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1 1 Dinuba Unified School District EETT July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2016 Education Technology Plan CDS #: 54-75531 School District Name: Dinuba Unified School District District Mailing Address: 1327 E. El Monte Way Dinuba, CA 93618 Name :Michael Akins Title: Director, Educational Technology Phone Number: 559-595-7200 Email Address [email protected]

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Dinuba Unified School District


July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2016

Education Technology Plan

CDS #: 54-75531 School District Name: Dinuba Unified School District District Mailing Address: 1327 E. El Monte Way Dinuba, CA 93618 Name :Michael Akins Title: Director, Educational Technology Phone Number: 559-595-7200 Email Address [email protected]

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Table of Contents Acknowledgments ................................................................................................. 3 District Summary .................................................................................................. 4 Vision/Mission Statement ..................................................................................... 5 Partnership Involvement ..................................................................................... 6 Curriculum Driven Technology Goals ................................................................ 7 Technology Access for Special Needs Students ................................................. 17 Staff Development/Implementation ................................................................... 20 Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, and Software ......................... 26 Funding and Budget Component ....................................................................... 78 Monitoring and Evaluation ................................................................................. 80 Adult Literacy ...................................................................................................... 81 Relevant Research ............................................................................................... 82 Appendix A: Acceptable Use Policy ................................................................... 85 Appendix B: Scope and Sequence ..................................................................... 88 Appendix C: Timeline ...................................................................................... 100 Appendix D: Management Form .................................................................... 101

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District and Community Support School Board

Ron Froese, President Sandra Kizirian, Clerk Mary Villarreal, Member Victorio Rojas, Member Bev Keel- Worrell, Member


Joe Hernandez, Ed.D., Superintendent Local Representatives

Frank Linik, California Technology Assistance Project, Region VII Glenn Williams, Tulare County Office of Education Odwalla Foods, Inc., Business Partnership Robert Valenzuela, Community Member Reedley College, Institute of Higher Education

Technology Committee Membership

Michael Akins, Director Katrina Sheaffer, Teacher Mark Rupe, Teacher Peggy Garispe, Business Manager

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1. Dinuba Unified School District 1.a. Plan Duration and District Summary The Dinuba Unified School District is a small rural community district consisting of five elementary schools that serve grades K - 5, one sixth-grade academy, one intermediate school, one high school, an alternative high school (Sierra Vista), an adult school and a k-12 independent study school (Ronald Reagan) for a total of approximately 6000 students. Four of the school sites are QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act) schools. They are Wilson and Jefferson Elementary Schools, JFK Sixth Grade Academy and Washington Intermediate School. The demographic makeup of the school district reflects that of the community: 91% Hispanic, 6% Caucasian and 3% other races/ethnicities. Community and staff are dedicated to cultivating excellence in education and working to meet the diverse needs of all students. Dinuba schools are safe, uncrowded, and of high quality. This is an advantage that truly benefits everyone. Parents actively participate on district committees, parent-teacher organizations, fund raising activities and volunteer programs. School Based Coordinated Programs (SBCP), School Improvement Programs (SIP), Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Special Education, Performing Arts, Science and Conservation (SCICON), Regional Occupation Program (TCOVE), and Migrant Education are among the programs available within the district. The district offers after-school and summer programs for both intervention and enrichment purposes. Dinuba Unified School District and the City of Dinuba are actively engaged in a joint powers agreement. As a part of this agreement, two new gymnasiums were constructed, a state of the art regional aquatics complex, an all weather track, new softball fields and a practice course at the city owned golf course. The District & City are currently involved in the development of new baseball fields and tennis courts for school and community use. Dinuba Unified School Districts believes that the integration of technology and development of 21st Century skills will assure our students’ success in the world of the 21st Century. The District feels it is equally important that we equip our teachers, administrators, and classified staffs with the skills necessary to make relevant use in the classroom of the tools our students are growing up with. The development of this 5-year Technology Use Plan (TUP) with concise goals and objectives based on California state content standards will help our staff meet the needs of our students in the 21st Century. This plan will be updated annually by the District Technology Committee to adjust to the changing needs of our students and staff. Major components of this plan address Information Literacy Skills integrated into reading, math, research, and the presentation of information. Students and Teachers will develop skills that will make their learning and teaching more comprehensive, thorough, and efficient. In addition to the skills students and teachers will be acquiring, communication between parents and staff will become more efficient and user friendly with the introduction of technology applications to enhance the exchange of information with the community. This plan establishes the role technology will play in our district over the next five years, July 1, 2011-June 30, 2016.

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1.b. Vision The Dinuba Unified School District believes that the true integration of technology into curriculum should be seamless and enhance learning. It is with this belief that our Technology Use Plan (TUP) will be directed at California State Standards focused on Information Literacy Skills in the area of Language Arts, which integrates reading, electronic research, appropriate citation of electronic media sources, and student presentation of information. In addition to curricular goals, this plan will also emphasize staff development and timely technical support as a cornerstone to the overall implementation of the plan. Not only does Dinuba Unified School District believe in the support of the school site staff, but also the inclusion of parents and the community in the learning process of all students. To these ends the district will implement a number of strategies involving technology to make the parent-teacher-student team one that is informed and proactive. 1.C. Mission Statement “Empower Each Student to Succeed in Life”

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2. Partnership Involvement 2.a. Description of how a variety of stakeholders from within the school district and the community-at-large participated in the planning process. During the planning process, stakeholders attended Technology Committee meetings as appropriate. Student input was also sought and obtained by teachers and included in the plan. Partnerships Chart

Type of Partner Name of Partner

and Contact Information

Role in Development of the Technology


Role in Supporting the



DHS Student Leadership Team WIS Student Leadership Team

Student input through Site Tech Council

Ongoing feedback


School Site Council Input regarding classroom technology and use

Ongoing feedback


Ruiz Food Products, Inc. – Odwalla Beverages, Inc. –

Private Sector input

Equipment Donations

Postsecondary Institutions

College of the Sequoias

Student placement resource

21st Century Skills application process

Government agencies, including county offices of education and CTAP

Glenn Williams, TCOE Frank Linik, CTAP-7

Emy Lopez, Coordinator, Region VII, California Technology Assistance Project

Plan Development and Critique

Staff Development and Curriculum Resources

Community Groups

Rotary Club of Dinuba Lion’s Club of Dinuba

Kiwanis Club of Dinuba

Expressed Community Point of View on role of technology in education

Participation in monitoring process

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3. Curriculum Driven Technology Goals 3a. Current Access to Technology Dinuba Unified School District began the arduous task of integrating technology into daily curriculum back in 1996 with the Quantum Leap district program, This program placed 4 computers in each 4th-6th grade classroom and subsequently followed with the Digital High School project and Technology Learning Challenge grant for each K-8 each site. The district has a student to computer ratio of 3.22 based on the 2007 California School Technology Survey. This ratio takes many forms throughout the District with 4 or more computers in each 4th-5th grade classroom, 5-15 laptops/PCs in each school library, laptop/iPod/iPad carts for classroom use at several of our elementary schools & high schools and multiple labs at the Middle and High Schools. By aggressively pursuing E-Rate funding and coordination with sites the District has implemented wireless network capabilities at all schools in the district since the 2005 school year. Our District contracts with the Tulare County Office of Education to provide Web-based Student Educational Resources Portal, which consists in part of United Streaming’s video streaming content, World-Book online & numerous standards-based collaboration and instructional tools. Below is a summary of the technology tools accessed by our teachers and students in our Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS K-5 elementary schools have an average ratio of 6-to-1 in 4th and 5th grade classrooms. In all K-5 elementary schools our classrooms have a 5-to-1 ratio. In our 6th Grade Academy we have a 2.5:1 student to computer ratio. All schools have Internet access in every classroom. All 6 of our elementary schools have one laptop for every teacher to use for curriculum development & delivery, as well as classroom management. Our K-5 schools libraries have an average of two on-line card catalog search stations and 5 to 10 laptops for use by teachers, students, and parents. These computers and laptops are available before, during, and after school. One of our elementary schools has a computer lab, three of our elementary sites have mobile laptop carts and our 6th grade academy has one laptop mobile lab for every 4 classrooms, 3 iPod touch mobile labs and one iPad mobile lab. These labs all have wireless Internet access and are available to all classes to learn skills and work on projects during school hours. Four of our K-5 schools and our 6th grade academy classrooms have document cameras available for teachers to use. Numerous classrooms in our K-6 schools have interactive white boards and student responsers for instruction. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Our intermediate school (7th-8th) averages a 10 to 1 student to computer ratio in classrooms. All classrooms have at least one computer with Internet access. The library has six Internet search stations and 10 laptops available to students and staff before, during and after school hours. One computer lab is used full time for the computer technology class. An additional computer lab is available to all classes on a sign in basis. The labs are also open for 1 hour after school each day for web-based research, science projects, essay development and publishing – one of these labs is open for 1 hour after school. Teachers have a mix of interactive whiteboards and slates, document cameras and student responders to augment their daily instruction HIGH SCHOOL At our high school the business department has a 1 to 1 ratio for all ninth grade students and business elective classes. Our Industrial Technology department also has a 1-to-1 ratio for elective Industrial Technology classes and one graphic arts class. Teachers increasingly are using document cameras,and video projectors to enhance their lessons. Our science students have access to a department lab. DHS also has an automated library media center with 10 computers and 10 laptops available to all students

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before, during and after school. In the Career Center on South campus there is a mini-lab of 18 computers with online resources available to all students before, during, and after school hours. There are two open labs on North campus, one lab has 8 computers and one has 20 computers for students to use for research, class projects and essays. Each classroom has at least one computer with Internet access. All labs are available to all students and staff before school, during lunch, and after school. 3b. Current Use of Technology Describe how technology is used in the district; include frequency of use. While the way in which students’ access technology may vary from site to site in DUSD the common underlying thread is the curriculum and our district benchmarks, which are based on California state standards. Students use technology at all schools to research projects and develop essays through the Internet. Every 6th-12th grade student types at least one writing assignment annually using a word processing program. Teachers and students have access to presentation software and LCD projectors to enhance lessons and use for student presentations. The degree to which the technology is used varies from grade level to grade level. Below are summaries of our Elementary, Middle, and High Schools technology used to support and enhance teaching and learning. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS At the elementary level, teachers use their computers to take attendance daily and access students’ summative and formative performance data. The computer is also used for grading and lesson plan research and development. Teachers use email to communicate with parents, their grade levels, school sites, as well as collaborate with experts and colleagues from around the world. Teachers use the computer for Internet research, creating curriculum, multimedia presentations and training other teachers. Students are exposed to computers in a variety of ways. Examples include: using computers for Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, word processing, Internet and electronic research, blogging, electronic peer editing, multimedia & video projects, streaming video, podcasting, cyber-lockers, living-books & educational programs. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL At Washington Intermediate computers are a way of life. All teachers take attendance each period, and input weekly grades into our Student Information System. This same system allows students & parents access the students attendance and assignment as well as grades online. Teachers check their email on a daily basis, and use their email to interact with their departments, other teachers and parents. Additionally, students take Accelerated Reader quizzes using teacher workstations. All Computer Technology Class students use computers daily with Windows Vista and Office 2007. Two computer labs are used for Internet research, virtual science labs, etc. One lab is used three periods a day for a computer graphics class. Writing assessments are word processed on a quarterly basis in classes. Science students use virtual lab software monthly and streaming media weekly. All teachers use video projectors to present lessons in all core classes. HIGH SCHOOL Teachers at DHS use the computer to take attendance, post grades and assignments, for student and parent access, enter and analyze progress assessments and benchmark data, access e-mail, and integrate lesson presentations. The library and career center have computers with Internet access for student research available before, during, and after school. The English Department uses the library and mini-lab for writing assignments, district benchmarks, and presentation software for oral presentations. All freshmen use online CAHSEE prep software. The Business Department uses 4 computer labs to teach application software, maintenance and repair of hardware (A+ certification), CISCO networking certification, career

