Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

VISIT: www.discipleshipideas.com DISCIPLESHIP IDEAS 1 sep/oct/nov 2010 volume 12 issue 5 Included: Radiant Life Fall 2010 Order Form PAGE 14 5 WAYS TO REACH BEYOND YOUR CHURCH WALLS SADDLEBACK’S STEVE GLADEN 3 Secrets To Small Group Success PAGE 11 WHAT ARE YOU LOADING UP ON? WHAT ARE YOU LOADING UP ON? PAGE 4 Michael Jr: The Parts We Play PAGE 12


Every issue of Discipleship Ideas shares encouraging articles and resources to inspire discipleship in your church. From testimonies of what’s working great in other churches to seasonal features just for teachers and students, Discipleship Ideas offers helps for your ministry.

Transcript of Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

Page 1: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 1

sep/oct/nov 2010volume 12 issue 5Included: Radiant Life Fall 2010 Order Form



3 Secrets To Small Group Success




Michael Jr: The Parts We Play


Page 2: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

I’ll Have it My WayAre your congregants filling up on a burger and ice cream buffet? Tips to avoid the pitfalls of consumer-driven Christianity.

Secrets to Small Group SuccessSaddleback's Steve Gladen shares insight on how to optimize the health of your small groups.

The Parts We PlayStrengthen your church by helping people connect with and fulfill their God-appointed roles.

Does Your Formula Work?Is your outreach model in need of a retool? Refocus to reach your community with Gotee recording artist Troma.

EVERY ISSUE Vida Nueva Highlights

Indague qué aprenderán sus alumnos este semestre.10

Radiant Life Highlights Find out what students of all ages will be learning this quarter.7





2 0 1 0 T E A C H E R O F T H E Y E A R PAGE 11

Page 3: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

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We all understand physical thirst—it is a natural part of our everyday life. If we simply go too long without getting enough fluids, we can become completely parched. But what about after we work in the yard on an August afternoon or spend 30 minutes running on the treadmill? We can become dehydrated!

King David knew what it was for his soul to be thirsty—“My soul thirsts for God, the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalm 42:2, NIV). (Also see Psalms 63, 107, and 143.) Ruth Haley Barton in her book, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership, defines our soul as the part of us that meets with God. If we neglect our time alone with God, our souls become thirsty.

I have discovered that I have to start my day drinking in His presence. If I don’t begin the day well-hydrated, then I can expect to be “spiritually dried out” by evening. This daily discipline helps to keep my soul hydrated. But I also have to recognize

those times when ministry is even more dehydrating than other times—like spiritually doing yard work in 90 degree weather—leaving me utterly dehydrated. Those are the times when I need to rest and take an extra drink.

Jesus speaks directly to the heart of the one worn out from ministry in Mark 6. “The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’” (Mark 6:30-31, NIV).

My husband and I recognize the need to respond to this invitation weekly. Every Monday, after a full weekend of ministry, we spend the day in quietness and rest. We may also experience intense seasons of ministry when more than a day is needed to sufficiently rehydrate. Here are some practical tips to help you saturate your soul:

Jesus often withdrew to quiet places to meet alone with His Father. It is so important to recognize the warning signs of our thirsty souls and take time daily, weekly, and seasonally to rest and drink deeply of His presence.

–KERRY CLARENSAU is an author and speaker.

· Take an extended quiet time—reading, meditating, and just basking in His presence.

· Get away from all electronics.

· Have a cell phone-free day.

· Visit your favorite spot in nature or take a long walk in a quiet park or nature center.

· Enjoy a leisurely meal at a quiet restaurant.

· Take a nap. (This may not feel very spiritual, but sometimes it is the best thing we can do.)

· Spend quality time with the people you love the most.



Need To Hit The Refresh? Check out discipleshipideas.com for your 21 day ministry mini-break and more resources.

by kerry clarensau

Page 4: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S4 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

by shannon zabroski

I’m told—although I can’t verify because I’m usually in the dessert section—there are vegetables, fruit, and even salad at most buffets. But that isn’t why I eat at one. Eating healthy and reasonable portions is NOT why a buffet is so appealing. In fact, observe how my true human nature shines through here: Buffets are so appealing because I can have whatever I want (and as much as possible) and avoid what I don’t want—plain and simple. This behavior perfectly reflects something called ‘consumerism.’ Restaurants design their buffets knowing what people want and then they give them plenty of it. The eventual result: people begin to expect this type of charmed lifestyle. If I can’t get what I want, I’ll go somewhere else. There’s one problem here: God is not at the center of this lifestyle—I am.

In the church world, our commodity isn’t macaroni and cheese, but people. Knowing this, it can be very tempting to build a church that functions like a buffet—simply do and say what people want (versus what they need) and then give them plenty of it in order to draw them through the doors en masse. A great café? Check. A snazzy logo and a pastor in jeans? Check. A message that always makes people feel great about themselves? Double check. These things aren’t inherently bad mind you—but if they are the ‘meat and potatoes’ of what a church offers—this model can lead to some serious problems with our spiritual formation process. A fundamental

question emerges: Does this create the kind of biblically-literate, well-rounded disciple God expects us to make?

It is ironic that the Bible is the best-selling book of all time (outselling other books each year by a significant margin), yet fewer and fewer Christians recognize it as the infallible and authoritative Word of God. A study done by Barna finds the younger the person, the less likely they are to read the Bible. Despite flying off the shelves, how can God’s Word transform lives if it is never learned or lived?

