Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology

Dispensationalism and Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology Covenant Theology 1


Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology

Page 1: Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology

Dispensationalism and Dispensationalism and Covenant TheologyCovenant Theology


Page 2: Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology

Dispensationalism is a Protestant Dispensationalism is a Protestant evangelical tradition based on a evangelical tradition based on a biblical hermeneutic that sees a biblical hermeneutic that sees a series of chronologically successive series of chronologically successive "dispensations" or periods in history "dispensations" or periods in history in which God relates to human in which God relates to human beings in different ways under beings in different ways under different Biblical covenants. As a different Biblical covenants. As a system, dispensationalism is rooted system, dispensationalism is rooted in the writings of John Nelson Darby in the writings of John Nelson Darby (1800–1882) and the Brethren (1800–1882) and the Brethren Movement.Movement.


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The theology of dispensationalism The theology of dispensationalism consists of a distinctive consists of a distinctive eschatological "end times" eschatological "end times" perspective, as all dispensationalists perspective, as all dispensationalists hold to premillennialism and most hold to premillennialism and most hold to a pretribulation rapture. hold to a pretribulation rapture. Dispensationalists believe that the Dispensationalists believe that the nation of Israel is distinct from the nation of Israel is distinct from the Church,[3]Church,[3]:322:322 and that God has yet to and that God has yet to fulfill His promises to national Israel. fulfill His promises to national Israel.


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These promises include the land These promises include the land promises, which in the future promises, which in the future result in a millennial kingdom result in a millennial kingdom where Christ, upon His return, will where Christ, upon His return, will rule the world from Jerusalem for rule the world from Jerusalem for a thousand years. In other areas a thousand years. In other areas of theology, dispensationalists of theology, dispensationalists hold to a wide range of beliefs hold to a wide range of beliefs within the evangelical and within the evangelical and fundamentalist spectrum.fundamentalist spectrum.


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The label "dispensationalism" is derived The label "dispensationalism" is derived from the idea that biblical history is best from the idea that biblical history is best understood through division into a series understood through division into a series of chronologically successive of chronologically successive dispensations. The number of dispensations. The number of dispensations held are typically three, four, dispensations held are typically three, four, seven or eight. The three- and four-seven or eight. The three- and four-dispensation schemes are often referred dispensation schemes are often referred to as minimalist, as they recognize the to as minimalist, as they recognize the commonly held major breaks within commonly held major breaks within Biblical history. Biblical history.


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These different dispensations These different dispensations are not separate ways of are not separate ways of salvation. During each of them salvation. During each of them man is reconciled to God in man is reconciled to God in only one way, i.e. by God's only one way, i.e. by God's grace through the work of grace through the work of Christ that was accomplished Christ that was accomplished on the cross and vindicated in on the cross and vindicated in His resurrection.His resurrection.


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Before the cross, man was saved Before the cross, man was saved on the basis of Christ's atoning on the basis of Christ's atoning sacrifice to come, through sacrifice to come, through believing the revelation thus far believing the revelation thus far given him. Since the cross, man given him. Since the cross, man has been saved by believing on has been saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom revelation and redemption are revelation and redemption are consummated. consummated.


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Although the divine revelation unfolds progressively, the deposit

of truth in earlier time-periods is not discarded, rather it is cumulative.

Thus conscience (moral responsibility) is an abiding truth in

human life (Ro. 2:15; 9:1; 2 Co. 1:12; 4:2), although it does not

continue as a dispensation.

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In every past dispensation unregenerate man has failed, and is failing in the present dispensation,

and will fail in the future until Eternity arrives. But salvation has

been and will continue to be available to him by God's grace through faith. (The New Scofield

Study Bible, NIV 1984 Edition , pg. 3-4)

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The relationship between the ancient nation of Israel and the church as the people of God is the key discriminator between Dispensationalism and other


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In the dispensational view, the time in which the church operates, known as the church age or the Christian dispensation, represents a "parenthesis". That is, it is

an interruption in God's dealings with the Jewish people as a nation as described in

the Old Testament, and it is the time when the Gospel was preached and

salvation in the present age is offered to the Gentiles and Jews alike.

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God’s continued care for the Jewish people as a nation will be

revealed after the end of the church age when Israel will be restored to their land and will

accept Jesus as their messiah and therefore "all Israel shall be


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Jesus Christ will then sit on the throne of David and will begin

the Theocratic Davidic Kingdom which is promised in numerous places in the Old

Testament, in which believers and Christ reign together on

the earth from Israel

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Contrasted with this view are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy,

Anglicanism, Covenant Theology, and New Covenant Theology. In

Catholicism and Covenantalism, the church is not a replacement for the

nation of Israel but an expansion of it where Gentiles are, in the words of

Romans 11, "grafted into" the existing covenant community.

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All of these groups expect there will be an influx of Jews to the church before

the second coming of Christ. However, dispensationalists do not view the

Church as the promised covenanted kingdom in Old Testament prophecy. They believe such a kingdom is still

promised to the Jews during the New Testament era, i.e. in Acts 3:19-21

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 Acts 3: 18 – 2118 But those things, which God before had

shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled. 19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that

your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. 20 And he shall send Jesus Christ,

which before was preached unto you: 21 Whom the heaven must receive until the times

of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets

since the world began.

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Dispensationalism was first introduced to North America by John Inglis (1813–

1879), through a monthly magazine called Waymarks in the Wilderness

(published intermittently between 1854 and 1872).[ In 1866, Inglis organized

the Believers' Meeting for Bible Study, which introduced dispensationalist

ideas to a small but influential circle of American evangelicals.

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The energetic efforts of C.I. Scofield and his associates introduced

dispensationalism to a wider audience in America and bestowed a measure of

respectability through his Scofield Reference Bible. The publication of the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909 by the

Oxford University Press was something of an innovative literary coup for the

movement, since for the first time, overtly dispensationalist notes were added to the

pages of the biblical text.

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The Scofield Reference Bible became the leading Bible used by independent Evangelicals and Fundamentalists in

the U.S. for the next sixty years. Evangelist and Bible teacher Lewis

Sperry Chafer (1871–1952), who was strongly influenced by C.I. Scofield,

founded Dallas Theological Seminary in 1924, which has become the flagship of Dispensationalism in


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Dispensationalism has come to dominate the American

Evangelical scene, especially among nondenominational Bible

churches, many Baptists, and most Pentecostal and Charismatic groups, while mainline Protestants

generally continue to reject dispensationalism.

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"Ultra" Dispensationalists hold to the belief that the Church wasn't started till after the stoning of Stephen. The first reference to the church the body of Christ is in Romans and unlike most other dispensationalists they believe that the church started after Acts 2.