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research and business math. The Science Department has a lab for use with the chemistry, biology and physics classes. The Social Science department use computers for writing assignments and oral presentations. The Industrial Technology Department uses computers to teach CAD and the Art Department teaches Graphic Design using Adobe Photoshop. NJROTC uses computers to demonstrate Naval Science concepts. Several classes have access to interactive whiteboards and slates for lesson presentations. 3c. Our District’s Curricular Focus The District Instructional Action Plan is the guiding document that ensures alignment of the District LEA Plan and the school sites’ Single Plan for Student Achievement. Our focus goals from our Instructional action plan are as follows: DISTRICT GOAL # 1 Improve the quality of academic instruction to increase the level of student achievement in our schools.

o Grade level standards-based instruction for all students using effective strategies There will be adherence to state academic content standards and to the recommended instructional minutes across the district. There will be district-wide instructional consistency using high quality instruction to deliver curriculum.

o Monitor student performance toward proficiency Data for all students will be reported in a variety of formats and will be used to inform district-wide instructional practices.

o Full implementation of nine essential program components for increasing academic achievement o All district policies are coherent and fully support an aligned curriculum, instruction and

assessment system. LEA Plan Performance Goal 1 – All students will reach high standards, at a minimum, attaining proficiency or better in reading and mathematics by 2013-2014. DISTRICT GOAL # 2 Accelerate the achievement in subgroup populations to close the achievement gap.

o Monitor student subgroup population’s performance toward proficiency. o Identify and provide students strategic and intensive interventions during the school day. o Student subgroup populations will have equal access to core curriculum.

We also adhere tightly to the Nine EPCs

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3.d. Goals for Using Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning by Supporting District Curricular Goals.

3.d.  Curriculum  Goal:  Technology  will  be  integrated  to  enhance  standards-­‐based  instruction  of  listening  and  speaking.  

Objective:  70%  of  4th-­‐8th  grade  students  will  develop  and  present  a  grade  level  appropriate  multimedia  presentation.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  


End of Year 1: 50% of 4th-8th grade students will develop and present a grade level appropriate multimedia presentation.

Lesson Plans Student sample work portfolios Student presentations

Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly

Teachers receive software training as needed Teachers integrate software into program, collect student work Technology Committee assists teachers Technology Committee reviews data and makes reports to Principals Administrator reviews student reports, gives feedback to teachers & mentors

General Fund, Grants

End of Year 2: 55% of 4th-8th grade students will develop and present a grade level appropriate multimedia presentation. End of Year 3: 60% of 4th-8th grade students will develop and present a grade level appropriate multimedia presentation. End of Year 4: 65% of 4th-8th grade students will develop and present a grade level appropriate multimedia presentation. End of Year 5: 70% of 4th-8th grade students will develop and present a grade level appropriate multimedia presentation.

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3.d.  Curriculum  Goal:    Technology  will  be  integrated  to  support  standards-­‐based  instruction  of  mathematics.  

Objective:  80%  of  K-­‐8th  grade  students  will  use  the  technology  components  of  state  adopted  texts  to  reinforce  grade  level  appropriate  math  skills.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 60% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate math skills.

Lesson Plans Student work Benchmark tests CST scores

Quarterly Quarterly As scheduled per grade level Annually

Administration purchases additional software as needed Teachers receive software training as needed Teachers integrate software into program, collect student work Technology Committee assists teachers Administrator reviews student reports, gives feedback to teachers & Committee

General Fund, Grants

End of Year 2: 70% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate math skills.

End of Year 3: 80% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate math skills.

End of Year4: 90% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate math skills.

End of Year 5: 100% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate math skills.

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3.d.  Curriculum  Goal:    Technology  will  be  integrated  to  support  standards-­‐based  instruction  of  language  arts.  

Objective:  80%  of  K-­‐8th  grade  students  will  use  the  technology  components  of  state  adopted  texts  to  reinforce  grade  level  appropriate  language  arts  skills.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 60% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate language arts skills.

Lesson Plans Student work Benchmark tests CST scores

Quarterly Quarterly As scheduled per grade level Annually

Administration purchases additional software as needed Teachers receive software training as needed Teachers integrate software into program, collect student work Technology Committee assists teachers Administrator reviews student reports, gives feedback to teachers & Committee

General Fund, Grants

End of Year 2: 70% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate language arts skills.

End of Year 3: 80% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate language arts skills.

End of Year4: 90% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate language arts skills.

End of Year 5: 100% of K-8th grade students will use the technology components of state adopted texts to reinforce grade level appropriate language arts skills..

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3.e. Goals for Technology and Information Literacy

3.e.  Curriculum  Goal  for  Technology  and  Information  Literacy:  Technology  will  be  integrated  to  enhance  written  and  oral  expression  in  content  area  subjects.  

Objective:  70%  of  6th-­‐8th  grade  students  will  use  the  ERS  Portal  and  other  Internet  resources  to  enhance  grade-­‐level  appropriate  projects  across  the  curriculum.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  


End of Year 1: 50% of 6th-8th grade students will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to enhance grade-level appropriate projects across the curriculum.

Lesson Plans grade level writing proficiencies Student sample work portfolios Student writing and oral projects

Trimester/Semester Trimester/Semester Trimester/Semester Trimester/Semester

Administrator schedules Portal training with TCOE Teachers integrate Portal into program, collect student work Technology Committee assists teachers Technology Committee reviews data and makes reports to Principals Administrator reviews student reports, gives feedback to teachers & mentors

General Fund, Grants

End of Year 2: 55% of 6th-8th grade students will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to enhance grade-level appropriate projects across the curriculum. End of Year 3: 60% of 6th-8th grade students will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to enhance grade-level appropriate projects across the curriculum. End of Year 4: 65% of 6-8th grade students will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to enhance grade-level appropriate projects across the curriculum. End of Year 5: 70% of 6th-8th grade students will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to enhance grade-level appropriate projects across the curriculum.

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3.e.  Curriculum  Goal  for  Technology  and  Information  Literacy:  Students  will  demonstrate  proficiency  on  grade-­‐level  Technology  &  Information  Literacy  Skills  listed  in  Appendix  B.  

Objective:  80%  of  students  including  limited  English  students  will  engage  with  appropriate  technology  tool  to  achieve  proficiency  on  each  grade-­‐level  Tech  Skill.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 60% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills

Lesson Plans Student sample work portfolios Scope & Sequence Checklists

Trimester/Semester Trimester/Semester Trimester/Semester

Teachers integrate Tech & Info Lit activities into program Teachers collect student work, maintain S&S checklists Technology Committee assists teachers Technology Committee reviews data and makes reports to Principals Administrator reviews student reports, gives feedback to teachers & mentors

General Fund, Grants

End of Year 2: 65% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills End of Year 3: 70% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills End of Year 4: 75% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills End of Year 5: 80% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate mastery of grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills

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3.f. Goals for Appropriate and Ethical Use of Information Technology

3.f.    Curriculum  Goal  for  ensuring  appropriate  ethical  use,  copyright  and  fair  use  of  technology  .  

Objective:  100%  of  K-­‐8th  grade  students  will  demonstrate  appropriate  ethical  use  of  technology  skills  as  measured  by  the  scope  and  sequence  of  skills  in  the  CyberSmart/i-­‐Safe  curriculum.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  

of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 80% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate appropriate ethical use of technology skills as measured by the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

Observation of understanding of copyright and fair use

Lesson Plans CyberSmart activity sheets Student sample work portfolios Scope & Sequence Checklists

CyberSmart curriculum student survey

Daily Monthly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Annually

Administrator schedules training as needed Teachers implement CyberSmart! Student Curriculum Lessons Teachers collect student work, maintain student portfolios and S&S checklists Technology Committee assists teachers and monitors implementation of program Technology Committee reviews data and makes reports to Administrators Administrator reviews data, gives feedback to teachers & Committee

Free Resource

End of Year 2: 85% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate appropriate ethical use of technology skills as measured by the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 3: 90% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate appropriate ethical use of technology skills as measured by the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 4: 95% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate appropriate ethical use of technology skills as measured by the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 5: 100% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate appropriate ethical use of technology skills as measured by the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

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3.g. Goals for Internet Safety

3.g.    Curriculum  Goal  for  ensuring  Internet  safety  .  

Objective:  100%  of  K-­‐8th  grade  students  will  demonstrate  knowledge  of  internet  safety  practices  as  measured  by  the  scope  and  sequence  of  skills  in  the  CyberSmart/i-­‐Safe  curriculum.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  

Frequency  of  


Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 80% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate knowledge of internet safety practices in accordance with the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

Observation of understanding of copyright and fair use

Lesson Plans CyberSmart activity sheets Student sample work portfolios Scope & Sequence Checklists

CyberSmart curriculum student survey

Daily Monthly Monthly Quarterly Quarterly Annually

Administrator schedules training as needed Teachers implement CyberSmart! Student Curriculum Lessons Teachers collect student work, maintain student portfolios and S&S checklists Technology Committee assists teachers and monitors implementation of program Technology Committee reviews data and makes reports to Administrators Administrator reviews data, gives feedback to teachers & Committee

Free Resource

End of Year 2: 85% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate knowledge of internet safety practices in accordance with the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 3 90% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate knowledge of internet safety practices in accordance with the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 4 95% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate knowledge of internet safety practices in accordance with the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

End of Year 5 100% of K-8th grade students will demonstrate knowledge of internet safety practices in accordance with the scope and sequence of skills in the CyberSmart/i-Safe curriculum.

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3.h. Description of District Policy to Ensure Equitable Technology Access for all Students DUSD will continue to ensure that students and staff will have equitable access to technology. Instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of all students including special education, GATE, English Language Learners, and other special populations. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law passed in 1975 and re-authorized in1990 mandates that all children receive a free, appropriate public education regardless of the level or severity of their disability. It provides funds to assist states in the education of students with disabilities and requires that states make sure that these students receive an individualized education program based on their unique needs in the least restrictive environment possible. P.L. 94-142 also provides guidelines for determining what related services are necessary and outlines a “due process” procedure to make sure these needs are adequately met. In order to address the needs of these identified students, SELPA will evaluate and suggest software and hardware to help meet each child’s unique needs. In addition, with support from our County Office of Education individuals’ needs for accessibility through technology will be addressed with the purchase of specific hardware (touch screens, voice recognition and text reading software, adaptive input devises) and software to fulfill Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans.

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3.i. Goals for Record Keeping and Assessment

3.i.  Curriculum  Goal  for  Record  Keeping:  Grade  7-­‐12  teachers  will  use  a  desktop  record  keeping  application  to  efficiently  manage  student  information  which  is  accessible  to  parents  over  the  web.  

