Display media trading desk (DSP) - Karthikeyan Haldurai - Google

Google confidential Programmatic Display Buying


Karthikeyan Haldurai from Google was at the ISB Digital Summit 2014 to conduct a session on 'Display media trading desk (DSP)' as part of the Digital Deep Dive workshop.

Transcript of Display media trading desk (DSP) - Karthikeyan Haldurai - Google

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Programmatic Display Buying

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Programmatic buying uses technology and data to bring advertisers and publishers together

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1.The evolution of programmatic buying

2.The value of programmatic

3.Programmatic with DoubleClick

4.Programmatic marketing with DDM

5.Getting started


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The evolution of programmatic buying

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Two decadesof onlinemediabuying



Ad networks •Networks aggregatedinventory and soldtoadvertisers. •Helpedpublishers by selling inventory they could not sell themselves. •Firstto provideaccess toonline media atscale.


•Real-time marketplacewithlarge pool of liquid inventory not sold in directbuys •Onlinemedia at scale is no longer unique to ad networks

DSPs •Biddingtechnologytohelpadvertisers/agenciestarget and optimizebuyingacrossadexchanges

Reservation buying •Adssold via direct transactions between advertisers/agencies and publishers


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RTB Growth: 52% y/y in 2013

Source: IAB / PwC Internet Advertising Revenue Report, 1H 2012

Global non-RTB Display Spend Global RTB Display Spend

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Programmatic is growing display spend

…like going frompaper checks to debitcards


…it’s the new way tobuy

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The value of programmatic

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Thekey element of programmaticbuying—whatmakes

itpowerful—isthat the advertiser gets to decide the target.

Scott Spencer

Director of Product Management, DoubleClick Ad Exchange In “Programmatic in the Future” hangout series by DoubleClick

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Why programmatic? Use data and technology to better connect you with consumers

Massivescale Reachacross exchangesand

engage with publishers

withdirectprogrammatic deals.

Performance Use powerful optimization and better

data to maximize ROAS for all your


Precisetargeting Findthe right audiences in the

rightcontext to engage with your brand.

Operationalefficiency Streamlinedworkflows with all your

buying and reporting in one place,

spend more time on strategicwork.

Transparency Glean insights from transparent

reporting to find the best performing

inventory and adjust your strategy in

real time

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Programmatic with DoubleClick

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All in one place Integrated Data acrossall buys

Buy how you want Optimize all campaignsacross


Scaleand Reach Integrated reporting and billing

Streamlinestandard ad buys Relationships still matter

Why Programmatic with DoubleClick Buy media more effectively and efficiently

More specific detail can be found in Appendix slides 43-44. Replace them as you feel appropriate

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Private Auction

Multiple programmatic deal types Description

2nd price auction

with select group

of buyers.

Auctionmodel with

set floor. One Publisher

2ndPrice Auction w/ price floors Select Buyers

Preferred Deals

Negotiated, fixed-

price, pre-auction

deal with one buyer.

One Publisher FixedPrice Deal One Buyer

Many Publishers 2nd Price Auction

Standard auction

with all buyers.


# of Buyers Pricing # of Publishers

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Kellogg’s leverages programmatic buying

Kellogg’s is successfully leveraging the

DoubleClick platform, buying programmatic

to meet brand campaign objectives.

88%+ More on-target audience

impressions than with non-programmatic

Lowest Effective CPMs rates are in RTB display, compared to

other channels

5X+ Improved ROI of digital

ads to in-store sales withcampaigns

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Integrated platform for programmatic





Operational efficiency Marketing performance Better insights

•Decreased operational costs

through streamlined buying


•Scalable inventory access

across publishers, exchanges,


•Brand safe reach of



•Improved targeting, pacing &

optimization capabilities

•Centralized reporting


•Full control over audience

data, pacing &targeting

•Align price with value

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Use the best tools for the best results DoubleClick Bid Manager + DoubleClick Ad Exchange

The powerof the platform •Single cookie pooland shared data centers

•Direct access to the publishers you want

Partnership and alignment between the products

•Workflow integrations •Strategicpartner advantages

Have it your way •Multiple ways to connect with publishers

•Find the right ways to buy for your business

The power of a top buying platform

•Best in class targeting+Google-engineered algorithms •Buy display, mobile, video, and expandables all in one place

•40+ billion global impressions daily

The power of a top exchange •One to one relationships with top publishers

•First-party publisher data programs

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DoubleClick Bid Manager

Exchanges & SSPs

Publisher direct deals

Fully transparent buying and reporting

Best in classtargeting

•First-party audiencedata

•Third-party audiencedata

•Keyword contextualtargeting

•Brand safety measures

Best in classoptimization


•Target CPC, CPA or ROI

40+ billion impressions daily across

more than 40 countries Mobile Video Display

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Getting started

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Building a Programmatic Strategy Requires

Resource Investment Resources Can be Obtained through Partnership or Staffed In-House

Most clients invest in building their own Programmatic Team

internally, but also partner with an agency and/or Google to

develop a shared strategy and execute

Build Yourself Build with Agency Build with Google

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1.Build a plan

2. Use measurement and attribution strategies for your campaigns

3. Hire a dedicated team to manage

strategy and performance

How to build your programmatic strategy