Some begin the church with the salvation of Saul in Acts 9, while

others move to Acts 13 with Paul's first missionary journey.

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Dispensationalism rejects the notion of supersessionism, sees the Jewish people as the true people of God, and sees the modern State of Israel as identical to the Israel of the Bible. John Nelson Darby

taught, and most subsequent dispensationalists have consistently

maintained, that God looks upon the Jews as his chosen people even as they remain

in rejection of Jesus Christ, and God continues to have a place for them in the

dispensational, prophetic scheme of things.

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Christian Dispensationalists sometimes embrace what some critics have

pejoratively called Judeophilia—ranging from support of the state of Israel, to observing traditional Jewish holidays

and practicing traditionally Jewish religious rituals. Dispensationalists typically support the modern state of

Israel, recognize its existence as God revealing His Will for the Last Days,

and reject anti-Semitism.

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Covenant theology (also known as Covenantalism or Federal theology or Federalism) is a

conceptual overview and interpretive framework for

understanding the overall flow of the Bible. It uses the theological

concept of covenant as an organizing principle for Christian


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The standard description of covenant theology views the history of God's dealings with mankind in all of history, from

Creation to Fall to Redemption to Consummation, under the

framework of three overarching theological covenants — the

covenants of redemption, of works, and of grace.

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Covenant theology is often referred to as "supersessionism," or "replacement theology" by its detractors, due to the perception

that it teaches that God has abandoned the promises made to

the Jews and has replaced the Jews with Christians as his chosen people in the earth.

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Covenant theologians deny that God has abandoned his promises to Israel, but see the fulfillment of

the promises to Israel in the person and the work of the

Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, who established the church in organic

continuity with Israel, not a separate replacement entity.

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Covenant of Redemption The covenant of redemption is the eternal agreement within

the Godhead in which the Father appointed the Son

Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit to redeem his

elect people from the guilt and power of sin.

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Covenant of WorksThe covenant of works was made in

the Garden of Eden between God and Adam who represented all mankind

as a federal head. (Romans 5:12-21) It promised life for obedience and death

for disobedience. Adam, and all mankind in Adam, broke the

covenant, thus standing condemned.

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Covenant of GraceThe covenant of grace promises eternal life for all people who receive forgiveness of sin

through Christ. He is the substitutionary covenantal representative fulfilling the

covenant of works on their behalf, in both the positive requirements of righteousness and

its negative penal consequences It is the historical expression of the eternal covenant of

redemption. Genesis 3:15, with the promise of a "seed" of the woman who would crush the serpent's head, is usually identified as the

historical inauguration for the covenant of grace.

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Adamic covenantNoahic covenant

Abrahamic covenantMosaic covenantDavidic covenant

New Covenant

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The following are quotations from:

Dispensationalism – A Reformed Evaluation by J. Ligon Duncan,


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Classic dispensationalism, in addition to being premillenial, is also

pretribulational. On the other hand, most Covenant

Theologians have been either post- or amillenial. 

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You can only have two views at the time of the millenium. Christ is either coming before or after the

millenium.  Those are the only two possible views.  So, amillenialism

is a subcategory of postmillenialism.  All believers are

either premillenialists or postmillenialists. 

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Amillenialists tend to stress the heavenly character of [the] millennium.  They will, for instance, stress that the

millenial reign is going on now, in heaven.  It is a spiritual millenium. 

Whereas postmillenialists tend to stress a more earthly character to that

millennium, and often times project it as a golden age which is yet to be

experienced, but which will occur before the time of Christ. 

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“ ...it is perhaps the fundamental point of Dispensationalism that

Israel and the Church are distinct, and the Law-Gospel distinction must be preserved at all costs. 

That is the very heart and core of classic dispensationalism.  You

should never, ever mix up Law and Gospel, and you should never ever

mix up Israel and the Church.”  

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Dispensationalists do not believe that the Church is prophesied about in the Old

Testament.  Covenant Theology on the other hand, sees the Church as the fulfillment of

Israel in New Covenant prophecy.  Covenant Theology is happy to acknowledge the

uniqueness of the Church, especially in its post Pentecost phase.  But Covenant

Theology sees all believers in essential continuity.  There are not two peoples of God.

There is one people of God. Dispensationalism, however,  contends that God has two peoples with two destinies.

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Some modern dispensationalists generally argue that the saving faith of the Old Testament was substantially and materially different from the

saving faith of the New Testament.  They tend to argue that sinners in the Old Testament were not justified by faith in the Gospel of the Messiah as sin-bearer (Christ crucified), but rather their faith

was in promises that were peculiar to their individual era in redemptive history. Now, this

isn’t just out of accord with Covenant Theology, but this is the area where

dispensationalism has been most out of accord with Protestant theology.

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Hebrews 4: 1 – 21 Therefore, since a promise

remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. 2 For indeed the

gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which

they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those

who heard it.

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Dispensationalists speak in terms of a literal interpretation of the Bible.  This is a major rhetorical thing that

you hear in discussion with Dispensationalist friends.  “We interpret the Bible literally.”  Of

course, the implication being that you don’t.  We interpret the Bible

literally, you don’t.  You do something else to it. 

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Covenant Theologians would argue, ‘We interpret the Bible

literally, but, we believe that the New Testament interprets the Old Testament.”  We believe that the

New Testament is the hermeneutical manual for the Old

Testament.  And Dispensationalists are suspicious

of that. 

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For the Covenant Theologian, the New Covenant always has the final word as to

the meaning of the Old Covenant passage.  It doesn’t mean that you don’t start with the original context, and that you don’t bother yourself about original intent, it just means that you recognize

from a biblical theological standpoint that later revelation, by definition, controls the

final Systematic Theological understanding of earlier revelation. 

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Acts 2 (NKJV)14 But Peter, standing up with the

eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who

dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. 15 For

these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. 16 But this is what was spoken

by the prophet Joel:

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Joel 2 (NKJV)28 “ And it shall come to pass

afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your

daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young

men shall see visions.

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For the Dispensational side, the Church is a parenthesis in God’s program for the

ages. It is a temporary thing in the flow of history.  You have heard the phrase The

Great Parenthesis, which is used to describe the time when Messiah came and the Jews shockingly rejected Him. 

This actually thwarted God’s plan, because the original plan was for Messiah to come and set up a kingdom in Israel, but oops,

the Jews rejected Him.......

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At that point the prophetic clock stopped and we entered into the period of the

Gentiles, the Great Parenthesis.  That is a period about which there was no prophecy

in the Old Testament.  At the end of the period of the Great Parenthesis, the end of

the time of the Gentiles, as the Dispensationalists interpret that section in

Romans chapter 11,  the Church is removed.   That is the rapture.  Then the prophetic clock starts ticking again, and

God’s dealings with Israel resume. 

