Dispatches presrt std - Decision Games · • Hessians in the American Revolution • Battle of...

Dispatch #27 | DECISION GAMES 1 PRESRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BAKERSFIELD CA PERMIT NO 66 DISPATCHES FROM DECISION GAMES #27 FALL 2014 (661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | decisiongames.com Putin as Warlord By Gilberto Villahermosa Any attempt to restore Russia to the military and political power it had during the Soviet era will require greatly expanded and modernized armed forces. A warlord, responsible for matching his country’s ends, ways and means would be needed to lead and direct those armies. By definition, a warlord is a supreme leader who exercises military and civil control over a large geographic area due to the presence of armed forces loyal to him rather than to any other authority. A warlord normally rises and acts within the framework of a weak central government and is unaccountable to anyone. A warlord, to be successful, has to be a man of vision, daring, strength and charisma. He must use those qualities to bind the nation and his military to him to accomplish his goals. Vladimir Putin is Russia’s warlord. A leader of strategic vision, he’s committed to restoring Russia to the glory of Soviet times. Among other things, he’s succeeded in reestablishing some of the relations severed after the downfall of the USSR in 1991. Today Russia’s military is present – if only in relatively small numbers – in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in the west, Armenia and Georgia in the Caucasus, and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in Central Asia. Further, Moscow is increasing its military cooperation with Egypt, Syria and Yemen in the Middle East. The Russians are also penetrating the Seychelles, Vietnam, and Cuba. SAMPLE FROM MODERN WAR #16

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Dispatchesfrom Decision Games#27 FALL 2014

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Putin as WarlordBy Gilberto Villahermosa

Any attempt to restore Russia to the military and political power it had during the Soviet era will require greatly expanded and modernized armed forces. A warlord, responsible for matching his country’s ends, ways and means would be needed to lead and direct those armies. By definition, a warlord is a supreme leader who exercises military and civil control over a large geographic area due to the presence of armed forces loyal to him rather than to any other authority. A warlord normally rises and acts within the framework of a weak central government and is unaccountable to anyone.

A warlord, to be successful, has to be a man of vision, daring, strength and charisma. He must use those qualities to bind the nation and his military to him to accomplish his goals.

Vladimir Putin is Russia’s warlord. A leader of strategic vision, he’s committed to restoring Russia to the glory of Soviet times. Among other things, he’s succeeded in reestablishing some of the relations severed after the downfall of the USSR in 1991. Today Russia’s military is present – if only in relatively small numbers – in Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in the west, Armenia and Georgia in the Caucasus, and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in Central Asia. Further, Moscow is increasing its military cooperation with Egypt, Syria and Yemen in the Middle East. The Russians are also penetrating the Seychelles, Vietnam, and Cuba.


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2 Dispatch #27 | Decision games

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26 WORLD at WAR 38 | OCT–NOV 2014 WORLD at WAR 38 | OCT–NOV 2014 27

Rommel on Russia: His 1943 Solution for the Eastern FrontBy Gilberto Villahermosa

of staff of Rommel’s Afrikakorps and Panzerarmee Afrika commands. In light of Rommel’s tremendous experi-ence fi ghting a highly mobile war with a smaller force against quantitatively superior opponents better equipped and supplied, it’s worth pondering whether he’d arrived at a winning solution for the eastern front.

“You know Bayerlein, we have lost the initiative, of that there is no doubt,” Rommel began. “We have learned in Russia for the fi rst time that dash and over-optimism are not enough. We must have a completely new approach. There can be no question of taking the offensive for the next few years, either in the west or the east, and so we must try to make the most of the advantages that normally accrue to

The many formidable challenges facing the Reich at the time were at the forefront of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel’s and Lt. Gen. Fritz Bayerlein’s thoughts as they met at Hitler’s headquarters in East Prussia. “It was a few days after the failure of the collapse of the Belgorod-Kursk offensive,” remembered Bayerlein, “in which our attacking forces had become bogged down in the Russian anti-tank screens and defenses, and the bulk of our latest tanks had been lost. And with that had gone all hope of a new summer offensive in Russia.”

After a personal meeting with Hitler, Rommel sat with Bayerlein and discussed the general military situation. The two were old acquain-tances: Bayerlein had served as chief

B y mid-1943 the Third Reich was being assailed from east, west and above. Still, Germany

was far from beaten. At that time the Wehrmacht numbered almost 9.5 million personnel, with the majority, almost 6 million, serving in the army. Those soldiers formed around a battle-hardened core of veterans who held together the rest of the armed forces. They were still relatively well equipped, especially at the small-unit level, and they were led by many brilliant, or at least competent, offi cers and NCOs. Further, the expansion of the Waffen SS, from 160,00 in 1941 to 450,000 in 1943, provided a further hard core of young, well trained, well equipped and fanatic soldiers sworn to fi ght to the death.

the defense. The main defense against the tank is the anti-tank gun; in the air we must build fi ghters and still more fi ghters and give up the idea for the present of doing any bombing ourselves. I no longer see things quite as black as I did in Africa [when it was lost to us], but total victory is now, of course, hardly a possibility.”

Rommel told Bayerlein that Germany must fi ght on interior lines, and then expounded: “In the east we must withdraw as soon as possible to a suitable prepared line. But our main effort must be directed toward beating off any attempt of the Western Allies to create a second front, and that is where we must concentrate our defense. If we can once make their efforts fail, then things will be brighter for us.”

The German forces on the eastern front at the time Rommel said that numbered approximately 2.6 million soldiers and consisted of some 122 infantry divisions, approximately 25 panzer divisions (and one separate brigade), and another 17 miscel-laneous divisions and another brigade. (Many of the “miscellaneous” divisions were “Luftwaffe fi eld divisions,” which had originally not been intended for frontline operations but, rather, for security missions at airfi elds and throughout the rear.)

All those formations together were responsible for defending a long and meandering front that ran more than 1,500 miles from Leningrad in the north to the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea in the south. Many of the divisions,

however, were already offi cially listed as Abgekaempft (“fought out”), and were thereby acknowledged to possess only negligible combat value. A further number still fought effectively, but only as kampfgruppen (“battle groups”) of regimental or battalion sizes. At the same time the Germans had 12 divisions committed in Italy, while in the west there were 46 divisions and two separate regiments operational, with another seven divi-sions in the process of being formed. “Th[os]e fi gures strikingly reveal the strain exerted by the Russian war,” notes the offi cial US Army history of World War II. “The number of divisions in the east that needed

continued on page 30 »

This is offi cial Soviet-era war art, simply titled the “Battle of Kursk.” It depicts the moment of the fi nal defeat of the German spearhead in that failed offensive. It was the singular event, even more so than the Stalingrad debacle that

preceded it, which caused Hitler and his fi eld marshals to understand they needed a new strategy.

26 WORLD at WAR 38 | OCT–NOV 2014 WORLD at WAR 38 | OCT–NOV 2014 27

issUe monTH FeaTUre arTicles

289 NOV 2014 War of the austrian succession: the 1740-48 conflict that made Prussia into a major power.

•The Catalan Grand Company•Burmese Civil Wars

•Battle of Cherbourg•Alamo to Appomattox

290 JAN 2015 angola civil War: analysis of one of the largest post-colonial wars to have been fought anywhere in Africa, climaxing in the late 1980s.

•WW1’s Caucasus Front•Hessians in the American Revolution

•Battle of Manzikert

291 MAR 2015 Warpath: The American Civil War in the Indian Territories; a complete analysis of this little known but important theater of the war.

•The Six Dynasties Wars•Hitler’s Paratrooper

•The PLAN Today

292 MAY 2015 north cape: The aero-naval campaign fought off the coast of Norway from 1941 to the end of the war.

•First Punic War•Slave Trade Wars

•Philippine Insurrection•Congo Merc

293 JUL 2015 1066: an in-depth look at three battles fought in that fateful year that ended the Anglo-Saxon line of English kings and precluded the rise of a Danish line.

•Slave Trade Wars•Satan’s Chariot

•Battle of Mount Street Bridge, Dublin 1916

294 SEP 2015 WWi: An analysis of the strategic and grand-strategic strategies driving the course of the war that brought the world of European dynasties to an end.

•Desert Storm Intel•Muslim Conquest of Syria

•Fortifications of the Third System

38 MODERN WAR 14 | NOV–DEC 2014 MODERN WAR 14 | NOV–DEC 2014 39

1994-95 Battle of GroznyBy Christopher Miskimon

Note: The article is illustrated with scenes from the Battle of Grozny.


A s the Soviet Union fell apart in the early 1990s, various national groups within its

borders declared independence. The Chechens were one such group.

A Chechen and former Soviet Air Force general, Dzhokhar Dudayev, became their independence movement’s leader, and the region declared “autonomy” in October 1991, even before the Soviet Union formally dissolved that December.

A month later the Russians sent troops to reestablish Moscow’s control, without success. In the next several

years the Kremlin leaders were too busy consolidating their position domestically to take further action. In late 1994, President Boris Yeltsin decided the situation had to change. The catalyst was a failed attempt by ethnic Russians inside Chechnya to seize power. While the Moscow government denied involvement, their support for the coup was obvious and,

with its failure, Yeltsin felt compelled to act directly. On 29 November he ordered the Chechens to disarm. When they refused, he sent in his military.

Four Phases

Yeltsin placed Defense Minister Pavel Grachev in charge of the operation. Grachev in turn assigned the North Caucasus Military District (NCMD) as the responsible headquarters element. Russian army regulars, MVD (Interior Ministry) troops, Border Guards and FSK (Federal Counterintelligence Agency) units were all assigned to a hastily assembled force. That was the Russians’ fi rst misstep.

Those then running the NCMD lacked combat command experi-ence, and they weren’t prepared to handle the infl ux of troops. Further, they weren’t versed in conducting joint operations involving different service branches. Even so, planning moved ahead despite the noticeable shortfalls, as well as others in overall troop training and equipment.

The Russians developed an inva-sion plan in which multiple columns would fi rst surround Chechnya and then converge on its capital Grozny. That plan was divided into four parts.

In its fi rst phase, planned to last three days, the Chechen border

was to be sealed and Grozny sur-rounded on the north, east and west. The route south was left open to allow Chechen forces to fl ee.

