Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à...


Transcript of Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à...

Page 1: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


Page 2: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


Congrès 2019 CIGRE CanadaLe Westin Montréal

Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

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Also, attend our workshop on Thursday, September 19 at CIGRE Canada!

Page 3: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


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Page 4: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019


WELCOME MESSAGE FROM GENERAL CHAIR ............................. 6A DYNAMIC CONFERENCE PROGRAM ......................................... 7MESSAGE FROM TECHNICAL COMMITTEE CHAIR ...................... 8COMMITTEES ................................................................................. 9WEEK-AT-A-GLANCE .................................................................... 10DETAILED AGENDA ...................................................................... 13SOCIAL EVENTS ............................................................................ 13AWARDS PRESENTATION ............................................................. 13WIE LUNCHEON ........................................................................... 14CIGRE CANADA NGN ................................................................... 15TECHNICAL TOUR ........................................................................ 16CIGRE WORKSHOPS ..................................................................... 17ABB TECHNICAL TUTORIAL ......................................................... 21SIEMENS TECHNICAL TUTORIAL ................................................. 22TECHNICAL SESSIONS .................................................................. 23LIST OF PAPERS [IN NUMERICAL ORDER] .................................. 35

Page 5: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Page 6: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019


On behalf of the members of the CIGRE Canada committee and Hydro-Québec, I would like to officially welcome you to the 14th Annual CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems. Hydro-Québec is proud to host this important event, which will bring together many major players in the energy sector. From September 16 to 19, business leaders, manufacturers, engineers, regulators and academics will come to Montréal to discuss the latest technical and technological breakthroughs as well as major trends in the power industry.

In recent years, Montréal has garnered a reputation for being a high-tech centre of excellence and an innovation hub, becoming in the process a global leader in artificial intelligence. The theme of this year’s conference could therefore not be more appropriate: Innovation at the heart of power grid transformation.

Innovation must be a top priority given that all aspects of tomorrow’s power grid will incorporate digital technologies, enabling interactive features that promote customer participation. Regardless of your role in the industry, I am sure you share my conviction that the effects of this changing reality are already being felt. This shift pushes us to question our methods, review our current paradigms and rethink our strategies. However, in spite of the very real business challenges resulting from the transformation of our industry, I personally see a remarkable opportunity to draw on our expertise and demonstrate creativity through innovation.

Therefore, in the era of transportation electrification, digital transformation and home automation, it is the ideal time to meet and share our knowledge, know-how and innovative practices in order to ensure that the power grid evolves and adapts to the reality of tomorrow. The 2019 CIGRE Canada Conference will provide a unique forum for enriching discussions and new ideas, where you will have the opportunity to learn from your peers on topics of interest including efficient electrification, customer empowerment, asset management and the smart power grid.

I also sincerely hope that you will be able to discover all that Montréal has to offer or perhaps get reacquainted with our cosmopolitan city whose European charm and North American enthusiasm have made it world renowned. When you’re not at the conference, I encourage you to discover our local culture by visiting the city’s various neighbourhoods and their many shops, art galleries, museums and restaurants.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours truly,

Marc BoucherPresident, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Page 7: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada Le Westin Montréal

Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

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L’édition 2019 de la conférence CIGRE Canada innove pour mettre en contact et créer des liens entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie et des services d’électricité dans le contexte de la remarquable évolution mondiale des réseaux d’électricité, qui est appelée à se poursuivre dans les années à venir avec la libéralisation progressive des marchés de l’électricité et la pénétration des énergies renouvelables dans le réseau électrique.

La conférence débutera avec notre conférencier principal, Éric Martel, Président-directeur général d’Hydro Québec et enchaînera avec un panel technique composé de ténors de l’industrie animé par Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général de l’AIEQ. L’AIEQ s’est jointe à CIGRÉ Canada pour la conférence de cette année.

Grâce au volontariat d’un noyau très dynamique (Kasun Samarasekera, Aleks Modelewska et Farhad Yahyaie), nous tiendrons pour la première fois une activité pour favoriser le réseautage au sein de la nouvelle génération (35 ans et moins) de Cigréens. Les articles scientifiques du réseau de la nouvelle génération (NGN) et des étudiants seront évalués et feront chacun l’objet d’un prix qui sera remis lors du banquet de la conférence.

Mardi midi, Robyn Koropatnick animera l’activité femme en génie qui mettra à l’avant-plan des invitées de qualité et permettra d’échanger et d’apprendre de ces femmes au leadership et au parcours inspirant. Les femmes sont souvent sous représentées dans notre secteur d’activité et ce forum vise à reconnaître l’excellence de leurs contributions et de leur savoir-faire afin de promouvoir l’avancement des femmes dans la profession.

Cinq séminaires techniques seront présentés le lundi précédant la conférence, ainsi que trois ateliers le jeudi suivant la conférence en plus des différents articles qui seront présentés pendant la conférence. Ces activités sont des occasions en or d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances dans vos domaines d’intérêt.

Deux visites au site de Varennes de l’institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) sont également organisées. Hydro-Québec est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l'importance de l'Institut de recherche. Elle consacre en moyenne 100 M$ par année à ses projets d'innovation qui permettent notamment de :

Prolonger la vie utile des équipements Accroître le rendement des équipements Optimiser la maintenance Appuyer les programmes d'efficacité énergétique et améliorer le service à la clientèle

Nous vous invitons donc à profiter de ce forum exceptionnel et à participer en grand nombre à la conférence CIGRE Canada 2019 où nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer.

Pierre Van Dyke

Représentant Canadien SC B2

Président de programme Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Stéphane Talbot

Membre du comité exécutif CIGRE Canada Directeur Planification

Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Président des démarches locales

Conseiller communication

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Jean-François Allan Président du comité

technique Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada Le Westin Montréal

Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

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L’édition 2019 de la conférence CIGRE Canada innove pour mettre en contact et créer des liens entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie et des services d’électricité dans le contexte de la remarquable évolution mondiale des réseaux d’électricité, qui est appelée à se poursuivre dans les années à venir avec la libéralisation progressive des marchés de l’électricité et la pénétration des énergies renouvelables dans le réseau électrique.

La conférence débutera avec notre conférencier principal, Éric Martel, Président-directeur général d’Hydro Québec et enchaînera avec un panel technique composé de ténors de l’industrie animé par Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général de l’AIEQ. L’AIEQ s’est jointe à CIGRÉ Canada pour la conférence de cette année.

Grâce au volontariat d’un noyau très dynamique (Kasun Samarasekera, Aleks Modelewska et Farhad Yahyaie), nous tiendrons pour la première fois une activité pour favoriser le réseautage au sein de la nouvelle génération (35 ans et moins) de Cigréens. Les articles scientifiques du réseau de la nouvelle génération (NGN) et des étudiants seront évalués et feront chacun l’objet d’un prix qui sera remis lors du banquet de la conférence.

Mardi midi, Robyn Koropatnick animera l’activité femme en génie qui mettra à l’avant-plan des invitées de qualité et permettra d’échanger et d’apprendre de ces femmes au leadership et au parcours inspirant. Les femmes sont souvent sous représentées dans notre secteur d’activité et ce forum vise à reconnaître l’excellence de leurs contributions et de leur savoir-faire afin de promouvoir l’avancement des femmes dans la profession.

Cinq séminaires techniques seront présentés le lundi précédant la conférence, ainsi que trois ateliers le jeudi suivant la conférence en plus des différents articles qui seront présentés pendant la conférence. Ces activités sont des occasions en or d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances dans vos domaines d’intérêt.

Deux visites au site de Varennes de l’institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) sont également organisées. Hydro-Québec est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l'importance de l'Institut de recherche. Elle consacre en moyenne 100 M$ par année à ses projets d'innovation qui permettent notamment de :

Prolonger la vie utile des équipements Accroître le rendement des équipements Optimiser la maintenance Appuyer les programmes d'efficacité énergétique et améliorer le service à la clientèle

Nous vous invitons donc à profiter de ce forum exceptionnel et à participer en grand nombre à la conférence CIGRE Canada 2019 où nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer.

Pierre Van Dyke

Représentant Canadien SC B2

Président de programme Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Stéphane Talbot

Membre du comité exécutif CIGRE Canada Directeur Planification

Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Président des démarches locales

Conseiller communication

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Jean-François Allan Président du comité

technique Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada Le Westin Montréal

Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

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L’édition 2019 de la conférence CIGRE Canada innove pour mettre en contact et créer des liens entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie et des services d’électricité dans le contexte de la remarquable évolution mondiale des réseaux d’électricité, qui est appelée à se poursuivre dans les années à venir avec la libéralisation progressive des marchés de l’électricité et la pénétration des énergies renouvelables dans le réseau électrique.

La conférence débutera avec notre conférencier principal, Éric Martel, Président-directeur général d’Hydro Québec et enchaînera avec un panel technique composé de ténors de l’industrie animé par Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général de l’AIEQ. L’AIEQ s’est jointe à CIGRÉ Canada pour la conférence de cette année.

Grâce au volontariat d’un noyau très dynamique (Kasun Samarasekera, Aleks Modelewska et Farhad Yahyaie), nous tiendrons pour la première fois une activité pour favoriser le réseautage au sein de la nouvelle génération (35 ans et moins) de Cigréens. Les articles scientifiques du réseau de la nouvelle génération (NGN) et des étudiants seront évalués et feront chacun l’objet d’un prix qui sera remis lors du banquet de la conférence.

Mardi midi, Robyn Koropatnick animera l’activité femme en génie qui mettra à l’avant-plan des invitées de qualité et permettra d’échanger et d’apprendre de ces femmes au leadership et au parcours inspirant. Les femmes sont souvent sous représentées dans notre secteur d’activité et ce forum vise à reconnaître l’excellence de leurs contributions et de leur savoir-faire afin de promouvoir l’avancement des femmes dans la profession.

Cinq séminaires techniques seront présentés le lundi précédant la conférence, ainsi que trois ateliers le jeudi suivant la conférence en plus des différents articles qui seront présentés pendant la conférence. Ces activités sont des occasions en or d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances dans vos domaines d’intérêt.

Deux visites au site de Varennes de l’institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) sont également organisées. Hydro-Québec est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l'importance de l'Institut de recherche. Elle consacre en moyenne 100 M$ par année à ses projets d'innovation qui permettent notamment de :

Prolonger la vie utile des équipements Accroître le rendement des équipements Optimiser la maintenance Appuyer les programmes d'efficacité énergétique et améliorer le service à la clientèle

Nous vous invitons donc à profiter de ce forum exceptionnel et à participer en grand nombre à la conférence CIGRE Canada 2019 où nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer.

Pierre Van Dyke

Représentant Canadien SC B2

Président de programme Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Stéphane Talbot

Membre du comité exécutif CIGRE Canada Directeur Planification

Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Président des démarches locales

Conseiller communication

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Jean-François Allan Président du comité

technique Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Congrès 2019 CIGRE Canada Le Westin Montréal

Montréal (Québec) Canada • Du 16 au 19 septembre 2019

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L’édition 2019 de la conférence CIGRE Canada innove pour mettre en contact et créer des liens entre les différents acteurs de l’industrie et des services d’électricité dans le contexte de la remarquable évolution mondiale des réseaux d’électricité, qui est appelée à se poursuivre dans les années à venir avec la libéralisation progressive des marchés de l’électricité et la pénétration des énergies renouvelables dans le réseau électrique.

La conférence débutera avec notre conférencier principal, Éric Martel, Président-directeur général d’Hydro Québec et enchaînera avec un panel technique composé de ténors de l’industrie animé par Denis Tremblay, Président-directeur général de l’AIEQ. L’AIEQ s’est jointe à CIGRÉ Canada pour la conférence de cette année.

Grâce au volontariat d’un noyau très dynamique (Kasun Samarasekera, Aleks Modelewska et Farhad Yahyaie), nous tiendrons pour la première fois une activité pour favoriser le réseautage au sein de la nouvelle génération (35 ans et moins) de Cigréens. Les articles scientifiques du réseau de la nouvelle génération (NGN) et des étudiants seront évalués et feront chacun l’objet d’un prix qui sera remis lors du banquet de la conférence.

Mardi midi, Robyn Koropatnick animera l’activité femme en génie qui mettra à l’avant-plan des invitées de qualité et permettra d’échanger et d’apprendre de ces femmes au leadership et au parcours inspirant. Les femmes sont souvent sous représentées dans notre secteur d’activité et ce forum vise à reconnaître l’excellence de leurs contributions et de leur savoir-faire afin de promouvoir l’avancement des femmes dans la profession.

Cinq séminaires techniques seront présentés le lundi précédant la conférence, ainsi que trois ateliers le jeudi suivant la conférence en plus des différents articles qui seront présentés pendant la conférence. Ces activités sont des occasions en or d’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances dans vos domaines d’intérêt.

