dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by...

This Marriage was solemnized between Presence of MARRIAGE solemnized at ^ ( iii the Condition, Name* and Surname Residence at th* When Married. After Banna or Licence. Tlrno of Marriage. Coniwnt b j whom giro,, „ 0rdfr dL,cL*jcd dU$A r ddfK 7p t(uu Married in n/oresaid. Thin Marriage was solemnized between us. Presence of MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of in the Givionm- of .\ftrr Banni or Licence. Nairn-* and Surname*, IlAlden'ce »t the Time ot M»rri»gc. Content b) nhorn Riven, or Judg«'* Order. When ilarritd. .aforesaid, This Marriage was solemnized between us, Presence of Age.. I Condition. j Rank „r Piifewion. i c?-? -------------------- v,

Transcript of dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by...

Page 1: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

This Marriage was solemnized between

Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at ^ (iii the

Condition,Name* and Surname Residence at th*When Married. After Banna or Licence.Tlrno of Marriage. Coniwnt b j whom giro ,, „ 0rdfr

dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar

dd fK 7p t(uu

Married in n/oresaid.

Thin Marriage was solemnized between

us. Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish ofin the Givionm- of

.\ftrr Banni or Licence.Nairn-* and Surname*, IlAlden'ce »t the Time ot M»rri»gc. Content b) nhorn Riven, or Judg«'* Order.When ilarritd.


This Marriage was solemnized between

us, Presence of

Age.. I Condition. j Rank „r Piifewion.


c ? - ? •-------------------- v ,

Page 2: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

MARRIAGE solemnized atin the

in the Parish of .j%r

Name* and Surcaxncv Residonco at the Time of Marriage. After Ifctnn* or Licence, Content b j whom gWen. or Jndga'* Order.rof<u*lou.Condition.

~£tte 6/j -2/

Married in aforesaid,

( --J Osyl} Jq yfl-A/JjCtL?1 & > -r-a. Y & t+ y

__ JJl&yyiHf'-Tliis Marriage »M Kolemnired between

Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish ofin the I^iriteiumof

Kaibc« and Surname Condition. Rank or Profession. Reaidcnoo at the Time of .Marriage. After IUnm* or iitm tts Content by whom given, or Judge'* Order.

Married in

JfJUxx^ 10 X Lo- r<Tin* Marriage was solemnized between

No. When Married.


' 3 A**

No. When Married.

W j4 j

m !

Page 3: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

This Mamagu waa solemnized between

us, Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at 111 the Parish of

Rank *-r Probation.When Marri«l.IlcAiJcncc al th. Timo o! jranUgt. A (Ur Content by whom tfron, or Jadgo'# Order.

Mnrriea in jJorcsaid,

This Marri.-isa was solotnniocd between

us, Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of

When Married. N»»u-h and Surname*. Residence at the Time of Marriage.Condition. After lUnn« or Licence. Consent by *bc.ni given, or Judge** Order.

Married in

Thia Marring# wan solemnized between


Page 4: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of xJfy f*oaXA.in the Bivision of

Name* «md Surname*.When Marred. Ilaok i.r Hciidence at the Tlmo of Marriage, Alter Uannt or Licence. Content by whom jt TeBi

- ^ f " \

I_____ j,___________ ___[___i_

f _ & W & & L ^ v 2 •-• __________

Married in aforesaid,

This Marriage won solemnised between

u*. Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of__S < fin the Division of

Naim* and Surnames. Condition, Rank or Prof«h»ion. HeaMcnee at tbo Time of Marriage. After lUnu* or Llceiue. Content by wbo:n given,


rfit4ltoA.Thi* Mnnnigo was •olemnfsed between

UH,Presence of tn tn v i

MARRIAGE solemnized at. \_&( • P <A.. - - - ■ . _ „ . c ^ . O in the Parish of

No. When Mairi«t3.

. *

6) . .

<’ ? * 7

Page 5: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

*jj<. vii iJisiroTlii>» Marriage was solemnized Ixitween

us | _±£. %vt£^— iYesenco of

in the Parish ofMARRIAGE solemnized at

Condition.When Married. Natn< • nrul Surname*. Rrddcnco at th* Tirao of Marriage. After Banns

)/A*~k Mjt(ds6( /" n. <v/o , yAi /£» rfA-v <(<vb-rx~rxAn. /3^W^

bnj^yr e< /ty --- ------ et}/*is6tt-{

Married in ;iforesaid.

Thin Marriage was solemnized between


MARRIAGE solemnized a t_ J^ Pa- U in the Parish ofOoe£*-v Min the Division of.