The Second Phase was to be the reduction of Grozny. The Russians would send strong armored columns

#14 | US Carrier battlegroUpS

#38 | ghoSt DiviSion

6 S&T 289 | NOV–DEC 2014 S&T 289 | NOV–DEC 2014 7

War of the Austrian Succession Frederick the Great's First Fight by Joseph Miranda

T he War of the Austrian Succession was a series of wars with multiple origins.

France and England clashed over colonial aspirations and control of the Low Countries. In central Europe, Prussia’s new king, Frederick II, known to later generations as “Great,” coveted the rich Austrian province of Silesia. Layered on these primary confl icts were the ambitions of a

military presence in Silesia was minimal. The winter of 1741 saw the Prussians taking Austrian fortresses such as Glogau while Maria Teresa gathered an army from the far-fl ung Habsburg realms. Even her Hungarian subjects, normally obstreperous when it came to contributing to wars not directly affecting them, recognized the common threat. They declared an insurrection (national mobilization) and called up their regiments. Other Habsburg lands also mobilized. Especially valuable were light troops from the Balkan frontier, both mounted and on foot, who were expert raiders and against whom Frederick had no defense.

The Habsburg army, under the command of Marshal Adam Neipperg, was on the move by early spring. Its advance into Silesia caught Frederick off guard. Faced with the prospect of his line of communications being cut, he stood and fought. The ensuing Battle of Mollwitz (10 April 1741) was a back and forth affair. At its opening, the Austrian cavalry defeated the Prussian horse,

half-dozen princes. The war would result in minor border changes and a tenuous peace amounting to no more than a breathing space in Europe’s dynastic wars.

Pragmatic Sanction

The root cause of the war was the Pragmatic Sanction, a 1713 declaration by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles

VI that upon his death, the rule of his lands (those controlled by the Austrian branch of the Habsburgs) could be passed to a female heir. The declaration was intended to avoid any confl ict caused by the ancient Salic law forbidding ascension of a female to a throne. Without the Sanction, Charles’ passing with only a female heir would touch off claims on his territories, scattered across southern Germany and the Netherlands, by a variety of relations. Charles spent most of his reign courting the acceptance of the Sanction by the other crowned heads of Europe. Most agreed, though often at a price.

Charles died on 20 October 1740, to be succeeded by his daughter, Maria Teresa. His death also vacated the offi ce of Holy Roman Emperor. Maria Teresa could not wear the crown herself, but she became involved in the wrangling to elect the man who would.

The focus on the Imperial throne opened an opportunity for Prussia’s king, Frederick II, himself newly crowned. Frederick’s Prussia was a poor country and a small one. Surrounded by enemies, it had no geographical depth and had vulnerable scraps of territory in western Germany. To him the rich Habsburg province of Silesia was a tantalizing prize; seizure of it would be a threefold boon: money to support the treasury, a signifi cant increase in population, and substantial expansion of Prussian territory.

His father, Frederick William, had signed the Pragmatic Sanction, but he also had left behind a well-trained army. Counting on Habsburg weakness and distraction, Frederick ordered his army to march as 1740 drew to a close. The impulsive decision would embroil Prussia in a quarter-century of war.

First Silesian War

The Prussian advance initially met little resistance as the Habsburg

Holy Roman Empire

The Holy Roman Empire was the name for a collection of kingdoms, principalities, and free cities theoretically united under an emperor. The concept of the empire originated with the crowning of Charlemagne in 800, then fell into disuse before begin revived in 962, when central Europe and north Italy were united under the German king Otto I. By the late Medieval era, the empire once again had fallen apart in all but name.

The fi ction nonetheless was maintained. An emperor was voted into offi ce by “Electors,” the rulers of some of the more critical principalities. They usually (but not always) included Bavaria, Saxony, Brandenburg (later part of Prussia), Bohemia, the Palatinate, and Hanover, plus the independent cities of Mainz, Cologne, and Trier.

The emperors had come from one branch or other of the Habsburg family since the mid-fi fteenth century, and from its Austrian branch since the mid-sixteenth century. The Austrian Habsburgs controlled not only the imperial territories of Austria, Bohemia, and the Palatine, but the non-imperial regions of Hungary, the Austrian Netherlands, and various north Italian states such as Milan.

Salic law forbade a woman being empress. When Maria Teresa came to the throne in 1740, she could be (via the Pragmatic Sanction) Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Bohemia, and Croatia, Duchess of Styria, Carinthia, and Carniola, Countess of Tyrol, and ruler of a handful of other lands under various titles, but she could not be empress. She pushed for her husband, Francis, to become Holy Roman Emperor. There were other claimants, among them Charles Albert of Bavaria and Augustus of Saxony (both married to Habsburgs), and Philip V of Spain, inheritor of claims from another branch of the Habsburg clan.

There was no imperial army. An emperor would mobilize contingents from various lands he ruled, recruit mercenaries, and call on contributions of men or money, or both, from the other imperial territories. Together these forces were called the Reichsarmee(imperial army). ◆

Maria Teresa (1717-1780, ruled 1740-1780).

#289 | War of the aUStrian SUCCeSSion

40 FEB 2015 cauldron & rampage: an analysis of the final Soviet offensive in January 1943, which wiped out surrounded German Sixth Army & the 1944-45 campaign along Nazi Germany’s western border.

•Armor on New Guinea •Women at War

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•The Gestapo

•Rommel on Russia•The Rise & Fall of Tankettes

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42 JUN 2015 Battle of shanghai, 1937: The huge urban battle that began the 2nd Sino-Japanese War.

•Von Rundstedt in Normandy•Army Group South Anti-Partisan Campaigns

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43 AUG 2015 Patton’s Third army: Analysis of Patton’s 1944 lightning advance from Normandy to the German border.

•Battle of Manila, 1945•Battle of Kiev, 1941

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44 OCT 2015 ghost column: the story of the Germans’ “Trojan Horse” armored column that almost gave them victory during their 1943 Kursk offensive.

•I Remember: Luzon ‘45•Battle of Buq Buq

•A Tale of Two Corps: US II Corps & II SS Panzer Corps

issUe monTH FeaTUre arTicles

39 DEC 2014 France Fights on: one of the most crucial ‘what ifs’ of the war concerns the course of events had the French chosen to fight on from Algeria rather than surrender.

•The Soviet Gulag & Punishment Battalions

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issUe monTH FeaTUre arTicles

14 NOV 2014 carrier Battlegroup: a US Navy carrier task force operating against the Soviet fleet in the North Atlantic in the 1980’s.

•Grozny 1994•Khe Sanh

•Flying Wings•US Navy Lasers

15 JAN 2015 red Tide West (special edition): red Tide West (special edition): The great “what if” of the Cold War—a Warsaw Pact invasion of western Europe. New information on a much debated topic.

•Ukrainian Insurgents•Chinese Aircraft Carriers

•Davey Crockett•Korea Commandos

16 MAR 2015 Visegrad: coming War in eastern europe: Hypothetical combat in near future east Europe.

•Turkish Brigade in the Korean War•Contras: Nicaraguan insurgents

•Chinese Farm 1973•Sigma Wargames

17 MAY 2015 Dien Bien Phu, 1954: The French army makes its stand in a remote outpost against the Viet Minh.

•Ukrainian anti-Communists Insurgents•Test Pilots at Edward Air Force Base

•Iran-Iraq War•Future Russian Helicopters

18 JUN 2015 green Beret: Special Forces in Vietnam take the war to the enemy.

•Suez ‘56•Russian Airborne Armor

•Chinese Aircraft Carriers

19 AUG 2015 Drive on Baghdad: The incredible lightning drive by Coalition forces on the Iraqi capital on 2003.

•Vang Pao: A Laotian guerrilla leader•Gehlen Cold War Spymaster

•Insurgency in Oman

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Welcome to Dispatch #27. This issue we are featuring a sale on all World War I titles. Get 20% off any WWI games. This sale includes four new World War I folios we are adding to the F&M folio series as well as everything from the Flying Circus card game to back issues of S&T to Storm of Steel. There’s also a new introductory zip-lock game from SPW featuring the Tannenberg campaign. This is a great way to learn the Weltkrieg game system as well as have a small game to play in between Grand Campaigns. We’re also releasing a boxed version of Leningrad, the classic SPI game.

We’re also offering a subscription deal: renew or start a two-year subscription to any one of our three game edition titles and get a free regular back issue. Make that subscription two of the three titles and get three regular back issues. Make that all three titles for two years and get six regular back issues (Special Editions count as two units).

This issue of the Dispatch has many other great offers. Desert Fox just acquired a large group of mostly out of print games including some rarely seen titles. No doubt these will go quickly. Beyond this group, Desert Fox is also having their annual Fall Sales with their regular games on sale at 20% off. As usual, most are limited stock or one copy remaining, so act fast!

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It’s time to take advantage of all the bargains available in this Dispatch!

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Tannenberg: East Prussia, August 1914

In August 1914, two Russian armies, Rennenkampf’s First and Samsonov’s Second, invaded the German province of East Prussia. The lone German army there, Hindenburg’s Eighth, had to rely on interior lines and railroads to concentrate against each Russian army in turn. This game focuses on the southern half of the campaign, with the northern half factored into the victory conditions. Those victory conditions vary with the strategic options chosen by each player so neither knows the other’s intent.

Tannenberg uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1914, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective. However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting.

The historical outcome at Tannenberg was the destruction of Samsonov’s army, but it need not have been so. Both players have options and can achieve decisive success. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor.

Suez 1916: Ottoman StrikeThe Suez Canal was essential to British strategic communications and trade in the Great

War, as well as an important political symbol. In August 1916, the Ottoman Empire sent an expeditionary force, including contingents of Germans and Austro-Hungarians, against the canal. While the British were expecting an attack, the Ottomans gained some tactical surprise by attacking at night. If the Ottoman attack succeeded, Britain’s prestige and warmaking capacity would be severely damaged.

Suez 1916 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or specially-trained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management.

The historical battle was a touch-and-go affair, ending with the British pushing the Turks just far enough to keep the canal safe. The British have the stronger force, but the Central Powers has the advantages of surprise, initiative, and strong artillery support. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail.