Many church leaders struggle with the same dilemma: How can we still attract non-believers while being effective at growing mature disciples? Steve Gladen, Small Group Pastor at Saddleback Church, says “This is really a two-part process. Attracting people is about assimilation, and spiritual growth is about discipleship.” A church that attracts non-believers effectively must also know exactly what they want them to eventually become—and have a plan how to get them there.

Steve believes “a baby needs a family before an education.” He says too many

churches attempt to push new believers into classes before they build effective relationships that help them become part of a family. It is necessary to think through this process developmentally. “A baby crawls, then walks, then runs” he says. Trying to rush this process or doing it out of order can be disastrous.

Further, a church must know how to communicate that development plan clearly. For example: If someone walked up to me when I was 11 years old and laid out every step of my last 25 years in life,

I would have run away screaming. Just look at how Jesus recruited His disciples in Matthew 4 by saying “follow me.” A couple years later, He was saying “die for me.” If Christ had started recruiting with “die for me,” odds are the disciples would have run away screaming, too. Bottom line, too much too soon can also be disastrous.

On the other hand, simply increasing someone’s cognitive knowledge of Scripture doesn’t always create a well-rounded disciple either. Some of the most cantankerous people in our churches can quote Scripture verbatim but aren’t good at loving people. Hebrews 4:12 tells


There is a particular word in the English language that makes my heart flutter, my mouth begin to salivate, and my arteries begin to harden at its mere mention: Buffet. I can see the flashing neon sign in my mind right now. The allure is amazing too. And why wouldn’t it be? For one price, I can eat until both lasagna and chocolate pudding are coming out of my ears.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Consumer Driven Christianity

I’ll Have It WayMY

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V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 5

us “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (NIV). The Bible is clearly not a self-help book—it is a tool for total transformation. Scripture is always relevant to the human condition—yet we often use culture to be relevant instead of God’s Word. If it isn’t central to all a church teaches and does, then we can’t act surprised when very little fruit is grown.

Steve states Saddleback’s end goal is a person who “in their heart balances the great commission with the greatest commandment—to love your neighbor as yourself.” People will play video games for hours to master every level; they will train for months to run a marathon; what makes us think we can’t challenge them to experience God’s amazing Truth?

I guess a buffet and a church aren’t that dissimilar in one respect: Both want to grow their customer base. Unfortunately one grows my waistline with a plethora of fattening food, and the other seeks to grow me spiritually in a healthy and relevant way. Let’s remember no buffet on Earth can offer the Bread of Life and the Living Water Christ freely gives us. In business terms—the Church has the market cornered—and people won’t feel guilty going back for seconds. -SHANNON ZABROSKI is director of Family Life Ministries at Christian Life Center in Dayton, Ohio.


Praying for a Christ AwakeningGet your church praying for revival. This practical guide includes excerpts from major national leaders such as Henry and Richard Blackaby, Beth Moore, Jack Hayford and others from various denominations. It introduces 20 indicators that will signal a Great Awakening in America, including 10 in the Church and 10 in culture. Paper. 144 pages.03LK8208. $14.00 36 or more, $7.00 ea.

Mega Sports Camp®

The Great ComebackBy combining sports—soccer, baseball, basketball, and cheerleading—with Bible truth, MEGA Sports Camp curriculum lets you reach your community for Jesus while offering kids an exceptional and unique VBS experience. In fact, small ministries are likely to enjoy a 51% guest rate and 20% salvation response! Learn about the newest theme, The Great Comeback at www.megasportscamp.com.Starter Kit. 33LK0450. $124.99

Page 6: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S6 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0











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When was the last time you made an appointment with your doctor for a physical examination? Have you avoided it because you thought he might tell you something you wouldn't want to hear, something like, "You could stand to lose a few pounds," or maybe, "A little exercise would do you some good," or "Your cholesterol is looking a bit high; time to cut out the bowl of ice cream before bedtime"?

Like our physical health, our spiritual health needs to be assessed and managed so it can continuously grow and mature into all that God desires it to be.

· Getting a picture of spiritual healthSo, what does spiritual health look like? At Saddleback Church, we believe health is based on living a life that balances the five biblical purposes of God: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and evangelism. Too many times we tend to major in one aspect of health while ignoring the others. For some, spiritual health is measured by having the right answers to theological questions. For others, spiritual health is demonstrated by acts of service. While these are good things, our spiritual life suffers if we do not balance all five of God's purposes in our lives.

· Assessing our spiritual healthIn order to help people get a better sense of how well they're doing this, we put together a tool called The Purpose Driven Spiritual Health Assessment. This self-assessment tool is designed to help a person take a snapshot of his life and see how well he is balancing the five purposes. Our goal is not to measure and score spiritual health. Rather, we want to provide a starting point from which people can begin to pursue a healthier spiritual life.

The process of balancing the five purposes in our lives takes time and reflection. First, we need to evaluate where we are. Once we have a picture of where we are, we then need to determine where we need to grow by focusing on one or more of the purpose areas.

Once we've targeted a specific growth area, we need a plan. By answering the questions under each purpose, the user will see where their strengths are and identify where they need to focus more of their attention for growth.

Another aspect of the tool is the ability to get valuable feedback from a few people that know us best, such as a spouse, a small group member, or a mentor, by having them complete the same assessment on us (called a Friend Feedback Assessment). We don't always see ourselves as others do. The valuable, godly relationships in our lives can pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses that we may not identify in ourselves.


