DISTRIBUTION ISSUE #817- May 12, 2017 Locky News · 2017-05-08 · Phill Collins (pictured)...

See Page 2 for contact and publishing details. Registered No A0024058N ABN 68 147 443 610 Email: [email protected] Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher, Lockington Community News Inc. This paper is prepared for you by volunteers to help our community stay alive. Subscriptions Available. ISSUE #817- May 12, 2017 Locky News Lockingtons Priceless Paper $ FREE DISTRIBUTION ≈ 500 John Glover RFD – Wing Commander (Retd) in Lockington ANZAC Easter Egg Hunt A fantastic day was had by all at Lockington's third Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal Easter Egg Hunt. With just under 100 chil- dren taking part in the hunt, there wasn't a sad face anywhere. Especially when chocolate is in- volved. Kids enjoyed not just the chocolate, but also face painting, temporary tattoos, egg and spoon race and colouring in. A big hit with kids of all ages was the jelly eating competition, which had everyone in fits of laughter as kids tried to eat jelly, or pick out Skittles from the jelly, without using their hands. We raised a huge total of $2040! Thank you to all who came, from near and far, to support this fantastic cause! Also, thank you to our sponsors of the day: Helen's Takeaway, Lockington Post office, Snap Fitness Echuca, Echuca Para- mount Cinemas, Big W Echuca, Endota Spa Echuca, Beechworth Bakery, Coles Echuca and Woolworths Echuca. Remember, Lockington is now on the tally board for the Good Friday Appeal, so you can ring anytime on the day next year and donate on the day. Nicolce Cunnington, Area Manager. Inside This Issue….. 2 St Davids - Milloo 3 Notices 4 School News 5 Bush Nursing Centre 6 Shire News, Peter Walsh 7 ANZAC Day 8 & 9 Annual Adverts 10 & 11 Casual Adverts 12 & 13 Annual Adverts 14 Locky Neighbourhood House 15 & 16 LBU - 100 years 17 Sport - Bowls 18 Sport - Bowls, Bamawm Golf, Leadership Grants 19 Locky Golf 20 Calendar Next Typing Date MONDAY, May 22 Entries by 10am (Earlier if possible please) See page 2 for details This weeks Locky News was prepared byEditor : Beryl Marshall with Marilyn Baker & Peter Wynd Lockington Pauses For ANZAC Day. John Glover RFD – Wing Commander (Retd), Rochester RSL sub branch President, stepped in at late notice to give the address at the service in the Community Centre conveying an apology from Major General Greg Garde. He stressed people need help to sur- vive to which all are entitled to – to be free from fear, to leave in peace. Remove fear from poverty, ill health, raise standard of living, make a spiritual stand, live together with hate. More than 102,000 Australians gave their lives in war and other operations over more than a century to give the full measure of freedom. Bruce A. Evans (1946) ... ‘teaches us all that friendship, honour and trust are the benchmarks needed to build a world free of hate and disunion’. Mr. Glov- er concluded, Enjoy your freedom, your freedom today is your freedom tomorrow. School students were involved in the service with readings including the poem Sir”, and the audio visual You raise me up”. Above right: Colour party consists of local school students. Left: Isabella Miriklis and Georgina Scurrah carry wreaths to place at Wall of Remembrance. (See inside for another ANZAC day photo.) Jelly eating competition

Transcript of DISTRIBUTION ISSUE #817- May 12, 2017 Locky News · 2017-05-08 · Phill Collins (pictured)...

See Page 2 for contact and publishing details. Registered No A0024058N ABN 68 147 443 610 Email: [email protected] Disclaimer: The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher, Lockington Community News Inc.

This paper is prepared for you by volunteers to help our community stay alive. Subscriptions Available.

ISSUE #817- May 12, 2017

Locky News

Lockington’s Priceless Paper



John Glover RFD – Wing Commander (Retd) in Lockington ANZAC

Easter Egg Hunt A fantastic day was had by all at Lockington's third Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal Easter Egg Hunt. With just under 100 chil-dren taking part in the

hunt, there wasn't a sad face anywhere. Especially when chocolate is in-volved. Kids enjoyed not just the chocolate, but also face painting, temporary tattoos, egg and spoon race and colouring in. A big hit with kids of all ages was the jelly eating competition, which had everyone in fits of laughter as kids tried to eat jelly, or pick out Skittles from the jelly, without using their hands. We raised a huge total of $2040! Thank you to all who came, from near and far, to support this fantastic cause! Also, thank you to our sponsors of the day: Helen's Takeaway, Lockington Post office, Snap Fitness Echuca, Echuca Para-mount Cinemas, Big W Echuca, Endota Spa Echuca, Beechworth Bakery, Coles Echuca and Woolworths Echuca. Remember, Lockington is now on the tally board for the Good Friday Appeal, so you can ring anytime on the day next year and donate on the day. Nicolce Cunnington, Area Manager.

Inside This Issue….. 2 St David’s - Milloo 3 Notices 4 School News 5 Bush Nursing Centre 6 Shire News, Peter Walsh 7 ANZAC Day 8 & 9 Annual Adverts 10 & 11 Casual Adverts 12 & 13 Annual Adverts 14 Locky Neighbourhood House 15 & 16 LBU - 100 years 17 Sport - Bowls 18 Sport - Bowls, Bamawm Golf, Leadership Grants 19 Locky Golf 20 Calendar

Next Typing Date MONDAY, May 22 Entries by 10am

(Earlier if possible please) See page 2 for details

This week’s Locky News was prepared by…

Editor : Beryl Marshall with Marilyn Baker & Peter Wynd

Lockington Pauses For ANZAC Day.

John Glover RFD – Wing Commander (Retd), Rochester RSL sub branch President, stepped in at late notice to give the address at the service in the Community Centre conveying an apology from Major General Greg Garde. He stressed people need help to sur-vive to which all are entitled to – to be free from fear, to leave in peace. Remove fear from poverty, ill health, raise standard of living, make a spiritual stand, live together with hate. More than 102,000 Australians gave their lives in war and other operations over more than a century to give the full measure of freedom. Bruce A. Evans (1946) ... ‘teaches us all that friendship, honour and trust are the benchmarks needed to build a world free of hate and disunion’. Mr. Glov-er concluded, “Enjoy your freedom, your freedom today is your freedom tomorrow. School students were involved in the service with readings including the poem “Sir”, and the audio visual “You raise me up”. Above right: Colour party consists of local school students. Left: Isabella Miriklis and Georgina Scurrah carry wreaths to place at Wall of Remembrance. (See inside for another ANZAC day photo.)