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[This] gives you a clue as to why a pre-tribulation rapture is so

important for consistent classical Dispensationalism, because you

have to get rid of Gentile believers in the program of God, before you can get on with the work that God is doing with literal physical earthly


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Pauline Pauline


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Lehman Strauss wrote:Lehman Strauss wrote:

““the departure from the traditional the departure from the traditional dispensational position is leading younger dispensational position is leading younger students of God’s Word into the Covenant students of God’s Word into the Covenant Theology camp” Theology camp”

““For years I have been reading and studying For years I have been reading and studying the Apostle Paul and his Church Epistles. the Apostle Paul and his Church Epistles. They are completely adequate for the life and They are completely adequate for the life and labors of every member of the Body of labors of every member of the Body of Christ.”Christ.”

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Paul R. Van Gorder wrote:Paul R. Van Gorder wrote:

““Utter confusion reigns among evangelicals because Utter confusion reigns among evangelicals because of the failure to rightly divide the Word, especially of the failure to rightly divide the Word, especially the clear distinction between Israel and the Church” the clear distinction between Israel and the Church”

““I am distressed with the teaching which I am distressed with the teaching which confusesconfuses Israel and the Church, Law and Israel and the Church, Law and Grace, Salvation and Discipleship”Grace, Salvation and Discipleship”

““Sad, sad that many of God’s dear children seem to Sad, sad that many of God’s dear children seem to know nothing more than Jesus of Nazareth in His know nothing more than Jesus of Nazareth in His humiliation—while the risen, ascended, glorified Man humiliation—while the risen, ascended, glorified Man is ignored, or unknown”is ignored, or unknown”

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This movement, recently emerging from Dallas This movement, recently emerging from Dallas Theological Seminary and elsewhere, is Theological Seminary and elsewhere, is “contemporary,” and “progressive,” having left “contemporary,” and “progressive,” having left Dallas’ founder, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, and his Dallas’ founder, Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, and his Pauline Dispensationalism far, far behind. Pauline Dispensationalism far, far behind.

The aim of Neo-Dispensationalism is to equate Israel The aim of Neo-Dispensationalism is to equate Israel and the Church as much as possible, while at the and the Church as much as possible, while at the same time keeping them separate. same time keeping them separate.

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Neo-Dispensationalism is “progressing” on the horizontal, kingdom level, and is already halfway to Covenant

Theology, which has always been on that earthly plane.

Pauline Dispensationalism is heavenly.

• The Christian whom Paul presents is heavenly;

• The Church that Paul presents is heavenly — her Source is in heaven, although her birth

took place on earth on the Day of Pentecost.

She will return to her Source in heaven on the Day of the Rapture

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Pauline Dispensationalism

Coming onto Paul’s heavenly ground Coming onto Paul’s heavenly ground results in a full escape from all earthly, results in a full escape from all earthly, horizontal, New Covenant, Synoptic, horizontal, New Covenant, Synoptic, Sermon on the Mount, and Millennial Sermon on the Mount, and Millennial Kingdom influences. Kingdom influences.

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The Church is to be kept The Church is to be kept separate from all else, separate from all else, including Israel and her including Israel and her

Law, via clear-cut Law, via clear-cut Pauline Pauline


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Ephesians 5:25-27Ephesians 5:25-27. . . . Christ also loved the church . . . . Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.would be holy and blameless.

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Two Gospels

The earthly (Kingdom) gospel

The heavenly (Grace) gospel

By FaithBy Faith

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The earthly gospel

ministered by Christ on earth, during His pre-Cross humiliation

exclusively addressed to Israel regarding her Millennial Kingdom

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The Heavenly Gospel

ministered to Paul by the glorified Lord Jesus Christ; after Calvary, from heaven

exclusively to and for His chosen heavenly Body

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Heaven-based ChurchHeaven-based Church

Why should a heavenly citizen, Why should a heavenly citizen, “blessed with “blessed with allall spiritual blessings in spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ”, stoop to heavenly places in Christ”, stoop to purloin some “spiritual” blessing from purloin some “spiritual” blessing from comparatively poor Israel? comparatively poor Israel?

Human history

The Rapture The Rapture 1 Thess. 4:13-171 Thess. 4:13-17

Pentecost AD 30 Pentecost AD 30 Acts 2:1-4Acts 2:1-4

Church AgeChurch Age

Here we are, in the year 2004.

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Infinitely AboveInfinitely AboveThe Lord Jesus’ heavenly The Lord Jesus’ heavenly Gospel in content and Gospel in content and position is infinitely above position is infinitely above the Kingdom Gospel that the Kingdom Gospel that He shared with earthly He shared with earthly Israel — which Israel — which they rejected.they rejected.

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Those who do not Those who do not centercenter in in the truths which the the truths which the

ascended Lord ascended Lord communicated directly to communicated directly to

Paul Paul • will not know WHOWHO they are in Christ

• will not know WHEREWHERE they are in Christ • will not know WHATWHAT their portion is in the purpose of the Father


They will constantly go astray in their They will constantly go astray in their interpretation of the Gospel and the interpretation of the Gospel and the

all-important Church truth all-important Church truth

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Dr. L.S. Chafer wrote:Dr. L.S. Chafer wrote:

"The laws of the Kingdom are "The laws of the Kingdom are not required to be combined with not required to be combined with the teachings of Grace, since the teachings of Grace, since every item within those laws every item within those laws which could have any present which could have any present application, is exactly and amply application, is exactly and amply stated in the Pauline teachings of stated in the Pauline teachings of Grace." Grace."

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““You can evaluate a man’s You can evaluate a man’s ministry by this rule--is he ministry by this rule--is he


Does his doctrine Does his doctrine startstart and and finishfinish according to those according to those

statements of Church truth statements of Church truth proclaimed by the Apostle proclaimed by the Apostle

Paul?” Paul?”

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Would they substitute the synoptic “Gospel of the Kingdom” for Paul’s exclusive

“glorious heavenly Gospel”?

Would they subject members of the heavenly Body of the glorified Lord to Israel’s

earthly New Covenant,

her legal Sermon on the Mount,

and her Mosaic and Kingdom law systems --

that to which the Christian has died?

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Israel’s New Israel’s New Covenant Covenant

• Those who pander to Israel’s New Those who pander to Israel’s New Covenant, and seek to participate in its Covenant, and seek to participate in its “spiritual” blessings, are simply playing “spiritual” blessings, are simply playing into the hands ofinto the hands of– Amillennial Covenant Theology,Amillennial Covenant Theology,– its stepchild, Theonomy, its stepchild, Theonomy, – as well as Judaistic Messianic Christianity.as well as Judaistic Messianic Christianity.

