Direct Mail Flyer Sample

960 PART IV THROMBOTIC DISORDERS syndrome. 28 A randomized study comparing LMWH with aspirin in 58 patients with RVO showed better functional long- term results with anticoagulation, but this result requires con- firmation. 29 Unusual sites of DVT are described in Chapter 84. LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM Patients with DVT have a high risk of recurrence as well as chronic venous insufficiency, the postthrombotic syndrome (PTS) (FIGURE 80.4). The main cause of PTS is damage to the delicate venous valves, with resulting reflux and increased venous pressure in the affected extremity. The clinical findings range from mild swelling in the evening, often combined with symptoms of heaviness or tiredness in the leg, or skin discolor- ations due to telangiectasia and malleolar flare, to severe edema, iron deposition with hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis, and, ultimately, venous stasis ulcers 30 ; the latter present in 5% of patients after 10 years. 31 The Villalta score has been recommended for quantifying the syndrome. 32 Patients with PE without symptomatic DVT also have an increased risk of developing PTS, 41% at 10 years. 31 Compression stockings should be used to reduce the risk of PTS, 33 but there are some controversies. Once severe PTS has occurred, treatment is chal- lenging. Some relief may be gained with intermittent pneumatic compression, 34 pentoxyphylline, 35 or rutosides. 36 Pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure 25 mm Hg) is an incapacitating long-term sequel that has been reported in 0.8% to 3.8% of patients 2 years after PE. 37,38 It is unclear what transforms the original fragile emboli into fibrotic, endothelialized obstructions that are tightly attached to the arteries. The condition must be suspected when the dyspnea persists or recurs without evidence of new emboli. A screening program with echocardiography several years after an episode of PE was not useful due to a low yield of only 0.57% with chronic pulmonary hypertension. 39 Right heart catheter- ization is required to assess the pulmonary artery pressures accurately, and central venous saturation and cardiac output are needed to understand prognosis and decide on medical therapy. 40 Pulmonary endarterectomy is the treatment of choice but should only be performed at highly specialized centers. The long-term consequences of VTE are reviewed in Chapter 85. PROPHYLAXIS OF VENOUS THROMBOEMBOLISM Prophylactic regimens against VTE have been most extensively evaluated in major orthopedic surgery, notably hip or knee replacements, with primary efficacy being asymptomatic DVT documented by venography and surgical wound bleeding serving as a sensitive safety outcome. Recently, there has been intensive debate around these outcomes. The value of asymptomatic DVT as a surrogate outcome for fatal PE has been questioned. 41 The European Medicines Agency has since 2007 recommended a composite of (a) symptomatic or asymptomatic proximal DVT, (b) symptomatic nonfatal PE, and (c) VTE-related death or any death as the primary outcome; 42 so asymptomatic distal DVT may not be an acceptable surrogate outcome. Variations in the definition of major bleeding have been used during the past two decades, 43 and attempts have been made to harmonize this definition, published as recommendations by the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 44,45 The European Medicines Agency refers to this definition in their recommendations. 42,46 In major orthopedic surgery, prophylaxis against VTE is today given to a high proportion of patients, although the rec- ommended duration and start time are not followed for over 60% of patients. 47 Overall compliance with guidelines in surgical patients is 58.5%, and only 39.5% for medically ill patients, according to the ENDORSE survey. 48 Collins et al. 49 showed in a meta-analysis of more than 70 randomized trials that prophy- laxis with low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH) reduces fatal PE in the surgical setting from 0.81% to 0.26%. In the stud- ies in medical patients, death was not significantly affected. 50,51 The duration of high VTE risk was recently addressed by the EXCLAIM trial by evaluating extended prophylaxis with LMWH in medically ill patients. Although prolongation of prophylaxis to 28 days reduced the incidence of VTE, this occurred at the cost of a significant increase in major bleeding, 52 a phenomenon D-Dimer Low Probability (unlikely) Intermediate/High Probability (likely) No Treatment Imaging Diagnostics Negative Positive No Treatment Negative Positive Pulmonary Embolism? Deep Vein Thrombosis? Clinical Assessment History, Symptoms, Signs FIGURE 80.3 Simplified diagnostic algorithm for VTE. Pulmonary Embolism Deep Vein Thrombosis Chronic ThromboEmbolic Pulmonary Hypertension Death Postthrombotic Syndrome Telangiectasia Varicose Veins Leg Edema Hyperpigmentation Lipodermatosclerosis Venous Eczema Venous Stasis Ulcers Symptoms: Tiredness Pain Venous Claudication FIGURE 80.4 Sequelae of VTE. CHAPTER 123 THROMBOHEMORRHAGIC COMPLICATIONS OF SEPSIS 1455 is extensive cross-talk between inflammation and coagulation, 41 and interestingly, systemic activation of coagulation and inflam- mation in sepsis can have some organ-specific manifestations. 42 Initiation of Coagulation Activation Systemic activation of coagulation in patients with sepsis has been considered to be a result of direct activation of the con- tact system by microorganisms or endotoxin. 