DISCLAIMER - Brain Body Coach · How do you know if you suffer from an eating disorder or emotional...


Transcript of DISCLAIMER - Brain Body Coach · How do you know if you suffer from an eating disorder or emotional...

Page 1: DISCLAIMER - Brain Body Coach · How do you know if you suffer from an eating disorder or emotional eating? …The following test will give you a better understanding if you suffer
Page 2: DISCLAIMER - Brain Body Coach · How do you know if you suffer from an eating disorder or emotional eating? …The following test will give you a better understanding if you suffer


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About Luz Jaramillo Co-Author of the bestselling book “Create the Life You Want and How a Coach Can Hel.”

I grew up in Colombia, South America, and

came to the United States as an adult

because it had always been a dream of

mine. During my childhood, I had a lot of

problems with memory, concentration, and

focus. Finishing my studies as a Master

Social Worker was a great achievement

because of these issues. It was during my

adolescence that I became addicted to food

and began to eat compulsively. I had very

little self-esteem and no compassion for

myself. I also suffered from chronic stress.

When I began my journey to create my

new life, I became certified in Neuro-

linguistic Programming (NLP), which

studies the connection between language

and thoughts and teaches you ways to

reprogram your brain. It helps you think

and talk positively to reach the goals you

want to improve your life.

I completed my certifications as a

Life Coach, a Master NLP, and a Brain Health Coach with great success. I used scientific methods to engage

my brain consciously and unconsciously to get tangible results. I was able to improve my ADHD and heal

from my eating disorders and develop a sense of confidence that I had never before experienced. I went on

to complete courses in neuroplasticity, stress management, eating disorder awareness, and mindfulness.

I created my own company called Brainbodycoach, Inc. And now I help individuals with emotional eating or

binge eating, high levels of stress, brain fog, low focus, and productivity, those worried about mental

decline, or who want to improve their quality of life. I provide a holistic coaching program that uses

cognitive, science-based techniques and promotes a healthy lifestyle, so you can lead a happy, healthy,

fulfilling, and prosperous life.

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Page 4: DISCLAIMER - Brain Body Coach · How do you know if you suffer from an eating disorder or emotional eating? …The following test will give you a better understanding if you suffer

How do you know if you suffer from an eating

disorder or emotional eating? …The following test will give you a better understanding if you

suffer from an eating disorder or emotional eating

1. I resort to episodes of binge eating large amounts of

food. 2. I am feeling a lack of control over eating behavior.

3. I am thinking about food and my body all day.

4. I am constantly eating even after a big meal.

5. I am craving specific foods such as sweets, salt, high


6. I have a significant amount of weight gain/loss or

changes in appetite.

7. I am feeling hungry when not physically hungry 8. I feel that food lifts your mood temporarily when

feeling sad or down.

9. I am feeling powerless when food is in front of me. 10. I have constant cravings when feeling anxious, sad,

upset, or other strong feelings. 11. I engage in regular activities to purge binges, such as

self-induced vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, strict

dieting, or strenuous exercise.

12. I have a persistent concern with body shape and

weight. 13. I am overly focused, constantly worrying, or have

trouble letting go of things. 14. I need to eat when I am Impulsive, constantly bored, or

easily distracted.

15. I hide from others to eat. Normally I eat well in front of

others, but when I am alone, I binge without stopping.

16. I need to weigh myself every day.

17. I look at the mirror constantly and criticize my body.

Analyze your results. If you answer yes to three or more of the

questions, you have a high level of susceptibility to food or food

addiction that needs to be treated immediately. If you are

willing to recover, it is my mission to help you!!!!

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This ebook is for any adult with ADHD who struggled with food, weight, and body image and is looking to find control over food, and acceptance of her own body!

Are you ready for a change and to leave your addiction or

compulsion for food? Do you want to be free, leaving the circle

of yo-yo diets? Are you tired of the continuous stress, having

the same thought that does not go out of your mind, listening

to that inner voice that tells you, “You eat all the time”? Are

you attacking yourself for eating junk food and can’t believe

that you have eaten a whole bag without realizing it?

I am completely sure that this will be the first step to your freedom with food

and stress. At least for me, traditional medicine and the strategies of

professionals to stop eating compulsively did not help me. Mainly because many

professionals do not know what it is to feel that pain, frustration, impotence in

the face of emotions and food, especially for someone with ADHD.

It is so easy for those who do not feel the same to tell us "you have no will

power" or “you have to eat this type of food” or “try this diet and you will

succeed.” People help us from a different perspective, and unfortunately, most

of the time, the results are not positive.