Get your church growing in 2010. This effective ministry tool assesses individuals’ current spiritual walk and guides them to set goals in five key areas: worship, connect, grow, serve, and go. Believers come away with a desire to grow spiritually. Pastors

and church leaders come away with churchwide

assessment results that help you formulate discipleship strategies.

For maximum benefit, this tool is

recommended for your entire church. However,

some leaders may use it in small groups. Includes ten 2-ply tests, 1 workbook, and a CD-ROM.Leader Kit. 08LK8460. $24.99 5-9, $22.49 ea. 10 or more, $20.99 ea.

Spiritual Health Planner with Spiritual Health Assessment Leader Kit


Get three easy steps to start your Spiritual Health journey and more at discipleshipideas.com.

Page 7: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4


U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4







God Gives Elijah FoodJust like God provided food for Elijah, kids will learn that God provides for them too.

Daniel and the LionsKids will discover the importance of prayer through the story of Daniel facing the lions.

Jonah and the Big FishAs kids learn about Jonah, they will find out how to obey God.




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Samuel and SolomonThrough stories about the tabernacle and temple, kids will understand how the church is a special place to worship and listen to God.

Daniel and EstherKids will discover how to obey like Daniel and be brave like Esther.

Peter and PaulKids will be challenged to believe for God’s miracles today as they hear stories about how God protected Peter and Paul and used them in ministry.

Choose both Preschool

and Beginning Explorers

to partner your preschool

Sunday School and

Children’s Church!







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Church is God’s HouseThrough stories about Solomon and the temple, kids will discover that church is God’s house, that they can help at church, and that people at church help them.

People At ChurchKids will learn about people at church as well as how to be like Solomon and God’s people, who enjoyed going to church.

Being At ChurchFrom the examples of Hannah and Samuel, kids will find out how they can pray and listen to God at church.

Bible Stories At ChurchStories about Noah’s ark and the flood will show kids the importance of obeying God, their parents, and their teachers.

Find out more about Sunlight Kids at


It’s easy to use the Vida Nueva Leader Guides to prepare your lessons and teach. Then let your students use the coordinating Radiant Life English student books and handwork packets. You can also mix and match, using both English and Spanish student materials as needed. Since Vida Nueva and Radiant Life are parallel (from Toddlers & Twos to Preteen), it’s a breeze to customize the resources to meet your classroom's language needs!

Planning a missions trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Take along Vida Nueva materials!

Are You A Spanish Teacher Needing English Student Materials?

¡Vida Nueva y Radiant Life tienen la solución! Prepare su clase de escuela dominical con la Guía del Maestro en español y deje que sus alumnos usen los libros y las hojas de trabajo en inglés que publica Radiant Life. ¡Sí, el material es paralelo, de Primeros Pasos hasta El Compañero, los mismos temas en inglés y en español! Ahora usted tiene la posibilidad de fomentar el aprendizaje bilingüe, de acuerdo a sus propias necesidades y las de sus alumnos.

¡Lleve el material Vida Nueva en su próximo viaje misionero a algún país de habla hispana!

¡Qué hago! ¡Mis alumnos entienden cuando hablo español

pero prefieren leer inglés!

Permission to duplicate for classroom use. 7Download the complete Theme Chart at www.radiantlife.org

Page 8: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010



8 Download the complete Theme Chart at www.radiantlife.org

Permission to duplicate for classroom use.

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3KI






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Joseph and Joshua Love GodKids will enjoy amazing stories about how Joseph saved his family, Rahab risked her life, and Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land.

People Who Loved JesusPeter fishing, Matthew collecting taxes, the Samaritan woman drawing water, and Zacchaeus climbing a tree show how Jesus reached out to people around Him.

David Loves GodThrough the faith of his great-grandmother Ruth and stories about being a shepherd, getting anointed by Samuel, and defeating Goliath, David shows kids how to love God like he did.





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Israel’s First Two KingsThrough learning about King Saul’s disobedience and King David’s godly character, kids will discover ways to develop godly character in their own lives.

Six Good KingsKids will explore the character traits and actions of King Solomon, Hezekiah, and others who chose to put God first, and they will identify ways they can imitate these good kings.





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Jesus HealsBecause Jesus healed others, kids will discover He still has the power to heal today.

God is Our SourceThrough Esther, Jeremiah, and others, kids will discover that God can be their source for guidance, courage, faith, wisdom, and love.

GratitudeKids will be reminded that gifts aren’t deserved, but instead show God’s love for us through stories about Jehoshaphat, the grateful leper, and the prodigal son.







God the FatherThrough lessons about God’s nature, kids will see how He is true to His Word, keeps His promises, and provides a way for us to be in His family forever.

Being a WitnessBecause what believers say and do can be a witness for or against Christ, kids will explore how they can help others gain eternal life.

Our Bible and Books of the LawThis unit focuses on the Bible’s inspiration and writers, why we need it, and what it tells us. Also covers Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

HighPoint mixes large group, children’s church sessions with small group discussion and hands-on activities. Visit gph.org/highpoint for more information.


SupernaturalIn Supernatural, kids discover that God has not changed. He still does the miraculous to get their attention and help them. Bible focus: various supernatural events in Scripture. Travel destination: outer space.33LK1680 SALE! $49.99*

* Regularly $59.99. Offer good through September 15, 2010.