Jelly eating competition

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 2

Lockington Community News Inc. Contact and Publishing Details

Website: www.lockingtonvic.com.au Email: [email protected]

Typed Monday fortnightly, distributed the following Friday. Deadline: 10am on typing days, earlier if possible please. Leave items at our office at the Heritage Centre (through the slot). We welcome news, reports and personal items, photos etc. sent in via email. Please try to limit file sizes to about 1000kb (1mb). Tel/Fax: 5486 2515 Leave a message on answering machine if office is unattended. Postal: 2-10 Market Street, Lockington, 3563 Editor: Alison Stewart Ph: 0417 177 807 Casual Advertisements - must be accompanied by name, address and telephone number (without this information the advert cannot be printed)

Charges: Minimum 5.5cm x 5.5cm $8.50 incl GST (Locals), $12.50 (Non Locals). Contact our office re larger advertisements and prices. No charge for non profit organizations. Reports - a word count limit of approx. 500 words is sufficient for most reports, preference will be given to shorter reports. Due to space limitations your report may need to be edited. Letters to the Editor, articles and reports should be typed or printed, and must show the author’s name and contact details. We do not include controversial political issues or party policies unless we can give equal space to all parties or sides of the argument. (Contact details are for office use only and will only be published by request.) Articles printed in this paper are printed in good faith and in no way reflect the views held by the 'Locky News' voluntary workers. We reserve the right to reject items deemed to be unsuitable. Any malicious information will be forwarded to the Police. All news items will be put on website unless we’re advised not to.


A full house gathered at St David’s Anglican Church Milloo on Sunday, 30

th April for her final

service and deconsecration. St David’s has been a part of the Milloo community since 1886 and many generations of local families have wor-shipped within her walls.

Phill Collins (pictured) welcomed those gathered on behalf of the local community, many of whom had made a journey of some distance to be there.

In his address, Rt. Rev. Andrew Curnow AM, Bishop of Bendigo, himself a former Rector of Milloo, paid tribute to those who had pioneered the church, giving something of a potted history

and sharing something of this own experiences of the St David’s congregation. He acknowledged the challenges facing rural church-es in our day and age. The gathered congregation were reassured that God has not abandoned us, and from the words of Mat-thew 6 that he will continue to provide for the needs of his people, albeit in different ways.

At the conclusion of the short service of evening prayer, a ‘Certificate of Deconsecration’ was read by the bishop, meaning St David’s is no longer set apart as a specifically designated place of worship for the Anglican church.

A resplendent afternoon tea was enjoyed in the Milloo Hall after the service and many memories shared and old friendships re-kindled. Many thanks to all who helped to make this day what it was, those who took part in the service, contributed to the afternoon tea, and travelled from other places to be there. Although it was in many ways a difficult occasion, we continue to trust that Jesus is keeping his promise to build his church (Matthew 16.18). The Parish of Rochester and Lockington, of which St David’s was a part, continues to meet at 9am (Holy Trinity Rochester) and 11am (St Mary’s Lockington) Sun-days. We’d love you to join us at one of these times. St David’s has been sold

to private purchasers with settlement due to occur mid-May.

Rev. Stuart Winn, Angli-can Parish of Rochester and Locking-ton.

Pictured left:

Photo: Opening of brick church 10-9-1919.

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 3

Meals on Wheels

To be collected 11.30 am

May 15 - Lions Club May 22 - Catholic Ladies May 29 - Bamawm CWA June 5 - Bush Nursing Centre June 12 - Bamawm Uniting Church

Anglican Parish of Rochester &Lockington

St. Mary's Lockington

May 14 - 11:00am Holy Trinity Rochester

May 21 - 9.00am farewell Winn family Christ Church Echuca

May 28 - 10am Campaspe Cluster Service

Enquiries: 5484 1054 or 0437 460 058

St James Community


Every Sunday - 10.00 am

Contacts: Pastor Bill Cochrane

0427 865474 or Edwin Keele 5484 3117

Uniting Church


May 14 - 11:00am at St. Mary’s May 21 - 9.15am

Contacts: Ray Wakefield 5486 2592

Graeme Haines 5486 2284

St Canice’s Catholic Church

Sacred Heart, Elmore Saturday Vigil 6.00 pm

St Joseph's, Rochester Sunday 10.30 am,

11.30 am (Latin Mass), and 6:30 pm. St Canice's, Lockington

Sunday 9:00 am

1John 4v10.

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for

IS IT YOU? The Heritage Complex Committee wish to know who the kind person is who deposited an envelope through the letter slot at the Locky News door with cash enclosed on Sunday 23 April. The envelope was ad-dressed, “Locky Heritage Complex” but unfortunately we don’t know what the money was for and from whom. Would the kind person please contact Beryl Marshall 0428 862 353, thank you.

60 Years Of Wedded


Congratulations to former Bamawm residents, Kevin and Nell McAsey,

who recently celebrated 60 years of marriage, their Diamond wedding

anniversary, which accumulated four children, ten grandchildren, and six

great grandchildren.

Letter to the Editor Thank you and farewell

“Wal” and “Curl” What a surprise I got when I learned that Mandy “Wal” Walker was finishing up at Pentreath’s Supermarket. (Mind you Brendan and Leanne reckon she’ll be back!). I’m sorry I didn’t get to personally say thanks and good-bye. How can we cope without “Wal”? What she couldn’t do and didn’t know was nobody’s business. The good staff at Lockington Foodworks & Thriftylink continue to give good service, but I, that should be we I’m sure, will certainly miss her work ethics and personality. A very big thank you Mandy and all the very best for your future. Whilst on the subject of good-byes – a similar big thank you and good-bye must go to Lorraine “Curl” Low, our fruit and vegetables lady. With “Curl” there was always service with a smile, and she too knew the ‘run of the mill’. We wish you the very best Lorraine. Beryl Marshall.

Gemma Was Road Wise On Good Friday, and after travelling three hours from Wonga Park, Gemma was pleased to see the Lions Club of Lockington’s efforts with the “Driver Reviver” campaign. She was grateful for the refreshment break, and of course a laugh with ‘Tom’ Scurrah and ‘Jack’ Oli-ver, before starting her journey to Mou-lamein, about another three hours. Over

the Easter break members of the Lions Club served many people with refreshments, and saved their life and/or many others.


You may no longer be in our lives, But you will never leave our hearts,

We remember you fondly, And find it hard to believe you’ve

been gone 5 years.

Alison, Justin & Ryan

Lockington Treasure


We wish to thank all our customers for their patronage

over the past ten years. We have thoroughly enjoyed

providing a much needed service to the community

Deb and John Leed

Life brings tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry,

The smiles fade, But the memories last forever.


ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 4

Lockington Consolidated School News

Lockington Consolidated School and Roches-ter Primary School Digital Literacy School Grants (DLSG)

Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies Lockington Consolidated School and Rochester Primary School are lucky enough to be successful in round one of the federal government ‘Digital Literacy School Grants’. They received the full amount of $50,000 to implement their pro-

ject. The pro-posed project builds on a strong pre-existing culture of the sharing of pedagogy be-tween the schools. The first year will consist of the creation of a

shared Scope and Sequence, acquisition of resources and the development of Units of Work that map the resources to meaningful lessons and assessment tasks to the Content Descriptions and Achievement Standards of The Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. The second year will consist of the sharing of acquired knowledge and skills between staff and the review and re-finement of the Scope and Sequence, Units of Work and

assessment tasks. A Digital Technologies Leadership Team (DTLT) will be established lead by Sean Irving from Lockington Consolidated School. The DTLT will develop a shared Scope and Se-quence, ensuring

that all Digital Technologies Content Descriptions are taught and assessed within each band. The DTLT will assess a variety of physical resources, such as robots and software to purchase to en-gage their students in lessons that will help them achieve the Achieve-ment Standards at each level. These resources will be comple-mented by existing 1:1 iPad pro-grams. The DTLT will facilitate Pro-fessional Development with the teachers of both schools about the

Digital Technologies Curriculum and support them in building their own digital literacy. Teachers will become responsible for exploring the pur-chased resources and creating, assessing and refining Units of Work, including assessment rubrics. These will utilise the resources as tools to teach the learning outcomes of the Digital Technologies Curriculum. We had the pleasure of Damian Drum

our local Member of Parlia-ment visit LCS on Monday. He came to an-

nounce the Federal Government Digital technologies grant we received. Damien enjoyed a tour of the school which included a lesson on jolly phonics from the Preps, a Q&A session with grade 1/2 students and a digital technologies demonstration from some of our senior students. Cross Country - LCS held our annual school cross country on Friday. It was great to see every student have fun while being fit and ac-tive. The Preps did an outstanding job in their first cross country all running across the line with big smiles on their faces. Thank you to everyone in the community who spon-sored our children. The money raised will go towards our new playground. Congratulations I would like to congratu-late Jacob Johnson for graduating from LaTrobe University on Wednesday. Jacob attended his gradu-ation ceremony on Wednesday in Bendigo. ANZAC DAY Despite the weather we had a keen group of students attend and march at the Lockington ANZAC service on Tuesday morning. It is fantastic to see the younger generations of our community so interested in the ANZAC stories. I would like to thank Jenny Howlett who again put in a huge contribu-tion on behalf of our school producing a PowerPoint , organising our students and playing the keyboard. Campaspe Soccer Tourna-ment On Friday some students

from Grade 5/6 competed

at the Campaspe Soccer

Tournament. We had two

teams enter the tourna-

ment which was held at

Jack Eddy Oval in Moama.

Both teams displayed

great sports-

manship and

put in their

best efforts


the games.

Thank you

those par-

ents that

were able to

come along

to support the students and to Mr Hodgens and Mr Johnson

for coaching the teams. It was an enjoya-






ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 5

Dr. Patrick Nzegwu Tuesdays from 9.30am

In order to keep these services coming to the Centre USE IT OR LOSE IT!!!!

Lockington Bush Nursing Centre

Centre Hours 8.30am—4.30pm Fasting Pathology—8.30am—9.30am In an emergency dial 000

Nurses will automatically be paged by Ambulance Victoria and will always endeavor to come to your assistance when able to do so

Mission Statement

“To Serve and Support the Health Needs Of the Lockington & District Community”


“A Healthy Community”

THURSDAY Doctor Clinic is currently unavailable.

We are still negotiating for this service and will en-

deavour to keep the public informed

Podiatrist Nicole Hocking

Mondays from 9.30am

Infant Welfare Nurse Gena Kidd

Mondays Fortnightly For Appointment Ph: 1300 644 964

Well Women’s Clinic Marg Fuller

Ring the Centre for an appointment 11/4/17

Diabetic Educator Donna Robertson

To book: ring 54862544

Massage Therapist Anita Bringold

Wednesdays 9.30am—3pm Swiss Remedial,

Reflexology, Shiatsu & Huna Techniques

Planned Activity Group Thursdays 10am

Fun Activities & Lunch Ph: Linda 1300 666 535

Strength & Balance Monday & Wednesday

9am—10.30am Ph: Linda 1300 666 535

If Elders weather forecast predicts 38 degrees or over—no class will be


Next Campaspe Shire Immunisation Session

Thursday 20th April 10am—10.30am

No Appt Necessary 1300 666 535

Community Car available for Medical Appointments

Fees apply



ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 6

Campaspe Shire News

Victorian Regional Achievement & Com-munity Awards

The search is on for individuals, businesses and community groups that are making a difference in our local community through the annual Victorian Regional Achievement & Community Awards. Council invites all residents to consider nominating an individ-ual, business or group that is helping to

reshape and inspire our community. Category winners will each receive $2,000 into an account in their name from the Bank of Melbourne or an airtime package on PRIME7. Nomi-nations close Wednesday 12th July 2017. To make a nomi-nation, simply head to www.awardsaustralia.com and select Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards, then “Nominate Now.” Any enquiries should be directed to the Awards office on 9720 1638 or [email protected]

Landscape Plan Guide A Landscape Plan Guide, to assist applicants in preparing better quality landscape plans as part of planning permit ap-plications, has been adopted. The new Landscape Plan Guide sets new standards that will ensure a more consistent approach by applicants and result in higher quality landscap-ing. Campaspe Mayor, Cr Adrian Weston, said the guide would improve the quality of landscapes constructed in residential, rural, commercial and industrial developments across the municipality. The guide has been prepared in partnership with Greater Shepparton and Moira councils, and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority to establish consistent standards for the preparation of landscape plans, implemen-tation of landscape works and ongoing maintenance for new developments. It includes user-friendly templates and out-lines the process, requirements, landscape design consider-ations, landscape plan requirements, general materials, tech-niques and plant species required in landscape develop-ments. The full guide can be accessed on our website www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/build/planning/forms-fees-and-resources/

Art Collection Items Identified for Deaccession Following an extensive assessment process, the Arts Collec-tion Panel, consisting of community and council representa-tives, has recommended a number of items from Campaspe Shire Council’s art collection for deaccession. The art collection, comprising of over 300 pieces, has been accumulated over many years as part of the council’s former Arts Acquisition Policy, and from gifts and donations.

In May 2016, council adopted the Arts and Culture Future Directions Paper which included a recommendation to com-mence a deaccession process. The purpose of the deacces-sion process is to build a recognisable art collection of great-er value that reflects the history and values of the Shire of Campaspe under the themes of indigenous art, rural life, Australian nature and contemporary art practice. Each item has been assessed against a set of criteria includ-ing relevance, quality and condition. Of the 232 pieces as-sessed, the Art Collection Panel recommended 73 items for deaccession. This initial deaccession process was expected to be significant and future deaccession will most likely occur due to the typical deterioration of pieces over time. A structured process will now be conducted to remove the pieces from the collection, commencing with offering the items to the artist, family or group, if known, from which the item originated. A list of the items being removed from the art collection can be found in attachment 6.3 of the Council agenda of 18 April 2017 on the council website www.campaspe.vic.gov.au.

