!•< U ' ft** mm sw ¥ m s^ Adirondack Sportsman by Bill Roden m Morette Day Without doubt, the outstand- ing event of this spring will be the .program -sponsored by the Kssex County Fish and Game I,cague to honor the President of the New" York Conservation Council. Ed Morette of Ticon- ili'f'oija. The affair is scheduled lor Wednesday, May 11, and Korest Harrington of the Schroon Lake Fish and Game Club is Chairman of the Com- Sfcate in well earned tribute to i'-'' -•• ri "' -^-,hm ] r&"" t^tHURSDAY^A^^l^ one of the North Country's lead-, cipal law enfQircemeiit officer in ing sportsmen-conservationists, j the area to which the shotgun or rifle would be shipped. "Hie deal- ~ Dtodd Bill Clears Senate Subcommittee " The special -Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency ordered a favorable report to the full Senate Committee on the Judici- ary on S. 1952, the so-called "Dodd Bill" which imposes sev- ere restrictions upon the sale $5* ** * si^jsa" m& there are no laws in his locality which would be violated by sissa a shipment. T3he person applying also would . 'have to gh?e tih© name and adtfcress of the pyin- »<* j •t- er then would provide this en- ^ '" i; •' -'r'S^pSSgSf^!?^ 1 ^ forceroent officer with a copy of i- T*e V°^0®§&&&m?* the affidavit, plus pertinent n> I Adirondack'']&ggg@;&$pWQft formation about the rifle or, *•«"*« W 1 ^ 3 ^ ^ *m- shotgun (excepting serial num- baSU £ a n s mth &$$£%l&&^ cai ' ber) by registered mail, with a'P TO game e s ^ - $ $ ^ % V 8 an- T# SpeakApr* $0 In Mmmille <5armen UasjUio, former wel- work Ward, if 5w* «aiti live hia fcea^etght arid ' im<W«3Wejght life eja&usively tamxH Ihe end boxing charnpjqn. of tine w;opr|d «F becoming a champion,, I say, wfil be w MineVille lor tbe y_ yes—giv© him ^t chance F vW 'No 5a»2 on Sat, April "Being a successful fighter is 30 S 1 * , ^ * - 4. w> diffeijent from being* a sue oBasilio, who now represents !oessini ^ qtlier ^ of tosm t h e Genesee Bttwefey of Roches, ' It Quires plenty of worfc ter, as one of the ino^C hlseable j ^ only road work, shadow pasobabbpg Jh todays spwts ^ ^ g and sp araingf but pi^ty world and devotes a good P W t U tJh>e gym-grmd to develop fiie <tf ISB tune hejpmg youngsters musdes ^j toughen the body to keep physically fit In a rj> U]so the woik of wafciung diet, cent interview Carmen was asls ^©jght, the way you pace your self m the nng the ability to town is resigning June 30ft fd 'Would you want your boy Bohiendt is niovOTg tp Califer *0 be a professional figntea' nia John Moschelle will replace him on the hardwoods As yet, no one has Jjeeji Jijaaed *Q taae -_ nounced that tjiefe will be a head coaching position m foot- request for a return receipt ev- idencing delivery. The dealer night game every^4uf4ay this must delay shipment by at laast 'season at Lniney Field in Mine- bill in some respects The minority was given until April 20 to incorporate its views seven days following notification of the Local law enforcement officer's acceptance or refusal of the registered letter. How Fast Do They Fly? The question of how fast I ball. Coach George 'Forte's Sentin- els will open the season tonight with a scrimmage game against Whitehall at the Ticonderoga field. The Sentinels will be strictly i..,tn-e which is handling the eel-'and interstate shipment of fire- chration Iarms. In taking this action, One could hardh find ;i per- 'he Subcommittee modified the sun more wortliv t>f such reco*- ' " '" nil KID Hum Kd Ylurette. Kd has been active in loc»l and state uniscr\:t(ion niai. • '^r «ell-into the Subcommittee report. inn- iwriih \car-- and in that'Therefore, it is not expected time has held \irtnail> c\cr> of-1that the full committee will take lice iii Uic Noith ( iimilrv cim- up (he controversial bill before Mivaliun (»ruaiii/;iliniis includ-j late this month, in- President ul the Ticmidor- It was reported thai the vote 114:1 !• ish and Game Club, the Es- was b to 3, with Senators Kirch M-\ ( iiiiiil\ and Came K. Bayd (Ind). Joseph I). Tyd- I.eauiM'. and the \dinrndack ings (Md.i, Edward M. Kennedy Citnservation Ciuincil. Morette (Mass.), Hiram L. Fong dlawain, has sened n\er the years in and Jacob K. Javits (N. Y 1 point-j .... it... \A • i- -.. r . , . , , , , i*inn« "whpn'tjipv'arp nnmolpst- P^rrv' was an asisistant coa<3h at senior. HI Ihe Adusor> ( o.nm.Uee of chairman, ,n clearing the bill., X ™%J he " ^ ^ L e ^ l o " ^ than tht> ^ h o ^ and ^ married to the Jim Fortino, M-\eraI ( onsen at.nn ( ommis- Opposed were Senators Quenlih l<1 - Uie r lr ' y i ^ are slower than f Gladvs Bobbie of Mine- man on the team is onlv a sonh siuners. the J.,ml Legislative N | Ju rdick t.N- Dak... Phil.,. A whl ' n ^ ^ C<1 by the h Xor t s ?1™ S.iore and will do toe b u ^ o f ( ommitlee fur Ki-\isinn nf the- .1 . ,M;,U, o„,i n ,„,•,, 1 approach. Ihe same applies to W1R , OIIIOIL an« win ao me DUIK 01 « r tionT • m&ratorv wateilowl. On .her ^cond was Tony Papero, who the catching. Charlie Treadway t OHM nation, Joint Ltg- n ru ska .Neb. 1 h ^ g journey from one end of lunu>d over hi s duties to Don is expected to spell Fortino the continent to another thev M<-'Killip, the J. V. coaoh at whenever the occasion calls for viMe. The A. C. will play all League home games under the arcs and on weeks they travel, a nlon- Leegue gamie will be scheduled.! Everyone has been reading, | right handed and their lineup j ^ame" bu^s'flT'has"alwavs been <ia ^ in a,lid day oiift, about big j indicates that rival teams should' -I" subject of debate many times '' tiirie coaches leaving their pre-' keep away from pitching south- heat cd — wherever sportsmen !^J" J ^ s **>*?** otJiere some-: paws. galihe-r where else; out, how many have' Ihe starting first baseman is Much research by various a"- ll(>l ' it ' e< J that in the North Coun-'john Wright, a senior. Don Car- encics and authorities has not tr >'' five coaches have turned jter has won the shortstop posl- vet brought to light the exact lovt ' r tlieir coaching duties totion. At second base there is maximum'speeds and probablv' 011 ^'" 5 ' for one reason or anoth-' great competition for starting never will. The speed of upland ,"" '» 1J>e Past two months? | honors between Fred Osier and game birds in fli"ht accordiii"' 1 ' irst - tliere was Al Pajonos at Glenn Cathn. At third base it to the Remington Arms experts' M - A - L ' wno turne d over his will be either Mike Manning, a , ... , • . . , , ,, HpnpnHQ rvn T mimhf>r of'rondi- coaching duties to Diek Perry, junior, or Charlie Treadway, a maiiv additional capacities and ing Sen. Thomas J. Dodd iConn... -depends on a numDer 01 conai . , . J. HIS answer indicated that this was a subject to wnich he had given considerable thought. "*Ph.ere are a couple of quali- fications I must make before answering that," said the coun- try boy from upstate New York who fought so brilliantly against Sugar Ray Robinson., Gene Full- mer, Johnny Sexton and a host of other famous heroes of the squared circle. "If a youngster thinks that this is the way to maike a "fast buck" I'd say def- initely, no. If he thinks he can get by with a good job and a fair pmnch, 1 still say, no. But if he wants to really work, and mm >""r 4 *E'fi! Ww MPS £|»^P d iK sponged l»y W J p » » / g ; of Ticonderoga * °W* W, Bessey^ Baclng> T&fi & North Huds»n, wm tK,!" 8 ^ eliwin?tor jrwe at South C^eiteW Falls Drag $tap SUnday, AppI 17th. The titne was 1?,84 at lt>0 nules per hotu, islafivc Committee on Natural ,\s reported out by the Resources, and the Temporary committee, the bill will 1. Ban the interstate Su li- the youngest Commission on Hater Resources. Morette is a friend and confid- ant eT dozens and dozens of State employees and officials and man\ members of the Leg- islature. t'> hi.s friend!\ n. line 'as uc'I '"h kiriu li-d-.-e t: '1 the lined Icn-tte bancpiet rncir Malcolm frii'iidship goes ;.iiil u hat mo^t !!>a! when I.t they c-oneerve energy by adopting a. Peru. lit. lis a t ribn' and gre-Mi'i"" as hi> (IW1--I-: \ anil kni-w h..- spi aki-i at 1 he will be It <,<• Wihon. Their Lack main ye.i do not know CiverTior Wils,m \>a^ an As>cm- bl>man be forined last 111 L; tie^ wttSt "tire N-ew > oik State Coo- servatii.n Conned and its olti- ci rs and clip . im •< ll was m those da>s that the friendship between the two was started mail order sale of concealable fire- arms such as pistols and ivw.h- ers to individuals 2 Regulate the interstate ol sporting rules and ^'''^! rTOt IK a t'th'e7ame\atJof"speed ^ duUes ^ s th <e local Crown r~sophom7re,"and'"ndgM"do~ir ! - - - !