43 However, it has become apparent that the principal initiator of thrombin generation in sepsis is tissue factor (TF), without significant change in markers reflecting activation of the contact sys- tem. 44,45 Furthermore, abrogation of the TF/factor VII(a) path- way by monoclonal antibodies completely inhibits thrombin generation in endotoxin-challenged chimpanzees and pre- vents DIC and mortality in baboons that are infused with Escherichia coli 33,46,47 TF is a transmembrane 45 kDa protein, that is constitu- tively expressed on a number of cells throughout the body. 48 The majority of these cells are in tissues not in direct contact with blood, such as the adventitial layer of large blood vessels. However, TF gets into contact with blood upon disruption of the vascular integrity, or if cells present in the circulation are altered to express TF. In sepsis, circulating mononuclear cells, stimulated by proinflammatory cytokines, express TF, but other than in severe meningococcemia, 49 it is difficult to demonstrate ex vivo TF expression on monocytes of septic patients or experi- mental animals. However, low dose endotoxemia in healthy subjects results in a 125-fold increase in monocyte TF mRNA levels. 50 Another source of TF may be on polymorphonuclear cells, 51 although it is unlikely that these cells actually synthesize TF in substantial quantities. 52 Based on the transfer of TF from leukocytes to activated platelets in an ex vivo perfusion system, it is hypothesized that this “blood borne” TF is transferred between cells through microparticles derived from activated mononuclear cells. 53 Platelets play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of coagula- tion abnormalities in sepsis. Platelets can be activated directly by proinflammatory mediators, such as platelet activating factor. 54 Once thrombin forms, additional platelets are activated, which then accelerates further fibrin formation. The expression of P-selectin on the platelet membrane not only mediates the adherence of platelets to leukocytes and endothelial cells but also enhances the expression of TF on monocytes by nuclear factor kappa-B (NFkB) activation. 55 P-selectin is shed from the platelet membrane and soluble P-selectin levels are increased during systemic inflammation. 55 Impairment of the Antithrombin, Protein C, and TFPI Anticoagulant Pathways in Sepsis Activation of coagulation is regulated by three major antico- agulant pathways, namely, AT3, the protein C system, and TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI). During sepsis-induced activation of coagulation, the function of all three pathways can be impaired (FIGURE 123.2). AT3 is a serine protease inhibitor and the main inhibitor of thrombin and factor Xa. During severe inflammatory responses, AT3 levels are markedly decreased due to consumption (as a result of ongoing thrombin generation), impaired synthesis (as a result of a negative acute phase response), and degrada- tion by elastase from activated neutrophils. 56,57 A reduction in Proinflammatory Cytokines Mononuclear Cells Tissue Factor- Mediated Thrombin Generation Expression Impairment of Anticoagulant Mechanisms Modulation of Inflammation (Micro) Vascular Thrombosis Vascular Endothelial Cells Inhibition of Fibrinolysis Due to Increased PAI-1 FIGURE 123.1 Schematic representation of pathogenetic pathways involved in the activation of coagulation in sepsis. During sepsis, both perturbed endothelial cells and activated mononuclear cells may produce proinflammatory cytokines that mediate coagulation activation. Activation of coagulation is initiated by TF expression on activated mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. In addition, downregulation of physiologic anticoagulant mechanisms and inhibition of fibrinolysis by endothelial cells will further promote intravascular fibrin deposition. PAI-1; plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1. Chap123.indd 1455 8-1/2” X 11” — FOLDS IN THIRDS TO 8-1/2” X 3-11/16” NEW! Stay on top of the latest information with a new section on Hemostatic and Thrombotic Disorders Associated with Systemic Conditions, which includes material on pediatric patients, women’s health issues, cancer, sickle cell disease, and other groups. NEW! Refresh your understanding of basic sciences related to the field through new introductory chapters. NEW! Quickly find the information you need by searching the book and image bank on the new online companion website. Gain fresh, authoritative perspectives on bleeding disorders and the management of patients with these and related problems from a new team of editors, each an expert in his field. Stay current with the most up-to-date information on normal biochemistry and function of platelets and endothelial cells. Expand your knowledge of the pharmacology of anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, and hemostatic drugs through in-depth discussions. Expertly manage coagulation disorders with the pre-eminent book in the field. More than 160 of the world’s most renowned hematologists, vascular surgeons, and oncologists review current scientific discoveries, share their most successful approaches, and present promising new therapies. NEW EDITION Now in Full Color! See reverse for more details … CHAPTER 63 INHERITED THROMBOCYTOPENIAS 787 VWD2B (V1316M) BSS Giant Granule MYH9 MYH9 MC AML-1 Proplatelet GPS Abnormal Myosin Döhle Body Absence of α-Granules Control Control Patient FIGURE 63.1 Composite illustration showing some of the striking ultrastructural characteristics of platelets in selected inherited thrombocytopenias. In the upper panels are shown the typical large round platelets of a patient with the BSS as seen by electron microscopy. Note the heterogeneous distribution of a-granules but the absence of large MC. Adjacent are platelets from a vWD2B patient showing size heterogeneity. An enlarged a-granule is highlighted. The middle panels first show electron microscope images of large round platelets from a patient with MYH9-related disease (May-Hegglin anomaly); note the large abnormal platelets with abundant MC. Also shown are a cytochemically stained Döhle-like inclusion and NMMHC-IIA immunoprecipitates detected by immunofluorescence in leukocytes from the same patient. In the lower panel is first shown platelet anisotropy in a patient with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia with predisposition to leukemia (AML-1). Platelets are immature and proplatelet fragments are present. Finally two platelets from a patient with the GPS are shown. These platelets are totally lacking a-granules. Bars = 1 mm Now with more than 700 illustrations! 2-A434 Marder flyer.indd 1 10/17/12 8:40 PM

