District Hospital Hoshangabd

Request for Proposal For I), ';,·.Ii·l U jl IVI. Ii Ill, '11.111(1: 01 W vlJ l\ppl iC.ll iOIl ror SAMABPAN DISTI{ICT HOSPITAL Madhy<.l Pradesh CMIIO, Hosll<lngilbJd Jul 2011

Transcript of District Hospital Hoshangabd

Request for Proposal


I), '~.ij:ll, ';,·.Ii·l U jl ~:, IVI. Ii Ill, '11.111(1: 01 W vlJ l\ppl iC.ll iOIl




rioshZlngafJ~id, Madhy<.l Pradesh

CMIIO, Hosll<lngilbJd

Jul 2011


1, Nolin' Il1vitinl: [lid ..

2. Section 1- Gencrdlll1~llllllioll~to l3idders

3. Section 2 - Terms & COl1ditions

4. Section 3 -Scope of Work

5. Section 4 - Submission of Bids

6. Section 5 - Form<lt Of Technic)J & Fil1<lnciLlI Bids


District Hospital, Hoshangabad

Hoshangabad, Dated

lelll!r of Invitation (lOI)

District Haspltill, HoshJngnoJd intellLb to develop u web based paperless ollice solution for

maintaining patient records. For design, development and maintenance of such Web application

propo·;.I1~ <Ir(~ Invited fmlll II'pllll'd ',orlwMe solution providers who have successfully

lIndert,lken web based ilpplicdll<1I1 de~;il:ll dlld lkvelopnlcnt job .lnd would Oe .JlJle to meet the

rpClllirCI1H~ntS;)S per the seop('. 01 Wll/!<.

The detailed RFP document indicating the scope of work, qualifying requirements, bidding forms

and procedure for submission of proposal for HFP can be obtained till 2S August, 2011 by 5.00

P.M. from office of Chief Medical & Health Officer Hoshangabad on payment of rupees 1000/·

through account payee cheque or Demand Draft in favour of District Health Society NIPI

Hoshangabad. The Technical Evaluation Committee (TEe) will shortlist the bidders on the basis

of evaluation criteria mentioned in RFP and call them for presentation before the TEC. CMHO

reserves the right to accept or I Cjl'.ct ~lI1Y or ~lil the offers at any stage of the process without

assigning any reasons thereof anrl no cIJirn/disJ1ute on this aspect shall be entertained.



Section - 1

General Instruction

1 Tile Bidders are requested to 1c;Hllll l ' lL'lIder document tlloroughly,

) Bidder is one who h,,~, I ,-">poIHkd I () the Bid for designing, development and

Ill.lillll'n'lllU' of WI'Il ,lillI/II ,ili"ll ,,11)1',1111 t 1III',pil.lI, 1IlI'Hilld,!, ~II.III duly fill ill<llllhe

Information specilletl ill tilt, prequ,i1ilil.ltioll crlleri., specified, In till! event of any

additional In(ormatioll n'quired Ily lllp District Hospital other UHIn tlhlt ~pcclfled In

the pre-qualification criterlJ, the 1Iidder to the District Hospital shall duly submit such

Information in the prescribed time, The Bidder shall submit the Tender Document

duly signed on each pi1ge <IS ;] p,Hl o( thp bid, It shall be expressly aBrcNI herein by

the bidder that he has re.ltl Jlld ulllk, stood the complde Tender Document and

other documents /rcLJIJirl'IIf('lll~ .Illtl ~;Ilall comply with the same except what is

slated in specified Devi,ltioll / NOll-Compliance statement format.

3. District Hospital sh,lil rC5('1 V(' tl1(> riCll1 10 verify the operation and performance of

I',-nject by Ihe Bidder 01'1(1 till' Ilidlkl ',11;1/1 permit District Hospital to do so. The

District H0Sf.lil~1 will eVdllldle the illfulilldtion submitted by the Uldder with regard to

lIitlder's capacity, The llidtlcr c"nnot subcontract the work at any stage without

prior written approvill from the District Hospital.