•>* v i l l i mrtntAr T"\o»-» l\ff^»M^.r»v»,o.i*n . . . . „, ... somewhat •leisurely- speed If Papero will be able to devote| ln tne oittfieid, Coaoh Tofte frightened, however, that speed nicrL> ".["« to athletics within nas ^^Q seniors, Keith Bran- IS stepped up immediately, but d " e t o illness, to Whitey' Pow- nock Pat Gandroo and Tony So- even when frightened, all birds atl ' letlc L-L 60 .' h f Du l- ^ >ave flavin is fighting of any particular species do ( . '" 4 e , . _ . l ^ n over hai'd to make it: two seniors and mins through an afnda\it I"'" ( lin(lt , r t)u , s . llne COIU | lti , ms vls|,in I'robabiv the fastest game •"• R ' s i n d Hie iii.|)oil,-itioii ol | ) i r d N u . l m e ; , t h c ca nvasback militarv .surplus lirearnis and' liucki w \u V \^ according to re- certain other foreign-made tire-j searcher's records, is faster than arms into this couiun | tlie blue-wing teal by a narrow 4 I'.ar the sale ol pistols audi margin 115' mark this year. In the high jujmip> Ohappell has two really outstanding jump- ers in Jack Farrell 5'9" and John Hanchett 5'8". Both of these fel- lows have a good shot at being number one in Section 7. Sectional Champion, Jeff Breed, is looking great and training hard in an attempt to better his triple jump mark of 140'. Another name for the triple jump is the Hop, Step and Jump, so as not to confuse any- one. Coach Vigliotti's sprinters, Keith and Terry Brannock, akwig with Pat Gandron, can be expected to garner a lot of ability I say let him go to it K ne hasn't, let Mn try some oth- er profession before he finds resist the temptation to bieak MmsaIf walking around with » training oncp m a while and x . , . . ,_,.. T.^ Pon T most ol all to have fee single set of scraoujted brains Im con purpose in niind at all tirnesr— jvinced that fighters are to win! If a youngster has this;not born." #1 The personal portable i ; with the ' , / \ ; Du Mont ? QUALITY DIFFERENCE DUMONT :5;S 1^?f \\ ^3 ^"'"•4% Point mentor, I>an McNaanaaa, " Senior' Irv Fleury will be"tlie' l )(vi:n:ls due to illness ,to "Whitey" Pow-' Number One pitcher. Tommy j Othrrs thai have made a good ers of Port Henry. ' McLauglilin, a junior, and Steve showing are: Fran Labatore in Recently, George Kimball of Namer, a sophomore, will be the i the 880; Bob Harris, shot put. 'tattsburgh resigned his posi- I,^.L- ri-toher.s to persons under 21 wais of age. Bar the sale of rifles and 0 persons under lii sboiguns to yi\u s of age ti" Ban o\ IT I he < "imler s;ile lirearnis to per- not residents of of roncealabli' sons who art' '"The'Kd .Morette celebration the state wherein the licensee will bring to bis home town of conducts his business. .Ticonderoga oil Rials and politi- Place special regulations cMns^rroin all o\or the State, owr the acquisition ol destrucl- particularly tho-e who have in ive dcMies oiiewa> oranotpir been active •^- s approved h\ the Sulicom- in conservation aflairs. The mitloe. S lf)92 institutes a cum- Committee lor tbe atfair has ar- bersome ssstem whereby adults rained for afternoon tours of could have a shotgun or rifle of the International Paper Com- a t\pe used lor lawful sporting pain and a v isit and reception at purposes to be transported in Mt Defiance The banquet will interstate or fon.-ign commerce bo Ireld at Ihe St Isaac Jogues An import' 1 .-, manufacturer, or Krt^^ls of CoHmibus Hall in Ti- dealer could ship shotgun or cortdefoga begvin.m; at 7 00 p rifles In a per.>on who submits a in £f>m l.oiicr^aii. owner of his- nolari/ed «l:il-MTWIII lo the ef lorti' Mount Detiancc. will serve feci thai be or she is more Iban Ptattsburgh resigned his posi tion as head basketbaH coach, along with his other various coaching jobs, to take a position ^TnlC'Tor as athletic director and basket- :scriuneis Ior , , ,.., . , baJl coach at Averill Park, a game birds. mse are computed , , ., r 1 suburb Here are some figures on the flight speed ol unmolested back up men. The purpose for these scrim- mage games is to prepare the the opening League game on April 29th, alt9'U and Wayne Busby in the two mile run. The two Toms, Malan- ey and Mairtell are looking good in the hurdles. and Jimmy Carpenter a>s U'ti average Irom the findings of a number of researchers. No one can say Llrd they are exact- ly correct, but thev constitute the best information we have to date on the subject: Dove and plover 34 M P. H school in AJibainy. Kim- balls Hornet teams have been 1 home game against Ausable. .triple jumped 38' last year. Coa<ih Sherm Chapped is put-| Billy Pratt lias switched from .. ; OTNT^JT"£, .^Tt! ting his Vdcing Wiinclads over the two mile run to the mile z £™i-y s N ?s«SS dr^jiz^zj 0 '^ should be a *' onB c<>n * en<1 - 1 1 \ -ii r>„~i >„ J^ their opening meet April 30th at er. loss is surely Averill Park's gain. v aam , i u a I ™, Dave Behrendt, football and f^^ 1116 - I The discus would appear to basketball coach ait Beekman-i Coach Chappell should beibe a Viking strong point, with rnances from Garfield Raymond Billy Paige throwing 137' last Curlew 38 M I' II ireountam-climbmg parties than looking for outstanding perfor- year for second place'in Section Quail, prairie chicken, ruffed those who are ilean and sad, ad- in the hurdles, who turned in a 7. Burgey is also strong in this mouse. .jack.smpe. mallard, vises Jim Wluttaker of Seattle, 22.1: Eddie Java broad jumped event and should improve his black duck, spoon bill, pintail, conqueror of Hverest. Answer- wood duck, widgeon and gadvvall ing a request fiom the Soviet 41 M. P. H. Mountaineering Federation for Swans 45 M. P. II. advice on the selection of mean- Canada Geese and Brant 48 bers for a try in the Himalayas, M P H ; Wluttaker in a Sports Illustrat- Green-wing teal 79 M. P. II. 'cd article replied: "Individuals Kodhead 82 M P. If. |with exaggerated cleanliness or I'.lue-Wmg leal 89 M. P. II. neatness have en aled problems Canva.sslwck 94 M. P. II. Hiving at high altitudes where it Notes and Quotes ! Ls difficult to maintain normal W've had more mud it seems hygiene. Also hypochondriacs First With The Final in Ttlcvmon Du Mont VOYAGER $79.95 11"* Ultra-Light Personal Portable Television with Personal Listening Jack. Don't settle "second best" when selecting your new personal portable TV. Du Mont quality is now available in this popular new TV size at a price no higher than ordinary brands. Deluxe , features include all 82-Channel UHF/VHF reception, a full power design chassis, personal listening jack, telescoping an- tenna, ultra-light portabdity and a high impact molded cabinet with metalic overlays. ARTHUR & HUGHES APPLIANCES CROWN POINT, NEW YORK LY 7-3293 LY 7-3808 P. E. ARTHUR -^ OSCAR HUGHES cverttng and will bring together who otherwise would be prohib coriiSea&'ationLsts. legislators, and ited from receiving a shotgun 01 'si.ftt^ijfficinls from all over the rifle >such as a crieminal), and , " ",7" ",", , " , , 0 " J 11 ,,- r,,>t , norcnn'l' 1 m0 t.his year than in recent have pulled down morale." master. It w.ll be a gala 18 vCa.s old. ,s not a p e r s o n . ^ ^ [n ^ Q[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ erson , alaies; 1^,0^0. run-off is continuing steadUy driacs; fussy motherly types; and it will not be long before and melancholies. Best qualities] the usual early spring fire per- 1 comradeship egoism (to an ex* iod is on us. Sunshine and warm tent) responsibility, boldness, weather before the trees leaf persistence, humor and motiva- out dries the surface of the,tion. ground rapidly and for a period,! A heavy increase in the police at least, usually about the time farce in Wew York City's 25th when people like to burs, off the PSreekret in Manhattan brought fields or garden lot, we have a these results in a fooir-month serious fire hazard. Watch it. lest period: Ihe nuruber of fel- and don't burn leaf or trash onies dropped f>5 per censt; rob- piles without first contacting beries decreased 70 per cent; your local fire warden. The burglaries fell B5 per cent; and same applies to burning off the street muggings dropped 90 per dried grass on a field. cent. There was no difference People who are dirty and fun- in New York's firearms kuwis fee- ny are much better members of fore and during the tests. ** Bvdconditiofied Used Motors 100 HP 1962 Merrury 1000EL . . .. . $650.00 70 H P 1962 to / 700E L . . . _ . $465.00 70 HP 1958 Mercury 78EL $295.00 65 HP 1964 Mrroiry 650EL $700.00 65 HP 1964 Mercury 650EL $700.00 60 HP 1957 Mercury Mark 75 $255.0C 50 HP 1964 Mercury 500EL _ $525.00 50'HP 1962 Mercury 500E $425.00 45 HP 1961 Mercury 400EI $380.00 45 HP 1961 Mercury 400EI $390.00 40 HP 1958 Mercury MK55E ... .' ...... $205.00 40 HP 1960 Jobnstfn RDS-22 (E) . $395.00 40 HP 1962 Evinrude Lark IV (E) $365.00 40 HP 1961 Evinrude Lark III (E) $330.00 40 HP 1961 Evinrude Lark III $330.00 35 HP 1964 Mercury 350S $350.00 35 HP 1958 Evinrude 35 (E) $185.00 35 HP 1958 Evinrude BigTwin ...... $160.00 35 HP 1957 Evinrude BigTwin $125.00 30 HP 1956 Evinrude BigTwin $125.00 20 HP 1963 Mercury 2COM .. $295.00 20 HP 1957 Mercury MK25E $125.00 18 HP 1961 Evinrude Fastwin $200.00 15 HP 1955 Evinrude Fastwin . $ 70.00 15 HP 1954 Evinrude Fastwin $ 70.00 9.8 HP 1965 Mercury 110 $255.00 6 HP 1959 Mercury 6A $ 80.00 3 HP 1964 Evinrude Yachtwin ....... . $120.00 Norlago Marine Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week, 1966 Golden Anniversary of Kiwanis' Service To Both.