Deux visites au site de Varennes de l’institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) sont également organisées. Hydro-Québec est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l'importance de l'Institut de recherche. Elle consacre en moyenne 100 M$ par année à ses projets d'innovation qui permettent notamment de :

Prolonger la vie utile des équipements Accroître le rendement des équipements Optimiser la maintenance Appuyer les programmes d'efficacité énergétique et améliorer le service à la clientèle

Nous vous invitons donc à profiter de ce forum exceptionnel et à participer en grand nombre à la conférence CIGRE Canada 2019 où nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer.

Pierre Van Dyke

Représentant Canadien SC B2

Président de programme Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Stéphane Talbot

Membre du comité exécutif CIGRE Canada Directeur Planification

Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Jean-Pierre Tardif

Président des démarches locales

Conseiller communication

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Jean-François Allan Président du comité

technique Chercheur

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec


The 2019 edition of the CIGRE Canada conference is innovating to reach out and connect the various players in the industry and electric utilities in the context of the remarkable global evolution of power grids in recent years, which will continue in coming years with the gradual liberalization of electricity markets and the penetration of renewable energies into the electricity grid.

The conference will begin with our keynote speaker, Éric Martel, President and CEO of Hydro Quebec, and will follow with a technical panel composed of industry leaders, accompanied by Denis Tremblay, President and CEO of AIEQ, as moderator. AIEQ has joined CIGRE Canada for this year’s conference.

Thanks to the volunteer efforts of a very dynamic core (Kasun Samarasekera, Aleks Modelewska and Farhad Yahyaie), we will be inaugurating a networking activity for the new generation of Cigreans (35 and under). Scientific papers by the Next Generation Network (NGN) and students will be evaluated and prizes will be awarded for both groups at the conference banquet.

During Tuesday’s lunch break, Robyn Koropatnick will facilitate a Women in Engineering activity, bringing quality guests to the forefront and providing opportunities for women to share and learn from these inspiring leadership journeys. Women are of-ten underrepresented in our sector of activity and this forum aims to recognize the excellence of their contributions and their know-how so as to promote the advancement of women in the electricity sector.

Five technical seminars will take place on Monday prior to the day’s conference, along with three workshops on Thursday following the day’s conference, all in addition to the various papers to be presented over the span of the conference. These activities are golden opportunities to gain further knowledge and insight in your areas of interest.

Two visits to the Varennes site of the Hydro-Québec research institute (IREQ) are also on the agenda. Hydro-Québec is the only utility in North America to have a research center as large as IREQ, spending an average of $100 million a year on its innovation projects. The work at IREQ makes it possible to:

• Extend the useful life of equipment

• Increase equipment performance

• Optimize maintenance

• Support energy efficiency programs and improve customer service

We invite you to participate in this unique forum in large numbers and are eager to see you at the CIGRE Canada 2019 conference.

Pierre Van DykeCanadian Representative SC B2

Program ChairResearch Scientist

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Stéphane TalbotCIGRE Canada Executive

Committee MemberDirector Planning

Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Jean-Pierre TardifLocal Arrangement ChairCommunication Advisor

Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec

Jean-François AllanTechnical Committee Chair

Research Scientist Institut de recherche


Page 8: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019


On behalf of the Technical and Organizing Committees, I am pleased to welcome you in Montréal to the 14th Annual CIGRE Canada Conference on Power Systems. At the first stage of the selection process, 146 abstracts were received. Then, 102 papers from 13 countries made it to the conference final program inside 22 technical sessions. In the figure below is presented the distribution of the 102 papers by country, based on the country of the principal author of a paper.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the 38 technical committee members for the exposure given to the Call for Papers through the industry, research centres and universities. I am grateful for their time, efforts and expertise provided during the contribution evaluation process. Also, special thanks to the authors for their significant contributions that make the technical program highly relevant to participants.

Jean-François Allan Technical Committee Chair Research Scientist, Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec


Page 9: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Organizing Committee Marc Boucher President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie General Chair

Pierre Van Dyke, Hydro-Québec (IREQ) Canadian Representative SC B2 Program Chair

Jean-François Allan, Hydro-Québec (IREQ) Technical Committee Chair

Jean-Pierre Tardif, Hydro-Québec (IREQ) Local Arrangement Chair

Stéphane Talbot, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie CIGRE Canada Executive Committee Member

Suzanne Lafrenière, CIGRE Canada CIGRE Canada Coordinator

Steven Desrochers, Jaguar Expo, Inc. Event Manager

Technical Committee Alberto Oscar, Tesmec S.p.A, Italy Annissa Heniche, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Basile Agba, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Behzad Kordi, University of Manitoba, Canada Brent Maksymiw, SaskPower, Canada Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec, Canada Colin Clark, AltaLink, Canada Daniel Wong, AltaLink, Canada David Jacobson, Manitoba Hydro, Canada David Olan, BC Hydro, Canada Debashish Datta Ray, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India Derek Oliver, University of Manitoba, Canada Dipendra Rai, BC Hydro, Canada Duc-Hai Nguyen, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Francisc Zavoda, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Jean-Bernard Dastous, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Jean-François Allan, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada John Martin, Alberta Electric System Operator, Canada Jorge Hollman, Powertech Labs, Canada Julien Beaudry, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Kankar Bhattacharya, University of Waterloo, Canada Manuela Dobrescu, Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie, Canada Mark Stemmle, Nexans High Voltage USA Inc., USA Nicolas Pouliot, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Normann Fischer, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, USA Patrick Picher, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Pierre Couture, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Pierre Van Dyke, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Rémi Tremblay, Hydro-Québec, Canada Rick Spyker, AltaLink, Canada Sébastien Poirier, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Serge Montambault, Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Canada Simon Prud'homme, Hydro-Québec, Canada Steven Pai, BC Hydro, Canada Sudhakar Cherukupalli, BC Hydro, Canada Tarlochan Sidhu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Tatiana Guerrero, WSP, Canada Xicai Zhao, NR Electric, China Zibby Kieloch, Manitoba Hydro, Canada


Page 10: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Wes n Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Monday September 16, 2019

7:00-17:30 Registra n 3rd floor

Technical visits to IREQ Departures and arrivals at the main

entrance of the hotel Le Wes

CIGRE Workshops 9th floor, room St-Antoine

8:00 Departure 1st technical visit 8:30-9:30 B2.48 Experience with the mechanical performance

of non-conven onal conductors, P. Van Dyke

9:00-12:00 First technical visit (capacity 48 people)

9:45-10:45 B2.44 Coa ngs for protec ng overhead power network equipment in Winter cond ons, M. Farzaneh et

H. Gauthier

13:00 Departure 2nd technical visit 11:00-12:00 Asset management and its importance for

electric power u es, D. Komljenovic

14:00-17:00 Second technical visit (capacity 48 people)

13:30-14:30 C6 Impact of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) on transmission grid opera ons and control, M. de Mon gny

14:45-15:45 C5 Regula on and market design barriers preven ng to capture all the value from fast and high-loca ons-freedom energy storage

Kankar Bha acharya (CA), Jarrad Wright (ZA) and Arnaud Banner (FR), supported by Anant Venkateswaran (US)

18:00-20:00 Welcome Recep on 8th floor, Grande Place

Exhibitor Trade Show Opening Hours8th floor, Grande PlaceMonday 18:00-20:00Tuesday 9:00-20:00Wednesday 9:00-16:00


Page 11: Discover digital substations. · est le seul service public d'électricité en Amérique du Nord à disposer d’un centre de recherche de l ... Nous vous invitons donc à profiter


2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

Time Tuesday September 17, 2019

06:30 19:00 Registration11th floor, Foyer Montreal

06:45 08:00 Breakfast11th floor, Foyer Montreal

07:00 16:00 Speaker ready room11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:00 08:10 Word of welcome11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:10 08:30Keynote speech – Innovation at the heart of power grid transformation

Éric Martel, President and CEO of Hydro-Québec11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:30 10:00

Business panel – Power grid transformationMarc Boucher, President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Gaétan Thomas, President and CEO NB PowerMark Lauby, Senior vice president and chief engineer, NERC

Moderator: Denis Tremblay, President and CEO AIEQ11th floor, Foyer Montreal

10:00 10:30 Networking Break8th floor, Grande Place

10:30 12:00 Session 1 (A2)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 2 (B4)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 3 (C6)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

12:00 13:15 Breakfast11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Women in engineering9 th Floor room Ville-Marie

13:15 14:30 Session 4 (B2)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 5 (B5)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 6 (C5)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

14:30 15:00 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

15:00 16:15 Session 7 (A3)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 8 (B4)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 9 (B5)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

16:15 16:45 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

16:45 17:45 Session 10 (B3)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 11 (A2)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 12 (C2)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

17:45 19:00 Cocktail Reception8th floor, Grande Place

19:00 22:30Conference Banquet and presentation of the finalists

Best Student Papers - Best NGN Papers11th floor, Foyer Montreal

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Time Wednesday September 18, 2019 06:30 13:00 Registration

11th floor, Foyer Montreal

06:45 08:00 Breakfast 11th floor, Foyer Montreal

07:00 13:00 Speaker ready room 11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:00 08:15 AIEQ – Future direction

Denis Tremblay, President and CEO AIEQ 11th floor, room Montreal

08:15 09:15

Sponsor Panel – Towards the energy system of the future Siemens, Faisal Kazi, President & CEO, Siemens Canada

ABB, Urban Strandberg, VP Sales & Marketing, ABB Grid & Power Quality, NA PSC Consultants, John Camilleri, Manager Operation Technologies, PSC Consulting

Open Systems International (OSI), Randy Berry, VP, Utilities Business Unit Moderator: Michael Bartel, VP Asset management, Altalink – Chair, CIGRE Canada

11th floor, room Montreal

09:15 09:45 Networking Break 8th floor, Grande Place

09:30 12:00 Canadian Study Committee Representatives meeting

09:45 10:45 Session 13 (A2) 11th floor, room Montreal

Session 14 (C2) 9th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 15 (B4) 9th floor, room St-Antoine

10:45 11:15 Networking Break 8th floor, Grande Place

11:15 12:15 Session 16 (B4) 11th floor, room Montreal

Session 17 (C2) 9th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 18 (B3) 9th floor, room St-Antoine

12:15 13:45 Lunch 11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Next Generation Network luncheon 8th floor, room Ramezay

13:45 15:00 Session 19 (C1) 11th floor, room Montreal

Session 20 (B2) 9th floor, room Ville-Marie

15:00 15:30 Networking Break 8th floor, Grande Place

15:30 16:30 Session 21 (B5) 11th floor, room Montreal

Session 22 (A2) 9th floor, room Ville-Marie

16:30 16:45 Networking Break 8th floor, Grande Place

16:45 17:15 Award Presentation of the Best Papers and Closing Session

Award of the Best Student Paper – Award of the Best NGN Paper – Prize draws 11th floor, room Montreal

18:00 20:30 Next Generation Network (NGN) Social – Networking and cocktails

Air rooftop terrace, Renaissance hotel, 1250 Robert-Bourassa boul., Montreal, Qc H3B 3B8

Time Thursday September 19, 2019 08:00 12:00 Tutorial ABB

8th floor, room Ramezay Tutorial Siemens

8th floor, room Palais

Time Wednesday September 18, 2019

06:30 13:00 Registration11th floor, Foyer Montreal

06:45 08:00 Breakfast11th floor, Foyer Montreal

07:00 13:00 Speaker ready room11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:00 08:15AIEQ – Future direction

Denis Tremblay, President and CEO AIEQ11th floor, Foyer Montreal

08:15 09:15

Sponsor Panel – Towards the energy system of the future Faisal Kazi, President & CEO, Siemens Canada,

Urban Strandberg, VP Sales & Marketing, ABB Grid & Power, Quality, NA John Camilleri, Manager Operation Technologies, PSC Consulting

Randy Berry, VP, Utilities Business Unit, Open Systems InternationalModerator: Mike Bartel, VP Asset Management, AltaLink

11th floor, Foyer Montreal

09:15 09:45 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

09:30 12:00 Canadian Study Committee Representatives meeting8 th Floor room Viger

09:45 10:45 Session 13 (A2)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 14 (C2)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 15 (B4)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

10:45 11:15 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

11:15 12:15 Session 16 (B4)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 17 (C2)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

Session 18 (B3)9 th floor, room St-Antoine

12:15 13:45 Breakfast8 th floor, Foyer Montréal

Réseau de la nouvelle génération8 th floor, room Ramezay

13:45 15:00 Session 19 (C1)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 20 (B2)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

15:00 15:30 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

15:30 16:30 Session 21 (B5)11th floor, Foyer Montreal

Session 22 (A2)9 th floor, room Ville-Marie

16:30 16:45 Networking Break8 th floor, Grande Place

16:30 17:15Award Presentation of the Best Papers and Closing Session

Award of the Best Student Paper – Award of the Best NGN Paper – Prize draws11th floor, Foyer Montreal

19:00 21:30 Next Generation Network (NGN) Social – Networking and cocktailsAir rooftop terrace, Renaissance hotel, 1250 Robert-Bourassa boul., Montreal, Qc H3B 3B8

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Social Events Welcome Reception Monday September 16, 2019 | 18:00 – 20:00, 11th floor, room Montreal Le Westin Montréal, Casual dress Get the conference off to a great start by networking with your colleagues over a glass of wine and collecting your registration materials.