4. Bids received with Incomplete information / documents Shilll be rejected. Bids not

adhering to Terms, Contlilions, Specifications and other details as p,iven in this

dUClJlllcntm,ly be SUllIIII,1I ily rejetlt'd,

!j, 1\11 devlilllon~ (rOlll thl' 1('1111'" CUllllilillllS .11)(1 ulher dl·l.llb of lender Oocument

should be s(!p.Hately ,lIld ,1",lIly :,UIJlllllt,'d,

G, Tid:; tender document i~; 11(11 tl.lll',[I',-;Ji)!t'_

7, M0dificalion or Wilhtl, ;lW,Ji (11 011"1 ~ j" 110t pellllissil>lt: .Iller ilS SIJlJllli~;sioll, If the

offer is withdrawn before the validity period, the EMO will stand forfeited, To assist in

the scrutiny, evaluation "lid COlllfhll"lson of offers, District Hospital may, at Its

discretion, ask some or illl Bidders for c1<lrification of their offer.

8. The request for such clarifications and the response will necessarily be in writing.

9. Preliminary Scrutiny: District Hospital will scrutinize the offers to determine whether

they are complete, whether ;lny errols have been rTlade in the offer, whether

required technical dUClllllCllt.lliull Ilas bcen rurnlshcd, whether the documents have

been properly SIIjIlCd, ;)IHI wlll'tlll'l Items ilre quoted as per the schedule. District

Hospltol mtlY, nt i'" di'.C!f'linll, w"lvc ilny minor nOI1Col1ronl1lly or ony minor

IrrcBularllY 111 .Ill ollt'l. 111i:, ',11.111 lie lJllltlln~ un all IJlddcrs '.IIld DI!Jlrlct Hospital

resorves the right for :ollch W,IiVCIS,

10. Award Criteria: 'I ccllllicul Ullcrs III I:nvelope 1 will be evaluated flrst to check,,.:

whether all required IllrOflnillion and documents as specified In the T.nde~........ ,. "f~•.

Document are submitteu and to lIscertaln whether the Bidder meets all Qu,lIfy1n.';;·" .~'(.


Criteria. The Bidders who's Technical Offers are found to be In accordanc. with ·th.;~;,

speclflcatlons nwntlollt'u III till' It'nuer document would be short-lIstvd end will bi:

cQlled for technical IHc5entnliol1, Tha bidders who score more than 70% In technical·

evaluation, only their Cotnmcrciall3lds In Envelope 2 would be opened.

11, Tho Blddor should .11>1(\(' IJY till' leflllS and contlltlons spcdlled In the tender

document. Ir Ulddl'I', ',lIlllllil (·t)lldilloll.ll· oflcr~, they SllJII be ""blc for outrlsht

reJect lOll. The Dhll itt 11(l~,pil.t1 ·,II.ili Ill' IIndl!r 110 olJll~alloll to <Iccept the lowest or

any otllllr orfer I ('u'ivc'(\ ill I (",Pl)/l';\! 10 this t('l1dl~r l1otice.! und sh.. 11 bo entitled to

reject ilny or all olfcr~ incll/dil1~ lilose received late or Incoll1plct~ oHers without

o151anll1li ony mason wlltltsocvl.'l. 1110 District Hosplt,,1 rosarvct5 the r1~hl to make Inv.

changes In the terms lIlId COiluillon5 of the tender, The District Hospital will not be~:: 'i~..'

obllsed to meat and have di'Jeusslol1s with any of the BIQders and or to listen to Inv""representations, rhe 111fc.1~ UJllt,lilllll~ er~surc~ or oltcrullons will nutlJu considered.

Technical details nlU~t be coillplell'!y filled ill. Correct technical Information of the

service being ofll~l'ed 10011.~t 1)(' lillt'd Ill.

12, The contract pl'riod Ill, d('Vl'!tlPllli:llt .lIlt.1 l.llilich of wei) applie,llion ~llull bo for a

period of two mOl1ths I rom the l!;.Jle of issuing of work order.