Objective:  100%  of  grade  7-­‐12  teachers  will  appropriately  use  an  electronic  grade  book  application  to  manage  student  information.  The  students  attendance,  Assignments  and  Grades  are  then  available  to  the  parents  via  the  web.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 75% of grade 7-12 teachers will appropriately use electronic grade book applications to manage student information.

Student athlete elegibility reports Student grade reports Report Cards Electronic gradebook reports

Every week Every 6 weeks Semester Semester

Administrator purchases software Administrator schedules training as needed Technology Committee oversees installation, training and implementation for the software Site administrator review gradebook reports, gives feedback to Technology Committee and teachers

General budget Grants Title II D funds

End of Year 2: 85% of grade 7-12 teachers will appropriately use electronic grade book applications to manage student information. End of Year 3: 90% of grade 7-12 teachers will appropriately use electronic grade book applications to manage student information. End of Year 4: 95% of grade 7-12 teachers will appropriately use electronic grade book applications to manage student information. End of Year 5: 100% of grade 7-12 teachers will appropriately use electronic grade book applications to manage student information.

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3.j. Goals Home-School Connection

3.j.  Curriculum  Goal  for  Home-­‐School  Connection:  The  district  will  establish  a  web-­‐based  communication  system  to  enhance  communication  between  the  school  and  the  community.  

Objective:  The  district  website  will  be  operational  and  available  on  the  Internet  with  email  links  to  all  administration  and  staff.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: The district website will be operational and available on the World Wide Web with email links to all administration.

Purchasing records Training logs Website server log analysis. School email Directory

Annual After each venue Twice a year Annual

Administrator purchases software/service Administrator schedules training as needed Technology Committee supports teachers in implementing Web pages Technology Consultant prepares log analysis for Administrator. Administrator reviews logs, advises District Technology Committee and gives feedback to teachers Administrator publishes directory

General Budget Title II D

End of Year 2: 60% of teaching staff will have a home page on the district website with email links. End of Year 3: 75% of teaching staff will have a home page on the district website with email links. End of Year 4: 90% of teaching staff will have a home page on the district website with email links. End of Year 5: The district website will be operational and available on the World Wide Web with email links to all administration and teaching staff.

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3k. Monitoring Referring to the Implementation Plans charts for 3d-3j the goals, objectives, benchmarks and planned activities, as well as the person(s) responsible is spelled out. The focuses on student learning as put forth in our Instructional Action Plan has our students as our priority. Dinuba Unified believes that policies, processes and systems, which guide student learning, must be consistent and adhered to from the “Classroom to the Boardroom”. Each staff member in Dinuba Unified has a stake in the education of each of your students.

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Staff Development 4a. Summary of the teachers’ and administrators’ current technology skills and needs for professional development. Current Teachers’ and Administrators’ Technology Skills and Professional Development Needs Dinuba Unified School District staff technology use and integration skills are varied. We are using the CTAP Developed EdTech Profile and to track staff development needs and skills. Currently we are in the middle stages of technology integration in our District. Overall the District has an intermediate proficiency in word processing skills as measured by California Technology Assessment Profile (CTAP2). While all teachers and administrators use email to some degree only about half feel comfortable using the Internet for lesson development and research. While most classrooms in the district have presentation systems only a small percentage of our teachers use them for classroom management or student projects. This plan directly addresses these student skills; therefore staff training must precede the students’. Professional development implementation Our staff development will be a two-tiered program focusing on Technology Skills and Management in tier one and Technology Integration into the Curriculum in tier two. Tier one will be focused on providing teachers with the skills necessary to use technology to manage their classrooms, communicate with their students’ parents, and prepare the teachers to integrate technology into their curriculum. These skills include, but not limited to, word-processing, Internet research, using presentation systems, attendance and grading programs, as well as voice and email systems. With the district moving to a Web-based Student information System, Student data systems, and Library system the primary focus for the technology plan will be on the use of the Internet and web browsers, email and communication, Word processing and multimedia presentations for teacher productivity enhancement. Tier Two will focus on the actual integration of technology into the day-to-day curriculum of the classroom teacher to help them meet the established curricular goals of this plan as well as the needs of our students for the 21st Century. In conjunction with Tulare County Office of Education, teachers will receive training in integration of technology into their daily curriculum. Dinuba has aggressively pursued staff development for the implementation of our district’s data analysis tool - Measures. Currently teachers are receiving basic training on this web based application – as continued support each site has an Instructions Coach or Instructional Facilitators. These coaches are used to support teachers and are the first level of users to receive initial new training so they can pass these skills on to their site staff. Our District Certificated Librarian who will continue the forward momentum in training staff, teachers and parents to use our district online library catalog system. She will also play an important part in coordinating staff development for our County online services and modeling classroom internet safety lessons using these resources and the . Both Tiers will use a variety of opportunities for staff development. State and district CUE conferences, application workshops provided by vendors, and Renaissance Learning Conferences are just a few of the larger venue opportunities that will be provided for staff.

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District sponsored SBCP days will be earmarked for technology use and integration training. CTAP and Tulare County Office of Education technology classes will also be used as another instrument of instruction. The most important training, however, will come from our own district personnel. District sponsored weekly and bi-weekly training Academies will be available at rotating school sites throughout the school year. Training opportunities during prep-periods will also be made available at Washington Intermediate School and Dinuba High School. Lessons modeling the integrating of technology into the curriculum will be filmed and made available for teacher use. Opportunities for teachers to observe classroom lessons will be made available to meet the needs of teachers in order to meet our stated goals. During the summer months a Technology Training Week will be organized for district staff. Certificated staff, including administrators, has taken the EdTechProfile Proficiency Assessment. Below are the results of our staff use of Electronic Gradebooks (CCTC standard 9) for record keeping. With only 28% showing mastery of this skill we are focusing a section of our staff development on these skills.

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Below are the results for our staff use of technology to support student-learning (CCTC Standard 16) . With only 10% showing mastery of this skill we are focusing a section of our staff development on using contracted and state adopted curricular web and electronic resources to allow our teachers to better access core curriculum to enhance and drive student learning

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4.b. Staff Development Goals There is a change in wording of the criteria: “List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  providing  professional  development  opportunities  based  on  your  district  needs  assessment  data  (4a)  and  the  Curriculum  Component  objectives  (Sections  3d  through  3j)  of  the  plan.” 4.b Goal for Staff Development: Teaching  staff  will  integrate  use  of  the  Internet  to  enhance  standards-­‐based  instruction  of  Language  Arts.  

Objective:  70%  of  teachers  will  use  the  ERS  Portal  and  other  Internet  resources  to  support  instruction  of  Language  Arts  for  all  students  to  include  all  subgroups.  

Implementation  Plan  

Evaluation  Instrument  and  

Data  to  be  collected  

Timeline  &  Frequency  of  Collection  

Activities  and  Responsible  Person(s)  

Funding  Source  

End of Year 1: 30% of teachers will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to support instruction of Language Arts.

Training logs Lesson Plans lessons with integrated technology for inclusion on the District Website ERS Portal Use logs

After each venue Quarterly Quarterly Monthly

Administrator purchases software/service Administrator schedules training as needed Teachers plan lessons with integrated technology; maintain professional technology portfolio Technology Committee supports teachers in developing lesion plans Administrator reviews logs, advises District Technology Committee and gives feedback to teachers Teachers maintain technology portfolios; Administrator reviews and comments to teachers

General Budget Title VII

End of Year 2: 40% of teachers will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to support instruction of Language Arts. End of Year 3: 50% of teachers will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to support instruction of Language Arts. End of Year 4: 60% of teachers will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to support instruction of Language Arts. End of Year 5: 70% of teachers will use the ERS Portal and other Internet resources to support instruction of Language Arts.

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4.c. Monitoring Describe the process that will be used to monitor the Professional Development (Section 4b) goals, objectives, benchmarks, and planned implementation activities including roles and responsibilities. Referring to the Implementation Plan chart for 4b the goals, objectives, benchmarks and planned activities, as well as the person(s) responsible is spelled out. The focuses on student learning as put forth in our Instructional Action Plan has our students as our priority. But without highly qualified, trained teachers even the best plan is useless. With that in mind it is critical that teachers process the skills to teach our students the skills they will require to be productive 21st century citizens. Dinuba Unified believes that policies, processes and systems, which guide student learning, must be consistent and adhered to from the “Classroom to the Boardroom”. Each staff member in Dinuba Unified has a stake in the education of each of your students. Thus requiring staff development to help teachers keep their skills relevant to the changing nature of education in the world we live in.

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5. Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support and Software 5. a. Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources, and technical support already in the district that will be used to support the Curriculum and Professional Development Components (Sections 3 & 4) of the plan. Currently, each site’s technology hardware, networking, telecommunication infrastructure, and physical plant modifications are in place and upgrades and/or additions are needed to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of our Technology Use Plan. Technology support and electronic learning resources that are needed are the responsibilities of each specific site. Dinuba Unified School District contains about 50% PCs and 50% Macintoshes and all end-user technology devices are mainly within five to six years of the current models. End-user technology devices consist of desktop computers, laptop computers, netbook computers, printers, mobile devices (smart phones, ipods, ipads, etc.), projectors, digital cameras, document cameras, Promethean boards, and scanners. The networking infrastructure, especially the local area network (LAN) at all school sites in Dinuba Unified School District consists of multimode optical fiber cables, which serves as the backbone for each LAN. Extra pairs of multimode fiber cable are unused at each fiber installation or run, thereby supporting future upgrade needs. Twisted-pair copper cabling, rated as category 5 (CAT5) or better, are installed from the wiring closets to the desktop in every classroom and office. Several sites are using 10/100/1000 mbps switched networks; all other school sites are using at least 10/100Mbps switched Ethernet networks. The District Maintains several servers including an Email Server (Exchange), The Student Information System server (PowerSchool), the Library Catalog System server (Destiny), Read 180 server (Scholastic), Backup server (Backup Exec), Domain Name Server (Microsoft), Food Service server (Horizon), Physical Education server (FitnessGram), Substitute Employment Management System server (eSchool Solutions), and Transportation Bus Route server (Transfinder). There are also two hosted servers, the Student Data Analysis System server (Measures), the Renaissance Place Server (Accelerated Reader & Math). The school sites also have a Cisco router with fiber cabling to our Network Operations Center (NOC) as their wide area network (WAN) links. From the NOC, all sites run out through a DS3 telecommunications link for Internet and non-local e-mail access using the Tulare County Office of Education as our Internet Service Provider. The phone systems at Dinuba Unified School District vary in brand, function, features, and price. There are VoIP, digital and analog phone systems with all sites using voice mail. Phones are in place to most classrooms and administrative rooms, the new phone systems today require two pairs of copper wire instead of the single pair now running to older existing phones. This means that installing a new phone system will also require installing more wiring which can be a costly and complicated procedure. Our future plans would be to apply for E-rate discounts to upgrade or install new phone systems that would support voice mail, public address system, call forwarding, intercom, and other features not available with the current systems.