Cocktail Reception Tuesday September 17, 2019 | 17:45 – 19:00, 8th floor, Grande Place Le Westin Montréal, Business casual Enjoy a beverage while networking with the exhibitors and your colleagues before the banquet.

Banquet Tuesday September 17, 2019 | 19:00 – 22:00, 11th floor, room Montreal Le Westin Montréal, Business casual The conference banquet is an evening of fine dining and stimulating conversation, providing an opportunity to salute the work accomplished during the conference. Network with participants and enjoy the entertainment. The finalists for the Best Student Paper Award and the Best NGN Paper Award will be presented during the banquet. This recognition consists of a personalized certificate for each finalist. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Awards Presentation Wednesday September 18, 2019 | 16:45 – 17:15, 11th floor, room Montreal Le Westin Montréal, Business casual In recognition of their outstanding contributions for the 2019 CIGRE Canada Conference, a Best Student Paper Award and a Best NGN Paper Award will be presented to the author(s) of a student and an NGN paper, based on the quality of the full paper and the presentation.

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Best Student Paper Award This award consists of a personalized certificate and a cash award in the amount of $1,000.

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Best NGN Paper Award This award consists of a personalized certificate and a cash award in the amount of $1,000.

Sponsored by CIGRE Canada



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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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WIE Luncheon Tuesday September 17, 2019 | 12:00 – 13:15, 9th floor, room Ville-MarieCIGRE Canada Women in Engineering is pleased to host a panel discussion during the WIE Luncheon: Over the past 30 years there have been numerous in a ves a emp ng to increase the par pa n of women in engineering. The concepts of inclusion and diversity, in add on to recogn on of how engineering solu ons can be improved when the design team be er reflects society, are being discussed now more than ever by engineering students, professors, professionals, and the general public. This session will consider where our influen al panelists started their careers, where they are in their careers at present and what in a ves are being considered and, what their hopes are for the future including concepts that can be implemented to achieve gender parity within the engineering profession.

12:00 12:30 Lunch served to all in a endance at approximately 12:05

12:30 12:38 Welcome from the moderator and introdu on of panelists

Robyn Koropatnick, Vice President, Business Development, Teshmont Consultants LP

12:38 13:13 WIE Panel

‘Past, Present and Future’Roundtable theme

Kathy Baig, President, Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ)

Nathalie Pilon, ABB Canada President Arielle Kadoch, Stantec Principal Sector Leader,

Power T&D Canada East Moderator: Robyn Koropatnick, Vice President,

Business Development, Teshmont Consultants LP

13:13 13:15 Closing remarks Robyn Koropatnick, Vice President, Business

Development, Teshmont Consultants LP

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 20192019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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CIGRE Canada NGN CIGRE Canada Luncheon Wednesday September 18, 2019 | 12:00 – 13:15, 8th floor, room Ramezay

12:00 12:10 Welcome Aleks Modelewska, Business Development, Digital Engineering

12:10 12:20 Note from CIGRE Canada President

Mike Bartel, Vice President, Asset Management, Altalink

12:20 12:30 Note from CIGRE President

Rob Stephen, GM Master Specialist Technology Group, ESKOM

(Via Letter read by Aleks Modelewska, Digital Engineering)

12:30 12:40 Ice breaker intro

Farhad Yahyaie, Senior Engineer, Power System Studies, Powertech Labs

Ani Chopra, Lifecycle Maintenance EIT, Altalink Brendan Kelly, Smartwires

Kurtis Martin Sturmey, Utility Project Lead, METSCO 12:40 13:15 Ice breakers CIGRE Canada NGN Social Networking and cocktails – Come out for a great time! Wednesday September 18, 2019 | 18:00 – 20:30 Air rooftop terrace, Renaissance hotel, 1250 Robert-Bourassa boul., Montreal, Qc H3B 3B8

18:00 18:10 Welcome

Aleks Modelewska, Business Development, Digital Engineering

Farhad Yahyaie, Senior Engineer, Power System Studies, Powertech Labs

Ani Chopra, Lifecycle Maintenance EIT, Altalink Brendan Kelly, Smartwires

Kurtis Martin Sturmey, Utility Project Lead, METSCO 18:10 20:00 Mingling ______________________________________________________________________________________

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 20192019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Technical Tour Hydro-Québec’s Research Institute - IREQ Monday September 16, 2019 First visit : 8:00 – 12:00 Second visit : 13:00 – 17:00

Departures and arrivals at the main entrance of the hotel Le Westin

Hydro-Québec’s research institute, IREQ, is one of the largest integrated electrical research and testing centres in North America. Created in 1970, IREQ has developed large-scale expertise in electrical apparatus, network analysis and control, automation and measurement, materials, chemical and mechanical engineering, and applications of electricity. It has impressive facilities at its disposal: distribution tests lines, high-voltage laboratory, a power system study and simulation centre and an electrotechnology laboratory, as well as numerous specialized laboratories, notably in robotics, battery materials and mechanical engineering. It has also an extensive three-span mechanical test line to study vibration phenomena. Before you begin the tour of our facilities, a short presentation will give you an overview of Hydro-Québec’s grid. IREQ has facilities in Varennes, some 45 minutes from downtown Montréal.

Don’t miss this great opportunity!

*For summary verification purposes, all visitors must provide at the moment of the registration to the visit the following information; those who fail to provide it will unfortunately not be able to attend the visit. * Complete Name, Date of birth, Passport number, Country emitting the passport ______________________________________________________________________________________

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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CIGRE Workshops B2.48 Experience with the mechanical performance of non-conventional conductors Monday September 16, 2019 | 8:30 – 9:30, 9th floor, room St-Antoine

Presenter: Pierre Van Dyke, Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) Bottlenecks in transmission and distribution grids are causing more and more precarious situations. Non-conventional conductor change may become an attractive option to increase the capacity. This can offer higher capacity without weight penalty and higher ampacity limits with limited or no structure changes. The use of high temperature conductors with high ampacity rating, small diameter (to stay below existing wind load limits), light weight and reduced sag characteristics can be attractive. B2.44 Coatings for protecting overhead power network equipment in Winter Conditions Monday September 16, 2019 | 9:45 – 10:45, 9th floor, room St-Antoine

Presenters: M. Farzaneh, Consultant, H. Gauthier, Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) The application of superhydrophobic and glaciophobic coatings could offer a number of opportunities to improve the performance of power network equipment subjected to icing. This tutorial is based on the work of CIGRE Working Group B2.44 as reported in CIGRE Technical Brochure 631 entitled Coatings for Protecting Overhead Power Network Equipment in winter conditions. The presentation deals with state-of-the-art activities related to techniques for protecting power network equipment including insulators, ground wires and conductors under icing conditions. Asset management and its importance for electric power utilities Monday September 16, 2019 | 11:00 – 12:00, 9th floor, room St-Antoine

Presenter: D. Komljenovic, Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) The tutorial presents the basic concept and overview of asset management and asset management system such as defined in ISO 5500x. Asset management is described and discussed in a proper context of operational and business complexity including associated challenges to this context. The presentation highlights the difference between notions of “Asset management” and “Managing assets”. Current developments and trends in this field are presented in both electrical power industry and elsewhere including potential benefits from implementing a structured asset management system. Some practical experience from industry is also described. Factors of success and potential traps are stressed.

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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C6 Impact of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) on transmission grid operations and control Monday September 16, 2019 | 13:30 – 14:30, 9th floor, room St-Antoine

Presenter: M. de Montigny, Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ) In the context of the energy transition, Hydro-Québec must carry out impact studies of distributed energy resources (DER) on grid operations and control. Those studies require a tool capable of representing the behaviour of the operators and grid control systems in the context of network planning. The work done in the SIRE project for the integration of wind power is presented and serves as a basis for the development for a new DER impact assessment tool on Hydro-Québec transmission network. C5 Regulation and market design barriers preventing to capture all the value from fast and high locations freedom energy storage Monday September 16, 2019 | 14:45 – 15:45, 9th floor, room St-Antoine

Presenters: Kankar Bhattacharya (CA), Jarrad Wright (ZA) and Arnaud Banner (FR), supported by Anant Venkateswaran (US) In order to sustain the integration of a high share of renewable energy sources, there is an increased need for flexibility in power systems, creating value for new storage technologies. However, disruptive technology features are susceptible of revealing limitations of existing regulations and markets, simply because those were designed consistently with conventional generation, before these features even existed at industrial scale. This tutorial presents the results of the working group C5.25 which identifies regulation and market design barriers preventing to fully capture the value from “new” energy storage technologies, faster and with higher-location-freedom than conventional power generation assets. A theoretical analysis of potential value streams and barriers was performed together with a practical inventory for 14 countries, leading to four main recommendations. ______________________________________________________________________________________

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

08: 0 – 0 :30 Tuesday, September 17, 2019

TransformationInnovation at the Heart of Power Grid

Business Panel

Montreal Conference Room – 11th Floor

Montreal Conference Room – 11th Floor

, President & CEO

Presentation summaryPower Grid is one of the greatest modern achievement. It is impossible to denythe center role of Electricity in our modern world and for poor communities inthe world to get access to a minimum quality of life. For long, the developmentof Grid System infrastructure has been the only way to make Electricityavailable to all. But things evolve, now the availability of Electricity in our livecan be assured at a reasonable cost by other means than the usual heavyinvestments in the expansion of the Grid System.

Business Panel – Transformation of the electricity network

Marc Boucher, President of Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie

Gaétan �omas, President and CEO NB Power

Mark Lauby, Senior vice president and chief reliability o�cer NERC

Moderator: Denis Tremblay, President and CEO AIEQ

: – 10:00 Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marc Boucher Gaétan Thomas

Mark Lauby Denis Tremblay

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

�e global energy transition is under way and the �eld of electrical energy is changing. �eenergy system of the future will evolve to be smart and optimize all operations, fromproduction facilities to customers and back. Digital transformation brings opportunities suchas digital twin technology to achieve a sustainable future.

Montreal Conference Room – 11th Floor

Towards the energy system of the future

Faisal Kazi, President & CEO, Siemens Canada

Urban Strandberg, VP Sales & Marketing, ABB Grid & Power Quality, NA

John Camilleri, Manager Operation Technologies, PSC Consulting

Randy Berry, VP, Utilities Business Unit, Open Systems International

Moderator: Mike Bartel, VP Asset Management, AltaLink

Faisal Kazi Urban Strandberg John Camilleri Randy Berry Mike Bartel

Denis Tremblay

– 08:15 Wednesday, September 18, 2019

08:15 – 09:15 September 18, 2019


AIEQ – Future direction

Sponsor Panel

Montreal Conference Room – 11th Floor

Denis Tremblay, President and CEO, AIEQ

Presentation summary

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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ABB Technical Tutorial Thursday September 19, 2019 | 08:00 – 12:00, 8th Floor, Ramezay Room

Innovations and best practices for implementing your digital transformation strategy Summary ABB’s latest technologies provide innovative solutions across the power value chain and help utilities to accelerate the digital transformation of power grids. Traditional substations have always relied on copper cables to connect primary equipment like circuit breakers, conventional current and voltage transformers, and protection relays to control the electricity. Now, digital technologies with modern sensors, communications and standards are driving the evolution of something new—digital substations. Digital substations are a key element of next-generation grids and recent innovations provide a vast list of benefits, including digital communications through fiber-optic cables replacing copper, which can maximize efficiency, reliability and safety, while reducing cost, risk and environmental impact. Primary equipment’s as integrated digital solution such as a digitally enabled power transformers, enable remote monitoring and data analytics of its vital parameters in real time. Connected via the digital substation back to the enterprise level with an enterprise asset management and performance software opens the door for seamless end to end integration and gives the operational and planning folks a crystal clear view allowing them to drive operation and planning more efficient as decision making can be linked to broad and real-time data. The global experience in going the digital path from different utilities is shared as well the motivation and experience of implementing a digital substation in Canada will be presented. Attend this session to learn how utilities are leveraging digital substations to improve safety and reliability while providing a functional consolidation to lower costs and optimize resources. Additionally get an overview and better understanding of today’s technology and innovations support ing the digital transformation.


