Directory For Financial ManagersOffice of Finance and Management Administration Building Room 117-W...


Transcript of Directory For Financial ManagersOffice of Finance and Management Administration Building Room 117-W...


    0 ne of the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program’s (JFMIP) objectives is to encourage and promote the sharing and exchanging of information concerning good financial techniques and practices throughout the government. Accordingly, we update annually the Dkrectmyfor F&uncial Managers to facilitate and improve communication among federal financial managers and to promote a better climate for good financial management. We encourage that this Directmy be used to facilitate a financial managers’ network for sharing of experience and knowledge.

    In order to provide timely and responsive service to the financial management community, we would appreciate being informed of any major changes to its contents. Please contact us in writing at the JFMIP address shown below:

    Joint Financial Management Improvement Program 666 - 11th Street NW, Suite 320 Washington, DC 20001-4542

    Any comments, suggestions or questions concerning this Directory should also be sent to the above address, or by fax to JFMIP, fax number (202) 376-5396.


  • Joint Financial Management Improvement Program

    T he Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP) is a joint cooperative undertaking of the Office of Management and Budget, the General Accounting Office, the Department of the Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management, working in cooperation with each other and with operating agencies to improve financial management practices throughout government. The Program was initiated in 1948 by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, and the Comptroller General, and was given statutory authorization in the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act of 1950. The Civil Service Commission, now the Office of Personnel Management, joined JFMIP in 1966.

    The overall objective of JPMIP is to make improvements that contribute significantly to the effective and efficient operations of governmental programs. Activities aimed at achieving this objective include:

    l Developing general objectives in those areas of common interest to the central agencies for guiding the improvement of financial management across government and promoting strategies for achieving those objectives.

    l Reviewing and coordinating central agencies’ activities and policy promulgations affecting financial management to avoid possible conflict, inconsistency, duplication, and confusion.

    . Undertaking projects and special reviews of significant problems and new technologies in financial management and publishing the findings and conclusions.

    l Acting as a catalyst and clearinghouse for sharing and disseminating financial management information about good financial management techniques and technologies.

    . Reviewing the financial management efforts of the operating agencies and serving as a catalyst for further improvements.

    The JFMIP plays a key role in mobilizing resources and coordinating cooperative efforts in the improvement of financial management practices, and relies on the active participation of federal agencies to be successful. The Joint Program is guided by a Steering Committee consisting of key policy officials from each of the central agencies. A key official from a program agency, currently the Department of Defense, also serves on the Steering Committee. A small staff headed by an Executive Director provides support to the Committee.

  • Foreword ................................... i Introduction.. ............................... .

    Organization Listing ACTION .................................... . Administrative Conference of the United States ...... 1 African Development Foundation ................. 1 Agency for International Development ............ -1 Agriculture, Deparnnent of ..................... .2 Appalachian Regional Commission ............... .4 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ........... .4 Board for International Broadcasting ............. .5 Central Intelligence Agency .................... .5 Commerce, Department of ..................... .5 Commission ofFine Arts ....................... .7 CommissiononCivilRights .................... .8 Commodity Futures Trading Commission ......... .8 Congressional Budget Office .................... .8 Consumer Product Safety Commission ............ .8 Defense, Department of ....................... .9 Education, Department of. .................... .13 Energy, Department of ....................... .13 Environmental Protection Agency ............... .14 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ...... .15 Executive Office of the President ................ .16 Export-Import Bank of the United States ......... .16 Farm Credit Administration ................... .16 Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board ..... .16 Federal Communications Commission ........... .17 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ........... ,17 Federal Election Co mmission ................. ..18 Federal Emergency Management Agency ......... -18 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission .......... .19 Federal Labor Relations Authority ............... .19 Federal Maritime Commission ................. .19 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service ........ .20 Federal Reserve System ....................... .20 Federal Trade Commission .................... .20 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission .......... .21 General Accounting Office .................... .21 General Services Administration ................ .21 Government Printing Office ................... .23 Health and Human Services, Department of ....... .23 Housing and Urban Development, Department of . . -27 Information Agency, United States .............. .28 Inter-American Foundation .................... .29 Interior, Department of the .................... .29 International Trade Commission ................ .31 Interstate Commerce Commission .............. .31 Joint Financial Management Improvement Program . .31

    Justice, Department of ........................ 32 Labor, Department of ........................ 33 Library of Congress .......................... 35 Merit Systems Protection Board ................. 35 National Academy of Sciences .................. 36 National Aeronautics and Space Administration ..... 36 National Archives and Records Administration ...... 36 National Capital Planning Commission ........... 36 National Credit Union Administration ............ 37 NationalEndowmentfortheArts ............... 37 iii National Endowment for the Humanities .......... 37 National Gallery of Art ........................ 38 National Labor Relations Board ................. 38 National Mediation Board ..................... 38 National Railroad Passenger Corporation .......... 38 NationalScienceFoundation ................. ..3 8 National Security Council ...................... 39 National Transportation Safety Board ............. 39 Nuclear Regulatory Commission ................ 39 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission . 39 Office of Management and Budget .............. .40 Office of Personnel Management ............... .40 Office of Science and Technology Policy ......... .40 Office of Technology Assessment ............... .40 Overseas Private Investment Corporation ......... .41 Panama Canal Co mmission ................... .41 Peace Corps ............................... .41 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation .... .42 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ........... .42 Postal Rate Commission ...................... .42 Postal Service, U.S. .......................... .42 Railroad Retirement Board .................... .42 Securities and Exchange Commission ............ .42 Selective Service System ...................... .43 Small Business Administration ................. .43 Smithsonian Institution ...................... .43 Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Home, United States ....... 44 State, Department of ........................ .44 Tax Court, UnitedStates ..................... .45 Tennessee Valley Authority ................... .46 Transportation, Department of. ................ .46 Treasury, Department of the .................. .49 Veterans A&k, Department of ................. 54

    Interagency Councils CFOCouncil ............................... 56 Comptrollers Roundtable ...................... 58 Federal Financial Managers’ Council (FFMC) ...... 61 Regional FMCCs ............................ 63 President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency ..... 64 President’s Council on Management Improvements . . 66

    Agency Abbreviations ......................... 69

    Alphabetical (Individuals) Listing ................ 70

  • the same-mailing address unless otherwise indicated.

    Scniw Financial official Gary Kowalczyk Comptroller Boom 4200 Phone: (202) 606-4842 Fax: (202) 606-5127

    Granta Management Kirby McColh.un Director, Procurement and Grants Management Division Boom 2100 Phone: (202) 606-5150 Fax: (202) 606-5127


    Lowell Genebach Director, Planning and Budget Division Boom 4100 Phone: (202) 606-5137 Fax: (202) 606-5127

    Accounting Operations, Casb/Crcdit/Dcbt Management, Financial Analysis, Repwts and Systems

    Kenneth George Director, Accounting and Financial Management Division Room 3100 Phone: (202) 606-5163 Fax: (202) 606-5127

    Internal Control

    Janet Smith Director, Adminiitrative and Management Services Boom 2101 Phone: (202) 606-5245 Fax: (202) 606-5127

    ofue of Impectw General

    Judith A. Denny Inspector General Office of Inspector General Boom 12100 Phone: (202) 606-4804 Fax: (202) 606-5127

    Seniw&en~ official

    Wtiiam J. Olmstead Executive Director Phone: (202) 254-7020 Fax: (202) 254-3077

    Financial Systems Development, Andit, Internal Re9im

    Daniel F. Mann Phone: (202) 254-7020 Fax: (202) 254-3077

    Accounting Operations, Financial Repwtiq

    Norma B. Smith Phone: (202) 254-7065 Fax: (202) 254-3077

    Seniw Financial -ial

    Thomas Wilson Director, Office of Budget, Planning, and Administration 10th Floor 1400 I Street NW Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 673-3916 Fax: (202) 673-3810

    Financial Management

    Douglas M. Page Phone: (202) 673-3916 Fax: (202) 673-3810


    Genevieve Peterson Phone: (202) 673-3916 Fax: (202) 673-3810


    Mohammed Gassama Financial Specialist Phone: (202) 673-3916 Fax: (202) 673-3810

    Inspcctw General

    Paul Magid Inspector General Phone: (202) 673-3916 Fax: (202) 673-3810

    Se&w Financial O&al

    John F. Owens Acting Associate Administrator, Finance and Administration Boom 3932 NS AA/AF Washington, DC 20523-0051 Phone: (202) 647-9890 Fax: (202) 647-4832

    Michael G. Usnick Controller Office of Financial Management Boom 802 SA-2 FA/FM Phone: (202) 663-2468 Fax: (202) 663-2276

    C&b Managcmnt, Funds Cont~oh PayoU, Accounting Operations, Financial Reporting

    Elmer Sandy Owens Acting Deputy Controller Office of Financial Management Boom 800 SA-2 FA/FM Phone: (202) 663-2284 Fax: (202) 663-2276

  • 2


    Richard Nygard Director, Office of Budget Room 3942 NS Washington, DC 20523-0052 Phone: (202) 647-8899 Fax: (202) 647-0432

    Financial System, Intefvaal Control

    Robert Kramer Chief, Fiiancial Policy and Systems Division Office of Financial Management Room 803 SA-2 FM/FPS Washington, DC 20523-0213 Phone: (202) 663-2176 Fax: (202) 663-2276

    Infmation Systmas, Technology Barry Goldberg Director Office of Information Resource Management Room 1lOOA SA-14 Washington, DC 20523-1407 Phone: (703) 875-1326 Fax: (703) 875-1037

    Procurement Terrence J. McMahon Director Office of Procurement Room 1501 SA-14 Washington, DC 20523-1421 Phone: (703) 875-1150 Fax: (703) 875-1519

    O&e of Inspectw General Herbert L. Beckington Inspector General Room 5756 NS Washington, DC 20523-0060 Phone: (202) 647-7844 Fax: (202) 647-5948

    John Competello Assistant Inspector General, Audit Room 5756 NS Washington, DC 20523-0060 Phone: (202) 647-7845 Fax: (202) 647-5948

    Richard C. Thabet Deputy Assistant Inspector General, Audit Boom 409 SA- 16 Washington, DC 20523-1604 Phone: (703) 875-4360 Fax: (703) 875-6584

    Coinage N. Gothard Director, Programs and Systems Audits Room 514 SA-16 Washington, DC 20523-1604 Phone: (703) 875-4001 Fax: (703) 875-6584

    Richard A. Barth Director, Financial Audits Room 514 SA-16 Washington, DC 20523-1604 Phone: (703) 875-4171 Fax: (703) 875-6584


    John E. Popovich Assistant Inspector General, Resource Management Room 410 SA-16 Washington, DC 20523-1604 Phone: (703) 875-4110 Fax: (703) 875-6584

    Senior f&my Ojj%al Charles R. Hilty Associate Deputy Secretary Office of the Secretary Administration Building Room 200-A Phone: (202) 447-6158 Fax: (202) 447-2166

    iG2i:*On Office of Finance and Management Administration Building Room 117W Phone: (202) 447-8345 Fax: (202) 426-2568

    David C. Rector Deputy Director, Policy Office of Finance and Management Administration Building Room 117-W Phone: (202) 447-8748 Fax: (202) 426-2568