Transcript of Direct Mail Flyer Sample

Page 1: Direct Mail Flyer Sample


syndrome.28 A randomized study comparing LMWH with

aspirin in 58 patients with RVO showed better functional long-

term results with anticoagulation, but this result requires con-

fi rmation.29 Unusual sites of DVT are described in Chapter 84.



Patients with DVT have a high risk of recurrence as well as

chronic venous insuffi ciency, the postthrombotic syndrome

(PTS) (FIGURE 80.4). The main cause of PTS is damage to the

delicate venous valves, with resulting refl ux and increased

venous pressure in the affected extremity. The clinical fi ndings

range from mild swelling in the evening, often combined with

symptoms of heaviness or tiredness in the leg, or skin discolor-

ations due to telangiectasia and malleolar fl are, to severe edema,

iron deposition with hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis,

and, ultimately, venous stasis ulcers30; the latter present in

5% of patients after 10 years.31 The Villalta score has been

recommended for quantifying the syndrome.32 Patients with

PE without symptomatic DVT also have an increased risk of

developing PTS, 41% at 10 years.31 Compression stockings

should be used to reduce the risk of PTS,33 but there are some

controversies. Once severe PTS has occurred, treatment is chal-

lenging. Some relief may be gained with intermittent pneumatic

compression,34 pentoxyphylline,35 or rutosides.36

Pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure

≥25 mm Hg) is an incapacitating long-term sequel that has

been reported in 0.8% to 3.8% of patients 2 years after PE.37,38

It is unclear what transforms the original fragile emboli into

fi brotic, endothelialized obstructions that are tightly attached

to the arteries. The condition must be suspected when the

dyspnea persists or recurs without evidence of new emboli.

A screening program with echocardiography several years after

an episode of PE was not useful due to a low yield of only 0.57%

with chronic pulmonary hypertension.39 Right heart catheter-

ization is required to assess the pulmonary artery pressures

accurately, and central venous saturation and cardiac output

are needed to understand prognosis and decide on medical

therapy.40 Pulmonary endarterectomy is the treatment of choice

but should only be performed at highly specialized centers. The

long-term consequences of VTE are reviewed in Chapter 85.