Faith Case: Investigating the TruthTurn your kids (ages 5-12) into investigators as they join the bumbling, likable Mr. Trench and the no-nonsense Commissioner in search of 16 foundational truths—biblical doctrines that are vital to kids’ faith. This video-based children’s church curriculum, developed by children’s pastors, lets your kids discover what they believe and why. Twelve fast-paced, easy-to-lead sessions come complete with unforgettable videos, games, object lessons, Bible stories, and kid-friendly statements that make each truth a cinch to remember! See what's in the kit at www.faithcase.com.33LK5000 $119.99

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I’LL HAVE IT MY WAY (Discipleship Ideas p. 4)

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DOES YOUR FORMULA WORK? (Discipleship Ideas p. 14)

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SUMMER READING (Discipleship Ideas p. 15)

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CHILDREN’S CHURCHYOUNG EXPLORERS (For more information visit www.gospelpublishing.com)

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YE Kits on CD Vol. 2 Includes all the Kit contents for The Lord’s Army, Here Come the Judges, Olympic Training, Around the World in 90 Days on CD-ROM.

26LS0922 99.99

YE Kits on CD Vol. 3 Includes all the Kit contents for Life’s Ups and Downs, Jesus’ Names Kids Club, Gladiator, Construction Zone on CD-ROM.

26LS0923 99.99

YE Kits on CD Vol. 4 Includes all the Kit contents for Let’s Celebrate, Outback Adventure, God’s Orchard, Super Sleuth, Route 66 on CD-ROM.

26LS0924 99.99


�HighPoint®�PurityBuild life-changing, biblical character traits in your kids with exciting HighPoint sessions. In Purity, kids discover how to follow God’s plan for sexual purity by guarding their hearts, minds, and actions. They’ll explore Bible stories about Adam and Eve, Joseph, and more.

33LS1640.$49.99Regularly $59.99. Offer good through September 15, 2010.

Warning: This kit may not be suitable for younger kids.

Page 11: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

Description Quantity Item No. Unit Price Total Price

SMALL GROUPS Undated, Thematic Studies

FEATURED STUDY: (See Discipleship Ideas back cover.)

Living in the Spirit Kit 08LS8461 109.99

Living in the Spirit by George O. Wood

5 or more, $3.75 ea.03LS7955 6.95

The 360-Degree Disciple 5-9, $8.99 ea.; 10+, $7.99 ea. 02LS0562 9.99


Class Record (6-ply) 50 for 16.95; 100 for 28.95 545 25 for 9.95

Class Folder 546 2.99

Visitor Record (without carbons) 100 for 9.50 547 25 for 2.75

Summary Sheets (without carbons) 548 100 for 6.95

OTHER RECORD SYSTEMS & SUPPLIESAG Desk Calendar, 2010 6 or more, 2.95 ea. 562 3.95

Visitation Assignment Form (3-ply) 549 100 for 4.50

Loose-Leaf Record Sample Packet 550 1.95

Secretary’s Record Book 551 3.49

Class Record Book 552 1.99

Registro general de la Escuela Dominical 07LS5412 3.49

Escuela Dominical Registro de clase 07LS5411 2.25

Envelope for Class Book and Offering 553 12 for 2.95

Enrollment Card 554 50 for 3.95

Individual Record Slip (100 per pad) 556 .85 pad

My Offering Envelope 2½ x 4¼" 500 for 12.95; 1,000 for 22.50 558 100 for 2.95

My Offering Envelope 3 x 5¼" 500 for 15.95; 1,000 for 28.45 559 100 for 3.45

Class Offering Envelope 560 12 for 1.75

Visitor’s Welcome Card 561 100 for 5.90


Total Page C Total Página C


GPH Account #____________________ Name__________________________________ Phone____________________

Grow personally and in ministry. It’s easy when you attend these inexpensive, conference-style, online training sessions in the comfort of your home or office. You’ll enjoy practical insight from well-known leaders around the country. Visit www.shop.cmleadership.com.

Adult�Teacher�Volume�5�SetA year’s worth of curriculum for Spirit-filled living that gives you 52 adult lessons for September 2010 - August 2011. Lessons offer commentary on the Scriptures for each week, along with suggestions for how students can apply them. Includes teaching tips and discussion questions. The easy-to-use lesson format lets you confidently prepare and teach. Includes book and CD-ROM.



Plan�de�la�salud�espiritual�con�Evaluación�de�mi�salud�espiritualEsta efectiva herramienta para el ministerio

evalúa el presente andar espiritual del creyente y lo ayuda a establecer metas en cinco funciones

clave: adorar, conectar, crecer, servir, e ir. Incluye un libro de trabajo del Plan de la salud espiritual. En el CD-ROM encontrará documentos electrónicos para imprimir el Plan de la salud espiritual y la Evaluación de mi salud espiritual.


�F.I.R.E�Institute®�Fire�Starters�One�Year�New�Testament�Devotional�GuideKindle godly passion in teens. Fire Starters guides young people through the New Testament in one year, providing 10-20 minutes of daily study. Great for small groups. Or give away for graduation and other promotions.


Unlimited!�Women’s�Bible�StudiesThe empowering Unlimited! studies, written by Pentecostal women, will help you understand who the Holy Spirit is and what He can do in you and in the world. Study questions are provided at the close of each chapter, with journaling space. Eight sessions each. Books one and two available in Spanish.