Nuun* an*! Human)**. Condition. Iteddenc* at t i l . Time of Marhagt,C e n tra by wbcm given, or Ja d g t'. Onlcr.

to* C ^ ^ C L -M

S. (hsrifdn--i TvaAa-Cl---.'IB-CwVjbO. j__

Married in aforesaid,

cAMsts-. _ SjlcAec .Tbit- Marriage was solemnized between

Prcsencu of

No. When Slarried. *

3 ^ 1£*

Page 6: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

MARRIAGE solemnized in the Parish of p tin the JDivisien- of. S i

Rank or Profosaion.After Banns or

Married in

No. When Married. Name, and Surnam e. AK-e-. Condition. j

* 9 , t p

, e i *

^ A w ^ . ^ W v r v ,

' J


d Z i ,

••••; :

t ^ u c /L i/ r v

Married in fc'K ' ^ » n / t * » / J l f P i . y

Ibridenco at tho Tima of Marriage.

_ aforesaid,

This Marriage was ( ^ TCcU - ’ C -k - - { S c f l ' f z f"• •'----- !~:d Ix-twron \ ~J ■ j

is. | t/ L O l/ T L . OUj-Ll c c S c L c7 j l o -solemnized


™ Conwnt by wbcm gWcn^or Ja d ja '. Order.

by me,

— | In tliu | ^ C & t ' l / -

f Presence of |

MARRIAGE solemnized at S i _jy j.jle pgjgjj 0f

No. | When Married. Naim<4 and Surnames. Ages.

? ? < ?



'* 9 * 7' 7 ? ^ . < 5 o a -


-19 2 Z .Condition. Rank or PrnfoMlon.

/iy&dy<r\/) Z—

Residence at tbe Time of Marriage. | After Banns or IiiitTTTr: . -


This Marriage was solemnized between


? ch.r.a*d- S_. -haM&S ck/cA [ , ^ JJ /= i o ^ a , j u „ .......................... i z " , P E

Con«mt faj ahem 6iu n , or Jjdga'i. Order.

cZ l.

by me,

( *lS. e x y

Page 7: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

Tliis Marriage was solemnized between


iuraAtb \ ilW-.— - •/JhiAt.fc


Page 'S’ H-

MARRIAGE solemnized at ____ in the pf & p ^ A

i11 tbe -Diviaion- of «£/ IQ 2 7No. | When Married.


Name and Surowat* Condition. ! llnnk „r frofr.

‘ r iv y y . t i J


M arried in P ^ C + J k fi* /s i~ l C A *~ \ oA cf i t R a ~ JL

I\idxicf ~&-ovUluJ-?. Pc XLO


_____ 1st—**£-/- Cr t*

Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order,

Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn

us.In the

I.y me, ' p n ^ >^ 7 z Q lcA 't^

..... f - _ 'huvn/lL^- Ju oaJL* ^ ^ *I’reseuoe of [ S & r u i o t < . ^ I l C '^ O a A ^ ___

MARRIAGE solemnized a t_ .>£{ p a ^ j ^ tjle jiarishin the I&visim*- of— ^ 14- Ct^c,

No. W’hou Married. Nauk-a and Sumani«-». Condition. 1 Bunk or I’ rofcadon,

9 ° o $ 2 ^ .

f i l l '

n , ■

* ^ n


Residence at the Time of Marri.tgc. ! Alter lUnm

/CvyAx, ^ L ^ A -A

Content by whom given, or Judge’* Order.

Married in y w flt. -ufonr&aid

This Marriage was sole in nlzed between




Page 8: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

90/ I / , * ^ ^

/ f 2 7 J

Tirv-yy -, bQ-yyi Ptr-r^A-

| P&.yf'Z. PfT /r

Married in __ . & ! ° ' c U U \ C * O H « i^ r * _______ aforesaid,

/ Pll,tu4 ■ fJtruj ._ -rTW&t__i* “w *•*— 0~ Isolemnized Ijetween i ^ . ' a* i__

us, I I^T-Tt A £*-****»■£•

This Marriage was In llio

| Presence

by me, (s7 > cs^ t-

_ ________

of I ' f l ^ U P p ^ y 1 Q jt L ^ 7

MARRIAGE solemnized at .i'f t° ck C» ^^tA^e/^U .. in the Parish of_ Pa^<s(in the Division of ^ ______ ______ __________^ 9 y y

So. j Whoa Married N.mn* mi J Sunt unit'*. Ago*.