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Additional learning resources are available through a contract with TCOE Educational Resource Services:

♦ eLibrary (online research database of over 5 Million full-text articles from magazines, newspapers and more)

♦ Digital Curriculum (online educational video streaming service with 2,000 full-length and 20,000 video clips)

♦ Standards Resource Guide (find items in our media catalog, websites and even streamed videos by California State K-12 content standard)

♦ Textbook Resource Guide (find items in our media catalog correlated to the 2002 Reading/Language Arts adoption in grades K-6)

♦ Visual Thesaurus, a unique tool that allows you to visually link together relations between word meanings.

5. b. List of each site’s technology hardware, electronic learning resources, networking and telecommunication infrastructure, physical plant modifications, and technical support needed by teachers, students, and administrators to support the activities in the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan. Dinuba Unified School District has ongoing plans to apply for E-rate discounts through the Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). Applications for E-rate discounts and California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) will be filed yearly and on an as-needed basis to fund for Telecommunication, Internet Access, Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections, and Internal connections as defined under E-rate’s Eligible Services List. Other funding may also be possible, such as the Enhancing Education Through Technology program, or State Modernization and/or State Hardship program. Future technology projects are planned for such projects as:

• Addition of (and if necessary, removal of outdated or broken) phone systems, intercom/bells/clocks systems, and networking systems such as routers, switches, wireless access points, fiber cabling, copper cabling, and other Internal Connections to comply with growth and the ever changing needs of the district.

• Upgrades of phone systems, intercom/bells/clocks systems, and networking systems such as routers, switches, wireless access points, fiber cabling, copper cabling, and other Internal Connections in keeping with the ever changing technology standards.

• Greater Internet bandwidth access from our Internet Service Provider. Currently we are using a DS3 at 45 Mbps, however, the recent upgrade to a fiber WAN and the increase in Internet bandwidth demand will soon make this the bottleneck to Internet access.

• Implementation of Virtualization and Cloud Computing to benefit from the advantages these technologies offer, such as:

o Reduced power consumption. o Reduced costs. o Reduced air conditioning needs in the data center. o Reduced space and land requirements. o High availability for critical applications. o Streamline application deployment and migration. o Lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

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• Design and implementation of IP security cameras district-wide. • Develop and implementation of technology standards, procedures, and/or policies for

such things as purchases, installations, security, use, etc. In the absence of any funding or discounts (especially E-rate discounts) for telecommunications infrastructure, physical plant modifications, and/or technical support, the responsibility to support the implementation of the Curriculum and Professional Development components of the TUP will be the responsibility of each specific school site. Monies from the District in supporting the TUP for any specific site will come only if funds are available, however, it should be noted that monies obtained through district funds, grants, or E-rate cannot be considered reliable.

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory DINUBA HIGH SCHOOL

Dinuba High School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 30 120 130 10 60 10 20

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

30 120 130 10 60 10 20

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.



In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 120 120 120 125 130 130 140 140 140 140

Upgrade 10

To be retired 10 10 10 10 30 30

To be purchased 10 10 15 15 15 30 30


Use as is 30 35 40 40 45 10 10 15 15 20


To be retired 5

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 60 60 60 60 60 20 20 20 20 20

Upgrade 10

To be retired 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4


Use as is 10 15 20 25 30 10 10 10 10 10


To be retired 5 2 2 2 2 2

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2

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Peripherals DINUBA HIGH SCHOOL Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 5 None needed

Scanners/digitizers 10

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


100 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 40 No new purchases

Video camera 5 None Needed

TV monitor 30 All purchases will be for

LCD Projectors verses TVs Graphing calculator 60

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 40 5-10 annually until all classes

have LCD projectors Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 7

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

5M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? ___ DINUBA HIGH SCHOOL Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 85 3 15

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 85 3 15

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider?

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County Office of Education Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 5 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 7:30 – 4:30 9 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory WASHINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL


In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 20 70 60 10 8 7 11

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

20 70 60 10 8 7 11

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.



In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 70 70 70 70 70 60 60 60 60 60

Upgrade 10

To be retired 10 10 10 10 30 30

To be purchased 10 10 10 10 30 30


Use as is 20 25 30 35 35 25 25 50 50


To be retired 5

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 25 25 25

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 8 8 12 16 20 11 11 11 11 11


To be retired 3 3 3 3 3

To be purchased 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3


Use as is 10 15 20 25 30 7 7 7 7 7


To be retired 5 2 2 2 2 2

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2

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Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 4 5 - 2011-12

Scanners/digitizers 5

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


50 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 40 No new purchases

Video camera 5 2 – 2011-12

TV monitor 20

Graphing calculator 60

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 50 REPLACEMENT ONLY

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 12

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 45 WASHINGTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL

Number of Classrooms

Average Number of Drops/Classroom

Number of Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 45 3 8

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 45 8

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 5 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 7:30 – 4:30 9 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory JFK 6th Grade Academy

JFK Academy

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 140 40 5 5 3 7

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

140 40 5 5 3 7

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

JFK Academy In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 40 40 40 40 40


To be retired 10 10 10

To be purchased 10 10 10 10


Use as is 160 160 160 160 160


To be retired 25 25 25 25

To be purchased 25 25 25 25 25

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 5 60 60 60 60 7 7 7 7 7


To be retired 2 2 1 1 2 2 2

To be purchased 2 2 1 1 2 2 2


Use as is 10 15 20 25 30 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 3

To be purchased 5 5 5 5 5 3

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Peripherals JFK Academy Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 8

Scanners/digitizers 3

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


23 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 20 No new purchases

Video camera 5

TV monitor 2

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 20

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 8

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 18 JFK Academy Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 18 10 5

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 18 5

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: IP 20 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 9:00 – 3:00 6 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Grand View Elementary School

Grand View Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 78 40 5 2 3 2

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

78 40 5 2 3 2

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Grand View Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 40 40 40 40 40


To be retired 10 5 10 5

To be purchased 10 5 10 5


Use as is 78 78 78 78 78


To be retired 20 20

To be purchased 20 20

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


To be retired 2 1 1

To be purchased 2 1 1


Use as is 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 1 2

To be purchased 5 1 2

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Peripherals Grand View Elementary School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 2

Scanners/digitizers 3

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


23 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 20 No new purchases

Video camera 2

TV monitor 20

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 12 6 - 2 annually

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 2

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 18 Grand View Elementary School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 18 3 3

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 18 3

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 3 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 8:00 – 3:30 7.5 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Jefferson Elementary School

Jefferson Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 100 100 10 2 3 6

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

100 100 10 2 3 6

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Jefferson Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 100 100 100 100 100


To be retired 20 20 20 20

To be purchased 20 20 20 20 20


Use as is 100 100 100 100 100


To be retired 20 20 20 20

To be purchased 20 20 20 20 20

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6


To be retired 2 2 1 2 2

To be purchased 2 2 1 2 2


Use as is 10 10 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 3

To be purchased 5 5 5 3

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Peripherals Jefferson Elementary School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 8

Scanners/digitizers 4

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


36 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 20 No new purchases

Video camera 2

TV monitor 20

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 36

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 3

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 18 Jefferson Elementary School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 18 10 5

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 18 5

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 4 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 7:30 – 3:30 8 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Lincoln Elementary School

Lincoln Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 40 50 10 2 3 6

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

40 50 10 2 3 6

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Lincoln Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 50 50 50 50 50


To be retired 10 10 10 10

To be purchased 10 10 10 10


Use as is 40 40 40 40 40


To be retired 5 5 5 5

To be purchased 5 5 5 5

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6


To be retired 1 1 2 2 2

To be purchased 1 1 2 2 2


Use as is 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 1 2

To be purchased 5 5 1 2

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Peripherals Lincoln Elementary School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 2

Scanners/digitizers 3

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


28 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 25 No new purchases

Video camera 1

TV monitor 25 No new purchases

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 25 Replacement only

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 2

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 25 Lincoln Elementary School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 25 10 5

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 25 5

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 4 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 7:30 – 3:30 8 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Roosevelt Elementary School

Roosevelt Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 30 70 30 5 2 3 6

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

30 70 30 5 2 3 6

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Roosevelt Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 70 70 70 70 70 30 30 30 30 30


To be retired 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5

To be purchased 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5


Use as is 30 30 30 30 30


To be retired 5 5 5 5

To be purchased 5 5 5 5

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6


To be retired 1 1 2 2 2

To be purchased 1 1 2 2 2


Use as is 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 1 2

To be purchased 5 1 2

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Peripherals Roosevelt Elementary School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 4

Scanners/digitizers 3

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


30 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 28 No new purchases

Video camera 2

TV monitor 28

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 28 Replacement purchases

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 3

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 28 Roosevelt Elementary School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 28 10 5

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 28 5

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: IP 20 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 9:00 – 3:00 6 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Wilson Elementary School

Wilson Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 85 30 15 1 3 6

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

85 30 15 1 10 20

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.


Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 30 30 30 30 30


To be retired

To be purchased


Use as is 85 85 95 105 105


To be retired 10

To be purchased 10 10 10 10

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 6 6


To be retired 1 2 2 2

To be purchased 1 2 2 2


Use as is 15 15 15 15 15 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 5 5 1 2

To be purchased 5 5 1 2

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Peripherals Wilson Elementary School Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 2

Scanners/digitizers 3

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


30 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 30 No new purchases

Video camera 2 2 – 2011-12

TV monitor 25

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 26 As replacements are needed

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 26

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? ___ Wilson Elementary School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 25 3 5

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 25 5

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 5 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 7:30 – 3:30 8 hours

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Ronald Reagan Academy School

Grand View Elementary School

In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 12 2

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

12 2

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Ronald Reagan Academy School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 12 12 12 12 12


To be retired 3 3 3 3

To be purchased 3 3 3 3


Use as is


To be retired

To be purchased

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 2 2 2 2


To be retired 1 1

To be purchased 1 1


Use as is


To be retired

To be purchased

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Peripherals Ronald Reagan Academy School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 1

Scanners/digitizers 2

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


10 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 2 No new purchases

Video camera

TV monitor 1

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD)

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 18 Ronald Reagan Academy School Number of

Classrooms Average Number of

Drops/Classroom Number of

Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 1 8 3

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 1 8 3

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 3 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 4 hours weekly

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Hardware and Infrastructure School Site Technology Inventory Sierra Vista Continuation High School

Sierra Vista Continuation High School In Classrooms In Computer Labs

In Shared or Common Space

(e.g., library)

In Administrative

Offices With Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers 2 7 12 6 3 5

All Other Computers

Without Internet Connections L D TC L D TC L D TC L D TC

Multimedia Computers With Internet Capabilities

2 7 12 6 3 5

Multimedia Computers Without Internet Capabilities

All Other Computers

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Of the existing inventory, indicate the number of computers to be used as is, to be upgraded, or to be retired when new/upgraded equipment is available.

