Discussion powerpoint

Technology How it changes our body, mind and communities By: Alicia Smith

Transcript of Discussion powerpoint

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Technology How it changes our body, mind and communities

By: Alicia Smith

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Topics 1.  What was the most interesting piece of information that you learned

from your presentation research and why?

2. In addition to the sociological theory you included in your

presentation, what other sociological  theory could you have

incorporated? Why is this so?

3. What do you think is the most viable and realistic solution to your

social issue?

4. What do you think you did well on? What do you think you could

have improved on? How so?

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What do you think you did well on? What do you think you could have improved on? How


• Research for this topic was easy to find I believe I did well

with providing information and solutions to each issue that is

an affect of technology

• I could have improved on going more into detail with specific

percentage of how many people are affected.

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 What was the most interesting piece of information that you learned from your presentation research and why?

• Technology changes how we interact

• Technology has increased medical illness such as, depression,

anxiety, and obesity

• Addiction

• Cyber bullying one of the biggest issues with technology

• Negative affects start as young as an infant

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Depression/Anxiety • Too much internet on social media site increase

depression for they are consistently compering

themselves to others and what others have

• Some feel left out when they see others out

together creating loneliness

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Obesity • Children and even adults are not spending enough

time doing activities

• Currently children are spending more time glues to a

television, game set or any other technical device and

are forgetting the importance of being active

• This has caused an increase in obesity

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Addictions• This is not saying Technology is not useful or needed but we do need to put

limits to everyday use and remember what is important

• This does not just impact youths it also has a negative effect on adults as

well. With technology it makes it easier for us to bring work home and

always stay connected, this can interfere with the time with the family

• I find it amazing how no one ever really pays attention to how much they are

using when it comes down to technology or the effects does cause whether

its with your own health or effecting a family member

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Cyber Bullying • Children having access to technology give them access to social

media sites as well.

• Social media site create major issues if usage is not limited or


• With social media this is where most of the cyber bullying comes

into play

• Comparing themselves to other from unrealistic photos

• I find it interesting how people have such little respect for one

another, I believe this has a lot to do with shows on television and

things they see through social websites. Children now a days forget

that if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all

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Another Sociological  theory could you have incorporated? Why is this so?

Symbolic interactionism: focus on how individual internact and

how we communicate to one another , technology has its positive

for it keeps us connected with family and friend far away but it

also has a negative affect for we forget what it is like to

communicate in person with one another

• Focuses on individuals

• How we interact with others

• The different ways of interactions

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What do you think is the most viable and realistic solution to your social issue?

• Cyber-bullying

• Depression/Anxiety

• Addictions

• Obesity

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Ending Cyber-Bullying

• Monitor social site usage

• Educate the importance

of speaking up if bullying

is happening to them

• Limit internet use

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How to reduce side affects of Depression/Anxiety from technology

• Avoid social sites

• Become active

• Interact with others

• Don’t be afraid to speak up

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How To Reduce Addiction

• Find hobbies

• Limit yourself

• Interact with others

• Ask your why you need to go on sites

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• Join team leagues

• Try something new and active outside

• Help friends and family with projects

• Get a dog to take for walks

• Explore new grounds

• Eat healthy

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Resources (2011, August 17). Mental Health Matters: How technology can affect your mental health Retrieved from:http://www.themorningsun.com/article/MS/20110817/LIFE01/308179970

J.Steyer (2015, August 21).Technology promotes behavior among children that can be self-revealing Retrieved fromhttp://www.theguardian.com/media-network/media-network-blog/2014/aug/21/online-safety-children-technology-parents

Paula,E. (2015,December 11). Obesity in Children and Technology Retrieved from:http://www.livestrong.com/article/46320-obesity-children-technology/