District Planning & Leadership Implementation of SW-PBIS Lisa Pruitt Program Director District and...

District Planning & Leadership Implementation of SW-PBIS Lisa Pruitt Program Director District and School Support Services

Transcript of District Planning & Leadership Implementation of SW-PBIS Lisa Pruitt Program Director District and...

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  • District Planning & Leadership Implementation of SW-PBIS Lisa Pruitt Program Director District and School Support Services
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  • So, the Evidence Based Practice what is this SW-PBIS?
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  • Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% 3-Tiered Prevention Logic & Progression of Implementation
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  • Nonclassroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems
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  • 1.Common purpose & approach to discipline 2.Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4.Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation School-wide Systems
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  • Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction Active supervision Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors Frequent precorrections for chronic errors Effective academic instruction & curriculum Classroom Setting Systems
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  • Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff Scan, move, interact Precorrections & reminders Positive reinforcement Nonclassroom Setting Systems
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  • Behavioral competence at school & district levels Function-based behavior support planning Team- & data-based decision making Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes Targeted social skills & self-management instruction Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations Individual Student Systems
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  • SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making 4 PBIS Elements
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  • Main Messages Good TeachingBehavior Management STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems
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  • Evidence Based Practice: SWPBIS What are your teams doing now? School implementation of SWPBIS Universal System Day 1 Training content Overview of SWPBIS Teaming Process Communication & Feedback w/ Staff SW Rules Behavioral Expectations Lesson Plans Day 2 Acknowledgement Systems Tier 2 Tier 1 Tier 3
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  • Web Resources & Tools www.pbis.org SW-PBIS Implementers Blueprint & Self Assessment
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  • Goals of the Leadership Team Training Provide training and support related to the critical features of a district and regional infrastructure to maximize PBIS efforts, and Help your district/regional leadership teams develop collaborative district and regional plans to best address the unique needs and challenges to supporting effective PBIS implementation in your district/region.
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  • Why District Leadership Teams & Planning? Effective Professional Development
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  • Islands of SW-PBIS PBIS Ghost Towns
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  • Implementation Excellent experimental evidence for what does not work Training alone, no matter how well done, does not lead to successful implementation With a variety of designs and measures, information dissemination and training by themselves repeatedly have been shown to be ineffective in education, human services, health, business, and manufacturing
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  • Implementation Excellent evidence for what does not work Implementation by edict does not work Implementation by following the money does not work Implementation without changing supporting roles and functions does not work Paul Nutt (2002). Why Decisions Fail
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  • Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002
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  • Putting it Together Effective intervention practices and programs No other combination of factors reliably produces desired outcomes Effective implementation practices Good outcomes for students + SW-PBIS District Planning, Support & Coaching
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  • Premise of SW-PBIS The ability of schools to sustain effective and accurate implementation of SW-PBIS is largely dependent upon the school district and local/regional supports that are in place. (extend this logic beyond SW-PBIS to any effort to implement evidence-based practices)
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  • Stages of Implementation Implementation is not an event Its a mission-oriented process involving multiple decisions, actions, and corrections Commitment Required
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  • Stages of Implementation Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Innovation Sustainability Implementation occurs in stages: Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005 2 4 Years
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  • Team Discussion Exploration Stage Since youre here youve presumably explored and identified SW-PBIS as your evidence based practice. What has been your process of exploration? What do you know about SW-PBIS? What do you want to/need to know?
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  • Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Competency Organization Student Benefits Leadership Adaptive Technical Integrated & Compensatory Implementation Model District Leadership Teaming & Support
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  • GOOD FASTCHEAP When implementing an innovation, you may pick any two. Wexelblatts Scheduling Algorithm
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  • SW-PBIS Organization Logic
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  • Challenge = Implementation Limited resources Time, money, expertise, etc. For too many competing initiatives Limited focus on Implementation Need to define the systems to support sustained, accurate implementation of SW- PBIS Starts with strategic, long-term district planning
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  • Features of an Effective Systems Approach (Gilbert, 1978; Horner, 2003) A Common Vision: The organization has a mission, purpose, or goal that is embraced by the majority of members of the organization and serves as the basis for decision making and action planning. A Common Language: The organization establishes a means of describing its vision, actions, and operations so that communications are informative, efficient, effective, and relevant to members of the organization. A Common Experience: The organization is defined by a set of actions, routines, procedures, or operations that is universally practiced and experienced by all members of the organization and that also includes a data feedback system to link activities to outcomes.