    Accortntin~ Operatim, Payroll, Financial Repotting

    Clyde McShan II Director Office of Finance and Management National Finance Center P.O. Box 60000 New Orleans, LA 70160 Phone: (504) 255-5200 Fax: (504) 255-5548


    Stephen B. Dewhurst Director Office of Budget and Program Analysis Administration Building Room 112-A Phone: (202) 447-3323 Fax: (202) 475-4635

    Caeb/Crcdit/Dcbt Manngcmcnt, Financial Systemc, Intmnal Control, Consolidated Financial Statement Preparation

    Peter Ben Ezra Chief, Financial Systems Division Office of Finance and Management South Building Room 3019 Phone: (202) 382-1174 Fax: (202) 447-5679

    Procwenunt Marilyn Wagner Acting Director Office of Operations Administration Building Room 113-W Phone: (202) 447-3937 Fax: (202) 245-4728

    O&e ofhspcctw General

    Leon Snead Inspector General Office of Inspector General Administration Building Room 248-E Phone: (202) 447-8001 Fax: (202) 447-468 3

    Craig L. Beauchamp Assistant Inspector General, Investigations Administration Building Room 412-A Phone: (202) 447-3306 Fax: (202) 447-4683

  • Paula F. Hayes Assistant Inspector General, Policy Development and Resource Management Administration Building Boom 7-E Phone: (202) 447-6979 Fax: (202) 447-8081

    James R Ebbitt Assistant Inspector General, Audit Administration Building Boom 403-E Phone: (202) 447-6945 Fax: (202) 382-0319


    Joseph E. Roeder Director, Financial Management South Building Boom 3969 Phone: (202) 447-7511 Fax: (202) 447-8882


    J. Larry Wilson Director, Financial Management Boom 828 6303 Ivy Lane Greenbelt, MD 20770 Phone: (301) 344-3531 Fax: (301) 344-0135


    Angelena Bracht Director, Finance and Management Division South Building Boom 6094 Phone: (202) 447-6163 Fax: (202) 4478260


    Michael C. Gregoire Director, Budget and Accounting Division Federal Building Boom 250 Phone: (301) 436-8738 Fax: (301) 4368064


    Timothy 0. Tyler Director, Budget and Finance Division South Building Boom 1446 Phone: (202) 447-3535 Fax: (202) 382-6185


    Gene Spory Director Management Staff South Building Boom 3910 Phone: (202) 447-6223 Fax: (202) 475-4965


    Clarence P. Squeilati Acting Deputy Administrator, Management scucu~gng

    Phone: (202) 447-7015 Fax: (202) 382-6062


    Robert C. Goetz Comptroller South Building Boom 4629 Phone: (202) 447-5183 Fax: (202) 447-4990


    Robert E. Soderstrom Director, Resources Management Division South Building Boom 0619 Phone: (202) 382-0231 Fax: (202) 447-4628


    Jack Badzikowski Deputy Administrator, Financial Management Boom 409 3101 Park Center Drive Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: (703) 756-3046 Fax: (703) 756-4356


    William L. West Director, Budget and Finance Division SoLh~igng

    Phone: (202) 447-3367 Fax: (202) 447-7208


    Besa Kotati Director, Budget and Finance Division South Building Boom 5702 Phone: (202) 447-7457 Fax: (202) 447-3814

  • Susan K. Jones Director, Management Services Division sEo; Igng

    Phone: (202) 447-3295 Fax: (202) 382-8647


    Darold Foxworthy Director, Fiscal and Public Safety Rosslyn Plaza-E Boom 605 Arlington, VA 22209 Phone: (703) 2358130 Fax: (703) 235-3541

    Stephen Satterfield Acting Director, Program Development and Budget Auditors Building Boom 5-NW 20114th Street SW Washington, DC 20090 Phone: (202) 447-6987 Fax: (202) 4754409


    Paul Bennett Budget Officer 20 1 NAL Building 10301 Baltimore Blvd. Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: (301) 344-1570 Fax: (301) 344-5472


    Charlene Buchner Special Assistant South Building Boom 2041 Phone: (202) 447-6324 Fax: (202) 447-2550


    John Miranda Assistant Administrator, Administration South Building Boom 3103 Phone: (202) 245-5787 Fax: (202) 245-5803

    Fred Kaplan Director, Budget and Finance Division South Building Boom 0321 Phone: (202) 245-5689 Fax: (202) 245-5726


    Wrlliam A. Ashley StaRDirector, Management Services South Building Boom 3038 Phone: (202) 447-5760 Fax: (202) 245-5173


    Robert D. Buddy Director, Fiscal Accounting South Building Boom 2001 Phone:(202)382-8823 Fax: (202) 382-1915

    William E. Davis Director, Borrowers Accounting Division s%&;;3;cfng

    Phone: (202) 382-9450 Fax: (202) 382-1915

    Ruth Raymond Director, Budget Office South Building Boom 4024 Phone: (202) 382-9571 Fax: (202) 382-1915


    Boy Twidt Director, Financial Management Division kUo3;gfllg

    Phone: (202) 447-5904 Fax: (202) 382-0372


    David E. Meuser Administrative Officer Phone: (202) 673-7822

    All Btrt Bud&et

    Kenneth L. Shepard Director, Finance and Administration Phone: (202) 673-7886

    Impectm General

    Hubert N. Sparks Inspector General Phone: (202) 673-7822

    William Amoroso Financial Manager Boom 5731 Phone: (202) 647-1921 Fax: (202) 647-0861

  • Patricia Schlueter Director, Financial and Congressional Affairs Phone: (202) 254-8040 Fax: (202) 254-3929

    Comptroller Office of the Director Phone: (703) 4824456

    Deputy Director, Administration Phone: (703) 482-5454

    Director Office of Financial Management Phone: (703) 351-2744

    Chief, Policy and Evaluation Staff Phone: (703) 351-2967

    Audit Staff Chief Office of Inspector General Phone: (703) 351-2873

    Acting Inspector General Room 2X30 Phone: (703) 874-2553

    Chef Financial O@e7

    Preston Moore Assistant Secretary, Administration Room 5830 Phone: (202) 377-495 1 Fax: (202) 377-3592

    Otto J. WolfF Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration Boom 5830 Phone: (202) 377-4951 Fax: (202) 377-3592

    Deputy Uhf Financial Offius

    Gary Maupin Director, Financial Management Boom 6827 Phone: (202) 377-1207 Fax: (202) 377-5070

    Douglas K. Day Deputy Director, Financial Management Boom 6827 Phone: (202) 377-1294 Fax: (202) 377-5070


    Roger J. Mallet Director, Office of Financial Policy and Procedures Boom 6818 Phone: (202) 3774593 Fax: (202) 377-5070

    Pinancd Operatium and Repming Joan Bozzonetti Director, Office of Financial Operations and Reports Boom 101 20010 Century Blvd. Germantown, MD 20874 Phone: (301) 427-3237 Fax: (301) 427-3200

    Financinl System Joseph Sclafani Director, Office of Financial Systems Boom 6827 Phone: (202) 377- 1294 Fax: (202) 377-5070


    Vacant Director, Office of Compliance and Review Room 6819 Phone: (202) 377-0754 Fax: (202) 377-5070


    Alan P. Balutis Director, Budget, Planning, and Organization Boom 5820 Phone: (202) 377-3490

    5 Fax: (202) 377-3361


    Mark E. Brown Director, Office of Budget Boom 5818 Phone: (202) 377-4648 Fax: (202) 377-3361


    Hugh L. Brennan Director, Procurement and Administrative Services Boom 6316 Phone: (202) 377-1200 Fax: (202) 377-4816

    Infmation Resowce Management

    Reed Phillips Director, Management and Information Systems Boom 6092 Phone: (202) 377-1300 Fax: (202) 377-0411

    Grants Management, Travel Managmrent

    Sonya G. Stewart Director, Federal Assistance and Management Support Boom 6026 Phone: (202) 377-4299 Fax: (202) 377-1992


    Uriel Gottesman Director, Office of Budget Operations Office of the Secretary Room 6839 Phone: (202) 377-4458 Fax: (202) 377-1992

    O&Tie of Inspects- General

    Frank DeGeorge Inspector General Boom 7896C Phone: (202) 377-4661 Fax: (202) 377-0567

  • John Newell Assistant Inspector General, Audit Boom 7099C Phone: (202) 377-0279 Fax: (202) 789-0522


    Ellen Winship Acting Director, Financial Management Division Boom 4520 Phone: (202) 377-4367 Fax: (202) 377-3088


    Clifford J. Parker Assistant Director, Administration FOB 3 Boom 3045 Suitland, MD 20233 Phone: (301) 763-2350 Fax: (301) 763-5148

    Financial Operations, Reporting

    James D. Liicoin Chief, Finance Division Washington Plaza Boom 412 Suitland, MD 20233 Phone: (301) 763-5654 Fax: (301) 763-4862


    Joseph P. Bellomo Chief, Budget Division FOB 3 Boom 3430 Suitiand, MD 20233 Phone: (301) 763-2573 Fax: (301) 763-4187


    JamesHartman Administrative Officer Tower Building Boom 1026A Washington, DC 20230 Phone: (202) 523-0508 Fax: (202) 523-4494

    Financial Operatim, Rcpomh~

    Arthur Johnson Acting Director, Accounting Division Boom 4113 Phone: (202) 377-2679 Fax: (202) 377-4066




    Craig M. Smith Deputy Assistant Secretary, Management Support Administrative Officer Boom 7816 Phone: (202) 377-5067 Fax: (202) 377-0995

    Financial Operations, Repom

    Frederic P. Jaakkola Director, Accounting Division Boom 7011 Phone: (202) 377-5271 Fax: (202) 377-0955


    FinancialAnaLysis, Budgtt

    Mitchell Luxenberg Director, Office of Financiai Management Boom 4112 Phone: (202) 377-3788 Fax: (202) 377-4066



    Harolyn B . Boulware Chief, Financial Management Division Boom 5084 Phone: (202) 377-5293 Fax: (202) 377-5117

    George Parish Administrative Officer Office of Administrative Management Boom 5089 Phone: (202) 377-5741 Fax: (202) 377-5117



    Guy W. Chamberlain Director, Adminiitration Administration Building Boom A-1101 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Phone: (301) 975-2390 Fax: (301) 948-1935

    Cmptroihr, Financial Opwations, Repart&

    John C. McGu8in Administration Building Boom A-929 Gaithersburg, MD 2Or-- Phone: (301) 975-2291 Fax: (301) 963-47-^


    SYY ._



    Thomas A. Gary Budget Officer Administration Building Boom A-1019 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Phone: (301) 975-2670 Fax: (301) 948-5603

    Financial Ana&s, Bt@et

    Victor Micit Director, Office of Budget and Financial Management Boom 4520 Phone: (202) 377-4367 Fax: (202) 377-3088


    Comptroller, Financial Anulysis, Bn&et

    Andrew H. Moxam Room 6811 Phone: (202) 377-2291 Fax: (202) 377-8702

    Financial Operations, Repurtirg

    R J. Dominic Chief, Financial Management Division Room 224 WSC 5 60 10 Executive Blvd. Rockville, MD 20852 Phone: (301) 443-8795 Fax: (301) 443-8543