Sierra Vista Continuation High School

In Classrooms In Computer Lab

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 7 7 7 7 7 12 12 12 12 12


To be retired 2 2 2 1

To be purchased 2 2 2 1 3

3 3 3


Use as is 2 2 2 2 2


To be retired

To be purchased

In Common Space (e.g., library) In Administrative Offices

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Desktop Computers

Use as is 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5


To be retired 1 1 1 1

To be purchased 1 1 1 1


Use as is 3 3 3 3 3


To be retired 1 2

To be purchased 1 2

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Peripherals Sierra Vista Continuation High School

Number on Hand

Number Needed and Proposed Purchase Date

Digital cameras 1

Scanners/digitizers 2

Assistive/adaptive devices As needed County Provides as needed


8 Reducing printer numbers and transferring more printing to copiers

VCR unit 6 No new purchases

Video camera 1

TV monitor 6

Graphing calculator

Computer screen projector (e.g., LCD) 3 1 - 2 annually

Video conferencing unit N/A

Interactive white board 1

Personal digital assistant N/A

Site Networks and Connectivity Is the school site connected to the Internet by a permanent (non-dial-up) connection? Yes If so, how is your school connected to the Internet? ATM/DS3 Do you know the speed of your connection? Yes

Greater than 40M bps What is the total number of classrooms that are connected to the Internet by a permanent

(non-dial-up) connection? 18 Sierra Vista Continuation High School

Number of Classrooms

Average Number of Drops/Classroom

Number of Administrative Offices

Currently Connected to the Internet 6 3 3

Need to be Connected to the Internet 0 0

Currently Connected to a LAN 6 3 3

Need to Be Connected to a LAN

Who is the school’s Internet service provider? County Office of Education

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Site Telephone Systems Number of lines: 3 with access to all classrooms Site Libraries Hours that the site library is open: 8:00 – 3:30 7.5 hours

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5. c. List of clear benchmarks and a timeline for obtaining the hardware, infrastructure, learning resources and technical support required to support the other components of the plan. Specific annual benchmarks and timeline for acquiring what you listed in Section 5.b. Sites in the district current have the hardware, infrastructure, learning resources and technical support required to support the other components of the plan. Teachers may not have an LCD projector but can check one out from the school libraries. Additional hardware may need to be acquired to replace or augment what sites currently have as moneys become available. Benchmarks and Timeline (broken down by school site. See also, School Site Inventory) The tables below indicate the benchmarks/timeline for acquisition of hardware, software and additional resources to be acquired as resources become available.

Dinuba High School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2011 Principal/Departments 40/5 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal/Departments 7/0

Desktop Computers 2011-15 Principal/Departments 310/10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal/Departments As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Departments 30/5

LCD Projectors 2011-15 Director of Educational


40/15 annually until all classroom have a


Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 5/5

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 5/2

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Washington Intermediate School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2011 Principal/Departments 30/25 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal/Departments 12/0

Desktop Computers 2011-15 Principal/Departments 138/10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal/Departments As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Departments 30/5

LCD Projectors 2011 Director of Educational

Tech/Principal/Departments 50/replacement only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 4/5

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 5/2

JFK 6th Grade Academy

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal/Departments 140/25 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal/Departments 8/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal/Departments 45/10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal/Departments As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Departments 215/0

LCD Projectors 2011 Director of Educational

Tech/Principal/Departments 20/replacement only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 8/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal/Departments 8/0

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Grand View Elementary School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 86/5-10 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 2/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 44/5- 10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 215/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 12/2 annually

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Jefferson Elementary School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 100/5-20 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 3/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 100/5- 20 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 200/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 36/replacment only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 8/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 3/0

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Lincoln Elementary School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 50/5-10 annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 2/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 52/5- 10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 100/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 25/replacment only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Roosevelt Elementary School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 35/5-annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 3/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 102/5- 10 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 137/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 28/replacment only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 4/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

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Wilson Elementary School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 85/5-10-annually

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 26/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 31/0

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 116/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 26/replacment only

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 2/0

Sierra Vista Continuation School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 2/0

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 1/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 19/5 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 21/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 3/2

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 1/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 1/0

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Sierra Vista Continuation School

Hardware/Software When Person Responsible Current/Needed

Laptop Computers 2012-15 Principal 0/0

Interactive Whiteboard 2011 Principal 0/0

Desktop Computers 2012-15 Principal 12/3 annually

Printers 2011-15 Principal As needed for replacement

Multimedia Software 2011 Director of Educational Services/Principal 2/0

LCD Projectors 2011-16 Director of Educational Services/Principal 0/0

Digital Cameras 2011-12 Principal 0/0

Video Cameras 2011-12 Principal 0/0

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Sustainability Chart Type of Support Provided

(Examples) Individual(s) Responsible (Person(s) or Job Title(s)

Plan for Providing This Support

Ongoing equipment maintenance, repair, and replacement

Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist

• Staff report problems to

Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist (STS). Technology Department or STS provides maintenance and support on a daily basis.

• Apply for E-rate on Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections and/or Internal Connections for all eligible equipment and services.

• Technology Department determines need to hire outside help if required.

Technical support provided during school hours

Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist

• During school hours

technical support is provided by Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist using IT work order system and policies.

• Apply for E-rate on Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections and/or Internal Connections for all eligible equipment and services.

• Technology Department determines need to hire outside help if required.

Technical support outside school hours

Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist

• Outside school hours

technical support is provided by the Technology Department or Site Technology Specialist as available.

• Technology Department determines need to hire outside help if required.

Professional development

Administration, Technology Department, Site Technology Specialist, CTAP, and others.

Administration will provide Professional development activities throughout the year.

2011 – 2012

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• E-rate application for increased Internet bandwidth from an Internet Service Provider. • Update & Maintain Web-Based SIS. • Implement annual Preventative Maintenance Policy. • Implement district purchasing policies for ALL technology in the district. • Develop and Implement Disaster Prevention and Recovery Policy. • Develop and Implement Security Policy. • Upgrade current Firewall services to support fiber WAN bandwidth. • Start cabling installation certifications. • Start safety training. • Start Cisco and Microsoft certifications. • Update Exchange email server to support added growth and demand. • Add more wireless laptops at all school sites. • Research, Plan and Purchase online backup solution for existing servers. • Purchase network monitoring tools. • Purchase networking maintenance/troubleshoot tools. • Continue Migration to web-based technology work-order system • Upgrade Servers as needed to maintain web based SIS, Data System, Library system,

etc. • Pilot student accounts for network and/or web-based storage.

2012 – 2013

• Upgrade designated school site Network infrastructure. • Install new phone system at designated schools. • Upgrade the number of Ethernet drop locations and hardware at appropriate sites to

keep up with expansion. • Battery backup (UPS) for all servers. • Purchase Maintenance Contracts for E-rate compliant hardware and services • Upgrade and expand LAN at designated sites to include fiber, cable and wireless • Resubmit all denied 471 the following year. • Continue training of Computer Technicians • Setup student accounts for network storage. • Upgrade Servers as need to maintain web based SIS, Data System, Library system,

etc. • Upgrade and complete wireless networks at sites • Wireless WAN for district in conjunction with new school construction.

5. d. Description of the process that will be used to monitor whether the goals and benchmarks are being reached within the specified time frame. The process by which the preceding timeline will be monitored will fall onto the shoulders of the Director of Technology, site principals and the District Network Systems Engineer. They will all report semi-annually to the Assistant Superintendent on all progress, needs, or modifications to the timeline. Additionally, an oversight committee will be developed in the plans first year to help facilitate and communicate the implementation of the plan district-wide. Finally, the district

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Technology Integration Writing team will meet with the Assistant Superintendent and the District Oversight Committee to put in pen the needed changes to the plan.

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6. Funding and Budget 6. a. List of established and potential funding sources and cost savings, present and future. The district will seek resources other than the one budgeted, such as Erate general district funds, school improvement program, Title I, Title II and K-12 Voucher Program funds. 6. b. Estimate implementation costs for the term of the plan (5 years). Annual budget forms follow.

Category   Year  1   Year  2   Year  3   Year  4   Year  5  

1000  Certificated  employees  

$148,827   $148,827   $148,827   $148,827   $148,827  

2000  Classified  employees  

$188,234   $188,234   $188,234   $188,234   $188,234  

3000  Employee  Benefits  

$123,244   $123,244   $123,244   $123,244   $123,244  

4000  Materials  &  Supplies  

$316,924   $316,924   $316,924   $316,924   $316,924  

5000  Other  Services  &  

Operating  Expenses  $101,100   $101,100   $101,100   $101,100   $101,100  

6000  Equipment  

$25,000   $25,000   $25,000   $25,000   $25,000  

Total   $903,329   $903,329   $903,329   $903,329   $903,329  

Yearly estimate for E-Rate purposes

Category Description Estimated annual cost

E-rate Amount % E-rate Other funding


Other funding sources

% other funding sources

1000 Fiber Service $220,000 per year $187,000 85%

Lottery, General fund,




2000 Phone service

Nextel $20,000. per

year $17,000 85% “ $3000. 15%

3000 Phone service $20,000. per year $17,000 85% “ $3000. 15%

4000 TCOE router $12,000. per year


85% “ $1,800.




Total $272,000 $231,200. 85% $40,800 15%

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6. c. Description of the district’s replacement policy for obsolete equipment. The district has set the lifespan of a computer at 5 years. After five years, the computer can still be circulated if it is useful. Computers broken beyond cost-effective repair or are functionally unwanted will be discarded through the use of the district policy, released at a district auction. The district will fund replacement hardware with sources such as general district funds, school improvement program, Title I, Title VI and Title II D funds. Currently, obsolete equipment is replaced on an as needed basis. There are no set rules or policies established for replacing obsolete equipment. The individual school sites determine projects, plans, and budgeting for how obsolete equipment is replaced as the need arises in supporting the activities in the curriculum and professional development components of our TUP. During the coming school year a district replacement policy will be developed and amended to the plan. Decisions on what to do with older equipment can depend on a particular budget, type of application, a projects requirement, awarded grants or funding, and any combination of many other variables. Generally however, older equipment will fall into one of three categories: 1. Upgradeable – This type of equipment, although old and outdated, can still be brought up to

acceptable standards by upgrading of existing parts and/or addition of new parts necessary to accomplish all that the equipment is intended to support at a reasonable cost.

2. Hand me down – Although this type of equipment, especially those that have been recently purchased, has failed to support its current tasks, it can still be implemented in our lower grades, the library, or other programs. Our goal at Dinuba Unified School District is to take advantage of technology in supporting our reading readiness program, research skills, business/career training, and other educational programs. Dinuba Unified School District has an ongoing program that continues to implement computers in every classroom where students have access to the Accelerated Reading Program, our library search stations or Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), educational software, and the Internet.

3. Obsolete – As a general rule, if equipment for a particular user or function is unable to perform properly based on health or meeting minimum hardware requirements, and if the cost to upgrade the equipment will not be feasible, and if that equipment cannot be used for any other function or users, then that equipment qualifies as being obsolete. These very old computers are computers that are salvaged for parts or taken to our bone yard for public auction because they fill any useful purpose in our curriculum.

6. d. Description of the feedback loop used to monitor progress and update funding and budget decisions. See Appendix D for the Management Chart. The Director of Educational Technology, Chief Business Officier, IT Manager and Projects Director will meet Quarterly to evaluate the budget funding and implementation costs and make adjustments where needed. Site principals will meet with this team as projects progress. Volume puchases will be coordinated by IT, Business and the Educational Technology Department to secure the best possible pricing for technology purchases. Additional grants will be sought and Erate will be applied for each school year. The use of voter approved bonds may be used to update technology and infrastructure in the district.

