Division 23 January Newsletter



Hello Yeti's. Enjoy reading the newsletter!

Transcript of Division 23 January Newsletter

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As I was sitting in bed trying to think of a de-scent topic to write about, Facebook distracted me, just like always. One of my friends had posted about Kim Jung Il’s (North Korea dude) recent death. I thought what a great year it has been for me, for this country, and for this world. Osama Bin Laden, Moammar Gadhafi, and Kim Jung Il have died (three horrible people off of this planet)! Sure this state, this country, and our world might have had some bad fate. But thankfully, awesome, fan-tastic things have happened as well. Wonderful things have happened this year. We elected our marvelous LtG, Alyssa who has turned this division 1800 around, we have become a tight-er division, we almost dominated at Fall Rally North, and our clubs are preparing to dominate District Convention. As each of our clubs begin to take this division by a surprise, we shouldn’t forget that even though we have hills (at times, personal Everest’s) to climb, to take a breather, enjoy the view, remember how we got to that point, and most importantly, we climbed that far. Even though we are busy climbing our hills, or

Everest’s, we all are a part of Key Club. We all are working to make this world a better place to live. Whether it is simply picking up a piece of paper and throwing it away, stopping a fight, or begin-ning a school wide project to fundraise for the Special Olympics. If we don’t help make the world a better to live, people like Bin Laden, Gadhafi, and or Jung Il will turn the world around to the way they’d prefer it. Happy Key Clubbing, Happy New Year, and thank you for helping changing the world! Alli Lampshire Lowry Key Club President Division 23 Tech Editor Lowry Polar Plunge Chair

“The best way to find your-

self is to lose yourself in the

service of others.”

-Mohandas Gandhi

A word from Alli

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In This Issue

Editor’s Note…… 2

Brea’s Blurb/ Yeti’s……. 3

D23 Leadership Team.. 4

Memo from LtG……….. 5

Pictures With Santa…... 6

District Convention…… 7

BEEcome a Leader… 8-9

CNH’s #1 Bee…………. 10

Officer Bonding……… 11

Club Snap Shots 12-13

Special Olympics

Bingo Party…………….


Club/ Member of the



December’s DCM



January’s DCM



Calendar……………… 18

Introducing the Yeti’s

Brea’s Blurb

Hello division 23! This is just a reminder that

DCON is coming up and you should be actively

fundraising for your club! If you have any

questions or suggestions for division fundrais-

ing, email me at:

[email protected]

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Lindsey Newman Alyssa Yocom

Mr. Mike

Alli Lampshire









Division 23

Tech Editor

[email protected]

Region 6


mmcstroul@ gmail.com

I don't really have a favorite memory in the snow because I don't like the cold too much but I love the way that snow looks when it

has freshly fallen: sparkly, soft, fresh, and new. It makes me smile.

I love snow because it is an other excuse for me to be a little kid

and play around in it. Plus it is one more reason to come in make

extra marshmallow hot chocolate! <3

Brea Denney





My favorite thing about snow is that I can ski in it.

THE Yeti

I love shoveling the snow for all of my neighbors and building igloos

The Yeti

My favorite memory of snow was when I had my first snow experience here in Nevada. My sister and I put on all of our new snow gear on and built forts and went sledding on the hill behind our house!!!

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Alli Lampshire

I don't really have a favorite memory in the snow because I don't like the cold too much but I love the way that snow looks when it

has freshly fallen: sparkly, soft, fresh, and new. It makes me smile.

I love snow because it is an other excuse for me to be a little kid

and play around in it. Plus it is one more reason to come in make

extra marshmallow hot chocolate! <3

Challenge of the month: Each month, I will give

you a challenge. I want to hear all about your

opinions and experiences so please take the time

to answer these prompts. By accepting this

challenge, you give your club Yeti Points.

Tell me about your favorite childhood


Hey there BEEautiful Yetis!