    Susan Kaplan Budget Officer Office of the Comptroller Room 6811 Phone: (202) 377-4986 Fax: (202) 377-8702


    FinancialAna&is, Bdgct

    Bonald Lawson Associate Director, Office of Financial Management Forbes Building Boom 207F Springfield, VA 22161 Phone: (703) 487-4608 Fax: (703) 321-8533

    Finand Operations, Reporting

    Linda Steckley Accounting Officer Forbes Building Room 208 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Phone: (703) 487-4626 Fax: (703) 321-8533


    Wayne Gallant Budget Officer Forbes Building Room 204 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 Phone: (703) 487-4862 Fax: (703) 487-4009



    Dennis R Connors Director, Office of Policy Coordination and Management Room 4890 Phone: (202) 377-1835 Fax: (202) 377-1635


    Gay Shrum Chief, Budget Division Room 4886 Phone: (202) 377-1056 Fax: (202) 377-1635


    Adminktratkm Jerome Jackson Director, Office of Administration Room 4079 Phone: (202) 377-3884 Fax: (202) 377-0432


    CliffBeck Budget Officer Room 4079 Phone: (202) 377-1632 Fax: (202) 377-0432


    Bradford R. Huther Assistant Commissioner, Finance and Planning Crystal Park 2 Room 904 Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 557-1572 Fax: (703) 557-8664

    Financial Operations, Repcwtina

    W.B. Erwin Director, Office of Finance Crystal Park 1 Suite 802A Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 557-3051 Fax: (703) 557-8664

    Bndfet OJiee~

    James R Lynch Director, Office of Budget Crystal Park 1 Suite 805 Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 557-3875 Fax: (703) 557-8664

    TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION 7 Nancy Darr Executive Director, Office of Management Services Acting Budget Officer Boom 4204 Phone: (202) 377-5804 Fax: (202) 377-4498



    Lee J. Wells Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Administration Room I%24 Phone: (202) 377-3811 Fax: (202) 377-8887

    Charles H. Atherton Secretary and Administrative Officer Boom 312 Phone: (202) 504-2200 Fax: (202) 504-2195

  • George Harbison Chief, Budget and Finance Division Suite 601 Phone: (202) 376-8356

    Betty Edmiston Chief, Administrative Services and Clearing House Division Suite 600 Phone: (202) 376-8105


    Marcia Tyler Chief, Personnel and EEO Division Suite 603 Phone: (202) 376-8364

    All other Func?Mns May K. Mathews Assistant Staff Director, Management Suite 600 Phone: (202) 376-8521

    Financial Managment

    Madge A. Bolinger Director Office of Budget and Fiscal operations Room 713 Phone: (202) 254-3354 Fax: (202) 254-3871

    Financial Operatiims and Rcportbg, Systems Accounting, Cash Management, Travct PayoU

    Jeanne P. Ring Accounting Officer Room 712 Phone: (202) 254-3354 Fax: (202) 254-3871

    Bn&t and pinan& Ana&-is

    Emory H. Beviile III Budget Officer Room 711 Phone: (202) 254-3354 Fax: (202) 254-3871

    senim&my official

    Robert D. Reischauer Director Room 402 Phone: (202) 226-2700

    Robert W. Harunan Acting Deputy Director Room 408B Phone: (202) 226-2606


    James L. Blum Assistant Director Budget Analysis Division Room 430 Phone: (202) 226-2800

    All 0th Fimchons Frederick Ribe Assistant Director Fiscal Analysis Division Room 456 Phone: (202) 226-2756

    Alfred B. Fitt Room 408E Phone: (202) 226-2633

    Stanley L. Greigg Director Office of Intergovernmental RhiOIlS Room 405 Phone: (202) 226-2600

    Polly E. Hodges Budget and Finance Officer Office of Intergovernmental Relations Room 492 Phone: (202) 226-2609

    David Delquadro Personnel Officer Office of Intergovernmental Relations Room 493 Phone: (202) 226-2828

    Rosemary D. Marcuss Assistant Director Tax Analysis Division Room 420A Phone: (202) 226-2687

    Nancy M. Gordon Assistant Director Human Resources and Community Development Division Room 418A Phone: (202) 226-2669

    Jan Paul Acton Assistant Director Natural Resources and Commerce Division Room 495 Phone: (202) 226-2946

    Robert F. Hale Assistant Director National Security Division Room 462 Phone: (202) 226-2900

    Scnio7 Financial O@ial

    Thomas W. Murr, Jr. Deputy Executive Director Room 542B Phone: (301) 492-6550 Fax: (301) 492-6924

    Financial *stems

    Gene Barber Room 356 Phone: (301) 492-6518 Fax: (301) 492-6924

  • Financial ManagcmmtAnalysir, PayrOL

    Deborah Peebles Hodge Director, Division of Financial Management Boom 356 Phone: (301) 492-6518 Fax: (30 1) 492-6924

    Accowating Operations, Gzsh Managnnmt

    Vacant Accounting Officer Boom 356 Phone: (301) 492-6518 Fax: (30 1) 492-6924


    Edward E. Quist Director, Office of Budget Boom 500 Phone: (301) 492-6529 Fax: (301) 492-6924

    Procurement Barbara J. Twombly Chief, Contracts Branch Boom 318 Phone: (301) 492-6444 Fax: (301) 492-6924


    Thomas F. Stein Inspector General Boom 453 Phone: (301) 492-6573 Fax: (301) 492-6924

    David 0. Cooke Director, Administration and Management Office of the Secretary Boom 3D972 Phone: (703) 6954436 Fax: (703) 697-1634

    CbkfFinancial Officer

    Sean O’Keefe Comptroller Office of the Secretary Boom 3E822 Phone: (703) 695-3237 Fax: (703) 614-2378

    Deputy CbtkfFinancial 0flc-w

    Alvin Tucker Deputy Comptroller, Management Systems Eti c8x5Secretary

    Phone: (703) 697-0503 Fax: (703) 614-2378

    L. Paul Dube Deputy Controher, Program, Budgeting Office of the Secretary Room 3E825 Phone: (703) 695-3950 Fax: (703) 614-2378

    Financial Managnnent Poliq Nelson Toye Director, Accounting Policy Office of the Secretary Room 3A882 Phone: (703) 695-7000 Fax: (703) 697-4608

    Inte7nal Cmtt7ol, Management Imp7ovement ’ Blair Ewing Director, Management Improvement Office of the Secretary Boom lB728 Phone: (703) 697-8580 Fax: (703) 697-2726

    Contract Audit

    Roger Cowles Director, Contract Audit and Analysis Oz; c.&.a~kcretary

    Phone: (703) 693-6504 Fax: (703) 614-2378

    OfficG ofInspcctor Gcwal

    Susan J. Crawford Inspector General Office of Inspector General Boom 1000 400 Army Navy Drive Arlington, VA 22202 Phone: (703) 695-4249 FAX: (703) 693-4749


    Sk07 Financial C@cial Michael B . Donley Assistant Secretary for Financial Management and Comptroller Boom 4E128 Washington, DC 20330 Phone: (703) 697-4774

    Rcsou7ccs Managnnent

    C. Ronald Hovell Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Financial Management Boom 4E128 Washington, DC 20330 Phone: (703) 6974464


    John W. Boddie Auditor General Norton AFB, CA 92409 Phone: (714) 382-4071

    MG George W. Larson, Jr. Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget Boom 4D131 Phone: (703) 695-1875

    Plans System, Anarysis

    John J. Nether-y Deputy Assistant Secretary Boom 5E989 Phone: (703) 697-2405 Fax: (703) 693-7294

    Leroy T. Baseman Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cost and Economics Boom 4D159 Phone: (703) 697-5311


    Senior Financial Q&Gal

    Douglas A. Brook Assistant Secretary, Financial Management Boom 3E606 Washington, DC 20310-0103 Phone: (703) 695-2254 Fax: (703) 693-5389

  • 10

    LTG Merle Freitag ~~~E.lele;f the Army

    Phone: (703) 695-2510 Fax: (703) 693-5389

    Neil Ginnetti Principal Deputy Assistant SsJyi6*

    Phone: (703) 697-8121 Fax: (703) 6935389

    Amy Bte&et

    BG Josue R. Robles Deputy Assistant Secretary Room 3A662 Phone: (703) 697-3937

    Army BIutgct

    Bart Toohey ~~n;~guty Secretary

    Phone: (703) 695 -4575

    Financial Operations Charles A. Chase Deputy Assistant Secretary, Financial Operations Room 3E575 Phone: (703) 697-3857

    Managmcnt P7acticcs Cynthia Baker Deputy Assistant Secretary, Resource Analysis and Business Practices Room 3A712 Phone: (703) 694-6182

    Cost and lhnomic Analysis Robert W. Young Deputy, Cost and Economic Analysis 56 11 Columbia Pike Falls Church, VA22041-5050 Phone: (703) 756-0217 Fax: (703) 756-2603


    Se&o7 Financial ofuiai Robert C. McCormack Assistant Secretary, Financial Management Room 4E768 Washington, DC 20350-1100 Phone: (703) 695-2325 Fax: (703) 695-5270

    RADM John T. Kavanaugh Deputy Comptroller Office of the Comptroller of the Navy Room 4E768 Phone: (703) 695-3377 Fax: (703) 695-5270


    Charles P. Nemfakos Associate Director, Office of Budget and Reports Office of the Comptroller of the Navy Room 46736 Phone: (703) 697-7105 Fax: (703) 695-2157

    Financial Operations

    A. Anthony Tisone Director, Financial Control Division Office of the Comptroller of the Navy cIystalMall2 Room 606 Washington, DC 20350-1100 Phone: (703) 697-4388 Fax: (703) 694-6334

    Financial Policy, Sptems, Gas/e ManagnrPent

    Frederick E. Wyant Director, Office of Financial Management Systems Office of the Comptroller of the Navy Crystal Plaza 5 Room 168 Washington, DC 20360-5000 Phone: (703) 602-7388 Fax: (703) 694-4650

    Financial ManagGment ProjZonaI Development, Training

    Robert E. Ryan Director, Navy Comptroller Program Management Office Building 525d Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL 32508-5175 Phone: (904) 452-3903


    R L. Shatfer Auditor General, Navy Auditor General Room 501A P.O. Box 1206 Falls Church, VA 2204 1 Phone: (703) 756-2117 Fax: (703) 756-2579



    ~FinanciaiAnalysk, Reporting, Systems

    George J. Hoffman Comptroller 810 S. Courthouse Road Arlington, VA 22204 Phone: (703) 692-2827 Fax: (703) 746-4332

    Cost AnaJysis

    David Sloan Chief, Cost and Program Analysis Division Phone: (703) 692-2923 Fax: (703) 746-4332

    ManagGment Analysis

    John R. Robertson Chief, Management Analysis Division Phone: (703) 692-2171 Fax: (703) 692-6846

    James Bittner Chief, Accounting and Finance Division Phone: (703) 692-6518 Fax: (703) 692-5084

    Commercial Services Industrial Fnnd

    Dennis Bums Chief, CSIF Division Phone: (703) 692-2142 Fax: (703) 557-0305


    ‘senior Financial O&al

    William H. Reed Director Building #4 Room 4C346 Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703) 274-6785 Fax: (703) 617-7450