COUNCIL PLAN 2017 - 2021 A draft Council Plan is now on display for public comment. The plan details key objectives and actions to be undertaken over the next four years. It also includes indicators and tar-gets that will be used to monitor progress. Supporting this document is the strategic Resource Plan which outlines the allocation of resources that will be needed to achieve these objectives. The document is available on the Shire of Campaspe web-site https://www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/council/have-your-say/open-for-comment/council-plan-2017-2021/ and at customer service centres. Any person wishing to make a written submission on the Council Plan must do so before 5.00pm on Wednesday, 24 May. All submissions will be considered in accordance with sec-tion 223 of the Local Government Act 1989. Submissions will be heard on Tuesday 30 May. After hearing submissions, Council will consider a motion to adopt the Council Plan at a Council meeting on Tuesday 6 June.

2017-18 BUDGET OPEN FOR COMMENT Members of the public are invited to make submissions on the draft 2017-18 Budget. The Budget can be found on Council’s website https://www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/council/have-your-say/open-for-comment/draft-2017-18-budget/ or hard copies are available for viewing from all customer ser-vice centres. Written submissions must be received by 5pm on Wednesday, 24 May 2017.

Peter Walsh, Member for Murray Plains Media release 2 May, 2017

Closure of Rochester’s Murray Goulburn factory

Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh said the closure of

the Murray Goulburn factory at Rochester is a devastating

blow for the town. MG announced today the Rochester

plant, which employs more than 150 people, will close in

March 2018. “Suppliers and local communities are living

with the consequences of decisions that were made by

those who have now left Murray Goulburn,” Mr. Walsh

said. “The dairy crisis has hit local producers hard and the

loss of more than 150 local jobs will be keenly felt in the

town.” The closure was announced by MG today, as was

a plan to ‘forgive’ the Milk Supply Support Package.

“Producers were already under pressure from average

seasonal conditions when the MSSP was introduced and

they have endured a huge amount of stress and financial

hardship as a result of it, “Mr. Walsh said. “In ‘forgiving’

the MSSP payments, Murray Goulburn has confirmed

what people have been saying since it was introduced –

that it wasn’t fair and it would cost Murray Goulburn milk

suppliers. The Andrews Government must ensure these

workers have jobs to go to when the plant closes.”

Peter Walsh MP Leader of The Nationals Member for Murray Plains

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 7

Students prepare to march to the ANZAC service with Tony McMahon and John Glover RFD - Wing Commander (Retd).

Mologa - Anzac Day 2017 Mologa Salutes our fallen, on a very soggy Anzac Day morning. The community of Mologa and district came to-gether to honour our soldiers who served in WW1 and WW2 and all the other wars that have been in the last 100 years, the guest speaker was Brigadier Steven Lee AM (retd.), he entered the Army (Royal Military College) in January 1983. Steven completed over thirty years’ service in the Australian Army serving in many locations through-out Australia and overseas. He served with both the Unit-ed States Army and the British Army on exchange, he was also an Exchange Officer at the U.S Army’s Signal Centre and for his service during that time he was award-ed the U.S Meritorious Service Medal. Steven also served in Rwanda, and as deputy chief of staff HQ Multinational Forces Iraq, for his service in Iraq, he was awarded the U.S Bronze Star Medal. Steven was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia

in the Military Division in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list 2012 for exceptional performance of duty. He retired from the Australian Defence force at the rank of Brigadier on 17 October 2014 after over 31 1/2 years of service. A light horse parade was conducted by Mrs. Dorothy Kaye of Mitiamo, the uniform was supplied by Paul Munro of Bendigo who also supplied mannequins with WW1 uni-forms and memorabilia. The saddle and accessories (lance, gun, and sword) plus all the uniforms were over 100 years old. Wreaths laying was carried out by School Children from Creek Street Bendigo, Pyramid Hill and St Pat’s College. The Bugler, Julie Boyer played the Last post, and Rouse for the Flag Raising. After the service and the train whistled through a Bar-B-Que was served and most of the visitors stayed on for a chat.

A soldier doesn’t fight because he hates what’s in front of him. He fights because he loves what he left behind.

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 8


MONTHLY MEETINGS: 1st Wednesday - Dinner at Clubrooms

3rd Wednesday - Activity

President: Julian Pearce: 0428 844 489

Secretary: John Wright: 0409 259 723

Cricket Nets & Sports Ovals. Indoor Netball, Basketball, Badminton & Tennis


with Indoor Stadium

available for hire day and night Rate $8 per hour plus $2 light coin meter Meeting & Social Rooms for Private Hire

Ph: Leo Tonini 54865320 0402788583


Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays

Lockington Heritage Complex

President Lion: Frank Chugg 5482 6986 Secretary Lion: Neil Haines 5486 8220

Coburn & Reid Pharmacy

177 Annesley Street, Echuca

For Deliveries of Medicines & Prescriptions

Phone 5480 6011 or Fax 5480 2486

Week days only




Or if you cannot contact Ray phone Bev 5486 2467



Bookings now made with Donna Tink:

54862697 or 0458 101 660 If you cannot contact Donna,

phone Louise Murray ph 5486 5338 or 04 2886 5338

Salon hours: Monday closed

Tuesday 9.00am - Late Wednesday 9.00am - 6.00pm

Thursday 9.00am - Late Friday 9.00 - 5.00pm

Saturday open by appointment


Ph: (03) 5486 2275


Registered Number: A11551 Caring for the Lockington Community

HOURS: 8.30am to 4.30pm Mon-Fri

Nursing Care & Pathology Doctors Tuesday 9.30am-4.30pm

Allied Health by appointment

Phone 5486 2544



At Echuca Toyota our Service Department only use genuine Toyota

parts and accessories all technicians are factory trained for your peace of mind. So come visit the friendly professional

team at Echuca Toyota.





Beauty Products - Vitamins - Prescriptions - Fragrances


Phone: 5482 6666

DARBYTAX 58 Lowry Street, Rochester

Accounting / Tax / Audits

Contact : Alan Darbyshire

0419 584 060 Email :

[email protected]

Lockington District Family

President John Wright 0409 259 723

Secretary Wendy Sims 0427 868 307

Meetings…7:30 pm

at the Bush Nursing Centre on the first Thursday

of even months (Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)


Printers of our Locky News

Shop 4, 361-365 Ogilvie Ave, Echuca, Vic, 3564 p: (03) 5480 7545

e: [email protected] www.empd.com.au

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 9

Ph 5483 7767 or 0427 837767

Sales of Honda & Suzuki motor-cycles, Cox, Cub Cadet, Yardman

and MTD mowers, Makocraft boats. Service of all makes and Models. 116 Northern Highway Echuca

Phone 54823329

Highside Motorcycles, Mowers and Marine

Phone/Fax 5486 2419 Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday

Closed Saturdays

- BANK@POST BANKING - (Incl. CBA, NAB, Bendigo) - ELECTRONIC BILLPAY - Eastlink Passes & Fax Service - Stationery & $1 Cards - Prepaid mobile & internet recharge