- Great Lands . * < L I I.I MJ^l r ^' Black Point Road 585-4175 Ticonderoga _ This year Kiwanis Interna- tional, originator of Canada- U.S. Goodwill Week, celelrates its fiftieth anniversarjr of serv- ice to both great lands„-Canada- U.S. Goodwill Week in 1666 is scheduled for the period of April 24 to April 30." Pounded in Detroit in 1915, Kiwanis established its first Canadian club in Hamilton, Ontario a year later, TJius> Kiwanis has grown up simul- taneously in the United'StateS and Canada . . . working con- stantly to dramatize, and to cement even further, the good neighborliness which is the hallmark of Canadian-TJ.S". relations. This message from your Kiwanis cluh—through the COURTESY OF TICONDEROGA SENTINEL announcing our Mercury DISCOVERY DAYS SALE! ...introducing a limited-edition model specially priced for a limited time! completely equipped at one low price Automatic Transmission White Sidewall Tires • Power Steering Deluxe Wheel Covers with Spinners • Red or Blue All-Vinyl Interior AM Radio • Deluxe Steering Wheel » Wheels Painted to Match Interior •Manufacturer's suggested retail price. State and local taxes and destination charges are extra. and Discovery Days savings on all 30 Mercury models, too! Move ahead with Wicker St. Ti Motors, Inc. Ticonderoga, N. Y> # Mgaii iiaaB '*"^^ ^ aaaca ^^ Ma aaiiiafia^^--jafe^^ *..»,. .-... ...aii3 Wj ga>a A -^-T— -*• j * %? : ^mi? # > n - > -p t ' / *\##*'* > ?^i ^/ y r f D | ^ r G A S | f t t ^ ^ B ^ 5 P A Y , APRIL 2t, i-9&. ; PA^i *m% ^gj> A SYMBOI OF GROWTH PRO means PROfessional and PROgressive. A new symbol ' in ihe modern concept of hardware merchandising. PRO,, j Hardware Stores have joined forces with a nationwicle gioup of retailers and wholesalers from border to border and coast to coast — all are specialists in hardware and housewaies PRO means greater cornbiried purchasing power — better values — with the'savings passed on to you;'Look to your PRO Hardware store for consistent and dependable quality of merchandise. PRO means you will receive PROfessional, capable advice and service. You will find a PRO store pleasant and easy to shop in. We w'il! continue to offer bigger and better money saving PROmotions PROven values for you. PRO Hardware Stores are locally owned by tax paying, com- munity-minded citizens. Money that is made here 'is spent here. "SPEND FOR THE HOME FIRST" LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLIES TICONDEROGA, M-Y. 585-2818 M ^A <:OMPLi:n: DRY CLKANIM; SERVICE —Furs and Garments Cleaned and Stored —Suede Jackets and Coats Cleaned and Repaired —Men's Hats Cleaed and Blocked —Shirts Laundered —COMPLETE TAILORING SERVICE .... —Rugs, Blankets, Drapes and Other Household Articles Cleaned —ALL WORK DONE IN OUR PLANT .... PLEASE LEAVE ARTICLES AT DOWN'S STORE OR CALL 585-3322, OR PUT UP YOUR RED WINDOW CARD. RUTLAND CLEANERS & DYERS RUTLAND, VERMONT 24, 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 3a 34 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43." 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62 63. 64 65. 66. (57 68. 69. George Hughes Xee M. Hughes Matta M Hundson __ Kathleen Kempa Addie Kendnck _ _ John Kiehl Janet LaGoy „— Josfiplj C CaRocK Ehzabath Lawrence John E J>wrenee Paul MacDougal Mary B. Mathews ___ Evelyn Mathews ___•_ Richard C. Mattisori _< Elizabeth Mero Harold Mock Mary C. Moore Ann Morehead Emmett C. Morton, Jr. Leo Nolan • Franklin Palmer Michael Parren Malcom C. Pearson .. William C. Perry Doris Plunkett Dorthy H. Preston ._ Sydney E. Preston . . . Clarence J. Rabatoy _ Marion K. Randall Hildegarde W. Reed - Gordon Richards Pauline F. Robiliard _ __ MorjiahjCenter -_ Tj,conTd,eroga __ Ticonderoga __ Lake Placid Lake Placid _ __ Willsboro Ausable Forks Ticonderoga ElizabethtoMn Lake Placid Essex Lake Placid Essex .__ Ticonderoga --_ J ,_. Willsboro Willsboro ... Ticonderoga -- Lake Placid .._ Ticonderoga ... Port Henry Schroon Lake ... Lake Placid -- Ticonderoga Essex Ausable Forks --_ Lake Placid Wilmington Ausable Forks Lake Placid .._ Wilmington . Elizabethtown _ Saranac Lake Ausable Forks Wells 7V-. JaMH JET Wells ._._ JH,mm TVhisher ..._ 73 Davifi "Wlutty 74^ u JuJnjs WhittySr. ___ 75 t William A Wilkins _ 76 JRoSert E Willette ._ 77 Frederick B Wilson . 78 Eredk^A Woods - - - . 79 Mystie E Wood I 80 > , Walter Y°"ng y;?v .__ Lakej^j|cid 1 Man^ya Ausable Fdrks Severance 'Seyi^riiitce -_ Lake/Placid . Saranae Lake Saranac Lake _ Chilspn Saranac Lake _ Port Henry Delbert Savage Barbara M. Stachnick Ticonderoga Doris J. Stanley Ticonderoga John L. Stowell Essex Olin Sweet - . . Ray Brook Robert Torrance . Ausable Forks Elzeor Venette Lake Placid George E. Vincent .. Lake Placid Leonard Vogel Schroon Lake Nora L. VonDell . . . . Lake Placid Rachel Ward North Hudson Ilarlcy Webb Saranac Lake Irene Weber . . North Hudson Edward Wells Olmstedville is 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 2!) 30. GlLa ?? 2 ulors drawn for the session are $s|S Henry Lake Housewife, Crown 'Mpltnderson, Housewife, Port ^lUVArnold, Housewife, Saranac trf$?e-Mj. Budwick " ••' ~ Point. l ? i Galkins, Technician. Ausable Fork? Jid^.G. Carpenter, Clerk, Ticonderoga ' JdlilrvChupak, Clerk. Ticonderoga .Waiilrn Criss, T. V. Repair, Clintonville Thornas Cross, Laborer, Lewis Paul Davidson, Supervisor, Ticonderoga Daniel Dow, Mgr. Laundry. Lake Placid Sidney Estes. Farmer. Ausable Forks Dennis Galusha. Farmer. Olmstedville Leta Greenier. Housewife. Bloomingdale Hugh F. Gunnison. Fruit Farmer, Crown Point Sylvia Hatch, Housewife. Willsboro Robert Hendrick. Engineer. Newcomb Harry P. Johnson. Garage OwTier, Elizabethtown Muriel Jouberl. Stenographer, Chilson Ruth Kobel, Housewife Port Henry George Maffes. Retircci Port Henry Frances E. .Malanc;. Nurse's Clerk". Ticonderoga Barbara McKillip. IIOUM-WIIC. Pake Placid Parnell Ormsln. \<-w Shop. p ; ,ke Placid Francis Pattno. Merchant Ausable Forky Allen B. Perry, clerk Ticonderoga Frank Politti. Florisi Lake Placid Eva Stanley, House...,|e Wilmington Robert Toiiclictic I/CMIH-.T Twondcrog.-i Forrest Winch s, \| ; „ i, mt . opfraior, Wilmington Ray Withering .Men h.uit. Port llenrv Putnam William Radar, owner of the Fart Ticomderoga feny has an- noameed that the ferry is now operating from 8:00 a. mi. till 6 p.jTO; until May 15. It y/M l>e an- •iridiunced ait that time what the summer schedule will be. •Mrs. Edward Beist returned Friday from Bay Shore, L- I.,! where she spent several days with her daughter, Miss Joan Best. • - ; Austin Ritciue is quite ill at his home. signed as bus driver, Milton Bel- shoulder taped and his aem »n j • den of Ticonderoga is driving.'a sling he is able to attend Also the No. 7 bus must be school. ,. f.<^-a«| placed by a new bus. William Davenport and" S<ji.