AWoman’sUnlimitedPotential,Book1 02LS0275

AWoman’sInnerLife,Book2 02LS0276

AWoman’sInfluentialRelationships,Book3 02LS0277

AWoman’sImpactonHerWorld,Book4 02LS0278


Page 12: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010




























Description Previous Qty. Change To Item No. Unit Price Total Price

SUBSCRIPTIONS & QUARTERLY PERIODICALSPentecostal Evangel** (13 Issues)(Foreign Rate 6.00) (Minimum of 6)

1QLP 3.05

Pentecostal Evangel, SpanishFall 2010 edition 50 or more, .25 ea.

69LS7055 .50

Discipleship Ideas (4 issues) 5 or more to same address, 3.95 ea.

1YTS 4.95

God’s Word for Today ■ See Adult Section, page A

Take Five Plus ■ See Young Teen or High School Section, page A

CHILDREN’S CHURCH (Ages 3-6, not in 1st Grade)

Beginning Explorers Kit ❉

(Includes Leaders Guide)152 22.95

Beginning Explorers

Leaders Guide ❉150 6.99

Preschool Beginning Explorers Visuals ❉ 105 12.99

B. E. Coloring & Activity Book ▲ 153 1.99Rusty & Raspberry Puppets 849 24.95Sycamore Sam Puppet 19LS7771 90.00


See page B.

**All changes to subscriptions for the Pentecostal Evangel must be made by calling 1.800.641.4310.■ Annual subscriptions available by calling 1.800.641.4310.

Visit the web for more great Sunday School, leadership, and Spanish resources.


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Qty.Change To Item No.

Unit Price

Total Price

PRIMARY (Ages 6 and 7, Grades 1 and 2)Primary Teacher Guide 1 1 214 5.99

Primary Bible Visuals 2 1 256 10.50

Primary Resource Packet / 6 215 12.50

Primary Handwork Packet 2 0 216 3.65

Primary Lesson Pages 217 3.65

Kidz World (Grades 1 & 2) 255 3.45

VIDA NUEVA (Spanish) ▲ edición Septiembre 2010 a Febrero 2011

Descripción OrdenAnterior


NúmeroArtículo Precio Total

Párvulos: Primeros Pasos - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 3-4)Preschool Teacher Materials

157 7.99

Párvulos: Primeros Pasos - AlumnoPreschool Student Materials 158 1.99

Principiantes: Tesoros del Rey - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 5-6)Kindergarten Teacher Materials

159 7.99

Principiantes: Tesoros del Rey - AlumnoKindergarten Student Materials 160 1.99

Primarios: Mis Amigos - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 7-9)Primary Teacher Materials

161 7.99

Primarios: Mis Amigos - AlumnoPrimary Student Materials 162 1.99

Intermedios: El Compañero - IncluyeGuía del Maestro y Visuales (Edades 10-12)PreTeen Teacher Materials

163 7.99

Intermedios: El Compañero - AlumnoPreTeen Student Materials 164 1.99

Adolescentes: El Explorador -Guía del Maestro (Edades 13-16)Adolescents Teacher Guide

165 3.99

Adolescentes: El Explorador - AlumnoAdolescents Student Guide 166 1.99

Jóvenes: El Embajador -Guía del Maestro (Edades 17-21)Young Adults Teacher Guide

167 3.99

Jóvenes: El Embajador - AlumnoYoung Adults Student Guide 168 1.99

Adulto: El Maestro/RústicaAdult Teacher Guide/softcover 169 6.99

Adulto: El Maestro/TelaAdult Teacher Guide/hardcover 171 9.99

Adulto: La Guía Adulto-AlumnoAdult Student Guide 170 1.99

Adulto: Ayudas y Recursos/Folleto deTransparencias MaestrasAdult Resource Packet

172 13.99


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Page 13: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

U N I T 1 U N I T 2 U N I T 3 U N I T 4


9Download the complete Theme Chart at www.radiantlife.org

Permission to duplicate for classroom use.









Getting to the Heart of GodStudies on the compassion, grief, amazement, and delight of God’s heart will show students how God’s passion for them influences everything He does.

On that Day: What Matters in the EndLessons on what matters in life will challenge students to examine their relationships, priorities, actions, and motives in light of eternity.

Pursued by a PromiseThrough God’s promises, young teens will see God’s concern for a fallen world, His promise of restoration through Christ, and His pursuit of each of them.










Paul and Barnabas: Men on a MissionBy focusing on the lives of Paul and Barnabas, students will examine the topics of salvation, the call of God, and life in God’s family.

Dealing with FeelingsTeens will learn how to turn negative feelings such as jealousy and hate into positive emotions like love, hope, and contentment.

Disarming the Devil: Spiritual WarfareBy studying the scriptural foundations for spiritual warfare, teens will learn to identify spiritual enemies and allies, and get ready to do battle.





ar c


Counsel for Christlike Living (1 and 2 Peter)By studying 1 and 2 Peter, you can receive counsel that will help you live for Christ and become more like Him.

The Person and Work of the Holy SpiritIt is important for us to understand who the Holy Spirit is and what He does if we are to live a Spirit-filled life and have the joy and peace of being led by the Spirit.

NEW! Sunlight Kids, a

complete kit for nursery.

See pages 12-13.

Choose both to

partner your preschool

Sunday School and

Children’s Church!

Living in the Spirit Educate and invigorate all ages in your church! This fantastic, new churchwide resource disciples children, teens, and adults simultaneously, as they experience the Holy Spirit's power for their lives. Based on Living in the Spirit by George O. Wood, this exciting kit includes• Living in the Spirit book• Teaching DVD & CD-ROM • Discussion DVD & CD-ROM • Kids DVD & CD-ROM • Eight sessions for each age


Kit. 08LK8461. $109.99Living in the Spirit book. 03LK7955. $6.95 5 or more, $3.75 ea.

