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Page 1: Disclaimer · With all the other serious health dangers out there, such as AIDS, diabetes, and cancer, having a rash on the back of your leg or a thick yellow nail from toenail fungus
Page 2: Disclaimer · With all the other serious health dangers out there, such as AIDS, diabetes, and cancer, having a rash on the back of your leg or a thick yellow nail from toenail fungus

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The Fungus Terminator System

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Do not ignore fungal infections ................................................................................................................... 5

Types of fungal infections ............................................................................................................................ 8

Listen to your body..................................................................................................................................... 10

Effectively fighting fungal infections ......................................................................................................... 15

Natural remedies for fungal infections ..................................................................................................... 23

The Fungus Terminator Diet ...................................................................................................................... 30

Antifungal Food Recipes ............................................................................................................................ 33

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 49

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There is a pretty good chance that each and every person reading this

eBook – in fact I’ll go even further and say every person alive today – has

contacted a fungal infection at least once in their lives. It’s a form of life that’s

not quite plant and not quite animal and certain types can cause skin infections.

Quite often, people tend to neglect minor rashes and other similar types of

health issues, thinking that it will just pass on their own. After all, “what real

harm could it possibly cause?” Well, I’m here to tell you that, knowing what I

know about the true impact fungal infections can have on your life, these are

matters that should be taken care of just like any other health problem.

Keep in mind that your body is a miraculous machine that is designed to

repel most potential vectors that exist in your surroundings. However, many

fungi are vectors that can get by your first line of defense – your skin. Once that

happens, that is when a rash or similar symptoms will appear. At that point, it

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is highly incumbent on you to wipe out the vector before it has a chance to do

even more damage to your system. Your body needs permanent constant

maintenance to prevent small problems from developing into more serious

problems that have the potential of throwing a monkey wrench into the natural

functioning of your body.

As with any other ailment, a fungal infection is a clear sign that your

body’s defense mechanism has been compromised. It’s much more than just a

blemish that can be covered with a concealer. It’s really like the tip of the

iceberg because there is an internal problem that needs to be cured as quickly as

possible. And while mainstream medicine has no shortage of promises that

provide cures for these types of health issues including creams, pills, and other

therapies, most of them do not treat the root cause of the problem.

Not to mention that drugs in general tend to treat one problem and cause

several other problems to your body. So, what is to be done?

Natural remedies are the answer!

And this is exactly what you are going to learn about further on

throughout this guide. You might find it hard to believe, but a proper nutrition

specially designed to boost your immune system and fight fungal infections is

the cure that you are looking for.

The Fungus Terminator System will reveal the primary and secondary

causes of your fungal infections and show you the best way to cure them and

avoid catching them in the first place. This eBook will provide you with the top

foods to help you fight them and an easy to follow system that will help you get

rid of any type of fungal infections in just a few days.

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Do not ignore fungal infections

Though they may seem harmless, incidents of fungal infections have

increased at an alarming rate over the last few years due to a host of factors,

including a numbers of diseases, poor nutrition, immunity problems, and

neglect. In fact, more than 1 billion people experience fungal infections at any

given time, from mild cases that only affect the skin and nails, to severe fungal

infections that go deep into the tissue affecting internal organs and leading to

life threatening problems.

If you are able to discover a fungal infection in time, while the infection

is still incipient, it can be treated more quickly with the techniques I will reveal

later in this eBook. However, when left untreated, the fungal infection can

expand throughout your entire body, making it extremely difficult to eliminate.

On top of everything else, when you leave an infection untreated, you also risk

spreading the fungus to anyone you happen to come into contact with.

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In order to most effectively prevent these types of infections, you must

first understand the disease. This means knowing how it acts and what the

main symptoms are.

Fungi are tiny organisms or parasites that live everywhere – in the soil,

in the air, in food, on animals and, of course, the human body. While there are

certain types of fungi that are beneficial for our natural bodily functions, others

cause infections that are not normal and that usually are the result of a

weakened immune system. Fungal infections can affect several areas of the

body including:




Mouth and throat

Urogenital tract



Until a fungal infection reaches the most severe stages, it first affects the

surface levels of the body, which is primarily the skin and nails. Although it is

generally not dangerous at this stage, fungal infections can quickly have an

impact on your life quality, causing:






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It’s important to understand that fungal microorganisms thrive in

moist, warm environments and, once they are fed, they continue to spread. A

weakened immune system is the perfect habitat for fungi. It’s worth

remembering that most people who suffer from chronic fungal infections also

suffer from diabetes, low immune system, or any other diseases that require

antibiotics, chemotherapy or certain types of medications. If you have such

secondary problems, your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics that are meant

to fight the infection, but soon enough you will discover that the fungal

infection has increased due to the amount of antibiotics in your system. This is

why it is so important to cure your fungal infection using natural, healthy

techniques that promote good health and do not interfere with your other

medications. This eBook will provide you with valuable information about such


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Types of fungal infections

Fungal infections of the skin, nails and hair are very common in the

United States and particularly in regions with warm, humid weather, such as

the South. They can easily be treated with proper care and nutrition. Here are

the types of fungal infection that you really need to look out for:

Athlete’s foot

An infection of the foot that usually develops during summer, in warm

and humid climates. Most common symptoms include: peeling,

cracking, itching, and burning.

Jock itch

Affects the genitals, inner thighs and buttocks and it appears as a red

and itchy rash on the skin.

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Can appear anywhere on the skin and it looks like a circular, red sore.

Yeast infections

Causes itchy rashes on the skin and it is common among people who

are obese and those suffering from diabetes or those who are taking


Scalp ringworm

Looks like severe dandruff and can also cause patches of hair loss.

Nail fungus

Usually affects toenails rather than fingernails and it develops as a

thickened and colored nail that is sometimes painful.

You will generally notice that, once you start treating the infection using

creams and pills, the problem will subside, but only temporarily, because the

infection tends to return as it has not been permanently cured.

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Listen to your body

In order to truly be a healthy person, it’s important to get to know your

body by learning how to identify when something is not quite right. This will

help you prevent and treat health problems such as a fungal infection.

The scary truth is that anyone can contract a fungal infection. Even

people who are healthy in every other way are at risk. The simple fact is that

there are thousands of different kinds of fungi in the environment that can have

an impact on your health. Moreover, when it comes to people who are older or

who have weakened immune systems, these infections are much more likely to

be deadly.

When a person gets a fungal infection because their immune system is

weak, that can arise because of more than 300 causes. And just like a predator

kills the weakest of the pack first, many fungal infections are opportunistic.

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Some people are born with a weak immune system while others may

suffer from an illness such as HIV/AIDS. In other cases, some medications, like

corticosteroids or cancer chemotherapy, can actually lower your body’s ability

to fight off infections, thus leading to increased fungal activity.

If you suffer from a weakened immune system, you need to be aware

that fungal infections are a constant danger if you don’t take precautions to

protect yourself. If you understand the true nature of this risk, you will be

better at knowing how to fight off these fungal infections than even your doctor

recognizes. In fact, this may even prevent serious complications.

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How much should I be worried about this?

With all the other serious health dangers out there, such as AIDS,

diabetes, and cancer, having a rash on the back of your leg or a thick

yellow nail from toenail fungus might seem pretty insignificant. Because

toenail fungus usually isn’t painful, most people put off treatment

because they assume the problem is only cosmetic. However, it’s

important to understand that ignoring a fungus-infected toenail can have

severe consequences that go far beyond appearances. In fact, there are

many potential complications from fungal infections. Here are the main


Body pain

Over time, an infected nail can become thick and misshapen,

causing pain. It can even make it painful to move when

wearing shoes or socks over the affected area.

Loss of nails

If your toenails are infected with fungus and you let it go

untreated, it will separate from the nail bed. This condition is

known as onycholysis. When it happens, the loose portion of

the nail will need to be removed because there is no way to

reattach it. Moreover, even if an infected toenail doesn't

become unattached, it may still need to be removed if the

fungus goes untreated. In this case, the most common

procedure, called an avulsion, is used to remove the entire

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nail. In some extreme cases, the nail has to be removed

permanently through a medical procedure called a

matrixectomy. This destroys the growth bed at the base of the

nail, either surgically or chemically, so it will never grow


Spread of the fungus

Often, untreated fungus will spread to the surrounding skin.

If this happens to you, it can lead to a nasty case of athlete’s

foot, a condition marked by itchy, red, cracked skin. If you

wear shoes and socks all day with an infected toenail, it can

spread to your other toes very easily because fungus thrives in

warm, dark, moist environments. However, the problem

doesn’t stop at the ground level. In fact, the fungus can

easily spread to your genitals, where it becomes jock itch.

Keep in mind that this is a condition that can affect both

men and women alike.

Widespread infection

This complication of an untreated fungal infection is of

particular concern for people with diabetes and other chronic

conditions that will cause your immune system to weaken.