8:00 – 8:30 AM Kal Allam

Peter Rietmann

Introduction - Current challenges and how digital transformation helps (benefits)

• Example of utilities challenges • Examples of applying digitalization • Brownfield vs Greenfield

8:30 - 10:00 AM


Peter Rietmann Jay Jayaraman

Peter Rietmann

The digital building blocks (overview of current and future products) • Primary equipment / Digital Transformer • Protection and automation • Enterprise asset management solutions • Cyber security

10:00 - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00 AM Varun Chhibbar Digital Substation Experience - Implementation of Blackie Substation

11:00 – 12:00 PM Robert Isbister Peter Rietmann

Jay Jayarama Panel discussion / ask the experts

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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Le Westin Montréal Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Siemens Technical Tutorial Thursday September 1 9, 2019 | 08:00 – 12:00, 8th Floor, Palais Room

The role of Distributed Energy Systems and Microgrids in the Energy TransitionPresenters: Alif Gilani, Head of Engineering, Digital Grid

Bharat Solanki, Microgrid Protection Control Specialist Summary We are in the midst of an energy transition. A transition that is driven by the need to de-carbonize and increase sustainability, improve efficiency and enhance reliability and resilience. Utilities and commercial and industrial (C&I) customers are turning to distributed energy systems (DES) as an answer for their power resource challenges. DES encompasses energy generation and storage close to the load, with both local and remote monitoring and control solution technologies. The maturity of distributed energy resources (DERs) and digitalization via automation and smart grid technology is at an intersecting point on their growth curve to trigger this transition. Siemens has developed an interactive simulation allowing tutorial participants to take on various roles within the energy system. Stakeholders are required to plan and develop short-term and long-term strategies under real-life scenarios in order to meet sustainability, reliability, resiliency, and energy efficiency goals. Distributed energy system solutions are quickly offering alternatives that can turn these challenges into opportunities to save costs, increase reliability, and reduce emissions. With a proven track record in business transformation and the industry’s most comprehensive portfol io from generation all the way to consumption, Siemens Canada is your trusted partner helping you navigate the energy transition. By attending this session, you will gain an understanding of how DERs can help utilities and customers navigate the challenges faced by the energy transition and take part in an interactive simulation focused on DES. Agenda

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Overview of DES and Microgrids in the Energy Transition • Challenges currently facing utilities • Benefits of Distributed Energy Resources and Microgrids • Use Case Examples

9:00 - 9:40 AM DES Simulation • Review of the objectives and goals of the session

• Opening round – assessment of stakeholder roles

9:40 - 10:10 AM

Simulation Round 1 • Asset Acquisition • Scenario One presentation • Assessment of impact on stakeholders

10:10 - 10:30 AM Coffee Break

10:30 - 11:00 AM

Simulation Round 2 • Asset Acquisition • Scenario Two presentation • Assessment of impact on stakeholders

11:00 - 11:30 AM

Simulation Round 3 • Asset Acquisition • Scenario #1 presentation • Assessment of impact on stakeholders

11:30 – 12:00 PM Recap & Open Discussion

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2019 CIGRE Canada Conference Le Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Tuesday September 17, 2019

Session 1 11th floor

Room Montreal

(10:30 – 10:45)

(10:45 – 11:00)

(11:00 – 11:15)

(11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)

Transformers (A2) Session chairs: Patrick Picher, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-106

Generator Failure Forensic Simulations Study, Lessons Learned Hesamaldin (Sam) Maleki, Dan Kell, Iftikhar Khan, Myles Godfrey Hatch Ltd. (Canada) CIGRE-133

[FR] Évaluation d'état diélectrique at Analyse des causes profondes des défaillances des transformateurs de courant HT et THT

[EN] HV and EHV Current Transformer dielectric condition assessment and root cause analysis Diego M. Robalino1, Ismail Güner2 1Megger (USA), 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-117

Analysis of Short Circuit Withstand Capability of Power Transformers I. LAZARIEV JSC Ukrainian research, design and technological transformer institute (JSC “VIT”) (Ukraine) CIGRE-198

[FR] Étude de cas d'analyse de la réponse en fréquence (FRA) pour l'évaluation de l'intégrité d'un transformateur usagé suite à une réparation

[EN] Case study for assessing the integrity of a service-aged transformer repair using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) R. S. A. FERREIRA1, H. SIMARD2, P. PICHER3, V. BEHJAT1, I. FOFANA1, H. EZZAIDI1 1Research Chair on Aging Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) (Canada), 2Énergie Électrique Rio Tinto, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, 3Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) CIGRE-209

Web Applications for Transmission System Asset Health Monitoring Sunil Agarwal, P.K Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Abhishek Bhardwaj, Vikas Bishnoi Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-160

[FR] Surveillance de l’état du système de refroidissement des transformateurs par l’utilisation de réseaux de neurones [EN] Transformer cooling system monitoring using neural networks


Session 2

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(10:30 – 10:45)

(10:45 – 11:00)

HVDC and Power Electronics (B4) Session chairs: Antoine Manga, Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec CIGRE-180

Increasing Transient Stability Limit by Nonlinear Damping Design Jinpeng Guo, Haihao Jiang, Xiaozhe Wang, Boon-teck Ooi McGill University (Canada) CIGRE-183

The Research on the Key Equipment for 750kV Fixed Series Compensation in 3000m a.s.l. CHEN Yuanjun, ZHOU Qiwen, WANG Dechang, Gao Jian, Chen Wei, Zhang Daoxiong NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China)

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

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Le Westin Montréal Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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Tuesday September 17, 2019

(11:00 – 11:15)

(11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)


Voltage Source Converter (VSC) Operation at DC Lines close to AC Lines M. Weiland, E. Starschich, G. Ebner, R. Teixeira Pinto, M. Schmidt Siemens AG (Germany) CIGRE-261

Influence of extreme low humidity on the dielectric strength of air insulation under critical design voltages L. Arevalo1, D. Wu1, O. Diaz1, M. Larsson2, C. Tornkvist2 1ABB Power Grids – HVDC (Sweden), 2ABB Corporate Research CIGRE-142

Sizing Study for a Hybrid Power Flow Controller – Comparison with the Nanjing UPFC J. Z. Bebic1, Y. Dong2, L. Pan2, B. Wang3 1Hybrid Power Flow Controller Ltd. (Canada), 2Research Institute of NR Electric Co., Ltd., 3NR Electric USA LLC CIGRE-144


Session 3

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(10:30 – 10:45)

(10:45 – 11:00)

(11:00 – 11:15)

(11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)

Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation (C6) Session chairs: Pierre Couture, Annissa Heniche Oussedik, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-195

A DER Management System for Distributing Power among Discretely and Continuously Controlled Devices within DER group Chu Sun1, Syed Qaseem Ali2, Geza Joos1, Francois Bouffard1 1McGill University (Canada), 2OPAL-RT Technologies CIGRE-202

The Energy Twin – A Solution for Techno-Economic Business Case Analysis of Microgrids & Distributed Energy Systems (DES) Bharatkumar Solanki, Alif Gilani Siemens Canada Limited (Canada) CIGRE-228

Synchronous Generator Load Sharing Models for Diesel-Based Remote Systems JASON A. ZRUM, MICHAEL ROSS Yukon Research Centre – Yukon College (Canada) CIGRE-230

MiGen Project – Empowering the transformation at the grid edge R. Abdullah1, M. Lacroix2 1Hydro Ottawa (Canada), 2eMcREY Solutions CIGRE-239

Impact of Load Modelling Parameters on Motor Start simulation in The Alberta Electric System Ping-Kwan Keung1, Sabbir Ahmed1, Hamid Zareipour2, Ali Reza Seifi2, Edmond Chih2, Amir Saman Hoshyarzadeh2 1Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) (Canada), 2University of Calgary CIGRE-161

Determination of Hot Spots in Gas Generators Using Brillouin Based Fiber Optic Distributed Sensor L. ZOU1, O. SEZERMAN1, C. SPENCER2, G. DAILEY3 1OZ Optics Limited (Canada), 2Calpine Corporation, 3QPS Photronics Inc

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- 20 -

Tuesday September 17, 2019 Session 4 11th floor

Room Montreal (13:15 – 13:30)

(13:30 – 13:45)

(13:45 – 14:00)

(14:00 – 14:15)

(14:15 – 14:30)

Overhead Lines (B2) Session chairs: Simon Prud’homme, Maryse Lavoie, Hydro-Québec CIGRE-187

Design optimization of a 138 kV transmission line with optical phase conductors RICHARD MARANDA, GUILLAUME VACHON, BASSEM KAABIA BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-194

[FR] Amélioration de la durée de vie en fatigue du conducteur en utilisant une pince de suspension avec des élastomères coniques

[EN] Improved conductor endurance limit by using a suspension clamp with conical elastomers J. PARADIS, P. VAN DYKE Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-114

Management Insulator contamination problems, mitigation methods and innovative predictive maintenance of overhead lines. JM GEORGE Sediver (France) CIGRE-199

Transmission Line Route Refinement with Simultaneous Geomorphological Assessment Sébastien Paradis, Line Bariteau, Claude Roy BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-232

[FR] Validation d’un conducteur AACSR avec fils trapézoïdaux pour une traversée de rivière [EN] Validation of an AACSR conductor with trapezoidal wires for a river crossing

P. VAN DYKE1, S. PRUD’HOMME2, J. PARADIS1 1Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Québec (Canada), 2Hydro-Québec

Session 5

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(13:15 – 13:30)

(13:30 – 13:45)

(13:45 – 14:00)

(14:00 – 14:15)

(14:15 – 14:30)

Protection and Automation (B5) Session chairs: Annissa Heniche Oussedik, Patrick Picher, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-193

New Methodologies for Accurate Modelling and Simulation of Advanced Telecommunication-Based Protection Schemes in a Software Environment Hadi Khani, Daniyal Qureshi, Saman Alaeddini, Ishwarjot Anand Quanta Technology (Canada) CIGRE-105

A Station Domain Islanding Detection Method Based on Topology Analysis Hua Xiujuan, Jiang Miao, Xu Guangfu NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-104

AI-Based Islanding Detection for Utilities and Industrials K. BAVISETTI¹, D. CRUDELE², J. FRANKLIN³, S. GILL¹, M. JENSEN4, K. VU¹ 1ABB (USA), ²NYSERDA, 3National Grid, 4PG&E CIGRE-108

The Identification of Transmission Line Overload and Fault Based on Ucosφ Wang xingguo1, Zhou Zexin1, Liu Huanzhang2, Du dingxiang1 1China Electric Power Research Institute (China), 2Central China Grid Company Limited CIGRE-244

The AURORA vulnerability: The sword of Damocles over the heads of rotating machines Marc Potvin BBA Inc. (Canada)

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- 21 -

Tuesday September 17, 2019 Session 6

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(13:15 – 13:30)

(13:30 – 13:45)

(13:45 – 14:00)

(14:00 – 14:15)

(14:15 – 14:30)

Electricity Markets and Regulation (C5) Session chairs: Alex Cruickshank, chairman SC C5 CIGRE-135

The fundamental evaluation of the methodology of constrained connection for Distributed Generation for procuring flexibility in European countries –lessons for Japan- K. Furusawa Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (Japan) CIGRE-140

Generation Connection Process - North American vs Australian Experience M. HEIDARI, J. JIANG, J. TAILOR, T. ABDEL-GALIL SNC Lavalin Inc (Canada) CIGRE-186

Challenges Faced and Measures Adopted for RE Integration in Indian Power system P.K. Agarwal, S.K. Jain Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (India) CIGRE-217

Energy Storage and Ancillary Services Markets in North America Hisham Alharbi, Kankar Bhattacharya University of Waterloo (Canada) CIGRE-240

Demand Response Services in Electricity Markets of US and Canada NITIN PADMANABHAN1, MOHAMED AHMED2, KANKAR BHATTACHARYA1

1ECE Department, University of Waterloo (Canada), 2Independent Electricity System Operator

Session 7 11th floor

Room Montreal (15:00 – 15:15)

(15:15 – 15:30)

(15:30 – 15:45)

(15:45 – 16:00)

High Voltage Equipment (A3) Session chairs: Maryse Lavoie, Hydro-Québec, Masoud Farzaneh, Consultant CIGRE-112

[FR] Réseau de transport électrique intelligent formé de lignes de transport intelligentes et d’un réseau indépendant et redondant de fibres optiques

[EN] Smart Transmission Grid Based on Smart Power Lines with Independent and Redundant Optical Fiber Network Pierre Couture Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-175

A Station Service Voltage Transformer Designed and Tested to Withstand a Severe Internal Arc Fault S. Brodeur1, H. Dinh2 1ABB Inc., Transformers (Canada), 2ABB Inc., High Voltage Products CIGRE-201

Mitigation of inrush and outrush currents in capacitor bank switching using dry type air core reactors M. Goulkhah D. Caverly, M. Sharp Trench Ltd (Canada) CIGRE-231

[FR] Fabrication de revêtements superhydrophobes durables pour les isolateurs en verre [EN] Fabrication of a durable superhydrophobic coating for high voltage glass insulators

A. Allahdini, G. Momen, R. Jafari Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada)

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Tuesday September 17, 2019

(16:00 – 16:15) CIGRE-248

Connecting Controlled Switching Devices in Power Plants to Analytics Tools in Sorgenia’s Operations Centre to Increase the Service Life of Apparatuses V. BALVET1, V. CHECOLA2 1VIZIMAX Inc. (Canada), 2SORGENIA S.p.A.