Adult Teacher, Volume 5A year’s worth of curriculum for Spirit-filled living that gives you 52 adult lessons for September 2010 - August 2011. Lessons offer commentary on the Scriptures for each week, along with suggestions for how students can apply them. Includes teaching tips and discussion questions. The easy-to-use lesson format lets you confidently prepare and teach. Set includes book and CD-ROM.Adult Teacher Volume 5 Set. 02LK1527. $24.95Adult Teacher Volume 5. Hard. 400 pages. 02LK1528. $18.95Adult Teacher Volume 5 CD-ROM. 28LK1613. $9.95

Page 14: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010







Samuel y Salomón

Daniel y Ester

Pedro y Pablo

Dios dio a Jesús

Dios da la familia

Dios todo lo puede





José y Josué amaban a Dios

Personas que amaban a Jesús

David amaba a Dios

La Navidad es especial

El amor de Jesús

Los milagros de Jesús




S Los dos primeros reyes de Israel

Seis buenos reyes

El nacimiento de Jesús

Jesús me enseña

Jesús enseña con historias





O Dios el Padre

Cómo ser testigos

La Biblia y los libros de la Ley

Dios el Hijo

Mi iglesia y yo

Los libros históricos





R Tu personalidad y la escuela

Transformadores del mundo

Momento decisivo

Sigue al líder

Dios, el amigo eterno

El joven y el sexo




OR Los Diez Mandamientos

Principios bíblicos (la ética en la sociedad)

El evangelio según Lucas

Compañerismo cristiano

Buen manejo del dinero



TRO Consejos para la vida cristiana –

las epístolas de Pedro

La Persona y la obra del Espíritu Santo

La escuela de los grandes líderes espirituales

La ética cristiana

Currículo y recursos en español

10 Permission to duplicate for classroom use.*Ahora paralelo con el currículo en inglés de Radiant Life!


La Vida en el Espíritu por George O. WoodHoy mismo usted puede andar en la plenitud de Dios. El

superintendente general, George O. Wood, reafirma las verdades, los valores, y el compromiso con que nos inspiran nuestros antepasados pentecostales y nos presenta prácticas enseñanzas para vivir en el Espíritu hoy. Esta obra ofrece un refrescante panorama de los desafíos y oportunidades únicos para cada persona llena del Espíritu y para la iglesia como cuerpo.02LK1055. $6.95 5 o más, $3.75 c/u.

Plan de la salud espiritual con Evaluación de mi salud espiritualEsta efectiva herramienta para el ministerio evalúa el presente andar espiritual del creyente y lo ayuda a establecer metas en cinco funciones clave: adorar, conectar, crecer, servir, e ir. En los creyentes despertará un anhelo de crecer

espiritualmente. Los pastores

y los líderes de la iglesia tendrán resultados claros de la

condición de su iglesia que los

ayudará a formular estrategias para el discipulado.Incluye un libro de trabajo del Plan de la salud espiritual. En el CD-ROM encontrará documentos electrónicos para imprimir el Plan de la salud espiritual y la Evaluación de mi salud espiritual. 08LK8459 $15.99

Page 15: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 11

A Group is for BelongingThe literature on church growth and development now stresses the importance of small groups. The group factor dominates Barna’s characteristics of user-friendly churches2 and Chandler’s descriptions of innovative ways to handle the future’s challenges.3

Cells, affinity, sharing, participation, specific target groups, empowering, belonging, teams, support, cooperation are the driving words and concepts,

urging the use of group processes to maintain church vitality in changing postmodern times.

This recent popular interest in small group discipling causes many church leaders to perceive a paradigm shift related to 21st-century needs. Actually, people’s basic needs and natures have not changed. What experts are saying is that small groups may be more important than ever because more people are torn apart-from one another and from stable meanings in life. People are uncertain

what to believe as customs, institutions, and values change. Our best hope for making converts and guiding Christians into positions of maturity and service is to understand people’s need to belong.

—BILLIE DAVIS is an educator, writer and missionary. Excerpted with permission

from “Christians Grow in Groups,” Enrichment Journal (enrichment.ag.org). Read more at discipleshipideas.com.2. George Barna, User-Friendly Churches (Ventura, Calif.: Regal Books, 1991). 3. Russell Chandler, Racing Toward 2001 (Grand Rapids,: Zondervan, 1992).





Today, all around the world, people will join with other people in homes or restaurants or workplaces to study God’s Word and grow in Christ together in a small group. In many cases, however, the results may be less than what Jesus desires.

Jesus said, “Go into all of the world and make disciples.” But as Dallas Willard’s book, The Great Omission, points out, the Church doesn’t always have a plan for doing that. It’s as if the Great Commission had read, “Go into all of the world and make church members.” That’s certainly a worthy goal, but it stops far short of what our Savior commanded.

Community is belonging together, joining as part of the Body of Christ for the biblical purposes that Jesus charged us with keeping. And since small groups are also charged with keeping the purposes, how do we turn them into small groups centered around God’s purposes? And as a part of that, how do we ensure they’re growing in discipleship? Here are a few evaluation check points:

#1 Don’t let groups become fellowship-only groups. Even

though fellowship may be the single greatest benefit cited by many people for why they get in a small group. “I want to have friends.” “I want to make close friends.” “I’d like to be able to count on people, just like family.” Almost everyone wants those things. But left at just fellowship, people will just hang out together. While fellowship is critical for true discipleship to happen, when we just eat and fellowship together, the only growth we get is in our waist.

