Distro Recipes 2013 : Debian and quality assurance

Debian Quality Assurance Lucas Nussbaum [email protected] [email protected] Debian Quality Assurance 1 / 31



Transcript of Distro Recipes 2013 : Debian and quality assurance

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Debian Quality Assurance

Lucas [email protected]

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I Assistant professor (Maître de conférences) at Univ. de Lorraine� Teach Free Software in a system administration curriculum

(Licence Professionnelle Administration Système, Réseaux etApplications à base de Logiciel Libre)

I Debian involvement:� Collaboration between Debian and Ubuntu

� Ruby packaging

� Archive rebuilds

� Ultimate Debian Database

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Well known and respected for:

I Its long and bumpy release cycles

I Its quality

But it was not a given:I > 1000 Debian Developers

� Mostly volunteers, with their own agendas

I > 2000 Package maintainers

I 18117 software packages� Some very popular packages� A lot of niche packages

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Well known and respected for:I Its long and bumpy release cycles

I Its quality

But it was not a given:I > 1000 Debian Developers

� Mostly volunteers, with their own agendas

I > 2000 Package maintainers

I 18117 software packages� Some very popular packages� A lot of niche packages

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Well known and respected for:I Its long and bumpy release cyclesI Its quality

But it was not a given:I > 1000 Debian Developers

� Mostly volunteers, with their own agendas

I > 2000 Package maintainers

I 18117 software packages� Some very popular packages� A lot of niche packages

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Quality factors

I Culture: "We release when it’s ready"� Many DDs won’t compromise on this

I Packages ownership: individuals or small teams� Many of the maintainers are experts of their packages

I Release Critical (RC) bugs� Prevent packages from being part of a release� Everybody is welcomed to fix them

F Non-Maintainer Uploads

I Debian Quality Assurance team

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Quality factors

I Culture: "We release when it’s ready"� Many DDs won’t compromise on this

I Packages ownership: individuals or small teams� Many of the maintainers are experts of their packages

I Release Critical (RC) bugs� Prevent packages from being part of a release� Everybody is welcomed to fix them

F Non-Maintainer Uploads

I Debian Quality Assurance team

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Quality factors

I Culture: "We release when it’s ready"� Many DDs won’t compromise on this

I Packages ownership: individuals or small teams� Many of the maintainers are experts of their packages

I Release Critical (RC) bugs� Prevent packages from being part of a release� Everybody is welcomed to fix them

F Non-Maintainer Uploads

I Debian Quality Assurance team

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Quality factors

I Culture: "We release when it’s ready"� Many DDs won’t compromise on this

I Packages ownership: individuals or small teams� Many of the maintainers are experts of their packages

I Release Critical (RC) bugs� Prevent packages from being part of a release� Everybody is welcomed to fix them

F Non-Maintainer Uploads

I Debian Quality Assurance team

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Quality factors

I Culture: "We release when it’s ready"� Many DDs won’t compromise on this

I Packages ownership: individuals or small teams� Many of the maintainers are experts of their packages

I Release Critical (RC) bugs� Prevent packages from being part of a release� Everybody is welcomed to fix them

F Non-Maintainer Uploads

I Debian Quality Assurance team

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Debian QA team

I Goal: Improve the quality of Debian as a whole

I Not really a team (no strict membership), more like a central placeto discuss and work on QA

I IRC: #[email protected]

I Mailing list: [email protected]

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Debian QA team: Tasks

I Run archive-wide checks and mass bug filings

I Maintain QA infrastructure

I Take care of the dirty areas of Debian

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Archive-wide checks

and Mass bug filings

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Archive-wide checks and MBF

I Developers are volunteers:� Focus on interesting things� Manual testing is boring → not done

I Need automated tests

I Other advantage: treats all packages equallyNiche packages are very important to some users

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Archive rebuilds

I Rebuild all packages from source7 hours on 40 build nodes (using Amazon EC2)

I Detect packages that Fail To Build From Source (FTBFS)� Bugs in packages� Toolchain bugs� Failures caused by changes in other packages

I Ran every 2-3 weeks

I Scripts to analyze failures and file bugs semi-automatically(about 200 bugs filed per hour)

I Also used for test rebuilds with new compilers, linkers, . . .→ Valuable information for upstream

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DebcheckI Check (statically) that dependencies can be satisfied

I Not trivial: versioned dependencies, alternate depends, conflicts

I 2 versions:� "Simple one", in PHP


� Better one: edos-debcheck (EDOS project)F Can also work with RPMsF http://edos.debian.net/

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I Testing package installation, upgrade and removal

I Find bugs in maintainer scripts(Shell) scripts executed during package installation/removal

I Developers don’t run it on their systems→ Archive-wide setup


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LintianI Static analysis of packages

I Usually run locally by the developer, before uploading

I Archive-wide setup for continuous testing

I Packages now rejected at upload time for some errors

I Some example findings:� Use of deprecated packaging features� Common packaging mistakes� Embedded copies of libraries� Spelling errors in binaries

usefull visiters treshold targetted superseeded dependanciessplitted maintainance explicitely equiped informations mispelled


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DEHS - Debian External Health Status

I Monitor upstream version of packages

I Detect when the Debian package is outdated

I HTML scraping + regular expressionsI Configured in debian/watch

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And more . . .

