Distance Education


Transcript of Distance Education

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TUTOR’S NAME : Xochitl G. Soriano Campos

STUDENT’S NAME: Raúl Ramírez Arredondo

DATE: November, 9th. 2014

EMAIL ADRESS: [email protected]

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Introduction: Distance education is an academic learning method in which the teacher and the student participate in a convenient manner, while sometimes in different places at different times.Distance education is a method in education in which the learner is physically separate from the teacher. (According to Greville)

For some time distance education in the past was more usual by mail and telephone, as Willen (1981) defines distance education as “ a form of education where oral instructions has a rather subordinate role and it’s concentrated to a few intensive periods spaced throughout the term or academic year. In between these periods the student works at home on its own, but with the possibility on consulting the teacher by telephone or letter” (1981, 244)

Over the years thanks to the development of internet distance education has already been adopted with more quality and improvement. One of the main characteristics of this education model is the time flexibility offered, this way the student can organize his or her own time to take classes, but demands a certain discipline and commitment to achieve what’s required from the teachers.


1. My understanding of what is involved in distance education: I truly believe that distance education requires a compromise from the students to have a self- learning direction. The teacher’s guidance it’s important as well to facilitate learning that helps students to reach knowledge, competencies and quality attitudes to meet the standards of quality education that our society demands. Also the academic background of the students plays a big role on completing a course on distance education as Coldeway(1986) and Coggins (1988) determined past experience in college and grade point averages to be significant variables which discriminate completers from non-completers in external degree programs. Also the time management from students is essential to achieve distance education; students complying on time with their tasks and teachers giving feedback on time.

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2. My motivation to complete the program successfully and receive my Licenciatura: Basically my motivation to complete this course is to be more prepared in the professional field, and to provide a better future to my family as I stated on my personal page. By receiving a licenciatura my job opportunities will increase and I will have the opportunity to earn a better salary.

3. My role as a student. As a student I understand that I have to be an active researcher and to have self- study abilities in order to succeed. Be able to give positive and critical feedback in the forums with the other students, interacting in a professional way giving deep feedback not just sentences of agreement. Complying with the tasks on time meeting with the grading criteria given by the teacher and being an active participator are also my responsibilities as student.

4. My expectations of the tutors in this program. My expectations from my tutor in this program is to have the support to understand better the tasks given, with clear instructions and to give me feedback on weaknesses or areas to be improved.

5. My capacity to read academic texts for critical understanding. I think my capacity to extract main ideas from readings is ok, although it takes me time to do it. My main difficulties have been some dreadful articles when the information is presented in an old style. I can overcome these difficulties by reading more academic articles.

6. My capacity to express my ideas in writing in English. My capacity to express myself in English in a clear way has been improved over the last years since I have taken courses in education in Spanish and English, so I think I can be clear when it comes to express my own ideas in English.

7. My ability to manage my time so that I can fit in my LIMSEDILE studies.  I think I need to be more organized and manage my time better to be honest. So far I have accomplished with all my activities from the induction course at LIMSEDILE, with a day before the activity it’s required, but I think I need to work more on this, especially with all the work I have right now at my school and my functions as an English Department coordinator. So from now on my plan will be to dedicate at least two hours of the day to work on my education online.

8. Computing skills and technology. As a right now I think I have the skills need it to be part of this Licenciatura, although at the

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beginning I didn’t read instructions, and maybe my personal page wasn’t done property because I was using a google chrome as a web navigator and not internet explorer as it was suggested. So now I will read instructions carefully.

Conclusion: In recent years distance education has experimented a significant growing, and many institutions are committed to its impartation to ensure their students raise their professional level. Now with the advance of technology in information this module allows a more interactive and flexible learning. Distance education it’s characterized by:1. Students developing more autonomy and time management.2. it’s a complementary formation with any other academic subject.3. You can learn comfortably from your home or work.4. It is a dynamic and fast means to achieve the professionalization of a specific field.

Distance education can be applied in four fundamental ways. As a teaching aid, direct support to learning, as an analytical tool to systematically think about education, and as an intellectual investigation inquiry.

Distance education requires a two way communication and commitment from both, teachers and students in order to achieve its mission.

Bibliography:1 Learners and Learning: A discussion of select Research/ Chere Campbel Gibson2 On defining Education: Greville Rumble / the American journal on Distance Education 19893 Asynchronous Electronic Communications / A north American Thai Collabotration4 Inclusions in Bibliography / Consuelo Ruiz Esparza5 Background and Overview of Contemporary Distance Education/Michael G. Moore