Distributor Program Package

1 OBERON: BUSINESS WITH US  OBERON Business Franchise Solution Key Features: 1. Device competitive price. The price is at least twice as low as of the devices with similar operat- ing principle and functionality. OBERON Devices costs 3500 Euros for example - medium price (delivery is non-included) 2. Generous commissions for the Business partner (up to 37 % from a turn from sales = 30 % + 2 % + 5 % *) 3. Brings in the passive income at a rate of 2 % for life (90 years) from goods turnover of your dealers reached 30 % level of compensation (3500 euros/device*2 %*30 pcs = 2100 euros a month from each dealer). 4. Flexible system of discounts for your clients. 5. Low cost business franchise (small amount of the initial capital). 6. Absolute transparency of transactions. 7. Technical support. 8. Simple and intuitively clear automatic system of management and marketing «the Information Partner» (includes a site, optimization and support). It is provided free of charge. 9. Unique business franchise opportunities with OBERON for your clients (doctors, the diagnostic centers, dietary supplements sellers …). Unique opportunity for business development : Possibility of inheritance of the business.  All clients and dealers in your country joined afte r visiting the Internet resource uniontech.info, are automatically connected to already operating dealers, in the program «Information Partner», in any order. Clients and dealers in your country  joined after visiting your site *** automatica lly join in your dealer network.  You receive a positive difference betwe en your compensation and compensation of dealers from your network (for example: your percent is 27,5 %, your dealer's one is 23 %, thus you receive a difference in 135 euros from each device sold by your dealer (825 - 690 euros) * 5 pcs = 675 euros. Therefore your dealer before achievement of 30 %-s' levels brings your passive income.  Your sales volumes are summarized from your sales and sales of your deal ers who have not reached 30 %. I.e. in oder to achieve 30 % discount it is enough for you to have 6 dealers reached 23 %-s' levels in the network. Sales of OBERON devices are carried out only through Franchise Business partners. For more than 5 y ears our devices are successfully applied by practicing doctors, spa re- sorts, medical clinics and private users across all Europe, in As ia, Africa and the USA.  If the cumulative sales level of the network constructed with your participation, including your dealers who have reached 30 %-s' levels makes 300 devices in a month according to your desire you can receive the status of Official OBERON Representative in your country or region and to obtain 5 % reward from the country/region/state (there can be only one official representative). For a period of one year (optional prolongation) within the limits of the franchise according to the terms of the sepa- rate contract. Business Franchise Solution Tel: (373) 796-764-84 (Kishinev) (495) 225-16-08 (Moscow) E-mail:  wertikoo @yahoo .com  WWW.OBERON-EU.COM  WWW.INTROSPECT-EU.COM Distributor Program Package IVENTUS

Transcript of Distributor Program Package

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OBERON Business Franchise Solution Key Features:

1. Device competitive price. The price is at least twice as low as of the devices with similar operat-

ing principle and functionality.OBERON Devices costs 3500 Euros – for example - medium price (delivery is non-included)

2. Generous commissions for the Business partner (up to 37 % from a turn from sales = 30 %+ 2 % + 5 % *)

3. Brings in the passive income at a rate of 2 % for life (90 years) from goods turnover of yourdealers reached 30 % level of compensation (3500 euros/device*2 %*30 pcs = 2100 euros amonth from each dealer).

4. Flexible system of discounts for your clients.5. Low cost business franchise (small amount of the initial capital).6. Absolute transparency of transactions.

7. Technical support.8. Simple and intuitively clear automatic system of management and marketing «the Information

Partner» (includes a site, optimization and support). It is provided free of charge.9. Unique business franchise opportunities with OBERON for your clients (doctors, the diagnostic

centers, dietary supplements sellers …).

Unique opportunity for business development :

Possibility of inheritance of the business.

 All clients and dealers in your country joined after visiting the Internet resource

uniontech.info, are automatically connected to already operating dealers, in theprogram «Information Partner», in any order. Clients and dealers in your country joined after visiting your site *** automatically join in your dealer network.

 You receive a positive difference between your compensation and compensation

of dealers from your network (for example: your percent is 27,5 %, your dealer'sone is 23 %, thus you receive a difference in 135 euros from each device sold byyour dealer (825 - 690 euros) * 5 pcs = 675 euros. Therefore your dealer beforeachievement of 30 %-s' levels brings your passive income.

 Your sales volumes are summarized from your sales and sales of your dealers

who have not reached 30 %. I.e. in oder to achieve 30 % discount it is enough

for you to have 6 dealers reached 23 %-s' levels in the network.

Sales of OBERON devices are carried out only through Franchise Business partners.

For more than 5 years our devices are successfully applied by practicing doctors, spa re-sorts, medical clinics and private users across all Europe, in Asia, Africa and the USA. 

If the cumulative sales level of the network constructed with your participation, including your dealerswho have reached 30 %-s' levels makes 300 devices in a month according to your desire you canreceive the status of Official OBERON Representative in your country or region and to obtain 5 %

reward from the country/region/state (there can be only one official representative). For a period of 

one year (optional prolongation) within the limits of the franchise according to the terms of the sepa-rate contract.