Prophylactic regimens against VTE have been most extensively

evaluated in major orthopedic surgery, notably hip or knee

replacements, with primary effi cacy being asymptomatic DVT

documented by venography and surgical wound bleeding serving

as a sensitive safety outcome. Recently, there has been intensive

debate around these outcomes. The value of asymptomatic

DVT as a surrogate outcome for fatal PE has been questioned.41

The European Medicines Agency has since 2007 recommended

a composite of (a) symptomatic or asymptomatic proximal

DVT, (b) symptomatic nonfatal PE, and (c) VTE-related death

or any death as the primary outcome;42 so asymptomatic distal

DVT may not be an acceptable surrogate outcome. Variations

in the defi nition of major bleeding have been used during the

past two decades,43 and attempts have been made to harmonize

this defi nition, published as recommendations by the Scientifi c

and Standardization Committee of the International Society

on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.44,45 The European Medicines

Agency refers to this defi nition in their recommendations.42,46

In major orthopedic surgery, prophylaxis against VTE is

today given to a high proportion of patients, although the rec-

ommended duration and start time are not followed for over

60% of patients.47 Overall compliance with guidelines in surgical

patients is 58.5%, and only 39.5% for medically ill patients,

according to the ENDORSE survey.48 Collins et al.49 showed in

a meta-analysis of more than 70 randomized trials that prophy-

laxis with low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH) reduces

fatal PE in the surgical setting from 0.81% to 0.26%. In the stud-

ies in medical patients, death was not signifi cantly affected.50,51

The duration of high VTE risk was recently addressed by the

EXCLAIM trial by evaluating extended prophylaxis with LMWH

in medically ill patients. Although prolongation of prophylaxis

to 28 days reduced the incidence of VTE, this occurred at the

cost of a signifi cant increase in major bleeding,52 a phenomenon


Low Probability(unlikely)



No Treatment

Imaging Diagnostics

Negative Positive

No Treatment

Negative Positive

Pulmonary Embolism? Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Clinical Assessment

History, Symptoms, Signs

FIGURE 80.3 Simplifi ed diagnostic algorithm for VTE.

Pulmonary EmbolismDeep Vein Thrombosis




Postthrombotic Syndrome

TelangiectasiaVaricose VeinsLeg EdemaHyperpigmentation


Venous EczemaVenous Stasis Ulcers

Symptoms:TirednessPainVenous Claudication

FIGURE 80.4 Sequelae of VTE.

Marder_Chap80.indd 960

8/24/2012 4:10:34 PM


is extensive cross-talk between infl ammation and coagulation,41 and interestingly, systemic activation of coagulation and infl am-mation in sepsis can have some organ-specifi c manifestations.42

Initiation of Coagulation ActivationSystemic activation of coagulation in patients with sepsis has been considered to be a result of direct activation of the con-tact system by microorganisms or endotoxin.43 However, it has become apparent that the principal initiator of thrombin generation in sepsis is tissue factor (TF), without signifi cant change in markers refl ecting activation of the contact sys-tem.44,45 Furthermore, abrogation of the TF/factor VII(a) path-way by monoclonal antibodies completely inhibits thrombin generation in endotoxin-challenged chimpanzees and pre-vents DIC and mortality in baboons that are infused with Escherichia coli33,46,47

TF is a transmembrane 45 kDa protein, that is constitu-tively expressed on a number of cells throughout the body.48 The majority of these cells are in tissues not in direct contact with blood, such as the adventitial layer of large blood vessels. However, TF gets into contact with blood upon disruption of the vascular integrity, or if cells present in the circulation are altered to express TF. In sepsis, circulating mononuclear cells, stimulated by proinfl ammatory cytokines, express TF, but other than in severe meningococcemia,49 it is diffi cult to demonstrate ex vivo TF expression on monocytes of septic patients or experi-mental animals. However, low dose endotoxemia in healthy subjects results in a 125-fold increase in monocyte TF mRNA levels.50 Another source of TF may be on polymorphonuclear cells,51 although it is unlikely that these cells actually synthesize

TF in substantial quantities.52 Based on the transfer of TF from leukocytes to activated platelets in an ex vivo perfusion system, it is hypothesized that this “blood borne” TF is transferred between cells through microparticles derived from activated mononuclear cells.53