Section - 2

Terms & Conditions


1. Bidder can be a ProprieL.Hy or P<trtnership Firm or Pvt. ltd. Or limited Company or Joint

Venture. (Deed of con:;litutic)Il/ rCL;istration certificate to be enclosed in technical bid)

2. The bidder should h<lV'~ ll1il1illlUlll Allllual Turn-over of fls. 10 lacs. (fls. ten lacs only) with

profit in any two of the past two fillancial years (2008-2009 & 2009-10). CA certificate in

support to be enclosed in technicill bid.

3. Bidder should have the experience of minimum two years in the line of Designing,

Development and maintenance of website. (CA Certificate in support to be enclosed in

technical bid indicating experience more than two years in similar line)

4. The bidder should have at least developed 5 websites and maintained at least 2 websites

during last two yl'.II'. (Sepdldk list of wcbsites developed and maintained to be

submitted in technical bid alonG with details of client and URLs).

~j.1 he bidder should II;IV\' illtl'I:I.lt,·t1 '>MS Gateway in 'lll\!i.!st one web 'Ipplication.

6. Supporting dOClllllC illS for ful filii I1lj the q lIJ lifica tion criteria will have to be submitted In

technical envelopc No.l.


1. Bidders are required to submit Rs, SOOO/-(Rs. Five Thousand) as EMD for the bids in form

of Demand Draft of N;ltionztlizcd or Scheduled Bank / Pay Order drawn in favour of

Dlstrlct Health Society NIPI ltuo;l1;1l1H"b<ld ' payaule ;,t Iloshang"b,lff, MP.

2. The EMD is non-interest bearing and is refundable to unsuccessful.

3. The successfull3iddcls EMD will be discharged upon expiry of "Offer Validity Period"

mentioned ill Instruction lo lIidder.

4. EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded after one month of finalization onender.

5. The EMD wllfuc lur "'lied;

• If a bidder withdraws his bid during the period of vi.llidlty.


• In C<lse of <J successful bidder falls to sign the contract In accordance with

tCrllh ;llld CUlldillOllS.


1. District Hospital shJII eV<lluJte and compare the bids determined to be substantially

responsive. Any effort mJde by the Bidder to influence the District Hospital In the

evaluation / contrilct Llwurd decision, may result in the rejection of the Bidder's bid. It is

District HospltJI'~ illll'llt to :,l:k'cl the Uid that is mo!>t advantilceous to DistrIct Hospital

lIlld ellch Uld will be' c'v.lllhllL'd usllig tile crlterli.l and process outlined below.

2. The TcchnicJI Jill! COllllllClci.lI eVJluation of Olds sllJII be c<Jrrled out by the District

HospitJ!. Only llHlw COlIllll(.. r(i~lI 13ids who qUJlify in tile technical evaluation shall be



1. The Bidding process shall be a two-stage process. Prior to the detailed evaluation of

the Technictll Uid:;, Dislrictllospital shall determine whether each'bid

a. Is complele

b. Is <JCCOlllp;lllicd by tllC required information and documents and

c. Is SUUSl,llllully respunslve to the requirements sct forth In the tender


2. A substantitlily responsive Bid is one, which conforms to the requirements, terms,

conditions and specifiGJtiolls at the Tender without any deviation. District Hospital's

evaluation in this regard shall be final and binding on all Bidders.

3. The qualified short listed bidders would be required to make presentations to a

technical committee. The technical presentation will broadly cover the following

criteria for evaluation:-.~....:~ ,

Evaluation Criteria







(50 marks)

-(20 mnrks)


1- -- - -(30 marks)

-- ·----::1~0----1


... ..-

"If:II, Itlilk ,1I1i1 tl~I'I, p.11:1:' I.lYUlll'i, Ildvlg,ltluIlS, lI~cr


c-•. ,~ .~.. '0",-,·- •• •......,~"..... ,.

Ikveluplllcllt: Overall dcslgll, look and fccl, I)i\ge

Ivil~,ltillllS, U'jl'r friendliness, urowser

i'i, brow'i!'r compatibility, database design, content

methodology, maintenance and sU,pport

I<'II[ [(Jul'" ddlnil\lslr.llIvl! luob

ilil y, l'lt ,

H'I\ SOIIlU' kc!lllolul!.Y

:1:' for tlcveloplllent of web application


lor exlslilll) Ueslgn and


for proposed Design and

II ~ervICI'" ollll'r than mentioned In scope 01 work

-- --------;-~--__;_------_+-----____1

existing key personnel/team members 10

1t projects

nt project

Sr. No.