Session 8

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(15:00 – 15:15)

(15:15 – 15:30)

(15:30 – 15:45)

(15:45 – 16:00)

(16:00 – 16:15)

HVDC and Power Electronics (B4) Session chairs: Patrick Picher, Alain Côté, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-213

Active Filtering of harmonic voltages or currents utilizing a MMC STATCOM-Design Aspects and Performance Experience T. Schlegl, Dr. G. Pilz Siemens AG (Germany) CIGRE-223

HVDC O&M Strategy D. KAVANAGH1, C. MADSEN2, D. KELL3 1Nalcor Energy (Canada), 2ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit, 3Hatch CIGRE-225

Research on Key Technical Parameters of Main Equipments for UHV Converter Station in High Altitude Area Zhang He, Wu Fangjie, Shen Xiaolin, Yue Bo, Yang yiming, Wang yaoxuan State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-227


Method for Suppressing Current Spike in Wide Input Flyback converter XIAO Yuwei1, LIU Xuandong1, SUN Wei2, WU Bin1 1School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (China), 2Wuyi University

Session 9

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(15:00 – 15:15)

(15:15 – 15:30)

(15:30 – 15:45)

(15:45 – 16:00)

Protection and Automation (B5) Session chairs: Antoine Manga, Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec CIGRE-101

Study of Distributed Grounding Line Selection Application Based on GOOSE Jiang Miao, Shi Yong, Dong Kaida, Hou Wei, Li Yuqi NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-181

Real-Time Dynamic Protection Zone Determination for Interconnected Power Systems using Network Theory Principles A.C. ADEWOLE1, A.D. RAJAPAKSE1, D. OUELLETTE2, P. FORSYTH2 1University of Manitoba (Canada), 2RTDS Technologies Inc. CIGRE-129

Shunt Reactor with Auxiliary Winding System Inter-turn Protection Based on Zero Sequence Differential Current GUO Yarong1, WANG Xingguo1, LIU Huanzhang2, LIU Dan3 1State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Safety and Energy Conservation (China Electric Power Research Institute) (China) 2Central China Grid Company, 3China National Electric Power Dispatch and Control Center CIGRE-197

Con Edison Transmission System Reliability Model R. Hasan1, M. Viele1, D. J. Allen2 1Con Edison (USA), 2The Risk Research Group

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Tuesday September 17, 2019

(16:00 – 16:15) CIGRE-242

Comprehensive Motor Condition Monitoring Integrated in Advanced Protection Relays – A real case study Umar Khan1, Mital Kanabar1, Mathieu Harvey2, Carlos Oliveira3 1GE Renewable Energy (Canada), 2Arcelor Mittal Mines, 3Trelec Inc.

Session 10

11th floor Room Montreal (16:45 – 17:00)

(17:00 – 17:15)

(17:15 – 17:30)

(17:30 – 17:45)

Substations (B3) Session chairs: Dragan Komljenovic, Jean-François Boudreau, Hydro-Québec – IREQ CIGRE-138

[FR] Prise de décisions en gestion des actifs des utilités électriques en tenant compte des risques [EN] Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Asset Management of Electrical Utilities

Dragan Komljenovic1, Darragi Messaoudi2, Pierre Larivière2, Steve Caron2, Ramzi Chahine2 1IREQ (Canada), 2Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie CIGRE-185

Recognition of the benefits by the use of Transformers and Reactors immersed in insulating fluid with high fire point (K Class): the case of Fire Department of Sao Paulo state in Brazil ROBERTO IGNACIO DA SILVA, ALEXANDRE COELHO Cargill (Brazil) CIGRE-190

[FR] Évolution numérique des systèmes de commande et de protection d'un poste électrique conformément à la norme 61850 ; Retour d'expérience d'un projet pilote ayant été pré-validé sur réplique avant un son installation

[EN] DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF SUBSTATION THROUGH IEC61850 STANDARD: EXPERIENCE DEPLOYING DIGITAL SUBSTATION PILOT THROUGH DIGITAL SUBSTATION REPLICA Saurabh Talwar1, Eric Loiselle2, David Lambert2, William Boutin2, Michel Lavallee2, Felipe Sarubbi1 1Siemens Canada Limited (Canada), 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-158

Early Fault Detection on Energized Substation Equipment C. JEAN, R. WEISER Positron Inc. (Canada)

Session 11

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(16:45 – 17:00)

(17:00 – 17:15)

(17:15 – 17:30)

Transformers (A2) Session chairs: Mariela Rodriguez, Hydro-Québec – IREQ CIGRE-157

Bypassing GSU transformers in case of emergencies or maintenance E. GOMEZ HENNIG1, K. KAINEDER2, R. MAYER2, E. SCHWEIGER3 1Siemens Canada Ltd. (Canada), 2Siemens AG (Austria), 3Siemens AG (Germany) CIGRE-219

Use of GIS Tools and Space Technologies for Optimal Transmission Line Routing and Asset Mapping B. N. De. Bhowmick, V. K. Bhaskar, S. B. R. Rao, Pradeep Patil, Pradeep Singh Chauhan, Shalini Raj Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-166

Improved Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model for Converter Transformer Controlled Switching Assessment in Nelson River Bipole III HVDC System C. Fang1, A. D. Rajapakse2, R. Jayasinghe3 1Manitoba Hydro (Canada), 2University of Manitoba, 3Manitoba Hydro International

(17:30 – 17:45) CIGRE-167 Development of transmission voltage class, reconnectable 230 x 115 kV mobile transformers for improved reliability of

power delivery T. KALICKI1, W. ZIOMEK2, K. VIJAYAN2 1Hydro One Inc. (Canada), 2PTI Transformers LP

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Tuesday September 17, 2019 Session 12

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(16:45 – 17:00)

(17:00 – 17:15)

(17:15 – 17:30)

(17:30 – 17:45)

System Operation and Control (C2) Session chairs: Pierre Couture, Atieh Delavari, Hydro-Québec – IREQ CIGRE-111

Power System Stabilizer Tuning with Presence of Torsional Oscillations A. MOSHREF1, H. TAGOURTI1, N. WOOSTER1, R. HARRISON2, T. RICIOPPO2 1BBA Engineering Ltd. (Canada), 2ATCO CIGRE-118

Simulation and Analysis of Resilient Power Systems in PJM N. TACKA, A. GIACOMONI, S. BENNER, R. HILDERBRAND PJM Interconnection (USA) CIGRE-146

Normalised Voltage Instability Sensitivity Index: A New Concept for Monitoring Voltage Stability in the Control Centre V.N. SEWDIEN1, R. PREECE2, J.L. RUEDA TORRES3 1TenneT TSO B.V. (Netherlands), 2The University of Manchester, 3TU Delft CIGRE-249

PV Solar Farm Control as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for Alleviating Subsynchronous Oscillations R. Salehi, R. K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada)

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Wednesday September 18, 2019 Session 13

11th floor Room Montreal

(9:45 – 10:00)

(10:00 – 10:15)

(10:15 – 10:30)

(10:30 – 10:45)

Transformers (A2) Session chairs: Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec, Champlain Landry, Hydro-Québec – IREQ CIGRE-148

The Value of Performing Power Factor Sweep Measurements on Bushings BRANDON DUPUIS, LOGAN MERRILL OMICRON electronics Corp. (USA) CIGRE-120

Torsion of Transformer Windings Under Short Circuit I. LAZARIEV JSC Ukrainian research, design and technological transformer institute (JSC “VIT”) (Ukraine) CIGRE-134

[FR] Méthodologie d'évaluation d'état des transformateurs de puissance [EN] Condition Assessment Methodology for Power Transformers

Brian Sparling1, Ismail Güner2 1Dynamic Ratings (Canada), 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-229

[FR] Étude préliminaire de fluide à base d’ester pour application dans des transformateurs exploités en région climatique froide

[EN] Preliminary Study of Ester-based Fluid for Application in Transformers Serving in Cold Climatic Regions U. Mohan Rao1, I. Fofana1, T. Jaya1, E. M. Rodriguez Celis2, J. Jalbert2, B. Noirhomme2, P. Picher2 1Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada) 2Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)

Session 14 9th floor

Room Ville-Marie (9:45 – 10:00)

(10:00 – 10:15)

(10:15 – 10:30)

(10:30 – 10:45)

System Operation and Control (C2) Session chairs: Martin de Montigny, Kelly Lazo de la Vega, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-192

Investigating the Choice of Load Model and its Parameters for Different Voltage Response Scenarios in Large Power Systems A. S. Hoshyarzadeh1, H. Zareipour1, P. Keung2, S. A. Ahmed2 1University of Calgary (Canada), 2Alberta Electric System Operator CIGRE-200

Active Power Priority Vs. Reactive Power Priority Operating Modes in Solar Plants M. DARYABAK, M. RAHMATIAN, K. KABIRI, K. CHILUKURI PSC Consulting (Canada) CIGRE-246

Dynamic Interactions between a large PV plant and a STATCOM Sibin Mohan, Rajiv K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada) CIGRE-188

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learnt in Development of Indian Electricity Markets and Regulations S.K. Jain, P.K. Agarwal Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (India)

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Wednesday September 18, 2019 Session 15

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(9:45 – 10:00)

(10:00 – 10:15)

(10:15 – 10:30)

(10:30 – 10:45)

HVDC and Power Electronics (B4) Session chairs: Sébastien Poirier, Hydro-Québec – IREQ, Antoine Manga, Hydro-Québec CIGRE-163

Operational Experience of Essex STATCOM after Refurbishment J. BURROUGHS1, J. Hu2, B. Bisewski2, Chris Root1 1Vermont Electric Power Co. Inc (USA), 2RBJ Engineering CIGRE-165

Design Validation and Field-Testing Experience of Linear Shore Line Grounding Electrodes for Reliable Operation of HVDC Links A. DARIANI SNC LAVALIN (Canada) CIGRE-179

A Complete Average Value Model of Modular Multilevel Converter Jinling Qi1, Haihao Jiang2, Weixing Li1, Boon-Teck Ooi2 1Harbin Institute of Technology (China), 2McGill University CIGRE-260

Lifecycle Management for HVDC Systems ERIK JANSSON, URBAN ELGQVIST ABB (Sweden)

Session 16

11th floor Room Montreal (11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)

(12:00 – 12:15)

HVDC and Power Electronics (B4) Session chairs: Atieh Delavari, Hydro-Québec – IREQ, Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec CIGRE-102

System-Based Technique to Evaluate the Risk of Self-Excitation of Synchronous Machines Sameh K. Kodsi, Thiromi Rajapakse, Jun Tan Teshmont Consultants LP (Canada) CIGRE-116

The Design of Control and Protection System of 150 MVAr SVC in Nuevo Vallarta Substation in Mexico Xin Huang, DaoXiong Zhang, Chihan Chen, Haiying Li, Qiwen Zhou, Gang Du NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-137

[FR] Améliorations aux protections des filtres c.a. des convertisseurs CCHT en utilisant un calcul d’impédance [EN] Upgrade to HVDC AC Filters Protections – Using Impedance Calculation

P.-A. Chiasson, S. Tremblay Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-122

A Simplified Practical Relation of Tap-Changer Control Mode Upon HVDC Valve Power Loss and its Engineering Application Zhongyuan Zhao, Bin Wang NR Electric Company Ltd. (China)

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- 27 -

Wednesday September 18, 2019 Session 17

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)

(12:00 – 12:15)

System Operation and Control (C2) Session chairs: Kelly Lazo de la Vega, Martin de Montigny, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-207

Paradigm Shift in Operational Philosophy of POWERGRID SUNIL AGRAWAL, P.K. SRIVASTAVA, SUNIL KUMAR, MANOJ KUMAR, VIKAS BISHNOI, ABHISHEK BHARDWAJ Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-218

Reduction of CLPU Overload through Active Load Management S. DZELETOVIC, F. BOUFFARD, G. JOOS McGill University (Canada) CIGRE-233

Application of Small Signal Analyses in Model Validation Studies F. YAHYAIE, P. ZADKHAST Powertech Labs Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-247

A Novel Combined Reactive Power-based Frequency and Power Oscillation Damping Control by PV-STATCOMs M. Akbari, R. K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada)

Session 18

9th floor Room St-Antoine

(11:15 – 11:30)

(11:30 – 11:45)

(11:45 – 12:00)

(12:00 – 12:15)

Substations (B3) Session chairs: Jean-Bernard Dastous, Sébastien Poirier, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-196