    John Van Santen Ass&ant Director, Resources Building #4 Room 4A350 Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 Phone: (703) 274-7308 Fax: (703) 274-7567

    Accounting Opcratiuns

    Ronald L. Padley Chief, Accounting Branch Stonewall Jackson Building Phone: (703) 274-5151 Fax: (703) 274-5359

    Casb/Dcbt Management, Financial An&is, Rcpmting, Sytems, Procnrcmmt

    Edward J. Migliore Chief, Financial Management Division Stonewall Jackson Building Phone: (703) 274-5070 Fax: (703) 274-5359


    William Torrick Chief, Budget and Manpower Branch Stonewall Jackson Building Phone: (703) 274-4180 Fax: (703) 274-5359


    Al Conte Director? Defense Finance and Accounnng Service Crystal Mali 3 Boom 425 Arlington, VA20376-5001 Phone: (703) 746-2608 Fax: (703) 697-6069


    Stephen Freeman Deputy Director, Human Resollrces (HR) crystalMali Room 434 Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 695-0692 Fax: (703) 797-6069


    Lorraine Lechner Deputy Director, Resource Management (C) crystalMali Ibom 416 Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 695-7905 Fax: (703) 697-6069

    Daniel Turner Deputy Director, Operations (0) crystalMali3 Room 409 Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 695-6406 Fax: (703) 697-6069

    Gary Amlin Deputy Director, Policy (P) crystal Mall 3 Room 400 Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 697-9880 Fax: (703) 746-2629

    Thomas McCarty Deputy Director, Plans (M) crystal Mall 2 Room 1821-E Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 746-6850 Fax: (703) 746-6849

    CAPT William Daeschner Deputy Director, Information Management (S) crystal Mall 3 Room411 Arlington, VA 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 697-9514 Fax: (703) 697-6069

    DFAS Centers


    Jay Williams Director 1240 E. 9th Street Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 Phone: (216) 522-5511 Fax: (216) 522-5805


    ‘Charles R Coffee Acting Director P.O. Box 182317 Columbus, OH 43218-2317 Phone: (614) 338-5368 Fax: (614) 338-5095


    ‘Clyde Jeffcoat Director Denver, CO 80279-5000 Phone: (303) 676-7461 Fax: (303) 676-7439


    Michael Wilson Director Indianapolis, IN 46249-0001 Phone: (317) 542-2135 Fax: (317) 542-2128


    John Nabil Director Kansas City, MO 64197-0001 Phone: (816) 926-7102 Fax: (816) 926-7825


    ‘Geoff Cratch Director crystal Mall 3 Room 501 1931 Jefferson Davis Highway Washington, DC 20376-5001 Phone: (703) 697-3195 Fax: (703) 697-6069



    ‘Financial Analysis, Adit, Internal Control RtVktV

    Lewis A. Prombain Room 3D330 Washington, DC 20340-3121 Phone: (703) 6954446 Fax: (703) 697-5619


    ‘Michael G. Newman Deputy Director, Resources Room 5222 (VOPOO) 1900 Half Street SW Washington, DC 20324-1700 Phone: (202) 475-1311 Fax: (202) 475-7599

    Charles E. Forsythe Ass&ant Deputy Director, Finance Room 5222 (VO904) 1900 Half Street SW Washington, DC 20324-1700 Phone: (202) 475-1313 Fax: (202) 475 -7599

    James A. Stepien Accounting Officer Room 5344 (VO920) 1900 HalfStreet SW Washington, DC 20324-1700 Phone: (202) 475-0750 Fax: (202) 475-7599

    Marion A. Madrii Budget Officer Room 6138 (VOPlO) 1900 Half Street SW Washington, DC 20324-1700 Phone: (202) 475-0633 Fax: (202) 475-5240


    Richard Connelly Comptroller DLA-C Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6100 Phone: (703) 274-6201 Fax: (703) 274-3201

    Ronnie Crossley Acting Chief, Accounting and Finance Division DLA-CF Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6100 Phone: (703) 274-6213 Fax: (703) 274-8725

    Jacqui Bryant Acting Chief, Internal Review Division DLA-CI Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22304-6100 Phone: (703) 274-9600 Fax: (703) 274-3201

    Michael Miller Chief, Program and Budget Division DLA-CB Cameron Station Alexandria, VA22304-6100 Phone: (703) 274-6168 Fax: (703) 274-3201


    ‘Comptroller John R. Vaughn 8613 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22031-2137 Phone: (703) 285-9206 Fax: (703) 285-9528

    Harold E. Smith Chief, Finance and Accounting Division 8613 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA22031-2137 Phone: (703) 285-9212 Fax: (703) 285-9528

    Cynthia Bogner Chief, Budget Branch 8613 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22031-2137 Phone: (703) 285-9209 Fax: (703) 285-9528


    ‘Paul H. Carew Comptroller 6801 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA22310-3398 Phone: (703) 325-6447 Fax: (703) 325-2954

    LTC Dan M. Newman Chief, Finance and Accounting Division 6801 Telegraph Road Alexandria, VA22310-3398 Phone: (703) 325-9575


    James woods Comptroller Room 4B659 Washington, DC 20301 Phone: (703) 697-9797 Fax: (703) 695-5538


    Robert D. Mueller Deputy Director, Program and Resources 9800 Savage Road Ft. George Meade, MD 20755-6000 Phone: (301) 688-6661

    J. Stephen Turett Assistant Deputy Director, Programs and Resources 9800 Savage Road Ft. George Meade, MD 20755-6000 Phone: (301) 688-6661


    ‘Joe Friedl Director, Budget and Finance Room 3B287 Phone: (703) 697-6760 Fax: (703) 697-1629

  • C&f Financial Ofiwr

    Theodore Sanders Chief Financial Officer Room 4079 Mail Stop 4100 Phone: (202) 401-1095 Fax: (202) 401-2837

    Deputy U&f Financial Offiur Mitchell L. Laine Director, Accounting and Financial Management Services Room 3005 Mail Stop 4531 Phone: (202) 401-0207 Fax: (202) 401-0485

    Charles L. Coleman Associate Director, Accounting and Financial Management Services Room 3005 Mail Stop 4531 Phone: (202) 401-0207 Fax: (202) 401-0485

    J. Bruce Holmberg Director, Financial Management and Control Room 1087 Mail Stop 4577 Phone: (202) 401-1768 Fax: (202) 401-0520

    Ronald C. Oleyar Director, Financial Management Services Room 3105 Mail Stop 4570 Phone: (202) 401-0561 Fax: (202) 401-1624

    Sally H. Christensen Director, Budget Service Room 4073 Mail Stop 4130 Phone: (202) 401-1700 Fax: (202) 401-2837

    David T. Dexter Director, Credit Management Improvement Staff Room 3109 Mail Stop 4551 Phone: (202) 401-1194 Fax: (202) 401-1971

    Gregory R Ulans Director, Financial and Internal Control Division Room 1087 Mail Stop 4654 Phone: (202) 401-1768 Fax: (202) 401-0520

    Veronica D. Trietsch Director, Personnel Management Services Room 1187B Mail Stop 4573 Phone: (202) 401-0553 Fax: (202) 401-0520

    Betty Hepak Director, Financial Operations Division Room 3083 Mail Stop 4641 Phone: (202) 401-0103 Fax: (202) 401-1624

    Gary J. Rasmussen Acting Deputy Under Secretary, Management Room 3181 Mail Stop 4571 Phone: (202) 401-0470 Fax: (202) 401-0485

    Raymond C. Kudobeck Director, Financial Systems and Reporting Division Room 3092A Mail Stop 4640 Phone: (202) 401-0850 Fax: (202) 401-1624

    OJ@C of Inspectw General James B. Thomas, Jr. Inspector General Room 4004 Mail Stop 1500 330 C Street SW Washington, DC 20202 Phone: (202) 453-4039 Fax: (202) 732-1238

    Elizabeth D. Smedley Controller Room 4A139 Phone: (202) 586-4171 FTS: 8-896-4171 Fax: (202) 586-8415

    Amwatin~, Bn&et

    James E. Reid Deputy Controller Room 4A139 Phone: (202) 5864490 FTS: 8-896-4490 Fax: (202) 586-8415

    Accounting Operations

    James H. Maroldo Director, Headquarters Accounting Operations Room D202 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20585 Phone: (301) 353-4466 FTS: 8-233-4466 Fax: (301) 353-6558


    Lynwood H. Henderson Director, Office of Budget Room 4A159 Phone: (202) 586-4180 FTS: 8-896-4180 Fax: (202) 586-4504

    Financial Analysis, Rcpming, Payroll, Casb/Credit/DebtManagGmmt

    Arthur E. Guyer Director, Office of Departmental Accounting and Financial Systems Management Room C207 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20585 Phone: (301) 3534461 FTS: 8-233-4461 Fax: (301) 353-5202

    Financial Policy

    Helen 0. Sherman Director, Office of Financial Policy Room 4B 144 Phone: (202) 586-4860 FTS: 8-896-4860 Fax: (202) 586-9217

    Internal Conhol Review

    McKinley E. Bryant Director, Compliance and Audit Liaison Room G45 3 19901 Germantown Road Germantown, MD 20585 Phone: (301) 353-2551 FTS: 8-233-2551 Fax: (301) 353-2550


  • 14


    Silas B. Fisher Director, Procurement, Assistance, Program Management Room 5B080 Phone: (202) 586-8613 FTS: 8-896-8613 Fax: (202) 586-3165

    O&e of Inspectw General John C. Layton Inspector General Room 5D039 Phone: (202) 586-4393 FTS: 8-896-4393 Fax: (202) 586-7851

    Scniw Apnlq O@Wand ChiefFinancial office*

    Christian Holmes Acting Assistant Administrator Office of Administration and Resources Management Room 1111 WT (PM-208) Phone: (202) 260-4600

    Dcpxty CL&f Financial OJEcc7 David P. Ryan Comptroller Office of the Comptroller Room 1115 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-9674

    J. Richard Basher Associate Comptroller Room 1115 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-9674

    Alvin M. Pesachowitz Director, Office of Information Resources Management Room 1123 WT (PM-211) Phone: (202) 2604465

    BudPet Division

    Richard Brazen Director, Budget Division Office of the Comptroller Room 711 WI (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-8340

    Sarah Ducich Associate Director Room 711 WI (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-8340

    Mike Haley Chief, Air, Legal Services, and Management Branch Room 717 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-7164

    Delia Scott Chief, Budget Formulation and Control Branch Boom 709 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-4176

    Terry Grindstatf Chief, Research and Development Branch Room 701 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 2604179

    Gerald Feldman Chief, Superfund, RCRA Branch Room 721 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-4165

    Leslie Baldwin Chief Water, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances Branch Room 731 WT (PM-225) Phone: (202) 260-4170

    Financial Management Division

    Sallyanne Harper Director, Financial Management Division Room 615 (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-5097

    Jack Shipley Deputy Director, Financial Management Division Room 615 (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-5097

    Jo Ellen Cohen-Langlois Chief, Fiscal Policies and Procedures Branch 6th Floor (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-5113

    Carl Dolinka Chief, Financial Reports and Analysis Branch 6th Floor (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-5131

