Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖...


Transcript of Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖...

Page 1: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards
Page 2: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards


The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards and from all corners of the internet, including, but not limited to, Matt Lee’s wonderful www.saga-edition.com and Wookieepedia. The contents of the document are the sole possession and property of the author, Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone (henceforth referred to as "the Author") and collective creators unless otherwise noted. Distribution, reproduction, or display of this compilation is forbidden - permission granted upon request and contingent on the author's approval. Reproduction with the intent of sale, or actual sale is, according to United States Copyright Law, an infringement on George Lucas et al., being a challenge to the commercial viability of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast. The information contained within this document is not for sale, and is designed and presented for the private use of parties using Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Use of material releases author of any and all liability concerning any challenge to LucasFilm, Ltd., and their copyrights where concerned, as a result of any action of a viewer/user of the material. Any files owned by the Author found on other locations on the internet or in print without permission/knowledge of the Author is considered (by law) copyright infringement, and those responsible will be pursued as per the maximum extent of the laws of the United States of America, and/or International Copyright laws, including (but not restricted to) the Berne Convention, the Universal Copyright Conventions, and the Uruguay Round Agreement (WTO). Where not covered in the following, should a copyright contest occur, the Author will FULLY YIELD to the letter of the law with no contest to STAR WARS ® and © 2000 Lucasfilm, Ltd., title, character, and place names protected by all applicable trademark laws, all rights reserved, used without authorization, and will be removed promptly upon request with no contest on the part of the Author. The material contained herein is unofficial, and is not intended for sale. It in no way can be deemed a contest of the rights and ownership of Lucasfilm Ltd., or licensees thereof, including Wizards of the Coast. Any logos, titles, graphics and other iconography associated with Star Wars used are for identification purposes only, and are copyright ultimately by Lucasfilm, Ltd. or the owner of the logo in question. All other graphics and logos specific to the document are the exclusive property of the Author and Artists unless mentioned otherwise. Where not covered above, all material written by the author is presented under the auspices of the Fair Use sections of the United States Copyright Law, as the only thing non-original to the author and the collective contributors is the very concept of the Star Wars "universe"; thus, this additional creative work does not pose any threat or challenge to the commercial viability of Lucasfilms, Ltd., or licensees thereof, including Wizards of the Coast. In accordance with Fair Use, the author claims sole copyright, thus removing all material contained on the internet from "public domain.‖ The generous contributors to this project include: Zach ―Batshido‖ Cullimore ―richterbelmont10‖ ―MERC_1‖ Gregg ―ZehnWaters‖ Hammerquist Chandra ―arupa‖ Ruchira Garrett ―barefoottourguide‖ Crowe Ben "Eli_the_Tanner" Szulecki Chris ―GMChris‖ Witt ―MajesticMoose‖ The crew of Fandom Comics The contributors of Wookieepedia I hope fellow fans enjoy this labor of love and get to use it in future games. May those games be many, and your fun be abundant! Fondly, Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone

Page 3: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards


Table of Contents Introduction 4

A Brief History of Dathomir 4 Species 5

Dathomiri 5 Drackmarian 5 Kwa 5 Reptoid 6 Heroic Traits 7

New Destiny 7 New Talents 8 New Feats 9 New Force Powers 9 The Force 10

Shamans 10 Allyan Magic 11 Weapons, Armor, Equipment And Artifacts 12

Melee Weapons 12 Ranged Weapons 13 Armor 14 Equipment 14 Talismans And Totems 16

Vehicles 18

Dathomir Gazetteer And Historical Timeline 19

The Pre-Republic Era 20 The Old Republic Era 20 The Republic Classic Era 21 The Clone Wars 21 The Galactic Civil War 22 The New Republic 23 The Galactic Alliance 25 Dathomir Points Of Interest 26 Allies And Adversaries 29

Characters 29 Native Beasts 49 Mini-Adventure: Dark World Of Dathomir 65

Index 67

Page 4: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards



Dathomir! A mysterious and obscure world in the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim, this planet represented a vergence in the Force, centered around a place, if there ever was one. A temperate and beautiful planet by Human standards, nine-tenths of the world remained unexplored and uninhabited, with the population limited to a relatively small area along the edge of one of the three main continents. Many events of galactic significance have occurred on or at Dathomir, and this guide is intended to help the Gamemaster devise adventures surrounding this lush, dangerous world and its inhabitants. Inside you will find a wealth of knowledge pertaining to all aspects of Dathomiri society, including the Force tradition of the Witches of Dathomir and their villainous splinter sect, the Nightsisters. There is more to the Force than just the ways of the Jedi and Sith. On Dathomir, light and dark engage in eternal battle, but the philosophies and cosmologies of the Witches of Dathomir and Nightsisters of Dathomir have a very different, if familiar, flavor. Throughout this document, players and Gamemasters are encouraged to look beyond the surface and discover the motivations that make these characters such memorable and iconic parts of the Star Wars saga. The Dathomir Field Guide is intended as a companion supplement to the Star Wars Saga Edition Roleplaying Game, and includes a host of characters and creatures you can use to populate your Dathomir-based adventures. This writing is an invaluable reference for Gamemasters. GMs can pull statistics for allies, antagonists, creatures and minions straight out of its pages for use at a gaming table without having to generate characters for themselves. There’s also plenty of information in this document for players, such as new talents, feats, weapons and equipment. A Brief History of Dathomir Dathomir was once home, in pre-Republic times, to the now extinct Kwa, a sapient species of wise and intelligent reptilian spacefarers who built the Infinity Gate and lived side by side with the native, near-sapient rancor. After the Kwa’s disappearance – or perhaps degeneration into the brutish Kwi – Dathomir later came to be ruled by the Rakata before they retreated to Lehon, and is now an isolated world sparsely populated by matriarchal tribes of Humans and Zabrak-Human hybrids. The original Human inhabitants are believed to have been exiles from an ancient, Outer Rim hegemony known as the Paecian Empire whose hold over Dathomir was stolen away by Drackmarian warlords. Around 1,002 BBY, the Brotherhood of Darkness operated a Sith academy on the world that trained Sith Acolytes and apprentices, though little, if any, trace of it is left. In approximately 600 BBY, a rogue Jedi Knight named Allya was banished to Dathomir by the Jedi Council and took the leadership of the surviving Human denizens, teaching them, and eventually her own children, her own matriarchal brand of the Force, enslaving the entire male population, domesticating the rancors and codifying her teachings, thereby single-handedly transforming Dathomiri society forever after. During her leadership of the Dathomiri, Allya eventually wrote a treatise called The Book of Law, a grimoire of "magic" and "spells" originally meant to be moral a guide to teach Allya's female

descendants in responsible use of their magic. As a former Jedi Knight, Allya based some of the text on the Jedi Code:

Daughters of Allya. Learn these words and learn them well, for they are the foundations that will increase your strength and keep you safe from harm. Those who suffer emotion will never enjoy peace. Those who choose ignorance will never know their own greatness. Those who yield to passion will fail to dominate. Those who fear death will never achieve pure power. Never forget that your magic must always be used wisely. Never concede to evil, lest you be consumed by it.

Allya's descendants eventually dispersed themselves across Dathomir creating new clans of Dathomiri Witches, each of which had their own copy of the book. Although the message in each book was based on Allya's original message, each clan added its own discoveries and spells to their copy. Some clans even took Allya's original message and replaced it with various interpretations. One such example of this would be the Nightsisters' Book of Shadows. Generations prior to the Clone Wars, a small group of Iridonian Zabraks originating from Rattatak, where their ancestors had crashed in a starcruiser, were brought to Dathomir during pirate raids. When the Force Witches of Dathomir discovered that they could interbreed with Zabraks, they isolated them to a small part of the planet where they could draw from their population for mates and servants. The Nightsisters, a dark side splinter group of which Asajj Ventress was a member, created from these populations of male castaways the Zabrak Nightbrothers, from whom Darth Maul was selected by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious for apprenticeship. At some point during the Imperial Era, Dathomir served as a penal colony for the Empire. Eight years after the Battle of Yavin, Han Solo won the deed to Dathomir from Drackmarian Warlord Omogg in a game of sabacc and destroyed the Nightsisters, freeing Dathomir to ally with the New Republic. In 19 ABY, an agent of a faction known as the Second Imperium reestablished the Nightsisters and engineered a social revolution, so that the new Nightsisters came to treat males as equals, adding escaped slaves from the other clans to their ranks. By 22 ABY, some Great Canyon Clan warriors, like Captain Garowyn, had already undergone thorough training at Brakiss’s Shadow Academy battlestation, and received commissions in the Imperial military. Later that year, however, Tenel Ka and Luke Skywalker infiltrated the Great Canyon and from there were able to reach the Shadow Academy. The clan's strength would be subsequently slashed by their defeat in the Second Imperium's attack on Yavin 4. By the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Dathomir was once again under New Republic protection, and although the planet fell during the Yuuzhan Vong’s initial attack in 27 ABY, the invaders soon realized that the native "Jeedai" were going to be harder to subdue. Dathomir was never fully conquered, and after the war's end, Jedi Master Streen and Dathomiri Jedi Kirana Ti and Damaya founded a Praxeum on Dathomir in 30 ABY to train the local witches as Jedi. In the following years, Jacen Solo came to the planet and trained in the arts of the indigenous witches. Later, Luke Skywalker and his son Ben tracked Vestara Khai to the planet and were rejoined by Han, Leia, and Allana Solo. The Jedi became involved in some affairs on the world, including a resurgent clan of Nightsisters and a proposed Sith-Nightsister alliance.

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Dathomiri (Near-Human)

Dathomiri, or Dathomirians, are a hybrid near-Human species native to the Outer Rim world of Dathomir comprising the genes of female Humans Nightsisters and enslaved Zabrak men. Dathomirian females tend to have pale gray or white skin, blue eyes tall, thin, athletic bodies and no vestigial horns. Males (or ―malelings‖) more closely resemble Zabraks, muscular and powerfully built with colorful skin and sharp horns. All specimens on Dathomir are

Force-sensitive due to the genetic Force-sensitive component of the female Human Nightsisters who helped breed the sub-species. Dathomiri are a tribal people, and tend to use dark side magic. They worship the Fanged God and the Winged Goddess and enslave many immigrated Zabrak men to do their biddings. Appearances and Examples: Darth Maul, from The Phantom Menace and Asajj Ventress from The Clone Wars animated series are Dathomiri. Ability Modifiers: none Bonus Trained Skill or Bonus Feat: A Dathomiri character may choose one additional trained skill from the list of class skills at first level or may gain one bonus feat at first level, but may not choose both. Heightened Awareness: a Dathomiri may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse. Size: Medium (no special bonuses or penalties due to size). Speed: A Dathomiri’s base speed is 6 squares. Language: Paecian (females only), Zabrak (males only), Basic. Drackmarian

Drackmarians are reptilian humanoids from Drackmar in the Quelii Sector of the Outer Rim. They are a matriarchal warrior species recognizable by their tails, large sharp teeth, colorful spotted scales, dorsal spikes running from the top of their head to their tail and along their shoulders, and

the breathing apparatus they must wear when away from the methane atmosphere of Drackmar. They are known for their

generosity and are not easily coerced. They do not require sleep in the technical sense of the term, but rather need only to rest for four hours each night in a lethargic state, during which they are fully aware of their surroundings. Some time between one to three thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the Republic classified the planet Dathomir as part of the Quelii Sector, territory held by Drackmarian warlords, though the Drackmarians held little real interest in the planet. During the Galactic Civil War, the Drackmarians were fearless opponents of the Galactic Empire. Once in control of the Quelii sector, the Drackmarians were driven out by Warlord Zsinj. The Drackmarians were only loosely allied with the New Republic. The Morseerians were reported to be one of their client species. Appearances and Examples: The Drackmarians first appeared in the novel The Courtship of Princess Leia, where Drackmarian warlord Omogg played a high-stakes game of Sabacc with Han Solo and lost the deed to Dathomir to the smuggler. Ability Modifiers: Str +2, Con +2, Cha -2 Strong-willed: The Drackmarians are tough and are not easily coerced. They receive a +2 species bonus to Will defense. Cold-blooded: Drackmarians become sluggish in cold climates, but enjoy the heat of the sun. They take a -2 penalty to Fortitude Defense when in areas of extreme cold, but gain a +2 bonus on Fortitude Defense against heat hazards. Special Equipment: The dependence of the Drackmarians on the methane atmosphere of their homeworld restricts their ability to leave without use of specialized equipment. Without a breathing apparatus, a Drackmarian will suffocate. A breathing apparatus costs 2,000 credits, and a year’s supply of breathing filters costs 200 credits (50 credits on Drackmar). A Drackmarian character begins play with these items at no cost. Size: Medium (no special bonuses or penalties due to size). Speed: A Drackmarian’s base speed is 6 squares. Language: Drackmarian, Basic.


The Kwa were bipedal, three-meter tall, cobalt-blue skinned saurians who lived in the pre-Republic era and had the ability to communicate with those whose telepathic abilities matched theirs. Kwa could also run at incredible speeds. They were an ancient species that built the Star Temples on Dathomir. They also built and used the Infinity Gates as a weapon and as a means of interstellar travel. When their empire was at its height, about 100,000 BBY, they encountered the Gree Empire, leading to

border disputes between the two societies.

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For some unknown reason, the Kwa later began to lose their influence in galactic politics. They sealed the Infinity Gates and Star Temples, and set guardians to protect the Temples, giant wuffa worms with thick hides and impressive speed. Though it is unknown what happened to the rest of the Kwa around the galaxy, the original settlers of Dathomir eventually degenerated into the primitive species later known as the Kwi. Appearances and Examples: The Kwa first appeared in the Young Jedi Knights novel Shadow Academy, and appear again in the Dark Horse comic Infinity’s End, in a vision of Quinlan Vos. Ability Modifiers: Int +2, Wis +2, Cha –2 Natural Telepath: A Kwa gains a +5 bonus when using the Telepathy aspect of the Use the Force skill, and can make untrained checks to use this aspect of the skill even without the Force Sensitivity feat. Saurian Sprinter: A Kwa moves up to 6 times his or her speed when taking the Run action, or up to 4 times in heavy armor. Size: Large (–1 to Reflex Defense, –5 on Stealth checks, +5 on Grapple checks, +5 to Damage Threshold, increased carrying capacity and damage) Speed: A Kwa’s base speed is 8 squares. Language: Kwa, Ancient Basic Reptoid

Reptoids, also known as ―Chazrach‖ in their own tongue, are short, stocky, reptilian humanoids with stubby snouts who served the Yuuzhan Vong as slave soldiers. They resemble Trandoshans but much smaller. Like the Yuuzhan Vong, the Reptoids are not native to the Galaxy, having been enslaved during the Yuuzhan Vong's conquest of

their galaxy. Unlike the Yuuzhan Vong, however, they have a presence in the Force. For thousands of years, the Reptoids were bred in large numbers as expendable support troops. A pair of dome-like calcifications, surge coral implants, protrude from the forehead of an enslaved Reptoid, inhibiting their autonomy and allowing their Yuuzhan Vong masters to control them, often a fatal disadvantage in battle. Reptoids are controlled in battle by Yuuzhan Vong warbeasts such as Thrall Herders and Rakamats. If the controlling warbeast is destroyed, the Reptoids associated with it attack any living thing, including each other. Any form of cognizance and initiative possessed by the base species vanished over the generations of genetic tampering by the Shaper caste. This flaw, combined with their small, stocky statures makes them incapable of mastering the standard Amphistaff used by the Yuuzhan Vong Warrior caste. The Reptoids instead use the inflexible coufee, an inferior breed of the Amphistaff, which is better suited to their physiology. A few Reptoids have served the Yuuzhan Vong so well over the generations that they have been permitted to join the Warrior caste at its most basic

levels. It is possible that the Reptoids could regain their intelligence if their surge-coral implants were removed. The fate of the Reptoids after the Yuuzhan Vong War is unknown, though they may have gone with the Yuuzhan Vong to Zonama Sekot. Reptoids do not appear on Dathomir, or indeed in the Galaxy at all, until the time of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, twenty-five years after the Battle of Yavin. Appearances and Examples: Reptoids appear in the Yuuzhon Vong novels. Ability Score Modifiers: Con +2, Wis –2, Cha –2 Bonus feat: Reptoids gain Improved Damage Threshold as a bonus feat. Coufee Familiarity: The Coufee counts as a simple weapon for Reptoids. Darkvision: as described in the SECR. Size: Small Speed: A Reptoid’s base speed is 4 squares. Language: Chazrach, Yuuzhan Vong


Chazrach Coufee A coufee was a slightly curved double-edged dagger used by the Yuuzhan Vong in close-quarters combat. Coufees were often used as a last resort, and a first choice of suicide for honor-driven warriors. The coufee was also used by Reptoid slave soldiers as their main weapon due to their short, stocky stature. The Yuuzhan Vong and Reptoids used Venogel, an anointing untion, to clean the blades. The weaponized form of the coufee eel, the daggers were approximately 20 cm long, and like all Yuuzhan Vong technology, fully organic and alive. After the resolution of the Yuuzhan Vong war, coufee eels resided in Liberation Lake on Coruscant, where they became prey to the native hawk-bats. It is also probable that the coufee made Zonama Sekot their home as well. Type: exotic melee weapon (simple for Reptoids) Damage: 1d6/1d6 piercing Size: Small Weight: 1 kg Special: A coufee counts as a double weapon, allowing a character to strike twice with it on the same round, albeit at a -10 penalty on each attack (unless the character has the appropriate feats to reduce that penalty). A coufee may be wielded one-handed, even by Small creatures.

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HEROIC TRAITS DESTINY A new Destiny available to beast-riding characters, is the "We've Been Through A Lot Together" Destiny from page 53 of Scum and Villainy. While this Destiny has typically only been applicable to starships and, to a lesser extent, planetary vehicles, characters in a Dathomir-based campaign may apply this Destiny to a living mount. The We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny is different from all the other Destinies in the Core Rulebook and sourcebooks in that it is not a Destiny to be "fulfilled" – there is no single, defining, watershed event that completes this Destiny as there is for Destinies such as Education or Corruption. Instead, the We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny has traditionally linked a character to his or her starship or planetary vehicle. In a Dathomir-based campaign, the Destiny can be used to link a character to a living mount. Like the traditional application of this Destiny (to starships and planetary vehicles), the living mount becomes part of the character's destiny. A character linked to a living mount using the We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny is destined to have the most significant events of his or her life occur with that living mount. The character earns and spends Destiny Points using the same basic rules as with other Destinies, but linking a living mount to your character causes the rules to work slightly differently: 1. If a living mount is a character’s destiny, it can never be permanently killed; there is always some way it returns to play, whether by barely surviving despite impossible odds and slowly returning to health, or some other means of escaping a final death. 2. A character with this Destiny can spend a Destiny Point to: a. automatically cause a successful attack against the living mount to miss; b. automatically succeed on any Ride check; c. change the character’s position in the Initiative order; d. cause any damage to the living mount to affect any other living mount, ship or vehicle within 3 squares; e. move the living mount to the top of the condition track, removing any persistent conditions; f. restore a number of hit points to the living mount equal to its Damage Threshold; g. restore any personal energy shields (see Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, pp. 71-72) shielding the mount to full SR, though the shield is still limited to (typically) five charges, and can still only be activated once per encounter. A game set primarily on a single, primitive planet departs somewhat from the characteristic tropes of a typical galaxy-spanning Star Wars story. Allowing the application of the We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny to living mounts, rather than solely to mechanical

vehicles and starships is meant to accommodate that departure. Typically, under Saga edition rules, all a player needs to have an animal companion is the Gamemaster’s permission. To that end, players building Dathomir Witches may wish to have a mount, such as a rancor, voritor lizard or horse. Without investing in the We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny for a living mount, the mount can be thought of as belonging to the Gamemaster, in a sense, allowing the Gamemaster to do with the mount as the story necessitates; it can die, it can be stolen; it can turn on its rider. If the player wishes the mount to be an integral part of the character’s concept – thus insulating it from any of those fates – the player should invest in the We've Been Through A Lot Together Destiny for his or her mount.

"I had to kill a rancor once. It was a shame—they're such fine creatures." "Even so, they are dangerous to those who are not their friends." ―Luke Skywalker and Tenel Ka Djo, about Jabba's rancor

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TALENTS Dark Side Talent Tree

This talent may be added to the Dark Side Talent Tree on page 101 of the Saga Edition Core Rulebook. Enshroud: While often used by the dark force witches of Dathomir, enshroud is an ancient technique used by many darksiders, inculding but not limited to the Anzati. The weilder of this talent can coalese darkside energy around her, creating a cloak of shadows. Far to often the shadows cling to the user, but when in motion the shadows blur the movements, projecting infront and to the side, creating a swath of darkness that contains the witch. But where in the darkness could she be? Whenever your character moves 3 or more squares in a round you gain concealment. You may choose not to use this power when you move. Prerequisite: Power of the Dark Side Dathomiri Witch Talent Tree

Dathomiri Hunter: When you use a Chain Sickle or an Energy Bow, your damage die increases by one step. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus to Use the Force checks to Sense Surroundings. Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Chain Sickle), Weapon Proficiency (Energy Bow) Ichor Crafter: Items you create via the Ichor Creation Force Power gain one applicable benefit of your choice from the list associated with the Tech Specialist feat. Prerequisites: Ichor Creation, Trained in Use the Force Intuitive Aim: While you wield an Energy Bow, taking the Aim action requires only a single Swift action as long as you have used the Sense Surroundings aspect of the Use the Force skill since the beginning of your turn. Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Energy Bow), DathomiriHunter, trained in Use the Force Relentless Arrow: Once per turn as a Free action, you can expend one use of Move Object from your Force Suite to reroll an attack roll made with an Energy Bow. You must keep the new result, even if it is lower. Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Energy Bow), Move Object Sweeping Sickle: When you miss with an attack made with a Chain Sickle, or fail a grapple attempt made with one, the target of that attack or attempt takes damage equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum +1). Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Chain Sickle), Binding Sickle Unstoppable Arrow: As a Standard action, you may make a single attack with your Energy Bow against a target you sensed through the Sense Surroundings aspect of the Use the Force skill since the beginning of your turn. That attack ignores all concealment and cover from any source that is not resistant to lightsaber attacks (such as Phrik alloys). Attacks made in this way that pass through cover on their way to the target deal one less die of damage. Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Energy Bow), trained in Use the Force, Dathomiri Hunter, Intuitive Aim.

The following additional Dathomir Witch Talent Tree talents regarding the native weapons the chain sickle and energy bow may be added to the core talent tree. Binding Sickle: You can make grab or grapple attempts against any enemy within the reach of a Chain Sickle that you are wielding. These attempts use your attack bonus with the Chain Sickle in place of your grapple score. When you would deal damage as part of a grapple (such as through the Throw or Crush feats), you deal extra damage with that effect equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum +1). Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Chain Sickle)

Force Item Talent Tree This talent may be added to the Force Item Talent Tree on page 214 of the Saga Edition Core Rulebook. Lasting Ichor Item: Items you create with the Ichor Creation Force Power last for a number of days equal to your character level before dissipating. Instead, you can choose to spend a Force Point when creating the item to give it an indefinite (subject to GM fiat) duration. Prerequisites: Ichor Creation, Trained in Use the Force. Superior Ichor Crafter: Items you create via the Ichor Creation Force Power gain one applicable benefit of your choice from the list associated with the Superior Tech feat.

Prerequisites: Ichor Crafter, Ichor Creation, Int 17+.

Dark Side Talent Tree This talent may be added to the Dark Side Talent Tree on page 101 of the Saga Edition Core Rulebook. Enshroud: While often used by the dark force witches of Dathomir, enshroud is an ancient technique used by many darksiders, inculding but not limited to the Anzati. The weilder of this talent can coalese darkside energy around her, creating a cloak of shadows. Far to often the shadows cling to the user, but when in motion the shadows blur the movements, projecting infront and to the side, creating a swath of darkness that contains the witch. But where in the darkness could she be? Whenever your character moves 3 or more squares in a round you gain concealment. You may choose not to use this power when you move. Prerequisite: Power of the Dark Side

"A Hunter's skill with the energy bow influences the reputation of all Nightsisters for good or ill." ―Talzin

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FEATS Magical Familiar You gain a small companion creature that aids you in your magical pursuits. Benefit: You gain a magical familiar from the list below. While within 5 squares of you, this familiar can communicate with you telepathically, and grants a +2 bonus to your Use Magic checks. During combat, the familiar flies or moves to a safe distance, or takes cover inside your square. A familiar has a Stealth check modifier of 12 + one half it's owner's level, and can be used to scout areas and relay information. Familiars grant additional bonuses while you are within 5 squares of them based on their type: Kolef Lizard: +2 to Stealth checks, no damage from falls

less than 30 feet. Gibbit Bird: +2 to Perception checks, low-light vision. Baz Nitch: +2 to Knowledge (Lore) checks, speak and read

one additional language. Kodashi Viper: +2 to Deception checks, immunity to

poison. Moog: +2 to Athletics checks, hold breath for 10 minutes.

Prerequisites: Member of the Dathomir Witch or Nightsister traditions. Primal Warrior You are extraordinarily skilled with the use of simple weapons. Benefit: Your attacks with Simple weapons deal an additional die of damage. This effect does not apply to weapons that are treated as Simple weapons due to some effect or ability, only to those that are listed as Simple weapons. Prerequisites: Weapon Proficiency (Simple) "Rise, Sisters. Undead sisters, rise from your sleep. The time has come. Awaken. You have been called upon." ―Old Daka's resurrection spell

FORCE POWERS Chant of Resurrection [Dark Side] A powerful Nightsister can raise the dead with Dark Magic. Time: Full Round Action. Target: One creature within 12 squares and line of sight. Make a Use the Force Check. The result of this check determines the results, if any: DC 30: The caster may restore life to the body with 1 HP and place the target at -10 on the condition track. DC 35: The caster may restore life to the body with 1/4 of their HP and place the target at -5 on the condition track. DC 40: The caster may restore life to the body with 1/2 of the original HP and place the target at -2 on the condition track. Targets restored to life in this final manner are not in full control of their minds, instead operating on instinct. The simple instincts of this creature are to obey its creator (the person who restored its life) and to eat raw flesh (preferably neural tissue) when it can. Special: A caster of this spell may spend a Force Point to move the target an additional +1 step on the condition track. A caster may spend a Destiny Point to affect a number of targets equal to her character level. Ichor Creation You call forth the Ichor and form it into a useful shape, at least temporarily. Time: Full Round action Target: One created item Make a Use the Force check. The result of your check determines the quality of the item you create, if any; DC 15: The item is of inferior quality, imposing a -2 penalty to all checks and attack rolls made with it. DC 20: The item is of normal quality. DC 25: The item is of good quality, granting a +1 bonus to all checks and attack rolls. The created item can be any size up to that of a Large weapon or similar object. Only simple items can be created this way, no electronics or complex machinery. The item created in this fashion lasts for 5 minutes, or until the end of the encounter. Special: When you use this power, you can spend a Force Point to extend the duration of the created item to one hour. Call Swarm [Mind-Affecting] Using the Force, you draw in all the creepy-crawlies in your immediate area, and drive them towards your foe. Time: Standard action Target: Each creature in a 2 square x 2 square area within 6 squares of you. Make a Use the Force check. Compare that check to the Will defense of each target. Each target whose defense the check meets or exceeds can take only a single Move action (and loses all other actions) on their next turn. This action must be used to escape the effected area. Special: You may maintain this power from round to round as a Standard action. Each time you do so, you must make a new Use the Force check, and you may choose to move the area 4 squares in any direction as long as it remains within range of you. When you use this power, you may choose to spend a Force Point to increase the area of effect to a 3 square x 3 square area.

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THE FORCE The Witches of Dathomir personified the Force in the form of ―spirits,‖ primarily the Twin Deities—the Fanged God and the Winged Goddess. According to their beliefs another realm existed, a parallel plane to the physical world that was inhabited by these spirits. This spiritual realm was thought to be governed in balance by the Twin Deities, the Winged Goddess and the Fanged God, which were depictions of the Light and dark side of the Force.