For example, if a toenail fungus spreads to the skin and causes

it to crack, bacteria can get in and cause additional infections.

And if that is not bad enough, this may cause cellulitis, a

condition that produces swollen, red, tender skin. If this

happens, the infected area must be treated with antibiotics. In

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severe cases of cellulitis, the infection often enters the

bloodstream. Once this happens, it can be deadly. Just think of

it, this can all start from a simple fungal infection

Here's the bad part. The only medical cures that you are going to get

from your doctor are either ineffective, or poisonous to your system. While it is

true that Big Pharma has come up with chemicals such as Lamisil, they don’t

seem to mind that their product also has the ability to kill the patient, which

would make it much worse than the infection itself. Just think about that for a

moment. You get an illness that has a less than 18% chance of killing you and

you cure it by taking a chemical that has a better than 31% chance of

damaging your vital organs. That is completely insane. Only a crazy person

would take that kind of chance to gain so much less than what you are risking,

knowing the odds.

I’m sure you have many other questions and, although I have tried to

address all the information in a complete manner, I understand that there is

always more to learn.

In the meantime, let’s begin this journey of discovery and relief from

fungal infections. As you will see in the following pages, I will give you all the

info you need to better understand yourself and your fungal problems. The

system I provide is designed to be flexible and adaptable to people with

different needs. When I designed this system, it was important to me not to lose

sight of the fact that it has to make people happy as well as healthy, without

constraining them. Therefore, I am extremely confident that you will find the

answers to all your fungus related questions, as well as your personalized

fungus solution.

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Effectively fighting fungal infections

Once you identify a fungal infection somewhere on your body, the most

effective way to begin protecting yourself is to start your own battle against

fungi, by doing what you can to hinder its development. Just like firefighters

work against forest fires by cutting off the fire’s fuel, depriving the fungi of the

nutrients it needs to survive and develop is your first and best line of defense.

This means that you need to avoid the following foods:


No matter the type of sugar you might be thinking of, forget about it at

least until you manage to eliminate the infection. Sugar, sweeteners,

diet or sugar free sodas, syrup or even honey should be eliminated

from your diet.

Processed foods

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Any type of pre-packaged foods, like canned foods, bottled foods or

drinks, boxed foods, fast foods are also a “no‑no” while fighting

against fungi.

Foods containing yeast or mold

This generally refers to all non-pasteurized dairy foods.


This is one of the substances that feeds fungus most! You will have to

party without alcohol for a while.

Edible fungi

This refers to all types of mushrooms. You cannot fight a fungal

infection when you are putting more of it in your body.

Foods that contain yeast

You should avoid any food that contains yeast as a livener, such as

bread, pasta, cakes etc.

Ketchup, mustard or dressings

Forget about any foods containing sugar and vinegar because these

can lead to flair ups.

Packaged juice fruits and dried fruits

These foods also contain high amounts of sugar, so this is something

you should also avoid.

So now here is some good news: You don’t have to panic thinking that

you will have to starve yourself, because there are many alternatives to help

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you fight your fungal infection. For the time being, you need to understand that

the food you put inside you has a purpose, and that is to starve the yeast

organisms in your body. This will cause the symptoms to go away and

therefore eliminate them from your body. Here is a list of foods that will help

you eliminate the fungi living in your body:



This delicious fruit is abundant in nutrients and a powerful

antioxidant that will boost your immune system.


Detoxifies your body and helps you fight allergies and



A natural antibiotic filled with anti‑microbial properties.


Another anti-microbial agent, which is able to purify and reduce

the growth of the bacteria.


This odorous vegi is a great fungi inhibitor.


A detoxifier that also stimulates the immune system.


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A marvelous antioxidant food that is a natural fungus fighter.

Leafy greens of all kind

Contain all the nutrients your body needs to recover and fight

the infection.


Legumes are an important part of any healthy diet. They contain

acids that wipes out fungus.


Works great against fungi, bacteria and parasites.


This is one of the best yeast and mold destroyers, so make sure

you include it into your daily diet.


Essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.


Rich detoxifier and also acts source of antioxidants.


Filled with pectin, which reduces disease‑causing inflammation.

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Dried oregano has many anti-fungal properties to help you out

with your infection.


Can be added to any type of dishes.

Black walnut

Is known as one of the best anti-fungal herbs.


Highly reduces the symptoms of fungal infection.


Works better than the acids that Big Pharma puts in modern

medicine anti-fungal pills.