Masuria: Winter Battle 1915After the Tannenberg campaign of August-September 1914, East Prussia became a

strategic backwater as both side focused their efforts in Poland. But the Russian threat remained, and the following winter the Germans set about cleaning up their northern flank. A massive attack on the open right flank of the Russian Tenth Army sent it reeling; only the sacrifice of an entire corps in the Augustowo Forest enabled it to escape.

Masuria uses a modification of the Fire & Movement game system. Developed to portray the mechanized battlefields of a later generation, F&M stresses the use of rapidly-concentrated fire support to generate breakthroughs, followed by a rapid penetration by mobile reserves. In 1915, although railroads allowed the rapid shifting of forces on a large scale, no one moved faster than a man on foot on the battlefield, making exploitation ineffective. However, here both players have hidden movement, allowing them to concentrate in unexpected locations to surround and destroy isolated enemy units. The clumsy and inflexible fire support is represented by the artillery brigades available to division and corps commanders. It must be brought to the point of decision, then supplied to give it the firepower to affect the fighting.

The historical outcome at Masuria was the clearing of the East Prussian border. It might have gone differently; Russian reserves were available, and the German forces were a hodge-podge of units of widely varying quality. Both sides have a number of options to turn the fortunes of the campaign. The player who makes the better choices, and backs his strategy to the hilt, will emerge the victor.

Gaza 1917: Gateway to JerusalemBy early 1917 British Empire forces had pushed the Ottoman Turks out of the Sinai to

a line near Gaza. If the British could break that line, it would open the road to Jerusalem, and after that Damascus. A hastily-prepared attack in March was repulsed. After a month spent bringing forward artillery and supplies, the British were ready to try again, going “over the top” on 17 April.

Gaza 1917 uses the Fire & Movement system. The movement and combat systems are designed around the realities of mechanized warfare, giving motorized and/or specially-trained units clear advantages. Players can augment units at the instant of combat with support fire, provided by weapons ranging from mortars through cannon and light ground attack aircraft to heavy bombers. A seemingly predictable assault can be overturned at the last minute by heavy defending fires, while even small units may develop tremendous offensive punch with the assistance of a heavy bombardment. Winning the battle is a matter of maneuver, firepower and asset management.

Historically, the Turks eked out a victory, but it was a close call. In this game, the British have numbers, quality, and firepower on their side, while the Ottomans have excellent defensive positions, superior leadership, and time. The player who best utilizes his strengths and is prepared to capitalize on opportunities will prevail.

Game Contents:• 17”x22”terrainmap

• 100die-cutcounters

• OneStandardRulesbookletforthisseries

• OneExclusiveRulesbookletforthistitle

AVAILABLE NOW | 2014 FALL FoLiosMinutes to learn. Quick to play. Historically Accurate.

$19.95 +sHippinG

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6 Dispatch #27 | Decision games


ATLANTIC WALL is a grand-tactical simulation of the incredible campaign: landing at Normandy. The counters in the game represent almost every formation which participated in the campaign at a company and battalion level. Infantry, armor, anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineer, assault gun, howitzer, rocket, parachute, ranger, commando, glider and headquarter units are all fully represented in the game. Features include Widerstandnests (resistance nests), Cherbourg Fortifications and the all-important Bocage. The map portrays all primary and secondary roads, trails, and other types of terrain, along with the villages, towns and cities that proved to be the bastions of German defense. The orders of battle have been extensively researched in order to provide an accurate and functional depiction of the armies of both sides. There are three introductory one map scenarios depicting critical points in the campaign that use an abbreviated set of rules while maintaining the flavor and historical accuracy of the campaign game as a whole. In addition there are three large multi-map scenarios that allow players to either play a short period of the overall campaign or play the campaign from various starting points. The June 6th assault is covered in two modules, the Airborne Assault Module and the Amphibious Assault module that allows players to re-create both the airborne and initial amphibious assault stage of the campaign. The Amphibious module is played on a special Beach Display that shows each sub-area of the invasion beaches with units depicted at the company level and can be played as a solitaire scenario. The campaign game can be played from 6 June to 22 August with a total of 234 game turns. This is the third installment of the Grand Operational Simulation Series (GOSS), the first two being: Wacht am Rhein and Hurtgen: Hells Forest.

contents• Seven34x22inchterrainmap• 4,480 die-cut counters • Rule Booklet/ Scenario book• Assorted Player Aid Charts• Player Aid cards• Storage bags


D-Day at Tarawa is a solitaire game simulating the amphibious invasion of Betio Island in the Tarawa Atoll. The US marines assaulting the tiny island, with its strategically vital airstrip, found themselves in their toughest battle of World War II, a fight to the death against 5,000 Japanese defenders.

D-Day at Tarawa advances the solitaire game system of its award-winning predecessor D-Day at Omaha Beach to the next level. You control the US forces against a tenacious Japanese defense. An innovative diceless combat system highlights unknown enemy deployments and the importance of the right weapons and tactics. Event cards keep the action flowing and the rules simple, while introducing extensive historical detail.

Players familiar with Omaha Beach will recognize the harrowing amphibious landings, overlapping enemy fi elds of fi re, uncanny Japanese strategies, and the emergence of US heroes and leaders, as the story of the two day struggle unfolds. Tarawa adds new features covering LVT landing craft, movement through the surrounding coral reefs, close combat, Japanese night infiltration, US combat engineers and Japanese tanks.

contents• One34x22inchterrainmap• 352 die-cut counters • 55 event cards• One Standard rules booklet• Player Aid cards• Storage bags


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Dispatch #27 | Decision games 7

Napoleon at Waterloo is a simple game of the Battle of Waterloo. The system uses the most common and basic wargame principles, such as hexagon movement, firepower ratings, terrain benefits, and a combat results table to allow you to quickly and easily determine the outcome of battles. The rules are only three pages, and the game is only 10 turns. The game includes all the units present at the battle — French, British and the Prussian — as well as extra units representing other nearby forces that arrived too late to participate historically. Not all pieces are the same; some are more powerful than others, and different types (like cannon) have different capabilities. The game is easy and quick to play, and can be completed in two hours. It’s also a realistic and accurate representation of the Battle of Waterloo. Every hex and piece is printed with a number to make it easy to set up. The map is a beautiful rendition of the actual battlefield, and the pieces feature accurate icons of the uniforms of the units that fought at Waterloo. Can you, as French commander, win the game and change history or will the Allies prevail again? Your tactics will decide the outcome!

Additionally, Napoleon at Waterloo (PC), the full computer version, administers all rules and game functions, allowing players to focus on strategy, interactivity options (mouse and quick-key, turn restarts, auto save, etc.). The program includes a help function, historical, what if, and random and secret reinforcements and the option to edit unit locations and set combat results.

contents• One11x17inchterrainmap• 74 die-cut counters • One 4-page rules booklet• One CD with full computer game (PC)


Leningrad recreates one of the most crucial campaigns of the Second World War, the northern wing of Operation Barbarossa in which German forces drive along the Baltic coast to take Leningrad and trap the Soviet f leet. The German military was at its operational peak: panzer divisions provided the striking power, the sturdy infantry divisions followed behind to hold the line and secure conquered territory, while overhead the Luftwaffe provided combat support and attacked marching enemy columns. Division-for-division the Soviets were outclassed, but they had plenty of ground to give to gain time for their massive reserves

to reach the front. Historically the Soviets just managed to keep the Germans out of Leningrad, but it might easily have turned out differently.

Leningrad, based on the award-winning Panzergruppe Guderian game system, features an easy-to-learn rules format to allow players to get right into the action. All the elements of mechanized battle—air power, armor, infantry, logistics, reserves—are present. Game mechanics are straightforward, but the situation facing the players in anything but simple. The strength of Soviet units is unknown to both players until they are first tested in battle, creating the possibility of nasty surprises for either side. The initial Germans superiority and allows them to cut through the Soviets almost at will, but at times the drive must be curtailed to ensure protection of supply lines and to pull units out of the line to replace losses. Continuous Soviets reinforcements enable them to take the battle to the Germans, but strength must be held back to form new defensive lines. The player best able to balance means with objectives, and to avoid mistakes, will win.

contents• One11x17inchterrainmap• 100 die-cut counters • One 8-page rules booklet


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Copyright © 2013, Decision Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made & Printed in USA. www.decisiongames.com


Minutes to learn. Quick to play. Historically Accurate.

Copyright © 2013, Decision Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made & Printed in U.S.A.


IwoBloodbath in the Bonins

19 Feb - 17 Mar 1945


IwoBloodbath in the Bonins

19 Feb - 17 Mar 1945










Copyright © 2013, Decision Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made & Printed in U.S.A. www.decisiongames.com


Minutes to learn. Quick to play. Historically Accurate.

Copyright © 2013, Decision Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Made & Printed in U.S.A.


