Dir. Bonto further stated that the I As are appealing to ...


Transcript of Dir. Bonto further stated that the I As are appealing to ...

Dir. Bonto further stated that the I As are appealing to the Management that the ISF collected should be divided equally between NIA and the I A, regardless of the collection method applied because it is not specifically defined in the gjidelines. In addition. Dir. Bonto asked the Management to look into the complaints of the I ̂ s that their remuneration or share is sometimes delayed or not given to them.

The Board decided to refer the said concern to the NIA Management with the instruction to appropriately address the same.

Having no other matters to discuss, the 921^ Regular Board Meeting adjourned at 1:23 PM.

I irjniniously adopted on:

I hereby certify to the correctness of the foregoing Minutes of the 921^ Regular Board Meeting of the NIA Board held on February 28, 2017.

A T T Y T G E N E V E R M. DIONIO Acting Corporate Board Secretary