Multi-Feeder Protection Methodology and New Product Design for Distribution Substations Kamyar Moghadam1, Joshua Kuchison2, Rainer Goblirsch3 1Siemens Canada Limited (Canada), 2EPCOR Transmission, 3Siemens AG CIGRE-152

Reliability and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Various HV Substation Configurations A Boričić, D Bhatt, P Westerlund KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) CIGRE-153

Harmonic Resonance phenomena in lightly loaded MV network Mohammed Bin Jarsh1, Surendra S. Chhajta2, Jayaraj Peter Prasad2 1Department of Energy (United Arab Emirates), 2Abu Dhabi Transmission and Despatch Company (TRANSCO) CIGRE-226

Substation Anomaly Detection System – A Substation & Distribution Network Cybersecurity Early Warning System Eric Hawthorne1, Moein Manbachi1, Alif Gilani2 1British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) (Canada), 2Siemens Canada Limited

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- 28 -

Wednesday September 18, 2019 Session 19

11th floor Room Montreal (13:45 – 14:00)

(14:00 – 14:15)

(14:15 – 14:30)

(14:30 – 14:45)

(14:45 – 15:00)

System Development and Economics (C1) Session chairs: Claude Rajotte, Hydro-Québec, Martin de Montigny, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-151

Reactive Power Planning Strategy for the BC Hydro Transmission System YANSONG LENG, PAUL HORAN, MING ZOU, WAH SHUM BC Hydro (Canada) CIGRE-176

[FR] Élaboration d’un système d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des actifs à TransÉnergie [EN] Development of a decision support system for asset management at TransÉnergie

A. Côté, D. Messaoudi, D. Komljenovic, S. Alarie, O. Blancke, J.-F. Boudreau, M. Gaha, E. Truchon, S. Pelletier Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-238

Effects of Future Uncertainty on Present-day Asset Management K. MARTIN-STURMEY, A. ALFALAHI, A. BAKULEV METSCO Energy Solutions (Canada) CIGRE-168

Implementation Experience of URTDSM Project in Indian Power System P.K. Agarwal, Rajkumar Anumasula, Chandan Kumar Power System Operation Corporation Limited (India) CIGRE-236

Optimal Energy Management and Storage Sizing for Electric Vehicles A. DESHPANDE, J. TAYLOR University of Toronto (Canada)

Session 20

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(13:45 – 14:00)

(14:00 – 14:15)

(14:15 – 14:30)

(14:30 – 14:45)

(14:45 – 15:00)

Overhead Lines (B2) Session chairs: Josée Paradis, Maryse Lavoie, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-220

Transformation of a Large Diameter Monopole to a Pinned Support Guyed Tower Pierre-Luc Massé, Richard Maranda, Alireza Aboutalebi BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-113

Condition Assessment and Reliability Analysis of Porcelain and Toughened Glass Cap and Pin Insulators C. BONILLA, H. LI Powertech Labs. Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-214

Steel foundations design optimization of a 138 kV transmission line MAXIME SANSFAÇON1, RICHARD MARANDA2, GUILLAUME VACHON2 1EMS Ingénierie (Canada), 2BBA Inc. CIGRE-235

Line Rating Optimisation with Numerical Weather Models: the ALiRA Project R. SUNDERLAND, G. LILJEBAKK, J. PARR, D.J. CANNON, F.G. BRAGLIA Digital Engineering Ltd (United Kingdom) CIGRE-203

Field Validation of Various Line Rating Methods on a 138 kV Transmission Line in British Columbia M. L. Lu, C. Singh, R. Barone, K. Zhang, M. Guite, D. Chakrabarti BC Hydro Power & Authority (Canada)

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Wednesday September 18, 2019 Session 21

11th floor Room Montreal (15:30 – 15:45)

(15:45 – 16:00)

(16:00 – 16:15)

(16:15 – 16:30)

Protection and Automation (B5) Session chairs: Annissa Heniche Oussedik, Martin de Montigny, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-139

[FR] Unité Mobile : une nouvelle approche de remplacement d’un système de commande et protection dans une installation existante

[EN] Mobile unit: A new approach to modernize the protection and control systems in an existing substation J-S LABBÉE Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-159

Implementation and Testing of a Flicker Meter Using IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values J. WIJEKOON1, A.D. RAJAPAKSE1, N. PERERA2, C. ADEWOLE1 1University of Manitoba (Canada), 2ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd CIGRE-178

Secured Substation Protection & Automation IED Firmware Management ANCA CIORACA, MITAL KANABAR GE Grid Solutions (Canada) CIGRE-128

Research and Application of Protection Principle of 300Mvar Class New Synchronous Condenser Yaoyao Ji, Huimin Wang, Guang Wang, Zigang Guo, Kai Wang, Jun Chen NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China)

Session 22

9th floor Room Ville-Marie

(15:30 – 15:45)

(15:45 – 16:00)

(16:00 – 16:15)

(16:15 – 16:30)

Transformers (A2) Session chairs: Marie-Claude Lessard, Champlain Landry, Hydro-Québec - IREQ CIGRE-177

Assessing Water Content and Vibration from Dynamic Measurement in Transformer S. Akré1, V. Behjat1, P. Kung2, I. Fofana1 1Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), UQAC (Canada), 2QPS Photronics CIGRE-184

Ten Years of Experience with Natural Ester Dielectric Fluid in 245 kV: Shunt Reactor of Vilhena Substation - Eletronorte ROBERTO IGNACIO DA SILVA1, IRAN PRADO ARANTES2, ITO CAPINOS3, LUCAS DE OLIVEIRA1, MAURÍCIO A. DE LIMA2, GERALDO L. NICOLA4 1Cargill (Brazil), 2Eletronorte, 3GE, 4Consultant CIGRE-191

Converter Transformer Cold Starts: Specification Nuances and Operational Impacts C. MADSEN1, B. KORBUTIAK1, L. BENOIT1, L. NEUMANN1, M. MIELKE1, T. THOMPSON2, K. WALKER3 1ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit (Canada), 2Nalcor Energy, 3Hatch CIGRE-221

Magnetic and Thermal Impact of GIC on Power Transformers: A Case Study TR. Girgis1, M. Saad2, E. teNyenhuis2, C. Clark3 1ABB Inc. (USA), 2ABB Inc. (Canada), 3Altalink (Canada)

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Study of Distributed Grounding Line Selection Application Based on GOOSE Jiang Miao, Shi Yong, Dong Kaida, Hou Wei, Li Yuqi NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-102

System-Based Technique to Evaluate the Risk of Self-Excitation of Synchronous Machines Sameh K. Kodsi, Thiromi Rajapakse, Jun Tan Teshmont Consultants LP (Canada) CIGRE-104

AI-Based Islanding Detection for Utilities and Industrials K. BAVISETTI¹, D. CRUDELE², J. FRANKLIN³, S. GILL¹, M. JENSEN4, K. VU¹ 1ABB (USA) ²NYSERDA 3National Grid 4PG&E CIGRE-105

A Station Domain Islanding Detection Method Based on Topology Analysis Hua Xiujuan, Jiang Miao, Xu Guangfu NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-106

Generator Failure Forensic Simulations Study, Lessons Learned Hesamaldin (Sam) Maleki, Dan Kell, Iftikhar Khan, Myles Godfrey Hatch Ltd. (Canada) CIGRE-108

The Identification of Transmission Line Overload and Fault Based on Ucosφ Wang xingguo1, Zhou Zexin1, Liu Huanzhang2, Du dingxiang1 1China Electric Power Research Institute (China) 2Central China Grid Company Limited CIGRE-111

Power System Stabilizer Tuning with Presence of Torsional Oscillations A. MOSHREF1, H. TAGOURTI1, N. WOOSTER1, R. HARRISON2, T. RICIOPPO2 1BBA Engineering Ltd. (Canada) 2ATCO CIGRE-112

[FR] Réseau de transport électrique intelligent formé de lignes de transport intelligentes et d’un réseau indépendant et redondant de fibres optiques

[EN] Smart Transmission Grid Based on Smart Power Lines with Independent and Redundant Optical Fiber Network Pierre Couture Hydro-Québec (Canada)

CIGRE-113 Condition Assessment and Reliability Analysis of

Porcelain and Toughened Glass Cap and Pin Insulators C. BONILLA, H. LI Powertech Labs. Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-114

Management Insulator contamination problems, mitigation methods and innovative predictive maintenance of overhead lines. JM GEORGE Sediver (France) CIGRE-116

The Design of Control and Protection System of 150 MVAr SVC in Nuevo Vallarta Substation in Mexico Xin Huang, DaoXiong Zhang, Chihan Chen, Haiying Li, Qiwen Zhou, Gang Du NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-117

Analysis of Short Circuit Withstand Capability of Power Transformers I. LAZARIEV JSC Ukrainian research, design and technological transformer institute (JSC “VIT”) (Ukraine) CIGRE-118

Simulation and Analysis of Resilient Power Systems in PJM N. TACKA, A. GIACOMONI, S. BENNER, R. HILDERBRAND PJM Interconnection (USA) CIGRE-120

Torsion of Transformer Windings Under Short Circuit I. LAZARIEV JSC Ukrainian research, design and technological transformer institute (JSC “VIT”) (Ukraine) CIGRE-122

A Simplified Practical Relation of Tap-Changer Control Mode Upon HVDC Valve Power Loss and its Engineering Application Zhongyuan Zhao, Bin Wang NR Electric Company Ltd. (China) CIGRE-128

Research and Application of Protection Principle of 300Mvar Class New Synchronous Condenser Yaoyao Ji, Huimin Wang, Guang Wang, Zigang Guo, Kai Wang, Jun Chen NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China)

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CIGRE-129 Shunt Reactor with Auxiliary Winding System Inter-turn

Protection Based on Zero Sequence Differential Current GUO Yarong1, WANG Xingguo1, LIU Huanzhang2, LIU Dan3 1State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Safety and Energy Conservation (China Electric Power Research Institute) (China) 2Central China Grid Company 3China National Electric Power Dispatch and Control Center CIGRE-133

[FR] Évaluation d'état diélectrique at Analyse des causes profondes des défaillances des transformateurs de courant HT et THT

[EN] HV and EHV Current Transformer dielectric condition assessment and root cause analysis Diego M. Robalino1, Ismail Güner2 1Megger (USA) 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-134

[FR] Méthodologie d'évaluation d'état des transformateurs de puissance

[EN] Condition Assessment Methodology for Power Transformers Brian Sparling1, Ismail Güner2 1Dynamic Ratings (Canada) 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-135

The fundamental evaluation of the methodology of constrained connection for Distributed Generation for procuring flexibility in European countries –lessons for Japan- K. Furusawa Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (Japan) CIGRE-137

[FR] Améliorations aux protections des filtres c.a. des convertisseurs CCHT en utilisant un calcul d’impédance

[EN] Upgrade to HVDC AC Filters Protections – Using Impedance Calculation P.-A. Chiasson, S. Tremblay Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-138

[FR] Prise de décisions en gestion des actifs des utilités électriques en tenant compte des risques

[EN] Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Asset Management of Electrical Utilities Dragan Komljenovic1, Darragi Messaoudi2, Pierre Larivière2, Steve Caron2, Ramzi Chahine2 1IREQ (Canada) 2Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie CIGRE-139

[FR] Unité Mobile : une nouvelle approche de remplacement d’un système de commande et protection dans une installation existante

[EN] Mobile unit: A new approach to modernize the protection and control systems in an existing substation J-S LABBÉE Hydro-Québec (Canada)

CIGRE-140 Generation Connection Process - North American vs

Australian Experience M. HEIDARI, J. JIANG, J. TAILOR, T. ABDEL-GALIL SNC Lavalin Inc (Canada) CIGRE-142

Sizing Study for a Hybrid Power Flow Controller – Comparison with the Nanjing UPFC J. Z. Bebic1, Y. Dong2, L. Pan2, B. Wang3 1Hybrid Power Flow Controller Ltd. (Canada) 2Research Institute of NR Electric Co., Ltd. 3NR Electric USA LLC CIGRE-144


Normalised Voltage Instability Sensitivity Index: A New Concept for Monitoring Voltage Stability in the Control Centre V.N. SEWDIEN1, R. PREECE2, J.L. RUEDA TORRES3 1TenneT TSO B.V. (Netherlands) 2The University of Manchester 3TU Delft CIGRE-148

The Value of Performing Power Factor Sweep Measurements on Bushings BRANDON DUPUIS, LOGAN MERRILL OMICRON electronics Corp. (USA) CIGRE-151

Reactive Power Planning Strategy for the BC Hydro Transmission System YANSONG LENG, PAUL HORAN, MING ZOU, WAH SHUM BC Hydro (Canada) CIGRE-152

Reliability and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Various HV Substation Configurations A Boričić, D Bhatt, P Westerlund KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) CIGRE-153