Meuse ArgonneThe Final Offensive


Meuse ArgonneThe Final Offensive

FoLio series

Fire & moVement rULes

World War i Battles

masuria: Winter Battle 1915suez 1916: Ottoman Strikegaza 1917: Gateway to JerusalemTannenberg: East Prussia, August 1914loos: The Big Pushmeuse argonne: The Final OffensiveVimy ridge: Arras Diversion

World War ii Battles

aachen: First to Fallarnhem: The Farthest BridgeBastogne: A Desperate Defensecauldron: Battle For Gazalacrusader: Battle for Tobrukiwo: Bloodbath in the Bonins, 19 Feb - 17 Mar 1945Kasserine: Baptism of Firesaipan: Conquest of the Marianasscheldt: The Devil’s Moat

modern Battles

DmZ: The Next Korean Wargolan: The Syrian Offensivelebanon ‘82: Operation Peace for Galileenaktong Bulge: Breaking the Perimetershowdown: The Coming Indo-Pakistani War

mUsKet & sABer rULes

napoleonic Battles

marengo: Morning Defeat, Afternoon Victoryleipzig: Napoleon Encirlced

american civil War

chickamauga: River of DeathFrayser’s Farm: Wasted OpportunityPea ridge: St Louis, Then Huzzah!Pedregal: Santa Anna At Bayshiloh: Grant Surprisedstone river: Turning Point in Tennessee

BAttLes oF AnCient WorLd rULes

chalons: The Fate of Europe

piKe & sHot rULes

early gun Powder Battles

Breitenfeld: Enter the Lion of the NorthPavia: Climax of the Italian Wars

BAttLes oF medieVAL WorLd rULes

acre: The Third Crusade Opensarsuf: Lionheart vs. Saladin

mini series

mUsKet & sABer QUiCK pLAy rULes

napoleonic Battles

saalfeld: 10 October 1806

19th century Battles

molino Del rey: Gateway to Mexico City 8 Sept 1847

american civil War

chantilly: Jackson’s Missed Opportunity 1 Sept 1862salem church: East of Chancellorsville 3-4 May 1863

AnCient WArs rULes

caesar’s War: The Conquest of Gaul, 58-52 BCBelisarious’s War: The Roman Reconquest of Africa, AD 533-534

HAnd oF destiny rULes

Khyber rifles: Britannia in Afghanistancuster’s Final campaign: 7th Cavalry at Little Bighorn

Air WArs rULes

eagle Day: The Battle of Britaincactus air Force: Air War Over the Solomons

CommAndo rULes

congo merc: The Congo 1964Border War: Angola Raiders

Folio Game series & mini Game series

minutes to learn, Quick to Play

the Mini game series provides a variety of introductory games that are designed to be played in about an hour. the eras covered are: 19th century, ancient, WWii and Modern. each game includes an 11 x 17 inch map sheet, 40 counters and a rules sheet. some titles also include 18 mini cards. the mini game series takes only minutes to learn and once one game is played, players can immediately play other scenarios with the same standard rules. some games come with cards that drive the action with various commands and events.

the folio game series provides dozens of games using the same 8-page Standard rules (Musket & Saber for 19th century battles, Fire & Movement for 20th century battles, Fire & Movement World War I for WWi battles, Battles of the Medieval World for medieval battles, & Pike & Shot for early gunpowder battles) with a short Exclusive rules sheet for each individual game to capture the unique aspects of each battle. each game can be played in about 90 minutes allowing for multiple games to be played in an afternoon or evening.

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(661) 587-9633 | (661) 587-5031 fax | P.O. Box 21598 | Bakersfield CA 93390 | shop.decisiongames.com

THE Decision games FOLIO/MInI SERIES

Folio Flat rate shipping* one rate for number of games shipped per the chart below.

spend amount below & receive $5, $15 or $25 off your order today

iF yoU spend:

$50 take $5 oFF

$100 take $15 oFF

$150 take $25 oFF

QTY Title Price ToTal

mini seriesCaesar’s Wars: Gallia 12.95

Belisarius’s War 12.95

Khyber Rifles 12.95

Custer’s Final Campaign 12.95

Eagle Day 12.95

Cactus Air Force 12.95

Congo Merc 12.95

Border War: Angola 12.95

Saalfeld 9.95

Molino Del Rey 9.95

Salem Church 9.95

Chantilly 9.95

QTY Title Price ToTalFolio series

Chalons 19.95

Marengo 19.95

Leipzig 24.95

Chickamauga 19.95

Stones River 19.95

Frayser’s Farm 19.95

Shiloh 19.95

Arnhem 19.95

Cauldron 19.95

Kasserine 19.95

Saipan 19.95

Bastogne 19.95

Aachen 21.95

Crusader 19.95

Golan 19.95

naktong Bulge 19.95

DMZ: The next Korean War 19.95

Showdown: Indo-Pakistani 21.95

Acre 19.95

Arsuf 19.95

Breitenfeld 21.95

Pavia 19.95

Pea Ridge 19.95

Pedregal 19.95

Lebanon ‘82 19.95

Battle of the Scheldt 19.95

Iwo (Solitaire) 19.95


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QTY Title Price ToTal

WWi 20% specialOffer not valid with any other offers/coupons

Loos 1915 19.95

Meuse-Argonne 19.95

Vimy Ridge 19.95

Masuria 19.95

Suez 1916 19.95

Gaza 1917 19.95

Tannenberg 12.95

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10 Dispatch #27 | Decision games

QTY TiTle Price ToTal


Across Suez $25Adv. Pacific Theater Ops 120Africa Orientale Italy Exp 35Antietam Campaign 40Atlantic Wall 240Axis Empires: Dai Senso! 120Axis Empires: Totaler Krieg! 120Battle Cry of Freedom 50Beyond the Urals 25Blue & Gray 40Captivation! 25Cherkassy Pocket 50China: Middle Kingdom 60D-Day Omaha Beach 60D-Day at Tarawa 60Drive on Stalingrad 60Emp 1st/Nap 1st Battles 50Empires of the Middle Ages 120Fly Circus Bomb & Camp Exp 40Fly Circus Complete Set 55Flying Circus (Basic) 23Highway to the Reich 170Hurtgen: Hell’s Forest 120Land Without End 50Lightning: D-Day 20Lightning: North Africa 20Lightning: Poland 23Lightning: War on Terror 20Lords of Sierra Madre 50Luftwaffe 50Napoleons 1st Battles 40Napoleons Last Battles 40Nine Navies War 50NUTS! Bulge-Card (N/S) 40Operation Kremlin 40

QTY TiTle Price ToTal

Over the Top! $50Pacific Battles, vol. 1 50Patton’s First Victory 30RAF 80Rebels & Redcoats Vol 1 50Rebels & Redcoats Vol 2 50Seven Days Battles 40Storm of Steel (updated) 160Struggle Galactic Empire (v 2.0) 60The ‘45 40The Alamo 20The Forgotten War 50USN Deluxe 80Wacht am Rhein 160War in the Pacific 420War in the Pacific Extension 40

FLAt rAte sHippinG CHArGesUS ships UPS Ground, International ships USPS only.

$16 UPS Ground (USPS Priority Mail add $5)

33 Canada

37 South America

47 Europe, Australia, Asia


TAX (CA. RES. 7.5%) +

(UPS oR USPS) ShiPPing +


Box GAme ListinG

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H WOrld WAr I H 100Th AnnIvErSAry
















XX 4

SPW introduces Tannenberg: The Introductory Game as an easy way to get into the Der Weltkrieg series. For a low price you can experience why so many rate Der Weltkrieg among their favorites. Follow the introductory videos on the SPW website, and get into one of the most playable and innovative systems available.

The series covers all World War I in Europe and the Middle East using a standard system with rules that apply to all its games. By learning how to play Tannenberg, you will know how to play the others.

The series uses simple systems. First is the representation of terrain the maps use hexside rather than in-hex depictions. That triples the amount of information on the map while adding realism and accuracy to movement and combat.

The combat system takes into account every strength point, and it’s not odds dependent. Losses are by strength point, which accurately depicts the effects of combat action and attrition.

Supply is simple and effective, representing the need to replenish ammunition. Units can’t fully attack or defend without supplies, and the system recreates intense combat and lulls.

Tannenberg is also a great way to get first-timers into wargaming. The rules are short and to the point. The video tutorials are an easy way to learn, and they give examples from the game. Watch them now and see for yourself.

Watch the Step by Step Videos at www.spwgame.com

(Media / Tutorial Videos)

For more info visit shop.decisionGames.com


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otHer spW GAmes


tHe GrAnd CAmpAiGnConnects the other titles in series. Not a stand alone game.


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ottomAn FrontFive separate scenarios


itALiAn Front: 1915-1918$49.95

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$19.95 +sHippinG

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12 Dispatch #27 | Decision games

pLedGe proGrAm oVerVieW The Decision Games Pledge Program is an

online preorder system for gamers to “pledge” their support to purchase future games thereby directing our efforts to the games customers have the most interest in seeing published. Pledge orders will receive up to a 25% discount from the final retail price. We will provide estimated pricing based on the latest information we have about the game components and print pricing however the final price is subject to change (largely due to the variable costs of paper and shipping). Updates about the collation and shipping are included in our What’s New page. Normally, we start printing game components in January. We close the pledge orders at the end of February each year and begin collecting payments in March. Most games are shipped by the end of June.

The Decision Games Pledge Program has published many games over the past 15 years. For your convenience, we are listing the projects to be released in the next year in the first section of the pledge list, then the games we have in progress for the following two years. We will add games to the Pledge Program through the surveys we conduct on-line and in our magazines.

To pledge for additional games, check your list, make changes or updates to your list or customer information, visit the pledge area of the Decision Games Shop. Pledges are a commitment to purchase a game when published and current payment information is required in order to make pledges—credit card information must be kept current in order to maintain a pledge order. Accounts that are not kept current will have their pledge orders cancelled so that we are able to keep accurate count of pledge orders.

pLedGe proGrAm UpdAte (01 Oct 14)

After nearly 15 years, we have decided to give our pledge program a reboot. We have been attempting to keep three versions of our pledge program going for the past three years and it simply isn’t working for our customers or our staff. So we are going to wipe the slate clean and start over. The bad news is some inconvenience in having to reenter your pledge information. The good news is everything should function better going forward, reducing frustration and problems. We are also cutting the pledge list to just the games we have in design and development now, and we will only put games into the pledge program when we are confident they will be published within three years. We will add further games to the pledge program through our on-line and/or magazine surveys so we will still work from our traditional model of customer participation in the selection process. We do apologize for the inconvenience of having to reenter your pledge list, but we anticipate a better pledge program going forward.

Releases in 2015We are releasing three boxed games in 2015:

napoleon’s last Battles, Wellington’s Victory, and D-DayatPeleliu. nlB is an updated printing with new maps and counters, but minimal changes to the game rules. Wellington’s Victory is a complete overhaul, with a new map, counters and rules (a play test version of the game is available via a Vassal module for those willing to commit to playing the game with others on a regular basis). D-DayatPeleliu continues the popular solitaire series from John Butterfield.

2016 and BeyondAlamotoAppomattox, campaign for north africa,

Hand of Fate: The Vietnam War and Free mars are all proceeding through design and development. We will let the pledges determine the order and timing of publication. We will conduct a survey in the Spring to determine what games will be added to the Pledge Program for 2018. We’ll announce the details on the What’s New page In January.