In her instructional treatise entitled Wild Power, Clan Mother Talzin implied there was a single representative spirit for each animal species in the spirit realm, something she called the "ur-spirit." The Nightsisters also believed the two realms were so close on Dathomir that their shamans could carry messages between them. According to Dathomiri lore, the spirits bestowed fertility upon the clans and claimed the souls of the dead. The talismans of Dathomiri Witches were thought to have been empowered by the spirits. Darth Sidious postulated that their artifacts were not very different from the ones made by the Sith, but no alchemist had ever been known to duplicate the non-conventional effects of the dark talismans of the Nightsisters (such as metamorphosis). The Jedi believed that the work of the spirits was a primitive concept for the Unifying Force and the Living Force, a theory supported by many parallels between the spirits and the Force. Mother Talzin often said that a Nightsister had to serve the will of the spirits, just like a Jedi would serve the will of the Force. Moreover, it was Allya foretold the rise of a perfect being "brought into existence by the spirits", which was very reminiscent of the prophecy of the Chosen One. The elder gods were divine entities Queen Zalem of the Nightsisters believed held the power of the Infinity Gates of Dathomir. Zalem claimed that the elder gods held power beyond measure, power that the Nightsisters could harness by opening the Infinity Gates. Shamans In the Dathomiri witches' culture, the shaman was an elder Sister who was thought to have access to, and influence in, the world of the spirits. They worshipped nature's balance and interpreted the nature of Allyan Magic from a specific religious and cultural point of view.

"On Dathomir, shamans and seers encountered the Tho Yor in dreams and visions. The Tho Yor sang to them." ―Ketu

The shaministic beliefs on Dathomir predated the coming of the exiled Jedi Allya around 600 BBY. Indeed, both male and female shamans and seers from this obscure planet were known to be amongst the founders of the Je'daii Order circa 36,453 BBY. These shamans were identified by a green inverted triangle marked on their forehead. The early Dathomiri seers were already skilled in animal friendship, as they had successfully domesticated mount rancors millennia before the coming of Allya. Their practices survived and probably merged with Allya's Jedi teachings, which gave birth to the Dathomiri Witches' unique culture. After the coming of Allya, the culture of Dathomir became a female-dominant society of Force-wielding women only, which explains the disappearance of male shamans. After the death of the self-appointed Queen Zalem in 31 BBY, Clan Mother Talzin, a powerful dark side shaman, rose to power and united the fighting Nigtsister covens. She remained Dathomir's head shaman up until the Clone Wars. Shamans were usually "called" or designated by signs in their early life. Talzin described how she took the mantle after being saved by the spirits during childbirth. Struck with a fatal affliction while she was birthing her first daughter, Talzin professed she "saw the matching landscapes of the two realms". As she had passed their challenge, the spirits restored her health, and Talzin willingly became their conduit. From this moment on, the spirits would "pull upon the folds of her robe" as she walked and "echo beneath her voice" when she spoke—which explains her eerie voice and slithering moves. The shaman acted as a medium between the physical and the spirit worlds, mostly through dreams or visions. The voices of the spirits echoed whenever the shaman spoke, and challenging a shaman's authority was challenging the spirits of life themselves. They would also use their Allyan Magic in hopes of unfogging the future, with the help of mysterious artifacts such as crystal balls. The shaman was also expert at manipulating spirit ichor, a physical manifestation of Allyan Magic appearing as glowing green smoke or a liquid known as ―Water of Life‖ that was used to heal or shroud an individual or even conjure solid items, and was believed to be channeled from the Winged Goddess. Apart from her ability to communicate with the other realm, the shaman was also the craftswoman and keeper of the artifacts. Apparently, all Dathomir Witch talismans and other Force-imbued items belonged to the community and were placed under the authority of the shaman. Indeed, the witches had to borrow the artifacts and return them afterwards. When Charal turned her back on her Nightsisters and left Dathomir, she secretly stole the Talisman of the Raven. Many years later, in her manifesto Wild Power, clan shaman Talzin complained about "one of the sisters" never returning the talisman. Some of the most precious artifacts, like the Talisman of Resurrection, were guarded jealously by the shamans, and other sisters were rarely allowed to borrow them.

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Allyan Magic Allyan Magic – also referred to as ―Dathomir Magic‖ or ―Magicks‖ by the Nightsisters – was the name given to use of the Force and Force powers by the Witches of Dathomir. The name was derived from the rogue Jedi Allya, who was exiled to Dathomir and taught the powers of the Force to her children there, giving them an evolutionary advantage over Dathomir's other inhabitants. As a result, many generations of Allya's descendants survived. However, the practitioners of Allyan Magic believed themselves to be casting spells rather than making use of the Force, and often were unable to make use of a "spell" without speaking its assigned name or performing the ritualized singing, dancing, chanting, and/or writing associated with it. The work of the Force was attributed to the Spirits instead.

Allya, the Exiled Jedi and Progenitor of the Witches of Dathomir

The skills in the Force that the Witches of Dathomir possessed changed over the many generations since Allya's arrival on Dathomir, as knowledge was shaped by traditions and time from what Allya originally taught. It seemed that the Witches were only gifted in certain aspects of Force use, some in healing, others in Force Whirlwind, and so forth. Teneniel Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan of Witches was very impressed by Luke Skywalker's strength in the Force, and had never seen such strength before.

There were two schools of Dathomir Magic. The first, traditional Allyan Magic, followed rules put forth in the Book of Law, a tome of moral and ethical teachings kept and modified by each clan based on an original created by Allya for her daughters. The other, called "Shadow Magic" by its originator, Gethzerion, was the provenance of the Nightsisters. Their book, The Book of Shadows, tells of future glories the Nightsisters will gather in the heavens. The Book of Shadows is reputed to have been written by Gethzerion. It served as the spiritual basis of the Nightsisters' society on Dathomir. When she founded the Nightsisters of Dathomir, Mother Gethzerion told her flock that the Book of Law, the moral guide of the original Witches of Dathomir, had been created after Allya had become old and weak. As a replacement, Gethzerion began writing her own volume of learning, entitled the Book of Shadows. It contained details on the dark spells and rituals she had created for the Nightsisters. At the time of the Clone Wars, Talzin, a Shaman of the Nightsisters, alleged the Book of Shadows was in fact a restored version of Allya's original teachings. According to her, the writings of Allya didn't include the notions of "good" and "evil", and the Book of Law was a forgery written by Sisters who had been "weakened by the Jedi blood in their veins." Many Force Powers used by the Jedi and Sith were also used by the Witches of Dathomir and the Nightsisters, though the powers were often referred to as ―spells,‖ rather than Force Powers and, as such, were given different names. Spells such as ―Aspect of the Storm‖ and ―Control Web‖ were simply variations of the Force Storm Force Power. ―Ears of the Chiroptix‖ and ―Sense of the Veshet‖ were variations of the Force Perception talent or the Sense Surroundings subskill of Use the Force. ―Mesmerism‖ was simply a variation of the Mind Trick Force Power or the Force Trance subskill of Use the Force. ―Mindspeech‖ and ―Spell of Interpretation‖ were variations of the Jedi talent Perfect Telepathy. ―Revitalization of the Whuffa‖ was a variation of Vital Transfer. ―Scream of the Ssurian‖ was a variation of Force Scream. Touch of Kiin'Dray was a variation of Move Light Object and, in other applications, Surge. ―Speed of the Toocha‖ was also a variation of Surge. ―Surge of the Brier‖ was a variation of Plant Surge. Other spells are unique to the Witches of Dathomir and/or Nightsisters, ―Chant of Resurrection‖ being an example of a dark side spell unique to the latter.

" This Allya was a rogue Jedi, the Old Republic did not want to execute her, so the Jedi exiled her, hoping that given time she would turn away from the dark side." ―Luke Skywalker

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A chain-sickle was a type of weapon used by various cultures and groups, including the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers of Dathomir. A sinister looking weapon, the chain-sickle consisted of a cylindrical handle from which extended a flexible cord that ended with a razor-sharp, bladed bludgeon. About one quarter of the way up the the cord from the main handle, was a second grip for another hand, which allowed the wielder to swing the chain-sickle with accuracy and force. The last half of the cords leading to the bludgeon was studded with small spikes which could still inflict damage even if a

target evaded the primary blades. The most lethal section of the weapon was a large scythe-shaped blade covering half of the bludgeon with two smaller blades protruding opposite the main blade. Chain Sickle Damage: 2d8 Slashing or Piercing Size: Large Category: Exotic (Simple for Witches of Dathomir) Weight: 2 kg Cost: 8,000 cr Availability: Rare Special: This weapon grants the wielder a +1 equipment bonus on attack rolls Notes: The Chain Sickle is a reach weapon, granting reach 2. If the attack roll meets or exceeds the damage threshold, the target moves one step down the condition track from any poison applied to the weapon. A wielder with the Pin or Trip feat may use that feat with this weapon. Dart Pike A dart pike is a pike that has been combined with a dart-thrower and is balanced for use while riding a mount.

Dart Pike Damage: 1d8 Piercing Size: Large Category: Advanced Melee Weapon Weight: 1.8 kg Cost: 300 cr Availability: Rare Notes: Though it is a large weapon, it is balanced in such a way that a Medium creature trained in the Ride skill can wield it in one hand when mounted. If a dart pike is wielded by a Medium creature that is not mounted, attacks with the weapon take a -1 penalty. The dart pike contains five darts in its shaft, and an additional dart in the center of its three prong-shaped blades, all of which can be fired from the weapon one at a time with a thumb-activated trigger located at the end of the shaft. When used in this way, the dart pike functions as slugthrower rifle.

Nightsister Energy Lance A Nightsister Energy Lance is a force pike that has been combined with an electromagnetic pulse generator (the same kind used by an electrostaff) and balanced for use while riding a mount. Nightsister Energy Lance Damage: 2d8 Piercing and Energy Size: Large Category: Advanced Melee Weapon Weight: 5 kg Cost: 3,500 cr Availability: Restricted Notes: Though it is a large weapon, it is balanced in such a way that a Medium creature trained in the Ride skill can wield it in one hand when mounted. If an energy lance is wielded by a Medium creature that is not mounted, attacks with the weapon take a -1 penalty. The electromagnetic pulse can also be channeled along the length of the staff and fired from the tip as a bolt of plasma. When used in this way, the energy lance functions as a blaster carbine with no stun setting. This use of the energy lance requires a power pack, and has the same ammunition capacity as a blaster carbine. An energy lance requires two energy cells to operate. Its melee attack and its ranged attack both function underwater.

Nightsister Dagger

The Nightsister dagger is a traditional weapon used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. Constructed using dark forging techniques and metals enchanted by Magick, Nightsister daggers are tough, curved swords resistant to lightsabers (as if benefiting from the cortosis weave general template on page 77 of the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide), preventing lightsabers from ignoring the DR of the weapon.

Nightsister Dagger Damage: 1d8 Slashing or Piercing Size: Large Category: Exotic (Simple for members of the Nightsister splinter sect of the Dathomiri Witches) Weight: 2 kg Cost: 100 cr Availability: Rare Notes: Lightsabers do not ignore DR of the weapon.

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RANGED WEAPONS Energy Bow Energy bows were ranged weapons crafted and used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. The bowstrings and arrows of the weapon were made of pure plasma, and emitted a bright pink or purple glow. In the middle of the bowstring was a grip, so that the weapon could be fired without harming the user. When running out of plasma arrows, the string could be used as a bludgeon, to blind or burn the enemy. The archery skills of the Nightsister Hunters were reknown across the Galaxy and had a capital influence on spreading the reputation of the Dathomiri witches during the Clone Wars. The image of the hooded Nightsister wielding an energy bow became an iconic and fearsome image. For this reason, Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters instructed her acolytes about the use of this specialty weapon in her manifesto Wild Power. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXX X X X X X X X

Energy Bow Damage: 3d8 Energy and piercing (no stun setting) Size: Medium Category: Exotic (Simple for female members of Dathomir witch tribes) Rate of Fire: Single Weight: 4 kg Cost: 2,000 or more Credits depending on construction, 800 cr on Dathomir Availability: Rare Ammunition: 1 individually loaded (10 plasma bolts cost 50 credits) Range: as blaster rifle, accurate Notes: This bow works similarly as the Bowcaster in that it wraps the arrow in a cocoon of energy, doing tremendous damage. The arrows can be deflected by a lightsaber. Due to its construction the bow has to be wielded with both hands. Due to the advanced construction, this bow does not have an upgrade slot. Female members of Dathomiri Witch tribes treat the Energy Bow as a Simple weapon for purposes of proficiency, but not for other effects (such as the Primal Warrior feat).

Allya's Heirloom Lightsaber Damage: 2d8 Energy and Slashing Size: Medium Category: Lightsaber Weight: 1 kg Cost: 3,000 cr Availability: Rare Heirloom Traits: Legendary Icon (when carrying or Allya's lightsaber in plain sight, the carrier gains favorable circumstances on all Charisma-based skill checks except Use the Force checks) Notes: A Force-sensitive character who acquires Allya's lightsaber can attune himself/herself to the lightsaber, gaining the benefits of the weapon as if he or she had constructed it originally. The character in possession must spend 24 hours meditating over the weapon and spend a Force Point to attune the weapon.

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ARMOR Nightsister Armor Light, Medium and Heavy Armor This type of tight-fitting armor comprises breastplates and armguards and is worn by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. It was often worn in conjunction with a black grafiform robe and a feathered cape. Each suit of Nightsister armor is unique, having been created for, and often modified by, an individual Nightsister through various processes, including Magick. Nightsister armor is not just another piece of protective gear; to many Nightsisters, the armor is nearly as important as any totems, talismans or attuned weapons they may carry. A suit of Nightsister armor automatically comes with one of the following enhancements: Dark Side Energy: Grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Use the Force checks made to activate the powers with the [dark side] descriptor. Dark Side Stealth: Grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Use the Force checks made to avoid detection. Whuffa Hide Armor Light Armor This armor is crafted from Whuffa leather, the hide of Whuffa Worms, enormous, semi-intelligent worms with hydrostatic skeletons. Giant whuffa worms were employed by the Kwa to act as Temple Guardians for the Infinity Gate. Thinner whuffa worms were hunted by the clans of Dathomir in extensive rituals for their valuable hides.











Light Armor (-2) Nightsister armor, light 10,000 +4 +3 +3 -- -- 10 kg Rare Whuffa Hide Armor 7,000 +5 +2 +4 -- -- 5 kg Rare Medium Armor (-5) Nightsister armor, medium 15,000 +7 +4 +2 4 sq. 3 sq. 16 kg Rare Heavy Armor (-10) Nightsister armor, heavy 25,000 +8 +5 +1 4 sq. 3 sq. 30 kg Rare EQUIPMENT Carnage Beret A carnage beret is a ceremonial head covering worn by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. The beret is made of Dathomirian wood, crystalline gemstones, synthetic cloth and bird bones. Each carnage beret is personally crafted by its wearer. Donning a carnage beret grants the wearer a +2 equipment bonus on Persuasion checks made to intimidate. Cost: 100 credits; Weight: 1.1 kg Dathomir Amber Dathomir amber is a rare substance that can be found along the lakes and creeks of the planet Dathomir. It is highly priced for its use in jewelry and decorations. Since Republic or Imperial credits are no

good as currency for the denizens of Dathomir, a 10 g piece of this substance is as valuable as a single credit.

Dathomiri Spider Silk

Silk from local Dathomiri spiders is used to craft a light yet durable texture that was used in most of the clothes worn by the indigenous Witches. Balls of spider silk are also used as a currency for trade amongst the Witches. A 10 g ball of spider silk was as valuable as a single credit.

Grafiform Robe

A Grafiform robe is worn over armor to conceal the wearer from being spotted. This rare fabric, woven by Dathomir Witches on

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looms enchanted by Allyan magic, track the surrounding area and alter the pattern of the fabric, smoothing and blending the wearer’s silhouette. A grafiform robe grants a +5 equipment bonus to Stealth checks. Cost: 125 credits; Weight: 1.5 kg

Key of Exile

The Key of Exile was an ancient Sith holocron used access the Chamber of Banishment was located in the Nightsister Stronghold. The device was possibly brought to Dathomir by Allya upon her exile, though how she managed to avoid having the holocron confiscated by the Jedi Order remains a mystery. A character with the Force Sensitive feat in possession of the Key of Exile may be considered part of the Nightsister tradition for purposes of anything requiring, as a prerequisite, that the character be a member of the Witches of Dathormir or Nightsister traditions, such as the Dathomiri Witches Talent Tree or Magical Familiar Feat. Furthermore, a character that spends at least 1 hour studying under the tutelage of this ancient holocron can spend a Force Point as a swift action to add one Force power with the [dark side] descriptor to his or her Force suite. That character can do this for one day; the following day, he or she must study for at least 1 hour with the Key of Exile holocron before gaining access to this ability again.

Nightsister Crystal Ball

A Nightsister crystal ball is an orb crafted from the native crystal Dathomir and used as a magical focus by Witches of Dathomir. When using the Farseeing Force Power, a member of the Witches of Dathomir or the Nightsisters can project their mental images into the ball for others – even those without the Force Sensitivity Feat – to see. Cost: 1,400 credits; Weight: 15 kg

Proximity Shield A proximity shield consists of ten rods placed in the ground at intervals that project energy beams from rod to rod to contain prisoners and dampen a Force sensitive individual’s ability to use the Force. The beams deliver a shock to prisoners attempting to free themselves. Prisoners inside the proximity shield can, however, use the Force at very low levels, such as to heal themselves. The proximity shield’s functions are controlled by a handheld remote. The proximity shield has no visible controls, and the only way to open it (other than using the remote) is to destroy it, which endangers the life of the prisoners within. The reinforced rods have DR 20, 150 hps and a damage threshold of 25. The proximity shield is also built with a contact shock field, and every time it takes 15 points of damage or more, the prisoners inside receive a shock that deal 4d8 points of stun damage. Cost: 20,000 credits; Weight: 1 ton

Maleling Slaves Await Their Doom Inside a Proximity Shield Shock Collar The shock collar is designed to keep prisoners and slaves in line. The collar consists of a neck brace that features shock panels to shock an unruly captive (with 2d8 stun damage) and is often linked to chains or cables, but can also be activated by remote. Cost: 750 cr Weight: 2.7 kg Whuffa Leather Whuffa leather is a material made from whuffa worm skin. On the planet Dathomir, whuffa leather is used to craft whuffa armor and rope. Small swaths of it are used as currency for common trade amongst the Witches of Dathomir. A swath the size of a human palm and 1 cm thick is generally worth 1 credit.


Nightsister Bloodline Skull: The Nightsister Bloodline Skull was the skull of a Nightsister. The Nightsisters considered it a sacred artifact that honored those of the Nightsister bloodline.

Nightsister Force Crystal: A Nightsister Force crystal was a crystal native to Dathomir that was capable of enhancing the Nightsisters' Force abilities. Nightsisters wore it as part of their elaborate headdresses. Imperial Inquisitor Xarot Korlin, who had been studying the indigenous Nightsisters' ways of using the Force, sent an agent to kill one of them to obtain one of these crystals for his studies. It is likely that the Nightsister Charal used one during her time on Endor. Any Force User that carries either of these Nightsister artifacts on his or her person adds 1d6 to any damage with Force Powers (―spells‖). The character increases his or her Dark Side Score by 1 when he or she first carries the Nightsister artifact.

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Talisman of Age

The Talisman of Age is a Nightsister talisman that can tap into the animal nature of humans in order to restore their youth for a brief moment. Like all Nightsister artifacts, it is thought to work through the powers of the Spirits. The Talsiman of Age allows the wearer, once per day, to reduce the effects aging by one step on the Aging Effects table, Table 7-2 on page 110 of the Saga Edition Core Edition Rulebook. The character increases his or her Dark Side Score by 1 when he or she first dons the Talisman of Age.

Talisman of Finding

The Talisman of Finding, one of several necklaces regularly worn by the Nightsister leader Mother Talzin, was imbued with the blood of the Sith apprentice Darth Maul when she encountered the future Sith Lord in the course of his training. Neither Maul nor his Master, Darth Sidious, were aware of the talisman. Talzin entrusted it to the Nightbrother Savage Opress during the Clone Wars so that he could find his long-lost brother, Darth Maul, and restore his memories.

In 24 ABY, the talisman was recovered by Luke Skywalker along with Emperor Palpatine's Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side. One of Skywalker's students at the Jedi Praxeum used psychometry to identify the talisman's origins.

The Talisman of Finding allows the wearer, once per day, to spend a Force Point to temporarily swap out any Force Power in his or her suite for a use of the Force Track Force Power (Jedi Academy Training Manual, p. 26).

Talisman of Resurrection

The Talisman of Resurrection was a Nightsister talisman that can bring the spirits of the dead, back to their physical bodies. It was advised that this talisman be used shortly after the person has died, or their forms would be little more than fetid skeletons.

The Talisman of Resurrection allows the wearer, once per day, to spend a Force Point to temporarily swap out any Force Power in his or her suite for a use of the Chant of Resurrection Force Power (supra). The character increases his or her Dark Side Score by 1 when he or she first dons the Talisman of Resurrection. Furthermore, because Chant of Resurrection has the [dark side] descriptor, the wearer also increases his or her Dark Side Score by 1 point with each use of the Chant of Resurrection Force Power.

Talismans of Transformation

Talismans of Transformation allow the wearer to change shape in the physical realm, to become an animal and tap into the animal's spirit essence. They were dark side artifacts used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir.

The Talismans of Transformation were crafted on Dathomir by the Shamans of the Nightsisters. As with all other Nightsister artifacts,

the Talismans of Transformation belonged to the community of the Nightsisters. According to Talzin, the keeping of the talismans was the responsibility of the Nightsister Shaman—an elder witch whose role was to interpret the will of the Spirits. Any Sister who wanted to use the ring was required to borrow it from the Shaman, and was expected to return it to the coven afterwards. In Wild Power, her main manifesto on Nightsister philosophy, practice and role in the galaxy, Talzin complained about a Sister—Charal—never having returned the Talisman of Transformation known as the Talisman of the Raven.

Talismans of Transformation possessed strange arcane powers that both Sith and Jedi scholars could not fully explain. In the form of gems set in rings or pendants, they allowed the wearer to take the appearance of an animal. They were thought to work through the power of the "Spirits", a mythological embodiment of the Force in the Dathomirian culture. According to Mother Talzin, the Spirits agreed to empower receptacles in the physical world, where their essence would sleep until summoned. The realm of the spirits was populated by the life-energies of beings that corresponded to real animals in the mundane realm, and ruled by the universal manifestations of male xxx

The Talisman of the Raven Sometime before 96 BBY, Nightsister Charal managed to escape Dathomir, taking the Talismanof the Raven from the Nightsister Shaman. Pursued by her fellow witches, Charal traveled from star system to star system with the stolen ring. She joined with a a band of Sanyassan Marauders from nearby Sanyassa, led by King Terak. Together, they were eventually stranded on Endor, a distant moon untouched by galactic civilization, where many intergalactic travelers had found themselves stranded due to the stellar anomalies surrounding it, such as the Endor Gate black hole. Unlike many other castways, the Sanyassans were aggressive, and desperately sought to escape the forest moon, scavenging whatever technology they could find. Charal used the ring to great effect during that time, intimidating the Marauders with displays of its power, and eventually became Terak's partner. In 3.5 ABY, when the young Cindel Towani and her family crashed on Endor, Charal and the Marauders saw a chance to escape in the family starship. The Sanyassans believed that ship's crystal oscillator held the "power" that would allow them to return home. Cindel's parents and older brother were murdered by Terak and Charal, and the little girl was captured—a young Ewok named Wicket W. Warrick teamed up with another castaway, the Human scout Noa Briqualon, and his partner, Teek, to rescue her from Terak's Keep. They eventually ran off with the crystal oscillator and headed to Briqualon's crashed ship. King Terak, intent on revenge, decided to carry out a punitive expedition. He ordered his minions to recapture the crystal oscillator and seized the ring in order to keep Charal in bird form so she would track the group without betraying him and running away. When the Marauders found their targets, a pitched battle between the two groups ensued. Terak fought with the Talisman of the Raven in a pendant round his neck. At some point, a rock slung from Wicket's slingshot hit the ring, breaking the Talisman and releasing its power. The ring shattered and pieces of the magic stone were driven into Terak's chest. Terak clutched at his heart, and he burned to death on exposure with the ring's "spirit" energy. According to the shamanistic Dathomiri beliefs, the raven ur-spirit that was trapped in the ring returned to the spirit realm at that moment, while

Charal was trapped in raven form.

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and female energy. Talzin postulated that every existing species had a correspondent representative ur-spirit in the spirit realm—for example, all the ssurians of the material plane would have a single corresponding "ur-ssurian" spirit in the immaterial realm. Talismans of Transformation were believed to allow the wearer to turn into a specific creature by tapping into its ur-spirit's energy.

Each Talisman of Transformation is imbued with the ability to allow the wearer, once per day, to spend a Force Point to shapeshift into its eponym creature. (The wearer need not spend a Force Point to return to original form.) Each use of this talisman increases the wearer’s Dark Side Score by 1. While in creature form, the wearer gains the bonuses, penalties, unarmed damage, STR score and carrying capacity of the creature. The wearer may remain shapeshifted indefinitely, provided the talisman is intact and worn on the body, but the wearer reverts to original form if killed. If the talisman is destroyed or taken from the wearer’s body, the wearer is trapped in the animal form until reacquiring the talisman (if it is not destroyed) or dies. The wearer does not gain the mental traits, ability bonuses, mental powers, feats, skills or psychological limitations of the creature when in that form.

Clan Mother Talzin’s manifesto Wild Power mentioned several Talismans of Transformation by name, including the: Talisman of the Bolma, Talisman of the Brackaset, Talisman of the Burra Fish, Talisman of the Eollu, and Talisman of the Raven.

Totem of Familiars

Totems of Familars were Nightsister artifacts blessed with magick that called an animal to the wielder's side. These familars helped crafters accomplish some of the most difficult magic.

A Force-sensitive character in possession of the Totem of the Elementals may choose one talent from the Magical Familiar Talent Tree (supra) for which he or she meets the prerequisites. Once per day, after at least 6 hours of rest, the wielder can choose to swap out one of his or her current talents for the talent chosen. The talent the wielder is swapping out cannot be the prerequisite for any other talent he or she has. The wielder can swap back to the original talent after at least 6 hours of rest. The wielder takes a Dark Side Point for each use of this Totem.

Totem of the Elementals

Totems of the Elementals were Nightsister artifacts that could summon Night, Sunlight, Smoke, Ice, Flame, Clay and Woodrot. They were powerful, primal entities and would not always obey the wielder's bidding. A Force-sensitive character in possession of the Totem of the Elementals may choose one talent from the Shapers of Kro Var (Jedi Academy Training Manual, p. 85) or Ember of Vahl (Legacy Era Campaign Guide, p. 59)Talent Trees for which he or she meets the prerequisites. Once per day, after at least 6 hours of rest, the wielder can choose to swap out one of his or her current talents for the talent chosen. The talent the wielder is swapping out cannot be the prerequisite for any other talent he or she has. The wielder can swap back to the original talent after at least 6 hours of rest. The wielder takes a Dark Side Point for each use of this Totem.