Harmonic Resonance phenomena in lightly loaded MV network Mohammed Bin Jarsh1, Surendra S. Chhajta2, Jayaraj Peter Prasad2 1Department of Energy (United Arab Emirates) 2Abu Dhabi Transmission and Despatch Company (TRANSCO)

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CIGRE-157 Bypassing GSU transformers in case of emergencies or

maintenance E. GOMEZ HENNIG1, K. KAINEDER2, R. MAYER2, E. SCHWEIGER3 1Siemens Canada Ltd. (Canada) 2Siemens AG (Austria) 3Siemens AG (Germany) CIGRE-158

Early Fault Detection on Energized Substation Equipment C. JEAN, R. WEISER Positron Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-159

Implementation and Testing of a Flicker Meter Using IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values J. WIJEKOON1, A.D. RAJAPAKSE1, N. PERERA2, C. ADEWOLE1 1University of Manitoba (Canada) 2ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd CIGRE-160

[FR] Surveillance de l’état du système de refroidissement des transformateurs par l’utilisation de réseaux de neurones

[EN] Transformer cooling system monitoring using neural networks A. ZINFLOU, P. PICHER, L. VOULIGNY, A. MARCHAND Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-161

Determination of Hot Spots in Gas Generators Using Brillouin Based Fiber Optic Distributed Sensor L. ZOU1, O. SEZERMAN1, C. SPENCER2, G. DAILEY3 1OZ Optics Limited (Canada) 2Calpine Corporation 3QPS Photronics Inc CIGRE-163

Operational Experience of Essex STATCOM after Refurbishment J. BURROUGHS1, J. Hu2, B. Bisewski2, Chris Root1 1Vermont Electric Power Co. Inc (USA) 2RBJ Engineering CIGRE-165

Design Validation and Field-Testing Experience of Linear Shore Line Grounding Electrodes for Reliable Operation of HVDC Links A. DARIANI SNC LAVALIN (Canada) CIGRE-166

Improved Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model for Converter Transformer Controlled Switching Assessment in Nelson River Bipole III HVDC System C. Fang1, A. D. Rajapakse2, R. Jayasinghe3 1Manitoba Hydro (Canada) 2University of Manitoba 3Manitoba Hydro International

CIGRE-167 Development of transmission voltage class,

reconnectable 230 x 115 kV mobile transformers for improved reliability of power delivery T. KALICKI1, W. ZIOMEK2, K. VIJAYAN2 1Hydro One Inc. (Canada) 2PTI Transformers LP CIGRE-168

Implementation Experience of URTDSM Project in Indian Power System P.K. Agarwal, Rajkumar Anumasula, Chandan Kumar Power System Operation Corporation Limited (India) CIGRE-175

A Station Service Voltage Transformer Designed and Tested to Withstand a Severe Internal Arc Fault S. Brodeur1, H. Dinh2 1ABB Inc., Transformers (Canada) 2ABB Inc., High Voltage Products CIGRE-176

[FR] Élaboration d’un système d’aide à la décision pour la gestion des actifs à TransÉnergie

[EN] Development of a decision support system for asset management at TransÉnergie A. Côté, D. Messaoudi, D. Komljenovic, S. Alarie, O. Blancke, J.-F. Boudreau, M. Gaha, E. Truchon, S. Pelletier Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-177

Assessing Water Content and Vibration from Dynamic Measurement in Transformer S. Akré1, V. Behjat1, P. Kung2, I. Fofana1 1Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), UQAC (Canada) 2QPS Photronics CIGRE-178

Secured Substation Protection & Automation IED Firmware Management ANCA CIORACA, MITAL KANABAR GE Grid Solutions (Canada) CIGRE-179

A Complete Average Value Model of Modular Multilevel Converter Jinling Qi1, Haihao Jiang2, Weixing Li1, Boon-Teck Ooi2 1Harbin Institute of Technology (China) 2McGill University CIGRE-180

Increasing Transient Stability Limit by Nonlinear Damping Design Jinpeng Guo, Haihao Jiang, Xiaozhe Wang, Boon-teck Ooi McGill University (Canada)

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CIGRE-181 Real-Time Dynamic Protection Zone Determination for

Interconnected Power Systems using Network Theory Principles A.C. ADEWOLE1, A.D. RAJAPAKSE1, D. OUELLETTE2, P. FORSYTH2 1University of Manitoba (Canada) 2RTDS Technologies Inc. CIGRE-183

The Research on the Key Equipment for 750kV Fixed Series Compensation in 3000m a.s.l. CHEN Yuanjun, ZHOU Qiwen, WANG Dechang, Gao Jian, Chen Wei, Zhang Daoxiong NR Electric Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-184

Ten Years of Experience with Natural Ester Dielectric Fluid in 245 kV: Shunt Reactor of Vilhena Substation - Eletronorte ROBERTO IGNACIO DA SILVA1, IRAN PRADO ARANTES2, ITO CAPINOS3, LUCAS DE OLIVEIRA1, MAURÍCIO A. DE LIMA2, GERALDO L. NICOLA4 1Cargill (Brazil) 2Eletronorte 3GE 4Consultant CIGRE-185

Recognition of the benefits by the use of Transformers and Reactors immersed in insulating fluid with high fire point (K Class): the case of Fire Department of Sao Paulo state in Brazil ROBERTO IGNACIO DA SILVA, ALEXANDRE COELHO Cargill (Brazil) CIGRE-186

Challenges Faced and Measures Adopted for RE Integration in Indian Power system P.K. Agarwal, S.K. Jain Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (India) CIGRE-187

Design optimization of a 138 kV transmission line with optical phase conductors RICHARD MARANDA, GUILLAUME VACHON, BASSEM KAABIA BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-188

Challenges Faced and Lessons Learnt in Development of Indian Electricity Markets and Regulations S.K. Jain, P.K. Agarwal Power System Operation Corporation Ltd. (India) CIGRE-189

Method for Suppressing Current Spike in Wide Input Flyback converter XIAO Yuwei1, LIU Xuandong1, SUN Wei2, WU Bin1 1School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (China) 2Wuyi University

CIGRE-190 [FR] Évolution numérique des systèmes de commande et

de protection d'un poste électrique conformément à la norme 61850 ; Retour d'expérience d'un projet pilote ayant été pré-validé sur réplique avant un son installation

[EN] DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF SUBSTATION THROUGH IEC61850 STANDARD: EXPERIENCE DEPLOYING DIGITAL SUBSTATION PILOT THROUGH DIGITAL SUBSTATION REPLICA Saurabh Talwar1, Eric Loiselle2, David Lambert2, William Boutin2, Michel Lavallee2, Felipe Sarubbi1 1Siemens Canada Limited (Canada) 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-191

Converter Transformer Cold Starts: Specification Nuances and Operational Impacts C. MADSEN1, B. KORBUTIAK1, L. BENOIT1, L. NEUMANN1, M. MIELKE1, T. THOMPSON2, K. WALKER3 1ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit (Canada) 2Nalcor Energy 3Hatch CIGRE-192

Investigating the Choice of Load Model and its Parameters for Different Voltage Response Scenarios in Large Power Systems A. S. Hoshyarzadeh1, H. Zareipour1, P. Keung2, S. A. Ahmed2 1University of Calgary (Canada) 2Alberta Electric System Operator CIGRE-193

New Methodologies for Accurate Modelling and Simulation of Advanced Telecommunication-Based Protection Schemes in a Software Environment Hadi Khani, Daniyal Qureshi, Saman Alaeddini, Ishwarjot Anand Quanta Technology (Canada) CIGRE-194

[FR] Amélioration de la durée de vie en fatigue du conducteur en utilisant une pince de suspension avec des élastomères coniques

[EN] Improved conductor endurance limit by using a suspension clamp with conical elastomers J. PARADIS, P. VAN DYKE Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Québec (Canada) CIGRE-195

A DER Management System for Distributing Power among Discretely and Continuously Controlled Devices within DER group Chu Sun1, Syed Qaseem Ali2, Geza Joos1, Francois Bouffard1 1McGill University (Canada) 2OPAL-RT Technologies CIGRE-196

Multi-Feeder Protection Methodology and New Product Design for Distribution Substations Kamyar Moghadam1, Joshua Kuchison2, Rainer Goblirsch3 1Siemens Canada Limited (Canada) 2EPCOR Transmission 3Siemens AG

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CIGRE-197 Con Edison Transmission System Reliability Model

R. Hasan1, M. Viele1, D. J. Allen2 1Con Edison (USA) 2The Risk Research Group CIGRE-198

[FR] Étude de cas d'analyse de la réponse en fréquence (FRA) pour l'évaluation de l'intégrité d'un transformateur usagé suite à une réparation

[EN] Case study for assessing the integrity of a service-aged transformer repair using Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) R. S. A. FERREIRA1, H. SIMARD2, P. PICHER3, V. BEHJAT1, I. FOFANA1, H. EZZAIDI1 1Research Chair on Aging Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) (Canada) 2Énergie Électrique Rio Tinto, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean 3Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) CIGRE-199

Transmission Line Route Refinement with Simultaneous Geomorphological Assessment Sébastien Paradis, Line Bariteau, Claude Roy BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-200

Active Power Priority Vs. Reactive Power Priority Operating Modes in Solar Plants M. DARYABAK, M. RAHMATIAN, K. KABIRI, K. CHILUKURI PSC Consulting (Canada) CIGRE-201

Mitigation of inrush and outrush currents in capacitor bank switching using dry type air core reactors M. Goulkhah D. Caverly, M. Sharp Trench Ltd (Canada) CIGRE-202

The Energy Twin – A Solution for Techno-Economic Business Case Analysis of Microgrids & Distributed Energy Systems (DES) Bharatkumar Solanki, Alif Gilani Siemens Canada Limited (Canada) CIGRE-203

Field Validation of Various Line Rating Methods on a 138 kV Transmission Line in British Columbia M. L. Lu, C. Singh, R. Barone, K. Zhang, M. Guite, D. Chakrabarti BC Hydro Power & Authority (Canada) CIGRE-207

Paradigm Shift in Operational Philosophy of POWERGRID SUNIL AGRAWAL, P.K. SRIVASTAVA, SUNIL KUMAR, MANOJ KUMAR, VIKAS BISHNOI, ABHISHEK BHARDWAJ Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-208

Voltage Source Converter (VSC) Operation at DC Lines close to AC Lines M. Weiland, E. Starschich, G. Ebner, R. Teixeira Pinto, M. Schmidt Siemens AG (Germany)

CIGRE-209 Web Applications for Transmission System Asset Health

Monitoring Sunil Agarwal, P.K Srivastava, Sunil Kumar, Manoj Kumar, Abhishek Bhardwaj, Vikas Bishnoi Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-213

Active Filtering of harmonic voltages or currents utilizing a MMC STATCOM-Design Aspects and Performance Experience T. Schlegl, Dr. G. Pilz Siemens AG (Germany) CIGRE-214

Steel foundations design optimization of a 138 kV transmission line MAXIME SANSFAÇON1, RICHARD MARANDA2, GUILLAUME VACHON2 1EMS Ingénierie (Canada) 2BBA Inc. CIGRE-217

Energy Storage and Ancillary Services Markets in North America Hisham Alharbi, Kankar Bhattacharya University of Waterloo (Canada) CIGRE-218

Reduction of CLPU Overload through Active Load Management S. DZELETOVIC, F. BOUFFARD, G. JOOS McGill University (Canada) CIGRE-219

Use of GIS Tools and Space Technologies for Optimal Transmission Line Routing and Asset Mapping B. N. De. Bhowmick, V. K. Bhaskar, S. B. R. Rao, Pradeep Patil, Pradeep Singh Chauhan, Shalini Raj Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (India) CIGRE-220

Transformation of a Large Diameter Monopole to a Pinned Support Guyed Tower Pierre-Luc Massé, Richard Maranda, Alireza Aboutalebi BBA Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-221

Magnetic and Thermal Impact of GIC on Power Transformers: A Case Study TR. Girgis1, M. Saad2, E. teNyenhuis2, C. Clark3 1ABB Inc. (USA) 2ABB Inc. (Canada) 3Altalink (Canada) CIGRE-223

HVDC O&M Strategy D. KAVANAGH1, C. MADSEN2, D. KELL3 1Nalcor Energy (Canada) 2ATCO Electricity Global Business Unit 3Hatch

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CIGRE-225 Research on Key Technical Parameters of Main

Equipments for UHV Converter Station in High Altitude Area Zhang He, Wu Fangjie, Shen Xiaolin, Yue Bo, Yang yiming, Wang yaoxuan State Grid Economic and Technological Research Institute Co., Ltd. (China) CIGRE-226

Substation Anomaly Detection System – A Substation & Distribution Network Cybersecurity Early Warning System Eric Hawthorne1, Moein Manbachi1, Alif Gilani2 1British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) (Canada) 2Siemens Canada Limited CIGRE-227