GAmes to Be pUBLisHed in 2015

1. D-DayatPeleliu. Peleliu focuses on the landings by the US 1st Marine Division in September 1944 and their bitter two-day struggle to capture the airfield on the southern end of the island. A longer campaign scenario allows the player to extend the action to the rugged terrain of “Bloody Nose Ridge.” Opposed by the reinforced Japanese 14th Infantry Division, the battle resulted in the highest US casualty rate of any in the Pacific war. Like D-DayatOmahaBeach, the new game feature landing hazards, variable enemy positions and fields of fire encoded into the game maps, US weapon types vs. Japanese defensive preparations, and a random event-driven narrative. Plus new features unique to the Pacific Theater such as US naval and aerial bombardment, flame throwers, off-shore reefs and defensive positions, Japanese tank attacks, tunnel network movement and Banzai charges. One map, two counter sheets, and 55 cards. John Butterfield. Est. Retail $60 (Est. Pledge $45).

2. Wellington’s Victory (SPI Update). An update of the SPI classic grand tactical simulation of Waterloo. This will retain the feel of the original—the fragility of dense units in the open, the efficacy of different arms and formations at different times—while addressing some of the shortcomings of the original. Gone is the asymmetric turn sequence which so hampered the Prussians and gave cavalry near-immunity from artillery: in its place, a simplified sequence that retains the continual interplay between sides. Gone too are the step reduction markers; units will be presented on several counters so losses can reflect diminution of both numbers and morale. Large units—such as the Nassauers, Prussians, British Guards, and most cavalry regiments—will have two or more counters in play. Formations for infantry, cavalry, and artillery will be handled with markers and will reflect doctrinal differences between the armies.

Skirmishers will be tamed, providing neither the spearhead of the offensive nor the bulwark of the defense. Entirely new rules provide for hidden movement and optional reinforcements for both sides. For details [and progress reports], go to the CSW web site, Napoleonic folder, Wellington’s Victory. Four maps, seven counter sheets. Chris Perello. Est. retail $180 (Est. Pledge $135).

3. napoleon’s last Battles (SPI Update). A largely graphic update of the SPI classic game on the Waterloo Campaign. A new Joe Youst map and iconic counters selected by our customers in a head-to-head contest. Two maps, two counter sheets. Chris Perello, developer. Est. retail $60 (Est. Pledge $45).

pLedGe GAmes For 2016-2017

4. AlamotoAppomattox. a2a is a grand strategy game of the American Civil War in the style of Krieg! Maps of the Eastern and Western Theaters include terrain, strategic objectives, roads/rail, naval zones, navigable and non-navigable rivers, cities and locales, supply centers and other features affecting the game. Counters represent the corps and armies of the war. Cards provide the strategic-political-economic direction for each side. Strategies are many and varied but the ultimate goal is to demoralize the opposing faction’s population through military, economic and political victories while sustaining your own population’s will to continue the fight. The players each choose a Strategy Card and an Addendum Card before each new season and may opt to play an additional card as a diplomatic response to certain events. These cards lead to new military units, leaders, and replacement steps and result in socio-economic and political events. The events include the declaration of Emancipation, the elections of 1862 and 1864, and the possible intervention by European nations. Events are often double-edged swords, sometimes providing a military advantage while negatively affecting the popular will to fight. In addition, both sides may attempt to develop and manufacture new technologies, both historical and speculative, such as ironclads, submarines, torpedoes, observation balloons, repeating rifles and Gatling guns. Both sides can introduce espionage and even sabotage, which can have many unexpected consequences, including assassination. Scenarios are included for each year as well as the entire ACW.

Beyond the ACW proper, there are two introductory scenarios: alamo, a mini-game of the WarforTexas and manifest Destiny, a Mexican-American War mini-game. These short campaigns will give new players an excellent place to start playing and veteran players will have two scenarios that can be finished in an evening. In addition there is crisis & compromise, a card play oriented game of the period from the end of the Mexican-American War to the start of the Civil War. Though little combat occurs, the card play covers the actions inspiring events, leaders and regional positions (Border States) that affect the allegiance of states to a region and the ability of

deCision pLedGe proGrAm

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Dispatch #27 | Decision games 13

The Quest for Annihilation The Role & Mechanics of Battle in the American Civil War

by Christopher Perello

Civil War came to the US when the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter on 12 April 1861. Most, including the leaders of both sides, thought it would be won or lost quickly, with a great battlefield collision. Instead, it ground on for four years. Battles were frequent, but each one rarely decided more than the control of a single town or a few blood soaked fields.The book is loaded with detail, and is illustrated with more than 320 maps, diagrams, photographs, orders of battle and data tables (320 pages).

reTail Price: $35 (+ shipping)

Crowns in the Gutter

A Strategic Analysis of World War I

by Ted S. RaicerIllustrated by Christopher Perello

World War I was the crucial event of the 20th century, as the great European powers — which until then dominated the world economically, militarily and politically — destroyed themselves. That led to a second war a generation later, enabled the ascendance of the United States and Soviet Union, and unleashed the forces of nationalism and self-determination around the globe. Crowns in the Gutter provides a concise analysis of the strategies and tactics employed to try to achieve those goals. The narrative also has dozens of maps and diagrams to further illustrate all the action of the first total war.

reTail Price: $35 (+ shipping)

With Custer at the Deathby Robert F. BurkeIllustrated by Christopher Perello

The fascination with Custer’s Last Stand hasn’t diminished in the decades since 1876. He led his regiment well ahead of the main body, only to run into an unprecedented gathering of Indians. The first accounts were pieced together by other soldiers arriving on the scene in the battle’s aftermath, and by archaeologists in the generations since. To that information was added the reminiscences of the Indians who fought there.Interleaving and cross-referencing all those accounts provides a minute-by-minute story of the fighting, as Custer desperately and expertly maneuvered his outnumbered troops to face repeated and well-coordinated assaults by bands of Indian warriors. The resultant narrative is supported by dozens of detailed maps and orders of battle for both sides.

reTail Price: $30 (+ shipping)

Register now at shop.decisiongames.com in the store section and manage your

pledge account personally.

military leaders at the start of the Civil War. Crisis & Compromise can be played alone or used to create alternative starting situations for the ACW. Three maps, 560 counters, 200 cards. Barry Altshuler. Est. Retail: $160 (Est. Pledge $120).

5. campaign for north africa (SPI). There is no paperwork or data tracking in this remake of the SPI classic; streamlined but realistic procedures allow the realistic portrayal of unit assignment and supply expenditure. Command and control cards drive the action, enabling a player to tailor his emphasis on building units, gathering intelligence, conducting operations, or building up supplies. The map has been given a graphic update. The air war is updated and enhanced and the OOB presents the latest research with all units at a battalion level (armor in companies and air units in squadrons). Now it’s the ultimate North Africa simulation. Joseph Miranda. Est. Retail $200 (Est. Pledge $150).

6. Hand of Fate: The Vietnam War. Players choose Campaign Cards that would generate reinforcements and political events. The Campaign Cards would replace the complex political rules often required to simulate the Vietnam conflict. Players can choose different levels of escalation that will generate varying levels of forces, at a trade-off in political support and military efficiency. The Communist player could choose between low level terrorism, mid-level guerrilla warfare, or a full scale Tet-style offensive. The Allied player could choose to intervene with just US special forces, or mobilize for an all-or-nothing invasion of Communist sanctuaries in Laos and Cambodia. Game units will be brigades/regiments and divisions/Viet Cong fronts, rated for their conventional and unconventional capabilities. The map will cover all of Indochina. A semi-abstract system will model air operations. Two maps, three counter sheets, 220 cards. Joseph Miranda. Est. retail: $100. (Est. Pledge $75).

7. Free mars! (SPI). From the colonies of Mars to the orbital stations of Earth and to the outposts on Jupiter, the cry is heard. Free mars! is a science fiction wargame of revolt across the Solar System in the late 21st century. Earth’s colonies are rising up against an oppressive Terran Federation. The system is based on SPI’s Battlefleet mars, but with additional forces and units representing several types of spaceships, ground units and special forces. Special weapons include artificial intelligence missiles, cybernetic attacks and enhancement of human warriors via nano-technology. Cards representing the various military-political-economic groups that are maneuvering for power are included. The map shows the Solar System out to Jupiter, with displays for each planet. Joseph Miranda. Est. retail $80 (Est. Pledge $60).


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Operation Olympic Computer Game (PC)$24.95 | doWnLoAd AVAiLABLe

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Struggle for the Galactic Empire Computer Game (PC)$19.95

War in Europe: computer edition (PC)$60.00

WolfPack: computer edition (PC)$20.00

order online at shop.decisiongames.com

PO Box 21598 | Bakersfield, CA 93390 | (661) 587-9633 | strategyandtacticspress.com

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fall clearance saleOnly games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW & Decision Games products. Cannot be

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20% oFF

3W Aachen 363M Blue Line Hockey 253M Foil 303M Quinto 303M Regatta 303M Win Place Show 303W Decision at Kasserine 553W Dark Crusade 453W Dark Crusade (punched) 353W Tide of Fortune 34ACIES Braccio da Montone 70ADTCH Fighting Gen Patton 150AEG Abandon Ship 25AEG Arcana 15AEG Monkey Lab 25AEG Straw 15AH Flattop (punched) 45AH Foreign Exchange 35AH Outdoor Survival (punched) 25AH Rocketville 20AH Tac Air 30AH Tac Air (punched) 20APL AirLines (card game) 20APL AirLines 2 (card game) 20APL Avalanche: Invasion Italy 38APL Bitter Victory: Sicily 20APL Digging (card game) 15APL Granada 40APL GWAS: Airships (booklet) 10APL GWAS: Med (2nd ed) 60APL GWAS: Med, vol I 60APL Napoleon in the Dsesert 35APL Op. Cannibal 30APL PG: Afrika Korps 60APL PG: Beyond Normandy 65APL Red God of War 30APL Red Steel 38APL Res Publica (card) 15APL Soldier Emperor 60APL Strange Def-France 44 20APL SWWAS: East Fleet 45APL SWWAS: Great Pacific War 65ASM Frontiers: Liberty or Death 30ASM Werewolves-Millers: New Moon 13ATG Beer Money 20ATG Lunch Money 20ATG Lunch Money Sticks & Stones 10ATG Recess 15AYG Conf of Heroes Russia 1941-42 80BRO Cossacks are Coming 50BTL Alpha Omega 30CAF Tempus 55CB7 Dr Who card game 30CG EuroFront 35CG MasterFront (zip) 25CG MedFront 40CG Mid-East Peace 20CG Victory Pack (incl blank map & Logistics set) 49CG WestFront 50COA 1807: Eagles East 60COA 6 Days of Glory 36COA Achtung Spitfire 40COA Admiral Triology Russo Japan 60COA Amateur to Arms 98COA Army of Heartland 60COA Autumn of Glory 28