The Nightsister Charal uses a Totem of Transformation to assume the form of a Raven

" Talismans of Transformation allow the wearer to change shape in the physical realm, to become an animal and tap into the animal's spirit essence, for example. " . . . One of our sisters has yet to return the Talisman of the Raven." ―Clan Mother Talzin

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Ubrikkian Speeder The Ubrikkian speeder, more commonly known as the Nightsister speeder, was used by Nightsisters on the planet of Dathomir. Manufactured by Ubrikkian Transports, this speeder bike was 5.87 meters long, accommodated a single driver and, in a sidecar, a single passenger. Ubrikkian Speeder CL 4 Large ground vehicle (speeder) Init +10; Senses Perception +8 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 13; +1 armor hp 32; DR 5; Threshold 18 Speed 12 squares (max. velocity 800 km/h) Ranged medium blaster cannon +7 (see below) or Ranged drop net +7 (see below) Fighting Space 2x2; Cover none Base Atk +5; Grp +13 Atk Options autofire (medium blaster cannon), drop net Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con --, Int 14, Wis --, Cha -- Skills Initiative +10, Mechanics +8, Perception +8, Pilot +10 Crew 1 (expert); Passengers 1 Cargo 4 kg; Consumables 1 day; Carried Craft none Payload 1 drop net Availability Rare; Cost 8,000 (1,800 used) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop Net:When you fire this weapon, make an attack roll against all targets in a 2-square-by-2-square area within 12 squares. If you exceed a target’s Reflex Defense, that target takes 6d10 points of ion damage. Additionally, the drop net functions like a net (Saga Edition rulebook, page 130), allowing you to attempt a grab or grapple against all targets successfully attacked by the drop net. Make a single grapple check opposed by all such targets. ----------------- Medium blaster cannon (pilot) Atk +7 (+2 autofire); Dmg 3d10

" You will go to the far side of Dathomir and find the men. You will select the most suitable candidate – one with your strength and skill – one we can use to our advantage." ―Clan Mother Talzin

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The planet Dathomir is located in the Domir System in the Quelii sector, an isolated region of the Outer Rim Territories neighboring the Oricho sector. Other inhabited planets in the Quelii Sector include Corstris, Pil Diller, Varn, Vinsoth, Amorris, Axxila, and Selaggis VI. During the New Order, Quelii was an Oversector. The Domir System, located at Grid Coordinates O-6, includes ten planets and several crystal asteroids. The planet Arro, closest to the Domir sun, is a molten rock without any moons. Euton, the second planet from the sun, is made of searing rock and also has no moons. Laseel, the third planet from the sun, is a hot jungle world orbited by two moons. Dathomir and its four moons are situated in the fourth concentric orbital circle from the Domir sun. Dathomir's fourth moon, Koratas, has red soil that hides several deposits of neutronium, lommite and zersium. The Galactic Empire mined the minerals for use in making durasteel. The fifth planet from the sun is BABYgnon, a gas giant orbited by eight moons. The gas giant Barmasel and its thirteen moons lie in the sixth concentric orbit around Domir. The gas giant Stindaron and its twenty moons lie in the seventh orbit. The gas giant Arodoni and its eighteen moons lie in the eighth orbit. The icy planet of Chirgay, orbited by a single moon, is the penultimate planet of the Domir star system. Chav, a barren rock of a world and the tenth and last planet in the Domir System, is itself orbited by two moons. Dathomir is considered a temperate and beautiful planet by Human standards, with a varied terrain that includes coastal lakes and tar-pits, thick forests and snow-capped mountain peaks, powerful rivers and broad savannas, small icecaps and dramatic rift valleys. Even under the New Republic, however, nine-tenths of the planet remained unexplored and uninhabited, with the population limited to a relatively small area along the edge of one of the three main continents, a zone of uplands and river plains bounded on one side by the unsailed ocean and on the other by vast expanses of desert. The planet's low gravity and the sheer vibrancy of the planet's biosphere contribute to the extreme size of many of the planet’s native fauna and flora, including the rancor and native trees rising up to eighty meters tall. The temperate climate and varied terrain have given rise to a dramatically diverse ecosystem, thriving with so much life that the air almost seems to sparkle in the Force. Other native fauna include the rancor's major prey species, the drebbin and ssurrians, as well as the burra fish, the simian pack-hunting purbole and the acid-jawed, insectile shear mite. Dathomir was originally the homeworld of a spacefaring species, the reptilian Kwa. By 100,000 BBY, the Kwa, using the technology of the Celestials, had built an Infinity Gate—the Prime Gate in a network of similar devices, used by them as a means of interstellar travel and as superweapons. The Infinity Gate was covered by massive pyramid-shaped structures known as the Star Temples, incorporating defensive systems to protect them from intruders. If the gate was ever activated, the planet housing the equipment could be collapsed into the Gate itself, along with the surrounding planets, moons and even suns. For reasons that are unclear, the Kwa species began to degenerate, ultimately losing the ability to speak or use technological tools. Apparently recognizing the path that their civilization was on, they sealed the Infinity Gate and the Star Temples and set guardians to protect the Temples—whuffa worms with thick hides and impressive

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speed. The degenerate descendants of the Kwa came to be known as the Kwi or Blue Desert People and, like the rancors, they appeared to be simple herd animals living around the planet's arid Great Desert. On occasion, however, they still showed some surprising hints of intelligence, including a capability to create primitive tools and ornaments, and they possessed a collective memory of their former glory, and the importance of the sanctity of the Star Temples. By 36,453 BBY, the planet was already inhabited by a few Humans, whose origin is unknown. They were organized in tribal units with shamanistic beliefs. Some of their seers were brought on Tython in a Tho Yor ship and were among the founders of the Je'daii Order. Around 30,000 BBY, Dathomir was ruled by the space-faring Rakata. Using Force-based hyperdrives, they traveled to many worlds around the galaxy that possessed significant signatures in the Force, uniting them to form the Rakatan Infinite Empire. Of Dathomir they noted the rancor, and transferred some of them to their homeworld, Lehon, as curiosities. After five thousand years of galactic dominance, the Rakata retreated to Lehon following the outbreak of a plague. Linguistic evidence shows that the native language of the planet's Humans derives at least in part from that of an Outer Rim hegemony known as the Paecian Empire, dating their presence on the world to about 3,000 BBY, being an adjunct of the Empire. After that the planet was then conquered by Drackmarian warlords. Around 1,002 BBY, the Brotherhood of Darkness operated a Sith academy on the world that trained Sith Acolytes and apprentices.

The Sith Academy of the Brotherhood of Darkness on Dathomir Later Dathomiri tradition would remember the initial Human population as the exiled creators of illegal battle droid armies, but it is not clear whether the settlers arrived in a single event, or whether the planet was in more continuous use as a penal colony over a period of centuries or millennia. It cannot even be said for sure whether the Paecian exiles were leaders or enemies of their Empire. What is certain is that by 600 BBY, the planet's Human population had become little more than the favorite food for the rancors, reduced to

hiding in the thick forests where the mighty beasts could not follow them. The Pre-Republic Era The original inhabitants of Dathomir were the peaceful Kwa, a wise and fleet-footed species of large, blue, telepathic reptiles that developed interstellar travel. The Kwa developed into a galactic power hundreds of thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. Before even the Infinite Empire of the Rakata, the Kwa, using the technology of the Celestials, built the Infinity Gates, permanent structures enabling near instant travel between interstellar locations and housed within vast pyramidal structures known as the Star Temples. However, the Infinity Gates could also operate as superweapons. If the Gate was ever activated, the planet housing the equipment would collapse into the Infinity Gate, along with the surrounding planets, moons, and even suns. This technology enabled them to carve up a regional empire known as the Kwa Holdings. Around 100,000 BBY, the Kwa encountered the Gree Empire, leading to border disputes between them. With the advent of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, the Kwa began to lose their influence on galactic politics. They sealed the Infinity Gates and Star Temples, and they set guardians to protect the Temples — giant wuffa worms with thick hides and impressive speed. Though the Infinite Empire wiped out the rest of the Kwa around the galaxy, the original inhabitants of Dathomir eventually evolved — or rather degenerated — nto the Kwi, who were eventually all but wiped out by the Nightsisters millennia later. The Old Republic Era The First Battle of Dathomir The Great Galactic War, occasionally called the Great War or the Sith–Republic War, was a war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic between 3,681 BBY and 3,653 BBY, ultimately lasting for a total of 28 years. With the Sith Empire's defeat in the Great Hyperspace War, the Republic decided how to deal with their fallen enemy: the Supreme Chancellor ordered the Republic military to exterminate all remnants of the Sith. To this end, a conflict that later came to be known as The First Battle of Dathomir was fought between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic during the Great Galactic War on the planet of Dathomir sometime between 3,681 and 3,653 BBY. The Paecian Empire The interstellar government known as the Paecian Empire used the planet Dathomir as a prison colony for criminals who had illegally designed battle droids until it collapsed in 2,992 BBY. The original human inhabitants of Dathomor are believed to have been these Human exiles. The Sith Academy Whether or not the Republic was successful in wiping out all traces of the Sith on or near Dathomir, around 1,002 BBY, the Brotherhood of Darkness established a Sith academy on the world that trained Sith Acolytes and apprentices, though little, if any, trace of it is left.

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The Daughters of Allya Around 600 BBY, a rogue Jedi Knight named Allya was banished to Dathomir by the Jedi Council. She took the leadership of the survivors, teaching the ways of the Force to the exiles, and eventually to her own children. In later centuries, Allya was remembered as single-handedly transforming Dathomiri society, credited with enslaving the entire male population under her leadership; turning the rancors from predators to friends, pets and war mounts; and codifying her teachings in the Book of Law. Some accounts suggest that she was a lone woman within an otherwise entirely male population. But in reality, these practices may have evolved over several generations, and the parallel with the matriarchal social structure of the rancors may be significant, especially given the symbiosis of the Human warrior-women and their mounts. Regardless, Allya's leadership undoubtedly laid the foundations of a unique culture, dominated by Force-using women who regarded themselves collectively as her descendants, known to outsiders as the Witches of Dathomir. Over the centuries, the total Human population of Dathomir grew to just over five thousand, based in a relatively narrow coastal area of one of the planet's continents: even by the time of the New Republic, more than 90% of the planet remained unexplored. The Dathomiri came to be divided into a number of reasonably permanent local clan communities, which took their names from significant geographical features such as Singing Mountain, Frenzied River, and Misty Falls. These clans, each just a few hundred strong, accounted for almost the entire planetary population, but there were also small numbers of exiles who lived outside the clan communities, including the planet's dark-siders, called Nightsisters, who at times existed in sufficient numbers to form a distinct clan. In total, the clans could probably put at least a thousand warrior-women into the field, each of them a trained Force-user and many of them riding rancor mounts. The strength of the Dathomiri was discovered by the Jedi Order in around 340 BBY, when the Jedi academy ship Chu'unthor crashed into a tar pit on Dathomir. All attempts to retrieve the wreck were blocked by the natives, although it seems that some contacts were forged across the battle-lines: one young warrior-woman, Rell, who would survive to meet Luke Skywalker in the days of the New Republic, reminisced about Yoda as an "old flirt." The Republic Classic Era At some point, Dathomir appears to have been part of the Republic, and was classed as part of Quelii sector, but eventually, it fell under the rule of the Drackmarians — another matriarchal warrior race, but of methane-breathing, reptilian aliens, for whom the planet held little real interest. Generations prior to the Clone Wars, a small group of Iridonian Zabraks originating from Rattatak, where their ancestors had crashed in a starcruiser, were brought to Dathomir during pirate raids. When the Human Nightsisters discovered that they could interbreed with Zabraks, they isolated them to a small part of the planet where they could draw from them at whim. The Nightsisters also sold some Zabraks and Zabrak-Human hybrids (and even some of their own) to the Rattataki. Prior to the reign of Talzin, Nightsisters were known to utilize various male castaways for slave labor; Talzin restricted the use of males to the Nightbrothers, each given the title ―Brother.‖

The Nightsisters of Dathomir chose men from the Nightbrother clan to serve as their mates and servants by means of a a three-ritual series of trials known as the Selection. While the Selection was only for Nightbrothers, the three trials of the Selection were also employed to select Nightsisters ready for full warrior status. The ceremony consisted of the Test of Fury, the Test of Night, and the Test of Elevation. All three trials were held at the arena on Dathomir known as the Crucible. It was through this method that Asajj Ventress handpicked Savage Opress to become her agent in a plot against Count Dooku. The Test of Fury primarily involved combat, with candidates either being pitted against each other or their instructor. In the Test of Night, participants fought again, as in the Test of Fury, at night, in the low-light environment of Dathomir's four moons. The Test of Elevation was the third and final challenge in which participants fought amidst the moving stone pillars of the arena called the Crucible, in a display of their abilities. Darth Sidious visited Dathomir in 54 BBY and was approached by the Nightsister Kycina, who begged him to take away her infant son from the life of a Nightbrother. Sidious agreed, taking in the Zabrak who would soon become his apprentice, the fearsome Darth Maul. In 31 BBY, the remaining Kwi were decimated by a clan of Nightsisters during their attempt to access the secrets of the Infinity Gate. They intended to use the device to destroy Coruscant, though their plot was thwarted by the Jedi Quinlan Vos, who was able to make contact with the Kwa, and assumed the role of Temple Guardian, to redirect the deadly wave aimed at Coruscant back at the Infinity Gate. Only the scattered ruins of the Infinity Gate and the Star Temple were left, and the Kwi disappeared once more to roam the deserts. The Clone Wars Around 21 BBY, General Grievous led an attack on the Nightsisters, in retaliation for the betrayal of Asajj Ventress and Mother Talzin. This assault led to the extermination of almost every Dathomirian Nightsister and thus resulting in the original Human Nightsisters eventually returning to prominence on Dathomir. The Second Battle of Dathomir The Battle of Dathomir took place around 21 BBY during the Clone Wars. Count Dooku, seeking revenge for his betrayal at the hands of his former apprentice, Asajj Ventress, and Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters of Dathomir, ordered General Grievous to lead the Separatist Droid Army in an assault on Dathomir aimed at wiping out the Nightsisters. Led by Ventress, the Nightsisters did manage to put up a resistance, however the CIS managed to exterminate nearly every Nightsister.

The Nightsisters Flee the Devastation of the Defoliator

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After Asajj Ventress had been transformed into a real Nightsister, the Nightsisters had a feast at the village, while Grievous landed the army of battle droids on Dathomir. Some Hyena-class bombers destroyed the temple, killing Karis. Ventress and the Nightsisters started the fight against the army of droids, while General Grievous ordered a Defoliator Deployment Tank and some AATs to wipe the Nightsisters out. Talzin sent two Nightsisters to search for Count Dooku's piece of hair, then she asked Old Daka to resurrect the dead nightsisters. With the help of the zombies, the Nightsisters took control over an AAT, destroyed the Defoliator, and made their way to Grievous, where Ventress fought against the General. Nightsisters Naa'leth and Luce were also killed by B1 battle droids. Meanwhile, Talzin used magic to make Count Dooku suffer. Dooku ordered Grievous via hologram to kill Talzin. Grievous advanced to the cave where Old Daka and Talzin were and destroyed the cave's secret door. He then killed a Nightsister, stabbed Old Daka, and only just missed Talzin. With the disappearance of Old Daka's magic, the zombie army collapsed, and the battle droids killed all the Nighstisters except Ventress. Ventress then asked for help from Talzin. The remnants of the droid army remained on Dathomir after the battle, with some of them being used by Mother Talzin to create new cybernetic legs for Darth Maul. Despite the severe casualties, the Nightsisters continued the existence of their sect well into the time of Galactic Civil War. The Galactic Civil War After the Great Jedi Purge, the fabled village of Aurilia was believed to be located somewhere on Dathomir, and it was rumored that Force-sensitive individuals, perhaps even Jedi, lived here in exile during the reign of the Galactic Empire. However, the Empire soon sent a fleet into Quelii sector to wrest territory from the Drackmarians, and Dathomir was claimed for the Empire by an officer named Zsinj, then commanding the Victory-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist. Around 2 BBY Emperor Palpatine reestablished a penal colony for important political prisoners, while the Imperial garrison hunted the remaining Kwi to near extinction. The Third Battle of Dathomir Around this time, Tyber Zann, Human crime lord and leader of the Zann Consortium, obsessed with opening a Sith Holocron, traveled with his lieutenant Urai Fen to Dathomir in order to find a Force-sensitive to unlock it. However, the Empire had blockaded the planet, so Tyber dispatched a Defiler soldier to disable a scanner in order to give him and Urai an easy landing. The Defiler successfully destroyed the scanner and Zann and Urai Fen arrived on the planet, seeking one who could unlock a Sith holocron in Tyber's possession. Arriving there, they attacked the Singing Mountain prison. Shortly thereafter, the Imperials arrived. An exile from the Singing Mountain Clan named Gethzerion began to form a new clan of Nightsisters with Imperial encouragement, but when Palpatine realized the threat they posed in the Force, he quickly placed the planet under interdiction.

Tyber Zann and Urai Fen used a backdoor path behind the prison to avoid the anti-infantry cannons. They ran into a Phase I dark trooper early in their travels which they easily destroyed. Running into Royal Guards and Stormtroopers, they killed and bribed their way to some high explosive fuel cells that they destroyed, disabling the power generator and eliminating many Imperial vehicles. Destroying the barracks, they ended up freeing the prisoners and three Nightsisters who told them of Silri, who had been imprisoned by the Imperial governor as part of a propaganda effort. The Nightsisters were led to their rancor steeds and helped Zann destroy an AT-AT, a number of Phase III dark troopers, and a number of stormtroopers. As they traveled across a bridge, however, they noticed turbolasers which prevented their assault. A nearby dam on the river supplied power however, and they destroyed it. They freed Sirli, who grudgingly agreed to help in exchange for the death of the governor. Urai distrusted Silri immediately as she had tried to convince Tyber to free her using an unsuccessful Allyan Magic Mind Trick. After destroying the Imperial Governor's home, Silri, Urai and Zann left, but not before Silri killed the Imperial Governor. Two Star Destroyers were stationed in the system to prevent further contact with the surface, and Gethzerion and her clan then enslaved the stranded Imperial garrison and their prisoners.

Gethzerion, Founder of the Nightsisters Splinter Sect

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The Sisters of the Void The Sisters of the Void, or Voidsisters, were three Dathomiri witch sisters who lived during the Galactic Civil War. Following an outbreak of the blackwing virus on Dathomir, a number of members of the Howling Crag Clan became infected with the disease. In an attempt to contain the outbreak, the Galactic Empire killed most of the clan; however three of the infected witches, Denkra Kymeri, Naija Kymeri and Thestriel Kymeri, survived by using spells to fight off the contagion. They became known as the "Sisters of the Void", assuming the names "Voidsister Warrior", "Voidsister Huntress" and "Voidsister Spellweaver" respectively. However, the sisters gradually began to lose their battle against the infection, and the Force ghost of their mother, Amaya Kymeri, sent a spacer to kill the trio.

The New Republic Zsinj was an Imperial officer from Fondor who rose to the rank of Admiral and Grand Moff of the Quelii Oversector, after having received accolades from Emperor Palpatine for quarantining the Force-sensitive Nightsisters on the world of Dathomir. Establishing himself as an independent warlord after the Battle of Endor, Zsinj was recognized by many as the most powerful of the post-Imperial warlords. Zsinj commanded a formidable fleet, with support from a financial infrastructure unlike that of any other warlord, and at the height of his power he controlled a third of the known galaxy, rivaling both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. Upon graduating in the top third of his academy class, Zsinj was given command of the Victory I-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist, on a mapping patrol in the Quelii sector. One of the oldest ships of her class, Iron Fist was nearly due to be decommissioned when she was reassigned to Zsinj. Ancient equipment was hardly an obstacle for Captain Zsinj, however, as he formulated innovative tactics to confound the enemies of the Empire. It was during this time that Zsinj would meet his future right-hand man, Melvar. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Iron Fist was assigned to patrol the area in the Quelii sector around the planet Dathomir.

Warlord Zsinj

Dathomir was a backwater world, where the Imperial garrison was still equipped with broken-down A5 Juggernauts and even basic supply shipments were irregular, but the Empire built a prison complex on the planet for political dissidents and intellectuals. Emperor Palpatine eventually realized that the Force-sensitive Dathomiri Nightsisters were too much of a threat to be allowed off-

The Blackwing Virus

The Sickness, later officially known as Imperial bioweapons Project I71A, was an infectious viral agent created through the powers of Sith alchemy that attacked biological tissue and transformed its victims into undead monstrosities. The disease was originally created by the Sith Lord Darth Drear on Odacer-Faustin sometime prior to 4,645 BBY, and was intended to grant him immortality. Lord Drear's initial experiments failed, and he succumbed to his creation. Over one thousand years later, during the period of unrest following the Great Galactic War, the Sith Lord Darth Scabrous attempted to recreate Drear's disease in the hope that he would be able to succeed where his predecessor had failed. Scabrous likewise failed to create a path to immortality and, in the process, unleashed the virus upon the unsuspecting students and staff of the Odacer-Faustin Sith Academy. Before long, all of the Sith Acolytes and Masters on the planet died and were born anew as cannibalistic monstrosities motivated only by the will to eat flesh.

Knowledge of ―the Sickness,‖ as it had been known during the Odacer-Faustin outbreak, survived several millennia and eventually fell into the hands of Darth Vader. Around 1 BBY, Vader commissioned a scientific team from the Imperial Biological Weapons Division aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Vector to re-engineer the virus and turn it into a weapon that could be used to further Imperial interests. Operating in secrecy, the scientists were able to recreate the disease under the codename "Blackwing" and prepare it for deployment. However, in that year, an accident aboard the Vector unleashed the Sickness once more, turning almost all of the personnel aboard the vessel into monstrous savages. The infected took control of the ship and used it to cripple the Imperial prison barge Purge, thereby forcing the barge's occupants to enter the Star Destroyer and become prey for the Sickness.

The disease was created through Sith Alchemy using the Murakami orchid — a highly Force-sensitive black flower. Victims of the plague suffered numerous, painful side-effects prior to death, and became mindless monstrosities post-mortem. The virus itself was self-aware, and used the undead hosts to spread the pathogen and either transform or eat any who were able to avoid infection. Due to the extremely quick rate of transmission and the difficulty of isolation, treatment of the disease was rare; although contracting the virus could be prevented by injecting an anti-virus intravenously. Those who were already infected had little chance of survival. The fluid that coagulated within the bodies of the infected and carried the virus bore many similarities with the entity known as Mnggal-Mnggal, leading some to believe that the two were in some way related.

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planet. To eliminate this threat, Zsinj attacked the prison from orbit, destroying every spaceworthy craft. Though this stranded all the Imperial personnel on the planet along with the Nightsisters, Palpatine applauded Zsinj's actions, promoted Zsinj to Admiral, and gave him command of the newest Executor-class Star Dreadnought, Brawl. The Victory-class Star Destroyer was sent to the Unknown Regions under Thrawn. With the Brawl at his command, Zsinj became the heart of Imperial authority in what was now the Quelii Oversector, with the ranks of Grand Moff and High Admiral of Crimson Command, and the official ceremonial rank of Warlord of the Empire. In this lofty new position, one of Zsinj's duties was to conquer the Drackmarians and control the Rimward stretch of the Hydian Way super-hyperroute. To this end, his Sector Group was supplemented with a hundred refitted Victory-class Star Destroyers along with his new Star Dreadnought, making the Quelii sector fleet the single largest in the Imperial Navy. As the war with the Drackmarians continued, Quelii sector was raised to the level of an Oversector, and Zsinj became the admiral, replacing his old Victory-class SD Iron Fist with a new Super Star Destroyer, which he rechristened Iron Fist, commanding the local Sector Group one of the largest combat fleets in the Empire. After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY he refused to recognize the authority of the Imperial Ruling Council and declared himself a Warlord, quickly coming to rival the power of both the legitimist Imperial authorities and the rising New Republic. Dathomir became key to his plans with the discovery of vast loads of the key shipbuilding metals of neutronium, lommite, and zersium on the moon Koratas, and Zsinj had Rancor Base built in orbit of the planet to exploit the world's resources. Han Solo won the deed to Dathomir from Drackmarian Warlord Omogg in a game of sabacc in 8 ABY. Han's kidnapping of Leia Organa to the planet led to a chain of events that changed Dathomir forever. Luke Skywalker and Isolder followed Solo and Organa to Dathomir and encountered the Kwi and then the Singing Mountain Clan. The following conflict, known as the Battle of Dathomir, resulted in the destruction of the Nightsisters, Warlord Zsinj and Zsinj's Orbital Nightcloak. Free from the tyranny of the Nightsisters, the Dathomir entered an alliance with the New Republic, and Han Solo gave over his claim to the planet to Augwynne Djo, matriarch and member of the Council of Sisters of the Singing Mountain Clan. While Augwynne's new title as Queen of Dathomir was little more than a constitutional formality, it also ennobled her granddaughter Teneniel Djo, and enabled her to marry Prince Isolder, Chume'da of the Hapes Consortium, with whom she had fallen in love. The Fourth Battle of Dathomir The Fourth Battle of Dathomir was fought between the Hapan Consortium / New Republic and the Zsinj Fiefdom / Nightsisters. This battle resulted in the deaths of Warlord Zsinj, the most powerful of the post-Endor warlords, and Gethzerion, leader of the Nightsisters. Prior to the battle, Zsinj demanded that the Nightsisters hand over Han Solo, or he would activate the Orbital Nightcloak, a doomsday device which could reduce a planet to a ball of frozen ice. After learning that the Nightsisters' assault on the Singing Mountain Clan had failed, a disappointed Zsinj activated the Nightcloak to encourage Gethzerion's cooperation.

The skies grew dark and the planet's temperatures fell dramatically. The Nightsister then agreed to capture Solo, though she also requested a ship for transportation off Dathomir. The witches had planned to travel into New Republic space and cause secession in support of the ruthless warlord. In return, Zsinj would send two shuttles: an armed transport for Han Solo, and an unarmed transport for the Nightsisters. After Solo's capture, he was brought to the Imperial prison where Zsinj's transports had just landed. However, Gethzerion then betrayed Zsinj and murdered all the Imperials. Han Solo was saved by the timely arrival of the Millennium Falcon (with Luke Skywalker simultaneously operating all of its crew stations via the Force), though Gethzerion and her cohorts had escaped onboard the armed shuttle. With Luke in hot pursuit and using radio communication jamming to attract the attention of Zsinj's Star Destroyers, the shuttle was destroyed. Despite Gethzerion's death, the Orbital Nightcloak still remained in effect and the planet was blockaded by Zsinj's fleet. However, the Millennium Falcon managed to disable the Nightcloak and the Hapan fleet arrived to engage the Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist and the other vessels of Zsinj's Empire. During the battle, the Hapans destroyed the Orbital Nightcloak and mined the surrounding space with pulse-mass generators to prevent the Imperials from fleeing into hyperspace. This was dangerous since it stranded both the attacker and the target in real space for several minutes. The Millennium Falcon succeeded in destroying the shields and bridge of the Iron Fist, killing the warlord and, with his death, thereby removing a major obstacle to the New Republic. Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum Several Dathomiri subsequently went on to train with Luke Skywalker at his Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, including Kirana Ti and Damaya, but in 12 ABY, the forces of the Imperial Remnant returned to Dathomir, in the form of an expedition searching for the Infinity Gate, led by Sigit Ranth and General Vit.

Karana Ti, Dathomir Witch and Student of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum

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The Imperials overpowered the small New Republic enclave on the planet, and struck an alliance with a group of Dathomiri who styled themselves as a reborn clan of Nightsisters. Although Ranth soon departed the world when he discovered that Infinity Gate was inoperable, General Vit and his garrison remained, tasked with imposing Imperial authority on Dathomir in alliance with the Nightsisters, investigating the Jedi artifacts on the Chu'unthor, and recruiting the planet's Force-sensitive warriors for the service of the Empire. Over the next months, Vit and his men reconditioned the old Imperial prison facility, and began rounding up the hostile Dathomiri and incarcerating them. Soon, the Singing Mountain Clan had been imprisoned in the camp, and prison columns from the defeated Dreaming River Clan were being marched under guard to join them. At this point, a miscellaneous group of heroes and rogues arrived on the planet, including renegade special forces officer and Jedi Praxeum trainee Dal Konur, as well as Imperial Royal Guard Kir Kanos. Working together with the Dathomiri resistance, they succeeded in ousting Vit and the Imperials; but neither the Empire nor the Nightsisters had been permanently destroyed. The Second Imperium In 19 ABY, Brakiss arrived on Dathomir. A Force-sensitive Imperial Intelligence agent working with the faction known as the Second Imperium, he infiltrated the Great Canyon Clan and transformed them into a new group of Nightsisters, to serve as a recruiting pool for his Shadow Academy. Brakiss also engineered a social revolution, so that the new Nightsisters came to treat males as equals — adding escaped slaves from the other clans to their ranks. By 22 ABY, some Great Canyon Clan warriors, like Captain Garowyn, had already undergone thorough training at the Shadow Academy, and received commissions in the Imperial military. Later that year, however, Tenel Ka and Luke Skywalker infiltrated the Great Canyon, a wide expanse on the planet Dathomir, located just north of the Frenzied River, and from there were able to reach Brakiss’s Shadow Academy battlestation. The Great Canyon Clan gave its youths to the Shadow Academy for training, sometimes seeking out new recruits for the Shadow Academy from other Dathomiri clans. In return the clan received military equipment and support from the Second Imperium. The Great Canyon Clan village contained concentric rings of tents, homes, slave's quarters, and workshops that surrounded Clan Mother Mintinee's home, known locally as the Waterhouse due to its proximity to the clan well. Due to Mintinee's belief in the power of talismans, chimney-like stone piles containing magical talismans were also found scattered around the village. The village included a well-fortified stockade for holding rancors that was patrolled by two AT-STs. The clan used a strip of packed dirt as a landing pad for supply ships. The clan's strength was subsequently diminished by their defeat in the Second Imperium's attack on Yavin 4.

Survival of the Fittest Is the Rule of the Wild on Dathomir The Galactic Alliance By the beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Dathomir was once again under New Republic protection, and although the planet fell to the Yuuzhan Vong during their initial attack in 27 ABY, the invaders soon realized that the native "Jeedai" were going to be harder to subdue. Dathomir was never fully conquered, and after the war's end, Jedi Master Streen, with the help of Dathomiri Jedi Kirana Ti and Damaya, did a great deal of work on Dathomir in 30 ABY and founded a Praxeum in order to train the local witches as Jedi. In the following years, Jacen Solo came to the planet and trained in the arts of the indigenous witches. Later, Luke Skywalker and his son Ben tracked Vestara Khai to the planet and were rejoined by Han, Leia, and Allana Solo. The Jedi became involved in some affairs on the world, including a resurgent clan of Nightsisters and a proposed Sith-Nightsister alliance.