Business Franchise Solution

Tel: (373) 796-764-84

(Kishinev)(495) 225-16-08



 [email protected] 



Distributor Program Package 


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Marketing-plan (grid of earnings of the partner): 

20 % - fixed percent. At simultaneous purchase of 3 devices (in case of purchase of a startingminimum base package of OBERON)

21 % - fixed (not dependent on sales) percent at simultaneous purchase 4 devices (in case of purchase of 4th device within the first month after simultaneous purchase of 3 devices) and achance to receive a bonus product «the Information Partner» for free.

23 % - are given at sales not less than 5 devices in a month.

25 % - are given at sales not less than 10 devices in a month.

27, 5 % - are given at sales not less than 20 and more devices in a month.

30 % - at sale of 30 and more devices in a month.

Percent is effective during any actions taken by the company in order to achieve the increase in

sales volumes.

 After achievement of the sales level necessary for reception of higher amount of commission, thebusiness partner receives the corresponding percent which cannot be reduced within 2 monthseven if sales throughout these months will be minimum, but in this case the partner amount of commission will be reduced to the next month to value of previous level, but not less than 21 %.In case of successful sales the percent is rounded up every month.

Example of franchise opportunities:

Being the business partner and the information partner (21 %), after successful realization of all 4devices, the partner receives 735 euros from each device that in the sum makes 2940 euros. Andit is so in case of the minimum percent. At sale of 10 devices in a month the partner receives on 875 euros from each device and, accord-

ingly, 8750 euros of the net profit.

 At achievement of 30 %-s' level the Business partner receives 1050 and 31500 euros accordingly.The achieved level of the income of the Business partner is held on the position within two nextmonths, but indexed every month.We guarantee that production of OBERON will be developing and the quality will be constantlyimproving.We suggest you to begin the business of OBERON on construction of a dealer network on theterms of the franchise.

It is important to remember that business partner compensation can reach 37 %* from a recommended retail price. 

Franchise Opportunities

Franchise Opportu-

nities 20%  21%  23%  25%  27,5%  30% 

Sales volume (in a

month)  3  4 (3+1)  5  10  20  30 The income from

the device, euro  700 






The total income,

euro  2100  2940  4025  8750  19250  31500 

Tel: (373) 796-764-84

(Kishinev)(495) 225-16-08



 [email protected] 



Distributor Program Package 


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The management and marketing system "the Information Partner".

It is provided free of charge. 

The system includes:

Internet site with functions of Internet shop for your clients and possibility of construction of 

the dealer network 

Optimization for promotion

Hosting support (located on our server)

The instruction to the control panel

Consultations on business development Consultations on system service

The help in Internet site SEO

The site content is duplicated from the OBERON (oberon-eu.com) in English.Translation of the content into national languages is carried out by the Business partner and trans-ferred for allocation to our technical support or (if preferred) allocated independently by means of 

the control panel.

 All developments of the Site are carried out free of charge by the experts of technicalsupport. 

The Business partner chooses and acquires independently a domain name for the Site. 

Our company within the limits of system «Information Partner» renders comprehensive support indevelopment of business partnership.

The basic features of the system: Attraction of new clients by means of the SiteConvenient and clear system of the account of sales and orders

* A simultaneous acquisition of 4 devices grants the right to reception of a bonus product - manage-ment and marketing system «the Information Partner».

To become the business partner it is necessary for you to familiarize with conditions of reception of the franchise from OBERON.

One who comes of full age could be the Business partner. For this purpose it is necessary to familiar-ize, accept attentively the electronic dealer agreement and to acquire a dealer set.

There are two kinds of a dealer set: 

1. A simultaneous acquisition of 3 devices grants the right to lifelong 20 % the discount.2. A simultaneous acquisition of 4 devices grants the right to reception of a bonus product - the

Internet decision on development and service of business of OBERON (management andmarketing system «Information Partner»).

It includes:Internet site with functions of Internet shop for your clients, optimization and support, and also pos-sibility of construction of the dealer network.

 Also our company within the limits of system «Information Partner» renders comprehensive support

in development of business partners:- Search optimization,- Constant improvements of services,- Working out of new electronic services.

The information Partner

How to become the Business partner

Tel: (373) 796-764-84

(Kishinev)(495) 225-16-08



 [email protected] 



Distributor Program Package 


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The management module by own orders, orders of personal clients, the account and work with a

dealer network is at present developed.

It is important to remember that business partner compensation can reach 37 %* 

from a recommended retail price. 

* The maximum total discount is formed of a personal maximum merchandising allowance (30 

%), 2 % from trade turnover of your junior business partners (at achievement by junior Business 

partners of the maximum discount in 30 %, up until that time you receive a difference between 

their existing discount and yours of 30 %. Negative discounts are not paid), and 5 % from trade 

turnover of the country of allocation the dealer.

5 % are regulated by the separate regional representation agreement. 

Business partner responsibilities: 

1. Consultation of clients on functioning and use of the device (for the clients).

2. Dispatch of devices of the clients for warranty service in authorized service centersOBERON (Russia) in case of their malfunction.

3. Clerical work conducting according to the franchise.4. Sharing in the discount program of the company (the maximum client discount of 10 %).

We or our representatives grant discounts for all our buyers.

The constant discount of 5 % is granted any buyer after acquisition of the second deviceOBERON/Introspect.The constant discount of 10 % is granted any buyer after acquisition three NLS devices forany period of time.Discounts do not extend on the devices delivered subject to conditions of leasing and

are not summed up.


Contact:  [email protected]  

Conditions of discounts

Tel: (373) 796-764-84

(Kishinev)(495) 225-16-08



 [email protected] 



Distributor Program Package