COA Baltic Arena 35COA Baron’s War 40COA BAR Primer (booklet) 36COA Battle of Monmouth 64COA Brandywine & Germantown 80COA Bywater’s War (zip) 40COA Camp Nap: Emperor Returns 45COA Clash of Armor Rules (booklet) 19COA Close Action 48COA Dawn of Rising Sun 80COA Devil to Pay (zip) 18COA Fear God/Dreadnaught 95COA Fear God/Dreadnaught (booklet) 10COA Fires of Midway 65COA Flight of the Eagle 40COA Flint & Steel (booklet) 32COA Fontenoy 80COA Golan to Sinai (booklet) 20COA Harpoon 4 66COA Hell of Stalingrad 65COA La Bat. Lutzen 80COA La Bat. Mont St. Jean (zip) 40COA La Bat. Moscowa 150COA Landships 46COA Leuthen 60COA Lobositz 50COA Mighty Midgets (booklet) 30COA Monmouth 64COA No Sailor but a Fool (booklet) 32COA Operation Spark 45COA Painter’s Guide WW2 Camo (booklet) 20COA PanzerKampfe (booklet) 16COA Persian Incursion (Harpoon) 65COA Prague 88COA Rebel Seas (booklet) 25COA Shattered Armada (booklet) 40COA SFE: Brute Force 70COA SFE: Mediterranean 60COA So Atlantic War (booklet) 32COA Speed of Heat 60COA Supermarina I 56COA Supermarina II (booklet) 20COA Triumph of Chaos-RCW 90COA Wallace’s War 44COA Whistling Death 80COA Whistling Death (booklet) 20COA White Ensign (Harpoon booklet) 22COA Zorndorf 40COA Campaigns of King David 50CSM Beda Fomm 38CST Algeria 20CST Army of Ireland 23CST Arriba Espana 23CST Autumn Mist 23CST Byzantium Reborn 23CST Marcher Lords 23CST Op Whirlwind 23CST Smokejumpers 23CST The Final Frontier 23CST War Plan Crimson 23DOW Ticket to Ride Dice Expan 20EGD China Moon 25EGD Dragon Delta 20EGD Europa 50EGD Knights Brave & Bold (english) 30EGD Lawless 18EGD Montgolfiere (2nd ed) 20EGD Savanah Cafe 15EGD Tony & Tino 15EGL Age of Mythology 60

EGL Attack! 30EGL Conquest of Empire 90EGL Lord of Rings Children’s 20ES All is Lost Save Honor (zip) 66EXC A Mighty Fortress 40EXC Ancient Conquest 45EXC Battle for Stalingrad 55EXC Conquerors 80EXC Sovereign of Seas 30FBI Berserker 30FFG Cold War: CIA vs KGB 25FFG LOTR Trivia 20GALATC Moonshot 25GMT 1989 65GMT A Distant Plain 78GMT Alesia (zip) 35GMT Andean Abyss 75GMT Asia Engulfed 69GMT Attila (zip) 20GMT Battle for Normandy 149GMT Battle Normandy Expan (zip) 59GMT Blackbeard 60GMT Bloody April, 1917 55GMT Bomber Command 67

commanD & colorsGMT C&C Ancients Exp 4 60GMT C&C Nap Russian Army Exp 55GMT C&C Nap Spanish Army Exp 55GMT C&C Napoleonic Basic 70GMT C&C: Ancients 65

comBaT commanDGMT CC: Europe 79GMT CC: Fall of West Pack (zip) 30GMT CC: New Guinea Pack (zip) 25GMT CC: Normandy Pack (zip) 35GMT CC: Paratrooper Pack (zip) 20GMT CC: Resistance 55GMT CC: Sea Lion Pack (zip) 27GMT CC: Stalingrad Pack (zip) 35GMT Clash of Giants 2 35GMT Clash of Monarchs 65GMT Conquest of Paradise 25GMT Cubra Libre 69GMT Dark Valley 59GMT Dead of Winter 79GMT Devil’s Horsemen (GboHv10) 35GMT DiF Fighters (zip) 10GMT DiF Sqdrn Pack#2: Bombers (zip) 10GMT Dominant Species Card Game 29GMT EFS: Crimea 79GMT EFS: Kiev to Rostov 85GMT Fading Glory 60GMT Fields of Fire 75GMT Flagship: Coyote (cards) 15GMT Flagship: Promo. (cards) 15GMT France 40 55GMT GD: Fighting Formations 85GMT Gergovia (zip) 10GMT Grand Illusion 35GMT Hellenes 69GMT Hoplite 75GMT Iron & Oak 59GMT Ivanhoe 25GMT Kutuzov 65GMT Labyrinth 60GMT Leaping Lemmings 35GMT Mamluk (zip) 10GMT Maneouver 55

GMT Manifest Destiny 55GMT Medieval 45GMT Mr Madison’s War 57GMT Navajo Wars 69GMT No Retreat No Africa 65GMT Newtown 65GMT Next War Korea 85GMT Night Fighter 55GMT Nothing Gained but Glory 65GMT Pacific Typhoon 40GMT Pax Baltica 55GMT PQ-17 69GMT Prussia’s Glory 2 35GMT Ran 65GMT Rebel Raiders 69GMT Reds! 50GMT Risorgimento 65GMT Roads to Moscow 55GMT Saints in Armor 69GMT Salamis (zip) 20GMT Samurai 64GMT Savannah 35GMT Serpents of the Seas 69GMT Ship of the Line (zip) 20GMT Silver Bayonet 45GMT Stalin’s War 55GMT Sun of York 55GMT Supreme Commander 65GMT Tyrant (zip) 10GMT Unconditional Surrender 70GMT Unhappy King Charles! 65GMT Veni,Vidi,Vici (zip) 15GMT Virgin Queen 89GMT Winds of Plunder 45GMT Zero 45GREN Journey 25HAN Time the Game 10HEX Allemegne 1813 (zip) 51HEX Sparatcus Imperator 51HJ Norway 1940 50JKL Scanderoon 30JKL Treasure Island 40Lion Rmp Challenge 25LOO Chrononauts: Lost Identities 5MAT Desert Bazaar 25MB Battleship (1971) 15MB Pathfinder 25MDG Space Junkyard 35METGM Dimension Demons (zip) 10METGM Dragons of Underearth 18METGM Hot Spot (zip) 15METGM Ram Speed 10METGM Rivets 15METGM Rommel’s Panzers 10METGM Stalin’s Tanks 10METGM Trailblazer 10METGM Warp War 15MFG British Rails 38MFG Domaine 40MFG Eurorails 35MFG Express 13MFG Five Points 35MFG Freight Train 20MFG Hell Rail 20MFG More Cosmic Encounter 15MFG Pack N Stack 49MFG Quo Vadis Roman Senate 20MFG Silverton (2nd ed) 45MFG SoC/Candamir 1st Settlers 49MFG SoC/Elasund 1st City 49

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mFg Title Price mFg Title Price mFg Title Price mFg Title Price

20% oFF

MFG SoC/Event cards 5MFG SoC/Fisherman of Catan Exp 4MFG SoC/Great River Exp 3MFG SoC/replacement cards 9MFG Station Master 20MFG Streetcar 30MG Guns of Gettysburg 70MIH Lodz 1914 (zip) 49MIH Pierce the Reich 35MIH Tunisia 43 44MIH Turning the Tables (zip) 30MIH White Ensign (zip) 35MMP A Fearful Slaughter 95MMP Screaming Eagles 50MMPG April’s Harvest 60MMPG No Better Place to Die 40OMGA 1864 35OMGA Desert Victory 35OMGA Main Battle Area 40PB Risk (1993) 20PHA Chicago Poker 30PHA Go West 45PHA Heart of Africa 35PHA Justinian 45PHA Mesopotamia +card 45PHA Nero 45PHA Sutter’s Mill 45PHA Waterloo 45QD Incredible Victory 50QNG Alhambra 40QNG Alhambra Dice Game 40QNG Alhambra Gardens 40QNG Alhambra Power Sultan (#5) 30QNG Architekton 25QNG Chicago Express 60QNG Chicago Express Expan 40QNG Eketorp 60QNG Enuk 35QNG Flandern 25QNG Fresco 63QNG Fresco The Glaziers Expan 40QNG Fresco The Scrolls Expan 25QNG Highland Clans 35QNG Inka 30QNG Lucky Loop 35QNG Metro 35QNG Montego Bay 60QNG Robber Knights 30QNG Samarkand 63QNG Shogun Tennos Court Expan 25QNG Thief of Baghdad 40QNG Turbo Taxi 25RALP Caverns Deep 75RALP Final Frontier 55RAV Marco Polo 45RGG 20th Century 60RGG 6 Billion 20RGG A Fool’s Fortune 20RGG Adam & Eva 15RGG Airlines: Europe 60RGG Albion 40RGG Alexandros 33RGG Andromeda 40RGG Antike: Duellum 35RGG Assyria 60RGG Asteroyds 55RGG Augsburg 1520 40