|fS| Irving Cummings fell from a Robert of FLroence, Vt., >rf- I bdoycle and broke his right col- on Mr. and Mrs. Carl M^rfhlift'tS lar bone tet week. With' his Wednesday. ^? THIS WALL PAINT Masonic O. E. S. NEWS SENTINEL ADVER'fflSEMENTS PAY The Black Watch Chapter. Order of Deniolay has had a busy two months. Two weeks ago. the Chapter conferred the Initiatory Degree on a class of 5 candidates including John Stanley, Jr., tirian Schroeder, Douglas Abbott, and Leslie Cibbs of Ticonderoga; also Kim Joiner of Crown Point. The de- gree team also presented the degree, before Mt. Defiance Lodge in Ticonderoga and Res- cu Lodge in Crown Point. The chapter is currently in the midst of a fund raising cam- paign, that of selling birthday and anniversary listings to be used for a Birthday Cale"'*'" The Chapter has also raised money on two dances held in the past weeks. The Chapter is making plans to attend the Eastern New York State Jurisdictional Conclave, to be held May 28-31. It is hoped that a large representation of the local chapt?j will attend. At last Monday's regular meeting, the District Deputy, Walter Kinnen of Greenwich made his official visitation. He congratulated me cnapter on the fine work it has betn doing and cited the chapter for being one cf the most OIPstanding in (lie district. There will be only three East- ern Star meetings before the summer recess begins. Your at- tendance would assuie the sue- ceis of lach of them. Tues.lay. April 26. will be Friendship Night. Hope you already lui\e invited a friend to attend this meeting with you. The Eastern Star Chapter in Whitehall has accepted our invitation to pin with us that night so plan on attending to greet these sisters and others who will be visiting Have you any toys, mittens. doll clothes, etc. for ine bn/aar" Do it now—before the lazy sum mer is upon you! i\i Go 1st class. Go Buick Special. Go see your Buick dealer. (The going's great!) Immediate delivery cf your favorite model. color and options! \ 1st class selection I 1st class trade-in I '66 Buick Special—winner of its class in the Pure Oil Performance Trials plus the Popular Science Gold Cup for outstanding perfor- mance in the Trials! ' Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick Special right now ? f(Ybti lievier had it So ^yi) -SOB your Buick dealer durmj Ins Par Busting Sale.— PROLER | (Continued From Paije 1) member of the executive com mittee of the State Asinciatiou of Towns and has served that group and Cornell University in an advisory capacity in the field of local government. Senator Proller was volunteer co-chairman of the statewide educational program that re- sulted in the Adirondack North- way. He has been for many years a director and a member of the executive com>miittee of the Adirondack Park Associa- tion. Sonaitor Proller was first elect ed in 1994 to represent Essex, Warren and Saratoga Counties, surviving the "Jdihnson land- slide." Followng a'grueling pri- mary battle in 1965, he defeat- ed am incumbent Democrat by a margin, of 18,000 in the gener- al election to.represent Wash- ington, Warpe% Rensselaer and parts of Alban yGouiities. CANCER OUTLOOK SYRACUSE—There will be an estimated 31,100 niew cases of cancer in upstate New York din- ing 1966, it was reported today by the American Cancer Society. New York State Urvision, citing figures supplied by the Bureau of Cancer Contrdf' of the State Health Department. It is estim- ated there; 16j800 cancer deaths this year.' Trout BrookBiiick Co* - Hague Hoad - Ticonderoga, N. Y. V J J^W .V^*v iN,Jto- t ^ K^ 1 - Planner To Speak At Diamond Point DI.WIOA.J i'OiNT — Richard K-h-s. ; --, .:iate regional planner -I the NYS nffu-e for Regional iJewlupnient. v\iil talk about ri-Ji. nal (Wanning in the Lake ( hainpl.iin Lake George region a' J -pfcial iwHing of the l)ia- n. •iid Point Chamber ol Coin- n .-ice on Monday. April 25. at 8 p in Ihe meeting '? open to the public and will be held m the HUM dim room of the Diamond Point Motel, Diamond Point 'Ihe Office for Regional Devel- opment's position was summed up bv its director, Harold A Jerry. Jr.: "It is the responsibil- ity of State government, in co- operation with local govern- ments and private citizens, to plan intelligently for the future development of our great State It LS up to the citizens to choose policies which will wisely guide the tremendous growth facing our State." A Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Council is be ing formed as the oigan thrmign which private citr/ens will have a voice in the State's plans for area. Local Chambers of Coin merce and other organization*- - were asked to submit names of local residsnts to be considered for submission to the Governor for appointment to thc Council The Rockefeller administra- tion realizes the importance of tourism in our development.'' said Victor Vito, president nf the Diamond Pcint Chamber of Commerce. 'It is our responsi- bility to let the State know the type of development we desiie The Regional Council will pro vide us with an excellent oppm- tunity to do so." Vito cited Lauramcc S Rocke- feller's observations on the im- portance of tourism from a re- cent communication: 'Both tourism and industrial development are necessary, and they certainly are not mutually exclusive. We know from the studies of th Outdoor Recreation Rc.-.ources Commission that tour- ism can contribute a great deal where the economy is lagging. and can contribute quite a lot more w'Jiere > there is a good economy to start with They supplement one amolher . . . Tlie legislature is now consid- ering a proposal to establish a permanent Hudson River Valley Commission. One of its main tasks will be to develop tourism as an economic asset." Since all phases of our econ- omy will be discussed, indus- trial as well as resort business- men and residents will be wel- come at theApril 25 meeting. Mrs. Frances Bancroft of Wa-. tervliet was a recent guest of i Mrs. Rolland Rertrand. j Mr.'and Mrs Edward Best,' Miss Ruth Best and Ernest Paige attended services at the Adiron- dack Community Church in Lake Placid Sunday, of which i the Rev. Leon Stapley is pastor, j Mr. Stapley is :i former pastor of the First Methodist Church in I Ticonderoga The party were; dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs., William Shack>-tl m Lake Placid. Mrs. Holland licit rand. Mrs. Charlotte Kitehner and Roy Rest enjoyed a trip liiiougii parts of Vermont Sunday Bernard Hig'.'ins ('lemons. 74. died at his home Monday at 5 30 after a long IHIIC- 1 - - Survivors ar: 1 Ms widow. Eliz- abeth Rout demons, one son. Earl demons, three grandchil- dren all of Glens Falls: also sev- en nieces and m.c in | heu Funeral sen :(•••-: will \>' con dueled \V'edn."Ml;:_\ with a pi av- er at the n sidnu o at 2 00 p m and at 2 :?0 at the I'nited Pres- byterian ('Inn eh The Rc\ Ken- neth Crahtree, pa^'or. oll'iciaf ing Intel nii-iit will be in Mea dovv Knoll (Vimlcrv . I 'ul nam Center Mr and \I is ('Inn Ii s Rceil of Gardner. Me . consuls ol Mrs demons, haw been spending I he pa-.l vi i ek l.i re helpm • cai r I HI Mr ( 'i IIIIIII , Ml and \l i , i ;(-ui cc G i .r, ami MIII I .ai iv ol I IIMKIIII Fall . call n\ Sundav mi .vl i s Mai 11,a () - Dell Mr and Mrs knwe I'.aekus observed 1 h• ir :"i.')tli wciliini'' an- uiversarv Apnl ll)lh Mr and Mrs Dick Di-lnck and daug'ilci have n.ovcd into the George Mmi.t house mi Hut Ion S(|uare Al a recenl ineclmg ol Hie Putnam Ci nlr;.l Si-hool boa id Mrs. Carroll P King tendered her resignation as teacher of. art. music and in the scliool. a po.-itwi'i slii- has heh! for 17 vrars To icphu'c lln-M-ll Moore, re L '.- ' VES YOU MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SUPER KEMTONE NEW NEW NEW v/.e.h NEW in the NEW NEW Of (ml ECONOMY goes farther per gallon. DURABILITY- looks better longer. WASHABILITY - linger punt-: and smudges . i f/.ty /VIIIH H I I . i If. 11 e. EASY PAINTING - ;.ll the '.Ml you need is p. Mill . COLORS- brutr; more beauty to your rooms. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE-purchase price ul refunded il yuu're nul completely Sjtistied. rs INC. "Service Built Our Business" MONTCALM STREET Tel. 585-7717 TICONDEROGA POPULAR PRODUCT Over half the peanuts pro- duced today are consumed in the form of peanut butter; in 1964 approximately 500 million pounds of peanut butter wore sold. " USfiPUL Evergreen plants, like myrtle, English ivy, and pachysandra are useful <Mi|. home grounds in spots wfiefe ''$$s$ is difficult to keep nunreajT' So> 'SHrtick' Ever notice how guests conpregato in the kitchen before the night is over? Make your kitchen the perfect setting for informal hos- pitality with SCHEIRICH BRO>iZEGLOW BIRCH Cabinets- their beautiful natural wood grain, warmth and charm appeal to everyone. You will be proud to display the practical features of your SCHEIRICH Kitchen —the carefree finish that doesn't show finger marks, drawers that operate smoothly on nylon rollers, re- volving corner cabinets that utilize every inch of storage spacer SCHEIR'ICH BRONZEGLOW BIRCH Cabinets are offered m a complete range of sizes—we can plan a kit* hon to any individual specifications. We will be glad to figure with you and give an estimate—call us today, or come in and see our display. Pond Lumber & Goal Co., Inc. LAKE >G.^lSig. AVENUE T$L; '585-2855 "^ "nCONJDEROGA" SV-**""' tr^ *^'*> ^ *» •**•.>-*>• *.*»**.. v *Y», *,*> -,-.%« *~K.- immm "]"".'" *,$ M. *•*& v.<A^*li ^ > »