• There is neither word nor inference in There is neither word nor inference in Israel’s New Covenant concerning the Israel’s New Covenant concerning the Church Church

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John Darby John Darby wrote:wrote:

““Covenant theology at the utmost, is Covenant theology at the utmost, is forgiveness of sins and divine favor enjoyed; forgiveness of sins and divine favor enjoyed; and all that concerns their new position in and all that concerns their new position in the Lord Jesus Christ is ignored, or alas! the Lord Jesus Christ is ignored, or alas! guarded against as dangerous.guarded against as dangerous.

““Men are placed under Israel’s New Men are placed under Israel’s New Covenant which does not go beyond Covenant which does not go beyond remission of sins and the law written on the remission of sins and the law written on the heart. But being new creations in Christ heart. But being new creations in Christ Jesus, and knowing it by the Holy Spirit, and Jesus, and knowing it by the Holy Spirit, and what that involves now—that is not a part of what that involves now—that is not a part of their creed.” their creed.”

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““We are come ‘to Jesus, the We are come ‘to Jesus, the Mediator of the new covenant’ Mediator of the new covenant’ (Heb. 12:24). We are not come to (Heb. 12:24). We are not come to the New Covenant, but to Jesus the New Covenant, but to Jesus the Mediator of it. We are the Mediator of it. We are associated with Him who is the associated with Him who is the Mediator; that is a far higher Mediator; that is a far higher thing than if merely come to the thing than if merely come to the Covenant. He will make this New Covenant. He will make this New Covenant with Israel on earth.” Covenant with Israel on earth.”

——H.H. Snell H.H. Snell

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The BloodThe Blood The heavenly Bride requires The heavenly Bride requires nothingnothing

from earthly Israel and her coming from earthly Israel and her coming kingdom. kingdom.

““Having therefore, brethren, boldness Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19)of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19)

Israel, in all her coming earthly glory, Israel, in all her coming earthly glory, will never be the recipient of anything will never be the recipient of anything like that!like that!

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The Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit Israel’s indwelling will be for the purpose of writing Israel’s indwelling will be for the purpose of writing

the theocratic law upon their hearts and enabling the theocratic law upon their hearts and enabling them to walk in His kingdom ordinances. them to walk in His kingdom ordinances.

““After those days, saith the Lord, I will put My After those days, saith the Lord, I will put My law in their inward parts, and write it in their law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts.” (Jer. 31:33)hearts.” (Jer. 31:33)

““And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep Mine ordinances, and do them” (Ezek. 36:27). Mine ordinances, and do them” (Ezek. 36:27).

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The SermonThe Sermon • Christ’s Sermon on the Mount, addressed to Israel, is the

next great leak in the Dispensational wall.• There is nothing in the Sermon on the Mount that is not

superseded by Paul’s Church Epistles.

Nothing!“The Sermon on the Mount is characterized--among other things—by the absence of those elements which are distinctly Christian, i.e., redemption by the Blood of Christ, faith, regeneration, deliverance from judgment, the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. The absence of these vital elements cannot but arrest the attention of those who are awake to, and jealous for, the faith once delivered to the saints.” – Dr. L. S. Chafer

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the the catchwordcatchword from seminary from seminary

The Church is a The Church is a phasephase of Israel’s of Israel’s future millennial kingdom; future millennial kingdom;

There is a recognition of a There is a recognition of a present present formform of the theocratic kingdom: of the theocratic kingdom: “now/not yet.” “now/not yet.”

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kingdomization of the kingdomization of the ChurchChurch

Failure to distinguish between Failure to distinguish between the “kingdom of God,” the “kingdom of God,” and the and the

”kingdom of heaven.” ”kingdom of heaven.”

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Millennial SaintMillennial Saint The Christian is now joined to Christ and The Christian is now joined to Christ and

is one spirit with Him. is one spirit with Him. ““the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and hath made me free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2)death” (Rom. 8:2)

The future earthly kingdom saint will live The future earthly kingdom saint will live here on earth here on earth he will not be united to the Lord Jesus he will not be united to the Lord Jesus He will not be dead to the flesh and the He will not be dead to the flesh and the


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Millennial SaintMillennial Saint The great difference —The great difference —

the heavenly saint has a standing of the heavenly saint has a standing of complete deliverance from the man in the complete deliverance from the man in the flesh; flesh;

while the millennial saint will be through while the millennial saint will be through grace empowered by the Spirit to do what grace empowered by the Spirit to do what God requires from man in the flesh.God requires from man in the flesh.

““For this is the covenant that I will make For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put My laws into their saith the Lord: I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts” mind, and write them in their hearts” (Heb. 8:10) (Heb. 8:10)

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Millennial SaintMillennial Saint

We — the heavenly believers -- have We — the heavenly believers -- have ““boldness to enter into the Holiest by the boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus... through the veil, that is to Blood of Jesus... through the veil, that is to say, His flesh” (Heb. 10:19, say, His flesh” (Heb. 10:19, 20).20).

The earthly millennial saint, though The earthly millennial saint, though cleansed of his sins by the Blood, cannot cleansed of his sins by the Blood, cannot speak of being inside the veil, because his speak of being inside the veil, because his dispensation is connected with this earth. dispensation is connected with this earth.

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Messianic JudaismMessianic JudaismHebrew ChristianityHebrew Christianity by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum

• "What then is a Hebrew Christian? He is a Jew who believes "What then is a Hebrew Christian? He is a Jew who believes that Jesus Christ is his Messiah. He must acknowledge that that Jesus Christ is his Messiah. He must acknowledge that he is both a Jew and a Christian" (p. 12).he is both a Jew and a Christian" (p. 12).

““There is neither Jew nor Greek… for ye are There is neither Jew nor Greek… for ye are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28)all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28)

• ““If a Jew accepts baptism solely to lose his identity as a Jew, If a Jew accepts baptism solely to lose his identity as a Jew, he is by no means to be considered a Hebrew Christian; he is he is by no means to be considered a Hebrew Christian; he is a renegade, a traitor, and an apostate. A Hebrew Christian is a renegade, a traitor, and an apostate. A Hebrew Christian is proud of his Jewishness” (p. 13).proud of his Jewishness” (p. 13).