#2 Help your groups get regular spiritual checkups. Unlike

physical checkups that are done by medical professionals, each member of your group can check his or her own spiritual vital signs with a quick assessment. In fact, you can get tools for your group members to use to see how they are doing in trying to live a purpose driven life.

#3 Make sure your groups have something to chew on. If your

ministry doesn’t have a suggested small group curriculum pathway, your groups could wander away from the discipleship purpose. Help them know what to study next, based on where they are now spiritually. A great help for groups is for you to review the different curriculum-study resources that are available for small

groups and simply make a list. Put studies in the order you think will work best.

For the complete article and more discipleship resources go to discipleshipideas.com.

STEVE GLADEN has been leading the Small Group Team at Saddleback Church since 1998 and currently oversees 3,500 adult small groups at Saddleback Church. Steve also founded the Purpose Driven Small Group Network (http://pdsgn.wordpress.com), a free network of small group point people to make sure no one stands alone.


Unlimited! Women’s Bible StudiesThese empowering studies will help you understand who the Holy Spirit is and what He can do in you and the world. Includes

study questions. Eight sessions each.A Woman’s Unlimited Potential, Book 102LK0275. $9.99Spanish. 02LK0274. $9.99A Woman’s Inner Life, Book 202LK0276. $9.99Spanish. 02LK0271. $9.99A Woman’s Influential Relationships, Book 302LK0277. $9.99A Woman’s Impact on Her World, Book 402LK0278. $9.99

Page 16: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S12 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

the parts we play

It’s a crazy cover, but to dig into the message of my book, The Parts We Play, kids just got to flip it to its back and read the license plate: “EPH 416”

Ephesians 4:16: “From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work” (NIV).

It’s that simple. That’s the secret ingredient I want kids to hold onto, but it’s not something that we should just leave to the little people.

It all starts with a car whose parts begin leading a revolt. They all decide to try and swap places with each other, thinking that maybe they can do another part’s job better. Soon everything starts falling apart, and they recognize they are not able to move at all. The story, originally born of my comedy, took on a greater purpose when God spoke through my pastor’s message on Ephesians 4:16. That message showed me what the book project was really about.

The Church, as the body of Christ, is only at its strongest—its greatest effectiveness—when all of the parts are in the right place, fulfilling their God-appointed roles. Some things might work to some degree even when all the parts aren’t in place, but they won’t work well and eventually will fall apart.

Maybe, when you look at your church, you see a scenario similar to that of The Parts We Play—a congregation of skilled and gifted people who haven’t indentified what their specific gifts are, aren’t sure how to best focus and use those gifts, and/or don’t even know or feel that they have a place in or anything to offer to the Church body.

Your desire is to grow and build up your church and encourage each part to do its work. You want them to live it out in their everyday lives and show the saving love of Jesus to those who

need Him. But, maybe you are wondering just how to get things started. How do you draw the passions of your congregants to the surface? How do you grow their desire to fulfill the parts they play—their roles in the body of Christ?

In TPWP, the radiator is the voice of reason that keeps everyone on track doing what they were designed to do

to get the car started and running the way it should. In your church, be that voice of reason that not only impresses on your people the valuable part they play in the body, but also encourages them in doing the things they are good at. Then try some of these ideas to get your church accepting their parts in the body of Christ:

Elementary-aged through adults

• Present the following questions for everyone to think about.If you had the time, what would you want to practice, research or become an expert in? What activities do you engage in that make you lose track of time? What skills or abilities do you have

for which people have complimented you? If money were no object, what work would you be willing to

do for free?• Present the different programs and

activities your church offers—greeting, choir, drama, teaching Sunday school, nursery work, prayer team, etc.—and encourage people to step out and try something, first praying and asking God what He wants them to do. Chances are, God will lead each person

to an area for which He has gifted and equipped him or her.


• In the body of Christ, young children are like the ears. They listen to and absorb everything.

Read The Parts We Play, and other books with a similar theme, aloud in your children’s Sunday school groups. Help them see the connection between the story and the importance of their roles on a level they can understand. Have a discussion about what would happen if the different parts of the car didn’t understand, accept or commit to playing the specific part each one had been given.• Encourage preschoolers in the art of pretending as they play







a T.



Page 17: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

V I S I T: w w w . d i s c i p l e s h i p i d e a s . c o m D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S 13

What Motivates You?In an interview with Veggie Tales guru Phil Vischer, he told me, “To find your gifting is about finding the true intersection of your gifting and God’s heart, and God has wired you for something.”

If you simply allow Him to reveal that to you—opening your eyes to the resource He has placed around you—He will ignite a passion to use whatever you like to do to serve a greater purpose. Here are some simple ways and effective ways you can determine what your role is:

• Ask yourself questions like, “What do I really love doing?,” “What are the things that I hear about that make me want to respond in some way?” and answer the “Whys?” Put those things down in a journal or in a notes folder on your phone or laptop.

• Take the Spiritual Gifts assessment at churchgrowth.org/analysis/intro.php. This will help you see how your Spiritual gifts and the things you like to do might work together.

• Take Tamara Lowe’s Motivational DNA assessment at motivationaldna.com.

• Find ways to connect with these passions on at least a once a month basis to keep the fire burning.