I Scan build logs for dangerous warnings

I Track security issues

I Track popularity of packages

I . . .

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Maintaining infrastructure

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Infrastructure: mitigating the data hell

I Debian: aggregation of loosely-connected services� No Launchpad!� Everyone can start their own service

I Data everywhereA dozen of places to get interesting data

Tools required to gather data in a central placeand expose it to the maintainers

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Package Tracking System (PTS)

Source package-centric viewhttp://packages.qa.debian.org/package

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Developer Packages Overview (DDPO)

Developer-centric viewhttp://qa.debian.org/developer.php

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Ultimate Debian Database (UDD)

I Gather everything into a single SQL DBI Perfect tool for data-mining Debian

Currently imported in UDD:Debian Sources and Packages, bugs, popcon, testing migrations, upload history,orphaned packages, carnivore, lintian, debtags, translations, NEW queue,screenshots, DEHS, ldap, wanna-build, removals, Ubuntu Sources and Packages,Ubuntu bugs, Ubuntu popcon

Possible questions you can answer with UDD:I RC buggy packages in testing, sorted by popcon?I Packages for which the last 4 uploads were NMUs?I Packages not maintained by official DDs?


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Some UDD queries

I Packages with the highest number of different lintian errors orwarnings

select package, count(distinct tag) as cnt

from lintian

where tag_type in(’error’,’warning’)

group by package

order by cnt desc limit 15;

package counttsocks 18

pygopherd 18cyclades-serial-client 17

muddleftpd 17elib 17

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Some UDD queries

I Packages with the highest number of different lintian errors orwarnings

select package, count(distinct tag) as cnt

from lintian

where tag_type in(’error’,’warning’)

group by package

order by cnt desc limit 15;

package counttsocks 18

pygopherd 18cyclades-serial-client 17

muddleftpd 17elib 17

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Some UDD queries

I Who uploaded wheezy’s packages?

select changed_by, count(*) from sources s, upload_history uh

where s.source = uh.source and s.version = uh.version

and s.distribution=’debian’ and s.release = ’wheezy’

group by changed_by order by count desc limit 8;

changed_by countgregor herrmann <[email protected]> 790

Joachim Breitner <[email protected]> 237Christian Perrier <[email protected]> 229Alessio Treglia <[email protected]> 222

Salvatore Bonaccorso <[email protected]> 207Clint Adams <[email protected]> 206

Jonas Smedegaard <[email protected]> 195

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Some UDD queries

I Who uploaded wheezy’s packages?

select changed_by, count(*) from sources s, upload_history uh

where s.source = uh.source and s.version = uh.version

and s.distribution=’debian’ and s.release = ’wheezy’

group by changed_by order by count desc limit 8;

changed_by countgregor herrmann <[email protected]> 790

Joachim Breitner <[email protected]> 237Christian Perrier <[email protected]> 229Alessio Treglia <[email protected]> 222

Salvatore Bonaccorso <[email protected]> 207Clint Adams <[email protected]> 206

Jonas Smedegaard <[email protected]> 195

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Taking care of the dirty areas of Debian

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Taking care of the dirty areas of Debian

Two complementary approaches:

I Focus on packages neglected by their maintainers

I Focus on maintainers neglecting their packages

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Neglected packages

I Already orphaned:� Do minimalistic maintenance� Problem: > 700 orphaned packages

I Not (yet) orphaned:� Find them, orphan or remove them� Goal: Put maintenance in the hands of people with time

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Bapase: finding neglected packages

I Multi-criteria search for neglected packages

I Based on Ultimate Debian Database


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Inactive maintainers

I Missing In Action (MIA) team

I Find them, track them, orphan their packagesMostly based on reporting by users or fellow developersEchelon: records activity of DDs ; Carnivore: tracks identities

I Collaboration with the Account Managers:possible removal of their account(Unused accounts → possible security problems)

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Open challenges:following Debian evolutions

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Use of VCSes

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Following Debian evolutions

Need to improve QA infrastructureI Team-aware

I VCS-aware� Abstraction layer?

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that OSS projects can’t make a choice. Andwhen you can’t make a choice, what do you do? You support all options!Yay! How do we support all options? An abstraction layer! Yay! Abstractionlayers are fun to write! Yay! – – Linux Hater’s Blog

I Standard workflows?� Keep track of sponsorship requests

http://mentors.debian.org + sponsorship-requests

� Track state of packages in VCSF Partial solution: PET (http://pet.debian.net/)

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I A large-scale volunteer-based distribution

I A continuous effort to organize development and improve quality

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