Transcript of DISCOVERY DAYS SALE! · town is...

Page 1: DISCOVERY DAYS SALE! · town is resigning June 30ft fd 'Woulselfd m yo thue wan nng tht youe abilitr boy to y Bohiendt

! • <

U '


mm sw ¥ m s^


Sportsman by Bill Roden m

Morette Day Without doubt, the outstand­

ing event of this spring will be the .program -sponsored by the Kssex County Fish and Game I,cague to honor the President of the New" York Conservation Council. Ed Morette of Ticon-ili'f'oija. The affair is scheduled lor Wednesday, May 11, and Korest Harrington of the Schroon Lake Fish and Game Club is Chairman of the Com-

Sfcate in well earned tribute to

i'-'' -•• ri"' -^-,hm]r&"" t ^ t H U R S D A Y ^ A ^ ^ l ^

one of the North Country's lead-, cipal law enfQircemeiit officer in ing sportsmen-conservationists, j the area to which the shotgun or

rifle would be shipped. "Hie deal-~ Dtodd Bill Clears Senate

Subcommittee " The special -Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency ordered a favorable report to the full Senate Committee on the Judici­ary on S. 1952, the so-called "Dodd Bill" which imposes sev­ere restrictions upon the sale

$5* * * *



there are no laws in his locality which would be violated by sissa a shipment. T3he person applying also would . 'have to gh?e tih© name and adtfcress of the pyin-

»<* j • t - * »

er then would provide this en- ^ ' " i; •' - ' r 'S^pSSgSf^!?^1 ^ forceroent officer with a copy of i- T*e V°^0®§&&&m?* the affidavit, plus pertinent n> I Adirondack'']&ggg@;&$pWQft formation about the rifle or, ™ *•«"*« W 1 ^ 3 ^ ^ *m-shotgun (excepting serial num- baSU £ a n s m t h &$$£%l&&^cai' ber) by registered mail, with a'PTO game e s ^ - $ $ ^ % V 8 an-

T # SpeakApr* $0 In Mmmille <5armen UasjUio, former wel- work Ward, if 5w* «aiti live hia

fcea^etght arid ' im<W«3Wejght life eja&usively tamxH Ihe end boxing charnpjqn. of tine w;opr|d «F becoming a champion,, I say, wfil be w MineVille lor tbe y_ yes—giv© him t̂ chance F vW 'No 5a»2 on Sat, April "Being a successful fighter is 30S1* , ^ * - 4. w> diffeijent from being* a sue oBasilio, who now represents ! o e s s i n i ^ q t l i e r ^ o f tosm the Genesee Bttwefey of Roches, ' I t Qu i res plenty of worfc ter, as one of the ino^C hlseable j ^ only road work, shadow pasobabbpg Jh todays spwts ^ ^ g a n d sp a r a i n g f but pi^ty world and devotes a good PWtU tJh>e gym-grmd to develop fiie <tf ISB tune hejpmg youngsters m u s d e s ^ j toughen the body to keep physically fit In a rj> U]so the woik of wafciung diet, cent interview Carmen was asls ^©jght, the way you pace your

self m the nng the ability to town is resigning June 30ft f d 'Would you want your boy Bohiendt is niovOTg tp Califer *0 be a professional figntea' nia John Moschelle will replace him on the hardwoods As yet, no one has Jjeeji Jijaaed *Q taae

-_ nounced that tjiefe will be a head coaching position m foot-request for a return receipt ev-idencing delivery. The dealer night game e v e r y ^ 4 u f 4 a y this must delay shipment by at laast 'season at Lniney Field in Mine-

bill in some respects The minority was given until

April 20 to incorporate its views

seven days following notification of the Local law enforcement officer's acceptance or refusal of the registered letter.

How Fast Do They Fly? The question of how fast I

ball. Coach George 'Forte's Sentin­

els will open the season tonight with a scrimmage game against Whitehall at the Ticonderoga field.

The Sentinels will be strictly

i..,tn-e which is handling the eel-'and interstate shipment of fire-chration Iarms. In taking this action,

One could hardh find ;i per- 'he Subcommittee modified the

sun more wortliv t>f such reco*- ' " '" nil KID Hum Kd Ylurette. Kd has been active in loc»l and state uniscr\:t(ion niai. • '^r «ell- into the Subcommittee report. inn- iwriih \car-- and in that 'Therefore, it is not expected time has held \irtnail> c\cr> of-1that the full committee will take lice iii Uic Noith ( iimilrv cim- up (he controversial bill before Mivaliun (»ruaiii/;iliniis includ-j late this month, in- President ul the Ticmidor- It was reported thai the vote 114:1 !• ish and Game Club, the Es- was b to 3, with Senators Kirch M-\ ( iiiiiil\ and Came K. Bayd (Ind). Joseph I). Tyd-I.eauiM'. and the \dinrndack ings (Md.i, Edward M. Kennedy Citnservation Ciuincil. Morette (Mass.), Hiram L. Fong dlawain, has sened n\er the years in and Jacob K. Javits (N. Y 1 point-j

.... it... \A • i- -. . r . , . , , , , i*inn« "whpn'tjipv'arp nnmolpst- P^rrv' was an asisistant coa<3h at senior. HI Ihe Adusor> ( o.nm.Uee of chairman, ,n clearing the bill., X™%Jhe" ^ ^ L e ^ l o " ^ than t h t > ^ h o ^ a n d ^ married to the Jim Fortino, M-\eraI ( onsen at.nn ( ommis- Opposed were Senators Quenlih l < 1- U i e

rl r ' y i ^ are slower than f Gladvs Bobbie of Mine- man on the team is onlv a sonh

siuners. the J.,ml Legislative N | J urdick t.N- Dak... Phil.,. A w h l ' n ^ ^C<1 by t h e h™Xort s ?1™ S.iore and will do toe b u ^ o f

( ommitlee fur Ki-\isinn nf the- .1 . , M ; , U , o„,i n ,„,•,, 1 approach. Ihe same applies to W 1 R , „ OIIIOIL an« win ao me DUIK 01 « r tionT • m&ratorv wateilowl. On . h e r ^cond was Tony Papero, who the catching. Charlie Treadway

t OHM nation, Joint Ltg- n r u s k a .Neb. 1 h ^ g journey from one end of l u n u > d o v e r h i s duties to Don is expected to spell Fortino the continent to another thev M<-'Killip, the J. V. coaoh at whenever the occasion calls for

viMe. The A. C. will play all League

home games under t he arcs and on weeks they travel, a nlon-Leegue gamie will b e scheduled.!

Everyone has been reading, | right handed and their lineup j ^ame" bu^s'flT'has"alwavs been <ia^ i n a , l i d day oiift, about big j indicates that rival teams should' -I" subject of debate many times ' ' t i i r i e coaches leaving their pre- ' keep away from pitching south-heat cd — wherever sportsmen ! ^ J " J ^ s **>*?** o t J i e r e some-: paws. galihe-r where else; out, how many have' Ihe starting first baseman is

Much research by various a"- ll(>l'it'e<J that in the North Coun-'john Wright, a senior. Don Car-encics and authorities has not tr>'' f i v e coaches have turned jter has won the shortstop posl-vet brought to light the exact l o v t ' r t l i e i r coaching duties t o t i on . At second base there is maximum'speeds and probablv ' 0 1 1 ^ ' " 5 ' f o r one reason or anoth-' great competition for starting never will. The speed of upland , " " '» 1J>e Past two months? | honors between Fred Osier and game birds in fli"ht accordiii"' 1 ' i r s t - t l i e r e was Al Pajonos at Glenn Cathn. At third base it to the Remington Arms experts' M - A - L ' w n o t u r n e d over his will be either Mike Manning, a

, . . . , • . . , , , , • HpnpnHQ rvn T mimhf>r of'rondi- coaching duties to Diek Perry, junior, or Charlie Treadway, a maiiv additional capacities and ing Sen. Thomas J. Dodd iConn... -depends on a numDer 01 conai „ . , . J .

H I S answer indicated that this was a subject to wnich he had given considerable thought.

"*Ph.ere are a couple of quali­fications I must make before answering that," said the coun­t r y boy from upstate New York who fought so brilliantly against Sugar Ray Robinson., Gene Full­mer, Johnny Sexton and a host of other famous heroes of the squared circle. "If a youngster thinks that this is the way to maike a "fast buck" I'd say def­initely, no. If he thinks he can get by with a good job and a fair pmnch, 1 still say, no. But if h e wants to really work, and

&£ mm >""r4*E'fi!

Ww MPS £ |»^P d iK sponged l»y W J p » » / g ; of Ticonderoga * ° W * W, Bessey^ Baclng> T&fi & North Huds»n, w m t K , ! " 8 ^ eliwin?tor jrwe at South C^eiteW Falls Drag $tap SUnday, AppI 17th.