Ct C ( e ryy%A-<^ J, [ ^

Mamwl in C

This Marriage was I solemnized l»etween *!

u», I

J - f Pcvt yCl PajP/xm. /A_ / „ t ________

Coudltioii. Keek or I’ndpolon. Residence at the Time of Mcrrisge. : After ll*nn» or t i e


ConiMit by whom given, or Judge', Order.

» aforesaid. by

Js*,cL/ £utH*f.c/b>Uj.. 'QLujclUJL

f me’-f>n

, In the | ^ 4W * H - .

| Presence of | ..' j/ C K .* I t y t * B u t (2a

Kt , C-rt-y

'• v * S ~/r~

Page J?/

t oMARRIAGE solemnized at t£-

Page 9: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

This Marriage was (J&-CciS

solonmizizi Wctn \ - d h t U jL i i y c i k i A & L n v jl___________

Page p£

MARRIAGE solemnized at__~f&- ------ in the Parish of.in the ^ msiom of i f <$£&**-

No. | When Married. Naan and Siimamt*. i (Jonditlca. llank .,r rrofoaaiOD. Hcai lento at tin Tirao of Marriigc.

| I ; | |

0 3 M ^ r e ^ J -0 j U 4 ^ }\ I

| ! ~$Vk A I • ' * ______1 ______ ___ ____ ;____________1______ 1 _ _ >. — ............. -.'............................ .......................................

Married in ____ j ^ .. at \l£~

\c3UmXa .. B££m2(t... S i

After Banna or IJoenee. Con»*nt by «hn „ oi___ - .____ ______ ^ * hc-n rfrca, or Jodge'a Order,

. .iforesaid,


^ (P ^ 6

by me. fJ.jf.

Tiiis Marriage was solemnized between


’c was ^ , 7

av"'a 'hcL /'lay- yijjfvta-Cutj In the J -----------

| Presence of | i l l /\ foA/V\\ •

MARRIAGE solemnized at ( Q . I - /f .

in the Ilwsionuol__

_„in the Parish of... *£V— ___ __________ ‘____ 19 2J?-.

So. i When Mzrriod. Nann-s and 8nrnam<-.. Arc*. ; Condition, j

S -d *— _ cU O ^ i / iy ,^ u ■ J r^ t CdvrJ-,0,0, ■

Married i n _ p J O . * — & V t U b * .* -

• or I'rnfrt-iou. Mu r Itanm or-

/ 3

____________a fon. said.

This Marti: solemnized I


Page 10: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

MARRIAGE solemnized, at A 4/

in the ofin he Parish of

Aher lUnni op-W iinu. *" Content by w hen (Wen, or Judge'i Order.When Married. Naxaet and Surname* Condition. Rank or ]’miration. Rcddeuee at tho Time oi Marriage.

Married in itforeu&id,

This Marriage was solemni/a d betw een

us. Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of

in the i>trisieii' o:Condition, Residence at the Timo ol Marriage.Rank or I’mIcbmou,>*m«* and Sunnnn

tfotetiidiMnrried in

I his Marriage was solemnized between

us, Ereocnco of

' Alter Harm* or Lie- uoc. Con-er.-. bj, Vacm Rl«'>. « V - Order.

W /U -U sQ

------------ — >

____ ____> ^

Page 11: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the


Rank «>r Profouioo. R«Wenc. >t lh, Tln<1 oJCondition.No. Wh<n Married.____ u

Name* and Surname*. !1_________ •




fM ,

F* t ^ j

Page £ g

MARRIAGE solemnized at_ - ^ ^ ------in the Parish.^ ^ ~p\

in the ©wdsioa-of -A ( 1 4 ^ ^ ^ _ _ 19 5^8

[ P4\-f~r>x*+-, _This Marriage .was | // »solemnized between \ 1 * . rr i ,

us, | - U<±ls*> b - - LYtuU t*4 j

i<s______________ aforesaid,

) ""l" { I T T Kuev?o| Presence of [ ^ y ~ y .-

MARRIAGE solemnized P o JSj C<tM~cU~J in the Parish of P ^UXin the BrviHiou of_ l4<£&>s -19.2 X

No. When Married. Num,-« ami Suniamn.

C t ^ f r w (

l ° F t z U~u

M arried it. t / V ." / 5 C U - t ' f J . J ^ c jF i^ t a i\ c * S

Ag»«. Condition. IUnk or Pmfwdon. Itr.ldrace i t tI,o Time ol M«rri«jr

/ 7 » a/rv l/U-f A^^Kl

f y + lU c --------_____ . __I___ 1

f y 1-uM^ A

Convmt by when rlvtn, or JuAft’a Order.

by mo,

( *K )


This Marriage was solemnized teiween


oJbr vU__ C t i l t g J m ja , ^ ^ L JU | < ________

iir-3In the

| Presence of

I ' (ft*-- & A (h^Couv

Content by whom siveu, or Order.

by roe

/ Ure tyLi/y & In theThin Marriage was solemnized lictween

Page 12: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the


W ien Married.

