District 1 Annual Fall Workshop 2008 Multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم العبودي


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Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi ادريس جاسم العبودي [email protected] [email protected] Idris is a nationally recognized Recreation and Parks professional and public speaker. A Highly motivating, energetic, passionate leader with vision and a pragmatic approach to recreation issues and needs, has been working in the field of Recreation for the Past 28 years. He is currently the Manager of Parks and Recreation for the City of Manhattan Beach California. Idris is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and State / National and International notoriety and acclaim. In February, 2008 Idris, received the Professional Distinguished Service Award. This is the highest award bestowed by the NRPA Pacific Southwest Regional Council. It recognizes professionals in the Region who have consistently given outstanding service to the park, recreation and conservation movement on the State, National and in the case of Mr. Al-Oboudi the international level. He also received the 2007 NRPA’s Program Excellence Award for Special Event. In February, 2008 Idris, received Los Angeles County Special Commendation Award form forth District Supervisor Mr. Don Knabe. This Commendation is in recognition of dedicated service to the affairs of the community and for the civic pride demonstrated by numerous contributions for the benefit of all the citizens of Los Angeles County California. In March- 2006 Idris received The California Park & Recreation Society’s (CPRS Over 4000 in Membership) highest Award and Citation that recognizes outstanding contributions to CPRS and the parks, recreation, and/or human serves profession. This award also recognizes his contributions that significantly affect the parks & recreation profession on a regional, sectional, state & national level. Idris was honored for his contributions to the profession and commitment to the Creating Community VIP Action Plan. Both in 2005 and 2006 Idris received the California Parks and Recreation Society’s President’s Award for outstanding Leadership and dedicated service to the parks and recreation profession in California. In 2004 Al-Oboudi was the first Chair of California Parks and Recreation Society’s Youth Sports and Fitness Task Force (Initiative) in charge of providing modality, revamping and re-directing the youth sports experience in California municipalities and organizations. This Plan was rolled out in fall 2005 and is being implemented state and nation wide starting in spring 2006. Mr. Al-Oboudi was in the lead as a creator and organizer of the Rally in support of Youth Sports and Fitness at the California State Capital on March-8-2007 during the CPRS annual Conference. Mr. Al-Oboudi is a 25 year member of the CPRS & a long time member of the NRPA. He has served the CPRS membership in many areas, he was the Education Program Chair of the 2008, CPRS Conference, and served in the same capacity in 2004. He has been and Advisor for the CPRS Director of Education for the CPRS CONF 2003-2005& 2006. He was elected as Southern CA CPRS Administrators Section representative serving from 2003 to 2005. Mr. Al-Oboudi is a frequent contributor to leadership workshops and meetings on recreation issues in Local Collages, Universities, and California Cities, community organizations, CPRS, NRPA and nation wide organizations. Mr. Al-Oboudi Developed a proto type frame work for Vision Insight Planning and Programming (Purpose Driven Programming). This tool was further developed and adopted in Programming for Community and youth recreation, cultural and social activities (Purpose Driven Programming) for the Islamic Community in the USA and the World. This is the First Vision Insight Planning programming tool developed for Muslim Organizations world wide. This ground braking work is a prelude to a comprehensive Initiative Mr. Al-Oboudi is Envisioning, Espousing and Creating, for the Muslim Community in the USA. A 25 year resident of the Cal

Transcript of District 1 Annual Fall Workshop 2008 Multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم العبودي

Page 1: District 1 Annual Fall Workshop 2008 Multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم العبودي

Educational Awards of Excellence Cover Sheet

1. California Parks and Recreation District 1 Annual Fall


2. CPRS District 1 3. Samantha Holland-Wagner

4. 1100 West St. Napa, CA 94559

5. 707.257.9338

6. [email protected]

7. Educational-Multi Topic Focus

Page 2: District 1 Annual Fall Workshop 2008 Multifocus[1]ادريس جاسم العبودي

1. Criterion—Purpose/Main Objective- State the purpose or objective of the educational program. Describe how the program furth ered the District, Section, Task Force or Committee’s strategic goals. The main objective of the CPRS District I Fall Workshop is to offer a centralized, multi faceted, day long training to the professionals in our area. We focus on broader topic areas that many different types of full time professionals would benefit from. We price our full day workshop fairly low, to try and capture the agencies that may not have the training budget to send staff to the larger and more expensive trainings being offered.