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7. Monitoring and Evaluation 7a. Description of how technology’s impact on student learning and attainment of the district’s curricular goals, as well as classroom and school management, will be evaluated. The impact on student learning from the integration of technology is embedded into the goals tables throughout this plan. You can find them on pages 10-24 of this plan. This information will have a direct effect on focus of staff development needs. What works will be expanded on, what doesn’t will be set aside. The goal is to move forward at a clip that can keep pace with the ever-changing pace of technology and the skills needed by our student to succeed in the 21st Century. This will require a continuous updating of all stakeholders of this plan. With the development of a district wide oversight committee with input from each site, parents, technical support and students will keep this a living document. Until this committee is formed the current system of using Site Technology Specialists, Principals and the Assistant Superintendent to monitor and evaluate the plans implementation will be use. Below is a detailed chart as to current responsibilities for the implementation and facilitation of this plan: 7. b. Schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation. See Timeline in Appendix C. 7. c. Describe the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results to tech plan stakeholders. The district will conduct an annual Technology showcase and Summit presented to the community as a whole. During the Summit stakeholders will be given the opportunity to view actual lessons and student work presented by Teachers and students. Administration will hold a session sharing the results of implementation of the technology plan. Additionally communications and community feedback will be presented on the district website. Parents will be given additional opportunities for input on the plan through the use of online surveys offered during registration, back to school nights and parent conferences. District and site newsletters will also be used to share progress on the site and district tech plan.

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8. Effective Collaborative Strategies with Adult Literacy Providers to Maximize the Use of Technology a. Description of how the program will be developed in collaboration with identified adult literacy providers.

During the creation of the Dinuba Unified School District Technology Plan, the plan required the collaboration between district stakeholders and community stakeholders. The stakeholder team that was assembled consisted of district employees, students, parents, business people, and members of the community. The guiding questions of the technology plan that mentioned the stakeholders did not emphasize the importance of contacting and collaborating with community adult literacy providers, as it would relate to new grants and federal monies. We have recognized this as an area for improvement. After reviewing the criteria for many of the new grants, we have identified the need to strengthen our collaboration with adult literacy providers. In the future Dinuba Unified School District will contact community service providers and include these service providers in the needs assessment, development process, and the implementation process.

Adults currently have access to technology through several existing programs. The Regional Occupational Program (ROP) offers a variety of computer and adult literacy training opportunities such as English as a Second Language, levels 1-4, and program. These free classes are open to all adult residents of Dinuba. Classes are offered every Tuesday and Wednesday evening at the Dinuba Adult School located on the Sierra Vista High School Campus. This flexible training program provides citizens within the community with career guidance, hands-on computer training, and job placement assistance to help ensure success.

At school sites through the work of our librarians and library technicians, parents are welcomed to use the computers in the library during and after school hours. The local county library has also provided adults with many opportunities to expand their literacy skills as well as offering the availability of computers. For many adults these are the only locations available to them for Internet access. A committee of parents, community members, librarians, students and teachers is currently being organized to investigate the use of our Districts facilities outside the normal school day extended hours to include evenings and weekends. This would allow community members to access job and training resources currently unavailable to them.

The Dinuba Unified School District is currently exploring the possibilities of offering new opportunities, which will allow parents and community members computer access and training on basic computer literacy skills. Some ideas that have been discussed are providing extra staffing to allow the Library Media Centers to remain open longer during the day and weekends, in order to create more access time for parents, students, and community members, as well as using current computers labs located at various sites throughout the district for adult computer literacy classes. These same labs are also being looked at for job and literacy resource centers. The district will continue to work closely with the school libraries, the public libraries, and the schools to assess and to determine the needs of the adults in the community.

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9. Effective, Researched–Based Methods and Strategies a. Description of how education technology strategies and proven methods for student learning, teaching, and technology management are based on relevant research and effective practices. CEO Forum. (2001, June). The CEO Forum school technology and readiness report: Key building blocks for student achievement in the 21st century. http://www.ceoforum.org/downloads/report4.pdf This report concludes that effective uses of technology to enhance student achievement are based on four elements:

1. alignment to curricular standards and objectives 2. assessment that accurately and completely reflects the full range of academic and

performance skills 3. holding schools and districts accountable for continuous evaluation and improvement

strategies 4. an equity of access across geographic, cultural, and socio-economic boundaries.

District specific analysis of how the research will be used: Consistent with this research, our school district will carefully analyze learning resources and lessons both for alignment with California content standards and for the ability to measure growth/achievement on those standards in a variety of ways. Our curricular goals in the Plan directly address California content standards in Language Arts, a curricular focus for our district. Through the ongoing data collection and analysis stated in our goal implementation plans and our timeline, our district will continuously monitor its attainment of the goals and objectives in the Technology Use Plan. Results will be reported annually to the superintendent, the school board, and the public. Throughout the plan, attention is paid to providing appropriate and equitable access to all students in our community, including students in special populations. Becker, J.H., and Riel, M.M. (2000). Teacher professional engagement and constructivist-compatible computer use, Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations. Retrieved September 23, 2002, online http://www.crito.uci.edu/tlc/findings/report_7/startpage.html This report describes a number of aspects of the professional engagement of American teachers. It also examines relationships between professional engagement and teaching practice, including instruction involving computer use. We defined professional engagement as a teacher taking effort to affect the teaching that occurs in classrooms other than his or her own. We measured professional engagement by (1) the frequency that a teacher had informal substantive communications with other teachers at their school, (2) the frequency and breadth of professional interactions with teachers at other schools, and (3) the breadth of involvement in specific peer leadership activities-mentoring, workshop and conference presentations, and teaching courses and writing in publications for educators. District specific analysis of how the research will be used: As indicated in our Technology Use Plan, we value ongoing professional development. The Plan is consistent with the research in the following ways: (1) Teachers collaborate with various staff to produce and practice technology integrated technology activities. (2) Teachers are provided with the opportunity to

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attend workshops and conferences that cover basic-to-advance use of technology, as funds are available; (3) Our technology savvy teachers are involved in leadership activities such as coaching, facilitating, and modeling the effective use of instructional technology. Marzano, R, Pickering, D., and Pollock, J. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. This book summarizes the research supporting a variety of instructional strategies with proven successes in improving student achievement. The research-based strategies include 1) identifying similarities and differences; 2) summarizing and note-taking; 3) reinforcing effort and providing recognition; 4) homework and practice; 5) nonlinguistic representations; 6) cooperative learning; 7) setting objectives and providing feedback; 8) generating and testing hypotheses; and 9) cues, questions, and advance organizers. District specific analysis of how the research will be used: Technology is used and will continue to be used and further developed to implement a variety of the identified instructional strategies to support student achievement in literacy and content areas. Some examples follow. Software will be used to create nonlinguistic representations such as graphic organizers and scaffolding for supporting understanding of key concepts and vocabulary. A general office suite and mind-mapping software can be used to generate such tools. Presentation software will be used to organize and introduce units of study, accompanied by printed handouts to assist students in note taking and identifying main ideas and summarizing critical information.

Activities for homework and practice will be enhanced and extended by using the Internet and other electronic resources.

Sandholtz, J. H., Ringstaff, C., & Dwyer, D. C. (1997). Teaching with Technology: Creating student-centered classrooms. New York: Teachers College Press. “And in the ACOT study, student engagement remained highest when technology use was integrated into the larger curricular framework, rather than being an “add-on” to an already full curriculum.” District specific analysis of how the research will be used: The goal for our district is to integrate technology into the curriculum. Our curriculum and staff development goals in the plan reflect this commitment. The implementation plans and activities in the timeline will lead teachers to make the use of educational technology part of their daily practice rather than something extra or technology for its own sake. 9.b. Description of development and utilization of innovative strategies for using technology to deliver rigorous academic courses and curricula, including distance-learning technologies (particularly in areas that would not otherwise have access to such courses or curricula due to geographical distances or insufficient resources). Our school district serves a K-8 student population. Most distance learning courses are aimed at high school or higher education students. However, our district will use other online resources to enhance and extend the basic curriculum and course offerings. Even though we are a remote,

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rural district, we will take advantage of information technology to bring heretofore-unavailable educational resources to our district. For example, we will draw upon the resources of SCORE (Schools of California Resources for Education) for additional lessons linked to State content standards and CLRN (California Learning Resource Network) for supplemental electronic learning resources. Internet-based learning activities such as WebQuests will be integrated into the curriculum to include cooperative learning and lead students to higher level thinking skills. Our staff development program will take advantage of our County Office of Education and CTAP Region VII resources for technology training in curriculum integration. We will also explore additional opportunities in staff development such as those offered by SBC Pacific Bell Education Advocates. As our staff successfully implements this plan and grows in its ability to use instructional technology, students will continue to receive the best possible education through our staff’s increased ability to integrate technology and differentiate instruction. In our model, integrated technology can offer all students, whether they be developmentally delayed or gifted, English Language Learner or physically challenged, as well as those at the 50th percentile, a challenging, specialized and exciting school experience.

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Appendix A Appropriate Use Policy/Internet Safety Policy



Dinuba Unified School District

Online services including Internet access are now available to some students and teachers in Dinuba Unified School District. We are very pleased to bring this access to Dinuba Unified School District and believe telecommunications offer vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence at Dinuba Unified School District by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. The Internet is an electronic highway connecting millions of computers all over the world and millions of individual subscribers. Students and teachers have access to: 1. Electronic mail communication with people all over the world; 2. Information and news from many educational sites including museums, science

departments, libraries, and institutes; 3. Public domain and shareware of all types; 4. Discussion groups and bulletin boards posting on a plethora of topics ranging from

Chinese culture to the environment to literature to music to politics; 5. Access too many University Library Catalogs, the Library of Congress, CARL, and

ERIC. With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. On a global network it is impossible to control all materials and an industrious user may discover controversial information. Therefore, blocks to inappropriate material will be provided by hardware, software, subscribed services, and/or due diligence. We (Dinuba Unified School District) firmly believe that the valuable information and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure material that is not consistent with the educational goals of our district. Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies, and regional and state networks. In addition, the smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines. These guidelines are provided here so that you are aware of the responsibilities you are about to acquire. In general this requires efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of the network resources. If a Dinuba Public School user violates any of these provisions, his or her use of online services will be terminated and future access could possibly be denied. The signature(s) at the end of this document is (are) legally binding and indicates the party (parties) who signed has (have) read the terms and conditions carefully and understand(s) their significance. JTW: cj January 1996

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Dinuba Unified School District

AGREEMENT Please read the following carefully before signing this document. This is a legally binding document. 1. Acceptable Use - The use of the Internet or online services at Dinuba Unified School District sites

must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the Dinuba Unified School District. Use of other organization's network or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secret. Use for commercial activities is generally not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited.

2. Privileges - The use of online services is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a

cancellation of those privileges. Each student will be counseled by his/her teacher or sponsoring teacher on the proper use of the online services prior to use. The technology support personnel may close an account at any time as required. The administration, faculty, and staff of each school site may request the technology support personnel to deny, revoke, or suspend specific use by individuals.

3. Netiquette - You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. These

include (but are not limited to) the following: a. Be polite. Do not get abusive in your messages to others. b. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language.

Illegal activities are strictly forbidden. c. Do not reveal your personal address or phone numbers of students or colleagues. d. Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system

do have access to mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.

e. Do not use the online services in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the online services by other users.

f. All communications and information accessible via the online services should be assumed to be private party.

g. If you (inadvertently) access objectionable matter, quickly report it to your teacher. The teacher will report the incident to the principal and the parents will be notified.

4. The Dinuba Unified School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied,

for the service it is providing. Dinuba Unified School District will not be responsible for any damages you suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, no deliveries, miss-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by it's own negligence or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the online services is at your own risk. Dinuba Unified School District specifically deny any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.