1\ GCIlCr;\)l'ar;1111

1 Profile of

'-2 Auu Ilion,

- - !- - -3 ExperlelH

II Parameters



1 DVl'I,i11 tic



C Parameters


1 Proposed


1- -"---2 Protolypl



J U:jl' of ()I

• Technical pi c~cnlilliulls :.corlng /lot IC;lSS than 70 % of tilt: tutal points will only be

considered for financial evaluation.

• If deemed necessary, District Hospital in its sole discretion to make required

variations in the cut off points for technical evaluatio.n including criteria for

technicli ('V,dlliltiOII.

11.,'.1,.1 "11 II", "",ltll', .iI Illl' 1,',IIIIll,d ('V,dllllllllll, [Il'.llill tlulpltdl IIHlIl thcw

plll("I,,'t! 10111"'11 ,11111 I~V;lI\l;lte Ill(' Fill;lIlci,1I Bid or tlH)SI' bidders who qualify In

• "he fill""ciJI ev,lIudtioll will take Illto "ccount the i1durrnatlon supplied by the

Bidder:; ill the COllllllercial I3Id, and the same shall be evaluated in accordance

with till' l,vaillaliun erllerlil 5pc:c1f1cd In the tender tJULlIIlICHlt.

• The score of technical and financial evaluation have weightage in proportion of

70:30 to select ';llcc('ssful bidder.

• District IlospitJI 111;lY at its sale discretion, waive any minor informality or

noncoll fU fmit y or i rI egu la rity in a B'id Document, which does not constitute a

Illollel i,,1 dcviolli'll\, pl'Ovidl!d sllch J waiver dul'~ IlIll prejudice or affect the

rel~llivl' I "liI(iIlL~ uf ,lilY Uiddcr.

Tender Evaluatloll COllll1\lttel!

1, The CMIlO, llosh'IIII-~.tl)"d will constitute the Tender tv"llIation Committee. This

comlllittee will eV,dll"ll' the Bid Documents submitted by the Bidders. The Tender

Evalualiull CI)\\lIl1illl'l' Ill;'y chouse tu conduct technical & financial negotiation or

discussion wllh ,lilY or .i11 the Bldder~,

2. The dl~ci5iulI of till' LV;lluation Committee in the evaluoltion of the Technical and

COlT1l1lerci,li bids SliollILJI' final ilnd binding on nil the partil's.

3. Any effort hy <l Bidder to influence the Tender Evaluation Committee's processing of

Bids or Clwilrd decisiollS may result in the rejection of the Bid.


1. The price I.e, offer IllU~t be Illade by the intending bidder covering all important points

Illtlllllolll'd III lilt' hiil hlllll"! l'llrlll~;('d III Ihh bid doclinwIll. 1111' flIlunclll1 offor may bo

slIbmllted kl'I'llInr~ In vi.·w thl' t('flllS ,md conditions of till', bid document and site


I.. , t

2. The bidder shall include payment of all dues such as taxes & other statutory dues, not

specifically mentioned in the specification but essential for successful completion of


3. The bidder shall 110l be clil'.ible for any extra charges in respect of such payments.

Thollp,h not 111l'llti()llI'd ill till' !lid docll/nelll.

·1, I xii" 1''';IIEI~'' if '\11','. ',II,JllllI' 1',lid Ily IIII' hiddl'l l.lIily.

~, Ailliabilitit's, WIl.ll',(lI·VI·I, 1111 ,H:rdullt of cupy ril:ht·;, licellses or .IIIY other reason, If any,

shall be borne by the biddC'l'.

6. Any royalties or patents or the charges for the use of content. images, software's Ftc.

thereof that might involve in the contrilct shall not be paid by District Hospital. The

bidder only shall pay for sllch claims without putting any financial burden on Dls~rict



2.5,1 Validity Period

1. l.llds shall rCII1JilI v,tlid fUI j HU (Ul1e hUl1ured e1t:hty) dJYs aller the uille of bid ope'lins

prescribed by District Hospital, District Hospital holds the right to reject a bid valid fqr a

period shorter thal1 180 days as nonresponsive, without any correspondence.