According to statistical studies, diets and traditional therapies do not work in

90% of the cases. You can search it online, and you will notice the results. I am

very fortunate and blessed to find the strategies and other extremely valuable

techniques that I have learned with my studies and practices. Also observing

others and understanding why others suffered as I progressed, led me to

discover that I did not have a mental illness which will dominate me for the rest

of my life. I can have a holistic treatment that is safer for me and will enable me

to succeed.

Studies have found that ADHD and eating disorders are associated with the parts

of the brain that cause greater vulnerability to addiction, especially for food.

Even if you have tried everything and nothing has worked for you, it is not your fault!!!

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What is the difference between emotional food and cravings and true hunger?

Emotional food occurs when you get stressed. You go to find food - usually junk food, or any food that you

find or you like - but you need to eat and cannot stop. It is a feeling that you need to put food in your mouth to

satisfy the emotion. It comes all of a sudden, automatic. Stress or emotions usually trigger it. Afterward, you

have a very negative feeling or an emptiness, not satisfaction.

The craving is different. It can feel similar to emotional food, but it is with a particular food that you need to

eat excessively. You do anything to find it and eat it until there is nothing remaining. All the food is gone.

In all the years I have been an expert in compulsive food, I have sabotaged myself. All these problems:

hiding while eating, eating when you are alone and acting normal in front of others, feeling guilty for eating

food, are all very similar and related.

True hunger is gradual; you don’t crave a specific type of food and can easily wait. The physical need for fuel

triggers it. You are aware of the sensation but can easily stop once you eat nutritious food. You don’t feel

guilty or bad after you eat.

You need to learn different techniques for each type of emotion you have. I will teach you how to apply techniques for each problem!!!!

I want you to learn to use the techniques alone, but I will be your support coach from the beginning to the end. I

will help you until it becomes a change of habit and a new and healthy routine in your life.

I began to experience what works for me and then for my clients, and I was able to create some techniques in

my program to make it work for everyone. Nobody has failed, so that's why I want to teach you the whole

system so you can stop this problem forever. I know you feel out of control; you feel that your life is not what

you want. Only with applying my method can you make an incredible change in your life. And you can practice

these techniques in any situation that you want to improve, such as income, relationships, family, work, etc.

The only conscious method is to follow the program. I will provide you the steps of how to do it in detail and

basic explanations to make it easier for you.

With these three strategies that I am going to teach you today, you will know how to handle emotions,

manage stress and eliminate compulsions for food and constant cravings. I will explain how your brain, body,

mind, and emotions work so that you understand what happens with you and how human beings function. Do

not worry, I can assure you that it will not be monotonous or difficult to read. You will understand the reason

why previous strategies did not work and with that understanding you can apply my techniques, which will

finally solve the problem.

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Understand your brain type:

We have pleasure centers in the brain. Several areas in the brain respond to the neurotransmitter

dopamine. For example, when you eat the food you are craving, you may feel relief. But the problem

with addiction is that if you overeat, you are adding extra dopamine to your brain and then you need

more and more of that food to feel satisfied.

Here is some important information to consider:

Understand “why” you are eating. Be aware when you are eating for pleasure or a purpose,

such as nourishment and fuel for your body due to true hunger. When you have a purpose, dopamine on

drips to one of the pleasure centers. But be careful when you overdo it, because you are adding more

dopamine, and it has a harmful effect. When you give the dopamine all at once, it ends up

burning out. You will need more and more to feel the release, and then the food addition becomes to

difficult to stop.

Understand that not all brains are the same. People with ADHD are more susceptible to

certain foods that can become more addictive than for the average person. Especially if you

scored 3 or more to the test above…You may have a sensitive brain that is addictive. That is why some people can eat the same food, and it does not produce the

same effect. They can stop when they are full and don’t feel the need to crave for more.

Genes are very important to consider, especially if you come from a family with alcohol addiction or food addiction as well as a family with ADHD. There is a genetic vulnerability to substance abuse.

Socialization is also a risk factor. If you have people around you that eat more than you, it makes a

difference. Our society also influences our biology since we are bombarded with advertisements for

food. There's plenty of stimulation to the pleasure centers of our brain to eat more food, especially

the ones that you crave the most.

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Recommended tools to stimulate your pleasure center for balanced dopamine levels:

Relaxation, exercise, meditation, good sleep, socialization, healthy relationships, gratitude,

volunteering, traveling, positive experiences, new learning, spiritual experiences, having digital

(electronics) discipline. With increased levels of dopamine, it will motivate you to repeat a specific


Food that increases dopamine: Certain proteins such as egg, turkey, beef, soy, legumes, almonds,

pumpkin seeds, green tea, bananas, dark chocolate, blueberries, raw grass fed fermented dairy,

cruciferous vegetables like kale, collards, brussel sprouts, chard, cabbage, and cauliflower and

many more.

