DIY Synthetic: Private WebPagetest Magic

DIY Synthetic: Private WebPagetest Magic Velocity NY 2013 Jonathan Klein @jonathanklein Wednesday, October 16, 13


I gave this talk at Velocity NY 2013, and it covers the installation and use of a private WebPagetest instance, as well as the open source tool wpt-script which Etsy built.

Transcript of DIY Synthetic: Private WebPagetest Magic

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DIY Synthetic: Private WebPagetest MagicVelocity NY 2013Jonathan Klein@jonathanklein

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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About Me

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About Me•Performance Engineer At Etsy

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About Me•Performance Engineer At Etsy• I write the Etsy Site Performance Reports

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About Me•Performance Engineer At Etsy• I write the Etsy Site Performance Reports•Organize Boston Web Perf Meetup Group

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Etsy Stats

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Etsy Stats•World’s largest handmade marketplace

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Etsy Stats•World’s largest handmade marketplace• 1.5 billion page views/month

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Etsy Stats•World’s largest handmade marketplace• 1.5 billion page views/month•Almost $1B in sales last year

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+160k to a page = +12% bounce rate

on mobile

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Synthetic Monitoring

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

Wednesday, October 16, 13

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Synthetic Monitoring Real User Monitoring

Browser Instrumentation Navigation Timing API

Consistent trending over time

Highly variable

Largely in your control Last mile difficulties

Great for identifying regressions

Great for comparing across geographies/browsers

Not super realistic “Real User Monitoring”

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EC2 Test Agents

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No Built-in Automation

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Why We Use It

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Why We Use It•Wanted long term synthetic trending

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Why We Use It•Wanted long term synthetic trending• Automated tests

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Why We Use It•Wanted long term synthetic trending• Automated tests•More control

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Why We Use It•Wanted long term synthetic trending• Automated tests•More control• Low cost

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Easy Configuration

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log"}

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log"}

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log"}

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log"}

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log"}

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# Run Test*/25 * * * * php run.php

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# Run Test*/25 * * * * php run.php -c foo.conf

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# Run Test*/25 * * * * php run.php -c foo.conf

# Get Results* * * * * php get_results.php

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Advanced Features

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log",    "prepend": "Login",    "username": "someuser",    "password": "somepassword",    "run_options": {        "video": 0    }}

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{    "server": "",    "pending_dir": "private",    "locations": ["US_East_wptdriver:Firefox", "US_East_wptdriver:Chrome"],    "urls": {        "label": "",        "other_label": ""    },    "graphite": "",    "logging_ns": "webpagetest.private",    "splunkLog": "/var/log/webpagetest/results.log", "prepend": ["BlockThirdParty", "bypass_cdn.txt"],    "run_options": {        "video": 0    }}

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foreach ($prepends as $prepend) { if (file_exists($scripts_dir . $prepend)) { $script .= file_get_contents($scripts_dir . $prepend); } elseif (method_exists($this, $prepend)) { $script .= $this->$prepend(); }}

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Gathering Results

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// Splunk$splunkLogger = new SplunkLogger($config['splunkLog'], $logging_ns);foreach ($results as $result) { $splunkLogger->log($result);}

// Graphite$grapher = new Grapher($config['graphite'], $logging_ns);$grapher->graphResults($results);

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools•Harder to set up/maintain

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools•Harder to set up/maintain• Functionality

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools•Harder to set up/maintain• Functionality•Regions

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools•Harder to set up/maintain• Functionality•Regions• Full page oriented

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Disadvantages vs. Paid Tools•Harder to set up/maintain• Functionality•Regions• Full page oriented• Less consistent

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools•Cost

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools•Cost• Flexibility

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools•Cost• Flexibility•People know the tool

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools•Cost• Flexibility•People know the tool•Multi-page flows

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Advantages vs. Paid Tools•Cost• Flexibility•People know the tool•Multi-page flows• Scripting

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Our Use Cases

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WebPagetest Catchpoint

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests


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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests


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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests

• DNS• API• Single Object Tests

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests

• DNS• API• Single Object Tests•Multiple locations

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WebPagetest Catchpoint•Multi-page flows• Scripted tests• High volume testing• Ad-hoc tests

• DNS• API• Single Object Tests•Multiple locations• Comparisons

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Future Work

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Improving the Process

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Improving the Process•Manage disk space

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Improving the Process•Manage disk space•Multiple regions

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Improving the Process•Manage disk space•Multiple regions•More canned scripts

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Improving the Process•Manage disk space•Multiple regions•More canned scripts•Automate upgrades

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Leveraging WebPagetest

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Leveraging WebPagetest• Front-end SPOF

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Leveraging WebPagetest• Front-end SPOF•User Timings (AFT)

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Leveraging WebPagetest• Front-end SPOF•User Timings (AFT)• Speed Index

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Improving WebPagetest

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WebPagetest + Vagrant

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WebPagetest + Vagrant• Install VirtualBox

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WebPagetest + Vagrant• Install VirtualBox• Install Vagrant

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WebPagetest + Vagrant• Install VirtualBox• Install Vagrant•

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WebPagetest + Vagrant• Install VirtualBox• Install Vagrant••vagrant up

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WebPagetest + Vagrant• Install VirtualBox• Install Vagrant••vagrant up

• http://localhost:8080

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Both Are Good Options

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Results > Tools

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[email protected]

Get in Touch

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