2.5.2 ExtOllsioll of Period uf Validity

1. In exceptional circlIlllstallces, District Hospital may solicit the Uidder's consent to an

extension of lll(~ p"l ioel 01 v,t1idity. The request <.111<..1 tile respOIlSl~ thereto shall be made

111 writinG, [XII'llsi[)1l ul v,t1idity periud by till: Uidder :;11<.111 be llllCOr1<iitional. The EMO

prOVided shall also be suitably extended, A Bidder may refuse the request withl:>ut

forfeiting the EMD.

2. A Bidder granting extension of validity will not be permitted to modify his technical or

commercial bid.

• •••••••••••••••




District Hospital is workin~ towJrds Lilt! design, development and maintenance of web

applk.Jtioll fOI Ill,lilILlillilll-: ",dicill 11'\ III" cledrlJllic.dly,

3.1.1 Mojar bu~lno:;s OLJJoct ivc

A. RecordkeepinB 01 Child' k,lllll HeconJ Inrormiluon -Including Photographs_Is per the

forma,t.s. Formats can be scennt SNCU, District Hospital Hoshangabad.

B. Case File Prep,lr;Jlion (011 paper) for patient

C. Alerts(on screen! e-mJil! SMS) ror due visits of patient

0, Follow-up Cdptull'

E, I\nalysis Hl~POl t 1'lep.lI.llioll lJ.lscd 011 vMioliS pernllltatioll R. comulnatlon of child

he<llth observaliolls alll] recolllrnendation parameters

F, I\ppllcatloll ',IlI11d" Ill' hi lill/'.\LtI, Ilowevl.'l, till' d,ll'l entry ~Il(ll"d be III one I'HlBUlIgo

"nd system should be c;lp;ll>le to translilte tile words! phrase ill second laliguage. '

G. As the d<1tJ is spmitivp sO 1JI0IJN arr;Jngcrncnts Illust be done for d<lta security, Also,

no records will lJe I(cpt ill Ililrucopy format so tile whole d"l.l 5hould be available to

authorities when it Is required,

3.1.2. TechnololY Objectives of tho Wobslto Dovolopmont

a, To Deslgll .111l1 Develop I\ppllcalloll (Web Ua~ed)

IJ. To built il d,II.I!>;l:;e wlliclllllJilltaills pillielils. le<;ords eicctrolllcnlly

c. To buill .1 .lil'll :.y:,tl'lll wllidl 5CIlU5 .del ts UVl.'1 ck:drOllil.: !wilclcss medium

regardin(: il1lportCllll cVL'nts!visits etc

d, To buill ;1 d;I\,1 Illilli11i-: lool to C.'xlrilct llw dilt'1 rrOlll palit:1\1 dill"basc ilnd show In

various dlhlly:,I:; IOlllldb!gl.lplls,

3.1.3 The Targeted Audience

a. Public Users

DepJrtmellts etc.

c. Internal Stakeholders - District Hospital Offices and it's employees

3.1.4. Technoiosy Platform / Development Environment

a. Open Source Technology like Llnux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMJ:') is preferable.

b. Brower Independent Development

c. Cross Browser compatibility

d. C55 based design

3.1.5 L<lnguage of the ~pplic"tioll / COlltent

n. Tlw applied I iOIl 511(lIlld hI' dc~lp,ncd with bl·linBlltll (Hindi r:' [nHlIsh) Support.

b. Contenls must bt.! ill Uni<.:ode format.

3.1.6. Services to be Provided by the Bidder

a. Design, Ocwlopment <lncl Maintenance of application

b. HeglstrJliol1 of Wl.'lJ~ite ill Heqllirecl t10lllJln upprovetllJy \)i~trlct Hospital

c. Designing oi Database for requirement of website

d. Hosting of websik.

e. Develop a SMS Gat~w3Y

f. Update and Mainteitc~nu,' of the application for 1 year

g. Provide Tl'chnicu l !\;"oOll: cc for maintenance of the application (l~ Required, on

extra cost)

3,1.7 TIme Frame of tho Project

•The Project Development of Websit\! to lJe completed witi11n 1 months !ro~~c :."~ Da:e 01 Awcro

of the Work Order.