I hope that you are all celebrating the New Year in the best way

possible! It is a time for happiness, relaxation, motivation, and new op-

portunities. Now is your chance to make a difference! 2012 is starting

us all off on a clean slate. Whether you are a freshman, a senior, or an-

ything in between, take this year by storm! I encourage you all to serve

your community and the people around you in every way possible as

well as take some time this year to focus on what really matters:

Friends, Family, school, and Key Club! Breathe in the fresh new air and

go out and make a difference.

I am bringing in the New Year with the MVBees (CNH District Board)

at Winter Board training where I will be preparing myself to finish off

my term and hand over our wonderful division to someone else. Change

is in the air! Take this chance to become a leader within this division. If

you are interested in becoming a Lieutenant Governor (or a club officer)

please let me know as soon as possible! I would love to help each and

every one of you become better service leaders. Becoming a leader at

the club or division level will help you develop skills you didn’t know

that you had as well as allow you to work with other service leaders.

With that said, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for

making this year so fantastic. Since April of 2011, Division 23 has

reached amazing heights! We raised $1,200+ for the Pediatric Trauma

Program, sent 167 people to Fall Rally North, we have gained an abun-

dance of wonderful new members and our service hours have almost

doubled! Congratulations to you, Division 23, you rock! I am so hon-

ored to be able to serve such a motivated and diverse division. But

don’t let us stop now! The year is just beginning! Let’s go out with a

bang and show California-Nevada-Hawaii what D23 has!

Your chance to celebrate a great and successful Key Club year is

nearing! District Convention is right around the corner. This event will

showcase you and your club for all of the hard work and magical ser-

vice you have done. This enlightening event is a great chance for you

to learn, celebrate, and make friends all at once. I want to see YOU

there! (Please contact your club officers for more details).

Have a wonderful month! I hope to see you all at the January DCM

and at other service events. :]



Memo from The LtG

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Lowry Members walking to the airport

before departure to DCON 2011

A Visit from the North Pole Lowry High School

This holiday season as we prepare for one of

our busiest times of the year some of our

members stopped for a minute and took

the time to make some local happier. They

got a visit from Santa and some of his elves

(oh, and most importantly , his Snow Prin-

cess)! We had some of our shortest mem-

bers be the elves and oddly enough our

tallest member and current President Alli

was an elf, well that was until she decided

to be a Snow Princess at the last minute.

Needless to say it was a great success! We

felt lucky to have no little kids pull on San-

ta’s beard and find out it wasn’t the real

Old Saint Nick. We got many thank you’s

from parents, and many shy smiles from the

little ones. One thing we heard a lot of was

“Santa this year I would like….for Christmas”

Mary Castaneda, Bulletin Editor, and Yoana

Chavez, Junior Representative, playing elf.

I loved the whole experience of it! But my favorite part was when the kids walked in, saw Santa and had the biggest smiles on their faces!

-Yoana Chavez, Junior Class Representative

In the pictures above: Yoana Chavez (elf), Mary Castaneda (elf), JD Martin (Santa), and

Alli Lampshire (Snow Princess).

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Calling All Key Clubbers!!

April 13-15, 2012

Santa Clara Convention Center

Come CELEBRATE a year of magical service.

District Convention is where Key Clubbers from all over our Cali-Nev-Ha District gather to

expand their knowledge about Key Club and service, to elect the next executive board

team for our district, and to recognize Key Club individuals and clubs for all their hard work

and dedication to Key Club.

DCON Theme 2012:

BEElieve – the Magic of Service

What to expect:

A jam-packed weekend full of fun, fellowship, service, education, and

spirit! DCON Consists of General Sessions as well as Workshops. Key Note

and motivational speakers will be present. Also, a talent show will be fea-

tured. The workshops help you learn more about Key Club as well as pro-

vide you with the skills to be a better leader and to better serve your com-

munity. You will find at least one workshop that is perfect for you since

there is a plethora to choose from. When you spend an entire weekend

with more than 3,000 Key Clubbers in the same convention center, you

can bet that spirits will be high! Enjoy fun spirit battles and show your pride

for Key Club. This DCON, we are focusing on the successes of the club

and the magical feeling you get from community service.