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““Judaism Judaism is notis not the bud that the bud that blossomed into Christianity. blossomed into Christianity.

ground of relation-ship ground of relation-ship Jew by Jew by physical birthphysical birth Christian by Christian by spiritual birthspiritual birth

instruction on the life instruction on the life LawLaw for Israel for Israel GraceGrace for the Church for the Church

sphere of existence sphere of existence Israel on the Israel on the earthearth Church in Church in heavenheaven

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Distinctive GospelsDistinctive Gospels

The Church, the Body of Christ, into The Church, the Body of Christ, into which, in the Father's wondrous grace, we which, in the Father's wondrous grace, we have been called, is have been called, is heavenlyheavenly..

The Church has nothing to do with earth, The Church has nothing to do with earth, except to witness in the name of the Lord, except to witness in the name of the Lord, and then pass on into glory, into and then pass on into glory, into heavenheaven, , her eternal Home. her eternal Home.

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Distinctive GospelsDistinctive Gospels

Israel, Israel,

the chosen the chosen earthlyearthly nation, nation,

The Church, The Church, the the heavenlyheavenly Body of Christ Body of Christ

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Stephen Juncture“the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; and He shall send Jesus Christ, who before was preached unto you, whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the age began.” (Acts 3:19-21)“This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11)

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Stephen Juncture

He would come again to receive them unto Himself, that where He was they should be also the leaders of Israel began to reject the Gospel and persecute the apostles they not only rejected but stoned to death the witness of the Holy Spirit now by the stoning of Stephen they openly unmask and expose the hatred and rebellion of their hearts to a glorified Christ

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Disciples - To Stephen - To Paul

The disciple’s Gospel was salvation expecting Christ’s earthly return to establish His Kingdom.

Stephen was witness to Christ’s “earthly” presence and to His post-ascension glorification.

Saul sees Him and is commissioned to be a minister and a witness of the things that he sees

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Church Gospel

“Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages hath been hidden in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ” (Eph. 3:8, 9)

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Church Gospel

“He preached Christ… that He is the Son of God” (Acts 9:20)

“the Gospel of God (Rom. 1:1)

“the Gospel of His Son” (v. 9)

“my Gospel” (Rom. 16:25)

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Established in the Cross of Christ

bearing in Himself the judgment on man

He was made to be sin for us, that we should be made the righteousness of God in Him

the old man was crucified with Christ

the end of man in the flesh

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Grace Reigns“through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom. 5:21)

“ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit” (8:9).

“the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” which has “made me free from the law of sin and death” (8:2)

“if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His” (8:9)

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Paul’s Gospelrighteousness—the righteousness of God established by Christ;

the judicial ending of the old man;

the gift of eternal life;

the Spirit of Christ;

so that Christ in me is the summing up, as well as the fullness, of blessing.

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Dr. Chafer Vs. Covenant Dr. Chafer Vs. Covenant TheologyTheology

he faithfully sought to alert the Church as to its doctrinal dangers

too many dispensational leaders are seeking dialogue and fellowship with Covenant theologians

the errors of Covenant Theology

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Reformation RestraintReformation Restraint

the Church is, the Church is, the Body of Christ, the Body of Christ, the Bride of the Lamb the Bride of the Lamb

the the ReformationReformation did not recover this truth as did not recover this truth as formerly it was held by the early Church; formerly it was held by the early Church;

that attitude of the theologians, being bound that attitude of the theologians, being bound and confined within the limitations of and confined within the limitations of ReformationReformation truth, has been one of avoidance truth, has been one of avoidance of what to them seems new. of what to them seems new.

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J. N. Darby & CompanyJ. N. Darby & Company

The Plymouth Brethren movement The Plymouth Brethren movement produced an expository literature produced an expository literature covering the entire Sacred Text which covering the entire Sacred Text which

is orthodoxis orthodox

free from misconceptionsfree from misconceptions

interprets faithfully the entire field interprets faithfully the entire field of Biblical doctrine of Biblical doctrine

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J. N. Darby & CompanyJ. N. Darby & Company

division in the ranks of orthodox mendivision in the ranks of orthodox men

there are those who are restricted in their there are those who are restricted in their

doctrinal viewpoint and who look upon added doctrinal viewpoint and who look upon added truth as a departure from standard ideas and truth as a departure from standard ideas and therefore dangerous. therefore dangerous.

there are those who are constructing an there are those who are constructing an unabridged system of theology, and finding the unabridged system of theology, and finding the way into full-orbed harmony of truth and into way into full-orbed harmony of truth and into limitless fields of Biblical doctrine limitless fields of Biblical doctrine

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Apocryphal CovenantsApocryphal Covenants

The theological terms, The theological terms, – Covenant of Works and and – Covenant of Grace, ,

do not occur in Scripturedo not occur in Scripture

Covenant Theology builds its structure builds its structure on these two covenants on these two covenants

Covenant Theology has Cocceius has Cocceius (1603–1669) as its chief exponent. (1603–1669) as its chief exponent.

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Reformed Theology has largely been has largely been constructed on these two covenants.constructed on these two covenants.

It sees the empirical truth that God It sees the empirical truth that God can forgive sinners only by that can forgive sinners only by that freedom which is secured by the freedom which is secured by the sacrifice of His Son, sacrifice of His Son,

However, that theology utterly fails However, that theology utterly fails to discern God’s purposes for the to discern God’s purposes for the ages. ages.

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Reformed Theology penetrates no further into Scripture than penetrates no further into Scripture than

to discover that in all ages God is to discover that in all ages God is immutable in His grace toward penitent immutable in His grace toward penitent sinnerssinners

constructs the idea of a universal Church constructs the idea of a universal Church (continuing through the ages) (continuing through the ages)

disregards vast spheres of revelationdisregards vast spheres of revelation reaps the unavoidable confusion and reaps the unavoidable confusion and

misdirection which part-truth engenders misdirection which part-truth engenders

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One-track LimitationOne-track Limitation

Judaism has its field of theology with its Judaism has its field of theology with its soteriology and its eschatologysoteriology and its eschatology

Covenant TheologyCovenant Theology engenders the notion engenders the notion that there is but one soteriology and one that there is but one soteriology and one eschatology eschatology

Scripture is harmonized and its message Scripture is harmonized and its message clarified when two divinely appointed clarified when two divinely appointed systems—Judaism and Christianity—are systems—Judaism and Christianity—are recognized, and their complete and recognized, and their complete and distinctive characters are observeddistinctive characters are observed

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Roman ResiduaryRoman Residuary

Many theologians consider Many theologians consider millennialismmillennialism to be a “modern to be a “modern theory.”theory.”

justification by faithjustification by faith and and millennialismmillennialism were taught in the NT and were therefore were taught in the NT and were therefore the belief of the early Churchthe belief of the early Church


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Roman ResiduaryRoman Residuary

along with justification by faith the along with justification by faith the Reformers Reformers retained the Romish notion retained the Romish notion that the Church is the Kingdom, fulfilling that the Church is the Kingdom, fulfilling the Davidic covenant, and appointed to the Davidic covenant, and appointed to conquer the world by bringing it under conquer the world by bringing it under the authority of the Church.the authority of the Church.