PENTREATH’S ABN 98004817243

Supermarket - Hardware Newsagency - Liquor

Bakery - Catering Elgas

Davey Pumps Sales & Repairs

Open 7 Days

Phone 54862200 fax 54862405

Lockington Rd. Lockington

Servicing - Rochester, Elmore,

Lockington, Echuca & Districts 0418558578

RETAIL RETAIL RETAIL Our financial solutions include: Insurance Protection Superannuation Solutions Investment Strategy Retirement Planning Centrelink Benefits to Offset

Your Retirement Savings

486 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo. Phone: 5443 4388

Stephen White Financial Services P/L is a Corporate Authorised Representative

(ARN 236541) of NEO Financial Solutions P/L AFSL 385845


(Trading as PA & ML Stanford)

Rural Fencing Mini Bobcat Hire - Rotovating;

Site Clearing; Post Hole Digging; Leveling; Shed Cleaning (calves)

"Your Second Hand" Phone Phil Stanford

0429 865 424 / 5486 5424 A/H

Matt Buckley 0428 826 743

Buckley Livestock


(Formally Eades/Colvin Transport) Servicing the local district.

Complete range of Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge and Subaru vehicles.

Warm personalised service, so come visit our team or call to book your vehi-

cle in for a service. 76 Northern Hwy., Echuca

(opposite Toyota) 5480 3611 www.echucajeep.com.au






13 Hopetoun St, Lockington Ph: 5486 2292

* Breakfast * Lunch OPEN: Tuesday to Friday

8.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Saturday 8.30a.m. to 2.00p.m.

Brilliant coffee, scrumptious desserts (made by ‘Hann Made Sweets’),

Helen’s TakeawayHHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeHeH llelelelelelelelelelelel n’s TaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT kekekeekekeekek aaawawawaawaw ayayayyy11 Hopetoun Street

Lockington Ph 4408 7610 Open 7 days

6:30am to 9:00pm

Pizzas available Wed to Sun 5 to 9pm

Asian Food available

Fri and Sat 5:30 to 9pm

ATM now available for all cash out needs

Cold weather Menu

available from


Lockington District Business Centre Inc.

Ph 5486 2683

Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm



ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 10

Lions Club of Lockington Inc.

Swap Meet & Market


Sunday, May 21st

, 2017 at Lockington Park

Commencing 7.00am till 1.00pm

Site fee: $10-00 (includes one adult entry)

Entry fee: Adults $5.00, Children free

Enquiries: Marg Dowie

Phone (03) 5483 7559 / 0427 795 576


Booked sites must be taken up by 8.00am.

Send entries to:

Lions Club of Locking-

ton, c/o Margaret Dowie,

Lockington Consolidated School


The 2017 Debutante Ball

Friday 26th May

Lockington Community Centre

Doors open at 7pm

Debutantes presented at 8pm

Adults $20

Secondary Students $15

Primary Students $10

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 11

W ill visit Lockington

next on

Tuesday, June 13

Phone 5486 2544 for appointments.


Shire of Campaspe Immunisation Session

At Bush Nursing Centre

For adults, children and


Trading hours of Lockington Branch Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 10.00am - 2.00pm Thursday & Friday 9.00am - 12 Noon, 12.45pm - 4.00pm

For more information please contact

Lockington branch on 5486 2304

Lawn, garden & Home maintenance

Howard & Roz 0428 324 481 or

0447 211 907



Lockington Landcare and Locking-ton District Business Centre are

offering a Chemical Users course and/or Refresher Course.

When: 6th, 7th & 1 hour on 8th June Where: Lockington township

Time: 9.30 am to 4 pm Cost: $382.50 full course and

$220.50 refresher

Bookings: Wendy Sims 0427 868 307 or

Deidre on 0499 170 329 Payments to LDBC to confirm



“Old Bakery”

yummy cooked breakfast

phone 5486 2392

1 McColl Street, Lockington








ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 12

Your Local Dairy Cattle Specialist

Dairy Herds Export Heifers Cull Cows Lines of Heifers

LEE HAMILTON 0418 352 366 Rochester

Norm & Dot Moon Phone: 5486 5355

Specialising in supply of fill and carting of-

Filling for Cow Lanes Feed Pads Gravel and Sand Loam, Packing Sand and Scoria


Richy’s Spraying 0419 598 240

Phone: 5484 1094

For all your fertiliser needs including gypsum, lime & seed.

Mixing Plant for individual blends



LANDFORMINGPhone: 0428 106 132


10 Lockington Road

Manager: Brett Stone

Shop: 5486 2229 Mobile: 0428 862 655

Email: [email protected]

* AMMTA Accredited Technician * Vats

* Dairy Plant Installations * Machine Tests * Plant & Pump Services * Dairy Supplies

Fri: 10am - 5pm (closed 12 to 1pm)


Direct Drilling - Roller Seeder Hay Baling (Net) Silage Baling & Wrapping Power Harrowing Multi Discing

Ph. 5483 2387 Mob. 0417 840 327

Whole Farm Plans Community Drains Reuse Systems NVIRP Assistance & Advice GPS Surveys Irrigation Development Costing

Phone James Schroen 5486 2262

Daryl is servicing the Echuca, Lockington, Bamawm and

Rochester Area Specialising in Fat and Store

Cattle, Dairy and Export Heifer Sales

Contact Daryl Collins on 0427 882 227

Ian: 0428 505 053 Neil: 0427 505 053

Luke McMahon: 0409 454 208 Shepparton - Lindsay: 0419 520 743

Lockington Office: 5486 2347

www.maddisonlivestock.com.au [email protected]


Mechanical repairs to trucks, cars, tractors, machinery &

Cummins Diesel Engines

Spare Parts & Castrol Lubricants

Phone: 5486 2215 Mobile: 0408 511 829

27 Pannoo Road Lockington Email:[email protected]


Automated Livestock Feed Systems

Sales, Service and Spares Grant Humbert 0428 106 132

Kelvin Bacon Hay Contracting

ph 0427 865 272

Hay Sales - Bale sizes 4 x 4, 5 x 4, up to 6 x 4,

net and twine

Multi-discing & Direct Drilling

Contact Greg Smith:


For all Your

earthmoving needs

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 13

WRIGHT’S Haulage Contractors

& Grain Traders

For all your feed grain requirements Bulk & General freight, fertiliser & Gypsum needs.

DAVID WRIGHT Tel: 5486 8343 Mob: 0428 505 609


Bamawm 3561

Excavator Hire Laser Laser Bucket Smudging Truck and Trailer Hire

for all your:- Rock, Sand, Soil & Fill.





phone: 5482 4353 mobile: 0428 505 301

Reg. Vic 1607, NSW 35190

RC & HA KILSBY Master Builder

Housing, Renovations & Additions

Phone: 5486 2578 Mobile: 0428 505 702

MBAV 5488, RBP DB-U-9157

ACN: 007 405 978



Industrial – Rural – Commercial Underground – Pump & Motors

• Electrical Contractor with over 10

years experience. • Your local solar expert using only the

best quality products available.