Consent by wkcm firra , or JodgV. Older.

Page S (}

MARRIAGE solemnized at ..in the Parish of.... ^ A Wm the-EXivieiett-of

^ j Condition. K«nk *>r Profo«*lnii. 'fUiidcnee at the Time of Marriage. | After Batin« or W —mae.


This Marriage was solemnized between

^ \7 ! l C /x IP K c^ / ?'\ C tS X *^ ' . ‘ |

* * A * _________': |

[ 'k ilC L ix U L £ < U u & srd L $ 6 / I / V /

| (Q Jj" . r f'.v -. eA U f j_ _ /& < sti'^ j In the |

Presence of *

'V.A t V 2 ._

by me,

MARRIAGE solemnized at_ A . P 1W J (L^ iu the Parish of ^in the D-mmnrr of_

No. When Married.

< / / oW - H ,

/ ?

* 1 * *

.19 S S’.N *lw s aud Surnamm. '^ Mr j CoildlllOII. Rnuk or I’rcilosMon. Itcsldeo.-o at the Time o( Marriage.

i4^/yc-y< ld-tJ/-£Uxfe~&^\/Ct< Jz. *

’ £ r ~ L s C -ky X_h R / ’ a / .

i -------- t e -Y - ta ,Married in .


.afore said,

Conwnt by *hora given, «.r J .;d Ke% Ordor

This Manistee waj? solemnize In the \~

I’reseucu of | - - ■ f e u * . ^ L u k x ,

Page ^ 0

Page 13: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

This Marriage was solemnized between

MARRIAGE solemnized at..,fit P olh~A in the Parish of P

Namtfl and Surname-.When Married. Condition, Residence at th t Time of Marriage.Rank or Profi*a*ioa,Consent by whom

Married inMore said,

cn‘fy&.cj-/ fxct'Lz

This Marriage was solemnized between

11s,Presence of &/YT \A/Y\

MARRIAGE solemnized at_ <£V P. O-oyC-uin the of__

in the Parish of

When Marriod. Xante* and Sumauw•a Order.Rank or iVifcMion, Reddenco at the Timo of Marriage. Conwnt by whom given, orAfter Harm* n:

Married in


•After Haunt c ■ IJrrrw *,


i t o1»

Page 14: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of4BH>n-»of

" t r o MarrUd.Name* And Surnames.

Content by whom given, or Jud£«*a Order.Condition, Rank <*r Profawfotr Residence at the Time of Marriage. After Banns ot4J4

W k J ^ t ^ Ai

Married iniJorusaid,

T hu Marriage was solemnized between

us,| ZA£n\\.xx4 ^ ' £ u jl -L'}i s &Presence of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of

Riiuk or Profawion. Residence at the Time of Marriage, Af’rr Jknnt orJL Concert by whom given, or Judfe** Order.

Married in

No. When M arri«l-

Namea an 1 Surname*. Age*.

9 'v / */ 0(C,z 2

(aJ ckAXAx, ^


Page 15: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

I ins lu n m g o \va* soldi .i«jd between us,

MARRIAGE solemnized at. in the Parish of

Condition. After BunnsRank or Profeaafoo. Residence at tha Time of Marriage. Content by .Horn tfren, or Jad g .’. Orftr.

Married ill.aforesaid,

£>luThis Marriuge was soiemniaed kettfeen

ns,Presenue of

MARRIAGE solemnized at in the Parish of

When Married. Nam*-<i and Sumanir*. Residence at the Time of Marriage. After HannaCondition, Rank or l»r'»fe«Aion.or Judge** Ord-ir.

i/\J C rrrU .

Married in

J/LjU AolwwJ. f j(&CCaL__ If i/ li dtfL

No. j When Married. Names and Surnames. | Age*. {

f / f X f *t<iz2

1^ L A s -+ s l 4 .

} J *

Page 16: dL,cL*jcd dU$Ar › inventories › inv... · Pc^X^LO oRvtrx _____ 1st—**£-/- Cr^t* Content by nrhom firon, or'Jud^e't Order, Tliii Marriage was solemnized Iwttvecn us. In the

Collection Number: AB2073 CPSA Diocese of St. Helena, Registers, 1680-1986

PUBLISHER: Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013


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This document is part of the archive of the Anglican Church in Southern Africa and is held at the Historical Papers Research Archive, Johannesburg, South Africa.