"I am as ancient as time and yet constantly newborn. Nothing lives without me, and without me there is no hope. Yesterday's children smiled at me, and tomorrow's children will as well."

―Ben Skywalker, proposing the name of the Bright Sun Clan

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DATHOMIR POINTS OF INTEREST Several locations and landmarks on Dathomir were incorporated into the names of witch clans located at or near that location, such as the clans of the Dreaming River Valley, Red Hills, Singing Mountain, Misty Falls, Frenzied River, and Great Canyon. Other locations and landmarks on Dathomir are known for other reasons. Some examples are listed below. Aurilia Aurilia was a mysterious village on the planet Dathomir, founded by a small group of like-minded Force-sensitive refugees. In about 1 ABY, it fell under attack from the Dark Jedi Mellichae and his Sith Shadows. They were eventually defeated with the help of an unidentified spacer and Aurilia recovered and grew into a thriving township. Aurilia was originally founded by a small group of Force-sensitive misfits as a place to practice the Force away from the rest of the galaxy. The village was a simple, rustic place consisting of huts, with a stone wall around the perimeter. To protect themselves, the villagers used their abilities to create a dense mist that surrounded the village. This mist could only be penetrated by Force-sensitives. In around 1 ABY, the cyborg Dark Jedi Mellichae and his non-Force-sensitive thugs known as the ―Sith Shadows‖ began attacking the village. Mellichae believed that killing or capturing the village's Force-sensitive residents would be a good way for him to regain the trust of Emperor Palpatine and maybe even earn a place at his side. The villagers worked hard to prepare the village for the attack, but it sustained significant damage. Eventually, with the help of an identified spacer, Mellichae was defeated and imprisoned in the Aurilia Prison. Afterwards, the village retreated into the mist and cut itself off from the rest of the galaxy. The mist eventually cleared to reveal a new Aurilia, one that had been rebuilt into a much larger township. Pilots and spacers from across the galaxy flocked to the new Aurilia to purchase rare items from the traders there and to take on dangerous and exciting quests from the Adventurers' Guildhall. The Kwa Star Temples and Infinity Gates The Star Temples were a series of ancient massive pyramid-shaped buildings constructed by the Kwa to house their Infinity Gates. The Infinity Gates were an ancient network of structures developed by the saurian Kwa species of Dathomir during the Pre-Republic era. They were capable of enabling near-instant interstellar travel between far-flung locations and could also be used as a superweapon. Through what the Kwa called the "power of the cosmos", the Infinity Gates were able to transport them across the galaxy or project devastating Infinity Waves. The Gates were accessed from a Star Chamber within massive pyramidal structures known as the Star Temples. The Star Temples and associated buildings contained traps which protected the Chambers from intruders. Inside each Star Temple was

a realm of infinity that housed a central control station which was used to control the power of infinity. During the Pre-Republic era, the Infinity Gates were constructed by the Kwa though its design was influenced by a Celestial principle. The development of the Infinity Gates enabled the Kwa to colonize other worlds within their region of space. However, their expansion brought them into conflict with the Gree Enclave which had developed similar devices known as hypergates. As the Kwa began to wane in power across the galaxy, the Kwa sealed the Infinity Gates and the Star Temples and set guardians to protect the realm of infinity—whuffa worms with thick hides and impressive speed. Following their extermination by the Rakatan Infinite Empire and the conquest of Dathomir, the surviving Kwa devolved into the primitive and semi-sentient Kwi. In 31 BBY, the Nightsisters succeeded in capturing a local Star Temple and slaughtered many Kwi. The Nightsisters had intended to access the secrets of the Infinity Gate and use it to destroy Coruscant. However, their plot was thwarted by the Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos, who, using his role as Temple Guardian, redirected the deadly wave aimed at Coruscant back at the Infinity Gate. Only the scattered ruins of the Star Temples were left. The Kwi also disappeared into the deserts.

Quinlan Vos Outside a Kwa Star Temple

In 12 ABY, Sigit Ranth investigated the Star Temple on Dathomir for the Imperial Remnant, but finding no remains of the Star Chamber,

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abandoned the project, while the Remnant instead concentrated on recruiting Nightsisters as part of Project Nightsaber. The Shattered Ridge The Shattered Ridge was a chain of mountains located on the planet Dathomir. The Nightsisters thought the melting of the snow on the slopes of the Shattered Ridge foreshadowed a mythical event known as the Wild Hunt, an ancient Nightsister folk myth that held that once every year, ethereal riders visible as dark figures with glowing eyes would come out of the spirit realm to gallop through the woods, shouting hunting calls and taking with them any who crossed in their path. Mother Talzin, head shaman of the Nightsisters during the Clone Wars, claimed in her instructional treatise on the Nightsisters entitled Wild Power, to have personally witnessed a Wild Hunt. According to her, it was conjured by the Fanged God when the four moons of Dathomir were at their brightest and the snow had melted on the slopes of the Shattered Ridge. Rancor Base Rancor Base was Warlord Zsinj's secret headquarters in orbit over Dathomir during the Imperial era. The orbital complex contained a shipyard with drydock that was used to service his fleet, which included the Executor-class Star Dreadnought Iron Fist. It was at this shipyard that Zsinj and his engineers developed the TIE Raptor, which was used by the warlord's Raptors. The base and its shipyard were destroyed in 8 ABY by a battle fleet sent to Dathomir by Ta'a Chume, the ruler of the Hapes Consortium, in an effort to rescue her son Isolder and Leia Organa. Dathomir Imperial Prison Dathomir had a long history of use as a penal colony. The first time it was used in this manner was around 600 BBY when the Jedi Knight Allya was exiled to the planet—her descendants became the Force-sensitive natives known as the Witches of Dathomir. Ever since, the Galactic Republic had used the planet as a place to send various criminals and outcasts of society. These people were left on the planet with no possible means of escape to live out the rest of their lives in solitude. During the Imperial era, Dathomir Imperial Prison was built sometime prior to the Galactic Civil War. The complex was overseen by Warden Vinzel Haylon. The prison was overseen by the Imperial Inquisitor Olof. Prisoners kept here were thought to be some of the most dangerous to the Empire, and as such were left in this remote facility to be forgotten. The prison was guarded by a regiment of stormtroopers and several AT-STs were also stationed here. Due to the threat posed by the native Nightsisters, Emperor Palpatine eventually decided maintaining the Imperial forces at Dathomir was not worth the risk of the Nightsisters possibly escaping the planet. The prison was subsequently destroyed around 0 BBY by Zsinj, then captain of the Victory I-class Star Destroyer Iron Fist. The

prison, including Imperial troops who survived the bombardment, were then completely abandoned by the Empire. For his action in destroying the prison and all means of transport off Dathomir, Zsinj was promoted to the rank of Admiral. However, within a year of the prison's destruction, the Empire realized the necessity of a maximum security prison on a low population world. The Empire reconstructed most of the prison on top of the remains of the old one. Nightsister Stronghold The Nightsister Stronghold was located on Dathomir, the homeworld of the Nightsisters. It served as a refugee settlement for the exiled witches. Right outside the walls of the stronghold was the entrance to the Rancor Cave, where many rancors lived. In the deepest part of the caverns lay the entrance to the Chamber of Banishment, guarded by Nightsisters and opened only with the Key of Exile. Nightsister Axkva Min was imprisoned within the chamber because of her practice of draining the life from her pupils in order to increase her own power. She possessed a fragment of the Codex of Tython, an ancient Jedi Holocron. An agent of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who was seeking to reassemble the holocron, came looking for Min, accessed the chamber using the Key of Exile, provided by Sarguillo, a Zabrak in charge of defending the village of Aurilia during the Galactic Civil War. There, the agent found several Nightsisters guarding a large crystal which contained the essence of Axkva Min trapped within. The Codex, possessed by the Rebel, then launched a bolt of energy to the crystal, destroying it and freeing Axkva Min. She attacked the intruder, but was defeated and asked him to take her life, seeing it as a preferable fate to eternal imprisonment. The Rebel, however, was only looking for the crystal, worn on a chain around the witch's neck. When this fragment was installed back into the Code, another arc of energy jumped from the Codex to the banishment crystal. The figure of Axkva Min was transported inside again and the scattered pieces of the crystal reformed themselves with her essence inside. Once again, the Queen of the Nightsisters was trapped within. Later Axkva Min was killed by a group of spacers as she attempted to escape.

The product of Imperial bioweapons Project I71A, the Blackwing Virus

Quarantine Zone The Quarantine Zone was a region on Dathomir that was quarantined by the Galactic Empire in about 1 ABY, following an

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The Jedi Praxeum on Dathomir Founded by Masters Streen and Kirana Ti Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx outbreak of the blackwing virus. The virus killed most of the people inside the Zone and turned them into zombies. The survivors established five camps inside the Zone, Camp Alpha, Camp Beta, Camp Gamma, Camp Delta and Camp Epsilon, to live in safety. However, the camps all came under regular attack from the zombies. Sith Academy The Sith academy of Dathomir was established by the Brotherhood of Darkness near the end of the New Sith Wars. They used it to train Sith adepts and acolytes. Trainees here were apprenticed to Sith Masters. The skills learned here equipped adepts with abilities on par

with Jedi Knights. These warriors made up the bulk of the Brotherhood's armies. Jedi Praxeum The Jedi Praxeum of Dathomir was established by Jedi Masters Streen and Kirana Ti after the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War to help in the recovery efforts there after the Yuuzhan Vong's conquest and subjugation of the planet and to train the locals to become Jedi Knights. Due to Darth Caedus holding the Ossus Jedi Academy hostage during the Second Galactic Civil War, the staff and students of the Jedi Praxeum of Dathomir were evacuated by the Jedi Order to a base on Endor, and later Shedu Maad. As of 43 ABY, the Dathomiri Praxeum remained abandoned. The Tzarina Crash Site The Tzarina was a passenger transport starship operated by the space travel agency Star Tours. The vessel was of a Corellian design very similar to a CR90 corvette. At the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Tzarina was involved in a tragic accident that cost most of its passengers their lives. For unknown reasons the ship's droid captain decided to change course towards Yavin to show his passengers "something neat". Once there, the yacht collided with an unidentified TIE fighter variant that was tumbling out of control through space. The collision caused the Tzarina's hyperdrive to initiate and throw the ship into hyperspace. When it fell out of hyperspace half a galaxy away it crash landed on Dathomir. Only one passenger was known to survive the crash and find his way to the Dathomir Trade Outpost, where he told others his story.

"I have a small task for you, my pet. Not far from here you’ll find a crashed spaceship. I need you to go there and search the wreckage." ―Nightsister of the Spiderclan

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ALLIES AND ADVERSARIES Army of the Dead The Army of the Dead were made up of undead Dathomirian Nightsister zombies that participated in a fight to hold back a Separatist Droid Army invasion. The army was summoned by Old Daka, who was among the wisest of the Nightsisters, by using a resurrection spell that spread in to a Nightsister graveyard and opened the cocoons that held the undead warriors. The army helped Asajj Ventress and the rest of the Dathomirians to destroy the droid invasion and prevent them from getting to the village of Talzin, Clan Mother of the Nightsisters. Most of the army engaged the enemy without any weapons of some sort except their arms and legs. The army perished when General Grievous assaulted and captured the village and destroyed the entrance of the hidden cave in which Talzin and Old Daka had summoned the ferocious warriors. Grievous executed Old Daka with a stab through the witch's stomach, resulting in the destruction of all the warriors of the dead army and leaving the Nightsisters to be greatly outnumbered and executed.

Old Daka summons the Army of the Dead

Dathomiri Zombie CL 1 Medium Zombie nonheroic 3 Int +2; Senses Perception +8 Languages none Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 13, Hard to injure 18), Fort 15, Will – HP 9; Threshold 15 Speed 3 Squares Melee Claw +5 (1D4+3) or Melee Bite +5 (1D6+3) Base Atk +2; Grp +5 Atk Options pin, trip Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 2 Feats Pin, Trip Skills Perception +8 Nonliving - Zombies do not need to eat, breath, or sleep. They are lso immune to poison, disease, radiation, non corrosive atmospheric hazards, vacuum, mind-affecting effects, stunning effects and any other effect that works only on living targets. Hard to injure - Due to the fact that only a direct attack to the central nervous system will harm a Zombie, Zombies are always considered as having soft cover for the purposes of being attacked. Note that as normal soft cover can be negated by aiming or the Sniper feat. Shambling - Zombies may not spend a full round action to run nor can they take standard action to charge. Zombie Defenses - Zombies get a natural armor bonus of +3 and a species fortitude bonus of +5. Sense the Living - Zombies may ignore the effects of cover and concealment (but not total cover) against any living target within 10 squares. Moan - Time: standard action. Target: any intelligence 3 or higher creature capable of hearing within 12 squares. Roll: 1D20+5 if this roll exceeds the targets will defense they are filled with fear causing them to run from the zombie at top speed for 1 minute. The affected creature stops fleeing if it is wounded. The effect is negated if the target's level is equal or higher than the zombie's level. This is a fear effect. Infection - 15 minutes after being bitten and every 15 minutes afterwards roll 1D20+5 vs the fortitude defense of any zombie bite victim if the roll meets or exceeds the target's fortitude defense they move one step down on the condition track. This is a persistent condition. When they reach Helpless they become a zombie with all the same traits as a standard zombie (if they are wearing any equipment such as combat gloves or armor they get bonuses for it) unless they are treated for the infection (Treat Injury DC 15 , requires zombie antivirus and medical kit) before they turn.

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Dathomiri Witch The Dathomiri Witches are female Human Force-users who hail from the primitive world of Dathomir. The Dathomiri Witch described here could represent a particularly powerful leader of one of the various clans. Trained in the powers of the Force through unorthodox methods, the Dathomiri Witch is a master at clouding a person's mind or seeing into the future. Her command of the beasts of her planet is second to none, and she often travels with one more animal companions who protect her from harm. Each clan has its own interpretation of how the Force should be utilized, but most abide by the edict "Never concede to evil." Members of the clan called the Nightsisters are a exception to this rule, since they practice forbidden powers that traditional Force-users would recognize as being of the dark side.

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Dathomiri Witch Clan Mother CL 15 Medium Human Female scout 5/noble 2/Force adept 5/Force disciple 3 Destiny 3; Force 6 (3d6) Init +12; Senses Use the Force +20 Languages Basic, Paecian, Zabrak, 1 unassigned Defenses Ref 28 (flat-footed 28), Fort 28, Will 34; Primitive Block [KOTOR p.38] Defenses against any Use the Force checks Fort (& Threshold) 33, Will 39; immune to mind-affecting Force powers Defenses against Deception and Persuasion Will 39; hp 85; second wind +21/42; Threshold 28 Immune mind-affecting effects Speed 6 squares Melee spear +11 (2d8+9) or Melee spear +11 (2d8+11) with both hands or Melee spear +12 (2d8+2d6+11) with both hands and Battle Strike DC 20 or Melee spear +12 (2d8+3d6+11) with both hands and Battle Strike DC 25 or Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+9) Ranged by weapon +9 Base Atk +9; Grp +11 Special Actions Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Bonded Mount [JATM p.18], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Motion of the Future [JATM p.17], Mounted Combat [TUR p.27] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +20) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], farseeing (3) [Core p.96], Force whirlwind [KOTOR p.51], intercept (2) [JATM p.27], levitate [CWCG p.50], mind shard (4) (may spend a Force point to reroll and keep better result) [JATM p.28], mind trick(2) [Core p.98], rebuke (3) [Core p.100], vital transfer (2) [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Rebuke [TFU p.89], Improved Vital Transfer [KOTOR p.54] Force Secrets Devastating Power [Core p.103], Multitarget Power [Core p.103] Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16 Special Qualities prophet Talents Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Bonded Mount [JATM p.18], Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Force Perception [Core p.101], Force Power Adept (mind shard) [Core p.214], Motion of the Future [JATM p.17], Primitive Block [KOTOR p.38] Feats Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (5) [Core p.85], Linguist [Core p.86], Mounted Combat [TUR p.27], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Unstoppable Force [CWCG p.31],

Unwavering Resolve [CWCG p.32], Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Endurance +12, Initiative +12, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, Perception +20, Persuasion +10 (may Use the Force +20 to change the attitude of a beast instead), Ride +12, Stealth +12, Survival +15, Use the Force +20 (may reroll as a full-round action but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse) Untrained Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +9, Deception +10, Gather Information +10, Jump +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +8, Knowledge (life sciences) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (social sciences) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Pilot +7, Swim +9, Treat Injury +10, Use Computer +8 Possessions empowered spear

Force power attack: -swift: Motion of the Future; spend Farseeing power and force an attacker to reroll the attack roll (or Use the Force check) against you, keeping the second result. -standard: Mind Shard; use a FP to add +1/2 damage dice OR affect 1 additional target OR reroll your UtF check and keep the better result OR add +2d8 damage. -swift: Battle Strike (if you plan to attack next round) OR use recover OR second wind -reactions: Primitive Block (UtF vs. melee attack), Intercept (UtF vs. ranged attack), Improved Rebuke (Utf vs. UtF; you can activate this if any ally within 12sq is the target of a Force power) Force power attack 2: -full-round: Mind Shard + Adept Spellcaster, you can reroll your UtF check but you must keep reroll. Use a FP to add +1/2 damage dice OR affect 1 additional target OR reroll your UtF check and keep the better result OR add +2d8 damage. -reactions: same as above Melee attack: -swift: Battle Strike -move: move into melee range (or use Battle Strike a second time and stack damage bonus) -standard: attack or charge and apply Battle Strike bonus -reactions: same as above Healing round: -standard: Improved Vital Transfer, heal an ally within 6sq -swift: use recover OR second wind -reactions: same as above

" Never concede to evil. That is our oldest and most sacred law. When we concede to evil, even in a small way, we feed it, and it grows stronger. " ―Augwynne Djo, Clan Mother of the Singing Mountain Clan

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Frenzied River Clan

The Frenzied River Clan was a Dathomiri Witch clan village located near the Frenzied River on Dathomir. Their teachings were similar to the Jedi Order's in that they were geared towards the light side of the Force. The Frenzied River Clan was slightly more technologically advanced than other Dathomiri Witches, in that they were able to create and arm their warriors with the San-ni Staff, which is composed of Phrik alloy and is able to Block as a lightsaber does. Frenzied River Warriors are the first defense against Nightsister raiders. They are usually found in groups with at least one Frenzied River Mystic.

Frenzied River Clan Warrior (Dathomiri Witch) CL 4 Medium Female Human Jedi 1/soldier 3 Force 2 Init +9; Senses Perception +9 Languages Basic Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 15), Fort 16, Will 17; Block [Core p.41] hp 46; second wind +11/23; Threshold 16 Speed 6 squares Melee san-ni staff* +6 (2d6+6) with both hands or Melee san-ni staff* +1/+1 (2d6+4) with Dual Weapon Mastery or *you can spend a FP to reroll an attack against a creature with a DSS 1+ keeping the better result. *when you roll a natural 20 against a target with a DSS 1+, you can activate malacia as a free action Melee unarmed +6 (1d4+4) Ranged by weapon +6 Base Atk +4; Grp +6 Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery Special Actions Attuned [CWCG p.53], Focused Attack [CWCG p.53] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +13) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], malacia [CWCG p.51] Abilities Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12 Talents Attuned [CWCG p.53], Block [Core p.41], Focused Attack [CWCG p.53] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Dual Weapon Mastery I [Core p.84], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Jedi Familiarity [CWCG p.31], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee, simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained skills Initiative +9, Perception +9, Use the Force +13 Untrained skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +4, Deception +3, Endurance +2, Gather Information +3, Jump +4, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +2, Knowledge (galactic lore) +2, Knowledge (life sciences) +2, Knowledge (physical sciences) +2, Knowledge (social sciences) +2, Knowledge (tactics) +2, Knowledge (technology) +2, Mechanics +2, Persuasion +3, Pilot +4, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Swim +4, Treat Injury +4, Use Computer +2 Possessions san-ni staff House rule Jedi starting feat swap: Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee) insetad of (lightsabers) Frenzied River Clan Warrior Tactics: Before combat: -As a full-round action, you can Sense Force to actively sense only Force-users with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher out to a range of 100 kilometers. If you succeed on a DC 15 Use the Force check, you know how many Force-users are within range, their approximate

distance and direction from you, and whether you've met them before or not. Another Force-user within range can try to conceal her presence from you by making an opposed Use the Force check. If she equals or exceeds your Use the Force check, you don't sense her presence at all. This will enable you to activate talents like Attuned and Focused Attack, which require you to know that your target has a DSS of 1+. Round 1: -swift: Battle Strike -move: move into melee range -standard: charge or attack -reactions: Block -no action: 1/enc, when you are targeted or affected by a non-damaging Force power or Force talent originating from an ally, you gain one temporary FP. Frenzied River Clan Mystic Despite their clan name, a Frenzied River Mystic is in tune with the light side of the Force, drawing on its powers of peace to aid in her defense and the defense of those with her, usually Frenzied River Warriors. Frenzied River Clan Mystic (Dathomiri Witch) CL 6 Medium Human Female nonheroic 4/scout 1/Jedi 1/soldier 1/Force adept 2 Force 4 Init +9; Senses Perception +12 Languages Basic, Paecian Defenses Ref 17 (flat-footed 17), Fort 17, Will 22; At Peace [CWCG p.53] Defenses with At Peace Ref 19 (flat-footed 19), Fort (& Threshold) 19, Will 24; hp 34; second wind +10/17; Threshold 17 Speed 6 squares Melee quarterstaff +6 (1d6+2) or Melee unarmed +6 (1d4+2) Ranged by weapon +6 Base Atk +6; Grp +6 Special Actions At Peace [CWCG p.53], Surge of Light (2) [CWCG p.53] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +16) enlighten (5) [LECG p.54], Force blast (2) [TFU p.86], inspire (3) [JATM p.27], rebuke (2) [Core p.100], slow (3) [KOTOR p.52], vital transfer [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Enlighten [LECG p.56] Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 15 Talents At Peace [CWCG p.53], Mystical Link [TUR p.30], Surge of Light (2) [CWCG p.53] Feats Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (4) [Core p.85], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training* (Initiative, Knowledge [life sciences], Ride, Survival) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Skills Initiative +9, Knowledge (galactic lore) +10, Knowledge (life sciences) +10, Perception +12, Ride +9, Survival +12, Use the Force +16 Possessions quarterstaff *House rule multiclass grants Skill Training instead of starting class feat

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Frenzied River Clan Mystic Tactics: Round 1: -no action: At Peace, spend a Force Point to gain a +2 Force bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter or until you attack -swift: Enlighten on a Frenzied River Warrior -swift: Inspire on a Frenzied River Warrior -standard: Slow on an opponent -reactions: Rebuke or Enlighten Round 2: -swift: Enlighten on a Frenzied River Warrior -swift: Inspire on a Frenzied River Warrior; spend a FP to grant 2d6 bonus hp -standard: Slow or Force Blast* or Vital Transfer or Mystical Link (DC 30 UtF to regain spent power or gain temporary FP) OR -swift: Surge of Light, 2/enc, regain a spent [light side] power (enlighten, inspire, vital transfer) -reactions: same as above *note, once you use Force Blast, the defense bonuses from At Peace end. Frenzied River Clan Shaman (Dathomiri Witch) CL 15 Medium Human noble 7/Force adept 6/Force disciple 2 Destiny 2; Force 7, Guardian Spirit Init +12; Senses Perception +16 Languages Basic, Felucianese, Ithorese, Kel Dor, Paecian, Zabrak Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 29), Fort 28, Will 35 Defenses with Guardian Spirit Will 37 hp 75; second wind +18/37; Threshold 28 Immune mind-affecting effects Speed 6 squares Melee quarterstaff +9 (1d6+6) or Melee unarmed +9 (1d4+6) Ranged by weapon +10 Base Atk +10; Grp +10 Special Actions Crucial Advice [JATM p.17], Elder’s Knowledge [TUR p.24], Force Talisman, Manifest Guardian Spirit [JATM p.17] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +20, +22 with Guardian Spirit) farseeing [Core p.96], Force light (3) [JATM p.25], Force stun (2) [Core p.98], Force whirlwind (2) [KOTOR p.51], obscure (4) [LECG p.54], plant surge (2) [JATM p.28], rebuke (2) [Core p.100], sever Force (2) [Core p.100], vital transfer (2) [Core p.100] Force Techniques Advanced Vital Transfer [CWCG p.54], Improved Force Light [JATM p.37], Improved Vital Transfer [KOTOR p.54] Force Secrets Quicken Power [Core p.103] Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 17 Special Qualities prophet Talents Crucial Advice [JATM p.17], Distracting Apparition [JATM p.17], Focused Force Talisman (Obscure) [CWCG p.40], Force Talisman [Core p.214], Greater Focused Force Talisman [CWCG p.40], Guardian Spirit [JATM p.16], Manifest Guardian Spirit [JATM p.17], Vital Encouragement [JATM p.17] Feats Elder’s Knowledge [TUR p.24], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (4) [Core p.85], Linguist [Core p.86], Recurring Success (Crucial Advice, Vital Encouragement) [GOI p.28], Skill Focus (Knowledge [galactic lore], Use the Force) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons) [Core p.89] Skills Initiative +12, Knowledge (galactic lore) +19, Knowledge (life sciences) +14, Knowledge (physical sciences) +14, Perception +16, Persuasion +15, Ride +12, Treat Injury +16, Use the Force +20 Possessions Force talisman (+1 Ref), quarterstaff

Frenzied River Clan Shaman Tactics: Before combat: -As a full-round action, you can Sense Force to actively sense only Force-users with a Dark Side Score of 1 or higher out to a range of 100 kilometers. If you succeed on a DC 15 Use the Force check, you know how many Force-users are within range, their approximate distance and direction from you, and whether you've met them before or not. Another Force-user within range can try to conceal her presence from you by making an opposed Use the Force check. If she equals or exceeds your Use the Force check, you don't sense her presence at all. This will enable you to activate talents like Attuned and Focused Attack, which require you to know that your target has a DSS of 1+. Round 1: -swift: Manifest Guardian Spirit, spend a FP, your guardian spirit appears in any square within 6 squares of you, you gain +1 attack, +2 UtF, and +2 Will when it’s within 12sq. Any enemy within 3sq of it takes -2 to Will and attack rolls against you. You can move the guardian spirit up to 6sq as a swift action once per turn. -standard: activate Force light, Force stun, Force whirlwind, plant surge, or vital transfer** -free: Vital Encouragement, 2/enc, your guardian spirit grants you 17 bonus hp -reactions: Obscure* (impose -5 attack penalty on target) or Rebuke* -no action: Crucial Advice, 2/enc you can reroll a failed UtF check with a +2 bonus; applies to Force stun, Obscure, and Rebuke. *You can spend a FP to regain all spent uses of Obscure. This does not count towards the 1 FP per round limit. **You can spend a DP to fully heal a target with vital transfer within 6sq of all damage and remove all of the target's debilitating conditions. Round 2: -move: maintain Force Whirlwind if you activated previous round -standard: maintain Improved Force Light if you activated previous round -swift: spend a FP to activate Force stun, Force whirlwind, plant surge, or vital transfer -free: Vital Encouragement (if necessary) -reactions: same as above