District Ones mission is to promote and enhance the benefits of parks and recreation through the empowerment of its members. The Fall Workshop furthered this mission by educating, motivating and inspiring those in attendance to go back to their agencies and try something new. We hope that everyone in attendance brought back at least one “GEM” to their agency to put into action.

2. Criterion—Results- Describe the results of your edu cational program

evaluation. The results of our evaluation are that 100% of those who responded felt the workshop is a good value. 100% feel that the sessions attracted a variety of recreation professionals. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest, 9.1% rated the overall workshop a 5, 18.2% a 6, 36.4% a 7, 27.3% an 8 and 9.1% a 10. All of our breakout sessions received good or excellent ratings.

3. Criterion—Results- Based on participant evaluations , indicate how the learning objectives were met. Based on the evaluation results, we feel that our educational objectives were definitely met. We feel that the participants enjoy taking part in a quality training that is near to their homes and workplaces and that we motivated and inspired those who attended.

4. Criterion—VIP Support- Relate how the learning expe rience supported implementation of the CPRS VIP Action Plan. The District 1 Fall Workshop supported the implementation of the VIP Action Plan by having Idris Al- Oboudi as our keynote presenter. Idris was chosen solely to bring a clearer view and reminder to those in attendance just how useful and how important the VIP Action plan is. I think everyone in attendance left with a much broader understanding of the usefulness of this tool and hopefully, were inspired to take it back to their agencies and get them moving if they aren’t already using the VIP Action Plan. We also provided disks with all of the tools to anyone who was interested and gave away 50 disks that day.

5. Criterion—Resources- Describe the resources (people , money, time) that were

utilized- be specific including how the educational program planning committee utilized the CPRS tools of the trade Tool Kit. The CPRS District One board had a subcommittee of 4 board members and 2 agency volunteers. The subcommittee met 4 times for one hour each and had ongoing email communication.

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In total, the number of man hours spent on the Fall Workshop was approximately 70. The district spent $2930.25 on this event. We worked together with Leslie at the state office to acquire presenter’s information. The presenters had already submitted information sheets to the state office so Leslie forwarded those on to us. We utilized the tool kit for promotional ideas and structural reference of the sessions.

6. Criterion—Attendee Interaction- Illustrate how inte ractive learning occurred as

attendees discussed a topic or engaged in group pro blem solving via exercise. Be specific with time, description or exe rcise and or group work. In the majority of our sessions, the attendees were engaged in interactive activities. Also networking times were set aside from 8:30-9:00am and during lunch from 12:00-12:45pm. For example, in our Marketing 101 session, small groups spent 10 minutes coming up with a marketing plan for an activity after the bulk of the presentation to show what they had learned. In “Preparing to Promote” the attendees went through mock interviews to practice their skills.

7. Explain how the program was marketed outside the Di strict, Section, Task

Force or Committee’s target members to capture a wi der audience. The Fall Workshop was marketed outside of district I by sending promotional materials to Districts I, II and III. Because of our close proximity to these districts, we tend to get participants from them. Of the people in attendance at the fall workshop, 35% were from outside of District One. Our board also made a conscious effort to promote this event to people in similar professions who are most likely not members of CPRS such as Boys and Girls Clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts Groups Leaders, American Camping Association Members and private program and daycare providers. We had several attendees from non, park and recreation agency.

8. Describe how collaboration occurred between other C PRS Districts, Sections,

Task Forces or Committee’s. We collaborated with the Supervisor’s section to promote this event. We also applied to the Supervisor’s section for their training grant to assist us in hiring a higher caliber key note speaker and in turn provide a better program to our members.