The titne was 1?,84 at lt>0 nules per hotu,

islafivc Committee on Natural ,\s reported out by the Resources, and the Temporary committee, the bill will

1. Ban the interstate

Su li­

the youngest

Commission on Hater Resources. Morette is a friend and confid­ant eT dozens and dozens of State employees and officials and man\ members of the Leg­islature.

t'> hi.s friend!\ n. line 'as uc'I ' " h k i r i u l i - d - . - e

t: '1 the lined Icn-tte bancpiet rncir Malcolm

frii'iidship goes ;.iiil u hat mo^t !!>a! when I.t

they c-oneerve energy by adopting a. Peru. lit.

l i s a t ribn' and gre-Mi'i"" • a s h i > ( I W 1 - - I - : \

anil kni-w h..-spi aki-i at 1 he will be It <,<• Wihon. Their Lack main ye.i do not know CiverTior Wils,m \>a^ an As>cm-bl>man be forined last 111 L; tie^ wttSt "tire N-ew > oik State Coo-servatii.n Conned and its olti-ci rs and clip . im •< ll was m those da>s that the friendship between the two was started

mail order sale of concealable fire­arms such as pistols and ivw.h-ers to individuals

2 Regulate the interstate

ol sporting rules and ^ ' ' ' ^ ! r T O t I K a t ' th 'e7ame\atJof"speed ^ d u U e s ^ s th<e local Crown r~sophom7re,"and'"ndgM"do~ir ! - - - !•>* v i l l i m r t n t A r T"\o»-» l\ff^»M^.r»v»,o.i*n . . . . „ , . . .

somewhat •leisurely- speed If Papero will be able to devote| l n t n e oittfieid, Coaoh Tofte frightened, however, that speed n i c r L > ".["« to athletics within n a s ^^Q seniors, Keith Bran-IS stepped up immediately, but d " e t o illness, to Whitey' Pow- n o c k P a t Gandroo and Tony So-even when frightened, all birds a t l ' l e t l c L - L 6 0 . ' h f

Dul- ^>ave flavin is fighting of any particular species do ( . ' " 4

e , . _ . l ^ n o v e r hai'd to make it: two seniors and

mins through an afnda\it I"'" ( l i n ( l t , r t ) u , s . l l n e C O I U | l t i , m s

v l s | , i n I'robabiv the fastest game •"• R ' s ind Hie iii.|)oil,-itioii ol | ) i r d N u . l m e ; , t h c canvasback

militarv .surplus lirearnis a n d ' l i u c k i w\uV\^ according to re-certain other foreign-made tire-j searcher's records, is faster than arms into this couiun | tlie blue-wing teal by a narrow

4 I'.ar the sale ol pistols audi margin

115' mark this year.

In the high jujmip> Ohappell has two really outstanding jump­ers in Jack Farrell 5'9" and John Hanchett 5'8". Both of these fel­lows have a good shot at being number one in Section 7.

Sectional Champion, Jeff Breed, is looking great and training hard in an attempt to better his triple jump mark of 140'. Another name for the triple jump is the Hop, Step and Jump, so as not to confuse any­one.

Coach Vigliotti's sprinters, Keith and Terry Brannock, akwig with Pat Gandron, can be expected to garner a lot of

ability I say let him go to it K ne hasn't, let Mn try some oth­er profession before he finds

resist the temptation to bieak M m s a I f walking around with » training oncp m a while and x . , . . , _ , . . T.^ PonT most ol all to have fee single set of scraoujted brains Im con purpose in niind at all tirnesr— jvinced that fighters are to win! If a youngster has this;not born."

#1 The personal portable i ; with the ' , / \ ;

Du Mont ?



:5;S 1^?f

\ \

^3 ^" '" •4%

Point mentor, I>an McNaanaaa, " Senior' Irv Fleury will be"tlie' l)(vi:n:ls

due to illness ,to "Whitey" Pow-' Number One pitcher. Tommy j Othrrs thai have made a good ers of Port Henry. ' McLauglilin, a junior, and Steve showing are: Fran Labatore in

Recently, George Kimball of Namer, a sophomore, will be the i the 880; Bob Harris, shot put. 'tattsburgh resigned his posi- I,^.L-

ri-toher.s to persons under 21 w a i s of age.

Bar the sale of rifles and 0

persons under lii sboiguns to yi\u s of age

ti" Ban o\ IT I he < "imler s;ile lirearnis to per-not residents of

of roncealabli' sons who art'

' " T h e ' K d .Morette celebration the state wherein the licensee will bring to bis home town of conducts his business. .Ticonderoga oil Rials and politi- • Place special regulations cMns^rroin all o\or the State, owr the acquisition ol destrucl-particularly tho-e who have in ive dcMies oiiewa> o r a n o t p i r been active •^-s approved h\ the Sulicom-in conservation aflairs. The mitloe. S lf)92 institutes a cum-Committee lor tbe atfair has ar- bersome ssstem whereby adults rained for afternoon tours of could have a shotgun or rifle of the International Paper Com- a t \pe used lor lawful sporting pain and a v isit and reception at purposes to be transported in Mt Defiance The banquet will interstate or fon.-ign commerce bo Ireld at Ihe St Isaac Jogues An import'1.-, manufacturer, or Krt^^ls of CoHmibus Hall in Ti- dealer could ship shotgun or cortdefoga begvin.m; at 7 00 p rifles In a per.>on who submits a in £f>m l.oiicr^aii. owner of his- nolari/ed «l:il-MTWIII lo the ef lorti' Mount Detiancc. will serve feci thai be or she is more Iban

Ptattsburgh resigned his posi tion as head basketbaH coach, along with his other various coaching jobs, to take a position ^ T n l C ' T o r as athletic director and basket- : s c r i u n e i s I o r

, , ,.., . , baJl coach at Averill Park, a game birds. mse are computed , ,

. , r 1 suburb

Here are some figures on the flight speed ol unmolested

back up men.

The purpose for these scrim­mage games is to prepare the

the opening League game on April 29th, a l t 9 ' U

and Wayne Busby in the two mile run. The two Toms, Malan-ey and Mairtell are looking good in the hurdles.

and Jimmy Carpenter

a>s U'ti average Irom the findings of a number of researchers. No one can say Llrd they are exact­ly correct, but thev constitute the best information we have to date on the subject:

Dove and plover 34 M P. H

school in AJibainy. Kim-balls Hornet teams have been1

home game against Ausable. .triple jumped 38' last year.

Coa<ih Sherm Chapped is put-| Billy Pratt lias switched from .. ; O T N T ^ J T " £ , .^Tt! ting his Vdcing Wiinclads over the two mile run to the mile

z £™i-y sN?s«SS dr^jiz^zj0'^should be a *'onB c<>n*en<1-

1 1 \ -ii r>„~i >„ J^ their opening meet April 30th at er. loss is surely Averill Park's gain. vaam,iua I ™,

Dave Behrendt, football and f^^1116- I The discus would appear to basketball coach ait Beekman-i C o a c h Chappell should beibe a Viking strong point, with

rnances from Garfield Raymond Billy Paige throwing 137' last

Curlew 38 M I' II ireountam-climbmg parties than looking for outstanding perfor- year for second place'in Section Quail, prairie chicken, ruffed those who are ilean and sad, ad- in the hurdles, who turned in a 7. Burgey is also strong in this

mouse. .jack.smpe. mallard, vises Jim Wluttaker of Seattle, 22.1: Eddie Java broad jumped event and should improve his black duck, spoon bill, pintail, conqueror of Hverest. Answer-wood duck, widgeon and gadvvall ing a request fiom the Soviet

41 M. P. H. Mountaineering Federation for Swans 45 M. P. II. advice on the selection of mean-Canada Geese and Brant 48 bers for a try in the Himalayas,

M P H ; Wluttaker in a Sports Illustrat-Green-wing teal 79 M. P. II. 'cd article replied: "Individuals Kodhead 82 M P. If. |with exaggerated cleanliness or I'.lue-Wmg leal 89 M. P. II. neatness have en aled problems Canva.sslwck 94 M. P. II. Hiving at high altitudes where it

Notes and Quotes ! Ls difficult to maintain normal W've had more mud it seems hygiene. Also hypochondriacs

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power design chassis, personal listening jack, telescoping an­

tenna, ultra-light portabdity and a high impact molded cabinet

with metalic overlays.


LY 7-3293 LY 7-3808


cverttng and will bring together who otherwise would be prohib coriiSea&'ationLsts. legislators, and ited from receiving a shotgun 01 'si.ftt^ijfficinls from all over the rifle >such as a crieminal), and

— , " ",7" ",", , " , , 0 " J 11 ,,- r,,>t , norcnn'l '1 m 0 t.his year than in recent have pulled down morale." master. It w.ll be a gala 18 vCa.s old. ,s not a p e r s o n . ^ ^ [ n ^ Q[ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e r s o n , a l a i e s ; 1 ^ , 0 ^ 0 .

run-off is continuing steadUy driacs; fussy motherly types; and it will not be long before and melancholies. Best qualities] the usual early spring fire per-1comradeship egoism (to an ex* iod is on us. Sunshine and warm tent) responsibility, boldness, weather before the trees leaf persistence, humor and motiva-out dries the surface of the,t ion.

ground rapidly and for a period,! A heavy increase in the police at least, usually about the time farce in Wew York City's 25th when people like to burs, off the PSreekret in Manhattan brought fields or garden lot, we have a these results in a fooir-month serious fire hazard. Watch it. lest period: Ihe nuruber of fel-and don't burn leaf or trash onies dropped f>5 per censt; rob-piles without first contacting beries decreased 70 per cent; your local fire warden. The burglaries fell B5 per cent; and same applies to burning off the street muggings dropped 90 per dried grass on a field. cent. There was no difference

People who are dirty and fun- in New York's firearms kuwis fee-ny are much better members of fore and during the tests.