Platelets play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of coagula-tion abnormalities in sepsis. Platelets can be activated directly by proinfl ammatory mediators, such as platelet activating factor.54 Once thrombin forms, additional platelets are activated, which then accelerates further fi brin formation. The expression of P-selectin on the platelet membrane not only mediates the adherence of platelets to leukocytes and endothelial cells but also enhances the expression of TF on monocytes by nuclear factor kappa-B (NFkB) activation.55 P-selectin is shed from the platelet membrane and soluble P-selectin levels are increased during systemic infl ammation.55

Impairment of the Antithrombin, Protein C, and TFPI Anticoagulant Pathways in SepsisActivation of coagulation is regulated by three major antico-agulant pathways, namely, AT3, the protein C system, and TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI). During sepsis-induced activation of coagulation, the function of all three pathways can be impaired (FIGURE 123.2).AT3 is a serine protease inhibitor and the main inhibitor of thrombin and factor Xa. During severe infl ammatory responses, AT3 levels are markedly decreased due to consumption (as a result of ongoing thrombin generation), impaired synthesis (as a result of a negative acute phase response), and degrada-tion by elastase from activated neutrophils.56,57 A reduction in

Proinflammatory Cytokines

Mononuclear Cells

Tissue Factor-Mediated Thrombin

Generation Expression

Impairment of Anticoagulant Mechanisms

Modulation ofInflammation

(Micro) Vascular Thrombosis

Vascular Endothelial Cells

Inhibition of Fibrinolysis Due to

Increased PAI-1

FIGURE 123.1 Schematic representation of pathogenetic pathways involved in the activation of coagulation in sepsis. During sepsis, both perturbed endothelial cells and activated mononuclear cells may produce proinfl ammatory cytokines that mediate coagulation activation. Activation of coagulation is initiated by TF expression on activated mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. In addition, downregulation of physiologic anticoagulant mechanisms and inhibition of fi brinolysis by endothelial cells will further promote intravascular fi brin deposition. PAI-1; plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.

Marder_Chap123.indd 1455

8/24/2012 4:48:18 PM

8-1/2” X 11” — FOLDS IN THIRDS TO 8-1/2” X 3-11/16”

• NEW! Stay on top of the latest information with a new section on Hemostatic and Thrombotic Disorders Associated with Systemic Conditions, which includes material on pediatric patients, women’s health issues, cancer, sickle cell disease, and other groups.

• NEW! Refresh your understanding of basic sciences related to the fi eld through new introductory chapters.

• NEW! Quickly fi nd the information you need by searching the book and image bank on the new online companion website.

• Gain fresh, authoritative perspectives on bleeding disorders and the management of patients with these and related problems from a new team of editors, each an expert in his fi eld.

• Stay current with the most up-to-date information on normal biochemistry and function of platelets and endothelial cells.

• Expand your knowledge of the pharmacology of anticoagulant, fi brinolytic, and hemostatic drugs through in-depth discussions.

Expertly manage coagulation disorders with the pre-eminent book in the fi eld.More than 160 of the world’s most renowned hematologists, vascular surgeons, and oncologists review current scientifi c discoveries, share their most successful approaches, and present promisingnew therapies.


Full Color!

See reverse for more details …

is extensive cross-talk between infland interestingly, systemic activation of coagulation and inflmation in sepsis can have some organ-specifi

Initiation of Coagulation ActivationSystemic activation of coagulation in patients with sepsis has been considered to be a result of direct activation of the con-tact system by microorganisms or endotoxin.has become apparent that the principal initiator of thrombin generation in sepsis is tissue factor (TF), without significhange in markers refl

tem.44,45 Furthermore, abrogation of the TF/factor VII(a) path-way by monoclonal antibodies completely inhibits thrombin generation in endotoxin-challenged chimpanzees and pre-vents DIC and mortality in baboons that are infused with Escherichia coli33,46,47

TF is a transmembrane 45 kDa protein, that is constitu-tively expressed on a number of cells throughout the body.The majority of these cells are in tissues not in direct contact with blood, such as the adventitial layer of large blood vessels. However, TF gets into contact with blood upon disruption of the vascular integrity, or if cells present in the circulation are altered to express TF. In sepsis, circulating mononuclear cells, stimulated by proinfl ammatory cytokines, express TF, but other stimulated by proinfl ammatory cytokines, express TF, but other stimulated by proinflthan in severe meningococcemia,ex vivo TF expression on monocytes of septic patients or experi-mental animals. However, low dose endotoxemia in healthy subjects results in a 125-fold increase in monocyte TF mRNA levels.50 Another source of TF may be on polymorphonuclear cells,51 although it is unlikely that these cells actually synthesize

