Discoloration of teeth

Discoloration of teeth Exogenous and Endogenous Stains

Transcript of Discoloration of teeth

Page 1: Discoloration of teeth

Discoloration of teeth

Exogenous and Endogenous Stains

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Staining of teeth may result from pigments or colored substance takent into mouth such as:




Food (substance in diet)

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Causes of discoloration of teeth

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Stains derived from substance in the mouth are designated Exogenous stains.

Exogenous stains are deposited in film and plaque on teeth in rough pitted and porous surface of teeth

• Usually indicative of poor oral hygiene, endogenous staining is the most often indicative pulpal death.

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Exogenous staining can be subdivided as:

Metallic Stains

Non metallic Stains

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Metallic stainsGenerally associated with the occupational

hazard or metal workers or with the use of medicine containing their stains

The stain may removed by polishing if it has not penetrated into line tooth structure,


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Brown stains may result from the use of drugs containing iron or from the industrial inhalation or iron containing metals.

• iron stains may be black to brown to black and similar to tobacco stains, silver staining most often occurs as the result of the use of silver nitrate on the teeth by the dentist.

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Brown Stain

Brown Teeth In Children Tetracycline discolored teeth


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Non metallic stains

• May be associated with with incorporation of pigmented substance into plaques and accretions on teeth , rough pitted and decalcified surface of teeth, and remnants of enamel cuticle.

• It may be impossible to remove stains which have penetrated pits, fissure and porous areas of teeth.

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Black stain

• Two variation of black stain of non metallic origin may occur on the teeth, they can occur on the teeth.

• They include the black stain caused by the product of tobacco combustion and more or less characteristic “metabolic” stain.

• Tobacco stain are present most often on the lingual surface of the teeth,especially on the

areas where pipes, cigars, or cigarttes are held.

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Black stain


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• A black stain in the form of a fine line adjacent to the free gingival margin, which is not related to smoking, has been called metabolic stain and “mesenteric line”.

• This stain may occur as a broad thin black line following the contour of the free gingival margin onto the interproximal surface of the teeth

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• Removal is sometimes more difficult because of pitting of the underlying enamel

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Green stain

• Green stain is frequently occurs on the teeth of children, especially on the teeth children, especially on the cervical third of the labial surface of the maxillary incisor.

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Orange Stain and Red stain

• May be present on the teeth in various locations but more especially on the cervical third of the teeth.

• Such stain are related to soft plaques on the teeth and probably the action of bacteria.

• they are easily removed by polishing agent and may be effectively prevented by proper tooth-brushing

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Red and orange stains

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Endogenous stains

Internal discoloration of teeth may occur as the result of decomposition of blood pigments associated with the death of the pulp.

Such pigments give the tooth a grayish or blue-black discoloration, the teeth occsionallymay be discolored by blood-borne pigments associated with the severe systemic disease or inborn errors of pigment metabolism such as congenital porphyria

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• Discoloration of the teeth may also occur as a result of hereditary and developmental disturbances suh as :

o Mottled enamel

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• Amelogenesis impefecta

• Detinogenisis imperfect

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Referrence:• KERR AND ASH ORAL PATHOLOGY: an introduction to General and oral pathology

for hygienist, 5th edition major M. Ash Jr.

• Oral pathology, 3rd edition J.V Soames and J.C Southam

• Oral Pathology , Clinical Pathology 4th edition, Regezi, Sciubba, Jordan

• https://www.google.com.ph/search?newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=metallic+stains+on+teeth&oq=metallic+stains+on+teeth&gs_l=img.3..0.3960.13149.0.14267.

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• https://www.google.com.ph/search?newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&q=dentinogenesis+imperfecta&revid=729303610&sa=X&ei=BJ_PVK-DHIPOmAWA6IKIBQ&ved=0CCEQ1QIoAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=j_gwvGyPIr3wdM%253A%3B2jZdZMZZqK_opM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finfo.infodontics.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F09%252Fdentinogenesisintraoral.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Finfo.infodontics.com%252Finfo%252Fdentinogenesis-imperfecta%252F%3B900%3B600

• https://www.google.com.ph/search?newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=metallic+stains+on+teeth&oq=metallic+stains+on+teeth&gs_l=img.3..0.3960.13149.0.14267.

• https://www.google.com.ph/search?newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=brown+stains+on+teeth&oq=brown+stains+on+teeth&gs_l=img.3..0l4j0i5l4j0i24l2.2355874.2358744.0.2359413.