Call us today for a no obligation free quote & inspection

P: 03 5486 5402

M: 0427 649 363

E: [email protected]

W: www.norlecsolar.com.au Rec : 15607 (Vic) 161867C (NSW)



0438 00 78 78

Servicing Echuca & surrounds

Split System Air




Workshop in the Bamawm Area

All new Equipment FREE Pickup and Delivery service in

the Rochester/Lockington area. Call Glen Viney today

0428 110 071 For a FREE no obligation quote.

Specialists in Commercial and Residential Works

including: Shower Screens & repairs,

Security Doors, Glass Splashbacks,

Mirrors, Wardrobe Doors, Pergola Enclosures, Windows & Doors.

All glass repairs.

Servicing Lockington/Bamawm for over 10 years

Phone: 5480 6694

18 McKenzie Road, Echuca www.echucaglassandaluminium.com.au

Market Street Garage



0401 378 022

28 Market Street Lockington(300meters from

theHeritage Complex) Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Supply and fit timber & aluminium • Windows • Security Doors • Flyscreens • Shower Screens • Sliding Wardrobe Doors • Splash Backs • Residential Locksmithing

Phone 0421 839 206 Email: [email protected]




Leon Chappel – 0418 505 816

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 14

You must register at the Lockington District Business Centre to participate. As limited num-bers apply to some activities, payment MUST be made to secure your registration.

Lockington District Neighbourhood House

0499 170 329 [email protected] Deidre Madill, Coordinator

‘Green Thumbs’ Gardening tips, plant and

seedling cutting and sharing with Dean Tibbs

Weekly on a Wednesday

9.30 am – 11.00 am FREE

‘My Fair Lady’ TUESDAY 23 May 2017

Bus departs Lockington District Business Centre at 8.30 am

$95 per person including bus, entry and a cuppa.

Returning approximately 7.00 pm

Limited tickets

Great Mother’s Day gift

Book Club Share your love of the

splendid word

Second Thursday

of each month (11 May 2017)

2.00 pm – 3.30 pm Lockington Library


Lockington Playgroup

Every Tuesday 10.00 am – 12.00 noon St James Church Hall

New members welcome

Recycled Garden Art

Saturday 29 April 2017

This activity has been post-poned due to lack of inter-


Lockington Men’s Shed

Get involved

Join us for a cuppa and a chat Wednesday 26 April 2017

at 11.00 am New members welcome

National Volunteer Week Our volunteers are invited to join for a celebratory

morning tea to be held at LDBC on

Tuesday 9 May 2017 commencing at 10.00


To assist with catering please RSVP your attend-


Lockington YAGers

Come along to join the fun and get involved in our activities.

New members over the age of 12 years most welcome

Meet each Wednesday

at 4.30 pm

Watch this space! Com-ing soon – Photography

Conversational German

We need volunteers Interested in becoming a volunteer? Perhaps you would like to share your skills? To ensure we offer interesting and affordable activities, we need your help. Whether you can spare half an hour every month, or one hour every week, your support will be greatly appreciated. The level of commitment is entirely up to you.

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 15

LBUFNC Celebrating 100 years of Football

The clock is ticking !!!

4 weeks to go - 11th

JUNE 2017

Remember you need to pre-purchase your dinner tickets

- please don’t miss out!! Ring around your old team mates /families and get in and get your tickets organised.

Tickets will be available at the clubrooms on Thursday nights,

game days or get the registration form completed and sent into us.

We know we have people “coming home” from as far as Western Australia, so it’s going to be a fantastic weekend.

Contact details:

Club President: Colin Bacon 0428 370 813 Postal: PO Box 180, Lockington, VIC 3563

Email: [email protected]

Reunion Quilt

Footy by train...

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

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ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 17

Lockington Bowls Club Report 1/5/17

The club held a successful Presentation evening on Friday attracting a good number of members and guests.

Club President Tom Davis and Lady President Pauline Hum-bert welcomed all present and thanked the members for their support throughout the season of bowls. A special mention was made of the stirring victory by Division Four in winning the premiership over Moama and bringing the club their first premiership shield in eighteen years. Congratulations to all involved.

Humbert proceeded to present the trophies for season 2016/2017. Club champion: Leanne McInnes. Runner Up: Annette Brereton. 100 Up champion: Leanne McInnes. R/up: Lorraine Appleby. Alys Humbert Club Pairs: Annie Haines - Margaret Davis (s). R/up: Ann Lowrie - Lesla Maslen (s). The weekly voucher winners were rewarded with several ladies featuring on a regular basis.

In the men’s section the Club champion was Russ

ell Shawcross for the third time in a row. R/up: Don Isgro. 21 Up Presidents trophy: Graham Turner. R/up: Neil Haines. 100 Up Champion: Ray Hanson. R/up: Ken Main.

The gathering enjoyed a wonderful meal and sweets. At the completion of the trophy awards, Lady President Pauline Humbert proudly presented Club President Tom Davis with an amount of $10,000.00 from the ladies committee hard working effort. Davis responded in glowing terms thanking the ladies for their support and continue to measure the im-portance in being the backbone of the club.

It was pleasing to see Roly Head up and about after a period of treatment. The club also offered condolences to Ken Mathieson on the recent passing of his dear wife.

The club will continue to operate with the weekly Scrounge event to be played on this Wednesday at 1.00pm - weather permitting. Flat soled shoes and three bowls are required. Names to be listed by 12.45pm on the day. New and intend-ing bowlers most welcome - bowls are available.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 15th May at 8.00pm.

At the recent State Championships held at Bendigo East Bowling Club the Beddigo/Campaspe Region representatives were Margot Brennan (Moama) and Margaret Knight (s) from Rochester in the women's Pairs. Both women performed very well and combined to make the semi-finals of the cham-pionship. On day one they defeated a pair from Mulgrave 21-10 to open proceedings, then continued the true form to eliminate a Droman team 16-10 to gain a berth in the semi-finals against Kerri Leask and Mary Tragardh (Ovens & Mur-ray). In this game the local pair were in tremendous form to have their opponents under pressure. The shot making was near perfect to lead 13-10 at one stage and holding three shots before Tragadgh drew the absolute with her final bowl to reduce the leeway to 13-11. Both teams traded ends with the scores level at 16-all on the final end. Brennan and Knight held two shots before the opposition skipper Tragadgh drew a close bowl. With the final bowl to be deliv-ered by Knight, there was some conjecture as to who held shot. With an attempt to move her opponents bowl Knight

sadly pushed their own bowl out of the measure to lose 16-17. A great effort from both ladies. In the final Leask and Tragadgh defeated Gail Mc Kenzie - Lucy Dilli from Gipps-land 22-16.