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Covenant AmalgamationCovenant Amalgamation

Israel has never been the Church, is not Israel has never been the Church, is not the Church, nor will it ever be the the Church, nor will it ever be the Church.Church.

Covenant TheologyCovenant Theology asserts its inventions asserts its inventions respecting an OT Church, which, it is respecting an OT Church, which, it is claimed, is an integral part of the NT claimed, is an integral part of the NT Church Church

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Rescinded ResurrectionRescinded Resurrection

as viewed by Covenant theologians, there is practically as viewed by Covenant theologians, there is practically no doctrinal significance of Christ's resurrectionno doctrinal significance of Christ's resurrection

Christ as the federal Head of a wholly new order Christ as the federal Head of a wholly new order [creation] of beings cannot be incorporated into a [creation] of beings cannot be incorporated into a system of which the cherished and distinctive feature system of which the cherished and distinctive feature is one unchangeable divine purpose from Adam to the is one unchangeable divine purpose from Adam to the end of time. end of time.

According to Covenant Theology the Church is not a According to Covenant Theology the Church is not a new creation with its headship in the ascended Christ, new creation with its headship in the ascended Christ, but has existed under a supposed uniform covenant but has existed under a supposed uniform covenant from the beginning of human history from the beginning of human history

the great reality of a heavenly purpose peculiar to this the great reality of a heavenly purpose peculiar to this dispensation is ruled out completely dispensation is ruled out completely

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Slighted SpiritSlighted Spirit

Covenant Theology neglects most of the Covenant Theology neglects most of the vital truths respecting the present age-vital truths respecting the present age-characterizing ministries of the Holy characterizing ministries of the Holy SpiritSpirit

The disannulling of all Jewish purposes The disannulling of all Jewish purposes and distinctive features for a and distinctive features for a dispensation renders a continuous-dispensation renders a continuous-covenant conception objectionable covenant conception objectionable

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This Present DispensationThis Present Dispensation

Romans 3:9Romans 3:9

What then? Are we better than they? Not What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; (NAS)(NAS)

Romans 10:12Romans 10:12

For there is no distinction between Jew For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same {Lord} is Lord and Greek; for the same {Lord} is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; (NAS) on Him; (NAS)

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Incalculable LossIncalculable Loss

the resurrection of Christ is, the resurrection of Christ is, the very ground of all the purposes of this the very ground of all the purposes of this

dispensationdispensationthe basis upon which the new positions the basis upon which the new positions

and possessions of those in Christ are and possessions of those in Christ are made to rest.made to rest.

There is a wide doctrinal difference between There is a wide doctrinal difference between those who see no special consequence in those who see no special consequence in Christ’s resurrection and those who see its Christ’s resurrection and those who see its momentous significance momentous significance

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Incalculable LossIncalculable Loss

the greatest transition the world has the greatest transition the world has ever experienced.ever experienced.

from Judaismfrom Judaism to Christianity to Christianity

This stupendous change is not clarified This stupendous change is not clarified or even approached by or even approached by Covenant Covenant theologytheology

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Such blindness respecting the Such blindness respecting the discriminating teaching of the Bible can discriminating teaching of the Bible can be accounted for only on the ground that be accounted for only on the ground that a man-made scheme of supposed a man-made scheme of supposed continuity is embraced and followed continuity is embraced and followed without an unprejudiced examination of without an unprejudiced examination of the Scriptures the Scriptures

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School Of ParanoiaSchool Of Paranoia

Two schools have developed among orthodox Two schools have developed among orthodox men: men:

one which restricts all doctrine to the one which restricts all doctrine to the findings of men from the very early days findings of men from the very early days of of ProtestantismProtestantism (Covenant Theology) (Covenant Theology)

one which recognizes that much added one which recognizes that much added light has fallen upon the Word of God in light has fallen upon the Word of God in later days and that this is as worthy of later days and that this is as worthy of consideration as the findings of men of consideration as the findings of men of former times (Dispensational Theology) former times (Dispensational Theology)

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Eschatalogical ErrorEschatalogical Error

A phenomenon exists, namely, that men A phenomenon exists, namely, that men who are conscientious and meticulous to who are conscientious and meticulous to observe the exact teaching of Scriptureobserve the exact teaching of Scripture——

the ruin of the race through Adam’s sin, the ruin of the race through Adam’s sin,

the Deity and Saviourhood of Christ the Deity and Saviourhood of Christ

——are found introducing methods of are found introducing methods of spiritualizing and vamping the clear spiritualizing and vamping the clear declarations of the Bible in the one field declarations of the Bible in the one field of Eschatology.of Eschatology.

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Eschatalogical ErrorEschatalogical Error

In the In the Covenant Covenant theory Israel and the Church theory Israel and the Church are one.are one.

Disregarding Biblical testimony they believe Disregarding Biblical testimony they believe that a hypothetical that a hypothetical Grace covenantGrace covenant will will produce a transformed social order;produce a transformed social order;

not by a returning Messiah, not by a returning Messiah,

but by the preaching of the Gospel.but by the preaching of the Gospel.

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Eschatalogical ErrorEschatalogical Error

They assert that Christ cannot return They assert that Christ cannot return until the missionary enterprise has until the missionary enterprise has reached to all the inhabited earth reached to all the inhabited earth

They fail to realize that passage is a They fail to realize that passage is a Tribulation passage, not a passage for Tribulation passage, not a passage for this dispensation, the Church Age.this dispensation, the Church Age.

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Kingdom MisconstruedKingdom Misconstrued

Misunderstanding of the Millennial Misunderstanding of the Millennial Kingdom is directly due to the failure to Kingdom is directly due to the failure to recognize the dispensational aspect of recognize the dispensational aspect of divine revelationdivine revelation

2 Timothy 2:15 2 Timothy 2:15

Study to show thyself approved unto Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. truth.