Pau D’arco

Prevents the infections from developing and spreading

throughout the body.


Annihilates all the symptoms and fights the infection.


Increases in effectiveness especially when used as oil extract.

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Cayenne Pepper

Boosts the immune system. It will not only contribute to the

antifungal fight, but also add amazing flavors to your foods.


This spice is an important part of any antifungal diet. In fact, it

qualifies as an essential anti-bacterial food.


Works great as antioxidant and antiseptic.


Is very effective at fighting various parasites and infections, so

you might think about adding it into your dishes, juices or



Coconut oil

This oil has the amazing ability to cling to fungal material and

draw it out. Moreover, it contains Lauric and Caprylic acids that

kill all the fungi and also boost the immune system.

Olive oil

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A great alternative for a weakened immune system, especially

against fungal infections. Then, once the fungus is absorbed in

the oil, it is suffocated and then macerated.

Seeds and nuts


Brazilian nuts


Flax seeds



Pumpkin seeds

Sesame seeds

Sunflower seeds

Safe to consume while being on a strict anti-fungal diet. All the nutrients

and vitamins they contain will help you boost your immunity. The wide

variety of choices makes them ideal fungus-fighters.


Buckwheat Oats Quinoa

This food is among the best fungus fighters out there because grains

contain herbo-acid which wipes out fungus at the source.


Lamb Salmon Turkey

Halibut Organic chicken Organic pork

Be sure you only consume organic and fresh meats like chicken and pork,

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because the garden variety of these foods often contains trace amounts of

hormones that will actually boost fungal production.

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Natural remedies for fungal infections

I’ve got some good news for you: You don’t have to go out and spend a

fortune on expensive and ineffective treatments. The truth about these is that

they only mask the infection and do not treat the root cause. The best remedies

for your fungus problem can actually be found around in your kitchen. It’s a

shame that society has been blinded by Big Pharma and “Rockefeller

medicine.” We have forgotten about the amazing natural remedies that our

forbearers once relied on.

Now, all you need to do is to follow the simple directions below in order

to prepare your own external remedies and apply them regularly on the

infected areas:

Natural remedies for nail fungus

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Tea tree and orange rub

Tea tree is a natural disinfectant and anti-bacterial, especially when you

combine it with orange extract.

1 teaspoon of tea tree oil

1/2 teaspoon of orange oil


1/2 teaspoon of Grape seeds

or olive oil

Soak a cotton ball in this mixture

and gently apply on the affected

area. Repeat this procedure

during mornings and evenings.

At the same time, you can soak

your feet or hands in water with

4 to 5 drops of tea tree oil for

about 15 to 20 minutes.

Baking soda and vinegar soak

This mixture prevents the fungal infection from spreading and growing.

4-5 tablespoons of baking


1 cup of white vinegar or

apple cider vinegar


First soak your feet or hands

into a mixture of water and 1

cup of white vinegar for 15

minutes. After that, repeat the

procedure, but this time use a

water and baking soda mixture

for another 15 minutes. Repeat

this procedure twice a day.

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Coconut oil rub

The fatty acids contained in coconut oil penetrate the fat layers of the

fungal cells and starts disintegrate it. It’s a very effective remedy.

Coconut oil

Make sure you wear a pair of

gloves and apply some coconut

oil in a thin layer on the

infected area. Repeat this

procedure 3 times a day and let

the area dry naturally.

Tea tree, coconut and olive oil mix

The combination between these three important extracts has a great

antiseptic and fungicidal effect.

3 tablespoons of tea tree oil

2 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Apply this mixture every day

for ten minutes on the affected

area, that has been previously


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Olive oil and garlic

The combination between these two common substances has a great

antiseptic and fungicidal effect.

1 Garlic clove

Olive oil

Crush the garlic clove into very

small pieces, then add some

olive oil and stir until you get a

mixture that looks like a paste.

Apply this paste on the affected

area every day and leave for at

least half an hour.

Grapefruit seed extract

This remedy can also make wonders when it comes to fungal infections

of the toes and nails.

80‑90 drops of grapefruit

seed extract or 4‑5


2 ounces of water

Mix these 2 ingredients and

apply it on the affected area,

only after you have taken a

shower or a bath, so that the

area is clean.

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Remedies for skin fungus

Garlic rub

Garlic is a great antiseptic for various health issues. As you will see, it is

also an excellent solution for fungal infections.

