District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker.

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Transcript of District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker.

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

TRF Mission StatementThe Mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and alleviation of poverty.

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

TRF MottoDoing Good in the World.

TRF Grants

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

1. District Grants

2. Global Grants

3. Packaged Grants

District 2451 1st Project Description

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

To Support Education:by awarding University Scholarships to high school graduates who are being treated at the Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 and attended the in-hospital school which is run by Modern Schools of Egypt (MSE) since October 2008 till date

Cont. Description

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

•The Project will provide the tuition fees for the full four years of university study. •The scholarship committee and the hospital’s social department made a thorough case study to the candidates and found they are in desperate need of the scholarship.•District Rotary Foundation Chairperson agreed that the tuition fees will be divided 50-50 between the District and the Sponsoring Rotary Clubs

Cont. Description

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

•At the end of the academic year of 2012-2013; there were seven students that finished high school in the hospital•Two students received university scholarships from private donors.•Five students were waiting for their scholarship and the TRF scholarship committee were able to find sponsoring Rotary Clubs.•The five students and their social status are as follows:


District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Name Hussein Ahmed AhmedHome Hadayee El ObaFather’s current occupation

Retired ex-sales in Omar Afandi

No. of siblings 3Siblings level of education

Secondary and College

Medical status Leukemia (under treatment follow-up))Accepted University

Computer Science at the Modern Academy - Maadi

University tuition 37520 LE(8580LE/year tuition + 800LE/yearbooks)


District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Name Walid Hamed MaroufHome Shobra El KheimaFather’s current occupation

Driver (paid day-by-day)

No. of siblings 3Siblings level of education

Primary and Preparatory

Medical status Bones Cancer (under treatment follow-up))Accepted university

Computer Science at the Modern Academy - Maadi

University tuition 37520 LE(8580LE/year tuition + 800LE/yearbooks)


District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Name Aya Ahmed RagabHome Kafr El SheikhFather’s current occupation


No. of siblings 5Siblings level of education

Primary, Preparatory and two sisters in college

Medical status Bone Cancer that resulted in right hand amputation(under treatment follow-up))

Accepted university

Political Science and Economics at Cairo University

University tuition 24000LE for four years : 6000LE annual expenses for:(400LE/year) University fees(3800LE/year) house rental in Cairo (1000LE/year) transportation(800LE/year) special equipment for living and eating for the right hand amputation


District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Name Ahmed Adel AhmedHome Ezbet El NakhlFather’s current occupation

Employee at the Taxation Authority

No. of siblings 3Siblings level of education

Primary and Secondary

Medical status Bones Cancer (under treatment follow-up))

Accepted university

Archeology in English at Cairo University

University tuition 34000 LE( four years of University tuition as the study is in English + books)


District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Name Ahmed AshriHome El MonofeyaFather’s current occupation

Farmer without a fixed salary

No. of siblings 5Siblings level of education

Primary, Preparatory and Secondary

Medical status Leukemia (under treatment follow-up)Accepted university

Computer Science at the Modern Academy – Maadi

University tuition

37520 LE(8580LE/year tuition + 800LE/yearbooks)

Case Study-A committee of three persons :DRFC, Scholarships Chairperson and Fundraising Chairperson studied the social situation for the five candidates and their needs-The committee agreed to offer them the scholarship based on conditions of continuations and annual follow up -Proposal was sent to TRF committee members to be discussed with Rotary Clubs

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Case Study..cont..-TRF Fundraising Chairperson managed to find two Rotary Clubs to adopt the project:-(1) RC of Sphinx: Sponsoring 4 students-(2) RC of Cairo South: sponsoring 1 student-A proposal of the District Grant was set by the TRF Scholarship Chairperson which calculated the four years of tuition and set the procedures to follow up on the students which will be made by the sponsoring clubs.

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Case Study..cont..-Additional expenses were suggested by the RC of Sphinx and agreed upon by RC of Cairo South to offer the students a monthly pocket money of (200LE) each which will be paid during the months of study (September to June)

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

The above District Grant was concluded according to the criteria and proper procedure

of applying as follows: District Grants support:• Scholars at any level (1 – 4) years• Single block grant: awarded annually• Local Activity• Activity align with the mission of TRF (education)•Local decision making•District Controlled

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker


• Include active Rotarian participation (Rotary Clubs)• Adhere to stewardship guidelines•Used by Rotarian in the District• (Up to 50%) from District Designated Fund “DDF”• Planned by DRF Team •Approved by DRFC and DG

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

Special Thanks to:• DRFC Zakaria El Shafei• TRF Fundraising Chairperson Hisham Younes• Rotary Club of Sphinx, its president Sahar Mounir and donor Hamdy Soliman• Rotary Club of Cairo South, its president Soad Abdel Monem

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

It Is So Great Being a It Is So Great Being a RotarianRotarian

District Conference, November 2013 TRF Scholarship Chair Person Rafida Asker

The five Cancer Hospital students already started their university attendance and studies with the help of our District and

Rotary Clubs.