5. Security - Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves

many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the online services, you must notify a technology support person at your school site. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Do not use another individual's account without written permission from that individual. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to online services.

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6. Vandalism - Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user, Internet, or any online services being used by the school site. This includes, but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.

7. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions - All terms and conditions as stated in this document are

applicable to Dinuba Elementary School District and Dinuba Joint Union High School District. These terms and conditions reflect the entire agreement of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements and understandings of the parties. These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and the United States of America.

I understand and will abide by the above Terms and Conditions for use of the Internet and online services. I further understand that any violation of the regulations above is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked; school disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action.

User Signature _________________________________ Date: ___________________________


PARENT/GUARDIAN (If you are under the age of 18 a parent/guardian must also read and sign this agreement). I have read the Terms and Conditions for Internet access and the use of online services. I understand that this access is designed for educational purposes and Dinuba Unified School District have taken available precautions to eliminate controversial material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for Dinuba Unified School District to restrict access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child's use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to allow my child's access to the Internet and online services and certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent/Guardian (please print) _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________ Date ___________________ SPONSORING TEACHER (Must be signed if the applicant is a student). I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to promote this agreement with the student. Because the student may use the online services for individual work or in the context of another class, I cannot be held responsible for the student use of the network. As the sponsoring teacher I do agree to instruct the student on acceptable use of the network and proper network etiquette. Teacher's Name (please print) ______________________________________________ Teacher's Signature _______________________________________ Date __________________ JTW: cj January 1996 CIPA Compliance Statement DUSD is in compliance with the federally mandated CIPA legislation. We are currently using an Acceptable use policy for all Staff and Students. DUSD currently uses a software solution called X-Stop for internet filtering. A public hearing was held at Washington Intermediate School to directly address compliance and community concerns with CIPA on June 28, 2001.

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Appendix B: Scope and Sequence Scope and Sequence of Technology and Information Literacy Skills

Dinuba Unified School District

Technology Skills Scope and Sequence The Technology Scope and Sequence will be used as a guideline for all grade level educators teaching all students. These recommendations are what will be introduced, reinforced, and independently used. The Technology Scope and Sequence must be constantly reviewed by all and revised as necessary. Grade level committees and department meetings will review the Technology Scope and Sequence on a yearly basis. Recommendations for revisions will be taken seriously and approved of by the Director of Learning. The Dinuba Unified School District Technology Scope and Sequence is organized into several sections: Basic Computer Use, Computer Knowledge, Operating the computer, Computer Applications, Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Multimedia, Internet, Networking, Electronic Mail, and Research.



8 9-12

1.0 Basic Computer Use 1.1 Start and shuts down a variety of computer systems. I I I R U U U U U 1.2 Demonstrates proper posture, finger placement and

keyboarding techniques I I I R R R R R U

1.3 Proper care and handling of computer system I I I R R R R U U 1.4 Proficient mouse skills, i.e., point, click, and drag I I I R R U U U U 1.5 Uses input devices properly I I I R R R R R U 1.6 Uses a calculator and other specific devices I I R R 1.7 Uses computer hardware and software for class and

personal use I I R R R R R R U

1.8 Uses imaging devices such as scanners digital cameras, and/or video cameras with computer systems and software


1.9 Operates a multimedia computer system with related peripheral devices to successfully use a variety of software


1.10 Touch types at least 20 words per minute I I I R U

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2.0 Computer Knowledge 2.1 Knows the basic components of a computer (hard

drive, CD-ROM, floppy drive, keyboard, mouse, monitor, CPU)


2.2 Recognizes and uses terminology related to computers appropriately


3.0 Operating the Computer 3.1 Manages multiple active applications I I I R U 3.2 Creates, organizes, labels, and maintains documents

and folders/directories I I R

3.3 Uses the Find command to perform searches I R 3.4 File management skills associated with opening,

closing, saving, deleting, formatting, copying, transferring, downloading, and undo


3.5 Understands the concept of an operating system I 4.0 Computer Applications 4.1 Starts and quits an application software program I R U U U U U U U 4.2 Uses commercial software in various content areas at a

developmentally appropriate level I R U U U U U U U

4.2 Insert a graphic from a program within the application, from another program, from a CD-ROM, from the Internet


4.3 Uses menu and/or keyboard commands to create and edit documents


4.4 Integrates word processing, spreadsheet, database, and Internet browser applications to prepare and present information in a variety of formats


5.0 Word Processing 5.1 Uses a word processor to compose, edit, save, format,

and print a document I R R R R U

5.2 Desktop publishing techniques such as columns, and graphics


5.3 Edits text using features such as cut/paste, spell check, thesaurus, etc.


6.0 Spreadsheets 6.1 Create a spreadsheet, enter, sort and edit data within

that spreadsheet I R R

6.2 Create graphs, charts, etc. using a spreadsheet I R R 6.3 Create simple calculation formulas using a spreadsheet I R 7.0 Multimedia 7.1 Uses presentation software to design and present a I I I R R U

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grade level multimedia presentation 7.2 Incorporates graphics, fonts, animation and transition

effects into presentation I I I R R U

8.0 Internet 8.1 Accesses the World Wide Web using a web browser I I R R R R R U 8.2 Uses Internet to search for desired information given

one criteria and given two criteria (using Boolean logic where necessary)


8.3 Uses Internet resources to document work, conduct on-line research and link to other sources


9.0 Electronic Mail 9.1 Identifies and uses functions associated with email to

communicate ideas with others I R

10.0 Research 10.1 Uses computer based simulations to explore

hypotheses I R

10.2 Conducts research, and/or participates in analysis of information gathered from multiple electronic resources, then presents data in an appropriate form


10.3 Verifies the credibility of information obtained through a variety of technology resources


10.4 Selects appropriate computing resources and conducts research, e.g., CD encyclopedia or online resources


10.5 Site electronic sources appropriately I I I R R R

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Appendix C – Criteria for EETT-Funded Education Technology Plans In order to be approved, a technology plan needs to have “Adequately Addressed” each of the following criteria: 1. PLAN  DURATION  CRITERION   Page  in  

District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

The  plan  should  guide  the  district’s  use  of  education  technology  for  the  next  three  to  five  years.  



The  education  technology  plan  describes  the  districts  use  of  education  technology  for  the  next  three  to  five  years.  

The  plan  is  less  than  three  years  or  more  than  five  years  in  length.  

2. STAKEHOLDERS  CRITERION  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  7  &  11  (Appendix  D)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Not  Adequately  Addressed    

Description  of  how  a  variety  of  stakeholders  from  within  the  school  district  and  the  community-­‐at-­‐large  participated  in  the  planning  process.    

 3,  6  

The  planning  team  consisted  of  representatives  who  will  implement  the  plan.  If  a  variety  of  stakeholders  did  not  assist  with  the  development  of  the  plan,  a  description  of  why  they  were  not  involved  is  included.  

Little  evidence  is  included  that  shows  that  the  district  actively  sought  participation  from  a  variety  of  stakeholders.  

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3. CURRICULUM  COMPONENT  CRITERIA  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  1,  2,  3,  8,  10,  &  12  (Appendix  F)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. Description  of  teachers’  and  students’  current  access  to  technology  tools  both  during  the  school  day  and  outside  of  school  hours.  


The  plan  describes  the  technology  access  available  in  the  classrooms,  library/media  centers,  or  labs  for  all  students  and  teachers.  

The  plan  explains  technology  access  in  terms  of  a  student-­‐to-­‐computer  ratio,  but  does  not  explain  where  access  is  available,  who  has  access,  and  when  various  students  and  teachers  can  use  the  technology.  

b. Description  of  the  district’s  current  use  of  hardware  and  software  to  support  teaching  and  learning.  


The  plan  describes  the  typical  frequency  and  type  of  use  (technology  skills/information  literacy/integrated  into  the  curriculum).  

The  plan  cites  district  policy  regarding  use  of  technology,  but  provides  no  information  about  its  actual  use.  

c. Summary  of  the  district’s  curricular  goals  and  academic  content  standards  in  various  district  and  site  comprehensive  planning  documents.  



The  plan  summarizes  the  district’s  curricular  goals  that  are  supported  by  the  plan  and  referenced  in  the  district  document(s).    

The  plan  does  not  reference  district  curriculum  goals.  

d. List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  using  technology  to  improve  teaching  and  learning  by  supporting  the  district  curricular  goals.    


The  plan  delineates  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  a  clear  implementation  plan  for  using  technology  to  support  the  district’s  curriculum  goals  and  academic  content  standards  to  improve  learning.    

The  plan  suggests  how  technology  will  be  used,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  know  what  action  needs  to  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.    

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e. List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks  and  an  implementation  plan  detailing  how  and  when  students  will  acquire  the  technology  and  information  literacy  skills  needed  to  succeed  in  the  classroom  and  the  workplace.  


The  plan  delineates  clear  goal(s),  measurable  objective(s),  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  detailing  how  and  when  students  will  acquire  technology  skills  and  information  literacy  skills.    

The  plan  suggests  how  students  will  acquire  technology  skills,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  determine  what  action  needs  to  be  taken  to  accomplish  goals.    

f. List  of  goals  and  an  implementation  plan  that  describe  how  the  district  will  address  the  appropriate  and  ethical  use  of  information  technology  in  the  classroom  so  that  students  can  distinguish  lawful  from  unlawful  uses  of  copyrighted  works,  including  the  following  topics:  the  concept  and  purpose  of  both  copyright  and  fair  use;  distinguishing  lawful  from  unlawful  downloading  and  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  file  sharing;  and  avoiding  plagiarism.  


The  plan  describes  or  delineates  clear  goals  outlining    how  students  will  learn  about  concept,  purpose,  and  significance  of  the  ethical  use  of  information  technology  including  copyright,  fair  use,  plagiarism  and  the  implications  of  illegal  file  sharing  and/or  downloading  (as  stated  in  AB  307)  

The  plan  suggests  that  students  will  be  educated  in  the  ethical  use  of  the  Internet,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  determine  what  actions  will  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.  

g. List  of  goals  and  an  implementation  plan  that  describe  how  the  district  will  address  Internet  safety,  including  how  to  protect  online  privacy  and  avoid  online  predators.  (AB  307,  optional  in  2007-­‐08  tech  plan,  required  in  all  tech  plans  2008-­‐09  and  after)  


The  plan  describes  or  delineates  clear  goals  outlining  how  students  will  be  educated  about  Internet  safety  (as  stated  in  AB  307).  

The  plan  suggests  Internet  safety  education  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  determine  what  actions  will  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.  

h. Description  of  or  goals  about  the  district  policy  or  practices  that  ensure  equitable  technology  access  for  all  students.    


The  plan  describes  the  policy  or  delineates  clear  goals  and  measurable  objectives  about  the  policy  or  practices  that  ensure  equitable  technology  access  for  all  students.  The  policy  or  practices  clearly  support  accomplishing  the  plan’s  goals.    

The  plan  does  not  describe  policies  or  goals  that  result  in  equitable  technology  access  for  all  students.  Suggests  how  technology  will  be  used,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  know  what  action  needs  to  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.

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i. List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  to  use  technology  to  make  student  record  keeping  and  assessment  more  efficient  and  supportive  of  teachers’  efforts  to  meet  individual  student  academic  needs.    


