Equipo de Respuesta de Crisis del COVID-19" de Dinant, esta comprometido con la movilizacion del tiempo, el talento y las capacidades tecnicas de nuestra empresa para cumplir con los siguientes cuatro objetivos: •

• Proteger la salud y el bienestar de nuestro personal, socios comerciales y clientes.• Asegurar el trabajo de todos nuestros colaboradores.• Continuar llevando a nuestros clientes, nuestras confiables marcas, incluyendo los productos alimenticios y

de limpieza.

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• Apoyar a las comunidades locales y los servicios de emergencia que se encuentran al frente en la lucha contra la pandemia.

Desde el inicio de la pandemia mundial, Dinant ha fortalecido sus practicas de liderazgo industrial - todas certificadas por el Programa de Seguridad en Calidad de Alimento SQF - con una amplia serie de medidas preventivas para mantener seguros a nuestros colaboradores y productos. Bajo la gufa de profesionales medicos, la compahfa ha provisto de mascaras de proteccion faciales a todo nuestro personal, asegurando que todos puedan trabajar a distancias seguras y aumentando la frecuencia de limpieza y desinfeccion de las areas de alto trafico en todas nuestras instalaciones. Como resultado de esto, el personal de Dinant ha podido continuar de manera segura sus importantes funciones de manufactura, empaque y entrega de las marcas confiables de Dinant, para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales basicas de la poblacion y mantener limpias y desinfectadas las viviendas de sus familias.

El Sr. Pineda afirmo, "Estomos orgullosos de nuestro origen Hondureho y tenemos una larga trayectoria de apoyo a nuestras comunidades en tiempos de necesidad. Estamos extremadamente agradecidos por el apoyo que hemos recibido de nuestro talentoso personal y nuestros leales clientes. Como llder empresarial en Honduras, sabemos que tenemos que dar un paso al frente y hacer todo lo posible en este diflcil momento para ser una fuerza de bien. Es por eso, que estamos brindando apoyo financiero, as/ como tarn bien productos gratuitos a aquellos que mas lo necesitan."

El Equipo Social de Dinant, conformado por profesionales de enlace comunitario que trabajan en el corazon de las comunidades adyacentes a las instalaciones de la compahfa, ha identificado a personas locales mas afectadas por el COVID-19, lo cual permite a la compahfa el destinar donaciones de productos alimenticios y de limpieza, adonde mas se necesitan. En total, Dinant ha donado ya mas de 78,000 libras de alimentos, asf como productos de limpieza, beneficiando a mas de 25,000 familias y alrededor de 100,000 personas en todo Honduras.

Muchos de los productos de Dinant son clave para ayudar a prevenir la propagacion del COVID-19, particularmente aquellos que se usan a diario para la limpieza y desinfeccion de negocios, hospitales y clfnicas. La compahfa ha donado 14,500 litros de productos desinfectantes producidos en las fabricas de Dinant en Comayagua y Choloma, incluyendo cloro, limpiadores de pisos y detergentes, a profesionales medicos y personal de emergencia, como son la policfa nacional, los bomberos, alcaldes locales y la Cruz Roja. Y habra mas por venir.

Ademas, el Consejo Empresarial de America Latina (CEAL), del cual Dinant es un importante miembro, ha donado 20 respiradores, camas electricas, bombas de infusion, atriles, camas de atencion medica y equipos de bioseguridad, entre otros suministros hospitalarios, para uso de los profesionales de atencion medica en la Ifnea de frente.

El Sr. Pineda concluyo: "No podemos predecir cuando terminara esta crisis, pern mientras tanto, estamos comprometidos a intensificar nuestro rol como fuerza de bien y ser parte de la solucion -- lo que sea necesario para apoyar a nuestros colaboradores, consumidores, socios comerciales y comunidades locales."

Acerca Corporacion DinantDinant es una empresa familiar fabricante de productos de consumo, fundada en Honduras en 1960. Sus productos se venden por toda Centroamerica y Republica Dominicana. Por casi 60 anos, Dinant ha liderado esfuerzos en Honduras para implementar y actualizar protocolos que mantengan seguros a sus colaboradores y clientes. Dinant ha mantenido diversas certificaciones de renombre internacional, tales como ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 y el Programa de Seguridad en Calidad de Alimento SQF, que reconoce una cultura de seguridad en la calidad y promueve procesos responsables de manufactura y agrfcolas.

Este material es distribuido por Tricuro LLC en nombre de la Corporacion Dinant. Informacion adicional esta disponible en el Departamento de Justicia en Washington, D.C.

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Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 04/14/2020 3:55:31 PM