Lowry Members walking to the airport

before departure to DCON 2011

This event is life-changing. It makes a member better understand the gravity

of Key Club. We aren’t just another service organization. We are a strong

group of youthful individuals that are reaching millions of people world-

wide. Being a Key Club member is something to be proud of.

All of the hard work we do in Key Club surely deserves recognition. Please

join us in Spring 2012! Enjoy a weekend in sunny California with other Key

Club members just like you. A year of service will be celebrated all weekend

long. We can’t wait to see you there!

Questions? Please contact your club officers and/or Lieutenant Governor.

Lowry Members before boarding their

plane to Anaheim, DCON 2011

District Convention 2012

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BEEcome a Leader

Interested in be-

coming a leader

that is able to

work with 74 oth-

er leaders that

love to serve their

communities like

you do?

Become the next Lieutenant Governor for D23!

What do Lt. Governors do?

Serve all of the Clubs in their Divi-


Build their skills as leaders

Develop time management, or-

ganization, and office program


Serve the community

Get the opportunity to explore

their capabilities and achieve

great heights

Have a blast!

Training & Election

Candidate Training Conference –

Put on by 2011-12 Lt. Governors

Learn what it takes to be a LTG

January 14, 2011

Conclave (Lt. Governor election)

held in February 2012

Are YOU interested in serving

your Division for the 2012-13 Key

Club year? Contact Alyssa Yo-

com at

[email protected]!

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BEEcome a Leader

Inspire others!

Learn about yourself!

Share your enthusi-


Become a LEADER.

Want to take

up responsi-

bilities and

grow as a

leader while

working di-

rectly with


Become your club’s next Officer!

Becoming an officer develops

your skills and allows you to

help your home club help the

community in a multitude of

ways while building a better un-

derstanding of Key Club Inter-


Positions Available:


=Vice President



=Bulletin Editor

I am a caring and

competent servant

leader transform-

ing communities


Find out more! =Talk to your club officers

=Visit cnhkeyclub.org and research your

position under the “Officers” tab.

=Contact Alyssa at

[email protected]

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Officers from all over Division 23 gathered on December 11 at the Sierra Hall (UNR). We didn’t sit at a table all

afternoon and have workshops- we were on our feet most of the time. It started with learning how to form a

circle- yes, we had to learn how to make a proper circle. We had high five buddies, high ten buddies, and high

fifteen buddies. With our high fifteen patterns, we had to come up with three wishes. While playing the line

game, we learned a lot about ourselves and those around us. It was an inspiring day where new bonds were

Officer bonding was not only fun, but enlightening and I

learned a lot about my peers. -Brea Denney, Executive Assis-


We played a lot of really fun games, I was

able to meet some new people, and it was

fun because I got out of my comfort zone

and experience some new things.

-Colter Ruttenbur, Lowry Freshmen Class


Officer Bonding


It was magical being able

to see so many leader in

Key Club come together

and have a blast learning

about each other.

-Alyssa Yocom, LtG

Officer Bonding Day

It was a lot of fun and it was

a great chance to meet and get to know some of the oth-

er officers!

-Danielle Kovaltchouk, Wooster’s Treasurer

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Albert Lowry High School We might have had a very intense month,

but we most definitely created tighter and new

bonds filled with memories that will never be forgot-

ten. After a service project, our President, Alli Lamp-

shire, and our Bulletin Editor, Mary Castaneda, were

scared almost to death by our Sophomore Repre-

sentatives who thought it funny to see them scream

and throw everything they were carrying (which in

fact I, Mary, didn’t really appreciate). Mary Cas-

taneda, Lowry’s Bulletin Editor and November’s

Member of Month, saved our President, Alli, many

Club Snap Shots

Lowry: Alli Lampshire (Snow Princess),

Mary Castaneda (Elf 1), and JD

Martin (Santa), volunteer at a local

Elementary School for Pictures With


Lowry: Alli Lampshire takes pictures of

the Special Olympian's and Santa at

their Special Olympian Bingo Holiday


times during these last month, whether it be from getting her out of the little kid play

place at McDonalds at one of our socials or simply saving her from herself. Mary had

one of the highest attendance records for November, attended all service events, help-

ing fundraise for District Convention, maintained a positive attitude, contributed idea’s to

benefit the club, school, and community.