RGG Australia 40RGG Bausack (bag) 50RGG Bean Trader 38RGG Big Manitou 25RGG Black Friday 45RGG Bohnanza 20RGG Bolide Tracks 1 25RGG Cabale 35RGG Canyon 25RGG Cape Horn 33RGG Caprice 35RGG Capt’n Clever 25

carcassoneRGG Carcassone: Castle 30RGG Carcassone: Dice (tin) 18RGG Carcassone: Discovery 25RGG Carc: Abbey & Mayor 18RGG Carc: Bridges/Castles/Bazaars 18RGG Carc: Inns & Cathedrals 18RGG Carc: Traders & Builders 18RGG Carcassone: Wheel of Fortune 30RGG Cardcassone 30RGG Cartegna II 28RGG Castle For All Seasons 55RGG Cavemen: Quest for Fire 25RGG Caylus Magna Carta 30RGG Celtica 40RGG Change Horses 50RGG Cinque Terre 55RGG Coloretto 15RGG Concordia 65RGG Copy Cat 50RGG Corsairs 30RGG Credit Mobilier 35RGG Cuba 60RGG Cuba: El Presidente Expansion 45RGG Darjeeling 50RGG Dawn Under 40RGG Doge 40RGG Doge Ship 50

DominionRGG Dominion 45RGG Dominion: Alchemy Exp 30RGG Dominion: Base cards 18RGG Dominion: Big Box 100RGG Dominion: Cornucopia Exp 30RGG Dominion: Dark Ages Exp 45RGG Dominion: Guild Exp 30RGG Dominion: Hinterlands Exp 40RGG Dominion: Intrigue Exp 45RGG Dominion: Prosperity Exp 45RGG Dominion: Seaside Exp 45RGG Dragonland 35RGG Duell 20RGG Edison & Co 30RGG El Caballero 35RGG Evergreen 20RGG Famiglia 12RGG Fast Flowing Forest Fellers 40RGG Fifth Avenue 38RGG Forgotten Planet 60RGG Formidable Foes 40RGG Fossil 30RGG Friday 20RGG Friedrich, Anniversary Edition 75RGG Funny Friends 35RGG Furstenfeld 60RGG Galaxy Trucker Expansion 55

RGG Gloria Mundi 45RGG Gnummies 12RGG Goblins Inc 50RGG Gone Fishing 25RGG Gracias 20RGG Guatamala Cafe 50RGG Hambergum: Antverpia 15RGG Hanging Gardens 35RGG Havana 45RGG Heavens of Olympus 45RGG Hermagor 40RGG IDO 44RGG If Wishes Were Fishes 35RGG In the Year of the Dragon 45RGG Indus 35RGG Industry 60RGG Jambo 25RGG Kahuna 25RGG Key Harvest 50RGG Khronos 55RGG Krysis 30RGG Last Will 50RGG Leader 1 60RGG Lost Cities 25RGG Lowenherz 40RGG Magna Grecia 45RGG Mall World 33RGG Marco Polo 38RGG Masons 40RGG Maya 28RGG Merchant of Amsterdam 40RGG Meridian 40RGG Message to Czar 25RGG Ming Dynasty 40RGG Monster Factory 30RGG Mousquetaires du Roy 60RGG Mü & Lots More 30RGG Navegador 60RGG Nefertiti 50RGG Nefertiti Expansion 25RGG Niagara 50RGG Olympos 50RGG Oregon 40RGG Pantheon 40RGG Pantheon (Dings & Dents) 40RGG Pesky Garden Gnomes 30

PoWer griDRGG Power Grid 45RGG Power Grid: Factory Manager 45RGG Power Grid: The First Sparks 45RGG PG: Australia/India 15RGG PG: Benelux/Central Europe 15RGG PG: Brazil/Spain & Portugal 25RGG PG: China/Korea 15RGG PG: Italy/France 15RGG PG: No Europe/UK 20RGG PG: Quebec/Baden-Wurt. 15RGG PG: Russia/Japan 15RGG PG: The Robots 10RGG Phoenicia 50RGG Pizarro 30RGG Ponte del Diavolo 25RGG Princes of Machu Picchu 55RGG Quilt Show 35

race For THe galaxYRGG Race for the Galaxy 35RGG Alien Artifacts Expansion 25RGG Brink of War Expansion 25

RGG Gathering Storm Expansion 25RGG Rebel vs Imp Expansion 25RGG Race the Wind 60RGG Rails to New England 60RGG Ranking 40RGG Renaissance Man 35RGG Rio de la Plata (Dings & Dents) 50RGG Roll to the South Poll 35RGG Samuari Card Game 30RGG San Juan 30RGG Shadow of Emperor 28RGG Shipyard 60RGG Siesta 40RGG Soccer Tactics World 30RGG Sole Mio 12RGG Space Alert Expan 30RGG Space Dealer 60RGG St. Petersburg 35RGG St. Petersburg Expan 25RGG Strozzi 35RGG Surf’s Up Dude 45RGG Taj Mahal 40RGG Tally Ho 25RGG Techno Witches 30RGG The Reef 25RGG Thurn & Taxis: Power & Glory 30RGG Thurn & Taxis: Roads to Rome 30RGG Tichu 15RGG Time Pirates 40RGG Toppo 15RGG Toscana 30RGG Tower of Babel 35RGG Traders of Genoa 40RGG TransEuropa 33RGG Trick R. Treat 12RGG Tzolk’in 60RGG Tzolk’in: Tribe & Prophecies 40RGG Upon a Salty Ocean 50RGG Ur 40RGG Utopia 60RGG Vasco da Gama 60RGG Vino 40RGG Where’s Bob Hat? 12RGG Women & Men 30RGG Yeti Slalom 23RGG Yspahan 50RGG Ystari Treasure Box 35RGG Zooloretto Gorilla Expansion 10RGG Zooloretto Polar Bear Exp 10RGG Zooloretto XXL Expansion 35RGI Maj Battles Gen Patton 40RHG Legend Begins (zip) 30SDI 1862 20SFG Red Dragon Inn 30SFG Tiki Mountain 25SG Allenby’s Blitzkrieg 30SG Drive on Damascus (zip) 35SG Eureka Stockade 25SG Hamel 1918 30SG Kalapit 25SG Russo-Georgian War 2008 30SG Sands of Iwo Jima 25SG Somalia Intervention 25SG Switzerland Conquerored 30SJG Cowpoker 12SJG Frag Gold Ed 50SJG Munchkin Blender 17SJG Munchkin Fu 2: Monky Biz 17SJG Munchkin Mission Impossible 25SJG Munchkin Quest 2: Look Trouble 35

fall clearance saleOnly games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW & Decision Games products. Cannot be

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fall clearance saleOnly games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW & Decision Games products. Cannot be

combined with other offers or discounts. Shipping is not included. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated.

20% oFF

SJG Munchkin Quest Boardgame 50SJG Ninja Burger 2: Sumo Size 17SJG Revolution Palace Exp 25SJG Snits Revenge 20SJG Star Munchkin 25SJG Super Munchkin 18SLS Bells of War 20SMCN Battle Ship (zip) 25SMCN Battlestations (zip) 25SMCN Divine Wind (zip) 25SMCN Line of Battle (zip) 25SMCN Man of War (zip) 25SMCN Naps Last Triumph P25SMCN Ortona 30SMCN Power & Resolution (zip) P25SMGC Origins plus Age Reason exp 68SMTC Sagunto 80STGM Starship Captain 35TF History 2nd World War Part 1 40TF Viceroys (zip) 25TILSIT Courtisans of Versailles 48TILSIT Grand Alchemist 20TILSIT Snails Pace 25TILSIT Space Pigs 25TILSIT Thieves of Bagdad 48TILSIT Vox Populi 32TLC Bag O Zombie Dogs! 10TLC Easter Island 25TLC Zombie Town 2: Road Rage 10TLC Zombies! 6.66 Fill in _______ 10TPS Battle of Stalingrad 30TPS Battle of Tours 30TPS Battle of Midway 1942 35TPS Joan of Arc’s Victory 30TPS Metaurus 35TPS Poltova’s Dread Day 30TPS Saratoga 1777 35TPS Siege of Syracuse 35TSK Hob Lepoard II 50TSR Field Marshal: Africa Camp 45TSR Moscow 1941 40TSR WWII 40TSR Twilight War (zip) 35UBR New England 30UBR Sunken City 40UGG Assyrian Wars 66UGG Blitzkreig General (2nd ed) 47UGG Morse Code 79UGG Pasaran 21UGG Triumph & Fall Desert Fox (zip) 30VaeV Cassino (zip) 27VaeV Lion & the Sword (zip) 27VaeV Overlord to Berlin (zip) 25VaeV Victories of Marshal Saxe (zip) 27VG Open Fire 40VG Gulf Strike (1st ed) 50VPG Vanished Planet 25WARF Perikles 50WDG Anzio: Fight Beachhead 1944 25WDG At Neuve Chapelle 30WDG Bosworth Field 1485 38WDG Pavia 30WDG Red Menace 35WDG Shield Wall: Hastings 1066 25WDG We Shall Fight on the Marne 33

WOG Blood of Noble Men 40WOG Chainmail 50WOG Cowboys 50WOG For Honor & Glory 50WOG Forged in Fire 50WOG Hold the Line 60WOG MedWar Sicily 45WOG Prussia’s Defiant Stand 60WOLF Swords of Glory 20XTR Back to Iraq (zip) 20XTR Black Gold (zip) 20XTR Miss. Banzai (zip) 50XTR Wahoo! (zip) 20YAQ Fast Attack Boats 50YAQ Neck & Neck 30YAQ Superiority 40YAQ Timeship 20YAQ Beastlord 25YAQ Raider 40ZMG Ares Project 50ZMG Camelot Legends (card) 25ZMG Making President 1960 50ZMG Middle Kingdom 15ZMG Pocket Battles: Confederacy 15ZMG Pocket Battles: Celts vs Romans 15ZMG Pocket Battles: Orcs vs Elves 15ZMG Silent but Deadly Night 25ZMG Take Stock 15ZVE Barbarossa 41 70ZVE Battle for Danube 50ZVE Samuari Battles 83ZVE Samuari Ninja Attack 44ZVE Starter Kit 70ZVE Tank Combat 30

magaZinesAReS (SPI)1 World Killer P307 Rescue from the Hive 258 Ragnorak (P) 259 Delta Vee 4011 Albion P45Special Editions 1 & 2 20 ea.Mag w/incomp game: 1, 2, 8-11 10