The mens Triples championship featured the Bendigo East trio in Darren Burgess, David Keenan and Aaron Tomkins (s). In the first round the Bendigo/Campaspe team beat Mat-thew Higgins (Sale) 19-8. Round two resulted in a 19-12 vic-tory over Josh Sanders (Lilydale). This placed the team in the semi-finals where they met the Frank Seaton trio from Inverloch. Seaton and his team of Ron Burge and Wayne Park proved too strong in winning 20-12. In the final the In-verloch trio lost to Paul O'Donnell (Warrnambool) 16-17 in a very close encounter. The Rich River triples team consisting of Barbara Petch, Judy Vise and Virginia Noar (s) were pitted against the Joan Tennant trio from Ocean Grove in the first round. They put up a brave battle, only to lose the match 10-23. In the final Tristianna Doolan, Tayla Spence and Makayla Gibson (s) from Yarra won the title after defeating the Gipps-land team of Nola Wheeler, Gail McKenzie and Lucy Dalli 19-12.

The State Regional Sides Championship was held at Corowa Civic Bowling Club on the week-end. The Campaspe Valley Bowls Division was represented by Phillip Thorn (City of Echuca), Barry Brennan and Kevin Brennan (Moama), Barry Tinning (Tongala) and Ashley Vesty (Mathoura). Overall the bowlers performed well with Thorn leading brilliantly for the David Keenan rink, who was the best performed team for Bendigo/Campaspe finishing with 4 wins from seven games plus 30 shots. Tinning and Kevin Brennan played lead and second respectively for the Ryan Tainton rink and won two games and a tie to be minus one shot.

The remaining rink skipped by Darren Burgess included Bar-ry Brennan and Vesty. The team struggled as they won the one game but lost a couple by small margins to finish minus 32 shots over the seven games. Brennan and Vesty ap-peared to share the interchange bench over the week-end, but both played well when given the opportunity. The final of the championship was won by the Northern Gateway squad for the fourth time in the past five years. Northern Gateway defeated Sandbelt Region 47-25.

Details of Bendigo/Campaspe Region performances: Round 1. lost to Wimmera 29-37 (Keenan lost 9-10; Tainton 10-11; Burgess 10-16), Rnd 2. defeated Murray Mallee 39-25. (Keenan 10-8, Tainton 10-9, Burgess 19-8). Rnd 3. lost to Metro West 32-44. (Keenan 9-10, Tainton 16-11, Burgess 7-23). Rnd 4. defeated Peninsula Casy 36-28. (Keenan 15-4, Tainton 8-10, Burgess 13-14). Rnd 5. defeated Gippsland 38-23. (Keenan 23-4, Tainton 7-7, Burgess 8-12). Rnd 6. lost to Geelong 26-45. (Keenan 9-15, Tainton 12-13, Burgess 5-17). Rnd 7. lost to Sandbelt 34-35. (Keenan 12-6, Tainton 13-16, Burgess 9-13). In the final round the B/C Region went close to defeating the Sandbelt squad, but unfortunately one rink lost after leading 10-1 proceeded to drop a six, a four and a five over five ends to lose the game.

The Bowls Vic State Pennant championships will be held at the Moama Bowling Club on Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week. Get along!

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 18

Bamawm Golf Club Report

Sunday 30/4/2017 The Bamawm Golf Club was abuzz with golfers on Sunday 30th April, when 17 men and women took to the course for the Club Opening Day. It was lovely to com-mence the season on lovely green fairways, when visitors from Lockington were also welcomed. Winner: Jeff Carnie – 39 Stableford points Runner-up: Shane Wolfe – 36 Stableford points. N.T.P. 7/16 & 8/17 was Steve Holt. 4/13 was Leon Laffy. Longest drive winner was Rob Hardess. Next week will be a stroke round with visitors welcome to join in the competition. The Kelly Shield will be held on Sunday 21st May at Bam-awm. Sunday 7/5/2017 It was a great day at Bamawm on Sunday and the course is looking fantastic. Thanks to visitors from Lockington and Rochester. Winner in the men’s stroke competition was Adam Ward with a great score of 74-8-66 and Alex MacQuibban runner up with 98-25-67. Longest Drive- 6/15 Jake Wright NTP 7/16- Steve Holt NTP 2nd shot 4/13 (In the hole)- Adam Ward Winner of the ladies stroke was Jenny Holt 96-28-68, on a count back from Jackie Newth 100-32-68. Longest Drive 6/15- Jenny Holt NTP 2nd shot 8/17- Rachael Major NTP 7/16- Jenny Holt NTP 3rd shot 5/14- Jackie Newth Next week Par will be a par competition, the following week (May 21st) we will be hosting the Kelly Shield at Bamawm.

Lockington Bowls Club 2016/17 Trophy Winners

Leanne with runner-up Lorraine Appleby

Leanne McInnes. Winner of the 100up final

Leadership Development Grants Open Leader of The Nationals and Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh is encouraging emerging leaders in catchment and water management across the electorate to apply for a Leadership Development Grant. The grants aim to develop the skills and knowledge of the next generation of leaders in water management across Victoria. “In the Murray Plains electorate there are many passionate and capable young people working in the industry and making an important contribution,” Mr Walsh said. “These grants provide an avenue to nurture their strengths and cultivate their leadership aspirations,” he said. The grants have specific categories for innovation, aboriginal leadership, and women in leadership. They are open to indi-viduals from government agencies, private sector businesses and agencies, educational institutions, local government au-thorities, not for profit organisations, and community networks and groups. The total funding available is $10,000 for each grant category. Mr Walsh said to check eligibility or to apply, go to www.delwp.vic.gov.au/ococgrants. Applications for the grants close on Wednesday 24 May 2017.

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017 Page 19


29/04: Golfers played a sta-bleford round, and it was Tom Scurrah with a terrific score of 41 points who won the Privi-lege Cup and C Grade hon-

ours. In his first hit for the season, Jason Wakefield was runner up in C Grade with a promising score of 40. Kevin Humbert won A Grade with 39 points, on a count-back from Terry Thomas. Next best were Phil Stanford and Grant Humbert, who both finished with 37. B Grade honours went to Rick Connors with a solid score of 40 points, on a countback from Ian Maddison, who scored a sizzling 24 points on his first 9, before fading on his second 9. Next best were Jeff Carnie and Barry Gra-ham, both with 37. Nearest the pins: 17th – Terry Thomas; 2nd shot 9th – Terry Thomas (A Grade), Jeff Carnie (B Grade), Jayden Wright (C Grade); 2nd shot 18th for the 6-pack smack – James Hodgens. Spike’s Longest Drive on the 14th, sponsored by Hot ‘n’ Cold Plumbing – Grant Humbert (A), Ian Maddison (B), Jayden Wright (C). Neither the Echuca CIH eagles nest nor Captain Terry’s yardstick prize was won. 03/05: The ladies played a stableford round. Pauline Humbert won the Pentreaths Player of the Day voucher for her best-on-course of 34 points, which also won B Grade. A Grade honours went to Sue Harris (28), while Sherryl Jones won the 9 holes event. Nearest the pin 3rd – Sue Harris (A), Lois Chugg (B). 05/05: Golfers enjoyed the improving conditions and played a stroke round. Rick Connors had a day to re-member, a tremendous score of 79-18-61 to win the Pen-treaths Supermarket Player of the Day voucher, plus the Monthly Medal, as well as B Grade honours. Rick’s round was highlighted by pars on the first 5 holes, an outward 9 of only 38, and a 70-metre chip in for birdie on the 18th (played off the 2nd fairway). Brett Stone made an excellent return with his score of 75-9-66 to win A Grade, ahead of Grant Humbert (69-1-68), James Hodgens (79-11-68) and Phil Stanford (82-13-69).