I : I'

.. • ~ • ,. • 4 6

a. The web appHcatioll will LJe. duulleu III rulure LJy the aUlllolll~d Auditing agency

empanelled by NIC /CERT·IN, Department of Information Technology, ~Inlst~t:~f

Communication and Information Technology, Government of India. So, the application

should be as per CERT-IN guidelines and the bidder should have to make nece~$ary ..•.

changes in the applicJtion as per auditing agency suggestions.

b. The web application should be compliance with Guidelines for Indian Government

Websites. The guiuelil1es all: ,lvJildble at !.!.1.!Q://wcJ!,guidelines.g~)yJ.!.l

c. Bidder should desigll the Wd>sik wilh ,H.Jvancl.lu technological leJlures to protect the

site from attacks by /lOckers, virus etc.

d. Bidder should use CSS b<lsed desien approach, clear and appropriate graphics, W3C

compatible coding style while designing the web pages.

3.2. Dellverables:

Bidder has to handover the Source Code, Patches & Releases (If any), All content used In the

Designing of the Website, along with Technical Documents, user Manual,functional Manual, " ..;;:~, ,.-

installation gUide and any other if required for creation of development environment and

hosting, launching of the sill' to Dj';trict Hospital for the purpose of copyright and Intellectual


Training and Maintenance Support:

Bidder will provide training at District Hospital premises to staff people without any extra cost.

Hardware Requirement and Minimum configuration:

Bidder should provide the f\equircrncnt of Minimum Hurdware Configuration, third party

softwiJrll, tools, rcquir<,'d 101 the WI'I>';ite hostinG if in case District HospiliJl finalizes to host the

Website on it's own.

IPR, Copyright and Trademarks:

The Intellectual Property nichts (IPI~) LInd copyright of the application will be of District

Administration. nidder can not sale or transfer the application to any organization or person

without taking permission from District Administration.


• GU;lrantco/ W;lrrnnt y

All programming as delivered carrit'~ d OIIC yeilr warrallty.

• Contract time period:

The contract period for site lJesignillC, Development willlJe 2 Months fWIll the date of contract,

which will be extended by written ,lpprovlli from District Hospital if reqllired Contract period for

update and maintenance willlJe one year from the date of acceptance & hosting of website•

• I'ilyment terms:

Payment terms will be fin.-i1izcd with sllccessful bidder. 13idders should consider all the costs

required for successful running of website and specifically not mentioned in document. (e.g:

service providers for web hosting search engine optimization, etc.). District Hospital will not be

liable to pay any extra cost other thall mentioned In offer of bidder.


Pursuant to the Illdder acklluwh.!UeiI1C tht: Letter of Acceptdncc, the l3iddt:r ilnd District Hospital

shall promptly and in no event later than 15 days from the date of acknowledgement of the

Letter of Acceptance, sif:11 lill~ COllll<Ir.t. District Hospital shall have the right and authority to

negotiate certain terms with the successful Bidder before signing of the Contract. The signing of

the Contract shall amount to award of the Contract 'and the Bidder. shall initiate the execution of

the work as specified In tile Contract.


The conditions stipulated in the Contract shall be strictly adhered to and violation of a~yof

these conditions shall entail immediate termination of the Contract without prejudjc~~othe

rights of District Hospital with such penalties as specified in the Bid Document and the Contract.


TNl11ination for Default 1)1',(1 il I lIoo,pil.d Ill.lY, withollt prejudice, to allY olll('r rc:rncdy for breach

of ()Illracl, uy prior wlitlc'lllloticl' uf dl'Llllll ~ellllo the Uidder, ICrllllll,llc'lhc Contract In

whole without assigning illly rcaSUl1 If

The qualified 13idder fJils to perform any other obllgatlon(~)under the Contract.

If the Bidder is in material breach of the representations and warranties

contained in this Contract.