    Vincent Serio Chief, Financial Systems Branch 6th Floor (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 2605107

    Ronald Bachand Chief, Superfrmd Accounting Branch 6th Floor (PM 226F) 499 S. Capitol Street Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-2268

    Douglas Barrett Chief, Headquarters Accounting Operations Branch Boom M3407 (PM-226) Phone: (202) 260-5100

    German Guajardo Chief, Financial Compliance and Quality Assurance Staff 6th Floor (PM-226F) 499 S. Capitol Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-9507

    James Wood Financial Management Officer Cincinnati Accounting Operations Office 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive Cincinnati, OH 45268 Phone: (5 13) 366-2080 FTS: 8-294-2080

    Alan Lewis Financial Management Officer Las Vegas Accounting Operations Office P.O. Box 98515 Las Vegas, NV 89193 Phone: (702) 798 -248 5 FTS: 8-545-2485

  • Dennis Schur Director, Office of Administration and Resources Management National Contracts Payment Division Administration Building Room 102 (MD-32) Res. Triangle Park, NC 27711 Phone: (919) 541-3042 FTS: a-629-3042

    office ofInspector Generai

    John c. Martin Inspector General Room 301 N.E. Maii, Maii Code Al09 401 M Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 260-3137

    Regional O&es

    REGION1 Alice Fitzgerald Comptroller John F. Kennedy Federal Building Boston, MA 02203 Phone: (617) 5653339 FTS: 8-835-3339

    REGION2 Ronald Gherardi Comptroller 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 264-8989 FTS: 8-264-8989

    REGION 3 Howard Hughes Financial Management Officer 841 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: (215) 597-6162 FTS: 8-597-6162

    REGION 4 Janice Nash Comptroiier Suite 500 345 Courtland Street NE Atlanta, GA 30365 Phone: (404) 347-2140 FTS: g-257-2140

    REGION 5 Ivan Amens Financial Management Officer 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 886-7555 FTS: 8-886-7511

    REGION 6 Jane Moore Financial Management Officer 1445 Ross Avenue Da&s, TX 75202-2733 Phone: (214) 655-6550 FTS: g-255-6550

    REGION 7 Gerald Lee Financial Management Officer 726 Minnesota Avenue Kansas City, KS 66101 Phone: (913) 551-7579 FTS: 8-276-7324

    REGION 8 Frank McFadden Financial Management Officer 999 18th Street Denver, CO 80202-2405 Phone: (303) 293-1466 FTS: g-330-1466

    REGION 9 WilliamArming Comptroller 75 Hawthorne Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (415) 744-1733 FTS: 8-484-1733

    REGION10 Joe Neuroth Financial Management Officer 1200 6th Avenue Seattle, WA 98 10 1 Phone: (206) 399-2961 FTS: 8-399-2961


    EdElkiIU Management Director Room 4600 Phone: (202) 663-4411 FTS: 8-989-4411 Fax: (202) 6634239

    Grann Managnnmt

    Kassie A. Biiiingsley Director, Financial and Resource Management Services Room 2001 Phone: (202) 663-4200 FTS: 8-989-4200 Fax: (202) 663-2439

    Pinancial Operations

    Willie King Director, Finance Division Room 2002 Phone: (202) 663-4224 FTS: 8-989-4224 Fax: (202) 663-2439

    Accomting Opwatiom, Pinanciai Andyti, RcpoYtin~, systems

    Sandi Park Accounting Officer Room 2010 Phone: (202) 663-4229 FTS: 8-989-4229 Fax: (202) 663-4239


    Karen Chambers Acting Director, Procurement Division Room 2003 Phone: (202) 663-4222 FTS: 8-989-4222 Fax: (202) 663-2439

    Internal Control Rcubv

    Linda G. Sye Director, Resource Management Division Room 2313 Phone: (202) 663-4263 FTS: 8-989-4263 Fax: (202) 663-2439


    Mary Stringer Director, Budget Division Room 2309 Phone: (202) 663-4204 FTS: g-989-4204 Fax: (202) 663-4239

    C~/Crcdit/DebtMcnt, Pnyroll

    Deborah Murphy Chief, Disbursement Branch Room 2032 Phone: (202) 663-4248 FTS: 8-989-4248 Fax: (202) 663-4239


  • Inspcw Gcnwal

    Wham D. Miller Inspector General Office of Inspector General Room 3003 Phone: (202) 663-4379 FTS: 8-989-4379 Fax: (202) 663-2439

    Ronald Rasmussen Director, Financial Management Division New Executive Office Building Room 4005 Phone: (202) 395-7244 Fax: (202) 395-7202

    AndrisI.anins Internal Control Officer New Executive Office Building mm 4005 Phone: (202) 395-7244 Fax: (202) 395-7202

    Jurg Hochuli Accounting Officer New Executive Office Building Room 4005 Phone: (202) 395 -7244 Fax: (202) 395-7202

    Angela Johnson Financial Systems Coordinator New Executive Office Building Room 4005 Phone: (202) 395-7244 Fax: (202) 295-7202

    Greg Cummings Budget Officer New Executive Office Building Room 4005 Phone: (202) 395-7244 Fax: (202) 395-7202

    Acconing Operations

    James K. Hess Treasurer-Controller Room 1055 Phone: (202) 566-8837 Fax: (202) 566-7524


    Helene H. Wall Administrative Officer Room 1031 Phone: (202) 566-8111 Fax: (202) 566-7524


    Richard L. Zum Manager, Budget and Fund Control Depamnent Room 1067 Phone: (202) 566-8847 Fax: (202) 566-7524


    Michael A. Bronson Director, Office of Resource Management R.oom 3623 Phone: (703) 883-4200 Fax: (703) 734-5784


    William K Thompson Chief, Administrative Resource Division Room 1215 Phone: (703) 883-4147 Fax: (703) 734-5784

    Au OthY

    Rob A. Brammer Chief, Fiscal Resource Division Room 3519 Phone: (703) 883-4122 Fax: (703) 734-5784


    Eldon W. Stoehr Inspector General Room 1405 Phone: (703) 883-4030 Fax: (703) 734-5784


    Elmer B. Staats Chairman Phone: (202) 504-3337

    James L. Bhun Assistant Director for Budget Analysis Congressional Budget Office Phone: (202) 226-2800

    Donald H. Chapin Assistant Comptroller General of the United States for Accounting and Financial Management Phone: (202) 275-9461

    Susan Gaffhey Acting Assistant Director Financial Management Division Office of Management and Budget Phone: (202) 395-3993

    Martin Ives Vice Chairman Governmental Accounting Standards Board Phone: (203) 847-0700, x-290

    William L. Kendig Director of Financial Management Department of the Interior Phone: (202) 208-4701

  • Gerald Murphy Fiscal As&ant Secretary of the Treasury Phone: (202) 566-2112

    Cornelius E. Tiemey Partner Ernst and Young Phone: (202) 862-6292

    Alvin Tucker Deputy Comptroller (Management Systems) Office of the Comptroller Department of Defense Phone: (703) 697-0503


    Ronald S. Young Executive Director Phone: (202) 504-3336 Fax: (202) 504-3339

    Jimmie D. Brown Deputy Executive Director Phone: (202) 504-3355 Fax: (202) 504-3339

    S&m Management OJkial

    Andrew S. Fishel Managing Director Office of Managing Director Boom 852 Phone: (202) 632-6390 Fax: (202) 632-7092

    Marilyn McDermett Associate Managing Director, Operations Boom 848 Phone: (202) 632-5316 Fax: (202) 632-7092

    Thomas M. Holleran Deputy Associate Managing Director, Operations Boom 848 Phone: (202) 632-5316 Fax: (202) 632-7092

    Wanda P. stiness Chief, Financial Management Division Financial Management Division Room 420 Phone: (202) 632-7194 Fax: (202) 634-7022

    Vacant Chief, Accounts Processing Branch Boom 452 Phone: (202) 632-6900 Fax: (202) 634-7022

    Shirley F. Wood Acting Chief, Billings and Collections Branch Boom 452 Phone: (202) 632-6900 Fax: (202) 634-7022

    John Crews Chief, Budget Branch kom 420 Phone: (202) 632-7194 Fax: (202) 634-7022

    williamLewis Chief, Financial Analysis Branch Room 452 Phone: (202) 632-6900 Fax: (202) 634-7022


    JefFrey Ryan Chief, Operations Support Division Room 404 Phone: (202) 632-1524 Fax: (202) 632-7683


    James C. Warwick Inspector General Room 752 Phone: (202) 632-0471 Fax: (202) 634-7025


    Stanley J. Poling Director Division of Accounting and Corporate Services Boom VS-7057 3501 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22226 Phone: (703) 516-5277 Fax: (703) 516-5284

    Pinancial Seruiees

    Alvin E. Kitchen Associate Director Financial Services Branch Division of Accounting and Corporate Services Boom VS-7059 Phone: (703) 516-5376 Fax: (703) 516-5415

    Accounting Opemthns

    Ralph E. Elosser, Jr. Assistant Director Accounting Operations Financial Services Branch Division of Accounting and Corporate Services Boom VS-6072 Phone: (703) 516-5040 Fax: (703) 516-5169

    Ro~am Repmcing and Anaryris

    Dennis Pittman Ass&ant Director Program Reporting and Analysis Financial Reporting Branch Division ofAccounting and Corporate Services Boom VS-5054 Phone: (703) 516-5208 Fax: (703) 516-1471

    Accounting Sewices

    Steven Anderson Assistant Director Accounting Services Financial Reporting Branch Division of Accounting and Corporate Services Boom VS-7050 Phone: (703) 516-5094 Fax: (703) 516-5215

  • 18


    Paul L. Sachtelben Director, Office of Corporate Finance and Chief Financial Officer 80117th Street NW Washington, DC 20434 Phone: (202) 416-7588 Fax: (202) 416-4750

    Judd Forbes Director, Budget and Planning Office Office of Corporate Finance 80117th Street NW Phone: (202) 416-7353 Fax: (202) 416-4750

    Tommie Thompson Assistant Director, Asset and Accounting Operations Branch Office of Corporate Finance 3000 K Street NW Washington, DC 20007 Phone: (202) 625-8145 Fax: (202) 625-8024

    Joe Nairn Assistant Director, Accounting Services Branch Office of Corporate Accounting 3000 K Street NW Washington, DC 20007 Phone: (202) 625-8271 Fax: (202) 625-8024

    James A. Pehrkon Deputy S&Director Room 808 Phone: (202) 219-3600

    Accounting Opc7atiom, Systems, Payroll

    Richard Puilen Accounting Officer Room 819 Phone: (202) 219-3570 Fax: (202) 219-3380

    Ca.5h Managcmcnt, Pinancial Reporting

    Vacant Assistant Accounting Officer Room 819 Phone: (202) 219-3570

    Contract, Rocwcmcnt, Trazd

    Larry D. McCoy Administrative Officer Room 819 Phone: (202) 219-3570

    Bnd@t, Financial An&-is, Inttrnal Control

    ;yO’Brien Director, Planning and Management Room 808 Phone: (202) 219-3600


    Lynne A. McFarland Inspector General Room 235 Phone: (202) 219-4267

    S&w Financiul O@iuL

    George H. Orrell Comptroller Room 407 Phone: (202) 646-3545 Fax: (202) 646-2714

    Accounting Operations, Analysis, Reporting, Grants iUanagnnmt

    James J. Lucas Accounting Officer Room 721 Phone: (202) 646-4398

    Jon T. Wolz Deputy Accounting Officer Room 721 Phone: (202) 646-3711


    Wesley Moore Director, Office of Administrative support Room 319 Phone: (202) 646-4152