Rub crushed garlic on the infected area and leave for about an hour

before washing it off. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, stop the

procedure for another 2-3 days, and then start again.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil is an important weapon in the fight against antifungal-resistant

infections. The essential oil shows a potent effect against fungi responsible for

common skin and nail infections.

Apply pure lavender oil twice a day on the area affected by fungus

and leave it for 20 minutes.

Turmeric oil

Is also an effective remedy for skin fungus, which is why you should apply

the turmeric oil on the affected skin and leave it overnight. This remedy not

only kills the fungus, but also prevent any blemishes.

Rub turmeric oil directly on the toenail that is infected. Continue rubbing

every two hours and leave it on the skin.

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Epsom Salt and Baking Soda mix

This mixture is one of the most popular ways of getting rid of fungi. The

salts soften the skin and nail enough to allow the other oils to quickly get to

the fungus.

Mix half a cup of baking soda with half a cup of Epsom salt. Place this

mixture into the bath water and soak for 15 minutes every day in order to

eliminate the fungus.

Onion paste

Onions have incredibly effective antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The easiest way to use it in this case is by taking two medium onions and

grinding them until you get a fine paste.

Apply this paste on the infected area and let it “operate” for about half an

hour until washing it with warm water.

Baking soda paste

You will be surprised at the health properties of baking soda.

Simply mix some water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda until you get a

paste. Apply the paste on the wounded area and wait until it dries, then

wash it off with warm water. This will decrease the itching and speed up

the healing process.

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Cinnamon and honey paste

The combination between these two ingredients can help you stop the

growth of the bacteria.

You simply need to mix 1 tbsp. of cinnamon with 1 tbsp. of honey and

apply the paste on the area that has been affected. Leave it for 30 minutes

and then rinse with lukewarm water.

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The Fungus Terminator Diet

The moment you decide to do something about your health condition

and start the battle against the fungal infections, the first step is to make some

changes in your daily diet.

The first step is that of not feeding the parasites, but annihilate them

by incorporating into your daily diet foods that act against them.

The Fungus Terminator System is meant to help you fight the fungus

through healthy and anti‑bacterial foods and boost your immune system in

order to eliminate the infection for good. All the recipes are incredibly easy to

prepare, not to mention how delicious they are. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you

decided to stick to a healthy diet after starting this system.

Make sure you follow the instructions exactly as presented and after

you finish the 7 days Diet, keep going for another week in order to complete

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the 14 days Fungus Terminator System. You can also let your creativity do its

work and prepare your own recipes using the antifungal super foods, but also

making sure you avoid the forbidden ingredients.

During this time, try to eliminate all the “no-no” foods mentioned earlier

in the guide and only choose any of the homemade natural remedies to apply

on the affected areas.

Remember that all the mixtures, pastes and solutions should be

applied 4 times a day.

The Fungus Terminator Diet

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Day 1 1 boiled eggs

1/2 avocado

1/2 tomato

2 slices yeast free bread

1 cup ginger tea

with lemon juice

8oz. water with 3 drops of

grapefruit Seed extract (10

minutes before meal)

Fresh Asparagus Soup

1 8oz. glass of filtered

water with 1‑2

tbsp. Apple

Cider Vinegar

Zucchini and Onion


Day 2 Garlic and Ginger Juice Veggie Smoothie Blend 1 8oz. glass of Coconut

milk blended

with cinnamon

and ginger

Spicy Bean Soup

Day 3 1 cup Thyme tea

(Add 1 teaspoon dried thym

e to 1 cup boiling water,

1 8oz. glass

of filtered water with 2‑3

drops of Oregano oil

Garlic spiced Collard


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steep a

few minutes, and drink)

Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

(10 minutes before meal)

Avocado pancakes with

Lemon Parsley and

Oregano butter

Day 4 1 8oz. glass of water with

2 tbsp.

Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice,

1 tbsp. Cinnamon (10 minut

es before meal)

Avocado Omelet

1 cup Oregano Tea

Zucchini Pine Nut and

Cranberry Pasta

1 8oz. glass

Ginger tea (10

minutes before dinner)

Easy Bean Salad

Day 5 Turmeric Super Smoothie 1 8oz. glass

Ginger tea (10 minutes b

efore lunch)

Chicken breast with Swee

t potato and steamed


1 cup Thyme Tea (10

minutes before dinner)

Carrot Tomato

and Coconut soup

Day 6 1 8oz. glass of filtered water

with 1‑2 tbsp. Apple Cider

Vinegar Overnight oats

Lunch Smoothie Grilled Salmon

with Brown Rice

Day 7 1 8oz. glass of filtered water

with 3 drops of grapefruit

Seed extract (10 minutes

before meal) Butternut Squash

and Spinach Bake

8oz. glass of water with 2

tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice,

1 tbsp. Cinnamon (10

minutes before meal)