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Raining Leaves Clan Hunter (light-side) CL 4 Medium Human Female Scout 4 Initiative +8; Perception +8 Defenses Ref 17, Fort 16, Will 15 HP 41 (Threshold 16) Speed 6 squares Melee Spear +5 (1d8 +6) Ranged Spear +4 (1d8+2) Base Attack +3; Grp +5 Force Powers Battle Strike, Force Grip Abilities Str 14 Dex 13 Con 13 Int 9, Wis 12 Cha 14 Talents Hidden Movement, Charm Beast Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Shake it off, Mighty Swing, Dodge Trained Skills Endurance +8, Initiative +8, Perception +8, Ride +8, Use the Force +14 Possessions Nightsister robes Raining Leaves Clan Hunter (light-side) CL 8 Medium Human Female Scout 4/ Jedi 4 Initiative +11; Perception +10 Defenses Ref 22, Fort 20, Will 20 HP 67 (Threshold 20), see Damage Reduction 10 Speed 6 squares Melee Spear +9 (1d8+8) Lightsaber +9 (2d8+8) Ranged Spear +9 (1d8+4) Base Attack +7; Grp +9 Force Powers Battle Strike, Force Grip Abilities Str 14 Dex 14 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14 Talents Hidden Movement, Charm Beast, Damage Reduction 10, Force Recovery Feats Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Shake it off, Mighty Swing, Dodge, Weapon Profi ciency (lightsaber), Power Attack, Mobility, Cleave Trained Skills Endurance +10, Initiative +11, Perception +10, Ride +10, Use the Force +16, Survival +12 Raining Leaves Clan Hunter (light-side) CL 12 Medium Human Female Scout 4/ Jedi 5/ Force Adept 3 Initiative +13; Perception +12 Defenses Ref 26, Fort 26, Will 27 HP 99 (Threshold 26) Speed 6 squares Melee Spear +12 (1d8+10) Lightsaber +12 (2d8+10) Ranged Spear +9 (1d8+4) Base Attack +10; Grp +12 Force Powers Battle Strike x2, Force Grip, Rebuke Force Technique Force Point Recovery Abilities Str 15 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 14 Talents Hidden Movement, Charm Beast, Damage Reduction 10, Force Recovery, Equilibrium, Command Beast, Empower Weapon Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training x2, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Shake it off, Mighty Swing, Dodge, Weapon Profi ciency (lightsaber), Power Attack, Mobility, Cleave, Force Boon Trained Skills Endurance +12, Initiative +13, Perception +12, Ride +12, Use the Force +18, Survival +12 Possessions Nightsister robes

Singing Mountain Sentry CL 7 Medium Female Human nonheroic 3/soldier 3/scout 1/Force adept 2 Force 3 Init +10; Senses Perception +12 Languages Basic, Paecian Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 18, Will 23 hp 37; second wind +11/18; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee spear +10 (2d8+6) or Melee spear +10 (2d8+9) with both hands or Melee spear +8 (3d8+9) with Rapid Strike or Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+6) or Melee unarmed +8 (2d4+6) with Rapid Strike Ranged spear +10 (2d8+6) Base Atk +6; Grp +9 Atk Options Mighty Throw [TFU p.33], Rapid Strike [Core p.88] Special Actions Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +13) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], Force stun (3) [Core p.98], plant surge (2) [JATM p.28], rebuke [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Plant Surge [JATM p.37] Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 9 Talents Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (2) [Core p.85], Mighty Throw [TFU p.33], Rapid Strike [Core p.88], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training (Perception, Ride) [Core p.88], Weapon Focus (simple weapons) [Core p.89], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Initiative +10, Perception +12, Ride +10, Survival +12, Use the Force +13 (may reroll as a full-round action but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse) Untrained Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +7, Deception +3, Endurance +4, Gather Information +3, Jump +7, Knowledge +5, Mechanics +5, Persuasion +3 (may Use the Force +13 to change the attitude of a beast instead), Pilot +5, Stealth +5, Swim +7, Treat Injury +7, Use Computer +5 Possessions ceremonial garb, 3 spears Plant Surge Tactics: Round 1: -standard (or full-round with Adept Spellcaster): Improved Plant Surge, and maintain as swift action -reactions: rebuke Round 2: -swift: maintain Plant Surge -standard: Force Stun, or attack with spear (with Battle Strike as swift) Force Stun Tactics: Round 1: -move: move into range if necessary -standard (or full-round with Adept Spellcaster): Force Stun -reactions: rebuke Round 2: -standard: Force Stun, or attack with spear (with Battle Strike as swift)

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Gwynanya Djo, Dathomiri Witch Chieftain CL 9 Medium Female Human nonheroic 6/noble 1/scout 1/soldier 1/Force adept 3/Force disciple 1 Force 8 Init +11; Senses Perception +14 Languages Basic, Huttese, Ithorese, Paecian, Phindian, Talz, Whiphid, Zabrak Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 22), Fort 22, Will 27 hp 59; second wind +14/29; Threshold 22 Immune mind-affecting effects Speed 6 squares Melee quarterstaff +7 (2d6+3) or Melee unarmed +7 (1d4+3) Ranged by weapon +7 Base Atk +7; Grp +7 Special Actions Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Force Talisman Force Powers Known (Use The Force +18) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], farseeing [Core p.96], Force stun (3) (may spend a Force point to reroll and keep better result) [Core p.98], malacia (2) [CWCG p.51], plant surge (2) [JATM p.28], rebuke (2) [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Force Stun [KOTOR p.54] Abilities Str 10, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 15 Special Qualities prophet Talents Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Force Power Adept (Force stun) [Core p.214], Force Talisman [Core p.214] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (3) [Core p.85], Improved Defenses [Core p.85], Linguist [Core p.86], Predictive Defense [GAW p.25], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training (Initiative, Survival) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Initiative +11, Knowledge (galactic lore) +14, Perception +14, Persuasion +13 (may Use the Force +18 to change the attitude of a beast instead), Ride +11, Survival +14, Use the Force +18 (may reroll as a full-round action but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse) Untrained Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Deception +8, Endurance +7, Gather Information +8, Jump +6, Knowledge +9, Mechanics +9, Pilot +6, Stealth +6, Swim +6, Treat Injury +9, Use Computer +9 Possessions cheiftain’s garb, force talisman (+1 Ref), quarterstaff Tactics: -move into range if necessary -standard: Improved Force Stun (use FP to reroll, or use Adept Spellcaster as full-round action). Plant Surge or Malacia are also options. -reactions: rebuke

" The Singing Mountain clan is in constant conflict with the Nightsisters, another clan of Force-users here on Dathomir. " ― Gwynanya Djo, daughter of Clan Mother Augwynne Djo of the Singing Mountain Clan

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Nightsister Clan Mother CL 15 Medium Human noble 3/Jedi 3/scout 1/Force adept 5/Force disciple 3 Destiny 3; Force 9, Strong in the Force; Dark Side 16 Init +13; Senses Perception +15 Languages Basic, Paecian, Sith, Zabrak Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 28), Fort 28, Will 34 hp 82; second wind +20/41; Threshold 28; Dark Preservation Immune mind-affecting effects Speed 6 squares Melee war sword +11 (1d8+8) or Melee war sword +11 (1d8+9) with both hands or Melee unarmed +11 (1d4+8) Ranged Energy Bow +11 (3d8+7) Base Atk +10; Grp +11 Atk Options Channel Aggression [Core p.213] Special Actions Channel Anger [Core p.213], Dark Side Savant 1/encounter, Illusion [KOTOR p.52/TFU p.87/JATM p.14], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101], Swift Power [Core p.101] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +20) farseeing [Core p.96], fear (4) [KOTOR p.24], Force scream (2) [KOTOR p.50], Force storm (2) [TFU p.86], hatred [JATM p.26], lightning burst (3) [LECG p.54], mind trick [Core p.98], rebuke (2) [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Force Storm (TFU) [TFU p.88], Improved Lightning Burst [LECG p.56] Force Secrets Debilitating Power [TFU p.89], Enlarged Power [TFU p.89] Abilities Str 12, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 16 Special Qualities build lightsaber, prophet Talents Channel Aggression [Core p.213], Channel Anger [Core p.213], Dark Preservation [LECG p.55], Dark Side Savant [JATM p.16], Embrace the Dark Side [Core p.213], Illusion [KOTOR p.52/TFU p.87/JATM p.14], Masquerade [JATM p.15], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101], Swift Power [Core p.101], Wrath of the Dark Side [TFU p.88] Feats Force Boon [Core p.85], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (4) [Core p.85], Linguist [Core p.86], Pall of the Dark Side [CWCG p.31], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Strong in the Force [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Deception +15 (may Use the Force +20 using Illusion to create a deceptive appearance instead), Initiative +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, Knowledge (life sciences) +13, Perception +15, Persuasion +15, Ride +13, Use the Force +20 (may reroll to activate dark side powers but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse; +28 to resist detection by Sense Force) Untrained Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +8, Endurance +7, Gather Information +10, Jump +8, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +8, Knowledge (physical sciences) +8, Knowledge (social sciences) +8, Knowledge (tactics) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Mechanics +8, Pilot +8, Stealth +8, Survival +10, Swim +8, Treat Injury +10, Use Computer +8 Possessions Energy Bow (treat as heavy blaster pistol with no stun setting), Sith Alchemical war sword

Force power attack: Round 1 -move adjacent to one or more opponents -swift: Swift Power + Hatred*, damage all targets within 6sq. You can spend a FP to Enlarge the power to 12sq -standard: Lightning Burst* (UtF vs. Ref of all adjacent); use FP to use Debilitating Power and move target additional -1 CT -reactions: Rebuke and Dark Preservation (requires a FP to avoid moving down the CT) *you can reroll UtF checks for [dark side] powers, but must keep reroll Round 2 -swift: maintain Hatred* -swift: Fear* -standard: maintain Lightning Burst* or use Force storm* or Force scream*. If you use Force scream, you can spend a FP to Enlarge the power to all creatures within 24sq instead of 12sq OR spend the FP to impose a -10 penalty on targets’ DT instead of -5. -reactions: same as above

The Nightsister Clan Mother is master of illusions and mystical dark side powers. She has area attacks that damage creatures around her, so it may be a good idea to place her minions further away from her so that they can avoid getting hit. She can use illusions to disguise her appearance and she is adept at avoiding detection through the Force.

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Asajj Ventress – Jedi Padawan Dathomiri (human) female Jedi 5 CL 5 Destiny: 1; Force: 3; Dark Side: 5 Init +10; Senses: Perception +2 Languages: Basic, Rattataki Defences: Reflex 19 (flat-footed 16), Fortitude 17, Will 16. Block, Deflect. hp 57, Threshold 17 Speed: 6 squares (walking) Melee: +9 (lightsaber, 2d8+2) Melee: +7 (lightsaber, 3d8+2) with Rapid Strike Ranged: +8 by weapon Base attack: +5; Grapple: +5 Attack options: Rapid Strike, Special actions: Build lightsaber, Charm Beast, Force powers known: (Use the Force +8), Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge Abilities: Str 11, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 13. Talents: Block, Charm Beast, Deflect Feats:Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Rapid Strike, Running Attack, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons) Skills: Acrobatics +10, Initiative +10, Pilot +10, Use the Force +8 Possessions: Lightsaber (Self-Built), Jedi Robes -This Ventress is just prior to the death of her original Jedi mentor, Ky Narec. Asajj Ventress – Dark Jedi Warlord Dathomiri (human) female Jedi 5/Scout 3/Soldier 2 CL 10 Destiny: 1; Force: 5; Dark Side: 12 Init +13; Senses: Perception +6 Languages: Basic, Rattataki Defences: Reflex 25 (flat-footed 22), Fortitude 23, Will 22. Block, Deflect. hp 81, Threshold 23 Speed: 6 squares (walking) Melee: +13 (lightsaber, 2d8+5 Melee: +11 (lightsaber, 3d8+5) with Rapid Strike Melee: +11/+10 (2 lightsabers, 2d8+5) with Dual Weapon Mastery II Melee: +9/+8 (2 lightsabers, 3d8+5) with Dual Weapon Mastery II and Rapid Strike Ranged: +12 by weapon Base attack: +9; Grapple: +9 Attack options: Acrobatic Strike, Rapid Strike, Special actions: Build lightsaber, Force powers known: (Use the Force +12), Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge Abilities: Str 11, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 14. Talents: Battle Analysis, Block, Charm Beast, Deflect, Improved Stealth, Power of the Dark Side Feats: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Rapid Strike, Running Attack, Skill

Training (Stealth & Knowledge [tactics]), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) Skills: Acrobatics +13, Knowledge [tactics], Initiative +13, Pilot +13, Stealth +13(may reroll, must keep second result), Use the Force +12 Possessions: Lightsaber (Self-Built) & Ky Narec’s Lightsaber, Black cloak, Black Jumpsuit, -At this point Ventress has become the undisputed warlord of Rattatak after systematically hunting all 12 of the previous ones and fully embracing the dark side. Honing her skills in both subterfuge and warfare, Asajj is now ready to present herself before Dooku and prove her worth as his commander in the Clone Wars. Since her Master's death she has learnt the Jar'kai style of lightsaber combat, wielding both Ky Narec's and her own blade.

Asajj Ventress – Dark Acolyte, Separist Leader Dathomiri (human) female Jedi 5/Scout 3/Soldier 2/Officer 2/Force Adept 2 CL 14 Destiny: 2; Force: 7; Dark Side: 14 Init +15; Senses: Perception +8 Languages: Basic, Rattataki Defences: Reflex 29 (flat-footed 25), Fortitude 27, Will 30. Block, Deflect. hp 99, Threshold 27 Speed: 6 squares (walking) Melee: +15 (lightsaber, 2d8+8) Melee: +13 (lightsaber, 3d8+8) with Rapid Strike Melee: +15/+15 (2 lightsabers, 2d8+8) with Dual Weapon Mastery III Melee: +13/+13 (2 lightsabers, 3d8+8) with Dual Weapon Mastery III and Rapid Strike Ranged: +14 by weapon Base attack: +12; Grapple: +13 Attack options: Rapid Strike, Chanel Aggression Special actions: Battle Analysis, Build lightsaber, Swift Power Force powers known: (Use the Force +14), Force Grip, Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge, Twin Strike (JT) Force Techniques: Force Point Recovery Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14. Special Qualities: Command Cover +1, Share Talent, Power of the Dark Side Talents: Battle Analysis, Channel Aggression, Block, Charm Beast, Deflect, Improved Stealth, Power of the Dark Side, Swift Power Feats: Dual Weapon Mastery I, Dual Weapon Mastery II, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (2), Rapid Strike, Running Attack, Skill Training (Stealth & Knowledge [tactics]), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) Skills: Acrobatics +15, Initiative +15, Pilot +15, Knowledge [tactics] +13 Stealth +15(may reroll, must keep second result), Use the Force +14 Possessions: 2 Dueling lightsabers (Interlocking Hilt Modification) [JT], black cloak, black jumpsuit, Ginivex-Class starfighter [SotG], Comlink (encrypted, holo capability)

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Beastwardens are elite Dathomiri Witch trackers and masters of mounted combat. They are able to track and charm virtually any beast, to which they form a powerful bond. Usually, these beasts are Rancors. Beastwarden CL 7 Medium Female Human nonheroic 3/soldier 3/scout 1/Force adept 2 Force 3; Dark Side 5 Init +10; Senses Perception +12 Languages Basic, Zabrak Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 18, Will 23 hp 37; second wind +11/18; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee spear +10 (2d8+6) or Melee spear +10 (2d8+9) with both hands or Melee spear +8 (3d8+9) with Rapid Strike or Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+6) or Melee unarmed +8 (2d4+6) with Rapid Strike Ranged spear +10 (2d8+6) Base Atk +6; Grp +9 Atk Options Mighty Throw [TFU p.33], Rapid Strike [Core p.88] Special Actions Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +13) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], Force stun (3) [Core p.98], plant surge (2) [JATM p.28], rebuke [Core p.100] Force Techniques Improved Plant Surge [JATM p.37] Abilities Str 16, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 9 Talents Adept Spellcaster [Core p.107], Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107], Empower Weapon [Core p.214] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training (2) [Core p.85], Mighty Throw [TFU p.33], Rapid Strike [Core p.88], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training (Perception, Ride) [Core p.88], Weapon Focus (simple weapons) [Core p.89], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Initiative +10, Perception +12, Ride +10, Survival +12, Use the Force +13 (may reroll as a full-round action but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse) Possessions Nightsister garb with Beastwarden rank markings, 3 spears

GM note: To convert the below Beastwarden statblock to a Nightsister, simply add Darkside score of 14 and the Sith language. Beastwarden CL 15 Medium near-Human (Dathomiri) Female scout 5/Jedi 1/noble 1/soldier 1/Force adept 7 Force 5 Init +14; Senses heightened awareness, Improved Sense Surroundings; Perception +14 Languages Basic, Paecian, Sith (Nightsisters only), Zabrak, 4 unassigned Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 27), Fort 27, Will 31; Mounted Defense [TOTG p.127] hp 88; second wind +22/44; Threshold 27 Speed 6 squares Melee quarterstaff +10 (1d6+7) or Melee quarterstaff +14 (1d6+14) with Powerful Charge or Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+7) or Ranged by weapon +12 Base Atk +10; Grp +12 Atk Options Momentum Strike [TOTG p.127], Powerful Charge [Core p.87], Trample [TUR p.28] Special Actions Bonded Mount [JATM p.18], Entreat Beast [JATM p.18], Mounted Combat [TUR p.27], Terrain Guidance [TUR p.23], Wild Sense [JATM p.18] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +19) Force stun [Core p.98], Force track [JATM p.26], mind trick [Core p.98] Force Techniques Improved Force Stun [KOTOR p.54], Improved Mind Trick [TFU p.89], Improved Sense Surroundings [Core p.103] Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 15 Special Qualities build lightsaber, Soothing Presence [JATM p.18] Talents Battle Mount [TUR p.22], Beast Trick [KOTOR p.53], Bonded Mount [JATM p.18], Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107], Entreat Beast [JATM p.18], Expert Rider [TUR p.23], Soothing Presence [JATM p.18], Terrain Guidance [TUR p.23], Wild Sense [JATM p.18] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Linguist [Core p.86], Momentum Strike [TOTG p.127], Mounted Combat [TUR p.27], Mounted Defense [TOTG p.127], Powerful Charge [Core p.87], Skill Focus (Ride, Use the Force) [Core p.88], Trample [TUR p.28], Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained skills Initiative +14, Knowledge (life sciences) +15, Perception +14 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Persuasion +9 (may Use the Force +19 to change the attitude of a beast instead), Ride +19 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Stealth +14, Survival +14, Treat Injury +14, Use the Force +19 Untrained skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Deception +9, Endurance +7, Gather Information +9, Jump +7, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +10, Knowledge (galactic lore) +10, Knowledge (physical sciences) +10, Knowledge (social sciences) +10, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Knowledge (technology) +10, Mechanics +10, Pilot +9, Swim +7, Use Computer +10 Possessions quarterstaff

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Beastwarden Tactics without a mount: Before combat: -no action: Whenever you encounter a beast with an unfriendly attitude toward you, you automatically shift its attitude to indifferent (no skill check required). -swift: make a UtF check to touch the mind of a beast within 12sq with an indifferent or better attitude toward you. When you do so, the beast makes an immediate active Perception check, and you are considered to perceive everything that the beast does, including noticing targets, as though you had made the check. Round 1: -standard: Beast Trick, use Mind Trick to cause a beast to attack OR -full-round: Beast Trick, use Mind Trick to cause all beasts in a 6sq-cone to attack OR -standard: Improved Force Stun, your successful Force stun also temporarily immobilizes the target for one round -reaction: spend a FP to regain spent power, such as Mind Trick or Force Stun Tactics while riding a mount: Round 1: -no action: Bonded Mount, your mount uses your Reflex Defense and Will Defense instead of its own. Additionally, if your mount has any special senses (such as scent, darkvision, or low-light vision) that you do not possess, you gain the benefits of its special senses -move: move into position -swift: Mounted Combat, if necessary, make DC 20 Ride check increase mount’s speed by 2sq; if the check fails, your mount’s speed does not increase and it moves -1 step on the condition track. -standard: Powerful Charge + Momentum Strike, gain +4 attack (and -2 Ref) and deal additional +1/2 damage. Add a +1 die of damage to any melee attacks if your mount has already moved at least its speed this turn. -free: Trample: while charging, make a single melee attack and compare the result to the Ref of each enemy whose square you charge through. Each enemy hit by the attack takes claw, gore, or slam damage from the mount’s natural weapons plus the mount’s Strength modifier -reaction: Mounted Combat, once per round negate a weapon hit against either you or the mount by making a successful Ride check vs. attack roll -no action: Mounted Defense, once per encounter, redirect any attack against you at your mount Round 2: -swift: Swift Attack Mount, once per encounter, the mount you are riding can make an attack as a swift action instead of as a standard action. -standard: attack -reactions: same as above

Charal, Witch-Queen of Endor CL 9 Middle-Aged, Female Nightsister (Noble 7, Force Adept 1) Force Points 34 Dark Side 16 Init +8; Senses Perception +12, Farseeing Languages Basic, Bocce, Sanyassin, High Galactic, Ewokese, Yuzzum Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 20), Fort 20, Will 28, Force Talisman (increases Will defense by +1), Rebuke x2 hp 44; Threshold 20 Speed 6 squares Melee unarmed +4 (1d4+4) Ranged blaster pistol +4 (3d6+4) Base Atk +5; Grap +4 Atk Options Force Stun, Adept Spellcaster Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 18 Talents Presence, Adept Spellcaster, Dark Presense, Flight, Force Talisman (increases Will defense by +1) Feats Force Sensitive, Linguist, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons), Force Boon, Force Training (x2), Skill Foci (Use the Force, Persuasion & Deception) Force Powers Farseeing, Force Stun, Mind Trick (x3), Negate Energy, Rebuke (x2) Skills Deception +18, Gather Information +13, Initiative + 8, Knowledge (galactic lore) +11, Perception +12, Persuasion +18, Ride (H) +13, Treat Injury +12, Use the Force +18 Possessions Force Talisman ring: aside from granting Charal a +1 to Will Defense, per her Force Talisman Talent, Charal's ring is imbued with the ability to allow her to shapeshift into a raven once per day. Charal gains the bonuses, penalties, unarmed damage, STR score and carrying capacity of the raven (a small creature) when in that form. Charal may remain shapeshifted indefinitely, provided the ring is intact and on her finger, but reverts to her original form if killed. If the ring is destroyed or taken from her finger, she is trapped in raven form until she reacquires the ring (if it is not destroyed) or dies. Charal does not gain the mental traits, ability bonuses, mental powers, feats, skills or psychological limitations of a raven when in that form. Her flight in raven form is limited by all the terms and conditions of her Flight talent.

The Nightsister Charal in Magical Disguise

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Maleling Lizard Keeper The burly Lizard Keepers are slaves of the Nightsister Zalem. They are assigned to cut off the paws of the native lizards, the Kwi, degenerated descendants of the ancient Kwa, to gain entrance to the Infinity Gate. Not every maleling slave can hope to earn a promotion to this dangerous station. Maleling Lizard Keeper CL 3 Medium Dathomiri (near-Human) nonheroic 9 Init +10; Senses Perception +9 Languages Zabrak, Basic Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 15), Fort 10, Will 10 hp 22; Threshold 10 Speed 6 squares Melee Unarmed +7 (1d6+1) Melee Force Pike +8 (1d8+1) Melee (2 Swift Actions + 1 Standard) Force Pike +8 (2d8+1) with Mighty Swing Ranged as weapon +7 Base Atk +6; Grp +7 Abilities Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10 Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Weapon Focus (advanced melee weapons), Martial Arts I, Mighty Swing, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple weapons, advanced melee weapons) Primary Skills Initiative +10, Perception +9 Secondary Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +5, Deception +4, Endurance +4, Gather Information +4, Jump +5, Knowledge +4, Mechanics +4, Persuasion +4, Pilot +5, Ride +5, Stealth +5, Survival +4, Swim +5, Treat Injury +4, Possessions Force Pike, combat jumpsuit (+4 Ref), unarmed +7 (1d4+1)*ignore -5 penalty for shooting into melee NOTE: All attack entries include Point Blank Shot, that is, +1 attack and +1 damage within 20 squares

Maleling Nightbrother

The Nightbrothers are a tribal group of Dathomirian men subservient to the Nightsisters. The Nightbrothers spend most of their lives training in their village, learning to fight with axes, daggers, and spears, or even their bare hands. They often have some latent Force-sensitivity, which sometimes can be developed if the potential is there.

Every so often, the Nightsister Queen or Mother hand picks a Nightbrother with exceptional skill. This skill is refined into a deadly warrior with the traditional double-bladed Zabrak ceremonial weapon: the Zhaboka. These warriors, when finally trained, serve as guards for the Queen or Mother. It is rumored that Darth Maul trained with the Zhaboka, which enabled him to be a master of the double-bladed lightsaber. Maleling Nightbrother CL 1 Medium Zabrak Male nonheroic 3 Dark Side 5 Init +6; Senses heightened awareness; Perception +6 Languages Basic, Zabrak Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 11 hp 7; Threshold 11 Speed 6 squares Melee axe or spear +4 (1d8+1) or Melee axe or spear +4 (1d8+2) with both hands or Melee knife +4 (1d4+1) or Melee unarmed +4 (1d4+1) Ranged thrown axe or spear +2 (1d8+1) Base Atk +2; Grp +3 Abilities Str 12, Dex 11, Con 11, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 10 Feats Force Sensitivity, Skill Training (Endurance, Perception), Weapon Focus (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) Trained skills Endurance +6, Initiative +6, Perception +6 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse) Untrained skills Acrobatics +1, Climb +2, Deception +1, Gather Information +1, Jump +2, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +0, Knowledge (galactic lore) +0, Knowledge (life sciences) +0, Knowledge (physical sciences) +0, Knowledge (social sciences) +0, Knowledge (tactics) +0, Knowledge (technology) +0, Mechanics +0, Persuasion +1, Pilot +1, Ride +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Swim +2, Treat Injury +1, Use Computer +0, Use the Force +1 Possessions axe or spear, knife

" Instead, I will make you and your fellow slave Lizard Keepers. It's dangerous work — the Kwi object to their limbs being severed. " ―Zalem to Quinlan Vos

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Maleling Nightbrother, Elite CL 7 Medium Zabrak soldier 7 Force 3; Dark Side 10 Init +11; Senses heightened awareness; Perception +8 Languages Basic, Zabrak Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 19), Fort 21, Will 18; Warrior’s Determination [TUR p.23] hp 70; second wind +17/35 and move + 1 CT and remove one fear effect or mind-affecting effect; Threshold 21 Speed 6 squares Melee zhaboka* +10 (3d6+9) with Rapid Strike or Melee zhaboka** +8/+8 (3d6+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery and Rapid Strike or **you may spend a FP to make a full attack as a standard action instead of full-round **if you hit a single target with two consecutive melee attacks, any additional melee attacks you make until the end of your next turn (including attacks of opportunity and attacks made as reactions) deal +1 die of damage on a hit. *1/enc, when you damage a creature that beats damage threshold, you can make a Disarm Attack (CR page 152) against that target. Disarm: Make melee attack at –10 (if opponent is holding weapon in more than 1 hand, attack at –15). If successful, weapon drops in opponent’s space. If disarm fails, opponent can make an immediate free attack against you. *1/enc, increase your damage by 2 for every 5 points by which your attack roll exceeds your target’s Reflex Defense Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+6) or Melee unarmed +8/+8 (1d4+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery or Melee unarmed +8 (2d4+6) with Rapid Strike or Melee unarmed +6/+6 (2d4+6) with Dual Weapon Mastery and Rapid Strike or Melee fire blade +10 (2d4+6) or Melee fire blade +8 (3d4+6) with Rapid Strike Ranged by weapon +10 Base Atk +7; Grp +10 Atk Options Assault [Core p.82], Attack Combo (Melee) [LECG p.34], Dual Weapon Mastery, Rapid Strike [Core p.88] Special Actions Champion [TUR p.23], Quick Study [TUR p.23], Warrior’s Awareness [TUR p.23] Abilities Str 16, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8 Talents Champion [TUR p.23], Quick Study [TUR p.23], Warrior’s Awareness [TUR p.23], Warrior’s Determination [TUR p.23] Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium) [Core p.82], Assault [Core p.82], Attack Combo (Melee) [LECG p.34], Dual Weapon Mastery I [Core p.84], Dual Weapon Mastery II [Core p.84], Exotic Weapon Proficiency (zhaboka)* [Core p.84], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Rapid Strike [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained skills Initiative +11, Perception +8 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Use the Force +7 Untrained skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Deception +2, Endurance +4, Gather Information +2, Jump +6, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +3, Knowledge (galactic lore) +3, Knowledge (life sciences) +3, Knowledge (physical sciences) +3, Knowledge (social sciences) +3, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Knowledge (technology) +3, Mechanics +3, Persuasion +2, Pilot +6, Ride +6, Stealth +6, Survival +3, Swim +6, Treat Injury +3, Use Computer +3 Possessions fire blade, zhaboka * Soldier starting feat replacement: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (zhaboka) instead of Weapon Proficiency (pistols and rifles)

Tactics: -move: move into melee range or -standard: charge or attack or spend a FP to attack with 2 attacks -no action: 1/enc, if an enemy attacks you using a non-Force-related talent, you can use the same talent against it on your next turn. You must use an appropriate weapon or item, if required by the talent, although you do not have to have the prerequisites. You can take this action even if your enemy’s attack misses you. -reaction: Warrior's Determination, 1/enc, ignore one non Force-related effect, talent, skill, or ability that exceeds your Will Defense. If you spend a FP, you can ignore one mind-affecting effect, even if it is the result of a Force power, technique, or secret.