Synchronous Generator Load Sharing Models for Diesel-Based Remote Systems JASON A. ZRUM, MICHAEL ROSS Yukon Research Centre – Yukon College (Canada) CIGRE-229

[FR] Étude préliminaire de fluide à base d’ester pour application dans des transformateurs exploités en région climatique froide

[EN] Preliminary Study of Ester-based Fluid for Application in Transformers Serving in Cold Climatic Regions U. Mohan Rao1, I. Fofana1, T. Jaya1, E. M. Rodriguez Celis2, J. Jalbert2, B. Noirhomme2, P. Picher2 1Research Chair on the Aging of Power Network Infrastructure (ViAHT), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada) 2Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ) CIGRE-230

MiGen Project – Empowering the transformation at the grid edge R. Abdullah1, M. Lacroix2 1Hydro Ottawa (Canada) 2eMcREY Solutions CIGRE-231

[FR] Fabrication de revêtements superhydrophobes durables pour les isolateurs en verre

[EN] Fabrication of a durable superhydrophobic coating for high voltage glass insulators A. Allahdini, G. Momen, R. Jafari

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada)

CIGRE-232 [FR] Validation d’un conducteur AACSR avec fils

trapézoïdaux pour une traversée de rivière [EN] Validation of an AACSR conductor with trapezoidal

wires for a river crossing P. VAN DYKE1, S. PRUD’HOMME2, J. PARADIS1 1Institut de Recherche d’Hydro-Québec (Canada) 2Hydro-Québec CIGRE-233

Application of Small Signal Analyses in Model Validation Studies F. YAHYAIE, P. ZADKHAST Powertech Labs Inc. (Canada) CIGRE-235

Line Rating Optimisation with Numerical Weather Models: the ALiRA Project R. SUNDERLAND, G. LILJEBAKK, J. PARR, D.J. CANNON, F.G. BRAGLIA Digital Engineering Ltd (United Kingdom) CIGRE-236

Optimal Energy Management and Storage Sizing for Electric Vehicles A. DESHPANDE, J. TAYLOR University of Toronto (Canada) CIGRE-238

Effects of Future Uncertainty on Present-day Asset Management K. MARTIN-STURMEY, A. ALFALAHI, A. BAKULEV METSCO Energy Solutions (Canada) CIGRE-239

Impact of Load Modelling Parameters on Motor Start simulation in The Alberta Electric System Ping-Kwan Keung1, Sabbir Ahmed1, Hamid Zareipour2, Ali Reza Seifi2, Edmond Chih2, Amir Saman Hoshyarzadeh2 1Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) (Canada) 2University of Calgary CIGRE-240

Demand Response Services in Electricity Markets of US and Canada NITIN PADMANABHAN1, MOHAMED AHMED2, KANKAR BHATTACHARYA1

1ECE Department, University of Waterloo (Canada) 2Independent Electricity System Operator CIGRE-242

Comprehensive Motor Condition Monitoring Integrated in Advanced Protection Relays – A real case study Umar Khan1, Mital Kanabar1, Mathieu Harvey2, Carlos Oliveira3 1GE Renewable Energy (Canada) 2Arcelor Mittal Mines 3Trelec Inc. CIGRE-244

The AURORA vulnerability: The sword of Damocles over the heads of rotating machines Marc Potvin BBA Inc. (Canada)

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CIGRE-246 Dynamic Interactions between a large PV plant and a

STATCOM Sibin Mohan, Rajiv K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada) CIGRE-247

A Novel Combined Reactive Power-based Frequency and Power Oscillation Damping Control by PV-STATCOMs M. Akbari, R. K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada) CIGRE-248

Connecting Controlled Switching Devices in Power Plants to Analytics Tools in Sorgenia’s Operations Centre to Increase the Service Life of Apparatuses V. BALVET1, V. CHECOLA2 1VIZIMAX Inc. (Canada) 2SORGENIA S.p.A.

CIGRE-249 PV Solar Farm Control as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for

Alleviating Subsynchronous Oscillations R. Salehi, R. K. Varma The University of Western Ontario (Canada) CIGRE-260

Lifecycle Management for HVDC Systems ERIK JANSSON, URBAN ELGQVIST ABB (Sweden) CIGRE-261

Influence of extreme low humidity on the dielectric strength of air insulation under critical design voltages L. Arevalo1, D. Wu1, O. Diaz1, M. Larsson2, C. Tornkvist2 1ABB Power Grids – HVDC (Sweden) 2ABB Corporate Research

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3M CanadaElectrical Markets Division 300 Tartan Drive London, ON, N5V 4M9 Brooke Sveinbjornson Booth 24

ABB Inc901 Main Campus Dr. Raleigh, NC, 27606 Marcia Carlton Booth 41-42

AIEQ1155 rue Metcalfe suite 1470 Montreal, QC, H3B 2V6 Virginie Duval Booth 55

Ampacimon Inc.2450 Atlanta Highway suite 102 Cumming, Georgia, 30040 Belinda Burnett Booth 13

ATCO5302 Forand St. W Calgary, AB, T3E 8B4 Loraleigh Kovacik Booth 39

Atelier AHR Inc.3905 rue Isabelle #108 Brossard, QC, J4Y 2R2 Richard Emond Booth 18

Canam Energy Division1445 rue du Grand Tronc Quebec, qc, G1N 4G1 Jean Fournier Booth 29

Cicame Energie Inc5400 rue J.A. Bombardier St-Hubert, QC, J3Z 1G8 Michel Miglia Booth 32

Copperleaf2920 Virtual Way Suite 140 Vancouver, BC, V5M 0C4 Xara Gobhai Booth 21

Delta Star Inc860 Lucien Beaudin Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, J2X 5V5 Heather Maddox Booth 11

DILO Company Inc.11642 Pyramid Drive Odessa, FL, 33556 Lina Encinias Booth 22

Dynamic RatingsN56W24879 N. Corporate Circle Sussex, WI, 53089 Katie Kossow Booth 3

EMTP Powersys Inc2000 Town Center Suite 1900 Southfield, Michigan, 48075 Frederique Peyret Booth 43

Fabrimet Inc.4375 Boul. Saint-Joseph Drummondville, QC, J2B 1T8 Gilbert Guerette Booth 7

Fiso Technologies Inc.500 St-Jean Baptiste Ave, suite 195 Quebec, QC, G2E 5R9 Josee Blais Booth 52

General Electric Canada1640 ch. Ste-Catherine St-Polycarpe, QC, J0P 1X0 Danny Boulay Booth 35

Interfax Systems Inc6045 St-Francois Saint-Laurent, QC, H4S 1B6 Sami Tabry Booth 49

iS5 Communications1-1815 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON, L5T 1G3 Eric Labrie Booth 26

K-Line Insulators Limited50 Passmore Avenue Toronto, ON, M1V 4T1 Staci Post Booth 16

LaPrairie Inc Division de Wesco Distribution LP1206 Ringwell Drive, unit S-6 Newmarket, ON, L3T 8V9 Martin Sarrazin Booth 17

Locweld Inc.50 Iberville Candiac, QC,J5R 1J5 Liam Gilliland Booth 14

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Manitoba Hydro International Ltd211 Commerce Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3P 1A3 Emily Lalonde Booth 31

MidelHibernia way, Trafford Park Manchester, Lancashire, M32OZD Louise Riley Booth 23

MindCore Technologies2425 Boul. Edouard-Michelin Terrebonne, QC, J6Y 4P2 Eric Beaudet Booth 1-2

Mitshubishi Electric Power Products Inc.530 Keystone Drive Warrendale, PA, 15086 Adnan Chaudry

MVA Power Inc.1 Holly Road Montreal, QC, H3X 3K6 Robert Verronneau Booth 48

Northern Mat & Bridge LP207221 Highway 9 Mono, Ontario, L9W 6J1 Claudine Gagnon Booth 53

NR Engineering Co., Ltd.69 Suyuan Avenue Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211102 Jerry Niu Booth 36-37

Omicron Electronics2001 Sheppard Ave East, Suite 104 Toronto, ON, M2J 4Z8 Parisa Jalalipour Booth 40

Opal-RT Technologies1751 rue Richardson suite 2525 Montreal, QC, H3K 1G6 Vanessa Broccoli Booth 25

Open Systems International Inc.4101 Arrowhead Drive Medina, MN, 55340 Jared Kuklok

OZ Optics Ltd219 Westbrook Rd Ottawa, On, K0A 1L0 Yesim Sezerman Booth 27

Positron Inc.5101 Buchan Street suitre 220 Montreal, QC, H4P 2R9 Sandra Cohen Booth 28

Preformed Line Products1711 Bishop Street Cambridge, Ontario, N1T 1N5 Dustin Frank Booth 19

Prometek Inc.1005 Avenue Nordique Quebec, QC, G1C 0C7 Jocelyn Gamache Booth 12

PTI Transforners1155 Park Street Regina, SK, S4N 4Y8 George Jr Partyka Booth 5

Qualitrol Corp1585 Fairport Rd Fairport, NY, 14450 Jean-Philippe Gagnon Booth 50

Reinhaussen Canada Inc.3755 Place Java suite 110 Brossard, QC, J4Y 0E4 Georges Habouri Booth 4

RS Poles22 Industrial Park Tilbury, ON, N0P 2L0 Galen Fecht Booth 15

RTDS Technologies Inc.100-150 Innovation Drive Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2E1 Christine Albert Booth 8-9

SBB Inc.10 rue Emilien Marcoux Blainville, QC, J7C 0B5 Olivier Canolle Booth 20

Schneider Electric Canada Inc.5985 McLaughlin Rd. Mississauga, ON, L5R 1B8 Pallav Pathak Booth 34

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Sediver172 Merizzi St-Laurent, QC, H4T 1S4 Husam Ahmed Booth 33

SGE500 rue du Platine Quebec, Qc, G2N 2G6 Jean-Sebastien Montminy Booth 51

Siemens Canada Limited1577 North Service Road East Oakville, ON, L6H 0H6 Lindsay Brown Booth 45-46-47

SNC-Lavalin195 The West Mall Toronto, ON, M9C 5K1 Barbara Hooley

Specialist Power Systems Consultants Canada, Inc2425 Quebec Street Vancouver, BC, V5T 4L6 Alex Lindner Booth 44

Teshmont Consultants LP1190 Wavereley Street Winnipeg, MB, R3T 0P4 Gagandeep Saini Booth 6

Trans Grid Solutions100-78 Innovation Drive Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6C2 Rebecca Ostash Booth 10

Trelec324 Rte Racette St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC, G3A 1R2 Catherine Genest Booth 37

Vizimax Inc.2284 de la Province Longueuil, QC, J4G 1G1 Nicolas Major Lacombe Booth 30

WSP Canada Inc.1135 Boul. Lebourgneuf Quebec, QC, G2K 0M5 Josianne Pusteria

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

29: Canam - Energy Division 30: Vizimax 31: Manitoba Hydro International Ltd/PSCAD 32: Cicame Energie 33: Sediver 34: Schneider Electric 35: GE Canada 36: NR Electric 37: NR Electric 38: Trelec 39: ATCO 40: OMICRON electronics 41: ABB Canada 42: ABB Canada

43: EMTP/Powersys Inc 44: PSC 45: Siemens Canada 46: Siemens Canada 47: Siemens Canada 48: MVA Power 49: Interfax Systems 50: Qualitrol Corp. 51: SGE - Société Générale d'Électrotechnique 52: Fiso Technologies 53: Northern Mat & Bridge LP 54: Systems With Intelligence 55: AIEQ

15: RS Poles 16: K-Line Insulators 17: Wesco Utility Canada 18: Ateliers AHR 19: Preformed Line Products 20: SBB, Inc. 21: Copperleaf 22: DILO Company 23: MIDEL 24: 3M Canada 25: OPAL-RT Technologies 26: iS5 Communications 27: Oz Optics Ltd. 28: Positron

1: Mindcore 2: Mindcore 3: Dynamic Ratings 4: Reinhausen Canada 5: PTI Transformers 6: Teshmont 7: Fabrimet 8: RTDS Technologies 9: RTDS Technologies 10: TransGrid Solutions 11: Delta Star 12: Prometek 13: Ampacimon 14: Locweld

2019 CIGRE Canada Conference & ExpoSeptember 16-19, 2019 Westin Montreal, Montreal, Quebec

Host/Hôte :

Ruelle des Fortifications

Rue St. Antoine

150'-1 5/8"

Le Moyne

St Paul






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


























50Ramezay Viger Palais


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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

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2019 CIGRE Canada ConferenceLe Westin Montréal

Montréal, QC, Canada • September 16-19, 2019

The utility industry is undergoing profound changes, affecting the entire energy chain, from power generation to trading, including transmission and distribution. With a proven track record in business transformation and the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio from generation all the way to consumption, Siemens Canada is your trusted partner helping you navigate the energy transition.

Navigating today’s and tomorrow’s energy landscape