FIGURE 123.1 During sepsis, both perturbed endothelial cells and activated mononuclear cells may produce proinflthat mediate coagulation activation. Activation of coagulation is initiated by TF expression on activated mononuclear cells and endothelial cells. In addition, downregulation of physiologic anticoagulant mechanisms and inhibition of fiendothelial cells will further promote intravascular fi

; the latter present in

The Villalta score has been

recommended for quantifying the syndrome.32 Patients with

PE without symptomatic DVT also have an increased risk of

Compression stockings

should be used to reduce the risk of PTS,33 but there are some

controversies. Once severe PTS has occurred, treatment is chal-

lenging. Some relief may be gained with intermittent pneumatic

or rutosides.36

Pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure

25 mm Hg) is an incapacitating long-term sequel that has

been reported in 0.8% to 3.8% of patients 2 years after PE.37,38

It is unclear what transforms the original fragile emboli into

brotic, endothelialized obstructions that are tightly attached

to the arteries. The condition must be suspected when the

dyspnea persists or recurs without evidence of new emboli.

A screening program with echocardiography several years after

an episode of PE was not useful due to a low yield of only 0.57%

with chronic pulmonary hypertension.39 Right heart catheter-

ization is required to assess the pulmonary artery pressures

accurately, and central venous saturation and cardiac output

are needed to understand prognosis and decide on medical

Pulmonary endarterectomy is the treatment of choice

but should only be performed at highly specialized centers. The

long-term consequences of VTE are reviewed in Chapter 85.


Prophylactic regimens against VTE have been most extensively

evaluated in major orthopedic surgery, notably hip or knee

cacy being asymptomatic DVT

documented by venography and surgical wound bleeding serving

as a sensitive safety outcome. Recently, there has been intensive

debate around these outcomes. The value of asymptomatic

DVT as a surrogate outcome for fatal PE has been questioned.41

The European Medicines Agency has since 2007 recommended

a composite of (a) symptomatic or asymptomatic proximal

DVT, (b) symptomatic nonfatal PE, and (c) VTE-related death

or any death as the primary outcome;42 so asymptomatic distal

DVT may not be an acceptable surrogate outcome. Variations

nition of major bleeding have been used during the

and attempts have been made to harmonize

nition, published as recommendations by the Scientifi c nition, published as recommendations by the Scientifi c nition, published as recommendations by the Scientifi

and Standardization Committee of the International Society 44,45 The European Medicines

nition in their recommendations.42,46

In major orthopedic surgery, prophylaxis against VTE is

today given to a high proportion of patients, although the rec-

ommended duration and start time are not followed for over

Overall compliance with guidelines in surgical

patients is 58.5%, and only 39.5% for medically ill patients,

according to the ENDORSE survey.48 Collins et al.49 showed in

a meta-analysis of more than 70 randomized trials that prophy-

laxis with low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH) reduces

fatal PE in the surgical setting from 0.81% to 0.26%. In the stud-

ies in medical patients, death was not signifi cantly affected.ies in medical patients, death was not signifi cantly affected.ies in medical patients, death was not signifi


The duration of high VTE risk was recently addressed by the

EXCLAIM trial by evaluating extended prophylaxis with LMWH

h prolongation of prophylaxis

to 28 days reduced the incidence of VTE, this occurred at the

cant increase in major bleeding,52 a phenomenon



Giant Granule








Absence ofα-Granules

Control Control Patient

FIGURE 63.1 Composite illustration showing some of the striking ultrastructural characteristics of platelets in selected inherited thrombocytopenias. In the upper panels are shown the typical large round platelets of a patient with the BSS as seen by electron microscopy. Note the heterogeneous distribution of a-granules but the absence of large MC. Adjacent are platelets from a vWD2B patient showing size heterogeneity. An enlarged a-granule is highlighted. The middle panels fi rst show electron microscope images of large round platelets from a patient with MYH9-related disease (May-Hegglin anomaly); note the large abnormal platelets with abundant MC. Also shown are a cytochemically stained Döhle-like inclusion and NMMHC-IIA immunoprecipitates detected by immunofl uorescence in leukocytes from the same patient. In the lower panel is fi rst shown platelet anisotropy in a patient with amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia with predisposition to leukemia (AML-1). Platelets are immature and proplatelet fragments are present. Finally two platelets from a patient with the GPS are shown. These platelets are totally lacking a-granules. Bars = 1 mm