    Barbara A. Jacobik Budget Officer Room 724 Phone: (202) 646-4208

    Pinancial Systems James H. Lemiy Acting Chief, Computer Operations for Financial Management Systems Room 702 Phone: (202) 646-3396


    Kenneth Brzonkala Director, Office of Acquisition Management Room 728 Phone: (202) 646-3744

    office ofhpcctm Gcnwal

    Russell F. Miller Inspector General Room 825 Phone: (202) 646-3910


    ‘REGION 1

    Waiiace H. Kountze Chief Regional Administrative Unit J.W. McCormick P.O. Building Room 453 Boston, MA 02109 Phone: (617) 223-9522

    REGION 2

    Vito Pizzi Chief Regional Administrative Unit Room 1353 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 238-8294

    REGION 3

    Tom Finnegan Chief Regional Administrative Unit Liberty Square Building 2nd Floor 105 S. 7th Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: (215) 931-5509


    ‘Lester R Smith Chief Regional Administrative Unit R0om 700 1371 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: (404) 853-4266

    JUGION 5

    james Butler Chief Regional Administrative Unit 4th Floor 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60606-2698 Phone: (312) 431-5519

    REGION 6

    Emestine Riley Chief Regional Administrative Unit Federal Regional Center Boom 288 800 N. Loop Denton, TX 76201-3698 Phone: (817) 898-9205

    REGION 7

    Neal Voltz Chief Regional Administrative Unit Room 200 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 283-7066

    REGION 8

    Simon Cardenas Chief Regional Administrative Unit Denver Federal Center Building Boom 710 Box 25267 Denver, CO 80225-0267 Phone: (303) 322-4920

    REGION 9

    Marie Gibson Chief Regional Administrative Unit Building 105 Presidio of San Francisco San Francisco, CA 94129 Phone: (415) 923-7120

    REGION 10

    Sue Alexander Chief Regional Administrative Unit Federal Regional Center 130 228th Street SW Bothell WA 98021-9796 Phone: (206) 487-4767

    &niorBnancial Q&da1

    Anthony F. Toronto Associate Executive Director, Financial Management Room 600 ED-40 810 1st Street NE Washington, DC 20426 Phone: (202) 219-2900 Fax: (202) 219-2873

    William Durham Office of the Executive Director Room 9106 ED-l 825 N. Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20426 Phone: (202) 219-2900 Fax: (202) 208-1259


    Theodore T. Siomporas Room 621 ED-43 825 N. Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20426 Phone: (202) 219-1150 Fax: (202) 219-2873

    Bw&et, Financial Policy, Rmenne Asmvnents

    Merle 0. Bess Room 600 ED-40 810 1st Street NE Washington, DC 20426 Phone: (202) 219-2901 Fax: (202) 219-2873

    Pinancial Policy, Report&a

    Patricia Cappello Room 627 ED41.2 810 1st Street NE Washington, DC 20426 Phone: (202) 219-2883 Fax: (202) 219-2873

    Senior Pinnncinl O@cial Clyde B. Blandford, Jr. Director, Administration Room 225 Phone: (202) 382-0974 Fax: (202) 382-0729


    Andrew Chepega Director, Financial Management Division Room 225 Phone: (202) 382-0974 Fax: (202) 382-0729


    Kevin K. Ibpper Budget Officer Room 228 Phone: (202) 382-0724 Fax: (202) 382-0729


    ScniwMana~emcnt O&al

    Norman W. LittleJohn Director, Bureau of Admiitration Room 12211 Phone: (202) 523-5866 Fax: (202) 523-3782

    Cbkf~inancid Off?cw

    Frederick F . Trutkoff Director, Office of Budget and Financial Management Room 10101 Phone: (202) 523-5770 Fax: (202) 523-3782

  • Managcmcnt, Trawl, Buaatt

    Baron E. Douglass Senior Budget Analyst Boom 10101 Phone: (202) 5235770 Fax: (202) 523-3782

    Procurement, Ojke Serpicw Michael H. Kilby Director, Office of Administrative Services Boom 10409

    20 Phone: (202) 523-5900 Fax: (202) 523-3782

    InfmatMn Resource Managment Doris J. Spencer Director, Office of Information Resource Management Boom 11305 Phone: (202) 523-5835 Fax: (202) 523-3782


    Tony P. Kominoth Inspector General Room 11413 Phone: (202) 523-5863 Fax: (202) 523-3782

    Seniw Financial Ojj%ial

    Mary P. Durkin Director, Budget and Finance Room 800 Phone: (202) 653-5209 Fax: (202) 653-2002

    Financial Reporting Cash Management, Internal Control

    Deborah Burton Accountant Room 800 Phone: (202) 653-5213 Fax: (202) 653-2002

    Seniw Financial official

    George E. Livingston Controller Mail stop 150 Phone: (202) 452-3551 Fax: (202) 452-3819

    Finance, Accounting

    Darrell R Pauley As&ant Controller Mail Stop 152 Phone: (202) 452-3486 Fax: (202) 452-3819

    Ro~am, Bna&t

    Stephen J. Clark As&ant Controller Mail stop 151 Phone: (202) 452-3752 Fax: (202) 452-3819

    Theodore E. Ailsion StaffDirector, Federal Reserve Bank Activities Mail stop 197 Phone: (202) 452-2793 Fax: (202) 452-6474

    Clyde Farnsworth, Jr. Director, Division of Federal Reserve Bank Operations Mail stop 190 Phone: (202) 452-2787 Fax: (202) 452-6474

    S. David Frost Staff Director, Management Mail stop 50 Phone: (202) 452-3764 Fax: (202) 452-3819

    Treasnvy Liaison (ACH, Pnnds Tramfer, and Chck)

    B.N. Carden Assistant Vice President and Treasury Liaison, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond P.O. Box 27622 Richmond, VA 23261 Phone: (804) 697-8039 Fax: (804) 697-8044

    Inspectw Gmwal

    Brent Bowen Inspector General Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Mail stop 300 20th and C Street NW Washington, DC 2055 1 Phone: (202) 862-3801 Fax: (202) 862-3799

    Internal Control Rev&

    Richard Arnold Director, Division of Budget and Finance Boom H-774 Phone: (202) 326-2314 Fax: (202) 326-2050

    Carh/Crcdit/Dcbt Management, Payroll, Financial Systems, Reporting

    Otto C. Graham (Acting) Chief, Finance Branch Room H-784 Phone: (202) 326-2323 Fax: (202) 326-2050

    Budget, Financial Analysis

    Diane Galvin Chief, Budget Branch Room H-779 Phone: (202) 326-2319 Fax: (202) 326-2050


    Jean Sefchick Chief, Procurement Branch Room H-706 Phone: (202) 326-2258 Fax: (202) 326-2050


    Adam Trzeciak Audit Manager Office of Inspector General Boom H-496 Phone: (202) 326-2800 Fax: (202) 326-2050

  • Judith H. Lock Administrative Officer Mail Stop 461 Phone: (202) 208-7727 Fax: (202) 208-2816

    him &ency official

    Charles A. Bowsher Comptroller General of the United States Room 7000 Phone: (202) 275-5481 Fax: (202) 275-6722

    Milton J. Socolar Special Assistant to the Comptroller General Room 7100 Phone: (202) 275-5432 Fax: (202) 275-6722

    Harry S. Havens Assistant Comptroller General Room 7128 Phone: (202) 275-4730 Fax: (202) 275-5782

    James L. Howard As&ant Comptroller General, Operations Room 7136 Phone: (202) 275-4093 Fax: (202) 275-5782

    Donald J. Horan Assistant Comptroller General, Planning and Reporting Room 7013 Phone: (202) 275-5453 Fax: (202) 275-6722

    Accounting and Financial Management Division

    Donald H. Chapin Assistant Comptroller General Room 6001 Phone: (202) 275-9461 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    CbizfFinancial OJ&V Issues

    Jeffrey C. Steinhoff Director, Civil Audits Room 6009 Phone: (202) 275-9454 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Gene L. Dodaro Director, Operations Room 6003 Phone: (202) 275 -9459 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Brian P. Crowley Director, Planning and Reporting Room 6104 Phone: (202) 275-9450 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Abraham D. Akresh Director, Technical Design and Assiitance Room 6122 Phone: (202) 275 -7097 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    David L. Clark, Jr. Director, Legislative Reviews and Audit Oversight Room 6023 Phone: (202) 275-9489 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    David M. Connor Director, Defense Audits Room 6116 Phone: (202) 275-7095 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Robert W. Gramimg Director, Corporate Audits Room 6112 Phone: (202) 275 -9406 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    John W. Hiii, Jr. Director, Audit Support and Analysis Room 6007 Phone: (202) 275-8549 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    James L. Kirkman Director, Budget Issues Room 6820 Phone: (202) 275-9573 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Donald R. Wurtz Director, Financial Integrity Issues Room 6110 Phone: (202) 275-0850 Fax: (202) 275-9193

    Information Management and Technology Division 21

    Ralph V. Carlone Assiitant Comptroller General Room 6915 Phone: (202) 275 -4892 Fax: (202) 275-5859

    General Services and Controller

    Richard L. Brown Director Room 6836 Phone: (202) 275-3909

    Joseph L. Dwyer, Jr. Deputy Director, Operations Room 6830 Phone: (202) 275-9697

    JoAnn L. Classen Director, Office of Budget Union Center Plaza Room 2041 Phone: (202) 275-4143

    Ralph Iozzo Director, Office of Financial Management Union Center Plaza Room 2026 Phone: (202) 275-3417

    Seniw Financial official

    William B. Early, Jr. Comptroller (Acting) Deputy Comptroller, Budget (BB) Room 2140 Phone: (202) 501-1721 Fax: (202) 501-1124

  • Financial Analysis, Reportina and Systems

    William R Stanton, Jr. Director, FSS and Staff Accounting Division (BCT) Office of Finance Room 1240 Phone: (202) 501-3620

    Bobert E. Suda Director, Financial and Management Information Systems Divi&n (BBC) Boom 1344 Phone: (202) 501-1527

    Rocnrcmcnt Richard H. Hopf III Associate Administrator, A~~timoPoiicy (V)

    Phone: (202) 501-1043

    Debt Manapncnt

    Larry J. Bedker Chief, Receivables and Funding Branch (BCDR) Boom 1344 Phone: (202) 501-2620


    John M. Gregg Chief, Payables and Cash Management Branch (BCDP) Boom 3112 Phone: (202) 501-0790

    Internal Control

    Bonaid H. Rhodes Director, Fiianciai Information Control Division (BCD) Boom 3121 Phone: (202) 501-0897

    Fiiancial PoIiey

    LeBoy P. Boucher Deputy Comptroller, Fiance (BC) Room 3131 Phone: (202) 501-0560

    Linda F. Vandenberg Deputy Director (BC) Boom 3131 Phone: (202) 501-0560

    Dermis F. Schroff Director, Accounting Systems Division (BCA) Boom 1300 Phone: (202) 501-1056