At the same time, you are providing nutrients to your body; those foods are also promoting brain health that is so fundamental for people with ADHD.

Avoid things that lower levels of dopamine. Individuals with ADHD already have low dopamine levels

so we need to prevent that as possible. Getting assessed and helped with the right professional

makes the big difference for you. All addictions are not the same; some are compulsive, impulsive,

some are both; others are caused by intense sadness or anxiety, or may be the result of head

trauma. During my 8-week course, I explain each of them because determining the type of addiction

is important in providing the right treatment plan. Some food may be good for one type of addiction

but not for another type. The same plan will not work for everyone; your treatment must be


Understanding addiction is critical. What a lot of people don’t know is that adults with untreated ADHD - approximately 52% of them(Dr. Daniel Amen) - have trouble with substances. Treating ADHD is essential to treat addiction. Holistic supplements and the right food combined with other important techniques are crucial for the healing.

It is so hard to change the type of foods you eat when you have an attachment to a certain food,

either emotional or addictive. Because food is pervasive, especially sugar and processed foods, it

pushes on the same part of the brain as heroin and cocaine. At the nucleus accumbens, sugar is

highly addictive and wears out the pleasure center. And the part of the brain that triggers the

addiction is constantly getting signals to eat more, damaging the ability to get well.

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Strategy #



During my studies obtaining a

Brain Health Certificate at

Amen Clinics, my life changed

for the better. I was able to

improve my ADHD and heal

from my eating disorders.

Understanding the different

types of the brain linked to

food addiction as well as for

ADHD is the key. (Amen clinic

brain spect imaging)

To understand addiction is critical to understand your brain. The same plan will not work for everyone.

Anterior Cingulate Function

Gear Shifter is responsible for

cognitive flexibility, shifting

attention, going from idea to

idea, going with the flow, error

detention, cooperation. But if

that area of the brain is not

balanced, then you tend to get

stuck, are constantly worried or

obsessed, have compulsions

like eating disorders, addictions,

are argumentative or

excessively critical. Treating

with the right supplements and

food can be a life change.

➢ ADHD nearly

doubles the risk for

obesity and dementia

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Know your body:

Often people who have not had problems with food believe that you only need the willpower to stop eating. But it’s a big difference between hunger and willpower. Your hormones control hunger, especially, leptin and Ghrelin.

Those hormones are responsible for giving you the signal if you are full or hungry. Leptin is a hormone

produced in your fat cells. Leptin tells you when you have had enough to eat. If leptin is working properly, it

will give you energy, and you will stop eating easily. Leptin works with gherlin, which is responsible for

sending the signal to your brain to eat when your stomach is empty or your blood sugar is low. The more

ghrelin you produce, the more you stimulate hunger while also reducing the number of calories you burn

(your metabolism) and increasing the amount of fat you store.

If you don’t have balanced hormones, especially leptin and ghrelin, losing weight and stopping food

cravings, is almost impossible. If you eat a large amount of sugar and processed foods, you may become

insulin and leptin resistant, causing weight gain, uncontrollable cravings, and hunger, which can lead to

diabetes. Checking your hormones is essential. Sleep deprivation triggers the area of your brain that

increases your need for food while also depressing leptin and stimulating ghrelin.

Also, the stress hormone, cortisol, is frequently associated with fat gain. When you don’t sleep enough,

your cortisol levels rise. Cortisol also activates reward centers in your brain that makes you want food. If

you are in constant fight and flight response, you are producing cortisol. So you need techniques that help

you to keep the levels of cortisol low.

You are designed to eat sugar; your genes tell you to need to eat the right amount and the right food. We

crave it genetically. That is why some people are more sensitive than others, which results in addiction

and uncontrollable cravings. It's hard to give up the most amazing food or the attached food, but if you

want to recover or lose weight, all of this information is fundamental. I’ll teach you some amazing tricks to

stop the food cravings as well as techniques to calm down — a full module for that on my 8-week program.

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Manage your thoughts and emotions:

Your mindset is the key!!! We have two parts of the brain the conscious and the unconscious. We believe

that we make everything conscious, but the truth is that when you know how to work from the

subconscious, it helps you to change for the long term. You know that you have all the will to change, but

the habit is hard to break because these are changes we want to make in the conscious brain. Only 5% of

our brain works in the conscious mind; the other 95% is unconscious. Thinking differently, having a vision

of what can happen and how to change, is the other key.