Command1 Blitzkrieg ’41 P852 Sunrise of Victory 1005 Hamburger Hill P756 Krim P308 Jutland 809 Inchon P4011 Hougoumont 2512 Chaco 5015 I Am Sparatcus P5016 Storm in West 1918 P6018 Tet 3019 Port Arthur 3021 Blood & Iron 4022 Antietam 4023 Sekigahara 4524 Czech ’38 P4026 When Tigers Fight 5029 1914: Glory’s End 4032 Bunker Hill 3537 Mukden & Moscow Option P2538 Great War in Near East 3539 World War 1862 2540 Buena Vista & Moscow Burning 35

42 Hell B4 Night/Blitz 40 3543 Chattanooga 3544 Dark Victory & 2nd Front 3545 Ironclads at Hampton Rds 3546 End of Empire 3547 Perfidious Albion & Attila 3548 1812 War in Canada 3549 Waterloo: Retreat to Victory 3550 Back to Iraq (2nd) 2553 Iron Dream 35

Command Game Only-No mag39 World War 1862 1544 Dark Victory & 2nd Front 2550 Back to Iraq (2nd) 1551 Meuse-Argonne 15Warmaster Chess vol 1-3 (one set) 25

Wargamer Vol.112 Aces High 5017 Nap at Austerlitz (punched) 3518 Birth of a Nation P4019 Sturm Nach Osten P5022 No Trumpets No Drums P5023 Decision @ Kasserine (punched) 4024 Lawrence of Arabia P5025 Never Call Retreat P3026 Race to the Meuse P1527 Peter the Great 2028 Port Stanley P4029 Lodz: Blitz in the East P1531 Clash of Steel P2532 Napoleon at Lutzen P3033 Holy Roman Empire P3034 Khyber Rifles P4035 West Wall P2536 Unconditional Surrender P3037 China Incident 2538 Hath No Fury P2539 Hellfire Pass P3540 Fight on the Beaches P1541 O’Conner’s Offensive 2543 Wellington 2044 MacArthur P3045 Custer’s Luck P4546 House of Sa’ud P1547 Struggle for Stalingrad P4548 The Red Baron P4549 Napoleon vs. Charles 3050 Knights of Justice 5051 Duel in the Desert 2552 Glory Road 2053 Dunkirk P3054 Condottieri 1555 Okinawa P4557 Race for Tunis 2558 Empires: 1914 P2059 Bloody Keren 1560 Anvil-Dragoon P2561 Camp of Marlborough P7562 Fallen Eagle P55

AReS (OSS 2014)1 War of the Worlds 30

Against the OddsATO 2.1 North Wind Rain (#5) 35ATO 2.2 Go Tell Spartans (#6) 35ATO 2.4 Fortress Berlin (#8) 35ATO 3.1 Suleiman Magnificent (#9) 35ATO 3.3 The Big Push-Somme (#11) 35ATO 3.4 Chennault’s First Fight (#12) 35

ATO 4.1 Bittereinder: 2nd Boer War (#13) 35ATO 4.2 War in Aegean (#14) 35ATO 4.3 Cactus Throne (#15) 35ATO 4.4 La Vallee de la Mort (#16) 35ATO 5.1 Imperial Sunset (#17) 35ATO 5.2 Golden Horde (#18) 35ATO 5.4 Fatal Attraction: Gallipoli (#20) 35ATO 5.5 Kadesh: Day of Chariot (#21) 35ATO #24 Death Ride 35ATO #25 Storm Over Taierzhuang 35ATO #26 There Must Be a Victor 35ATO #27 The Pocket at Falaise 35ATO #28 Tarleton’s Quarter 35ATO #29 Buffalo Wings 35ATO #30 Lash of the Turk 35ATO #31 Hungarian Nightmare 35ATO #32 Birth of a Legend 35ATO #33 Meatgrinder: Vietnam 1975 35ATO #34 Right Fierce & Terrible: Sluys 1340 35ATO #35 Boudica: Warrior Queen 35ATO #36 Defeat to Victory: Burma 1944 35ATO #37 Bloody Honor: RCW 35ATO #38 Guns of Askari 35ATO #39 Brave Fellows: Durrenstein 1805 35ATO #40 Liliburlero: Battle of Boyne 35ATO #41 Circle of Fire: Russian Front 35ATO ANN #1 Toppling Reich 45ATO ANN #3 Op. Cartwheel 45ATO ANN #4 Verdun: Generation Lost 45ATO ANN #5 Four Roads Moscow 45ATO ANN #6 Beyond Waterloo 45ATO ANN #7 Dutch East Indies 45ATO Camp Study #1: Wintergewitter 45

Fire & Movement 1 40 2-10, 21 25 12-20, 37, 38, 41, 45, 48, 53, 83, 137-139, 143, 145 15 22-27, 29, 31, 32, 36, 39-40, 42-44, 46-47, 49-52, 54-56, 59, 73,77 10 33-35, 60-67, 68-76, 78-79, 80-93, 95-108, 110, 111, 113-115, 116 6 121-127, 136 7 149, 150 8

THe GeNeRAL 12.4-6; 13.5,6 20 14.1-6; 15.1-6; 16.1-6 15 17.1-6; 18.1-6; 19.1-6; 20.1-6; 21.1-2, 21.1 4-6; 22.1-6; 23.2,3,6; 24.1-6; 25.2-6; 26.1-6; 27.1-6; 28.1-6; 30.6, 31.3-5, 32.1 10

MOVeS 33, 34, 39, 49,56 20 89, 90 12 6-8, 12-29, 31-32, 35-38, 40-48, 50-55, 57-59, 62,78 10 61, 63-77, 79-88 6 91-98, 101-108 7

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fall clearance saleOnly games listed in this ad are in the offer; excludes S&T Press magazines (S&T, WaW, MW), SPW & Decision Games products. Cannot be

combined with other offers or discounts. Shipping is not included. Some games are one of a kind, list of alternate games is appreciated.

some items are one of a kind; please list alternates whenever possible. credit memos will be issued on items that are out of stock.















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18 Dispatch #27 | Decision games

cOllecTiBle Magazines

Strategy & tacticS 71 Battle For Cassino 35 72 Armada 50 77 Paratroop 40 81 Tito 40 85 Fighting Sail 30 90 Monmouth 50 94 Nordkap 55

98 Central Command 45

107 Warsaw Rising 55

111 Korea 55 112 Patton to War 55

113 Battle of Abensberg 40 114 Battle of Eckmuhl 40

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124 Fortress Stalingrad 35 126 Beirut 82 35 127 Rush for Glory 20 128 Africa Orientale 40 130 Tshushima 40 133 Baton Rouge 20 137 Men at Arms 60

138 Eylau 25 139 Arabian Nightmare 35 140 Objective Tunis 20 141 Hannibal 65

142 Red Beach One:Tarawa 20 143 Rio Grande:Valverde 15 144 Chad: The Toyota Wars 15 146 Italian Camp: Sicily 25 147 Holy War: Afghanistan 35 148 Cropredy Bridge 15 149 Franco-Prussian War 75

150 Italian Camp: Salerno 50 152 Case Green 25 153 Felix/ZAMA 25 154 Russo-Turkish War 85

155 Italian Camp: Anzio 20 156 White Eagle Eastward 40

160 Italian Camp: MedWar 16 162 Clontarf/Saipan 25 164 Balkan Wars 75

167 Caesar in Gallia 75

179 First Afghan War 20 180 Reinforce the Right! 35 193 Crimean War 65

201 The Crimean War (SPI) 45 208 Back to Iraq 25 211 Op Elope 55 212 Rough & Ready: Mex-Am. War 20

214 Marathon & Granicus 30 215 Ignorant Armies: Iran-Iraq 125 216 Asia Crossroads: Great Game 22 218 Chancellorsville-Plevna 22 219 Span. Civil War Bat, vol 2 25 223 1918 30 224 Sedan Campaign 30 226 Middle East Battles 22 227 CBI: Vinegar Joe’s War 75 228 Old Contemptibles 22 230 Downfall: Op Olympic 23 232 Catherine the Great (Solitaire) 23 233 Dagger Thrusts: Patton/Mont 23 234 Lest Darkness Fall 23 236 They Died w/Boots On!: Vol I-Custer & Quebec 23 237 No Prisoners! Camp Law. 23 239 Winged Horse: Vietnam 65 23 240 1066: End of Dark Ages 23 241 Twilight of Ottomans 24 242 They Died w/Boots On!: Vol 2-Pershing & Mad Anthony 24 243 SEALORDS 24 245 Triple Alliance War 24 246 Manila 45 24 248 First Blood, Second Marne 24 249 Nap Forgot Btls: EC & RSW 24 252 New Mexico Campaign 25 254 Hannibal’s War 25 255 First Battle Britain 25 256 Marlborough’s Bat: Ramillies & Malplaquet 25 257 Chosin 26 258 San Juan Campaign 25 259 Battle for China 1937 25 260 Black Prince: Crecy & Navarette 25 261 Kaiser’s War 30 262 Frederick’s War 30 263 Cold War 2: Wurzburg & Kabul 30 264 Shiloh: Bloody April 30 265 Operation Jubilee 30 266 Julian 30 267 SE Russian Civil War 50 268 When Lions Sailed 30 271 Second Kharkov 30 272 Battle of Lepanto 30 273 Reichswehr & Freikorps 30 274 SE Sun Never Sets, vol II 50 275 Koniggratz (M&S folio system) 30 276 Op. Anaconda 2002 30 277 Ticonderoga: NY Campaigns 30 278 Tobruk 30 279 Reconquista 30 280 Soldiers: Trenches 1918 30 281 SE In Country: Vietnam 50 282 War of the Pacific 30 283 Fail Safe 30 284 Jackson: Shenandoah Valley 30 285 Duel on the Steppe 30 286 Sparta V Athens 30 287 Goeben 30 288 SE Hindenburg's War 50 289 War of Austrian Succession 30

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Mw MiNt gaMe ONly-NO Mag 1 Red Dragon/Green Crescent 44 2 Oil War: Iran Strikes 24 3 Somali Pirates 24 5 Drive on Pyongyang 24 7 Vietnam Battles: Iron & Snoopy 24 8 SE: Holy Land 44 8V SE: Holy Land Variant counters 8

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