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  • Common Vision/Values Common Language Common Experience MEMBERSHIP
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  • Los Angeles Unified School District Discipline Policy Every student has the right to be educated in a safe, respectful and welcoming environment. This will be achieved through the adoption and implementation of a consistent school-wide positive behavior support discipline plan for every school in LAUSD. All school level plans will include: teaching school rules and social emotional skills; reinforcing appropriate student behavior; using effective classroom management and positive behavior support strategies by providing early intervention for misconduct and appropriate use of consequences. http://notebook.lausd.net/portal/page?_pageid=33,911578&_dad=ptl&_schema=PTL_EP
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  • Common Vision Team Work Time Related to school climate, behavioral support & discipline What is your district vision? How well defined? How well known? Is this vision apparent in your district policy?
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  • A Systems Approach An alternative to train-n-hope Prioritizes problem solving and action planning that emphasizes accurate, durable, and expanded implementation: 1)Establish a visible, effective, efficient, and functional leadership team. 2)Review existing information/data. 3)Analyze, describe, and prioritize issue within context. 4)Specify measurable outcome that is related directly to issue and context. 5)Select evidence-based practice to achieve specified outcome. 6)Provide supports for accurate sustained adoption and implementation of practice. 7)Monitor practice implementation and progress toward outcome. 8)Modify practice implementation based on analysis of progress data.
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  • Leadership Team
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • PBIS District Leadership Team Purpose: Establish & maintain District Vision for PBIS District Self Assessment & Action Plan Steers the PBIS ship Regularly review progress, challenges and needs of building implementers (remove barriers) Review data (outcome & implementation data) & use to guide decision making & action planning Planning for ongoing development, coordination, and maintenance of programs
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  • Representative Leadership Team Membership on the SWPBIS Leadership team should represent individuals who benefit from and are affected by the activities and decisions of SWPBIS implementation By striving toward representation from appropriate stakeholders, political, policy, management, and fiscal communications can occur. To the greatest extent possible, leadership should strive toward integration of teams and committees that have a common behavior-related mission.
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  • Membership on District SW-PBIS Leadership Team Membership of this team should be based on individuals whose roles, responsibilities, and activities are associated with the: (a)prevention of the development and occurrence of problem behavior, (b)development and maintenance of general and specialized behavioral capacity or competence, and (c)management and evaluation of resources related to the provision of behavioral supports.
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  • Typically, the following emphases are represented: Instruction and Curriculum Safe and Drug Free Schools Special Education School Psychology and Counseling Title or Other Related Initiatives Student Health School-Wide Discipline Dropout Prevention Character Education Alternative Programming Data or Information Management Multiculturalism and Affirmative Action Regional/County Office of Education partner
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  • Political Support To the greatest extent, administrative leaders (e.g. superintendents, school board members, program head, directors) of the regional/ district political unit should be included as active members of the PBIS Leadership Team to enhance: (a) political support and influence, (b) decision making, (c) resource management, (d) relevant action planning, (e) durable and expanded implementation, and (f) policy development and implementation.
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  • District Leadership Team Behavior/Discipline Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Leadership Team Who should be included to make this team more representative across stakeholders What existing teams can we merge or eliminate w/ establishment of Ldrsp Team? Develop a meeting schedule Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • Funding Stable and predictable funding should be secured to support the personnel, management, coordination, and leadership function of the SWPBIS implementation effort. Activities and requirements specified in the annual action plan also can be used to develop an appropriate funding model. To the greatest extent possible, secure recurring support from the general fund. grant support can be a useful source of start-up funding, this type of funding may not be sustainable.
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  • Funding SWPBIS goals, activities, and outcomes are likely to be related to those of other initiatives and programs, for example, Character Education, Safe/Drug-Free, Title, Special Education. To achieve organizational effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance, Leadership Team members and stakeholders should examine opportunities to blend funding and resources. This blending can occur naturally as a result of organizational restructuring and integration of multiple and similar committees, programs, etc.
