Discover the Secret of a Healthy Lifestyle




Transcript of Discover the Secret of a Healthy Lifestyle



Researchers have taken pains to document a truth w/c the bible first establishedHuman beings are an integrated whole.What we often divide into the physical, mental, and spiritual parts of a person are really interrelated and inseparable. In other words, what affects that mind, affects the body. Our spiritual condition has an impact on our physical condition and vice versa. WE ARE A WHOLE PERSONExample: Scientific researchers have found in controlled studies that happy, joyful laughter produces measureable changes in a persons immune system. It can help the body fights diseases better, by being happy. Studies shows how closely the mind and body work together.

Thousands of years ago Gods word pointed out this vital connection between the mind & body- this is accepted by medical theory.

Wise men said: Watch your thoughts for they become words. Choose your words for they become actions. Understand your actions for they become your character. Develop your character for it becomes your destiny of your choice.

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Proverbs 17:22

According to the apostle John, how closely related are the mind and body to our spiritual being. Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. -3 John 2Our creator wants us to enjoy good health. The words of God can serve as our fountain of health, as well as our fountain of eternal life. Since physical and mental health and our spiritual well-being go hand-in-hand, Paul makes the following appeal. Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Corinthian 10:31The gospel includes both physical & spiritual restoration. A healthy lifestyle can help us be vibrant Christians.

8 Essentials to Follow if You Really Want to Live a Healthier and More Productive life1. Pure Air: proper ventilation of our home or workplace insures that our blood will properlu distribute enough oxygen to all parts of our body. 2. Sunlight: helps our body synthesize or make its own vit.D which is an essential nutrient or hormone for our skin. Vit.D helps blood to produce calcium and phosphorus which build and repair bone mass. 3. Rest: body needs rest in order to repair itself. Recharging our spiritual batteries on a daily basis is very important to our physical health. -A Christians daily time of meditation, bible study, and prayer will heal the body & soul. 4. Exercise: vital to our health, helps to normalize blood pressure, allows more blood to reach all parts of the body keeping the extremities warm, releases both physical and emotional tension, helping you to feel better about life. The best cure for worry and stress.

Provides electrical energy to the brain and nerve cells, promotes health by stimulating the immune system, helps your complexion, makes you more energetic thus delaying both physical and emotional fatigue, it aids in the brains production of a chemical that gives you a sense of well-being and increases your tolerance for pain. 5. Water: essential to every cell in the body, our body is made of 70% water, it requires about 2 quarts of water per day to perform all of its functions. 6. Proper diet7. Avoid things that are harmful: wine is a mocker and beer a brawler, whatever is led astray by them is not wise. Proverbs 20:18. Trust in Divine Power: A person haunted by fear or guilt will find it hard to benefit fully from the health practices but a person enjoying a positive faith in God will experience the ultimate source of well-being.

7 Rules to be happy Never hateDont worryLive simplyExpect littleGive a lotAlways smile Stay healthy