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Kingdom MisconstruedKingdom Misconstrued

The Old Testament Kingdom The Old Testament Kingdom


the Churchthe Church

The New Testament Church The New Testament Church


the Kingdomthe Kingdom

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Deadly Rule Of LifeDeadly Rule Of Life


recognizes no distinctions as to agesrecognizes no distinctions as to ages

therefore it can allow for no therefore it can allow for no distinctions between Law and Gracedistinctions between Law and Grace

utter neglect of life-truth in all their utter neglect of life-truth in all their works of theology works of theology

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Kingdom Gospel vs. Grace GospelKingdom Gospel vs. Grace Gospel

Strong objection is offered by Strong objection is offered by Covenant Covenant theologianstheologians to a distinction between the to a distinction between the Gospel of the Kingdom as preached by Gospel of the Kingdom as preached by John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Disciples, John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Disciples, and the Pauline Gospel of the Grace of and the Pauline Gospel of the Grace of God God

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Israel And The Church ContrastedIsrael And The Church ContrastedExtent Of Biblical RevelationExtent Of Biblical Revelation

Israel – 80%Israel – 80% Church – 20%Church – 20%

The Divine PurposeThe Divine Purpose

Israel – EarthlyIsrael – Earthly Church – HeavenlyChurch – Heavenly


Israel – PhysicalIsrael – Physical Church – SpiritualChurch – Spiritual


Israel – World systemIsrael – World system Church – AliensChurch – Aliens


Israel – None, yetIsrael – None, yet Church – MissionariesChurch – Missionaries

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Israel And The Church ContrastedIsrael And The Church ContrastedThe Death of ChristThe Death of Christ

Israel Israel ChurchChurchGuilty of His DeathGuilty of His Death Saved by His SacrificeSaved by His Sacrifice

The FatherThe Father IsraelIsrael ChurchChurch

God, not FatherGod, not Father “Abba” Father“Abba” FatherChristChrist

Israel Israel ChurchChurchMessiah, Immanuel, KingMessiah, Immanuel, King Savior, Lord, Savior, Lord,

Bridegroom, Head, LifeBridegroom, Head, LifeThe Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit

IsraelIsrael ChurchChurchTemporary InduementTemporary Induement Permanent IndwellingPermanent Indwelling

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Israel And The Church ContrastedIsrael And The Church ContrastedGoverning PrincipleGoverning Principle

Israel - Law Israel - Law Church – GraceChurch – Grace

Divine EnablementDivine Enablement

Israel – none “flesh”Israel – none “flesh” Church – Holy SpiritChurch – Holy Spirit

Christ’s ReturnChrist’s Return

Israel Israel ChurchChurch

Gather IsraelGather Israel Take His BrideTake His Bride

into her landinto her land to Heaven to Heaven

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Israel And The Church ContrastedIsrael And The Church ContrastedPositionPosition

IsraelIsrael ChurchChurchServants of JehovahServants of Jehovah The Body of ChristThe Body of Christ

Christ’s Earthly ReignChrist’s Earthly Reign IsraelIsrael ChurchChurch

Subjects of the KingSubjects of the King Reign with the KingReign with the King

PriesthoodPriesthood Israel Israel ChurchChurch

hashas a priesthood a priesthood isis a priesthood a priesthood

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““Dispensationalism, Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church”Israel And The Church”

Neo-EvangelicalismNeo-Evangelicalism is a compromise toward is a compromise toward Liberalism. Liberalism.

•spawned in Fuller Seminary spawned in Fuller Seminary

Neo-DispensationalismNeo-Dispensationalism is a compromise is a compromise toward Covenantism. toward Covenantism.

•spawned in Dallas Theological spawned in Dallas Theological Seminary Seminary

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““Dispensationalism, Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church”Israel And The Church”

You, a totally new creation in the ascended and You, a totally new creation in the ascended and glorified Lord Jesus Christ. glorified Lord Jesus Christ.

You, one spirit with Him who is your very Christian You, one spirit with Him who is your very Christian life. life.

You, having died to the law and to the world, and You, having died to the law and to the world, and already blessed with already blessed with allall spiritual blessings in spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ, co-heir with Him. heavenly places in Christ, co-heir with Him.

You, raised and seated in Christ, at the Father’s You, raised and seated in Christ, at the Father’s right hand.right hand.

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““Dispensationalism, Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church”Israel And The Church”

““If (since) you, then, be risen with Christ, If (since) you, then, be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, seek those things which are above, where Christ (and you) sitteth on the where Christ (and you) sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth, things above, not on things on the earth, for you died, and your life is hidden with for you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall you also life, shall appear, then shall you also appear with Him in glory” (Col. 3:1–4). appear with Him in glory” (Col. 3:1–4).

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Stanley N. GundryDr. Stanley N. Gundry, ex-dispensationalist, Vice President , ex-dispensationalist, Vice President of Academic Books, Zondervan Publishing House.of Academic Books, Zondervan Publishing House.

• contemporarycontemporary dispensationalist thinking dispensationalist thinking Dr. Craig A. BraisingDr. Craig A. Braising, progressive dispensationalist , progressive dispensationalist

• reexamine biblically the distinction between Israel reexamine biblically the distinction between Israel and the churchand the church

• abandon the abandon the transcendental distinctiontranscendental distinction of heavenly of heavenly versus earthly peoples in favor of a versus earthly peoples in favor of a historical historical distinctiondistinction in the progressive revelation of the divine in the progressive revelation of the divine purpose. purpose.

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Darrell L. BockDr. Darrell L. Bock, progressive dispensationalist , progressive dispensationalist

• ““The descriptions The descriptions invisibleinvisible and and visiblevisible do not do not characterize the kingdom as ineffective or characterize the kingdom as ineffective or secret now, versus powerful later. Rather, the secret now, versus powerful later. Rather, the terms are intended Christologically to describe terms are intended Christologically to describe the nature of Jesus’ rule. the nature of Jesus’ rule.

• ““Being seated on David’s throne is linked to Being seated on David’s throne is linked to being seated at God’s right handbeing seated at God’s right hand

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Neo-Dispensationalism is kingdom-oriented, and would Neo-Dispensationalism is kingdom-oriented, and would fasten “The Kingdom” upon everything and everyonefasten “The Kingdom” upon everything and everyone

Dr. Lewis Sperry ChaferDr. Lewis Sperry Chafer ““David was not promised a heavenly spiritual throne, David was not promised a heavenly spiritual throne,

and the one who contends that David’s throne is now and the one who contends that David’s throne is now a heavenly rule is by so much obligated to name the a heavenly rule is by so much obligated to name the time and circumstances when and where so great a time and circumstances when and where so great a change has been introduced” change has been introduced” ((Systematic TheologySystematic Theology IV: 324) IV: 324)

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Bruce A. WareDr. Bruce A. Ware, progressive dispensationalist. , progressive dispensationalist. Dr. Ware is Professor of Biblical and Systematic Dr. Ware is Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School ““Between the two extremes of a strict distinction Between the two extremes of a strict distinction

between Israel and the church (two new between Israel and the church (two new covenants and hence two distinct peoples of God) covenants and hence two distinct peoples of God) there is a middle position that would suggest that there is a middle position that would suggest that Israel and the church share theologically rich and Israel and the church share theologically rich and important elements of commonality while at the important elements of commonality while at the same time maintaining distinct identities. same time maintaining distinct identities.