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  • Funding Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Funding What possibilities are there for increasing cost effectiveness due to overlapping initiatives/efforts? Prioritization Focus on evidence based practices & outcomes Inventory & evaluate funding and outcomes of existing programs/interventions Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • Visibility Keeping stakeholders (e.g., district/state administrators, school board members, local politicians, parent groups) informed about the implementation efforts and accomplishments is important for a number of reasons, for example: (a)communication, (b)accountability, (c)funding and resource justification, (d)promotion of sustained and/or expanded implementation, and (e)acknowledgements.
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  • Visibility Can use a variety of methods (e.g., websites, newsletters, presentations, media coverage, site visits). Goal = regular (e.g., quarterly, semi-annual, annual) events in which current activities and accomplishments and future events are highlighted. In addition, exemplar schools, classes, grade levels, students, and/or communities can be showcased. To the greatest extent possible, outcomes should be highlighted through the collection and display of data. These data should be linked to the activities of the initiative and to the costs and benefits of the effort.
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  • Performance Feedback At all levels (e.g., individual student, classroom teacher, leadership team, school and district administrator, regional/state chief), accurate and sustained implementation of effective practices is directly linked to meaningful, regular, and contingent feedback. An important element of performance feedback is ensuring that positive recognition are visible to the individual and relevant members of that individuals working and social network or culture.
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  • Performance Feedback One of the major functions of the SWPBIS Leadership Team is to develop and implement a formal system of performance acknowledgements, which must be: Culturally and contextually relevant. Visible to individuals and their relevant social network. Contingent or related to the individuals actual performance at expected criterion levels. Provided on a regular schedule (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually). Specific performance expectations and criteria that are appropriate to a given individuals level of functioning and position.
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  • Visibility & Political Support Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Visibility Who are the stakeholders who should be included in visibility efforts related to school climate, behavior, discipline? What strategic efforts should be taken to increase visibility? Whose performance feedback will be critical to success of SW-PBIS efforts in short-term? How can these critical efforts be highlighted and acknowledged? Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • The Board is committed to a positive, respectful, inclusive climate in every school that promotes academic achievement, ensures safe and drug-free learning communities, provides positive behavior supports, ensures equitable outcomes in discipline, and maximizes the time students spend in school. BOARD POLICY Student Conduct and Discipline 4.30.010-P
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  • Policy This policy statement should include descriptions of: (a) need and rationale, (b) purpose and benefits, (c) measurable outcome objectives, (d) activities and operations for achieving these objectives, and (e) evaluation strategy. This statement will assist in enhancing visibility, funding, political support, and resource commitments. Although mandating of SWPBIS framework, specifically, is not recommended, a policy statement can delineate necessary requirements related to, for example, implementation readiness, participation expectations, evidence-based practices, and evaluation procedures.
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  • Policy to Practice to Policy Specifically, policy is current and contextually relevant when implementation and outcome information is collected on a regular basis (at least semi-annually). Together, implementation and outcome information can be used to refine policy statements that guide practice implementation.
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  • Policy Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Policy What might be goals (probably more long- term) for policy and procedural guidelines for SW-PBIS efforts? What steps could you take over the upcoming year re: those goals? Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • Scope of the PBIS Coaching Role Training Providing training/ build local training capacity Develop Training Calendar to support Training needs Coordination District Leadership/Steering Committee Team Leaders Meetings Team Trainings & Data Collection Evaluation Assess needs of school and district based on measures of implementation and outcomes, disseminate data in format to guide decision making in buildings and at district level Coaching Technical Assistance at building PBIS team meetings, trainings, team leader meetings and via email/phone
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  • Formalizing Feedback Loops District Administration & Leadership Team School PBIS team leader & administrator District PBIS Coach
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  • Maintain an Active link b/w Schools and the District PBIS Team Leaders are the primary liaison between the schools and the PBIS Coach & district support Regular PBIS Team Leaders Meetings are one avenue for that Set up channels for frequent, ongoing communication between PBIS Coach and school PBIS team leaders and administrators Email list, listserv, etc.
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  • Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002
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  • Training, Coaching & Coord. Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Training, Coaching & Coordination Capacity How is your district addressing coaching for SW-PBIS teams & efforts to follow-up training? How much FTE? Who will play the role of coach? Plan for next 3 years? Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool
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  • Evaluation Team Task Complete Self Assessment items for Evaluation Complete Action Plan w/ specific tasks & dates for completion
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  • PBIS Implementation Self Assessment & Planning Tool