Discrete Time Survival Analysis using SAS® Enterprise Miner

1 Paper 132-2012 It’s About Time: Discrete Time Survival Analysis Using SAS ® Enterprise Miner™ Sascha Schubert, SAS Institute Inc., Heidelberg, Germany Susan Haller and Taiyeong Lee, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC ABSTRACT The new survival analysis algorithm in SAS Enterprise Miner 7.1 provides analysts with an alternate approach to modeling the probability of customer behavior events. Traditional binary classification approaches provide a snapshot view of event propensities, while survival analysis can generate a time based function of event probabilities. This time-based view can help organizations to optimize their customer strategies by gaining a more complete picture of customer event likelihoods. This paper briefly explains the theory of survival analysis and provides an introduction to its implementation in SAS Enterprise Miner. An example illustrates the usage of this analytical algorithm using a customer churn data set. SHORT INTRODUCTION TO SURVIVAL DATA MINING Survival data mining is the application of survival analysis to a data mining problem. The outcome that is modeled is no longer whether an event will occur in a certain time interval, but when the next event will occur. This modeling is useful when there are time-dependent outcomes, such as the time to event for a customer activity. In traditional data mining, customer churn is modeled with classification algorithms such as logistic regression or decision trees, which predict a probability that an event will occur within a predefined time window. Based on the results of this model, organizations can select customer groups that are determined by cutoff thresholds for critical churn likelihoods. For example, all customers with a probability higher than 80% of canceling their services within the next three months should be included in a retention campaign. Survival data mining, on the other hand, enables you to extend the model to look at a time-dependent outcome and to model the event likelihood over time. For example, now you can look at predicting the likelihood of churn at each month over the next 12 months. Characteristics such as longer-term trends of the churn probability over time can be exposed, which enables organizations to develop better long-term customer service strategies. The most common approach in survival data mining is to take discrete time steps (daily, weekly, monthly, and so on) and calculate the event probability at each of these time steps. Discrete event times are represented by nonnegative integer values and represent the duration from the inception (start) time until the censoring date. In survival analysis, censoring always needs to be taken into account. The time to event is the main characteristic that is analyzed. However, you will always have entities for which the analyzed event has not yet occurred at the time of the analysis. This phenomenon is called censoring. For example, in the case of churn, when you analyze the data at a certain point in time, called the censoring time, all customers that are still active have not churned yet, so their event has not yet occurred at the censoring time. Two major functions are calculated based on the time-dependent outcome (event): the hazard function h(x) and the survival function S(x). The hazard function h(x)t at time point t is the probability that an event that has not occurred at time t 1 will occur at time t. For example: 1% of all light bulbs will have stopped working after 1,000 hours 20% of all customers will have churned after one year Data Mining and Text Analytics SAS Global Forum 2012