** Bvdconditiofied Used Motors

100 HP 1962 Merrury 1000EL . . . . . $650.00

70 H P 1962 to / 700E L . . . _ . $465.00

70 HP 1958 Mercury 78EL $295.00

65 HP 1964 M r r o i r y 650EL $700.00

65 HP 1964 Mercury 650EL $700.00

60 HP 1957 Mercury Mark 75 $255.0C

50 HP 1964 Mercury 500EL _ $525.00

5 0 ' H P 1962 Mercury 500E $425.00

45 HP 1961 Mercury 400EI $380.00

45 HP 1961 Mercury 400EI $390.00

40 HP 1958 Mercury MK55E . . . . ' . . . . . . $205.00

40 HP 1960 Jobnstfn RDS-22 (E) . $395.00

40 HP 1962 Evinrude Lark IV (E) $365.00

40 HP 1961 Evinrude Lark III (E) $330.00

40 HP 1961 Evinrude Lark I I I $330.00

35 HP 1964 Mercury 350S $350.00

35 HP 1958 Evinrude 35 (E) $185.00

35 HP 1958 Evinrude BigTwin . . . . . . $160.00

35 HP 1957 Evinrude BigTwin $125.00

30 HP 1956 Evinrude BigTwin $125.00

20 HP 1963 Mercury 2COM . . $295.00

20 HP 1957 Mercury MK25E $125.00

18 HP 1961 Evinrude Fastwin $200.00

15 HP 1955 Evinrude Fastwin . $ 70.00

15 HP 1954 Evinrude Fastwin $ 70.00

9.8 HP 1965 Mercury 110 $255.00

6 HP 1959 Mercury 6A $ 80.00

3 HP 1964 Evinrude Yachtwin . . . . . . . . $120.00

Norlago Marine

Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week, 1966 Golden Anniversary of Kiwanis'

Service To Both.- Great Lands

. *<LI I.I M J ^ l

r ^ '

Black Point Road 585-4175 — Ticonderoga

_ This year Kiwanis Interna­tional, originator of Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week, celelrates its fiftieth anniversarjr of serv­ice to both great lands„-Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week in 1666 is scheduled for the period of April 24 to April 30."

Pounded in Detroit in 1915, Kiwanis established i ts first

Canadian club in Hamilton, Ontario a year later, TJius> Kiwanis has grown up simul­taneously in the United'StateS and Canada . . . working con­stantly to dramatize, and to cement even further, the good neighborliness which is the hallmark of Canadian-TJ.S". relations.

This message from your Kiwanis cluh—through the



announcing our Mercury

DISCOVERY DAYS SALE! ...introducing a

limited-edition model specially priced for

a limited time!

completely equipped at one low price • Automatic Transmission • White Sidewall Tires

• Power Steering • Deluxe Wheel Covers with Spinners • Red or Blue All-Vinyl Interior • AM Radio

• Deluxe Steering Wheel » Wheels Painted to Match Interior •Manufacturer's suggested retail price. State and local taxes and destination charges are extra.

and Discovery Days savings on all 30 Mercury models, too! Move ahead with

Wicker St. Ti Motors, Inc.

Ticonderoga, N. Y>


M g a i i ™ i i a a B ' * " ^ ^ ^ a a a c a ^^ M a aai i iaf ia^^-- jafe^^ *..»,. .-... ...aii3Wjga>a A - ^ - T — -*• j

* %? : ̂ mi? #


n -

> -p



^ /

y r f D | ^ r G A S | f t t ^ ^ B ^ 5 P A Y , APRIL 2t, i-9&.; PA^i *m%


PRO means PROfessional and PROgressive. A new symbol

' in ihe modern concept of hardware merchandising. PRO,, j

Hardware Stores have joined forces with a nationwicle gioup

of retailers and wholesalers from border to border and coast

to coast — all are specialists in hardware and housewaies

PRO means greater cornbiried purchasing power — better

values — with the'savings passed on to you;'Look to your

PRO Hardware store for consistent and dependable quality

of merchandise.

PRO means you wil l receive PROfessional, capable advice

and service. You will f ind a PRO store pleasant and easy to

shop in. We w'il! continue to offer bigger and better money

saving PROmotions — PROven values for you.

PRO Hardware Stores are locally owned by tax paying, com­

munity-minded citizens. Money that is made here 'is spent




TICONDEROGA, M-Y. 585-2818


^ A


—Furs and Garments Cleaned and Stored

—Suede Jackets and Coats Cleaned and Repaired

—Men's Hats Cleaed and Blocked

—Shirts Laundered

— C O M P L E T E T A I L O R I N G SERVICE . . . .

—Rugs, Blankets, Drapes and Other Household

Articles Cleaned





24, 2 5

27 28 29 30 31 32

3a 34 35. 36.

37. 38. 39. 40. 4 1 . 42. 43." 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62 63. 64 65. 66. (57 68. 69.

George Hughes Xee M. Hughes Matta M Hundson __ Kathleen Kempa — Addie Kendnck _ _

John Kiehl Janet LaGoy „ — Josfiplj C CaRocK Ehzabath Lawrence John E J>wrenee Paul MacDougal Mary B. Mathews ___ Evelyn Mathews ___•_ Richard C. Mattisori _<

Elizabeth Mero Harold Mock Mary C. Moore

Ann Morehead Emmett C. Morton, Jr. Leo Nolan • Franklin Palmer Michael Parren Malcom C. Pearson . . William C. Perry

Doris Plunkett Dorthy H. Preston ._ Sydney E. Preston . . . Clarence J. Rabatoy _ Marion K. Randall Hildegarde W. Reed -Gordon Richards Pauline F. Robiliard _

__ MorjiahjCenter -_ Tj,conTd,eroga __ Ticonderoga

__ Lake Placid

— Lake Placid _ __ Willsboro Ausable Forks

Ticonderoga ElizabethtoMn

Lake Placid Essex

Lake Placid Essex

.__ Ticonderoga --_J,_. Willsboro


. . . Ticonderoga - - Lake Placid . . _ Ticonderoga . . . Port Henry — Schroon Lake . . . Lake Placid - - Ticonderoga


Ausable Forks - - _ Lake Placid


Ausable Forks — Lake Placid . . _ Wilmington . Elizabethtown _ Saranac Lake

Ausable Forks

Wells 7V-. JaMH JET Wells ._._ JH,mm TVhisher . . ._ 73 Davifi "Wlutty 74^uJuJnjs WhittySr. ___ 75 t William A Wilkins _ 76 JRoSert E Willette . _ 77 Frederick B Wilson . 78 Eredk^A Woods - - - . 79 Mystie E Wood I 80 >, Walter Y°"ng


.__ Lakej^j|cid 1 Man^ya

Ausable Fdrks — Severance

'Seyi^riiitce -_ Lake/Placid . Saranae Lake

Saranac Lake _ Chilspn

Saranac Lake _ Port Henry

Delbert Savage Barbara M. Stachnick Ticonderoga Doris J. Stanley Ticonderoga John L. Stowell Essex Olin Sweet - . . Ray Brook Robert Torrance . Ausable Forks Elzeor Venette Lake Placid George E. Vincent . . Lake Placid Leonard Vogel Schroon Lake Nora L. VonDell . . . . Lake Placid Rachel Ward North Hudson Ilarlcy Webb Saranac Lake Irene Weber . . North Hudson

Edward Wells Olmstedville

is 1 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17.

18. 19. 20. 21.

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 2!)


G l L a?? 2 u l o r s drawn for the session are $s|S

Henry Lake

Housewife, Crown

' M p l t n d e r s o n , Housewife, Port ^lUVArnold, Housewife, Saranac trf$?e-Mj. Budwick " ••' ~

Point. l ? i Galkins, Technician. Ausable Fork? J id^ .G . Carpenter, Clerk, Ticonderoga ' JdlilrvChupak, Clerk. Ticonderoga

.Waiilrn Criss, T. V. Repair, Clintonville Thornas Cross, Laborer, Lewis Paul Davidson, Supervisor, Ticonderoga Daniel Dow, Mgr. Laundry. Lake Placid Sidney Estes. Farmer. Ausable Forks Dennis Galusha. Farmer. Olmstedville Leta Greenier. Housewife. Bloomingdale Hugh F. Gunnison. Fruit Farmer, Crown Point Sylvia Hatch, Housewife. Willsboro Robert Hendrick. Engineer. Newcomb Harry P. Johnson. Garage OwTier, Elizabethtown Muriel Jouberl. Stenographer, Chilson Ruth Kobel, Housewife Port Henry George Maffes. Retircci Port Henry Frances E. .Malanc;. Nurse's Clerk". Ticonderoga Barbara McKillip. IIOUM-WIIC. Pake Placid Parnell Ormsln. \<-w • Shop. p;,ke Placid Francis Pattno. Merchant Ausable Forky Allen B. Perry, clerk Ticonderoga Frank Politti. Florisi Lake Placid Eva Stanley, House...,|e Wilmington Robert Toiiclictic I/CMIH-.T Twondcrog.-i Forrest Winch s, \|;„ i,mt. opfraior, Wilmington Ray Withering .Men h.uit. Port llenrv

Putnam William Radar, owner of the

Fart Ticomderoga feny has an-noameed that the ferry is now operating from 8:00 a. mi. till 6 p.jTO; until May 15. It y/M l>e an-•iridiunced ait that time what the summer schedule will be.

•Mrs. Edward Beist returned Friday from Bay Shore, L- I.,! where she spent several days with her daughter, Miss Joan Best. • - ;

Austin Ritciue is quite ill at his home.

signed as bus driver, Milton Bel- shoulder taped and his aem »n j • den of Ticonderoga is driving.'a sling he is able to attend • Also the No. 7 bus must be school. ,. f.<^-a«| placed by a new bus. William Davenport and" S<ji.|fS|

Irving Cummings fell • from a Robert of FLroence, Vt., >rf- I bdoycle and broke his right col- on Mr. and Mrs. Carl M^r fh l i f t ' tS lar bone tet week. With' his Wednesday. ^ ?