Key Club week was celebrated by wearing our Fall Rally shirts, thanking Key Play-

ers, and inviting the school to a pizza party which doubled as our club social, this was a

great way to get new members for our club and had quite a few new members and are

expecting more to come! Our biggest fundraiser this month was for DCON with See’s

Candy (we raised about $1,450; our club is able to keep 30% of that); we volunteered at

our local Soup Kitchen and helped a local Elementary school decorate gift bags for their

holiday shop. Some of our shortest and one of our tallest members (actually the tallest

member, Alli) played elves and Santa at a local elementary school.

Our annual Special Olympians Bingo Christmas Party was a huge success and seeing the

joy and fun in the eyes of these kids when they got a bingo, we are actually very close to

these kids and it warmed our hearts to see them so happy. Between preparing for Spe-

cial Olympics and shopping for our Board Member Secret Santa, playing Santa and his

Elves, helping make holiday bags, and trying to keep Alli from falling, Lowry members

have been very busy .

Early MRF: 200

Articles/Quotes: 150

Visuals: 500

DCM Attendance: 80

Most Service: 200

Most Funds Raised: 150

Dues on time: 250

Miscellaneous: 85

Total: 1,615

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Lowry: Special Olympian with his BINGO

prize too cute!

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Earl Wooster High School Early MRF: 200

Articles/Quotes: 10

DCM Attendance: 60

TOC: 25

Dues on time: 250

Miscellaneous: 90

Total: 635

Galena High School

Early MRF: 200

Dues on time: 250

Total: 450 Reno High School

Early MRF: 200

DCM Attendance: 60

Dues on time: 250

Miscellaneous: 50

Total: 560

Edward C. Reed High School

Early MRF: 200

DCM Attendance: 60

TOC: 25

Dues on time: 250

Miscellaneous: 75

Total: 610

North Valleys High School

Early MRF: 200

DCM Attendance: 110

Dues on time: 250

Miscellaneous: 100

Total: 660

Proctor Hug High School

Early MRF: 200

DCM Attendance: 20

TOC: 25

Miscellaneous 25

Total: 270

Elko High School On time dues: 250

Total: 250

Spring Creek

On time MRF: 100

Miscellaneous: 100

Total: 200

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Lowry members came together this holiday season to host a bingo party for our

local Special Olympians. Smiles were made, idea’s were created, friendships

were formed, and some Key Clubbers lives were changed by these very special


Special Olympics Christmas Bingo Party

I really loved helping out with the

party and playing bingo with the kids was really fun i loved their fac-es when someone would win a prize

overall i think it was a great party.

-Giovanni Diaz, Lowry Treasurer

It was really fun. I was really glad to

play Santa for all the kids. It inspired me

to be better than I usually am.

-Colter Ruttenbur, Lowry Freshmen Class


Watching the Olympians see/ meet Santa with their shy, nervous smiles on their faces, brought back some memo-ries. It took them a while to adjust to the idea of Santa

being there. I could tell they loved when Santa took some

time out of his busy schedule this time of year to sit down, and play some bingo with them.

-Alli Lampshire, Lowry President and D23 Tech Editor

California-Nevada-Hawaii District


This certificate is awarded to

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California-Nevada-Hawaii District

Division 23


This certificate is awarded to Albert Lowry

240 service hours (November)

Attended DCM

Actively participates in the division

when possible

Maintains division relations

For actively participating within the division and going above and beyond regular expectations in regards to club duties as of December 20, 2011.