" A warrior's true strength lies not in muscle, but in anger." ― Mother Talzin of the Nightsisters

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Mother Kirella

Kirella began llife a member of a light-side witch clan on Dathomir, but was ultimately exiled by her clan mother for unremittingly ―conceding to evil.‖ Taken in by a rival Nightsister clan, Kirella rose in time to become Mother of her Nightsister Clan. Taking many Nightsister Hunters with her, she returned to exact revenge on her own clan by having them and the Clan Mother mercilessly slaughtered at the hands of her Hunters. Mother Kirella CL 12 Medium Human Female Noble 3 / Jedi 4 / Force Adept 2 / Crime Lord 3 Initiative +13; Perception +12 Force Points 8, Darkside Points 18 Defenses Ref 25, Fort 24, Will 30 HP 75 (Threshold 26) Speed 6 squares Melee Lightsaber +8 (2d8+5) Ranged Spear +9 (1d8+4) Base Attack +9; Grp +10 Force Powers Battle Strike, Dark Rage, Force Grip, Surge x2, Force Lingtining x2, Force Slam, Force Storm, Mind Trick, Move Objects x2, Negate Energy, Rebuke x2 Force Technique Improved Force Storm Abilities Str 8 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 13 Wis 18 Cha 17 Talents Connections, Charm Beast, Command Beast, Adept Spellcaster, Soothing Presence, Flight, Inspire Fear I and II Feats: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Mounted Combat, Force Training, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Training (lightsaber), Skill Focus (Ride) Force Training, Force Boom Skills Deception +14, Initiative +12, Knowledge (social sciences) +12, (tactics) +12, Persuation +14, Use the Force +19, Ride +17, Stealth +12 Possessions Nightsister robes

Mother Talzin Mother Talzin was the Dathomirian leader of a Nightsister coven of witches during the Clone Wars. The coven was located at a village on the planet of Dathomir. Shown to be incredibly powerful and mysterious, Mother Talzin's voice has an eerie echo as a signature to her devotion to the Dark-Side.

She is influential enough that she is given great respect even from Darth Sidious and Count Dooku. Mother Talzin CL 20 Medium Human (old) noble 3/scout 4/Force adept 8/Force disciple 5 Dark Side 19 Init +10; Senses Use the Force +22 Languages Basic, Sith, Zabrak, 3 unassigned Defenses Ref 33 (flat-footed 33), Fort 33, Will 40 hp 100; second wind +25/50; Threshold 33 Immune mind-affecting effects, +5 to Fortitude and Will Defense against any Use the Force checks Speed 6 squares Melee by weapon +14 Ranged by weapon +14 Base Atk +14; Grp +14 Special Actions Adept Spellcaster, Dark Side Savant 1/encounter, Flight, Greater Dark Side Talisman, Power of the Dark Side, Swift Power Force Powers Known (Use The Force +22) cloak, corruption, dark transfer, farseeing, fear, Force lightning (2), Force storm, levitate, mind trick, move object, phase, rebuke, rend, wound Force Regimens Known (Use The Force +22) Awaken Force Sensitivity, Eyes of the Force, Oxygen Bottle, Quiet the Mind, Telekinetic Practice Force Techniques Dominate Mind, Force Point Recovery, Improved Dark Transfer, Improved Levitate Force Secrets Corrupted Power, Extend Power, Mentor, Quicken Power Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 15 Special Qualities Bad Feeling, Natural Leader (organization scale 12), prophet Talents Adept Spellcaster, Dark Side Savant, Dark Side Talisman, Flight, Force Perception, Greater Dark Side Talisman, Mystic Mastery, Power of the Dark Side, Regimen Aptitude, Swift Power, Visions Feats Bad Feeling, Cornered, Force Regimen Mastery, Force Sensitivity, Force Training (3), Linguist, Natural Leader, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Unstoppable Force, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, simple) Skills Deception +17, Gather Information +17, Perception +14 (may Use the Force +22 instead), Persuasion +17, Stealth +15, Survival +19, Treat Injury +19, Use the Force +22 (may reroll as a full-round action but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse; +27 to perform a Force regimen) Possessions Nightsister robes

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Nightsister Hunter

The Nightsister Hunters are elite warriors and the special agents of the Nightsisters, whose specialty is to follow blood trails to track their unfortunate victims. They wear red robes and hoods as a distinctive sign,

as well as black wrist wraps to protect them from the plasma string of their energy bows. Those amongst the Hunters who serve as darkside mercenaries are expected to supply their coven with nine credits from every ten they earned, so they could continue outfitting them with the required equipment. They are trained in a variety of weapons, including the deadly Energy Bow.

Nightsister Hunter CL 3 Medium near-Human (Dathomiri) Female nonheroic 6/soldier 1 Force 2; Dark Side 10 Init +9; Senses heightened awareness; Perception +10 Languages Basic, Paecian, Zabrak Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12), Fort 13, Will 13 hp 20; second wind +10/10; Threshold 13 Speed 6 squares Melee fire blade +6 (2d4+1) or Melee unarmed +6 (1d4+1) Ranged Energy Bow* +7 (3d8+2) *includes point blank shot (within 20sq) Base Atk +5; Grp +6 Atk Options Point Blank Shot [Core p.87] Special Actions Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +14) battle strike (2) [Core p.96], Force track [JATM p.26] Abilities Str 13, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 Talents Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Point Blank Shot [Core p.87], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training (Survival) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained skills Initiative +9, Perception +10 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Survival +10, Use the Force +14 Possessions Energy Bow, fire blade, red robes and hoods, black wrist wraps Tactics: -swift: Battle Strike -standard: Energy Bow -free: when spending a FP to enhance your attack, roll 2d6 instead of 1d6 and take the highest.

Nightsister Shaman In the Dathomiri witches' culture, the Nightsister shaman was an elder Sister who was thought to have access to, and influence in, the world of the spirits. They worshipped the nature's balance and interpreted the nature of the dark side of the Force from a specific religious and cultural point of view. Medium Human nonheroic 3/scout 3/noble 1/force adept 2 Nightsister Shaman CL 7 Force 5; Dark Side 5 Init +4; Senses Perception +11 Languages Basic + 3 Defenses Ref 19 (FF 19), Fort 20, Will 25 HP 37; Threshold 20 Speed 6 squares Melee Quarterstaff +4 (1d6+2) Ranged Weapon +5 BAB +5 Grp +5 Special Actions Damage Reduction, Equilibrium, Force Focus, Force Treatment, Shake It Off Force Powers (UTF +11): Affect Mind x2, Farseeing x2, Move Object x2, Rebuke, Vital Transfer x2 Force Techniques Improved Sense Force Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14. Talents Damage Reduction, Equilibrium, Force Focus, Force Treatment Feats Force Sensitive x3, Force Training, Improved Defenses (H), Linguist, Shake It Off, Skill Training (survival, use the force), WP (simple) Skills Endurance +10, Perception +11, Persuasion +11(H), Survival +10, Use the Force +11 Possessions Robes, Quarterstaff

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Nightsister Warrior Nightsister Warriors are combatants, trained to use swords and Chain Sickles, which they can whirl around their bodies with deadly force. They call on the Dark side of the Force to fuel their power. They often serve as bodyguards to the Mother of their clan. For variety, the members of a group of Nightsister Warriors may each wield a different weapon, some with Chain Sickles, and some with Nightsister Daggers. Nightsister Warrior CL 6 Medium near-Human (Dathomiri) Female Jedi 1/soldier 5 Force 3; Dark Side 12 Init +9; Senses heightened awareness; Perception +4 Languages Basic, Paecian, Zabrak Defenses Ref 18 (flat-footed 17), Fort 18, Will 18 Defenses with Dark Presence Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 19 (& Threshold 19), Will 19 Defenses with Consumed by Darkness Will 13 hp 57; second wind +14/28; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee Chain Sickle +9 (2d4+7; Reach 2) with both hands or Melee short sword +9 (1d6+5) or Melee unarmed +9 (1d4+5) Ranged by weapon +7 Base Atk +6; Grp +8 Atk Options Melee Defense [Core p.86], Power Attack [Core p.87], Whirlwind Attack [Core p.89] Special Actions Consumed by Darkness [CWCG p.53], Dark Presence [Core p.101], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101], Revenge [Core p.101] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +14) dark rage (2) [Core p.96] Abilities Str 14, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 13 Talents Consumed by Darkness [CWCG p.53], Dark Presence [Core p.101], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101], Revenge [Core p.101] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Melee Defense [Core p.86], Power Attack [Core p.87], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Weapon Focus (simple weapons) [Core p.89], Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, simple weapons) [Core p.89], Whirlwind Attack [Core p.89] Trained skills Acrobatics +9, Initiative +9, Use the Force +14 Untrained skills Climb +5, Deception +4, Endurance +3, Gather Information +4, Jump +5, Knowledge +4, Mechanics +4, Perception +4 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Persuasion +4, Pilot +4, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Swim +5, Treat Injury +4, Use Computer +4 Possessions Chain Sickle (2d4 Slashing or Piercing, Reach 2), short sword Whirlwind Attack Tactics: Round 1: -Swift: Dark Rage, may spend a FP to make effects last until end of enounter, but can’t use skills that require concentration (such as UtF) -Move: move into melee range of many opponents as possible, use Tumble if necessary to tumble through threatened spaces -Move: move again or Standard: Dark Presence, grant yourself and all allies within 6 squares +1 Force bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

Round 2: -full-round: Whirlwind Attack; Chain Sickle has a reach of 2sq Regular Attack Tactics: -Swift: Dark Rage, may spend a FP to make effects last until end of enounter, but can’t use skills that require concentration (such as UtF) -Swift: take a -5 penalty to Will to gain a +2 Force bonus on attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn. -Standard: attack or charge

Reignna "Nightshade" Bloodreaper Nightshade is great Nightsister warrior who has been sent out to locate and kidnap a very powerfully gifted Force-Sensitive little girl by the name of Morganna Starchild who happens to live on another planet. Nightshade is a powerful force adept and is lethally equal with her dual weapon the bloodreaper, a dual ended staff that ends witha vibro-ax on one end and a forcepike on the other. The forcepike end is used primarily to "cattle prod" stubborn or lazy slaves and the menacing vibro-ax end is used to decapitate disobediant slaves or to quickly dismember a worthy foe. She is a Master of Dual Weapon Fighting and a Master at Martial Arts. Nightshade speaks very little as her actions speak loader then words. She is both Silent and Deadly deep down to her core. Ruthless, Relentless, and Bloodthirsty to her last breath. Reignna "Nightshade" Bloodreaper CL 17 Medium human jedi 7/ force adept 9/ jedi knight 1 Force Points 14; Darkside Points 17; Destiny 17 Init +16; Senses Use the Force +17 Languages Basic, Bocce Defenses Ref 35 (29 flat-footed), Fort 30, Will 34 hp 157; Threshold 30 Speed 6 Melee unarmed +13 (1d10+7) Melee bloodreaper +17 (2d10+7)ax or (2d8+7)pike or Melee bloodreaper +17/ +17 (3d10+7)ax and (2d8+7)pike with Dual Weapon Mastery III or Melee bloodreaper +12/+12/+12 (3d10+7)ax and (2d8+7)pike with Dual Weapon Master and Double Attack or Melee bloodreaper +7/+7/+7/+7 (3d10+7)ax and (2d8+7)pike with Dual Weapon Master and Triple Attack Base Atk +14; Grp +16 Atk Options Martial Arts III, Dual Weapon Mastery III, Double Attack, Triple Attack, Severing Strike, Attune Weapon, Empower Weapon Abilities Str 9, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 18 Talents Clear Mind, Power of the Darkside, Swift Power, Adept Spellcaster, Attune Weapon, Empower Weapon, Channel Aggression, Channel Anger, Flight, Severing Strike Feats Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bloodreaper), Force Sensitive, Weapon Finesse, Dual Weapon Mastery I, II, & III, Martial Arts I, II, & III, Force Training (Force Lightning, Dark Rage, Battle Strike, Negate Energy), Double Attack, Triple Attack Skills Acrobatics +16, Initiative +16, Use the Force +17 Possessions bloodreaper (a dual weapon staff with a "vibro-ax" on one end and a "force-pike" on the other)

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Saato Mistress Saato was another of Count Dooku’s many Dark Side minions, likely a member of Dathomir Nightsister Sai Sircu and Yansu Grjak’s cabal. Almost one year into the Clone Wars, Saato was put in charge of an operation on Tatooine, supervising Jabba the Hutt, who was smuggling construction materials and Cortosis to a Techno Union factory on Metalorn. She also retained the deadly mercenary and bounty hunter, Aurra Sing. When she became aware that local moisture farmer Raala Ponchar had discovered the operation, Saato quickly captured her for

questioning. Unfortunately, the girl had already sent out a message, and the Jedi Order sent Anakin Skywalker to investigate. While Saato had dispatched Aurra Sing to deal with the Jedi interloper, Skywalker’s investigation soon brought him to Jabba’s doorstep. Saato ambushed him and knocked him out, and then locked him in Jabba’s dungeon alongside Raala Ponchar. Saato underestimated the Padawan, though, and Anakin managed to escape on a stolen skiff. Saato was too late to stop Skywalker from stealing a skiff, but managed to give chase over the Dune Sea. Saato was eventually able to shoot him down near the Great Sarlacc Pit. The two dueled briefly, but Skywalker proved much more powerful, and killed Mistress Saato by pushing her into the Pit of Carkoon. Saato CL 7 Medium Human Female Scout 7 Force 8; Dark Side 12 Init +10; Senses Perception +9 Languages Basic, Huttese Defenses Ref 22 (flat-footed 19), Fort 18, Will 18; Dodge Hp 48; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee short lightsaber +7 (2d6+4) or Melee short lightsaber +2 (2d6+4) and short lightsaber +2 (2d6+4) or Melee unarmed +7 (1d6+4) or Ranged by weapon +7 Base Atk +5, Grp +7 Atk Options Power of the Dark Side Special Actions Adept Spellcaster Force Powers Known (Use the Force +9): battle strike, Force grip Abilities Str 13, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14 Talents Adept Spellcaster, Charm Beast, Command Beast, Power of the Dark Side Feats Dodge, Dual Weapon Mastery I, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) Skills Initiative +10, Jump +9, Perception +9, Pilot +10, Ride +10, Stealth +10, Use the Force +9 Possessions comlink, short lightsabers (2) (self-built)

Shadow Killer A shadow killer was an elite Nightsister assassin from Dathomir. They carried weapons that were silent and easy to conceal, such as daggers and darts dripped in poison. They also wore black wraps and mystical cloaks that helped them blend in with the dark and rendered them nearly invisible. Shamans of the Nightsisters such as Talzin could summon a mist that allowed these killers to walk midway between the physical realm and the spirit realm. In 21 BBY, Clan Mother Talzin allowed Asajj Ventress to use the Shadow Killers' mist so that she could have revenge against her former master, Count Dooku, with the help of two of the coven's finest warriors, Karis and Naa'leth. She also provided Ventress with the poisoned dart of the assassins. According to Galactic Emperor Palpatine, the stealth skills of the shadow killers could easily rival those of the Defels agents. The title of ―Dagger‖ was bestowed upon a Clan Mother's personal assassin. Mother Gethzerion was known to have chosen an offworlder as her Dagger at some point during the Galactic Civil War.

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Shadow Killer (Nightsister) CL 16 Medium near-Human (Dathomiri) Female scout 1/Jedi 1/soldier 1/scoundrel 5/Force adept 8 Force 10; Dark Side 14 Init +17; Senses heightened awareness, Improved Sense Surroundings; Perception +15 Languages Basic, Paecian Defenses Ref 32 (flat-footed 28), Fort 29, Will 32 Defenses with Desperate Gambit Ref 30 (flat-footed 26) hp 104; second wind +26/52, +1d6 hp per FP; Threshold 29 Speed 6 squares Melee Sith Alchemical short sword** +14 (2d6+10) or Melee Sith Alchemical short sword** +12 (3d6+10) with Rapid Strike or Ranged darter* +16 (10 dmg), includes point blank shot (within 20sq) or *against flat-footed or Dex-denied enemies: gain +2 attack bonus and move target -1 CT if hit, may spend a FP to deal +8d6 dmg *may reroll a missed attack at a -2 Ref penalty (-5 if rerolling a natural 1) *whenever you score a critical hit, you may spend a FP to reduce the target's speed by half until he is restored to maximum hp **may spend a FP to add +14 dmg Melee unarmed* +13 (1d4+10) or Melee unarmed* +11 (2d4+10) with Rapid Strike Base Atk +11; Grp +15 Atk Options Channel Aggression [Core p.213], Crippling Strike [Core p.213], Cunning Attack [TFU p.33], Dastardly Strike [Core p.46], Deceptive Drop [SAV p.21], Desperate Gambit [SAV p.21], Fatal Hit [LECG p.36], Point Blank Shot [Core p.87], Rapid Strike [Core p.88] Special Actions Attune Weapon [Core p.214], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Equilibrium [Core p.101], Force Recovery [Core p.101], Malkite Techniques [TOTG p.13], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +18) blind (2) [JATM p.24], dark rage (may take 10 even when distracted or threatened) [Core p.96] Force Techniques Extended Blind [JATM p.36], Force Power Mastery (dark rage) [Core p.102], Improved Dark Rage [TFU p.88], Improved Sense Surroundings [Core p.103] Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10 Special Qualities build lightsaber Talents Attune Weapon [Core p.214], Channel Aggression (8d6) [Core p.213], Crippling Strike [Core p.213], Dastardly Strike [Core p.46], Empower Weapon [Core p.214], Equilibrium [Core p.101], Force Recovery [Core p.101], Malkite Techniques [TOTG p.13], Numbing Poison [TOTG p.13], Power of the Dark Side [Core p.101] Feats Armor Proficiency (light) [Core p.82], Cunning Attack [TFU p.33], Deceptive Drop [SAV p.21], Desperate Gambit [SAV p.21], Fatal Hit [LECG p.36], Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Point Blank Shot [Core p.87], Rapid Strike [Core p.88], Skill Focus (Stealth, Use the Force) [Core p.88], Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons) [Core p.89] skills Acrobatics +17, Initiative +17, Perception +15 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Stealth +22, Survival +15, Use the Force +18 Possessions darter, shadow cloak (as stealth field generator, but grants total concealment), Sith Alchemical short sword (Lightsabers do not ignore DR for this weapon; can spend FP as swift action to gain bonus +14 damage equal to dark side score).

Shadow Killer Tactics: Before Combat: -swift: shadow cloak, swift to activate; grants total concealment until wearer attacks or takes damage -standard: Malkite Techniques , 1/enc apply a toxin to darter or short sword. If an attack roll with that weapon also exceeds the target's Fort, that target is poisoned. Each round on the creature's turn, the poison makes an attack roll (1d20+16) against the target's Fort. If the attack succeeds, the target takes 1d6+8 dmg and moves -1 CT. A target moved to the end of the condition track by the poison is unconscious but continues to take damage as long as the poison continues to attack. The poison attacks each round until it misses or until the victim is cured with a Treat Injury check (DC 26). Any target you poison is automatically denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense for as long as it remains poisoned. Surprise Round: -standard: charge at foe. If you damage a flat-footed target, that target is also knocked prone if your attack roll also exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense. The target adds its size modifier to its Fortitude Defense: Colossal, +50; Gargantuan, +20; Huge, +10; Large, +5; Medium and smaller, +0. Spend a FP to deal +8d6 damage Round 1: -swift: Dark Rage (for melee attacks only, doesn’t work with Darter); can take 10 to gain max bonus; may spend a FP* to make effects last until end of enounter, but can’t use skills that require concentration (such as UtF). Don’t spend the FP if you plan to use Blind to make an opponent flat-footed. -standard: attack, apply flat-footed or Dex-denied bonuses (see statblock above) Other options: -swift: Blind, UtF vs. Ref to make target flat-footed and gain concealment for 1 round -swift: Equilibrium, spend a FP* to remove all debilitating and persistent conditions (including poison and disease) and return to the top of the CT. -swift: second wind, grants *note: can only spend 1 FP per round

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Sister of the Voritor Sisters of the Voritor were tasked to guard the borders of Nightsister lands on Dathomir. They kept voritor lizard as pets and helpers and are also deadly rancor riders, spear fighters. They are able to blast their opponents with Force Blast. Sister of the Voritor (Nightsister) CL 4 Medium Human Female nonheroic 3/soldier 3 Force 2; Dark Side 14 Init +9; Senses Perception +10 Languages Basic, Paecian Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 14), Fort 15, Will 15; Mounted Defense [TOTG p.127] hp 24; second wind +10/12; Threshold 15 Speed 6 squares Melee spear +8 (1d8+3) or Melee spear +8 (1d8+5) with both hands or Melee unarmed +8 (1d4+3) Ranged spear +7 (1d8+3) Base Atk +5; Grp +7 Atk Options Trample [TUR p.28] Force Powers Known (Use The Force +14) dark rage [Core p.96], Force blast (2) [TFU p.86] Abilities Str 15, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12 Talents Charm Beast [Core p.107], Command Beast [Core p.107] Feats Force Sensitivity [Core p.85], Force Training [Core p.85], Mounted Defense [TOTG p.127], Skill Focus (Use the Force) [Core p.88], Skill Training (Initiative, Use the Force) [Core p.88], Trample [TUR p.28], Weapon Focus (simple weapons) [Core p.89], Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) [Core p.89] Trained Skills Initiative +9, Perception +10, Ride +9, Survival +10, Use the Force +14 Possessions 3 spears, Voritor Lizard mount

USING MOUNTS IN COMBAT Riding a beast in combat is much like riding a speeder bike or another vehicle. The beast uses the rider's actions, such as a move action to move up to its speed, or a standard action to use its natural weapons, or 3 swift actions to allow the mount to move up the condition track with the recover action. For the most part, the mount is treated as being under the rider's control, especially if the creature has been trained for battle. Obviously, being trained in Ride helps maximize the benefit of using a live mount in battle. Typically, a mount has better speed than its rider, or it possesses a means of travel that its rider does not, such as exceptional climbing ability or flight. Like vehicles, mounts can take advantage of certain feats that the rider possesses, such as Dodge, Mobility, Powerful Charge, and Running Attack, in addition to the Momentum Strike and Mounted Defense feats found on page 127 of Threats of the Galaxy.

"Never serve the Nightsisters, children. They'll treat you badly, as if you were mere slaves. Their taste is foul, so it is best to crush them. If you cannot crush them, then escape from them, for you can continue to serve the good Witches, and hope to crush the Nightsisters another day." ― The rancor Tosh, in a narrative to his herd- mates

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Native Beasts Artery worm

The artery worm was a tiny, vicious worm native to Dathomir. During the time of the Galactic Republic, artery worms were a torture method favored by the Nightsisters of Dathomir. The torture involved force-feeding or injecting the victim with liquid containing artery worms. When ingested, an

artery worm would burrow through its host's veins, "turning them to molten fire" (according to the Witches) as it digested them. A Nightsister would survive after a day of torture; but others would die, unless they were given a potion containing witch blood, which would rid the victim of the worms, provided the creatures hadn't reached their heart.

Artery Worm Fine beast 1 Init +5; Senses Perception +1 Defenses Ref 25 (Flat-footed 20), Fort 11, Will 11 hp 9; Threshold 11 Speed 6 squares Melee bite +3 (1d2-2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 0 squares Base Atk +0; Grp -1 Atk Options Vein Attack Abilities Str 4, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10 Special Qualities Vein attack Feats Weapon Finesse (bite) Skills Acrobatics +10, Stealth +25 Vein Attack—With a full attack action, an artery worm in the same square as its target can crawl into a victim's nose and try to burrow through its target’s veins. Doing so requires a melee attack and deals 3d6 damage.

Bane Back Spider

The Bane Back spider was a huge arachnid predator native to the planet Dathomir. At least three were known to have been seen near the Spider Clan Cave. Its carapace was known to have been used as a trophy.

Bane Back Spider CL 7 Huge Beast 7 Init + 3 Senses Low-light vision; Perception +4 (may reroll, must take second) Defenses Ref 15 (flat 15) Fort 24 Will 11 hp 96 Threshold 34 Speed 6 sq Melee Claw +15 (1d8+10 plus poison) Melee Bite + 15 (2d6+10) Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 sq Base Atk +5; Grapple +25 Atk Options Pin, Crush, Poison Abilities STR 26, DEX 10, CON 24, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 10 Feats Pin, Crush, Skill Focus (Climb) Skills Climb +8 Poison- If the Bane Back Spider's claw attack deals damage to a living target, the target is poisoned. The poison makes an attack (1d20+10) against the target's Fort defense. If the attack is successful, the target moves down -1 step on the condition track. If the target moves to the bottom, it is paralyzed instead of unconscious. The poison attacks at the beginning of each round on the target's turn and can be removed with a DC 15 Treat Injury check.

Baz Nitch The Baz nitch was a species of short, bipedal fowl that lived on the remote world of Dathomir that gathered in packs. Though usually docile, they could suddenly become temperamental and very aggressive when agitated. Their physiology was very similar to that of a nuna, with the exception of two long head protuberances, and four smaller ones.

They also had a proboscis and eye stalks.

Baz Nitch CL 3 Small Flightless Avian Beast 4 Init +0; Senses: Perception +3, Low-light Vision Defences Ref 9 (Flat-footed 9), Fort 11, Will 11; Dodge, Mobility HP 22; Threshold 11 Speed 4 squares Melee Talons +2 (1d4+1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +2 Abilities Str 8, Dex 8, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Running Attack Skills: Acrobatics +5, Initiative +0 (may reroll, must keep second) Hard to Catch - Baz nitches receive Dodge as a Bonus Feat.

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Bolle bol

Bolle bol were tall, quadrupedal saurians with hooves, thick hides, long necks and two downward-curving horns atop their pates. They dwelled in the forests of Dathomir, but may have been brought there from off-world. Bolle bol could also be found on Naboo and Endor.

Bolle bol were typically docile creatures, preferring the leafy diet of an herbivore, though they were sometimes known to eat insects as well. To this end, they used their long necks to reach the topmost boughs of Dathomir’s trees to eat from the highest branches – bathed in what little pale light Dathomir received from its sun, and whatever sunbathing insects dwelled therein.

Bolle Bol CL 2 Large beast 3 Init -2; Senses Perception +0 Defenses 10 (FF 10), Fort 22, Will 9 hp 55; Threshold 32 Speed 6 sq. Melee gore +6 (1d10 +5) Fighting Space 4x4; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +2; Grp +15 Abilities Str 27, Dex 4, Con 34, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 3 Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Toughness Skills Survival +5


Bolma were reptiles that lived on Dathomir. They grazed in herds. Generally they were docile beasts, but elder males could be aggressive. Their physiology was almost exactly like a dewback,

save two short shoulder spikes, and stubby eye stalks. They were also found on Endor.

Bolma CL 2 Large beast 3 Init +0; Senses scent; Perception +0 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 18, Will 9 hp 43; Threshold 28 Speed 6 squares Melee Gore +6 (1d8+5 piercing) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 squares Base Atk +2; Grp +11 Abilities Str 19, Dex 8, Con 26, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 3 Feat Improved Damage Threshold, Toughness Skills Survival +5 Bull Rage- If females or young are threatened, male bolmas gain +2 to melee attack and damage rolls, Fortitude and Will Defenses but -2 to Reflex Defense for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the creatures Constitution modifier (i.e. 9 rounds).


Brackaset were docile mount beasts that lived on Dathomir. They had an almost identical appearance to the falumpaset of Naboo. However, they are distinctly separated as a species for their skin folds that resembled armored plating.

Brackaset CL 3 Medium beast 4 Init +5; Senses Perception +9 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12 hp 22; Threshold 11 Speed 8 squares Melee bite +5 (1d6+4) Base Atk +3; Grp +6 Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 8 Feats Powerful Charge, Skill Training (Perception) Skills Stealth +10, Perception +9

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Burra Fish (swarm) Burra fish are a type of predatory, carnivorous fish native to the waters of Dathomir. They are characterized by a tall, peaked head from which their narrow fins protrude, large lower mandibles set beneath bioluminescent blue eyes, and ventral tendrils or feelers. They could be dangerous is a swarm or ―school.‖

Burra Fish Swarm CL 3 Tiny beast Swarm 3 Init +5; Senses Perception -1, Darkvision Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 8, Will 8 hp 22; Threshold 18 Immune drowning Speed 1 squares, 10 squares (swimming) Melee unarmed -2 (1d4-2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 0 squares Base Atk +2; Grp -4 Abilities Str 3, Dex 19, Con 6, Int 7, Wis 7, Cha 9 Feats Skill Training (Jump), Dodge, Mobility Skills Jump +2, Perception -1 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Stealth +15, Swim +2, Use the Force +0 Aquatic- Can't drown and doesn't need to make swim checks; low-light vision Subterranean- May reroll Perception checks, but keep the second result even if worse; darkvision Ferocious- May reroll a failed attack with one natural weapon Swarm Traits - All melee attacks are considered melee area attacks and affect all squares within reach. Area attacks do 2 extra die of damage against a swarm.