Jason Wakefield was the distant runner-up in B Grade with his score of 90-23-67, ahead of Barry Graham (87-19-68) and Darren Carnie (92-20-72). Rob Hardess played some great golf to finish with 100-36-64 and scored his first-ever individual win in C Grade. Blake Humbert (95-31-64) was runner-up on a countback, followed by Tom Scurrah (98-29-69) and Will Hardess (103-34-69). Nearest the pins: 7th – Grant Humbert; 2nd shot 12th – Grant Humbert (A Grade), Darren Carnie (B Grade), Will Hardess (C Grade); 2nd shot 18th for the 6-pack smack – Blake Humbert. Spike’s Longest Drive on the 15th, sponsored by Hot ‘n’ Cold Plumbing – Grant Humbert (A), Rick Connors (B), Blake Humbert (C). Neither the Echuca CIH eagles nest or Captain Terry’s yardstick was won. Bendigo Pennant report: Three rounds have been played so far. The season started on a bright note with a hard-fought 2/1 win over Bridgewood. Phyl Macfarlane won 3 and 2 and Helen Hayes won 2-up, while Kathy Connors was defeated 3 and 2 in a close contest. In the second round, the Locky ladies’ team had their col-ours lowered 3-0 by the Campaspe team. The third round was played at Mitiamo on May 1st. They played the un-defeated Elmore team, who prevailed 2-1 on the day. Phyl Macfarlane was the Locky winner, with a strong 4 and 3 victory. Upcoming events: Saturday 13th May – Par. Duty – Ian Maddison, Jeff Carnie. Wednesday 17th May – Stroke – 1st Round Club Championships – Qualifying Round Handicap Matchplay – Count the putts. Duty – Bev Muhleisen, Annette Brereton. Members are looking forward to hosting the 2017 Annual Tournament, which will commence on Tuesday 23rd May with the Ladies 4BBB, followed by the Ladies Stroke event on Thursday 25th May. The men get their turn on Friday 26th May with their 4BBB, followed by the Mixed American on Saturday 27th May. The tournament will con-clude with the 36 Holes Champion-ships for Men on Sunday 28th May. Entries for the 36 to Rick Connors 0427 862 445.

Locky News

Compiling Dates 2017

818-May 22 819-June 5 820-June 19 821-July 3

822- July 17 823- July 31

824- August 14 825- August 28

826- September 11

827- September 25 828- October 9

829- October 23 830- November 6 831- November 20 832- December 4 833- December 18

10am deadline

(earlier if possible please)

Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of op-

timism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough. Richard M. DeVos

ISSUE #817 - May 12, 2017

Page 20

St. Mary’s Op Shop Mon & Wed 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thu & Fri 10:00 am - 2:30 pm


Strength & Balance Class 9.00 am - Bush Nursing Centre

Nicole Hocking Podiatrist 9.30 - 4.30. - Bush Nursing Centre. Phone: 5486 2544.

Lockington & District T.O.W.N Club 6.30 pm - Bush Nursing Centre (Activities Room)

Yoga & Meditation 7pm at BER Building (School)


Men’s Shed 8.30 am - 3:00 pm Phone 5486 2683

Dr. Patrick Nzegwu 9.30 am - 5.00 pm - Bush Nursing Centre. Phone: 5486 2544.

Lockington Playgroup 10.00am - Noon - St. James Church Hall.

Enq: Tish Serpell 0400607174

Lockington Bowls Club Ladies Social Bowls 10:45 am

Ladies Social Badminton 10.00am - Bamawm Sports Centre. Enquiries: 5486 2272.


Strength & Balance Class 9.00 am - Bush Nursing Centre.

Massage with Anita. Phone 5486 2544 for appointment.


Social Activity Day 10am - Bush Nursing Centre Ph: 5480 6701

Men’s Shed 8.30 am - 3:00 pm Ph: 5486 2683


Men's Social Bowls 4:00 pm BBQ tea to follow New Bowlers welcome

Saturdays Bingo 7:15 pm - St. Joseph’s

Hall, Campaspe St, Rochester.

May 2017 Friday 12 Social Indoor Bowls - 7:30 pm Bamawm Extension Hall Saturday 13 HDFNL - Interleague Bye Sunday 14 Lockington Pony Club Rally 10:00 am Scurrah Reserve (contact Sherrin Harbour 0418 112 292) Heritage Complex Open 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm On Duty: Fenton & Beryl Monday 15 Meals on Wheels Lions Club Senior Citizens Carpet Bowls 10:00 am followed by meeting Wednesday 17 Action Club Activity Night at Club Rooms. Ph: 0428 844 489 or 0409 259 723 Saturday 20 HDFNL - Round 6 LBU v White Hills Sunday 21 Locky Lions Club Swap Meet & Market 7:00 am to 1:00 pm Heritage Complex Open 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm On Duty: Dan & Grace Monday 22 LOCKY NEWS TYPING DAY Closing time for articles/adverts 10:00 am (earlier if possible please). Meals on Wheels: Catholic Ladies Bamawm CWA 10:00 am Bamawm Community Social Centre Senior Citizens Carpet Bowls 1:45 pm Heritage Complex Meeting - 7:30 pm

At the Complex Wednesday 24 Lockington Lions Club Business Meeting - 7:30 pm - Heritage Centre Friday 26 Lockington Consolidated School 2017 Debutante Ball. See advert. For details Saturday 27 HDFNL - Round 7 BYE - LBU Sunday 28 Lockington Pony Club Rally 10:00 am Scurrah Reserve Contact Sherrin Harbour 0418 112 292 Heritage Complex Open 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm On Duty: Giles & Phillippa Monday 29 Meals on Wheels: Bamawm CWA JUNE 2017 Saturday 3 HDFNL - Round 8 LBU v Colbinabbin Sunday 4 Heritage Complex Open 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm On Duty: Jack & Sandra Monday 5 Meals on Wheels: Bush Nursing Centre Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 Chemical Users Course (See advert. For details) Sunday 11 HDFNL - Round 9 LBU v L’ville Gunbower Heritage Complex Open 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm On Duty: Gordon & Joy

Bank Trading Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Thursdays & Fridays - 9.00 am to 12 noon, 12.45 pm to 4.00 pm

Bank Trading Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays - 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Thursdays & Fridays - 9.00 am to 12 noon, 12.45 pm to 4.00 pm