Quinoa meatballs

with Cucumber and

Tomato salad

Anti‑Fungal Green


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Antifungal Food Recipes

A diet that fights fungus starves it by depriving it of its vital foods

sources – sugar and high glycemic carbs – as well as foods that have yeast or

molds that can encourage fungus growth. It’s also good to enjoy an abundance

of nature’s fungus fighting foods – including garlic and onions, oregano,

cruciferous veggies, coconut oil, ginger, turmeric, cloves and cinnamon, as well

as black tea and green tea.

In addition to starving fungus, you need to give your body the nutrition

it needs to make your friendly gut flora flourish. These include traditional

lacto-fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt made with salt and

natural fermentation. Be sure to avoid pasteurization and vinegar. These

traditional foods provide prebiotics and probiotics that promote healthy

bacteria in your gut, helping to crowd out fungus and restore your digestive


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Here are the specific criteria for Fungus Fighting Recipes:

LOW SUGAR: Less than 5 grams of sugar per serving

LOW CARB: Contains less than 15 grams of carbs per serving

NO MOLDS: Foods containing molds due to processing or storage.

FUNGUS-FIGHTING FATS: Provides a rich source of any of the

following anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal fats, such as coconut oil


following anti-fungal foods: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Garlic,

Onions, Leeks, Oregano, Shallots, Turmeric, Ginger, Green Tea, Cinnamon,

Cloves, Coconut Oil.

Over the long term, after you have gotten rid of your fungal infection

through the Fungus Terminator System, use this information to create a

fungus-fighting diet that is customized to suit your particular preferences.

Anti‑Fungal Green Smoothie

1 rib of Celery

¼ field Cucumber

1 hand full of Parsley and


1 thumb sliced Ginger

½ peeled Lemon

1‑2 cups Coconut Water or

Blend all ingredients and serve.

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plane Water

Avocado Omelet

2 shallots, chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped

3 eggs

1 avocado, halved and sliced

6-7 black olives (not the ones in


1 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. chopped up parsley

Whisk the eggs in a bowl and

set aside.

Add ¾ of the parsley to the egg


Heat the butter in a pan on

medium heat. Sautee the garlic,

then add the shallots and cook

until slightly brown. Set aside.

Now add the eggs mixture to

the pan and let cook for 3‑4

minutes. Spread the shallots

and garlic evenly over the eggs

and transfer to a plate.

Add the avocado, olives, and

the remaining parsley to one

side of the omelet.

Fold over and serve.

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Avocado pancakes with Lemon Parsley and Oregano butter

¼ cup coconut flour

½ tsp. baking soda

¼ tsp. salt

2 eggs

½ cup coconut milk

½ avocado, mashed

3 green onions, thinly sliced

Butter, preferably organic

Avocado slices, spring greens,

lemon slices

Thinly sliced green onions and

minced parsley garnish

In a small bowl, sift coconut

flour, baking soda and salt, set


In a medium bowl, whisk the

eggs, milk, sliced green onions

and mashed avocado until

thoroughly combined. Add dry

ingredients and stir until


Heat a skillet over medium

heat. Melt enough butter to

coat the bottom of pan.

For each pancake, spoon about

¼ cup batter into pan and cook

until bubbles begin to appear

on the top and bottom is

golden brown, about 2 to 3


Flip pancake and cook until

second side is golden brown,

about 2 to 3 minutes. Continue

with remaining batter, adding

more butter to skillet as


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Now prepare the Lemon

Parsley Oregano Butter. Melt

the butter and stir in lemon

juice, oregano and parsley.

Keep warm until ready to


Serve pancakes with sliced

avocado, spring greens, lemon

slices and a drizzle of Lemon

Parsley Oregano Butter.

Banana oatmeal pancakes

1 medium ripe banana

2 large eggs

⅓ cup oats

¼ tsp. cinnamon

Put the banana in a bowl and

mash with a fork.

Add the eggs and mix until

well combined.

Put the oats in a blender and

blend until fine.

Add the blended oats and

cinnamon to the banana mix,

and stir well.

Heat a skillet over a medium

heat with a dash of vegetable

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Pour ¼ cup of the mixture into

the skillet, cook on one side for

about 1.5 minutes, then turn

and cook on the other side for

about 1 minute (or until

golden brown on both sides).