Chasmal spider

Variants of the gaping spider, Chasmal spiders get their name from their habitat, the dark chasms of Dathomir that riddle the planet. Chasmal Spider CL5 Large Subterranean Beast 6 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision; Perception +9 (may reroll, must keep second) Defenses Ref 19 (Natural armor +6, Flat-footed 15), Fort 14, Will 11 hp 60; DR 10; Threshold 19 Speed 8 squares, 12 squares (climb) Melee Bite +11 (1d8+10) or Ranged Spinneret +8 (2d6+3 stun) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +16 Abilities Str 25, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7 Special Qualities Darkvision, Spinneret, Subterranean Traits Feats Skill Focus (Stealth), Skill Training (Initiative), Skill Training (Perception), Skill Training (Stealth) Skills: Climb +15, Initiative +12, Perception +9 (may reroll, must keep second), Stealth +12 Creeper: Photon spiders have Skill Training (Stealth) as a bonus feat. Spinneret: A chasmal spiders' spinnerets can spit a paralyzing poison to hunt prey that acts as an organic stun weapon similar to a blaster pistol. The spinnerets have a maximum range 6 squares for this stun attack (identical to a standard blaster pistol set to stun).

A Chasmal Spider in its Lair

Chiroptix Chrioptix are nocturnal mammals, native to Dathomir, the forelimbs of which form webbed wings, allowing them true and sustained flight. Chiroptix do not flap

their entire forelimbs, as avians do, but instead flap their spread-out digits, which are very long and covered with a thin membrane or patagium. Their main food source is blood, but can supplement their diet with fruit. Chiroptix CL 6 Diminutive beast 4 Init +8; Senses Blindsight; Perception +6 Defenses Ref 25 (Flat-footed 19), Fort 10, Will 9 hp 6; Threshold 10 Speed 8 squares (flying) Melee Bite +9 (1d2+1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp -6 Abilities Str 9, Dex 22, Con 11, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 10 Special Qualities: Vampiric Bite Feats Skill Training (x1), Weapon Finesse Skills Perception +6, Stealth +28 Vampiric Bite: If the bite attack succeeds, make a separate 1d20+2 Attack against the target's Fort Def. If the attack succeeds the victim moves -1 step on the condition track and suffers 2d6 damage. Drebbin

Drebbin were horned predators native to Dathomir. They had thick,scaly hides and sharp teeth, with a pair of down-ward curving horns alongside their head. In 8 ABY, Teneniel Djo said to Luke Skywalker that they preyed on rancors, though subsequent New Republic sources described them as quarry for the rancor.

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Drebbin CL 11 Gargantuan Nocturnal Beast 12 Init +5; Senses: Darkvision, Perception +11 Defences Ref 17 (Natural Armour +12, Flat-footed 17), Fort 27, Will 11 HP 260; Threshold 47 Speed 6 squares, 6/4/2 squares (burrowing soft/normal/compacted ground) Melee Bite +17* (3d6+26/x3) and Slam +17* (2d6+26) Fighting Space 2 x 8 Reach 2 squares Base Atk +9; Grp +38 Atk Options: Devour, Triple Crit (Bite) Abilities Str 38, Dex 9, Con 42, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 Special Qualities: Darkvision, Subterranean Camouflage, Tremorsense Feats: Improved Defences, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Stealth), Skill Training (Perception), Triple Crit (Bite) Skills: Initiative +5, Perception +11 (May reroll, must keep second result), Stealth +15 (+0 Above ground) Devour: If a Drebbin hits with its Bite attack against a Large or smaller opponent; it can automatically make a grapple check with its Bite attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a full round action). If the grapple check is successful, the Drebbin can begin devouring its target. Any creature being devoured takes 1d6+11 points of damage each round it is in the Drebbin’s maw. When the creature reaches 0 Hit Points, it is swallowed by the Drebbin and continues to take 1d6 points of acid damage each round. Nighttime Camouflage: A Drebbin ignores its size modifier when it makes Stealth checks at night. *Includes 6 points of Power Attack

Eollu The Eollu was a nocturnal creature native to Dathomir and one of the many animals a Nightsister could transform into, using the Talisman of Transformation. Eollu were sturdy, horned, fleet-footed herd animals with an ill temper and vile-spelling spittle.

Eollu CL 1 Medium Beast 1 Init +2, Perception +0, Darkvision Defenses: Ref 12, Fort 12, Will 10 hp 12, threshold 14 Speed 6 sq Melee bite +0 (2d4) Melee gore +0 (2d6) Ranged spittle +2 (special) Fighting space 1 sq, Reach 1sq Base atk +0, Grp +2 Abilities Str 11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 1 Feats Toughness Skills acrobatics +8 Spittle- a character hit by eollu spittle takes a -1 circumstance penalty to all Charisma based skills until the spittle is washed off

Gaping Spider (Kiin'Dray) The Gaping spider is a large arachnid native to the planet Dathomir that inhabit the many caves and warrens on the world. The Nightsister Spiderclan took control over one particular cavern and forced the young spiders to serve them. Only the larger adults managed to resist their will and resulted in the Spiderclan fearing those adults that lived deep underground. Different castes include broodling, hunter, recluse, and queen. Young Gaping Spider CL 1 Medium Sith undead beast 2 Init +4; Senses: Low-Light Vision; Perception +6 Defenses Ref 14 (Natural armour +1, Flat-footed 11), Fort 10, Will 10 hp 13; DR 5; Threshold 10 Speed 6 squares, 4 squares (climb) Melee Bite +4 (1d6+1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +1; Grp +4 Abilities Str 11, Dex 17, Con --, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 2 Special Qualities: Arachne Sense, Creeper's Crawl, Low-light Vision, Sith Undead Talents: Acute Senses, Hidden Movement Feats: Skill Focus (Climb), Skill Training (Climb, Perception, Stealth), Weapon Finesse Skills: Acrobatics +9, Climb +11, Perception +6, Stealth +8 Arachne Sense: Young Gaping Spiders gain Skill Training (Perception) as a bonus feat. Bonus Feats: Young Gaping Spiders gain Skill Training (Climb) and Skill Focus (Climb) as bonus feats. Creeper's Crawl: Young Gaping Spiders gain Skill Training (Stealth) as a bonus feat. Low-light vision: Young Gaping Spiders ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Natural armor: Young Gaping Spiders get a +1 natural armor bonus to Reflex defense.

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Adult Gaping Spider CL5 Large Subterranean Beast 6 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision; Perception +9 (may reroll, must keep second) Defences Ref 19 (Natural armour +6, Flat-footed 15), Fort 14, Will 11 HP 60; DR 10; Threshold 19 Speed 8 squares, 12 squares (climb) Melee Bite +11 (1d8+10) or Ranged Spinneret +8 (2d6+3 stun) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +16 Atk Options Spinneret Abilities Str 25, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7 Special Qualities: Darkvision, Spinneret, Subterranean Traits Feats: Skill Focus (Stealth), Skill Training (Initiative), Skill Training (Perception), Skill Training (Stealth) Skills: Climb +15, Initiative +12, Perception +9 (may reroll, must keep second), Stealth +12 Skill Training (Stealth): Adult Gaping Spiders have Skill Training (Stealth) as a bonus feat. Spinneret: An Adult Gaping Spiders' spinnerets act as an organic stun weapon similar to a blaster pistol. The spinnerets have a maximum range 6 squares for this stun attack (identical to a standard blaster pistol set to stun). Fearful Will: Adult Gaping Spiders are immune to all mind-affecting effects. Gibbit Bird

Gibbit birds are avian creatures symbiont to the rancor. The rancor allows the gibbit bird to roam freely in its mouth, where the bird cleans its teeth by picking out stuck pieces of bones and flesh. This helps the rancor's teeth remain sharp and healthy, and allows the gibbit bird to obtain food of its own.

Gibbit Bird CL3 Small Airborne Beast 4 Init +6; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +3 Defenses Ref 15 (Flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 11; Dodge, Mobility hp 22; Threshold 11 Speed 8 squares (Fly) Melee Talons +5 (1d4+4) and Melee Peck +5 (1d4+4) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +2 Atk Options Running Attack Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 Special Qualities Airborne Traits, Low-light Vision, Swoop Feats Dodge, Mobility, Running Attack Skills Acrobatics +11, Initiative +6 (may reroll, must keep second) Fleet-feathered – Gibbit birds receive Dodge as a Bonus Feat. Swoop - Whenever a gibbet bird moves in the same round that it attacks, it gains a +2d4 bonus to damage.

Horse Horses were domesticated animals used as mounts and beasts of burden on many inhabited worlds in the galaxy. Horse was the vernacular name for the species used in Basic. The technical term used by scientists was equus. The Witches of Dathomir possessed beautiful black horses, which they sometimes rode instead of Dathomiri rancors. Some of the witches, notably Charal, possessed Talismans of Transformation that allowed her to change the physical shapes of both herself and her steed. Charal brought her Dathomiri steed with her to the forest moon of Endor. To lure the young Human castaway Cindel into a trap, she changed her own shape into a beautiful lady, and her horse into a white steed. Horse, Heavy CL 1 Large Beast 3 Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 Defenses Ref 13 (flat-footed 12), Fort 14, Will11 hp 24; Threshold 24 Speed 10 squares Melee 2 hooves +7 (1d6+6) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Attack +2; Grp +12 Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Skill Training Skills Endurance +10, Perception +7 Carrying Capacity 400 kg Low-light Vision a horse receives no penalties from a lowlight condition. Scent a horse takes no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets with cover or concealment within 10 squares.

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Horse, Light CL 1 Large Beast 3 Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 12), Fort 14, Will11 hp 24; Threshold 24 Speed 12 squares Melee 2 hooves +6 (1d6+5) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Attack +2; Grp +9 Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con, 18, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Skill Training Skills Endurance +10, Perception +7 Carrying Capacity 324 kg Low-light Vision a horse receives no penalties from a lowlight condition. Scent a horse takes no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets with cover or concealment within 10 squares. Warhorse, Heavy CL 2 Large Beast 4 Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +3 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 13), Fort 15, Will11 hp 36; Threshold 24 Speed 10 squares Melee 2 hooves +8 (1d6+7) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Attack +3; Grp +13 Abilities Str 20, Dex 13, Con, 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feats Bantha Rush, Improved Damage Threshold Skills Endurance +12 Carrying Capacity 400 kg Low-light Vision a horse receives no penalties from a lowlight condition. Scent a horse takes no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets with cover or concealment within 10 squares. Warhorse, Light CL 2 Large Beast 4 Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +3 Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 13), Fort 14, Will11 hp 36; Threshold 24 Speed 12 squares Melee 2 hooves +7 (1d6+6) Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Attack +3; Grp +12 Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con, 20, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Feats Bantha Rush, Improved Damage Threshold Skills Endurance +12 Carrying Capacity 324 kg Low-light Vision a horse receives no penalties from a lowlight condition. Scent a horse takes no penalty to Perception checks to notice targets with cover or concealment within 10 squares.

Kamurith The kamurith is a large, carnivorous, reptilian quadruped native to Dathomir. A Kamurith’s thick hide is brown, with whitish scales on

its belly and long orange dorsal sails. They also sport rows of a few, short spikes protruding above their forelegs. Kamurith CL 4 Medium beast 5 Init +2; Senses: Low-light Vision; Perception +2 Defenses Ref 15 (Natural armour +5, Flat-footed 15), Fort 13, Will 10 HP 38; Threshold 13 Speed 6 squares Melee Bite +6 (1d6+5) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +13 Abilities Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10 Feats: Skill Training (Stealth), Skill Training (Swim) Skills: Perception +7, Stealth +7, Survival +7 Kodashi Viper

Kodashi vipers are serpents native to Dathomir. The Kodashi viper’s hide is adorned with aposematic bands of green, red and yellow. When predators and other nuisances neglect to recognize the Kodashi's warning coloration,

the serpent defends itself with an extremely potent neurotoxin. Kodashi Viper CL 1 Small beast 1 Init +3; Senses scent, tremor-sense; Perception +1 Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 12), Fort 11, Will 11 Hp 9; Threshold 11 Speed 5 squares Melee bite +0 (1d4) plus poison Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 squares Base Attack +0; Grapple -2 Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7 Feats Skill Training Skills Acrobatics +0, Climb +5, Endurance +1, Jump +0, Stealth +13, Survival +6 Scent- Ignore concealment and cover when making Perception checks to notice opponents within 10 squares and poor visibility when tracking Tremor-sense- Automatically sense the location of anything on the ground within 100 squares Poison- If the bite attack deals damage to a living target, the target is also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+1) against the target's Fortitude Defense, the target moves -5 steps along the condition track. The poison attack lasts for one hour or until cured with a successful DC 20 Treat Injury check.

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Kolef lizard

Kolef lizards are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of Dathomiri lizards distinguished by their very long, narrow and multitudinous dorsal sails, highly modified, and rapidly extrudable tongues, their swaying gait, a crest or horn on their distinctively shaped heads, and the ability to change color. Their physiology makes them uniquely adapted for climbing and visual hunting. They are found in warm habitats that vary from rain forest to desert conditions.

Kolef Lizard CL1 Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 14), Fort 12, Will 13 hp 5; Threshold 12 Speed 4 squares Melee bite -2 (1d3-2) Base Atk +0; Grp -8 Special Actions change color Abilities Str 6, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 8 Feats Improved Defenses Skills Perception +7, Stealth +12 (+14 with full-round action) Change color: A kolef lizard’s natural coloration allows it to effectively blend into various environments. Kolef lizards gain a +2 to Stealth checks when they take a full round action to blend into their environment. Kwi

The Kwi are the degenerated saurian descendants the first denizens of Dathomir, the Kwa. The Kwi are 4-meter-long bipedal saurians with cobalt blue skin and are capable of running at incredible velocities. The Kwi are barely sentient, but lack the

capability for speech, unlike their ancient and intellectually advanced Kwa ancestors. However, the Kwi possess a collective memory of their former glory and the importance of the protection of the Kwa's ancient Star Temples. In 31 BBY, many Kwi were slaughtered by the Nightsisters during their attempt to access the secrets of the Infinity Gate. The remaining Kwi disappeared into the deserts and formed tribes including the Blue Desert People and the Blue Mountain People. The Kwi also migrate every dawn and every dusk. The Dathomiri considered it a rare honor to be permitted by a Kwi to mount its back for riding. The greenish-yellow Rhoa Kwi, were a more brutish and less intelligent variant (Int 2) of the blue kwi. The Rhoa Kwi were predators with a physiology built for the task: bulkier heads with sharper teeth and a stronger jaw and beady eyes in the sides of their head. The Rhoa Kwi lacked the collective memory of the blue kwi, but, unlike the blue kwi, could spit a neurotoxin like the spinneret of a chasmal spider (see above).

Kwi CL 5 Large beast 6 Init +4; Senses Perception +5, Low-light vision Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 10); Fort 14, Will 12. hp 56; Threshold 14 Speed 10 squares Melee Bite +7 (1d8+8) Melee Claws +7 (1d6+5) Base Atk +4; Grp +7. Atk Options Powerful Charge Abilities Str 17, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 5, Wis 14, Cha 8. Feats Long Stride, Skill Focus (Endurance), Skill Training (Survival). Skills Endurance +21, Survival +10 Powerful Jaws - a Kwi applies double its STR bonus to its bite attacks Collective Memory - a Force Sensitive character may communicate with a pack of three or more Kwi telepathically, using the Telepathy subskill of Use the Force, to receive vague and simplistic clues about the ancient wonders of the Kwa civilization -- fleeting, fragmented memories of which lie dormant in the deepest recesses of each Kwi's consciousness. For each Kwi in the pack, the telepathic communicant may exchange one single-word communication or emotion with the Kwi collective about the Kwa.


Malklocs are enormous, saurian herd beasts native to Dathomir, though they are occasionally encountered alone, without the herd. Depsite their herbivorous diet and generally docile nature, they are near the top of the Dathomir food chain. Because they are so large, and their hide is so thick, only rancors tend to prey on them.

Malkloc CL 7 Gargantuan beast 8 Init +5; Senses Lowlight vision, Scent; Perception +6 Defenses Ref 17 (Flat-foot 16), Fort 24, Will 12; Natural armour +14 hp 156; Threshold 44 Speed 10 squares Melee Bite +20 (3d6+18) Fighting Space 4x4; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +6; Grp +35 Abilities Str 39, Dex 12, Con 38, Int 1, Wis 14, Cha 8 Special Feats Crush, Pin, Skill Focus (Survival) Skills Stealth -10, Survival +16 Ramming Attack : a successful slam attack made at the end of a charge against a target of gargantuan size or smaller, that meets or exceeds the target's Fortitude Defense knocks the target prone. Trample – as a full-round action, the Malkloc can run over a single opponent of at least Huge size. The Malkloc must move through the opponent’s square and ends its move in an unoccupied square. When adjacent to an opponent at the beginning of its action, a Malkloc can begin its trampling attack and move normally. A trampled opponent takes 1d6+15 points of damage, with an 1d20+10 attack roll against the target’s Reflex defense. If the trample attack fails, it deals half damage.

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Moog were small creatures indigenous to the planet Dathomir and were the favored food of the Rancor. They were known to be quite difficult to catch as they were both swift and fast moving animals. Thus, the term to "play moog-and-rancor" refers to a situation in which one party is kept chasing another. Moog CL 5 Small beast 6 Init +11; Senses Darkvision, Scent; Perception +9 Defenses Ref 14 (Flat-footed 16), Fort 11, Will 11 hp 33; Threshold 11 Speed 12 squares, 6 squares (burrow); Running Attack Melee Bite +7 (1d4+3) and Melee 2 Claws +7 each (1d3+3) and Melee Tail slash +7 (1d3+3) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +2 Atk Options: Frenzy, Running Attack, Weapon Finesse Abilities Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9 Special Qualities: Darkvision, Frenzy, Scent Feats Running Attack, Skill Training (Initiative), Skill Training (Perception), Weapon Finesse Skills: Initiative +11, Perception +9, Stealth +11, Survival +9 Frenzy - If a moog comes within a 2-square radius of another moog that has made a successful attack, the moog immediately enters a frenzied state. In this state, the moog gains a +2 rage bonus on melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls. The moog's frenzy lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + its Constitution modifier. At the end of its frenzy, the moog moves -1 persistent step along the condition track. The penalties imposed by this condition persist until the moog takes at least 10 minutes to recuperate, during which time it can't engage in any strenuous activity. A moog cannot be pulled out of its frenzied state by making it friendly. Scent - Moogs ignore concealment and cover when making Perception checks to notice opponents within 10 squares and they take no penalty from poor visibility when tracking (see the Survival skill, SECR pg 73). Perceptive - Moogs have Skill Training (Perception) as a bonus feat.

Pig Rodents

Dathomiri pig rodents, also known as giant pig rodents or, in the case of males, Dathormiri boars, were gigantic herbivores native to Dathomir. They were a favorite prey of rancors, and often served as bait in rancor traps. Males were vicious, sporting tusks; horns; sharp, cloven hooves; long rodent-like tails; and a thick coat of bristly fur.

Pig Rodent Boar CL 4 Small Jungle Beast 5 Init +9; Senses Darkvision; Perception +8 Defenses Ref 18 (Natural armor +5, Flat-footed 16), Fort 13, Will 11 hp 47; Threshold 13 Speed 4 squares Melee Bite +5 (1d4+4) and Melee Slam +5 (1d3+4) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +0 Atk Options Ramming Attack Abilities Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 1, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qualities DarkVision, Ramming Attack Feats Skill Training (Perception), Skill Training (Survival) Skills Initiative +9, Perception +8, Survival +8 Ramming Attack When a Dathomiri boar makes a successful slam attack at the end of a charge, compare the attack result to the target's Fortitude Defense. If it is higher, the target falls prone. This only works if the target is medium-sized or smaller. Purbole

The purbole is an arboreal simian native to the planet Dathomir. Their coarse fur is sparse around their faces, bellies, the front of their torsos, and beneath their elbows and knees. Purboles live and hunt in packs in and around Dathomir’s tree tops and often hunt their land-bound prey from the forest canopy, tracking them from above before dropping down to surround them. Though their size and features give them the appearance of being cute, they can be ferocious, especially in a pack.

"My rancor seeks flesh!"

―A Nightsister

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Purbole CL 3 Small arboreal Beast 4 Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 10, Will 11 hp 18; Threshold 10 Speed 4 squares Melee bite +2 (1d4+1) or Melee slam +2 (1d3+1) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Attack +3; Grp +1 Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 6 Special Qualities Troop Hunter, low-light vision Feats Skill Training x2 Skills Climb +6, Jump +6, Perception +8 Troop Hunter Purboles deal +2 points of damage on Successful melee attacks against an opponent the Purbole is flanking. Rancor Rancors are large carnivorous reptomammals native to Dathomir and at the apex of its food chain. They are usually brown, but some, such as the mutant rancor, Jungle rancor, and the Bull rancor, differ in color. Although found on other worlds, those from Dathomir are larger, stronger and more intelligent than others. They have been used for many things, ranging from mounts for the Witches of Dathomir to pets for crime lords such as Jabba Desilijic Tiure, who also used one as a means of entertainment by dropping victims into its pit. Rancors are also the source of the delicacy (or at least an edible meal) known as raw rancor-beast liver. That the rancors are semi-sentient often comes as a surprise to unsuspecting offworlders. Whether they have made any independent progress towards basic tokens of civilization like kindled fire or shaped tools is unclear, though their social system and lifestyle are little different from those of many nonsentient animals: matriarchal herds led by herd-mothers roam the landscape, hunting live prey for food. But they pass on their clan histories from generation to generation, and when they formed a symbiont circle with the planet's Human population in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic, they adopted basic armor and weapons. In rare cases, some rancors were sentient enough to be able to read and write, such as Tosh, herd-mother of a rancor family that belonged to the Singing Mountain Clan on Dathomir during the New Republic era. Tosh tried to teach those skills to other rancors. Rancors are attracted to mates by a smell or pheromones. While it is known that rancors do care for their young—usually born two at a time—they do not suckle and hatch from eggs like those of a reptile. The 3-meter-tall hatchlings ride the mother, one dorsal, one ventral, until maturity, though despite this nurturing nature, it is not entirely unheard of for a mother to eat her young. Rancors walk on two relatively stubby legs, with longer forelimbs used for catching prey, though they also walk on all fours at times and have a short tail. A rancor's flat face is dominated by a large mouth full of razor sharp teeth. The skin of a rancor is tough enough to deflect blaster bolts, making it an efficient killing machine and an excellent source of leather for expensive vests and boots. Dathomiri rancors have good night-vision, but their eyesight is not as sharp as a Human's in daylight.

Many subspecies of rancors existed, both on Dathomir and other worlds, such as the Gnarled rancor and the Rancor Pygmy. Offworld breeds have evolved into such distinct subspecies as the amphibious Tra'cor of Socorro or the gigantic Tyrant rancor. An extremely rare variant is the Bull rancor of Felucia, an ancient and near-mythical beast that was marked by its paler flesh, elongated tail and immense horns that sprouted from its massive head. Several subspecies did not evolve naturally, but were instead bred, using either genetic manipulations or Sith alchemy. One such variant was the Jungle rancor, that was quite different from its common brethren and was found on worlds such as Teth. The Sith Lord Quorlac Fornayh used the Sith Alchemy to create Coloi, a rancor with lighter bones and large wings, who had the skin replaced with black metallic plating that could serve as armor. Only one such creature existed and was subsequently destroyed. The reborn Emperor Palpatine also kept several alchemically altered Chrysalide rancors at his Citadel on Byss in order to defend it. Other mutant rancors, that were often unique and impossible to be classified were encountered on several occasions. In 14 ABY a mutant rancor was bred by the Disciples of Ragnos, who planned on releasing the beast in Taanab cities so that during the chaos they could steal arms, credits, and other needed goods. The beast was much larger than normal rancors, had green capsules on its back, could breathe a stream of green toxic gas and had an unnatural green hue to its skin. However, once released, the rancor began attacking the Disciples themselves, who were unable to stop it, as the mutant was immune to conventional weapons. Eventually it was killed by a Jedi Jaden Korr, who managed to pin it between a force field and a large crate on a conveyor belt. Another example of a mutant rancor is the Undead Rancor, which was mutated by Imperial Bioweapons Project I71A, and resided on Dathomir in the Imperial Quarantine Zone. This rancor was later killed by a group of spacers.

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"The rancor is deadly and one of the most hideous beasts I have ever encountered, best described as a walking collection of fangs and claws, with no thought other than to kill and eat." ―Mammon Hoole

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Rancor Subspecies


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Rock Dragon

The Dathomiri rock dragon is a large reptile native to Dathomir that possesses rough, mottled skin that allows it to blend in with rocky terrain. Being reptiles, the rock dragons are egg layers and cold blooded, which require them to nest around the

eggs to keep them warm. Their natural camouflage allows them to blend in with their environment. A rock dragon’s diet consists of insects and plants but, when threatened, rock dragons can inject a powerful poison from a stinger to protect themselves. This poison was strong enough to kill a fully grown rancor. Dathomiri Rock Dragon CL 14 Large beast 14 Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5 Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 21), Fort 21, Will 8 hp 229; second wind +57/114; Threshold 26 Speed 8 squares Melee bite +22 (1d8+12) or Melee bite +20 (2d8+12) with Rapid Strike or Melee bite +26 (1d8+19) with Powerful Charge or Melee claw +22 (1d6+12) or Melee claw +20 (2d6+12) with Rapid Strike or Melee claw +26 (1d6+19) with Powerful Charge or Melee stinger +22 (1d6+12 and poison, see below) Ranged by weapon +9 Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +10; Grp +27 Atk Options Bantha Rush, Improved Bantha Rush, leap attack, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Rapid Strike, rend Abilities Str 34, Dex 9, Con 32, Int 2, Wis 6, Cha 12 Feats Bantha Rush, Improved Bantha Rush, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Rapid Strike Skills Jump +24, Stealth +6 Camouflage - ignores its size modifier when making Stealth checks. Low-light vision- Ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness Leap Attack- As a full-round action, make a leap attack at the end of a charge of at least 2 squares to allow all claw attacks against a single opponent \ Rend- If successful with both claw attacks in one turn, can rend opponent for additional damage (2 extra dice) Poison- If a rock dragon deals damage to a living target with its stinger as a full-round action, the target is also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+5) against the targets Fortitude Defense, the target takes 1d6 points of damage and moves -1 step along the condition track. If the attack fails, the target takes half damage and doesn't move along the condition track. The poison attacks every minute until cured with a DC 15 Treat Injury check.

Sarlacc A Sarlacc is a massive creature that hides under-ground and drags in passersby to slowly digest them over several centuries. Only the Sarlacc's mouth peeks out of the ground, as a result, it gains improved cover (already factored into the Sarlacc's Reflex Defense) and is extremely resistant to damage since all its vital organs

are at least a dozen meters underground. A prey of Large or larger size drawn into a Sarlacc’s mouth is subjected to attacks until it is broken down into more manageable chunks. Medium and smaller creatures are simply stuffed into the Sarlacc's mouth, then carried along by esophageal action into its primary stomach (to be digested immediately) or one of several secondary stomachs. Creatures in the primary stomach take a cumulative 2d6 points of damage per round; they can escape back through the alimentary canal by succeeding on an Acrobatics check opposed by the Sarlacc's Strength check (+9 modifier). Victims in a secondary stomach fare somewhat better, because the Sarlacc actually stores its meals in a sort of conscious suspended animation until it is ready to devour them. Held tight to the stomach lining by meterlong bondlike cilia (opposed Strength check to escape), such a creature is exposed to somewhat weaker digestive juices, taking a cumulative 1d6 points of damage each day. Creatures in this predicament are sustained by the Sarlacc through nutrients in its system that seep in through the vic tim's skin, preventing the prey from dying of hunger or thirst. Sarlacc CL 12 Colossal beast 13 Init +0; Senses tremorsense; Perception +10 Defenses Ref 7 (flat-footed 7), Fort 28, Will 10 hp 234; DR 10; Threshold 83 Speed 0 squares Melee 9 tentacles + 18 each (special) and bite +18 (4d6+ 15) Fighting Space 6x6; Reach 4 squares Base Atk +9; Grp +38 Atk Options Pin Abilities Str 28, Dex 10, Con 44, Int 2, Wis 8, Cha 7 Special Qualities camouflage, tentacle grab, tremorsense Feats Improved Damage Threshold, Improved Defenses, Pin, Skill Training (Stea lth), Toughness Skills Perception + 10, Stealth + 11 Camouflage-A Sarlacc ignores its size modifier when it makes Stealth checks. Tentacle Grab-If a Sarlacc hits with one of its tentacles against a Huge or smaller opponent, it can automatically make a grapple check with its tentacle attack at its full bonus (even if it has already taken a fullround action). If the grapple check is successful, the Sarlacc can make an opposed grapple check each round to move the grappled creature 1 square closer, until it pulls the creature into its maw. Tremorsense-A Sarlacc automatically senses the location of anything that is in contact with the ground and within 100 squares (no Perception check required).