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

When Israel’s New Covenant is usurped, all When Israel’s New Covenant is usurped, all becomes of the earth, earthy. Neo-becomes of the earth, earthy. Neo-Dispensationalism would bring the Dispensationalism would bring the Bridegroom’s unique-in-the-universe-Bride Bridegroom’s unique-in-the-universe-Bride down to the commonality of the earthly down to the commonality of the earthly kingdom kingdom

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Carl B. Hock, Jr.Dr. Carl B. Hock, Jr., progressive , progressive dispensationalist. Dr. Hock is Professor of NT, dispensationalist. Dr. Hock is Professor of NT, at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary at Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary

Here is the very heart of Neo-Dispensational Here is the very heart of Neo-Dispensational errorerror! ! Wrongly-divided Word!Wrongly-divided Word!

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Not knowing Not knowing whowho they are in Christ, and they are in Christ, and wherewhere they they are in Christ, and what they are in Christ, and what they havehave in Christ, they in Christ, they would seek to make something of Israel, and have would seek to make something of Israel, and have us come down to it as the source of blessing us come down to it as the source of blessing

The Israelite in Christ, as well as the Gentile in The Israelite in Christ, as well as the Gentile in Christ, is a totally new heavenly creation, and needs Christ, is a totally new heavenly creation, and needs nothing from the nation Israel—whether it be now, nothing from the nation Israel—whether it be now, in her Millennial Kingdom, or in eternity in her Millennial Kingdom, or in eternity

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Robert L. SaucyDr. Robert L. Saucy. Dr. Saucy, progressive . Dr. Saucy, progressive dispensationalist, is professor of Systematic Theology, dispensationalist, is professor of Systematic Theology, at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

• ““The revelation of the equal participation of Israel The revelation of the equal participation of Israel and the Gentiles in God’s salvation through union and the Gentiles in God’s salvation through union with Christ is a realization of OT prophecy” with Christ is a realization of OT prophecy”

• ““Our examination of the mystery in Ephesians 3 Our examination of the mystery in Ephesians 3 leads us to a mediating position between leads us to a mediating position between traditional dispensational and non-dispensational traditional dispensational and non-dispensational views.“views.“

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. W. Edward GlennyDr. W. Edward Glenny. Dr. Glenny, progressive . Dr. Glenny, progressive dispensationalist, is Professor of NT, at Central Baptist dispensationalist, is Professor of NT, at Central Baptist Seminary Seminary

• ““Old Testament Israel was a pattern of the Old Testament Israel was a pattern of the church’s relationship with God as his chosen church’s relationship with God as his chosen people.” people.”

• ““In his use of the three In his use of the three people of Godpeople of God citations in citations in 1 Peter 2:9, 10, the apostle is teaching that there 1 Peter 2:9, 10, the apostle is teaching that there are aspects of the nation of Israel’s experience as are aspects of the nation of Israel’s experience as the people of God that are also true of the NT the people of God that are also true of the NT church.” church.”

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. J. Lanier BurnsDr. J. Lanier Burns. Dr. Burns, progressive . Dr. Burns, progressive dispensationalist, is Professor of Systematic Theology, at dispensationalist, is Professor of Systematic Theology, at Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas Theological Seminary

• ““The end of this survey shows that dispensational The end of this survey shows that dispensational theologians have constantly distinguished Israel and theologians have constantly distinguished Israel and the church, while dispensationalism has undergone the church, while dispensationalism has undergone remarkable developments over time in terms of a remarkable developments over time in terms of a common destinycommon destiny [emphasis mine] in the city of God, a [emphasis mine] in the city of God, a shared new covenant, and, most recently, a shared new covenant, and, most recently, a recognition by many scholars of a present form of recognition by many scholars of a present form of messianic kingdom that removes the parenthetical messianic kingdom that removes the parenthetical idea.”idea.”

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Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church Dispensationalism, Israel And The Church - The Search For Definition- The Search For Definition

Dr. Kenneth L. BarkerDr. Kenneth L. Barker. Dr. Barker, progressive . Dr. Barker, progressive dispensationalist, is Executive Director, NIV Foundation dispensationalist, is Executive Director, NIV Foundation Center, International Bible Society Center, International Bible Society

• One of the legitimate continuities, then, between the One of the legitimate continuities, then, between the Old and New Testaments is God’s moral law Old and New Testaments is God’s moral law expressed expressed throughoutthroughout Scripture. It is more in keeping Scripture. It is more in keeping with the totality of biblical teaching to insist that the with the totality of biblical teaching to insist that the ethical and spiritual commands of the OT, the ethical and spiritual commands of the OT, the numerous imperatives of the NT, and Christ (or the numerous imperatives of the NT, and Christ (or the law of Christ, or the royal law of love) are law of Christ, or the royal law of love) are allall part of part of the believer’s rule of life” the believer’s rule of life”

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Theologians RespondTheologians Respond Dr. William A. VanGemeren. Dr. William A. VanGemeren. Dr. VanGemeren, ex-Dr. VanGemeren, ex-

dispensationalist, now Covenant theologian, is dispensationalist, now Covenant theologian, is Professor of OT at Reformed Theological SeminaryProfessor of OT at Reformed Theological Seminary

Dr. Bruce K. WaltkeDr. Bruce K. Waltke. Dr. Waltke, ex-. Dr. Waltke, ex-

dispensationalist, now covenant theologian, is dispensationalist, now covenant theologian, is Professor of OT, at Regent University (Canada) Professor of OT, at Regent University (Canada)

Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, JrDr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. Dr. Kaiser, non-. Dr. Kaiser, non-dispensational, pro-Covenant, is Academic Dean at dispensational, pro-Covenant, is Academic Dean at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

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The “similar lines” that Dispensationalism and The “similar lines” that Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology are locked onto are horizontal –Covenant Theology are locked onto are horizontal –

Israel’s New Covenant, Israel’s New Covenant,

Synoptics, Synoptics,

Sermon, and Sermon, and


——all Law-oriented.all Law-oriented.

But But Grace and TruthGrace and Truth came by Jesus Christ came by Jesus Christ ——from heavenfrom heaven, to Paul, for the Church., to Paul, for the Church.

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““If [since] you, then, be risen with Christ, If [since] you, then, be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, seek those things which are above,

where Christ sitteth on the right hand of where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For you have not on things on the earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ died, and your life is hidden with Christ

in God” (Colossians 3:1–3).in God” (Colossians 3:1–3).