Butternut Squash and Spinach Bake

2 cups butternut squash sliced

in 1 inch pieces

1 cup spinach (I use frozen &

drained water with colander)

14 egg whites

2 dashes of nutmeg

½ tsp. thyme

Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 325

Prepare a glass baking dish

with cooking spray.

Add roasted butternut squash

& spinach to dish.

Add egg whites, nutmeg &


Bake 25 minutes.

Remove from oven, cool 10


Slice into 6 pieces and feast.

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Carrot Tomato and Coconut Soup

1 tablespoon cold‑pressed

coconut oil or olive oil

1 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 teaspoon ground turmeric


10 medium size carrots, rinsed

and sliced

1 can plum tomatoes or

approximately 5 chopped fresh


Water, enough to cover

Sea salt & black pepper

1 can full fat coconut milk or

any plant milk of choice

Heat oil in a pot. Add onions,

garlic and turmeric, and sauté

until soft and fragrant. Add

carrots and tomatoes, and cook

for a minute or so while


Now, add water, sea salt and

pepper, cover and let simmer

for 15‑20 minutes until the

carrots are tender.

Meanwhile, prepare the corn

topping (see below).

When the soup is ready, use an

immersion (hand) blender to

puree until smooth. Stir in the

coconut milk, taste and adjust

the flavors.

Chicken breast with Sweet Potato and steamed Broccoli

1 chicken breast

1 medium sized sweet potato

Cut the chicken breast down

the middle.

Coat the breast with coconut

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3 ounces broccoli

1 teaspoon oregano

salt and fresh ground pepper


Season with some sea salt,

garlic, and cayenne pepper.

Grill the chicken breast about 3

minutes on each side until


Cook the sweet potato into the

microwave for 3 minutes on

each side.

Steam the broccoli until tender.

Easy Bean Salad

1 cup kidney beans

1 cup green beans

1 red onion

3 tablespoons fresh chopped


1/3 cup olive oil

¾ cup apple cider vinegar

3 minced garlic cloves

2 teaspoons oregano

Soak all dry beans overnight in

water to cover. Rinse and place

in a large pot and fill with

water to cover. Cook for 1 hour

until done, then turn heat off

and add green beans. Let it sit

in the hot water for 30 minutes.

Drain. Mix in the onion,

parsley, pepper and

vinaigrette. Refrigerate


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Fresh Asparagus Soup

1 pound fresh asparagus 3/4

cup chopped onion

1⁄2 cup substitute olive oil

1 teaspoon salt

1 pinch ground black pepper 1

1⁄4 cups vegetable broth

1 cup soy milk

1 cup cooked mashed


1 teaspoon lemon juice

grated fresh ginger

Place the asparagus and onion

in a saucepan with 1⁄2 cup

vegetable broth. Bring the

broth to a boil, reduce heat and

let simmer until the vegetables

are tender.

Place the vegetable mixture in

an electric blender and puree

until smooth.

Put some olive oil into a pan,

sprinkle salt and pepper. Add

the vegetable puree and the

mashed cauliflower, cook for

about 2 minutes. Add the

lemon juice and garnish with

grated ginger.

Garlic and Ginger Juice

½ cucumber Place all the ingredients

through the juicer and enjoy

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2 cups spinach/kale leaves

1 clove of garlic

½ inch of ginger

1 apple

3 stalks of celery

juice from 1 lemon

immediately. Any juices you

make should be drunk within 1

minute of making them. After a

minute they begin to lose some

of their nutritional benefits.

Garlic spiced collard greens

1 large bunch collard greens

(about 1.5 pounds) or spinach

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 medium clove garlic,


½ teaspoon dried chili flakes

Juice of 1 lemon

Wash the greens thoroughly

under running water and pat


Remove the stems and cut the

greens into one‑inch strips.

Heat a large sauté pan over

medium to high heat. Add the

coconut oil and heat until


Add garlic and cook only until

it begins to turn brown, about

30 seconds.

Add collard greens and chili

flakes, and cook only until the

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green wilt.

Salt and pepper to taste and

remove from heat.

Add lemon juice and transfer to

a serving bowl.

Grilled Salmon with Brown Rice

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1 salmon fillet

2 tablespoons lime juice

Freshly ground salt and pepper

1 cup cooked brown rice

Brush the grill grate with oil

and warm it over medium-

‑high heat.

Add lime juice to melted butter.

Rub salt and pepper on salmon


Brush one side of the salmon

with lime butter and place the

salmon onto the grill.