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Sarlacc Encounters Albeit the most famous, the Sarlacc found on Tatooine is neither the sole example of nor typical of the species. The Sariacc is most at home in damp environments, such as swamps and bogs. However, being hardy and adaptable, Sarlaccs can be found in almost any terrain. Because they are stationary crea tures, encountering a Sarlacc is more akin to a terrain hazard than a fight with a beast – in order to fight a Sarlacc, you have to travel to where it lairs. The Sariacc can be an obstacle for the heroes to overcome if they are charged with retrieving something (or someone) trapped with in the gullet of this enormous beast. In addition to the hazards involved in tryin g to get to the remote location where a Sarlacc resides, the heroes must then figure out how to get inside the beast and back out again without becoming a meal. On planets other than Tatooine, a Sarlacc might serve as a "sacred area" where the natives go to dispose of their criminals, pariahs, or cursed items. In such a case, any individuals caught harming a Sarlacc might find themselves tossed inside by angry natives. Saurian Flier

Saurian fliers are a species of winged reptavians native to Dathomir. Covered in dark blue hide their elongated heads have a large, fang-filled maw, sport a bony crest on the crown, and have a hide-covered, horn-like protrusion above each of its glowing, red eyes. Some saurian fliers are hunted for their meat and hide. Larger varieties of saurian fliers have been trained as mounts.

Saurian Flier CL 4 Medium beast 5 Init +6; Senses Perception +2, Darkvision Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 15), Fort 11, Will 10 hp 28; Threshold 11 Speed fly 8 squares, walk 4 squares Melee ram (charge attack) +11 (1d6+1) plus Bantha Rush or Melee bite +7 (1d6+1) Fighting Space 1x1; Reach 1 square Base Atk +3; Grp +4 Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10 Special Qualities Howl, Darkvision, Bantha Rush Feats Powerful Charge, Weapon Finesse, Forceful Flier Skills Survival +7 Howl – As a StAct, make an Atk roll at 1d20+6 vs. Will of all targets within 12 sq. to move target -1 step on CondTrack. A single target cannot be affected by more than one reptavian’s howl per turn. If this ability pushes the target to the end of the CondTrack, instead of falling unconscious, target falls prone and may not take any actions. This is a mind-affecting effect. Forceful Flier- A Saurian Flier gains Bantha Rush as a free feat.

Scissorfist Scissorfists were a species of large, aquatic crustacean scavengers found in and around the fresh waters of Dathomir. Jutting from beneath their hard shells, they had ten legs, two

enormous, razor sharp claws, and eyestalks. The Scissorfists Clan was named after the creature. Scissorfist CL 4 Medium aquatic beast 5 Init +2; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +2 Defenses Ref 15 (Natural armor +5, Flat-footed 15), Fort 13, Will 10 hp 38; DR 5; Threshold 13 Speed 6 squares (walking), 6 squares (Swim) Melee claws +6 (1d8+5) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +4; Grp +13 Abilities Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10 Special Qualities Aquatic traits, Sturdy Carapace Feats Skill Training (Stealth), Skill Training (Climb) Skills Stealth +7, Survival +7, Climb +10 Aquatic- Cannot drown in water, does not need to make swim checks and has low-light vision. Sturdy Carapace- Scissorfists take no damage from being Swallowed Whole. Shear Mite

Shear mites are a large insect native to Dathomir known to construct hives. Their name originates from their powerful razor-sharp mandibles used in conjunction with a powerful acid to consume solid rock. The female of the species secretes a powerful adhesive that acts in a manner similar

to cement and is considered the strongest known substance of its kind in the galaxy. Shear Mite Swarm CL 3 Tiny beast Swarm 3 Init +5; Senses darkvision; Perception +1 Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 8, Will 10 hp 22; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee mandibles +7 (1d4) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 squares Base Atk +2; Grp +7 Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con 6, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 9 Feats Weapon Finesse, Running Attack, Skill Training (Jump) Skills Jump +2, Perception +1 (may reroll, keep 2nd), Stealth +15 Subterranean- May reroll Perception checks, but keep the second result even if worse; darkvision Swarm Traits - All melee attacks are considered melee area attacks and affect all squares within reach. Area attacks do 2 extra die of damage against a swarm.

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Sparkfly Sparkflies were small flying insects native to the planet Dathomir. They had bio-electric luminescent bodies, which were used to signal other members of their species. The pointed end of their abdomen could release a debilitating electrical charge. Although a single shock would only leave a mild burn,

multiple stings from even a small swarm could kill a Human. In 43.5 ABY, Nightsisters used the Force to control swarms of sparkflies to attack the Broken Columns Clan and the Raining Leaves Clan during their conclave. Sparkfly Swarm CL 3 Tiny beast Swarm 3 Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1 Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 12), Fort 8, Will 10 hp 22; Threshold 18 Speed 6 squares Melee stinger +4 (1 point + electrical shock, see below) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 squares Base Atk +2; Grp +4 Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 6, Int 1, Wis 10, Cha 9 Feats Weapon Finesse, Running Attack, Skill Training (Climb) Skills Climb +2, Perception +1 (may reroll, keep 2nd), Stealth +12 Electroshock charge- any successful stinger attack that also exceeds the target’s Fort defense delivers 2d8 stun damage Swarm Traits - All melee attacks are considered melee area attacks and affect all squares within reach. Area attacks do 2 extra die of damage against a swarm. Ssurian

Ssurians were major predators on Dathomir. Their hides were so thick and their teeth and horns so sharp that most creatures, even larger ones would often simply avoid a ssurian rather than fight. The fearsome, ear-splitting shriek of the ssurian’s hunting call and territorial warning

struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it, prey, predator or otherwise. The ssurian’s howl was the inspiration for the Nightsister spell known as the Scream of the Ssurian, a variant of the Force Scream Force Power.

Ssurian CL 8 Large Beast 9 Init +6; Senses Low-light Vision; Perception +11 Defenses Ref 20 (Natural armor +8, Flat-footed 18), Fort 22, Will 13 hp 95; Threshold 20 Speed 6 squares Melee 2 Claws +14 each (1d6+12) and Melee Bite +14 (1d8+12) or Melee Bite +14* (1d8+20) with Powerful Charge Fighting Space 2x2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +6; Grp +19 Atk Options Lashing Tail, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge Abilities Str 26, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 14 Feats Improved Defenses, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge Skills Perception +11 * Includes 2 points of Power Attack Howl– As a StAct, make an Atk roll at 1d20+6 vs. Will of all targets within 12 sq. to move target -1 step on CondTrack. A single target cannot be affected by more than one reptavian’s howl per turn. If this ability pushes the target to the end of the CondTrack, instead of falling unconscious, target falls prone and may not take any actions. This is a mind-affecting effect. Verne

The Verne are hooved, strong-legged and fast running herd animals native to the planet Dathomir. They are hunted mainly for their leathery hides, which are covered with a heavy coat of coarse brown, tan and white fur. Their meat is considered gamey. On the bulls, six horns protrude from the back of their elongated head, two particularly longer than the rest.

Verne Medium beast 4 Init +5; Senses Perception +9 Defenses Ref 14 (flat-footed 11), Fort 11, Will 12 hp 22; Threshold 11 Speed 8 squares Melee gore +5 (1d6+4) or Melee gore +7 (1d6+6) with Powerful Charge Base Atk +3; Grp +6 Atk Options Powerful Charge Special Actions sprint Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 8 Feats Powerful Charge, Skill Training (Perception) Skills Jump +9, Perception +9 Sprint -- Once per encounter, as a free action a verne can double its speed for 1 round. The verne moves –1 step along the condition track at the end of the turn on which it uses this ability.

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Veshet The Veshet are a large rodent species on Dathomir. They have been found by xenobiologists to be relatives of the Womp rats of Tatooine. The Veshet has a keen sense of smell, making

them excellent trackers that can hunt prey across long distances. Veshet can also easily be trained to attack on command or upon smelling a certain scent on their target. This made them popular assassination tools during the days of the Old Republic. Veshet CL 2 Medium nocturnal beast 3 Init +1; Senses dark vision; Perception +7 Defenses Ref 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 12, Will 11 hp 25; Threshold 12 Speed 6 squares Melee bite +3 (1d6 +2) Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2; Grp +3 Abilities Str 12, Dex.lO, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qualities low-light vision, overwhelm Feats SkilI Training (Endurance), Toughness Skills Endurance +8, Perception +7 Overwhelm- Veshets gain a +2 bonus to melee attack rolls for each adjacent allied veshet. Veshet Pack CL 4 Large desert beast pack 3 Init + 1; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7 Defenses Ref 11 (flat-footed 11). Fort 12, Will 11 hp 26; Threshold 22 Speed 6 squares Melee bite +3 (ld6+2) Fighting Space 2x 2; Reach 1 square Base Atk +2; Grp +8 Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 8 Special Qualities low-light vision, overwhelm, pack traits Feats Skill Training (Endurance), Toughness Skills Endurance +8, Perception +7, Stealth -4 Overwhelm- Veshet packs gain a +2 bonus to melee attack rolls for each adjacent allied veshet pack. Pack Traits-The melee attack of a veshet pack is an area attack that affects all squares within reach. The ranged attacks of a veshet pack are considered to have a 1-square splash. Area attacks deal an extra 2 dice of damage against a pack or swarm.

Voritor Lizard

A voritor lizard was an aggressive, poisonous reptile found on Dantooine and Dathomir. The average voritor was two meters long, with a fan-like dorsal spike. When one decided to attack, it charged its target with incredible speed. Voritor lizards were the mounts of the Nightsister sentries known as the Sisters of the Voritor.

Voritor Lizard CL 7 Medium beast 7 Init +14; Senses Perception +8 Defenses Ref 21 (flat-footed 15), Fort 13, Will 10 hp 52; second wind +13/26; Threshold 13 Speed 8 squares Melee 2 claws +9/+9 (1d4+4) and bite +9 (1d6+4 and poison) or Melee bite +13 (1d6+7 and poison) with Powerful Charge or Fighting Space 1x1; Reach 1 square Base Atk +5; Grp +11 Atk Options Power Attack, Powerful Charge Abilities Str 18, Dex 23, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 8 Feats Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Skill Training Trained Skills Initiative +14, Perception +8 Untrained Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +7, Endurance +6, Jump +7, Stealth +9, Survival +3, Swim +7 Poison- If the bite attack deals damage to a living target, the target is also poisoned. If the poison succeeds on an attack roll (1d20+8) against the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target moves -1 step along the condition track. The poison attacks each round until cured with a successful DC 15 Treat Injury check. Whuffa Worm

Whuffa worms are long worms native to Dathomir. They are smart and have hydrostatic skeletons. Giant whuffa worms were employed by the Kwa to act as Temple Guardians for the Infinity Gate. Thinner whuffa worms were hunted by the clans of Dathomir in extensive rituals. The clans on Dathomir used their skin to make their armor and dried hide as rope.

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The giant Whuffa worms employed by the Kwa as Temple Guardians, also known as the Chamber Guardians, were larger and semi-sentient. The Kwa decreed that anyone who killed a Temple Guardian must replace it as the new Temple Guardian. The blue-skinned Kwi, degenerated descendants of the Kwa, have been implanted with this memory, and will telepathically communicate this ancient decree to anyone who kills a Temple Guardian.

Whuffa Worm CL 10 Huge beast 10 Init +6; Senses Perception +11 Defenses Ref 19 (flat-footed 18), Fort 17, Will 11 hp 115; Threshold 27 Speed 6 squares Melee bite +14 (2d6+12) or Melee bite +18 (2d6+17) with Powerful Charge Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +7; Grp +24 Atk Options Crush, devour, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 12 Feats Crush, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +12, Deception +6, Endurance +12, Initiative +6, Jump +12, Perception +11, Persuasion +6, Stealth -4, Survival +6, Swim +12 Devour-If a whuffa worm hits with its bite attack against a large or smaller opponent, it can make a grapple check (+14) as a free action. If the grapple check succeeds, the whuffa worm begins devouring its target. The creature being devoured takes 1d8+12 points of damage each round at the start of its turn before it takes any actions. When the creature reaches 0 hit points, it is swallowed by the whuffa worm and continues to take 1d6 points of acid damage each round at the start of its turn. The whuffa worm cannot make bite attacks until it releases the creature (a free action) or swallows it.

Giant Whuffa Worm Temple Guardian CL 13 Huge beast 10, Soldier 3 Force Points 6 Init +6; Senses Perception +11 Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 19), Fort 19, Will 11 hp 156; Threshold 27 Speed 6 squares Melee bite +14 (2d6+14) or Melee bite +18 (2d6+19) with Powerful Charge Fighting Space 3x3; Reach 2 squares Base Atk +7; Grp +24 Atk Options Crush, devour, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 12 Feats Crush, Pin, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Armor Proficiency (Light), Running Attack Talents Melee Smash, Stunning Strike (move target add’l -1 on CT) Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +12, Deception +6, Endurance +12, Initiative +6, Jump +12, Perception +11, Persuasion +6, Stealth -4, Survival +6, Swim +12 Devour- with any successful bite attack against a large or smaller opponent, make a grapple check (+14) as a free action to devour the target. A devoured target takes 1d8+12 points of damage each round at the start of its turn before it takes any actions. When the target reaches 0 hit points, it is swallowed by the giant whuffa worm and continues to take 1d6 points of acid damage each round at the start of its turn. The giant whuffa worm cannot make bite attacks until it releases the creature (a free action) or swallows it.

Quinlan Vos and the maleling slaves of Zalem’s Nightsisters struggle to subdue a Temple Guardian

"We are close now, Vonya, to freedom from our miserable prison planet. And when we open the gate, we will have power beyond measure... The power of the elder gods!" ―Mother Zalem, to Nightister Vonya

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―Dark World of Dathomir‖ is a mini-adventure designed for 4th-level heroes that involves the Star Temples of the Kwa (see Dathomir Gazetteer And Historical Timeline, supra). In this scenario, the heroes are enlisted by the Wandering Brook Clan to retrieve their stolen maleling slaves from the marauding Blood Moon Nightsister clan, who are using the malelings to excavate and gain entry to a Kwa Star Temple.


After one of the members of the Wandering Brook Clan discovers that the clan’s malelings have inexplicably disappeared from their proximity shield pen overnight, she raises a clarion call to her sister witches and their Clan Mother, Vicia. Vicia tasks the PCs with finding the escaped malelings. The heroes depart from the encampment of the Wandering Brook Clan into the jungle, where they find telltale tracks leading to a Kwa Star Temple. Surrounding the temple is an enormous excavation project by a large contingent of Nightsisters of the Blood Moon Clan, who are using the stolen malelings to remove an enormous stone slab that has crushed and killed the Nightbrother slaves that had previously attempted the task, and that blocks the entrance to the temple antechamber.

Once the Blood Moon Nightsisters manage to open the Temple antechamber, they quickly go inside, herding the stolen malelings ahead of them. Inside, a Kwa curatrix is frozen in stasis on a dais, where she has remained for a hundred thousand years. Opening the temple begins the deactivation sequence of the stasis chamber, and summons the giant Whuffa worm Guardian from its catacombs fathoms below the pyramid. The heroes must deal with the Nightsisters and the Kwa curatrix, for better or for worse, and fend off the giant Whuffa worm Guardian. The Nightsisters want to kidnap the Kwa and take her back to their encampment, along with the malelings they stole from the Wandering Brook Clan, and torture her for the secrets of the Infinity Gates.


On the way to her meditation site for Salutations to the Morning Flame, a Dathomir witch of the Wandering Brook Clan (this character may be one of the PCs) discovers that the clan’s malelings have inexplicably disappeared from their proximity shield pen overnight. She can sense no trace of them anywhere. Raising a clarion call to her sister witches and their Clan Mother, Vicia, the coven convenes and can neither find any physical trace of the egress of the stolen slaves nor sense them through Allyan Magic. Vicia then convenes a meeting of the PCs, whomever they may be – favored, capable malelings who have proven themselves in the past and were separately kept from the stolen slaves, fellow witches of the coven or an allied clan, or hired off-world mercenaries – with finding the escaped malelings. Vicia will lend the heroes horses or some comparable riding beast, if they do not already have a mount.

The heroes depart from the encampment of the Wandering Brook Clan into the surrounding jungle. If any of the party succeeds at a trained DC 15 Survival check to Track, they will notice the telltale trail of a large contingent of people, accompanied by beasts, heading in

the direction of an ancient Kwa Star Temple. They must travel overland, following the trail, using the Overland Travel Skill Challenge below.


If the heroes succeed in reaching the Star Temple, they are intercepted approximately a half-kilometer from the pyramid by a trio of sentinels, Sisters of the Voritor and their mounts (see Allies and Opponents, supra). The Sisters of the Voritor will attempt to take the PCs alive, disarm them and bring them as slaves to the excavation site, but will kill the heroes if necessary.


If the heroes defeat or elude the Sisters of the Voritor and make their way to the Star Temple, they will see an enormous excavation site erected by a large contingent of Nightsisters of the Blood Moon Clan. Clan Mother Cudela is not physically present, but watches through a crystal ball affixed as the headpiece to a staff carried by one of the Nightsisters. The Nightsisters have recently returned to the excavation site with the stolen malelings to force them to remove an enormous stone slab that has crushed and killed the Nightbrother slaves that had previously failed at the task. The stone slab sits askew atop the broken corpses of the Nightbrothers, and blocks the entrance to the temple antechamber. (Some PCs may be among the kidnapped malelings. If so, each enslaved PC must succeed at a DC 15 Endurance check or suffer a persistent -1 step on the Condition Track from fatigue due to helping remove the stone slab. The persistent condition can only be removed with an hour of rest.)

Once the maleling slaves succeed in removing the stone slab, the Nightsisters enter the Temple antechamber, herding the malelings ahead of them. This activates the ancient, enigmatic workings of the Star Temple, causing energy braziers to light the inside of the Temple. Beyond the antechamber, a Kwa is frozen in stasis on a dais. She is the curatrix of the Star Temple and has been in her hibernation chamber for a hundred thousand years. Opening the temple begins the deactivation sequence of the stasis chamber, and summons the giant Whuffa worm Guardian from its catacombs fathoms below the pyramid. The heroes must deal with the Nightsisters and the Kwa curatrix, for better or for worse, and fend off the giant Whuffa worm Guardian. The Nightsisters seek to kidnap the Kwa curatrix and take her back to their encampment, along with the malelings they stole from the Wandering Brook Clan, and torture her for the secrets of the Infinity Gates. If they are unable to glean any information from the Kwa prisoner, they will attempt to cut off her hand and use it as a key to gain entry to the subterranean passages beneath the pyramid and activate the Infinity Gate to learn its secrets, escape Dathomir, and possibly threaten the Galaxy.

The Kwa curatrix / curator may be a player character, however, given the Kwa’s later appearance in the adventure, the player will miss out on the skill challenge and the initial combat against the Sisters of the Voritor. A personal skill challenge may be utilized to escape stasis. The Kwa may, however, participate in the combat against the other Nightsisters in the temple, and against the Whuffa worm Guardian, who will attack any intruders, including the Kwa, indiscriminately.

Page 66: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards



Challenge Level 3 SETUP: This encounter serves as the climax of "Dark World of Dathomir," the mini-adventure introduced on the previous page. If the heroes manage to find the trail of the Nightsisters heading toward the Star Temple, they can travel to through the jungle using the Overland Travel Skill Challenge below. Skill Challenge: Overland Travel This skill challenge represents traveling across a dangerous jungles of Dathomir. CL 3 Complexity: 1 (5 successes before there are no skill DCs below DC 34) Suggested Skills: The following are suggested primary skills for this ski ll ch allenge: Endurance [DC 16}: The heroes can attempt to push on even when fa tigu ed, using less water and fewer supplies and shortening their trip by setting a more brisk pace. Knowledge (life sciences) or Knowledge (physical sciences) [DC 76}: The heroes can identify hazards and dangerous wildlife, avoiding potential threats to their safety. Perception [DC 27]: The heroes can try to plot a course by identifying major landmarks and using those sights to make sure that they remain on the correct path. Survival [DC 76}:The heroes can attempt to find safe trails and scavenge for more supplies to ease the burden on their resources. Treat Injury [DC 27}:The heroes can try to treat each others' fatigue and injuries, ensuring that they continue on at a good pace across the dangerous land. Challenge Effects: The following are suggested challenge effects for this skill challenge : Degenerating: Each failure increases the difficulty of all skill uses by one step (from DC 16 to DC 21, from DC 21 to DC 26, from DC 26 to DC 29, and from DC 29 to DC 34). Each success reduces the di ff iculty of al l skill uses by one step, but no further than the original DC of each skill. Extreme Success: A hero who succeeds on a skill check by 10 or more earns two successes instead of one. Success: The heroes reach the perimeter of the Star Temple excavation site safely. Failure: If the heroes accrue enough failures to shift all skill DCs to 34, they fail the challenge and become lost in the wilds of Dathomir, and potential prey for any of the native fauna. Each hero also loses one second wind and gains a persistent condition that can be removed only by eight hours of rest. As long as the persistent condition remains, the heroes lose one second wind each day. The Nightsisters

Use the stat blocks for Sisters of the Voritor in the Allies and Opponents chapter. Those among the remaining Nightsisters who are combatants may be portrayed with the Nightsister Hunter stat block.

Mother Cudela, who is able to see the scene through the crystal ball affixed to a staff carried by one of the Nightsisters, may be represented with the generic Nightsister Clan Mother (CL 15) stat block. Using the scrying stone, she may cast any spells (Force

Powers) in her suite that require line of sight. She is considered located in the square occupied by the scrying stone for purposes of range and distance of target. Once the Kwa curatrix is freed from stasis, however, she will devote the large majority of her actions to attempting to persuade, intimidate or Mind Trick the Kwa into serving the Nightsisters.

The Giant Whuffa worm (see the Native Beasts section of the Allies and Opponents chapter, supra) will reach the ground floor of the temple in 5 rounds. Once it appears, through the giant pit in the center of the temple, however, Cudela will devote the large majority of her turns to attacking it with her spells.


If the heroes rescue the Kwa, they will have gained a powerful ally. If they are captured alive by the Nightsisters, they will be enslaved. Their escape from captivity may be a separate adventure of its own.

Features of the Area The Kwa’s statis chamber sits atop the dais. The black marks on the map are ceiling-high walls except for the black square just below the center of the floor relief in the middle of the map. This black square represents a bottomless pit through which the Whuffa worm will enter. The rivers of blue fluid are runoff from the deactivating stasis chamber, creating rough terrain.

Page 67: Disclaimer - Weebly · Disclaimer The Dathomir Field Guide has been compiled by Rob ―RobShanti‖ Petrone from the work of the dedicated fans at the Wizards.com bulletin boards



Allyan Magic ..10, 11, 15, 65 Army of the Dead ..29 Aspect of the Storm ..11 Battle of Dathomir (First) .. 20, 21 Battle of Dathomir (Clone Wars) ..21 Battle of Dathomir (Galactic Civil War) ..22 Battle of Dathomir (Great Galactic War) ..24 Beastwarden ..39, 40 Blood Trail ..42 Blue Desert People ..20, 55 Blue Mountain People ..55 Book of Law ..4, 11, 20 Book of Shadows ..4, 11 Brother (title) ..21 Carnage beret ..14 Chain-sickle ..12, 43 Chant of Resurrection ..9, 11, 16 Chazrach ..6 Control web ..11 Council of Sisters ..24 Dagger (title) ..45-46 Dathomir amber ..14 Dathomiri species ..4-6 Dathomiri language (see Paecian) Dathomiri spider silk ..14 Drackmarian ..4-5, 20-22, 24 Ears of the Chiroptix ..11 Elder gods ..10 Familiar (Magical) ..9, 15, 17 Guardians ..6, 14, 19-21, 26, 63-65 Hunter ..13, 34, 43, 44, 66 Infinity Gate ..4-6, 10, 14, 19-21, 24-26, 41, 55, 63, 65 Key of Exile ..15, 27

Kwa ..4-6, 14, 19-21, 23, 26, 41, 55, 63-66 Lizard Keeper ..41 Maleling ..5, 15, 41, 48, 64-65 Mesmerism ..11 Mindspeech ..11 Mother (title) ..10-11, 13, 16-17, 21-22, 27, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 45-46, 65-66 Nightbrother ..4, 12, 16, 21, 41-42, 65 Nightsister 4-5, 9-18, 20-27, 29-30, 34, 37, 39-41, 43, 49, 52, 55, 62, 64-66 Nightsister Bloodline Skull ..15 Nightsister Force Crystal ..15 Nightsister armor ..14 Nightsister crystal ball ..10, 15, 65-66 Nightsister dagger ..12, 45 Nightsister energy bow ..13, 37, 44 Nightsister energy lance ..12 Nightsister armguard ..14 Omogg ..4-5, 24 Paecian ..5, 31-35, 37, 39, 44-45, 47-48 Paecian Empire ..4, 20 Pike ..12, 41, 45 Proximity shield ..15, 65 Reptoid ..6 Revitalization of the Whuffa ..11 Scream of the Ssurian ..11, 62 Selection ..21 Sense of the Veshet ..11 Shadow killer ..46-47 Shaman ..10-11, 16, 19, 27, 44, 46 Sister (title) ..10-11, 16, 23-24, 44

Sister of the Voritor ..46, 63, 65-66 Sisters of the Void ..22 Speed of the Toocha ..11 Spell of Interpretation ..11 Spirits ..10-11, 16-17, 27, 44, 46 Spirit ichor ..9-10 Star Temple ..5-6, 19-21, 26, 55, 65-66 Surge of the Brier ..11 Talisman of Age ..16 Talisman of Finding ..16 Talisman of Resurrection ..10, 16 Talisman of Transformation ..16-17, 52 Talisman of the Bolma ..17 Talisman of the Brackaset ..17 Talisman of the Burra Fish ..17 Talisman of the Eollu ..17 Talisman of the Raven ..10, 16-17 Temple Guardian ..(see Guardians) Test of Elevation ..21 Test of Fury ..21 Test of Night ..21 Totem of Familiars ..17 Totem of the Elementals ..17 Touch of Kiin'Dray ..11 Ubrikkian speeder ..18, 48 Warrior (Witch) ..5, 20-22, 25, 29, 44-46 Water of Life ..10 Whuffa leather ..14-15 Wild Hunt ..27 Wild Power ..10, 13, 16-17, 27 Witch-Queen ..10, 24, 27, 40-41 Witches of Dathomir ..4, 7, 8, 10-15, 20, 222, 24-25, 27, 30, 43-44, 49, 53, 57, 65 Zsinj ..5, 22-24, 27

Appendix: Native fauna Artery worm ..49 Bane back spider ..49 Baz nitch ..9, 49 Bolle bol ..50 Bolma ..17, 50 Brackaset ..17, 50 Burra fish (swarm) ..51 Chasmal spider ..51 Chiroptix ..11, 51 Dathomiri boar ..56 Drebbin ..19, 51 Eollu ..17, 52 Gaping spider ..51-52 Gibbit bird ..9, 53 Horse ..7, 53-54 Kamurith ..54 Kiin'Dray ..11, 52 Kodashi viper ..9, 54 Kolef lizard ..9, 55 Kwi ..4, 16, 19-22, 24, 26, 27-28, 41, 55, 64 Malkloc ..55 Moog ..9, 56 Pig rodent ..56 Purbole ..19, 56 Rancor ..4, 7, 10, 19-22, 24, 27, 39, 51, 53, 55, 60 Rancor, gnarled ..57 Rancor pygmy ..57 Rhoa Kwi ..55 Rock dragon ..60 Sarlacc 44, 60-61 Saurian flier ..61 Scissorfist ..61 Shear mite (swarm) ..19, 61 Sparkfly (swarm) ..62 Ssurian ..11, 17, 62 Verne ..62 Veshet ..11, 63 Voritor lizard ..7, 46, 63 Whuffa worm ..14-15, 19, 26, 63-66