All incidental expenses of the execution of the Contract/ agreement shall be borne solely

by the successful Bidder and such amount shall not be refunded to the successful Bidder

by the District Hospital.



Bid should be submitted in two envelopes -envelop 1 (Technical envelope) and envelope 2

(Commercial envelope). Envelope 1 and 2 should be inserted in third envelope.


1. Bid Application format on the letter head (as per annexure -1 of Section 4)

2. Checklist of SlilJll1issiOI1';

3. Letter of Un<ll'rt;lkirl!'~ r(,[~;lr<line acceptance of terms and cUlldilions.

4. Document 01 Constitlltion of the firm/company.

5. Audited l3alLlllce Sheels / CA Certificate in support of turnover criteria.

G. Copy of lilt! t'xpcricrill' :.1.llelllcllt ~uPf.lortcd by dOCU/llCllb c~tdbl1shlnBclearly

three years experience ill designing and development and maintenance of website.

7. List of websitcs clearly mentioning websites developed in last three years with their

URL and client details.

8. List of websit..:s clearly Illclltionirlg websites maintained in last three years with their

URL and client details.

9. DD of EMD of Hs. 5000/· (Hs. five thousand) drawn in the name of "District Health

Society NIPI Hoshang<lbad" payable at Hoshangabad.

10. Details of m;lIl!l0wer ;lv~lil;ll>le on payroll to execute the project.

11. Details of minimum hardw;l/C configuration, third party software, operating system

environment etc. of proposed technical platform;


Price bid as per format in Section 'lB.


The original and all copic$ of th,~ Bid Document shall be signed by a person or persons

duly authorized to bind the l3idder to the Contract. The person or persons signing the Bid



ate 01 subm

Bid compIe A "aU. IJ

Dis.r Tal


fie 0



Opening of Ilids

District Hospitill will 0IJCll ilill (~dlllic<ll lJids on 02·09·2011 at 3.00 pm in office of District

Training Centre, District Hospital, Hoshangabad. Date of Technical presentation will be

conveyed to the eligible bidders through email, fax or telephone.

The Bidder's representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance.

In the event of the specified date of Bid opening/presentation being declared a holiday for

District Hospital the Bids shJII be opened at the appointed time. and location on the next

working day,


The Bidder's names, Ilid l)lodilic,1t iOI1~; or withdrawals and the presence or absence of requisite

bid security and such oilier dct<lils will be Jnnounced ill the opening. No bid shall be rejected at

bid opening, except for late bids,


Bids those are rejected during the bid evaluation process shall not be considered for further

evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances.


Opening of [lids

Commercial Ilids will hl' open"" ,1IHI compared after the technical l'vJluation. The commercial

bids will be opened only of those bidders, who will score above 65% in technical evaluation. The

1l<lll1e of Uidder, bid pI ices, toLd ;llllount of each Bid, etc. shall be ,1I1nounced by the District

Hospital at the Commercial lliLl opening. The District Hospital will prepare minutes of the

Commercial Bid Opening. The date, time and venue of opening of commercial bid will be

advised to the short listed bidders separately.


To assist in the eVaIU<llion, comp,lrisoll and an examination of bids, District Hospital may, at its

sole discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid including breakup of rates. The request

(or cl;lrificatiol1 ,111<1 1111' II'SpOII',I' ~;il,ill ue ill writing, If tile response to tile clarification is not




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Anncxuro·l for technical bid



A) TECHNICAL 1310 (To be ~>llbfl)il\ed 011 tile letter head of Bidder)




,- N<lme of the Work

Name and Address of Bidder

Registered Address

Phone No. with STD CodC'

Iu Design, Develop and Maintenance or application for

SNCU, District Hospital, Hoshangabad.