Grill the fish both sides for 2 to

3 min each.

Drizzle the remaining lime

butter over salmon and serve

with rice.

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Lunch Smoothie

1/2 Large Green Apple with


1/3 Avocado

Large handful spinach

1/4 cup frozen canned Coconut


2 Large peeled Carrots

1/4 cup fresh Orange Juice

Blend all the ingredients.

Overnight Oats

½ Banana

1 tbsp. Chia Seeds

1/3 cup Oats

1 tbsp. coconut flakes

1/3 cup Almond Milk

Place all the ingredients in a jar,

put the lid and shake to mix.

Refrigerate overnight.

Quinoa Meatballs

1½ cups cooked red quinoa Preheat oven to 400 degrees;

grease 9x9 baking pan with

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2 garlic cloves

½ cup parsley

2 large eggs

¾ pound antibiotic free ground


1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon sea salt

¾ teaspoon ground black


1½ cups homemade marinara


fresh parsley, finely chopped

olive oil.

Place quinoa, garlic, parsley

and eggs in food processor and

process until almost smooth.

Pour into a mixing bowl and

mix well with the ground meat,

thyme, oregano, salt and


Form into large meatballs,

about 2½ inches in diameter.

Place in oiled baking dish and

roast for 25 minutes or until

just cooked through. Drain off

excess cooking liquid.

Spoon marinara sauce on top

and bake until sauce is hot,

about 5‑10 minutes.

Sprinkle with more chopped


Spicy Bean Soup

1 cup Mung beans, soaked in Toss all the ingredients into a

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water overnight

4‑5 cups water

1 large carrot, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

Handful of fresh parsley,


1 medium sweet potato,


2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 teaspoon mustard powder

1/4 teaspoon turmeric

pot over medium-high heat.

Stir, add water and place a lid


Bring to a boil and once boiling,

reduce heat to a simmer.

Cook for about 20 minutes, or

until the veggies are soft.

Turmeric Super Smoothie

1 cup hemp or coconut milk

1/2 cup frozen Pineapple or

Mango chunks

fresh Banana

1 tablespoon Coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon Turmeric (can be

Blend all ingredients.

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increased to 1 tsp.)

1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon Ginger

1 teaspoon Chia seeds

1 teaspoon Maca powder

Veggie Smoothie Blend

2 small handful Spinach

1/3 large peeled Cucumber

1/4 cup fresh Orange juice

Blend until the consistency of a

smooth soup.

Zucchini and Onion soup

2 zucchini

1 onion

2 garlic cloves

2 Tbsp. olive oil

Sea salt

Steam the zucchini and onions.

Puree the zucchini, onion, garlic

cloves, olive oil and salt in your


Add water for desired


Pour in bowl and serve.

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Zucchini Pine Nut and Cranberry Pasta

4 zucchinis, washed with the

tops cut off

½ cup pine nuts

2tbsp olive oil, ghee, walnut

oil, coconut oil

¼ cup fresh cranberries

Epsom salt, to taste

Using a vegetable slicer, make

zucchini strands.

In a small pan, lightly toast pine


When zucchini is fully sliced,

add to a hot pan with olive oil.

Sautee for 5 minutes on

medium high heat-until

zucchini starts to brown.

Add pine nuts and cranberries


Sautee for 5-10 minutes, until

cranberries slightly pop open

and zucchini is soft.

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Don’t waste your time and money on ineffective and expensive

treatments that not only fail to cure your fungus, but can also cause serious side

effects on your overall health and well‑being. It is never too late to let go of all

of the poisonous and ineffective solutions that are piled up in your medicine


The best cures for a fungal infection are natural and healthy remedies

that are in hand in your kitchen whenever you need them. It is high time that

you chose what is best for you, which is a cheap, effective and easy to use

alternative remedy that goes for the cause of your fungal infections and kicks

your metabolism into high gear so that your body will be able to face the

parasites and the fungi that affect your life.

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These natural remedies have been used for thousands of years, long

before conventional medicine took over the helm. And since our ancestors

have been able to overcome all kinds of illnesses through natural ways and

have survived and thrived during the time, so can you today!

The Fungus Terminator System offers you the secrets to fighting fungal

infections by treating the root cause and enhancing your immune system

without the risk of relapse.

Perhaps we are just afraid to trust the good old-time remedies precisely

because they have been either long forgotten or denied by modern medicine.

This is your chance to choose what is best for you and your loved ones and

fight this battle successfully.