Masonic O. E. S. N E W S

S E N T I N E L A D V E R ' f f l S E M E N T S P A Y

The Black Watch Chapter. Order of Deniolay has had a busy two months. Two weeks ago. the Chapter conferred the Initiatory Degree on a class of 5 candidates including John Stanley, Jr., tirian Schroeder, Douglas Abbott, and Leslie Cibbs of Ticonderoga; also Kim Joiner of Crown Point. The de­gree team also presented the degree, before Mt. Defiance Lodge in Ticonderoga and Res-cu Lodge in Crown Point.

The chapter is currently in the midst of a fund raising cam­paign, that of selling birthday and anniversary listings to be used for a Birthday Cale"'*'" The Chapter has also raised money on two dances held in the past weeks.

The Chapter is making plans to attend the Eastern New York State Jurisdictional Conclave, to be held May 28-31. It is hoped that a large representation of the local chapt?j will attend.

At last Monday's regular meeting, the District Deputy, Walter Kinnen of Greenwich

made his official visitation. He congratulated me cnapter on the fine work it has betn doing and cited the chapter for being one cf the most OIPstanding in (lie district.

There will be only three East­ern Star meetings before the summer recess begins. Your at­tendance would assuie the sue-ceis of lach of them. Tues.lay. April 26. will be Friendship Night. Hope you already lui\e invited a friend to attend this meeting with you. The Eastern Star Chapter in Whitehall has accepted our invitation to pin with us that night so plan on attending to greet these sisters and others who will be visiting

Have you any toys, mittens. doll clothes, etc. for ine bn/aar" Do it now—before the lazy sum mer is upon you!

i\i Go 1st class. Go Buick Special.

Go see your Buick dealer. (The going's great!)

Immediate delivery cf your favorite model.

color and options!


1st class selection I 1st class trade-in I

'66 Buick Special—winner of its class in the Pure Oil Performance Trials plus the Popular Science Gold Cup for outstanding perfor­mance in the Trials! ' Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick Special right now ?

f(Ybti lievier had it So ^ y i )

-SOB your Buick dealer durmj Ins Par Busting Sale.—

PROLER | (Continued From Paije 1) member of the executive com mittee of the State Asinciatiou of Towns and has served that group and Cornell University in an advisory capacity in the field of local government.

Senator Proller was volunteer co-chairman of the statewide educational program that re­sulted in the Adirondack North-way. He has been for many years a director and a member of the executive com>miittee of the Adirondack Park Associa­tion.

Sonaitor Proller was first elect ed in 1994 to represent Essex, Warren and Saratoga Counties, surviving the "Jdihnson land­slide." Followng a'grueling pri­mary battle in 1965, he defeat­ed am incumbent Democrat by a margin, of 18,000 in the gener­al election to.represent Wash­ington, Warpe% Rensselaer and parts of Alban yGouiities.


estimated 31,100 niew cases of cancer in upstate New York din­ing 1966, it was reported today by the American Cancer Society. New York State Urvision, citing figures supplied by the Bureau of Cancer Contrdf' of the State Health Department. It is estim­ated there; 16j800 cancer deaths this year.'

Trout BrookBiiick Co* - Hague Hoad - Ticonderoga, N. Y.


J^W .V^*v iN,Jto-


^ K ^ 1 -

Planner To Speak At Diamond Point

DI.WIOA.J i'OiNT — Richard K-h-s. ; --, .:iate regional planner • -I the NYS nffu-e for Regional iJewlupnient. v\iil talk about ri-Ji. nal (Wanning in the Lake ( hainpl.iin Lake George region a' J -pfcial iwHing of the l)ia-n. •iid Point Chamber ol Coin-n .-ice on Monday. April 25. at 8 p in

Ihe meeting '? open to the public and will be held m the HUM dim room of the Diamond Point Motel, Diamond Point

'Ihe Office for Regional Devel­opment's position was summed up bv its director, Harold A Jerry. Jr.: "It is the responsibil­ity of State government, in co­operation with local govern­ments and private citizens, to plan intelligently for the future development of our great State It LS up to the citizens to choose policies which will wisely guide the tremendous growth facing our State."

A Lake Champlain-Lake George Regional Council is be ing formed as the oigan thrmign which private citr/ens will have a voice in the State's plans for area. Local Chambers of Coin merce and other organization*--

were asked to submit names of local residsnts to be considered for submission to the Governor for appointment to thc Council

The Rockefeller administra­tion realizes the importance of tourism in our development.'' said Victor Vito, president nf the Diamond Pcint Chamber of Commerce. 'It is our responsi­bility to let the State know the type of development we desiie The Regional Council will pro vide us with an excellent oppm-tunity to do so."

Vito cited Lauramcc S Rocke­feller's observations on the im­portance of tourism from a re­cent communication:

'Both tourism and industrial development are necessary, and they certainly are not mutually exclusive. We know from the studies of th Outdoor Recreation Rc.-.ources Commission that tour­ism can contribute a great deal where the economy is lagging. and can contribute quite a lot more w'Jiere > there is a good economy to start with They supplement one amolher . . . Tlie legislature is now consid­ering a proposal to establish a permanent Hudson River Valley Commission. One of its main tasks will be to develop tourism as an economic asset."

Since all phases of our econ­omy will be discussed, indus­trial as well as resort business­men and residents will be wel­come at t heApr i l 25 meeting.

• Mrs. Frances Bancroft of Wa-. tervliet was a recent guest of i Mrs. Rolland Rertrand. j

Mr. 'and Mrs Edward Best,' Miss Ruth Best and Ernest Paige attended services at the Adiron­dack Community Church in Lake Placid Sunday, of which i the Rev. Leon Stapley is pastor, j Mr. Stapley is :i former pastor of the First Methodist Church in I Ticonderoga The party were; dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs., William Shack>-tl m Lake Placid.

Mrs. Holland licit rand. Mrs. Charlotte Kitehner and Roy Rest enjoyed a trip liiiougii parts of Vermont Sunday

Bernard Hig'.'ins ('lemons. 74. died at his home Monday at 5 30 after a long IHIIC-1--

Survivors ar:1 Ms widow. Eliz­abeth Rout demons, one son. Earl demons, three grandchil­dren all of Glens Falls: also sev­en nieces and m.c in | heu

Funeral sen :(•••-: will \>' con dueled \V'edn."Ml;:_\ with a pi av­er at the n sidnu o at 2 00 p m and at 2 :?0 at the I'nited Pres­byterian ('Inn eh The Rc\ Ken­neth Crahtree, pa^'or. oll'iciaf ing Intel nii-iit will be in Mea dovv Knoll (Vimlcrv . I 'ul nam Center

Mr and \I is ('Inn Ii s Rceil of Gardner. Me . consuls ol Mrs demons, haw been spending I he pa-.l vi i ek l.i re helpm • cai r I HI Mr ( 'i IIIIIII ,

Ml and \l i , i ;(-ui cc G i .r, ami MIII I .ai iv ol I IIMKIIII Fall . call n\ Sundav mi .vl i s Mai 11,a () -Dell

Mr and Mrs knwe I'.aekus observed 1 h• • ir :"i.')tli wciliini'' an-uiversarv Apnl ll)lh

Mr and Mrs Dick Di-lnck and daug'ilci have n.ovcd into the George Mmi.t house mi Hut Ion S(|uare

Al a recenl ineclmg ol Hie Putnam Ci nlr;.l Si-hool boa id Mrs. Carroll P King tendered her resignation as teacher of. art. music and in the scliool. a po.-itwi'i slii- has heh! for 17 vrars

To icphu'c lln-M-ll Moore, re

L '.- '






NEW v/.e.h

NEW in the


NEW Of (ml

ECONOMY — goes farther per gallon.

DURABILITY- looks better longer.

WASHABILITY - linger punt-: and smudges . i f/.ty / V I I I H H I I . i I f . 11 e .

EASY PAINTING - ;.ll the '.Ml you need is p. Mill .

COLORS- brutr; more beauty to your rooms.

MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE-purchase price ul refunded il yuu're nul completely Sjtistied.

rs INC. "Service Built Our Business"


POPULAR PRODUCT Over half the peanuts pro­

duced today are consumed in the form of peanut butter; in 1964 approximately 500 million pounds of peanut butter wore sold.

" USfiPUL Evergreen plants, like myrtle,

English ivy, and pachysandra are useful <Mi|. home grounds in spots wfiefe ''$$s$ is difficult to keep nunreajT'

So> 'SHrtick'

Ever notice how guests conpregato in the kitchen before the night is over? Make your kitchen the perfect setting for informal hos­pitality with SCHEIRICH BRO>iZEGLOW BIRCH Cabine ts -their beautiful natural wood grain, warmth and charm appeal to everyone. You will be proud to display the practical features of your SCHEIRICH Kitchen —the carefree finish that doesn't show finger marks, drawers that operate smoothly on nylon rollers, re­volving corner cabinets that utilize every inch of storage spacer

SCHEIR'ICH BRONZEGLOW BIRCH Cabinets are offered m a complete range of sizes—we can plan a kit* hon to any individual specifications. We will be glad to figure with you and give an estimate—call us today, or come in and see our display.

Pond Lumber & Goal Co., Inc. LAKE >G.^lSig. AVENUE — • T$L; '585-2855 " ^ "nCONJDEROGA"

S V - * * " " ' t r^ *^'*> ^ *» •**•.>-*>• *.*»**.. v *Y», *,*> - , - .%« * ~ K . - immm " ] " " . ' " *,$

M. *•*&

v . < A ^ * l i ^ > »