Marder_Chap63.indd 787 8/29/2012 11:05:40 AM

Now with more than 700


2-A434 Marder flyer.indd 1 10/17/12 8:40 PM

Page 2: Direct Mail Flyer Sample

© Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2-A434Two Commerce Square, 2001 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103


T lymphocytes comprise an important component of the leu-

kocytic infi ltrate in human atheroma. T cells, when activated,

can secrete interferon g (IFN-g), an inhibitor of SMC colla-

gen synthesis.8 Considerable evidence supports the activation

of T cells in human atheroma and the presence of IFN-g.163

Therefore, impaired ability of SMCs to synthesize new colla-

gen to reinforce and maintain the extracellular matrix of the

fi brous cap can also lead to thinning and weakening of the

structure, characteristic of plaques that tend to rupture and

cause thrombosis.164

Indeed, SMCs may serve an important function as protec-

tors of the plaque’s fi brous cap, due to their ability to synthe-

size collagen and other structurally important components

of the arterial extracellular matrix (FIGURES 89.9 and 89.10). In

this regard, SMC death within atheroma may promote plaque

disruption.122 As noted earlier, infl ammatory pathways in ath-

eroma likely promote apoptosis. In particular, combinations

of infl ammatory cytokines can trigger cell death by apop-

tosis in human SMCs in vitro.165 Moreover, activated T cells

within lesions, by expression of Fas ligand, can engage Fas on

the surface of SMCs and, in conjunction with infl ammatory

cytokines including IFN-g, trigger the deaths of these cells.149

Therefore, just as in the case of superfi cial erosion, where

ECs are the target, fi brous cap rupture may depend on both

proteolysis and cell death. Infl ammatory pathways appear to

participate decisively in the destabilization of the plaque that

triggers thrombosis in both superfi cial erosion and fi brous cap


Lipid Core

Fibrous CapFibrous Cap

• Thin Fibrous Cap

• Large Lipid Pool

• Less Stenotic Lesions

• ↑ (Ester/Free) Cholesterol

• ↓ Collagen Synthesis

• ↑ Collagen Degradation

• ↑ Macrophages, T-Cells

• ↓ Smooth Muscle Cells

Factors Increasing Stress Factors Weakening the Cap



FIGURE 89.9 Biomechanical and biochemical features contribute to

disruption of atheromatous plaques and their thrombotic complica-

tions. See text for explanation. (From Lee R, Libby P. The unstable

atheroma. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997;17:1859–1867, with


FIGURE 89.10 Molecular mechanisms regulating the stability of atheroma. The vascular SMCs synthesize the collagen and

elastin in the atheroma’s fi brous cap. When infl ammation is present, as characteristic of plaques that cause fatal thrombo-

ses, interferon g (IFN-g) secreted by activated T cells may inhibit collagen synthesis, impeding the repair and maintenance

of the collagenous framework of the plaque’s fi brous cap. The activated macrophage secretes proteinases that can degrade

both collagen and elastin. The breakdown of these structural molecules of the extracellular matrix can weaken the fi brous

cap, rendering it particularly susceptible to rupture and precipitation of the thrombotic complications of atheroma. The

macrophage, in turn, undergoes activation by IFN-g derived from the T lymphocytes and by CD40 ligand (CD154) expressed

on the surface of these cells. Platelets also can express active CD40 ligand. Plaques contain other activators of macrophages

not derived from T cells, including tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), macrophage-colony–stimulating factor (M-CSF), and

macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), among others. (After Libby P. Molecular bases of the acute coronary

syndromes. Circulation 1995;91:2844–2850, with permission.)

atheromatous lesions can elaborate gelatinases, including MMP-2,

MMP-9,157 and MMP-14, among many other proteinases.162

The interstitial forms of collagen that lend strength to

the plaque’s fi brous cap can also diminish in vulnerable

plaques because of decreased de novo synthesis by SMCs.

Marder_Chap89.indd 1058

8/24/2012 4:14:44 PM

Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, Sixth EditionVictor J. Marder, MD • William C. Aird, MD • Joel S. Bennett, MDSam Schulman, MD • Gilbert C. White, II, MD1,616 pages • 777 illustrations, 633 in full color • ISBN: 978-1-60831-906-0

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2-A434 Marder flyer.indd 2 10/17/12 8:40 PM