    Accounting Operations (Field)

    Edward D. Suda Director, Finance Division (7BC) 8 19 Taylor Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Phone: (817) 334-2397

    Gary S. Schroeder Director, Finance Division (6BC) 1500 East Bannister Bead Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (816) 926-7625


    ‘Ojj%e of’Impcctw Genmal

    William R Barton Inspector General (J) GS Building Boom 5340 Phone: (202) 501-0450

    Edward F. Heft&on zrnv5\yraor c3ner-d (JW

    Phone: (202) 501-1362

    William E. White Assistant Inspector General, Audit (JAI Boom 5310 Phone: (202) 501-0374

    Auditing (Field Offices)

    ‘Martin S. Poon Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-1) O’Neill Federal Building Boom 1003 10 Causeway Street Boston, MA 02222 Phone: (617) 565-6795 FTS: 8-264-8620

    Joseph M. Mastropietro Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-4 Boom 1751 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 264-8620 FTS: g-264-8620

    Glenn Merski Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-3) Boom 6000 9th and Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: (215) 5974464 FTS: 8-597-4464

    Robert Creel Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-4) Richard B. Russell Federal Boom 820 75 Spring Street SW Atlanta, GA 30303 Phone: (404) 331-5125 FTS: 8-242-5125

    Joseph G. Vlasaty Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-5) Kluczynski Federal Building Room 408 230 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60604 Phone: (312) 353-778 1 FTS: 8-353-7781

    Carolyn S. Emery Regional Inspector General, Audit

    E 1007 1500 E. Bannister Road Kansas City, MO 64131 Phone: (8 16) 926-7052 FTS: g-926-7052

    James E. Williams Regional Inspector General, Audit t JA-7) Boom lOA 819 Taylor Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Phone: (817) 334-2571 FTS: 8-334-2572

    Manf%ed R Kehr Regional Inspector General, Audit (JA-9) 29th Floor 525 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (415) 974-9207 FTS: a-454-9207

    Deborah H. Cureton Regional Inspector General, Audit Finance and Staff Office (JA-F) GS Building Room 5042 Phone: (202) 501-0006 FTS: g-241-0006

    Donald D. Sheridan Regional Inspector General, Audit - Real Property (JA-R) 7th and D Street SW Washington, DC 20407 Phone: (202) 708-5340 FTS: g-458-5340

  • Joseph Adam&k Regional Inspector General, Audit - Personal Property (JA-V) ROB Building Room 1070 7th and D Street SW Washington, DC 20407 Phone: (202) 708-9738 FTS: 8-458-9738

    Charles C. Stewart Regional Inspector General, Audit - Information Resource (JA-2) ROB Building Room 1904 7th and D Street SW Washington, DC 20407 Phone: (202) 708-8320 FTS: g-458-8320

    Senior Financial offrcinr

    Vincent F. Arendes Assistant Public Printer Room B-701 Mail Stop FM Phone: (202) 2752073 Fax: (202) 275-1270

    Bn.&t, FinanchA4nalysis Thomas J. Muldoon Director, Planning Room B-701 Mail Stop PL Phone: (202) 2752073 Fax: (202) 275-1270

    Accountin Opc7ations, Cash Management, Financial Systems, Rcpwtiing, Pq~oolr

    R Bruce Holstein Comptroller, Boom B-701 Mail Stop FM Phone: (202) 275-2073 Fax: (202) 2751270

    P7inthz..Frocwvmmt James Smith Manager, Printing Procurement Room C-832 Mail Stop PP Phone: (202) 275-2265 Fax: (202) 275-1270

    AI1 otb.erProcn7c?ucna

    Thomas Hughes Director, Materials Management Services Room A-204 Mail Stop MM Phone: (202) 275-270 1 Fax: (202) 275-1270

    Audit, Internal Control Rev&w

    Lewis “Bud” Small Inspector General Room C-551 Mail Stop IG Phone: (202) 275-2861 Fax: (202) 275-1270

    Cbi5fFinancial Oficcr

    Kevin E. Moley Assistant Secretary, Management and Budget Office of the Secretary Room 514G Phone: (202) 245 -6396

    Finance, Acconntin~ Policy, Operations, @am Dennis J. Fischer Deputy As&ant Secretary, Finance and Deputy Chief Financial Officer Room 739H Phone: (202) 245-7084 Fax: (202) 472-6927

    Accounting Opera&m

    Garland W. Heare Director, Division of Accounting Operations Boom 745D Phone: (202) 245-6388


    Shirley C. Carozza Director, Division of OS Budget Allalysis

    Room 503H Phone: (202) 245-6345

    Cost Allocation, A&t Rcsohuhn, Policy, Operations

    Gary Talesnik Director, Office of Grant and Contract Financial Management 1067 Cohen Building 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 245-8740

    Financial Systems DmIopnmt, Intc@v

    William J. Topolewski Director, Office of Financial Systems Boom 730D, HHH Building Phone: (202) 245-6226

    Financial Opations

    George Strader Director, Office of Financial Operations Room 750D Phone: (202) 245-8085


    Dennis Williams Deputy Assistant Secretary, Budget Room 503H Phone: (202) 245-7393

    Edwin sullivan Acting Director, Division of Budget Policy and Management Room 503H Phone: (202) 245-6151

    William Beldon Director, Division of Health Budget Analysis Room 503H Phone: (202) 245-8846

    Elizabeth Cusick Director, Division of We&e Budget Analysis Room 503H Phone: (202) 245-6553

    Procwcmcnt Policy

    Terence Tychan Director, Division of Acquisition and Grants Management Room 517D Phone: (202) 245-8901

    Central PayoU, Infmathn Managnnmt Thomas M. King Director, Office of Human Resources and Information Management Room 506E Phone: (202) 475-0185


  • ~gio~l&rn~ntrative VP0

    REGION 1

    ‘Peter Toland BASC Director John F. Kennedy Federal Building Boom 2411 Government Center Boston, MA 02203 Phone: (617) 565-1500

    24 PTS: S-835-i500 REGION2

    ‘Vincent J. Bamundo RASC Director Jacob K. Javits Federal Building Boom 3835 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 264-1308 FTS: g-264-1308

    REGION 3

    ‘Robert Nigroni BASC Director 3535 Market St Boom 11480 P.O. Box 13716 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Phone: (215) 5966421 FTS: 8-596-6421


    John L. Jordan RASC Director Boom 1501 101 Marietta Tower Atlanta, GA 30323 Phone: (404) 331-2471 FTS: 8-841-2471

    REGION 5

    Robert Brown Acting R4SC Director 23rd Floor 105 W. Adam Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: (312) 353-0682

    REGION 6

    Vacant RASC Director Boom 935 1200 Main Tower DalIas, TX 75202 Phone: (214) 767-3258 FTS: 8-729-3258

    JUGION 7

    ‘Danny Sakata Acting BASC Director Boom 210 601 E. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 426-2821 FTS: 8-867-2821

    REGION 8

    ‘Richard L. O’Brien BASC Director Boom 1020 1961 Stout Street Denver, CO 89294-3538 Phone: (303) 844-2836 FTS: 8-564-2836

    JUGION 9

    Robert H. Chang BASC Director Federal Office Building Boom 411 50 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 556-0522 FTS: g-556-0522

    REGION 10

    Bernard E. Kelley Acting BASC Director 22016th Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 Phone: (206) 442-8017 FTS: 8-399-4651

    ‘office Of Inspector General

    Richard P. Kusserow Inspector General Cohen Building Boom 5250 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 619-3148

    Bryan B . Mitchell Principal Deputy Inspector General Cohen Building Boom 5274 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 619-3146

    Thomas D . Boslewicz Deputy Inspector General, Audit Services Cohen Building Boom 5700B 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 619-3155

    Larry D. Morey Deputy Inspector General, Investigations Cohen Building Boom 5238 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 619-3208

    Michael Mangano Deputy Inspector General, Evaluations and Inspections Cohen Building Boom 5660 330 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 619-0480

    Hotline Robert T. Sediak Director, Office of Inspector General FBAUD HOTLINE 4Kl Operations Building Phone: (800) 638-3986 Phone: (800) 368-5779

    Regional IG Coordinators

    lUGION 1

    ‘MarkYessian John F. Kennedy Federal Building Boom 1409 Boston, MA 02203 Phone: (617) 565-1050 FTS: g-835-1050

  • lUGION

    )ohn Tourner Jacob K. Javits Federal Building Boom 3900A New York, NY 10278 Phone: (212) 264-4620 FTS: g-264-4620


    ‘Gervis A. Bafalko Boom 10250 3535 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19101 Phone: (215) 596-6743 FTS: 8-596-6743

    REGION 4

    lames cottos Boom 1403 10 1 Marietta Tower Atlanta, GA 30323 Phone: (404) 331-2131 FTS: 8-841-2131

    REGION 5

    ‘Michael Dyer 26th Floor 300 S. Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: (312) 353-2740 FTS: g-353-2740

    REGION 6

    Ralph Tunnel Boom 4E6 1100 Commerce Dallas, TX 75242 Phone: (214) 729-3310 FTS: 8-729-8414


    Vmce Imbriani Boom 615 1100 Main Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (913) 758-3697 FTS: g-867-5959

    lUGIONS 9 AND 10

    ‘Elliot Kramer Boom 171 50 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 556-5766 FTS: g-556-5766


    Michael L. Sturman Associate Administrator, Financial Management Office of Financial Management Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’Enf&t Promenade Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 401-9213


    Manuel Helzner Economist, Division of Budget and Finance Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’Enf%nt Promenade Washington, DC 2020 1 Phone: (202) 401-9238

    Vacant Chief, Budget and Development Branch Phone: (202) 401-9238

    Charleen Tompkins Director, Division of Grants Management Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’Enfant Promenade Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 401-9228

    speciaiBvjmq control Pera Daniels Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’Er&nt Promenade Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 401-9230

    Rtvicw, Policy

    John B. McDonald Chief, Division of Grants Administration Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’En&nt Promenade Washington, DC 2020 1 Phone: (202) 401-9236

    Harold Holmes Aerospace Building 6th Floor 370 L’Enfant Promenade Washington, DC 20201 Fiscal Policy Specialist Phone: (202) 401-4627

    Robert Stovenour Director, Office of Management Services Office of Management Services Boom 309D Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 245-2867

    kmando D. Savet Director, Budget and Financial Management Division Boom 315D Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 245 -0447

    Joel Anthony Director, Grants and Contracts Management Boom 341F Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20201 Phone: (202) 472-3243


    C&f Financial O@r Robert A. Streimer Associate Administrator, Management 742 E. High Rise Building Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-8475

    Lee Mosedale Director, Office of Budget and Administration East Low Rise Building BoomGP4 Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 966-1055 FTS: g-646-1055

    David Spevacek Director, Office of Financial Management East Low Rise Building Boom217L Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 966-2088 FTS: g-646-2088


  • BU&Ct

    Pete Griffin Director, Division of Budget East Low Rise Building Boom 2D4 Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 966-2088 FTS: g-646-2088


    Gerald Hankin

    26 Director, Division of Accounting East LOW Rise Building Room 2A2 Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 646-5418