Address for all

communications durill': the

executloll 01 project

Name of Contact PersOIl(s)

with contact numbers


.' -

(, t I II II' "



In (\ II 'or II

I e er

B) Compliance Matrix

1. About Company

--clim 'Ilh)

1-·---11'1 / ~ tlillPoIlIY/ 111111 - -- ----ment -po!ate offi,c<.:l_

,, .

corp II r Ililil ,11 '>tilf


l\oIk 1ll'1 WI'I'11 1-1 OJ --d Illalllll'lldllCC.._--_.------nt management

-sltegratioll<Illd l1lall;lel~d in last

- - ,-



- --- - ---

'-'--'- ._-_._... -lccessfully executedI< order of Hs. 1 (Olle)1(l~C a l:Opy of work

l~ Environment





1 General Profile

- -(Enclosod Supported dl" N.II1lt' of Illl' Illd-- I-

b. Year of eSlablish--c. Constitution--,- .

d. Addresses of co1- ~. --

e. Core businessf. Other busincssc

. - ._----------- -_..

f,. Totalnllrnber 01) Web Services,

u.~,~_a.r of ~~ar~inl? weI..> d

LJ, Cor.l! C0ll1p<:I\!11Cf.' ill:

--• web hosllll~ .1,1,1

- database/cant- web designing• web appllcatio• SMS Gateway i

b. List of sites developcl

- ') years-

J .. .-..--2.

~.- -------- .~---_._-_..--.3.-- - -11.r , .

G. -7.


- 10,- '--d. Have your company sany web appllcatloll WOI

Lacs or mor~? If Yes, ell

order.. ,._c".:.r.

3. Technical Details (Hosti

- !-?etails)a. Operating SySlcl

-Ib. Database

-~ -- -I c. I\pplicJliol1 SCi


Check List

Sr Item Enclosed

1 Firm! Company Registration Yes! No2 I\udll Hepor I rUI 1.1"t .> P.lI '.. Yes / No--- --3 1\1 le;l 1011 • opy or Ii 01 k orlll'l (If '.III1J!;H ll .. tlJre of worJ.. of .. mouill I~:. olle Yes/ No

kle, ---- . -------4 List of Design / .9.l.:y~~pe.d~~EsJte Yes I No - ,

~;; ICom~,nl P,oflto I "(9'''''cr~_ - Yes / No6 Technical Bid Yes/ No- ----7 Commercial Bid Yes / No- --

--------------r---------------------,d. Scriptinl~ I :lnl~lJ,l 'I'

t' DIll 'I 1,1111:11,11;" f .,IlY)

_1_,_~poltl'd Illll . '/

I~, Any plug-In / I'xl '1ll,llllll II' Ilill d to11111 til(' ,IIIP!l1 .Ill III III 1',111 If

oIl1plll,lIll1ll ,II llll'\ll "llI\


Format of Financial Bid(To be submitted on the letterhead of bidder)

Format of the financial Did in Commercial envelope 2




Fill'lllci;ll Bid for D(':,iCI\, 11,'vl'lojJllll'/11 111;lilllell.lIlcc: 'llld other rclJtcd dclivitics of

District Hospit<.ll weI.> appllcdtiull

With reference to tender document for Design, Development, maintenance and other related

activities of District Hospital website, we submit our commercial bid as under


,--- - - - ----Sr. Description Quoted Amount (Rs)-- - - - - - - -

1 Design Development & MJilllc'llilllCC of Application-- -----------_P.... ~--.- - ____--2 SMS Gateway Integration with Cost for 10000 (Ten thousand) SMS

3 Hosting Charges with domain n.1me registration for a period of one

ycor validity with 5 GU web liPd! l~

- --Total Amount Quoted (Rs)

(Amount in words .......................;..............................


4 Additional web space charees per GB (if required in future)

5 Extra dedicated manpower cost (per mOllth) at Hoshangabad in

SNCU primises for managing dJta Jnd smooth running of


Note: This cost Is Inclusive of travel for requirement gathering, demonstration/ trainings to

5taff expenses.


1/ We agree to keep this 011\'[ valid for 180 (One hundred and eighty) days from the Bid Due

date (last date of SUblllissiol1 of [jill) spl~cifi~d ill the bid document. We shall also be agreeable

to extent the validity of the bid, if so desired by the District Hospital.

I / We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the bid document. In

witness thereof, I/We submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the bid


Yours filithfully,


Nam'e and seal of Bidder/Lead Flqn

(Signature of the Authorised Signatory)

(NlIrne and desicnation of the Authorised Signatory)

