Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World

Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World 1


Prof Peter Dankelmann from the Math Dept, Univ of KwaZulu-Natal gave this introductory overview on 'Discrete Mathematics' and "Graph Theory' in his inaugural lecture during 2008.

Transcript of Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World

Page 1: Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World

Discrete Mathematics in the

Modern World


Page 2: Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World

Mathematics - Driven by Needs

BC: calendar - astronomy

architecture - geometry

navigation - trigonometry

Middle Ages: currency conversion - algebra

introduction of arabic numberals

Rennaissance: first printed maths book:

Peurbach’s Theoricae nova planetarum (1472)

16th -19th century: science - calculus

gambling - probability, combinatorics

20th century: economics - game theory

efficiency - linear programming

Computer age: algorithmic theory, numerical

maths, cryptography, finite mathematics,

graph theory


Page 3: Discrete Mathematics in the Modern World


Def: A graph is an object consisting of

(i) points in the plane (the vertices)

(ii) lines joining the points (the edges)

Rem: Often used synonymously: network

Clarification: A graph is not


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Ex: A map with cities and freeways is a graph


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Ex: Consider only cities and freeways


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Ex: London Underground is a graph


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Ex: The structural formula of Butane is a



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Ex: (i) network of metabolic pathways

(ii) study of genes

(iii) computer networks

(iv) telephone networks

(v) social networks (friendship graph)

Ex: Characterisation of interval graphs led to

Nobel Prize for Microbiology for Benzer’s work

on the fine structure of genes.


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Def: Distance between vertices a and b:

dist(a, b) = #steps needed to get from a to b.

Ex: Graph below: d(a, b) = 1 and d(a, c) = 2.

Rem: If a graph models a transportation net-

work, then

dist(a, b) ∼ travel time from a to b

Def: diameter = largest of all distances.

Ex: Above: diam(G) = 2.


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Rem: In a transportation network:

Diameter ∼ maximum travel time.

Rem: In a sociological network:

Diameter ∼ measure of cohesion.


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Rem: The friendship graph F :

Vertices = people, edges = friendships.

Rem: Very big, hard to study F .

Q: Diameter of F?

Experiment: (S. Milgram, 1967)

(i) starter receives folder with name + address

of target,

(ii) hands folder to someone closer to target,

(iii) many folders reached targets in ≤ 6 steps.

Conclusion: diam(G) is about 6,


Rem: Some objections, but more or less ac-


Mathematics says...


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Def: The degree of a vertex is the number of

vertices it is joined to.

Ex: Graph below: deg(a) = 3 and deg(c) = 2.

The overall average degree is 3.2.

Rem: Friendship graph: degree = # friends.

Reasoning: We know:

(i) F has, say, vertices,

(ii) F has average degree about, say, 42,

(iii) 99% of all graphs satisfying (i) and (ii)

have diameter about 6.

so we conclude

probably diam(F ) ≈ 6.


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Erdos, Renyi: Theory of Random Graphs:

Many properties hold for either close to 100%

of all graphs, or for close to 0%, depending on

the average degree.

Theo: Of all graphs with n vertices and av-

erage degree d, where d ≥ logn, almost 100%


diam(G) ≈ constant×logn

log d.

Rem: logn is much smaller than n,

logn ≈ # digits of n

Cor: Most likely diam(F ) is very small.


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Power Law Distributions

Lotka’s Law (1926): Let A(k) = # authors

who published k scientific articles. Then

A(k) ≈ constant×1


Let A(k) be the number of authors who pub-

lished exactly k articles. If, say, 1000 authors

wrote one paper, then approximately

A(1) A(2) A(3) A(4) A(5) . . .

1000 10004



100025 . . .

1000 = 250 = 111 = 64 = 40 . . .

A(k) follows a power law with exponent 2.


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Rem: Typical for power law: many authors

published 1 paper, fewer published 2, even fewer

published 3,...

Rem: Power law =“heavy tail distribution”

(polynomial, not exponential)


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Zipf’s Law (1952): Suppose all English words

are listed in order of frequency: w1 being the

most common word, w2 the second most com-

mon word, etc. If

W (k) = # occurrences of wk per 100 words

of standard text,


W (k) follows a power law with exponent 1:

W (k) ≈ const×1


Rem: Similar for all human languages and

some programming languages.

Awerbach (1913) City sizes follow a power



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Def: Let G be a large graph. Let

Deg(k) = #vertices of degree k.

If Deg(k) follows a power law, then we say that

G is a power law graph.

Observation Many graphs are power law.

Year Network # vert. d exp.

Social:1999 phone calls 47 million 3.16 2.1

2002 emails 59912 1.44 1.5

1998 film actors 449.913 3.48 2.3


1999 www.nd.edu 269.504 5.55 2.1

2005 the web 53 billion 2.1

2002 word co-occurr. 460902 70.1 2.7

1998 citation netw. 783.339 8.57 3.0


2000 metabolic netw. 765 9.64 2.2

2001 protein interact. 2115 2.12 2.4


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The Web

Rem: Prime example of a PLG: WWW

Rem: Important pages have large in-degree.

indeg(google) = 4, indeg(P D home) = 1.

Rem: WWW grows by preferential attach-


A new page is more likely to be linked to pages

that already have many links.

Rem: Graphs that grow by preferential attach-

ment are usually PLG.


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Theo: Of all PLG with n vertices and given

average degree d, almost 100% have

diam(G) ≈ constantd × log logn.

Meaning: PLG have extremely small diame-


Study: The web has diameter about 19.

Rem: F also grows by preferential attach-

ment. So F is also a power law graph.

Corollary: If F is a PLG, then probably diam(F )

is extremely small.


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Searching the Web

Rem: search engines consist of 3 parts:

crawler: surfs the web and sends data on the

content of web pages to the search engine

indexer: builds an index (list of key words of

each page)

query engine: checks which pages have rele-

vant content, then ranks the pages found.

Difficult part: Ranking

Rem: Old search engines (AltaVista, Lycos)

were text based.

Google uses the structure of the web graph.

Vast improvement!


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Bad idea: Use in-degree for ranking.

Solution: PageRank algorithm

(L. Page, S. Brin, 1998)

Tool: Use random walks along edges:

If we are at the School of Maths page then

Prob(SoM −→ SAMS) =1




Idea: Rank according to # visits.


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Def: For a web page A define visits(A) as

visits(A) =# times A is visited

total number of steps

of a long random walk.

Idea: Rank pages according to visits.

Determine visits: Discrete Markov chains with

transition matrix P where

Pi,j =

{ 1outdeg(i) if i links to j,

0 otherwise,

but if vertex i has outdeg(i) = 0, then let

ith row = (1



n, . . . ,



to avoid getting stuck.

Add, with 15% probability, a random jump

from vertex i to any vertex. New transition


Q = 0.85P + 0.15J,

where J is the ‘all 1’ n× n matrix.

Qt is ≥ 0 and primitive. By Perron-Frobenius

it has a unique eigenvector E > 0. If |E| = 1

then E corresponds to a stationary state:

visit(i) = Ei.


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Ex: A typical random graph with most vertices

having the same degree:


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Ex: A typical power law graph with many ver-

tices of small degree and few vertices of large

degree :