MEMBER OF THE MONTH This certificate is awarded to

*Favorite Key Club Service Event:

Tournament of Champions

*Favorite Key Club Social Event: Re-

gion Training Conference

*Why she joined Key Club: To make

a difference in the world.

*Club: Earl Wooster

Jessica SanJuan

This member has been actively participating in the division

through consistent attendance as well as by being an inspira-tion to others to do more ser-vice as of December 20, 2011.

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December Division Council Meeting Minutes

Called to order by Alyssa Yocom at 2:06pm.

Key Club Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance

Attendance: Lowry, Wooster, Reed, North Valleys, Hug, Reno

Old Business was discussed.

Special Olympics

Described as fulfilling and fun

Shared experiences from it

Key to College

Educational, enlightening, fun. Thanks to UNR’s Circle K.

Club Events

Discussed the upcoming projects of each club.

Upcoming Events

District Convention

April 13-15th 2012 at Santa Clara Convention Center

Discussed fundraiser ideas

Selling Lanyards

Created the slogan “BEE the Key!”

If you have any more, contact Brea at [email protected]

Philanthropic Fundraising & Service

Service opportunities are available such as Adopt a Family, Collect Canned Food, Volunteering at the Hu-

mane Society, Special Olympics, Polar plunge etc.


Upcoming elections for Lieutenant Governor, and Club Officers

Candidate Training Conference (for potential Lt. Governors) will be January 14th. Save the date!

Contact Alyssa ([email protected]) if interested!

Meeting adjourned at 3:06pm.

Date: Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Location: University of Nevada, Reno

Time: 2:00-3:00pm

Focus: Division bonding, DCON, Service,

Eliminate fundraising, Division Socials

Relevant Contact Information Given:

Alyssa Yocom

[email protected]

Alli Lampshire

[email protected]

Breanna Denney

[email protected]

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Call to Order

Key Club Pledge

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Albert Lowry

Earl Wooster

Edward C. Reed



North Valleys

Procter Hug



Spanish Springs

Spring Creek

Division 45

Ice Breaker

Old Business

Division Accomplish-


Club Accomplishments

Upcoming Events

A New Year, a New


Chili’s Fundraiser

Lanyard Sales

Service opportunities

Philanthropic Fundrais-

ing (Eliminate pro-


Conclave: Feb. 5th!

January Division Council Meeting

Date: January 15, 2012

Location: 855 S. Center Street Reno, NV

Time: 1:00-2:00pm

Focus: “New Year, New You,” celebrating the

magic of service, District Convention, elec-














Key Club Pledge:

I pledge, on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club

International; to build my home, school, and community;

to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces

which tend to undermine these institutions.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Suggestions?


Alyssa Yocom

Division 23 & Division 45 Lieutenant Governor

Email: [email protected]

Call/Text: 775-846-9747


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January 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 FASFA Applica-

tions Open

Happy New Year

2 3 4

National Trivia Day

5 Newsletter

Articles & Visuals

Due 6:00pm

6 7


Secret Pal Day

9 10 11 12

National Work

Harder Day



Candidate Training



DCM @ 1 pm

Newsletter Input

due by 6pm

16 Martin Luther

King Jr Day



17 18 19

Popcorn Day


National HUGGING


21Camp Lotsafun

Fundraiser at Bowl-

ing Stadium

National Hug Day


Division Council


23 24 25

Opposite Day

26 27 28

29 30 31

Backwards Day

February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


National Freedom



Ground Hog Day

3 4

5 DCM @ 12:45,

Ice Skating Social

@ 1:30; Super Bowl!

National Disaster

6 7 8 9

Hershey's Chocolate


10 11

Eliminate Date

12 13

Get a different

Name day


Valentines Day

15 Items for news-

letter due

National Gum Drop


16 17

National Random

Acts of Kindness



19 20

Presidents Day



World Thinking Day

National Be Humble


23 24 25

Executive Candi-

date Training Con-


26 27

International Polar

Bear Day


National Public

Sleeping Day


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