We have limitations that do not allow us to advance. They leave us stuck with the same mentality as

failures. What if we think differently and leave behind the old mindset? What if we think of winners instead

of losers? What if we allow something new that we have not done before, but that we have the certainty

will work?

Start looking at the opportunities that are presented to you from a new perspective. One without fear of

change, even if it hurts. A short term period of pain is preferable to continuing the rest of your life with

sadness, frustration, despair, low self-esteem, low motivation, a body that you do not like, self-loathing.

You are so focused on what you can see, on the tangible, the diets, programs, slimming apps, videos, etc.

that you have not put any time into analyzing your interior and the causes that led you to this situation of

compulsion and stress.

It's time for you to stop blaming yourself and open up to new opportunities. Your mind and your brain are changing, and that is what you need to do. Stop saying that this is how

you were born, or that it is how you grew up, or that it is hereditary, and you cannot change it. Those are

just limiting beliefs that you do not have to continue.

Clearly say no more to stress and compulsion for food. Or the constant cravings. Stop saying all the time

that you are sick, that you are a compulsive eater, that you cannot stop eating sweets, bread, pasta, or

any other food that causes you comfort because it's not true. You can and I can prove it to you. Identify the

words you refer to, identify the internal dialogue, how you treat yourself, and how you deal with others, if

you find a lot of negativity, start to work consciously to change those negative patterns and begin having a

new attitude towards yourself.

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Remember that the meaning of the words lies in the acts that are manifested. How to control your

thoughts, identify what you think and whether they are true or not. Meditation is a tool that helps focus,

discipline and eliminates negative emotions and thoughts. Studies have shown amazing results with

mindfulness meditation to eliminate eating disorders as well as ADHD. With practice, it helps emotional


The mind is so powerful that it controls our body

It can help you improve your immune system and other diseases; it has more advantages than you can

imagine. Only you can have control of your emotions. Your thoughts are yours, not others. Your behaviors

are yours, not others. You choose if you want to change or you stay stuck on the same issue. Just as you

have been able to excel in other important things in your life, you also have the power to get out of this

feeling of helplessness, stress, sadness, and lack of control.

You may be saying, but how can I control my emotions?

First, consider your physiology. Our body is trying to tell us something. Many times when you are in a bad

mood, it may be because you had a bad day. But if it happens suddenly and you want to eat, it is because

your body has low blood sugar. Our body creates hormones of satisfaction sensations when it has sugar in

the blood. But if blood sugar is low, the body produces the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is what causes us

more stress or anxiety and is the cause of the fat in our body and most of the times around the waist.

You may be tired instead of angry or sad, but you do not know how to interpret it, and that is when we go

in search of food as a strategy to calm any sensation.

We tend to chew food constantly for two reasons: For the desire to feel better emotionally and for the need to increase our energy level. You're on the way.

Sure, you're on the right track, and I'm sure you're understanding now. Begin to think about new truths, to

change that old thinking that stagnates and limits you and does not let you be free of food. You can

normally eat like the rest of the others. Don’t hide anymore, or keep lying to yourself or others. You don’t

have to keep spending so much money on diets, products, pills, belts, slimming surgeries, or more. Only

on your recovery!!!

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You will realize that your habits are changing when you become conscious and know how to handle your

emotions. We eat by autopilot without realizing it. And many times, we do not know what we do because

we do not pay attention. We settle for saying that this is how we are.

What if instead of thinking it's a problem you call it a new solution, step into your new self. There is nothing

to fix because there is no problem. It's just a lack of information and educating ourselves differently. It's not

your fault. I will teach you how to use your emotions for a change with normal food. See food as your

friend instead of your enemy.

Now, look!! Note the change in you.

You have more power than you thought you had. You have an inner truth that allows you to find a change,

freedom from food, stress, the power to manage your emotions, allow yourself to be the real you. Fill

yourself emotionally instead of filling yourself with food. Soon you will be the person you want to be.

Let's work together. I have studied in detail with intense research in neuroscience, behavioral psychology,

personal development, metaphysics, quantum physics, and spirituality and with my own experience. I

know what is necessary for you to learn new behaviors, no matter how old you are. You will see that it is

possible to reprogram your mind so that your new habits become conscious. This is exactly what I do as a

coach working in neuroscience and neuro-plasticity, achieving not only the freedom with the food that you

long for but also achieving emotional stability with quality of life, health, and well-being.

Together, we will discover over the next 8- weeks, more about the right food, supplements, hormones,

other methods depending on your type of brain and body. We also learn more about managing emotions,

stress, mindset, goal setting, intuitive eating, inner child, spirituality, NLP techniques, and many more.

For more information, please go to www.brainbodycoach.com

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