—AMBER WEIGAND-BUCKLEY is a writer, speaker and editor for ONCOURSE national youth ministries magazine.

Take the Spiritual Gifts assessment at discipleshipideas.com.

with each other, to begin developing their creativity in figuring out who they are and what special gifts God has given them.• Have two children volunteer to look at the TPWP book together, each with one hand held behind their back. Explain that they can only use one hand to hold up the book, helping them to see that working together is the only way they can keep it up.

Middle school/High school/College

• Have each student write down one thing they plan to do or did that day. It could be a simple as eating a hamburger. Then, have everyone list each person who may have played a role in allowing him or her to eat that hamburger. They will be amazed at how many people play a part in even the seemingly smallest tasks or results –and how either the omission or addition of even one person can make a difference in the outcome.

Parents With Children

• Get into your car with your children, and pretend the car won’t start. Choose a character in the TPWP book, and talk about how that one part’s unwillingness to do his job means that you may not be able to make it to where you wanted to go. Engage your children in a discussion to emphasize how extensively one part abandoning his job can affect an overall plan.

Adults/Senior Adults

• Play a pre-recorded testimony, and have each person try to imagine how many different people probably played a

part—even a small part—in bringing that person to know Christ. Ask everyone to try to imagine

playing a specific role in the testimony they have just heard, thinking about what effect

their choices and actions can have on another person’s life—both positive and negative. Have each person apply this exercise to his or her own testimony. How many people played their part and used their

God-given gifts to help lead each person to their relationship with Jesus?

COMEDIAN MICHAEL JR. gives people “an opportunity to laugh” by taking comedy across the nation to talk shows, clubs, churches and into places where most comics scarcely tread. The journey, presented in his documentary, "Comedy: The Road Less Traveled" is releasing in churches in September and then movie theaters across the country. To view the “CTRLT” trailer and sign up your church for a screening, go to comedytheroadlesstraveled.com. Michael Jr. lives in Los Angeles with his wife and five children. For more on Michael Jr, visit michaeljr.com.

Discipleship Set to Music with

{Music City Unites for Haiti}“Come Together Now”

“Be the light in the darkness/Be the peace in the storm/Be a shelter for someone/When the rain starts to pour/Be the hands that bring healing/And the hands that provide."

This song, spurred by the devastating Haiti earthquake, needs to continue to be heart cry of the Church body keeping eyes wide open to the incredible need around us—with hands and feet poised for response. Sometimes we find it easier to unite for catastrophe, but how could a "come together" mission be put into practice before tragedy strikes? How can this concept translate into your Sunday school classes, small groups or greater church community?

Watch the “Come Together Now” video at discipleshipideas.com. Proceeds from song sales on amazon.com go to the continued Haiti relief efforts.

Lyrics reprinted with permission Deer Valley Music. Song written by Michael W. Smith, Cindy Morgan, David Mullen.

The Church, as

the body of

Christ, is only

at its strongest

- its greatest


- when all of

the parts are in

the right place,

fulfilling their



Page 18: Discipleship Ideas Fall 2010

D I S C I P L E S H I P I D E A S14 C A L L : ( 8 0 0 ) 6 4 1 - 4 3 1 0

However I see a new generation rising.

Way back when Martin Luther broke from the Catholic church, a new movement began. He saw that the formula for connecting with the society of his day was leaving the masses behind.

Today many of his observations stand true for our world as well. You don't have to look hard to see that people of all ages, demographics and backgrounds are hurting and in dire need of hope. Something real. Something tangible. Something they can believe in and stand on. Every day we have the opportunity to look beyond ourselves and examine the world around us. What are the FIVE ways that we can act out in love and compassion to make a difference? Here are some possible places of inspiration:

1 LOOK TO JESUSBy seeking after the

hurting and suffering, He greatly impacted all of those around Him. Where are you looking?


She touched the world with compassion and met peoples’ human needs (she fed them, clothed them and gave them a place to die with dignity). Do more with love... initiate action.

3 LOOSEN THE HALOOften our self-made

halos could use a little loosening. It can be repulsive to others if our approach is singularly focused on pointing out the sin of others. Leave room for God to change their heart. Love them where they are. Remember to love the sinner, not the sin. But speak truth surrounded in love. Love wins people... not casting stones.


Jesus spoke in the language of his day. He taught about fig trees, seeds and real people. Learn to speak the language of those you are called to reach out to. Ask them questions. Let them see a real hope in your example and find the answer within your story. There is no need to force a sales pitch. Try to refrain from using Christianese. Make it simple. Just ask them to share their story. Then share yours.


The time is now for us to reach out deeply into our communities. LOTVLOVE.com is an online hub of help. We support organizations that help people professionally. Everyone hurts for a reason. Let's help them find the root, not just focus on the fruit. If you or anyone you know has a hurt or a secret, let them know they can share their secret and get help. [email protected].

How do we reach people today?If your church is full, feel free to skip this article.

If your style works ... don't change it. Don't change a thing.



It’s time to focus on building unity in our communities. Set aside differences to meet the needs of hurting people. Schools, music, local businesses and teachers can meet kids' needs. If we can unify and meet the needs of people around us, then they will see the love and ask you what makes you different. Same message; DIFFERENT formula.

TROMA is a Gotee Recording artist, founder of LOTVLOVE.COM and contributor to ONCOURSE magazine. For other resources in your area that offer help check out www.

LOTVLOVE.com or call 211 from your phone. For unconventional ways to reach your community, check out discipleshipideas.com.




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