    ChkfFinancialO~ur Anthony L. Itteilag Deputy Assistant Secretary, Health Management Operations Hubert H. Humphrey Building Boom 703H Phone: (202) 245-0605 Fax: (202) 245-7425

    John C. West Director, Office of l&source Management Office of the Assistant Secretary, Health Parkiawn Building Boom 17-A-17 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-1478

    Diane Carvey Director, Division of Financial Management Parkiawn Building Boom 17-A-13 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-1484


    Joseph R Leone Executive Officer Parkiawn Building Boom 12-105 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-3875 Fax: (303) 443-0284

    Steve Long Director, Division of Financial Management Parkiawn Building Boom 12C-10 Rockdle, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-2094


    ChiefFinancial O&r

    Glenda S. Cowart Director, Office of Progmm Supp 1600 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, GA 30333 FTS:8-236-3256 Fax: 8-236-2654

    Claude F. Pickeisheimer Director, Financial Management Office Boom 200 255 E. Paces Perry Bead NE Atlanta, GA 30305 Phone: (404) 842-6600 FTS:8-236-6600

    Chuck Blaiock Chief, Accounting Branch Phone: (404) 842-6600 FTS:8-236-6825


    C&itfPinancid Ojhr

    Sharon S. Hoiston Associate Commissioner, Management Operations Parkiawn Building Boom 1472 Rdwille,MD20857 Phone: (301) 443-3370 Fax: (301) 443-5169

    Frank P. Clatmts Director, Division of Financial Management Parkiawn Buiiding Boom 11-61 RmkviUe,htD20857 Phone: (301) 433-3260

    David R Petak Chief, Accounting Branch Parkiawn Building Boom 11-83 R&ville,MD20857 Phone: (301) 443-1766


    Bobert Miller Chief, Budget Formulation Branch Parkiawn Building Boom 11-72 lbAviUe,MD20857 Phone: (301) 443-3270

    IOrt BlU&t

    Robert Heil Chief, Budget Formulation Branch Parkiawn Building Boom 13-07 RmkviUe,MD20857 Phone: (301) 443-6826

    Suzanne Baper Chief, Budget Execution Branch Parkiawn Building Boom 13-07 Rdde,MD20857 Phone: (301) 443-6774


    ChkfFinancid Oficcr

    John Mahoney Associate Director, Administration Building #l Room 102 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 496-4466 Fax: g-402-0279

    Leamon M. Lee, PhD Director, Division of Financial Management Building #l Boom Bl-22 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 496-4466

    Penelope Strong Assistant Director, Finance Division of Financial Management Building #l Boom BlB63 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 4963368

  • BdgGt

    Richard Miller Assistant Director, Budget Division of Financial Management Building #l Boom Bl-28 Bethesda, MD 20892 Phone: (301) 496-4477


    CbkfFhancial Offrccr

    James A. Walsh Associate Administrator, Operations and Management Parklawn Building Boom14-A-03 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-2053 Fax: (301) 443-2706

    Public Heaitb Smites

    Lloyd H. Fagg Director, Division of Fiscal Services Pa&lawn Building Room 17-A-13 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-2990 Fax: (30 1) 443-2099


    Uhf Financial Ofwr Bobert A. Marsland Director, Headquarters Operations Parklawn Building Room 6-05 Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: (301) 443-1083 Fax: (301) 443-4794


    chief Financial Ojker John R Dyer Deputy Commissioner, Finance, Assessment, and Management 800 Altmeyer Building Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-2910 Fax: (301) 965-0201

    Norman Goldstein Senior Financial Executive 400 Ahmeyer Building Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-1970

    Financial Policy, Opcratiom

    Matthew Schwienteck Associate Commissioner, Office of Financial Policy and Operations 430 Altmeyer Building Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-3504


    Robert M. Rothenberg Associate Commissioner, Budget 2126 West High Rise Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-3501

    Louis IL Ponsi Deputy Associate Commissioner, Budget Annex Building Boom 2200 Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-3503

    Walter Pleines Director, Division of Fiance Annex Building Room 2200 Baltimore, MD 21235 Phone: (301) 965-0522

    C&f Financial O&&Y

    Philip M. Kane Boom 10166 Phone: (202) 619-8114 Fax: (202) 619-8025

    Donna Abbenante Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Operations Room 10166 Phone: (202) 708-3532

    O&e of Administration

    Prociwcmcnt Roosevelt Jones Director, Office of Procurement and Grants Room 5272 Phone: (202) 708-1290

    Reports, Contro& Analysis Staff

    Peggy Grant-Thompson Office of Finance and Accounting Boom 2214 Phone: (202) 708-2721 27

    Elmer Lee Acting Director, Office of Personnel and Training Room 2162 Phone: (202) 708-2000

    Financial Managnncnt Systms Staff

    Inez Banks-Dubose Director, Financial Management Systems Stti Room 3102 Phone: (202) 708-4317

    Albert M. Miller Deputy Director Office of Finance and Accounting Room 2206 Phone: (202) 708-3310

    Herbert G. Persil Director, Office of Budget Office of the As&ant Secretary, Administration Boom 3270 Phone: (202) 708-3296

    Harold W. Henry Director, Office of Management and Quality Assurance Room 2134 Phone: (202) 708-1027

    W&m H. Eargle, Jr. Comptroller for Administration Room 2206 Phone: (202) 708-3310

    O#kc g%spccto~ Gcncral

    Paul A. Adams Inspector General Room 8256 Phone: (202) 708-0430

  • 28


    FHA Accounting, Servicing Christopher Peterson Director, Mortgage Insurance Accounting and Servicing Office of Housing Room 2202 Phone: (202) 708-1046

    Comptroller Eleanor M. Clark Comptroller, Housing-FHA Room 5132 Phone: (202) 401-8800


    William E. Dobrozykowski Vice President Office of Finance Comptroller for Government National Mortgage Association Boom 6230 Phone: (202) 401-2064


    Barbara L. Burkhalter Comptroller for Public and Indian Housing Boom 4122 Phone: (202) 708-0099


    Alan K. Lombard Comptroller for Community Planning and Development Boom 7204 Phone: (202) 708-1267

    Scnim Financial official

    Henry E. Hockeimer Associate Director, Management Bureau of Management Room 816 Phone: (202) 619-4626 Fax: (202) 554-0836

    Q&cc of th Comptrok Stanley M. Silverman Comptroller Room 668 Phone: (202) 619-4315 Fax: (202) 619-4323

    L. Paul Hill Deputy Comptroller Room 668 Phone: (202) 619-4315 Fax: (202) 619-4323

    Chief, Budget Planning Presentations Division (Vacant) Room 668 Phone: (202) 619-4315 Fax: (202) 619-4323

    Gerald J. Parry Chief, Budget Operations Division Room 664 Phone: (202) 619-4329 Fax: (202) 619-4323

    James Q. Kohler Chief, Financial Operations Division Room 668 Phone: (202) 6194419 Fax: (202) 619-4323

    Manapncnt Plan.5, Analysis

    Eileen K. Binns Director Office of Administration Room 618 Phone: (202) 619-4300 Fax: (202) 619-5960

    Inf-tion Rcsox7cc Managcmmt Daniel S. Campbell Office Technology Boom 646 Phone: (202) 619-5318 Fax: (202) 619-6737

    Herwald H. Morton Agency Competition Advocate Boom 818 Phone: (202) 619-5681 Fax: (202) 554-0836

    Cash/Chdit/Debt Management

    Vacant Chief, Financial Systems Staff Boom 668 Phone: (202) 619-4324

    offic of Cont7acts Philip R Rogers Director Room 1611 330 C Street SW Washington, DC 20547 Phone: (202) 485-6398 Fax: (202) 485-6466

    Intmal Control

    Steve Welker Room 818 Phone: (202) 619-5682 Fax: (202) 554-0836

    O@ of hpcctor General George F. Murphy, Jr. Inspector General Room 1100 400 6th Street SW Washington, DC 20547 Phone: (202) 401-7931 Fax: (202) 401-7666


    Joseph Bruns Staff Director Room 3300 300 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20547 Phone: (202) 619-1088 Fax: (202) 619-0085

    James B . Atherton Budget Director Room 3360 300 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20547 Phone: (202) 619-3988 Fax: (202) 619-2788

  • Scniw Financial O&in1

    Dorothy B . Burruss Vice President, Administration and Finance 5th Floor Phone: (703) 841-3827 Fax: (703) 841-0973

    Acconntin~ Operatiom

    Milna Bautista Accounting Officer 5th Floor Phone: (703) 841-3817 Fax: (703) 841-0973


    Melvin Asterken General Services Officer 5th Floor Phone: (703) 841-3869 Fax: (703) 841-0973


    Patrick Bailey Auditor 5th Floor Phone: (703) 841-.3892 Fax: (703) 841-0973

    Scniw Financial Ojj%al

    John S&rote Assistant Secretary, Policy, Management, and Budget Boom 6214 Phone: (202) 208-6182 Fax: (202) 219-1220

    Charles E. Kay Principal Deputy As&ant Secretary Boom 6214 Phone: (202) 208 -4123 Fax: (202) 219-4123


    Robert J. Iamb Acting Director Office of Budget Boom 4116 Phone: (202) 208-5308 Fax: (202) 208-3911

    Financial Managnnmt

    William L. Kendig Director, Financial Management Boom 7258 Phone: (202) 208-4701 Fax: (202) 208-6940

    Theodore Woronka Deputy Director, Office of Financial Management Boom 7258 Phone: (202) 208-4701 Fax: (202) 208-6940

    Financial +zcms, Managnncnt Control, And&cd Financial Statmenu

    Wayne D. Howard Chief, Division of Financial Systems Office of Financial Management Boom 7258 Phone: (202) 208-3425 Fax: (202) 208-6940

    Casb/Crcdit/Dcbt Marragcmcnt, Financial Analjsis, Rcpwting

    Stephen J. Varholy Chief, Division of Financial Administration Office of Financial Management Boom 7258 Phone: (202) 208-5223 Fax: (202) 208-6940

    P7ocuromcnt Larry Cardwell Senior Procurement Executive, Director Office of Acquisition and Property Management Boom 5512 Phone: (202) 208-3668 Fax: (202) 208-6301

    Accounting Operations

    Michael E. Horst Chief, Division of Fiscal Services Office of Administrative Services Room 5257 Phone: (202) 208-5027 Fax: (202) 208-4719

    Grants, Contracts

    Pete Horsley Chief, Automated Systems Division Office of Acquisition and Property Management Room 5512 Phone: (202) 208-3347 Fax: (202) 208-6301

    wike of Inspector General James R Richards Inspector General Boom 5341 Phone: (202) 208-5745 Fax: (202) 208-4998


    Financial Managnnmt

    C.L. Henson Acting Director, Office of Administration Room 465 7 Phone: (202) 208-4174 Fax: (202) 208-6635

    Bud&t, Financial Operatium

    Linda Richardson Assistant Director, Financial Management Boom 4616 Phone: (202) 208-6342 Fax: (202) 208-6635

    Accountin. Op fz-at&as

    Fred Dorsey Chief, Accounting Management Division Boom 4070 Phone: (202) 208 -4807 Fax: (202) 208-6635


    Pinanciai Managnnent

    Thomas J. Allen Assistant Dir., Ma