The  plan  delineates  clear  goal(s),  measurable  objective(s),  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  using  technology  to  support  the  district’s  student  record-­‐keeping  and  assessment  efforts.    

The  plan  suggests  how  technology  will  be  used,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  know  what  action  needs  to  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.    

j. List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  to  use  technology  to  improve  two-­‐way  communication  between  home  and  school.    


The  plan  delineates  clear  goal(s),  measurable  objective(s),  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  using  technology  to  improve  two-­‐way  communication  between  home  and  school.    

The  plan  suggests  how  technology  will  be  used,  but  is  not  specific  enough  to  know  what  action  needs  to  be  taken  to  accomplish  the  goals.    

k. Describe  the  process  that  will  be  used  to  monitor  the  Curricular  Component  (Section  3d-­‐3j)  goals,  objectives,  benchmarks,  and  planned  implementation  activities  including  roles  and  responsibilities  

 10-­‐16,  18-­‐20  

The  monitoring  process,  roles,  and  responsibilities  are  described  in  sufficient  detail.  

The  monitoring  process  either  is  absent,  or  lacks  detail  regarding  procedures,  roles,  and  responsibilities.  

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4. PROFESSIONAL  DEVELOPMENT  COMPONENT  CRITERIA  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  5  &  12  (Appendix  D)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. Summary  of  the  teachers’  and  administrators’  current  technology  proficiency  and  integration  of  skills  and  needs  for  professional  development.  


The  plan  provides  a  clear  summary  of  the  teachers’  and  administrators’  current  technology  proficiency  and  integration  skills  and  needs  for  professional  development.  The  findings  are  summarized  in  the  plan  by  discrete  skills  that  include  CTC  Standard  9  and  16  proficiencies.    

Description  of  current  level  of  staff  expertise  is  too  general  or  relates  only  to  a  limited  segment  of  the  district’s  teachers  and  administrators  in  the  focus  areas  or  does  not  relate  to  the  focus  areas,  i.e.,  only  the  fourth  grade  teachers  when  grades  four  to  eight  are  the  focus  grade  levels.  

b. List  of  clear  goals,  measurable  objectives,  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  providing  professional  development  opportunities  based  on  your  district  needs  assessment  data  (4a)  and  the  Curriculum  Component  objectives  (Sections  3d  through  3j)  of  the  plan.    


The  plan  delineates  clear,  specific  and  realistic  goal(s),  measurable  objective(s),  annual  benchmarks,  and  an  implementation  plan  for  providing  teachers  and  administrators  wit  h  sustained  ongoing  professional  development  necessary  to  reach  the  Curriculum  Component  objectives  (sections  3d  though  3j)  of  the  plan.  

The  plan  speaks  only  generally  of  professional  development  and  is  not  specific  enough  to  ensure  that  teachers  and  administrators  will  have  the  necessary  training  to  implement  the  Curriculum  Component.  

c. Describe  the  process  that  will  be  used  to  monitor  the  Professional  Development  (Section  4b)  goals,  objectives,  benchmarks,  and  planned  implementation  activities  including  roles  and  responsibilities.  


The  monitoring  process,  roles,  and  responsibilities  are  described  in  sufficient  detail.    

The  monitoring  process  either  is  absent,  or  lacks  detail  regarding  who  is  responsible  and  what  is  expected.    

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5. INFRASTRUCTURE,  HARDWARE,  TECHNICAL  SUPPORT,  AND  SOFTWARE  COMPONENT  CRITERIA  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  6  &  12  (Appendix  F)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. Describe  the  existing  hardware,  Internet  access,  electronic  learning  resources,  and  technical  support  already  in  the  district  that  will  be  used  to  support  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components  (Sections  3  &  4)  of  the  plan.    


The  plan  clearly  summarizes  the  existing  technology  hardware,  electronic  learning  resources,  networking  and  telecommunication  infrastructure,  and  technical  support  to  support  the  implementation  of  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components.    

The  inventory  of  the  equipment  is  so  general  that  it  is  difficult  to  determine  what  must  be  acquired  to  implement  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components.  The  summary  of  current  technical  support  is  missing  or  lacks  sufficient  detail.    

b. Describe  the  technology  hardware,  electronic  learning  resources,  networking  and  telecommunications  infrastructure,  physical  plant  modifications,  and  technical  support  needed  by  the  district’s  teachers,  students,  and  administrators  to  support  the  activities  in  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components  of  the  plan.    



The  plan  provides  a  clear  summary  and  list  of  the  technology  hardware,  electronic  learning  resources,  networking  and  telecommunications  infrastructure,  physical  plant  modifications,  and  technical  support  the  district  will  need  to  support  the  implementation  of  the  district’s  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components.    

The  plan  includes  a  description  or  list  of  hardware,  infrastructure,  and  other  technology  necessary  to  implement  the  plan,  but  there  doesn’t  seem  to  be  any  real  relationship  between  the  activities  in  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components  and  the  listed  equipment.  Future  technical  support  needs  have  not  been  addressed  or  do  not  relate  to  the  needs  of  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components.    

c. List  of  clear  annual  benchmarks  and  a  timeline  for  obtaining  the  hardware,  infrastructure,  learning  resources  and  technical  support  required  to  support  the    plan  components  as  identified  in  Section  5b.  



The  annual  benchmarks  and  timeline  are  specific  and  realistic.  Teachers  and  administrators  implementing  the  plan  can  easily  discern  what  needs  to  be  acquired  or  repurposed,  by  whom  and  when.  

The  annual  benchmarks  and  timeline  are  either  absent  or  so  vague  that  it  would  be  difficult  to  determine  what  needs  to  be  acquired  or  repurposed,  by  whom,  and  when.  

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d. Description  of  the  process  that  will  be  used  to  monitor  whether  the  goals  and  benchmarks  are  being  reached  within  the  specified  time  frame.  


The  monitoring  process  is  described  in  sufficient  detail  so  that  who  is  responsible  and  what  is  expected  is  clear.  

The  monitoring  process  is  either  absent,  or  lacks  detail  regarding  who  is  responsible  and  what  is  expected.  

6. FUNDING  AND  BUDGET  COMPONENT  CRITERIA  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  7  &  13,  (Appendix  F)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. List  of  established  and  potential  funding  sources.    


The  plan  clearly  describes  resources  that  are  available  or  could  be  obtained  to  implement  the  plan.    

Resources  to  implement  the  plan  are  not  identified  or  are  so  general  as  to  be  useless.  

b. Estimate  annual  implementation  costs  for  the  term  of  the  plan    


Cost  estimates  are  reasonable  and  address  the  total  cost  of  ownership,  including  the  costs  to  implement  the  curricular,  professional  development,  infrastructure,  hardware,  technical  support,  and  electronic  learning  resource  needs  identified  in  the  plan.    

Cost  estimates  are  unrealistic,  lacking,  or  are  not  sufficiently  detailed  to  determine  if  the  total  cost  of  ownership  is  addressed.  

c. Describe  the  district’s  replacement  policy  for  obsolete  equipment    


The  plan  recognizes  that  equipments  will  need  to  be  replaced  and  outlines  a  realistic  replacement  plan  that  will  support  the  Curriculum  and  Professional  Development  Components.      

Replacement  policy  is  vague.  It  is  not  clear  that  the  replacement  policy  could  be  implemented.    

d. Describe  the  process  that  will  be  used  to  monitor  Ed  Tech  funding,  implementation  costs  and  new  funding  opportunities  and  to  adjust  budgets  as  necessary.    


The  monitoring  process,  roles,  and  responsibilities  are  described  in  sufficient  detail.    

The  monitoring  process  either  is  absent,  or  lacks  detail  regarding  who  is  responsible  and  what  is  expected.    

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7. MONITORING  AND  EVALUATION  COMPONENT  CRITERIA  Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  11  (Appendix  F)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. Describe  the  process  for  evaluating  the  plan’s  overall  progress  and  impact  on  teaching  and  learning.    


The  plan  describes  the  process  for  evaluation  using  the  goals  and  benchmarks  of  each  component  as  the  indicators  of  success.      

No  provision  for  an  evaluation  is  included  in  the  plan.  How  success  is  determined  is  not  defined.  The  evaluation  is  defined,  but  the  process  to  conduct  the  evaluation  is  missing.  

b. Schedule  for  evaluating  the  effect  of  plan  implementation.  

 80,  100  

Evaluation  timeline  is  specific  and  realistic.    

The  evaluation  timeline  is  not  included  or  indicates  an  expectation  of  unrealistic  results  that  does  not  support  the  continued  implementation  of  the  plan.  

c. Describe  the  process  and  frequency  of  communicating  evaluation  results  to  tech  plan  stakeholders.    


The  plan  describes  the  process  and  frequency  of  communicating  evaluation  results  to  tech  plan  stakeholders.    

The  plan  does  not  provide  a  process  for  using  the  monitoring  and  evaluation  results  to  improve  the  plan  and/or  disseminate  the  findings.  


Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Example  of  Not  Adequately  Addressed    

If  the  district  has  identified  adult  literacy  providers,  describe  how  the  program  will  be  developed  in  collaboration  with  them.  (If  no  adult  literacy  providers  are  indicated,  describe  the  process  used  to  identify  adult  literacy  providers  or  potential  future  outreach  efforts.)  


The  plan  explains  how  the  program  will  be  developed  in  collaboration  with  adult  literacy  providers.  Planning  included  or  will  include  consideration  of  collaborative  strategies  and  other  funding  resources  to  maximize  the  use  of  technology.  If  no  adult  literacy  providers  are  indicated,  the  plan  describes  the  process  used  to  identify  adult  literacy  providers  or  potential  future  outreach  efforts.      

There  is  no  evidence  that  the  plan  has  been,  or  will  be  developed  in  collaboration  with  adult  literacy  service  providers,  to  maximize  the  use  of  technology.    

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9. EFFECTIVE  RESEARCHED-­‐BASED  METHODS,  STRATEGIES,  AND  CRITERIA    Corresponding  EETT  Requirement(s):  4  AND  9  (Appendix  D)  

Page  in  District  Plan  

Example  of  Adequately  Addressed    

Not  Adequately  Addressed    

a. Summarize  the  relevant  research  and  describe  how  it  supports  the  plan’s  curricular  and  professional  development  goals.    


The  plan  describes  the  relevant  research  behind  the  plan’s  design  for  strategies  and/or  methods  selected.    

The  description  of  the  research  behind  the  plan’s  design  for  strategies  and/or  methods  selected  is  unclear  or  missing.  

b. Describe  the  district’s  plans  to  use  technology  to  extend  or  supplement  the  district’s  curriculum  with  rigorous  academic  courses  and  curricula,  including  distance  –learning  technologies    


The  plan  describes  the  process  the  district  will  use  to  extend  or  supplement  the  district’s  curriculum  with  rigorous  academic  courses  and  curricula,  including  distance  learning  opportunities  (particularly  in  areas  that  would  not  otherwise  have  access  to  such  courses  or  curricula  due  to  geographical  distances  or  insufficient  resources).    

There  is  no  plan  to  use  technology  to  extend  or  supplement  the  district’s  curriculum  offerings.    

Appendix C: Timeline 2011-2016

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Edit as necessary. Dinuba  Unified  School  District  Annual  Training  and  Evaluation  Time  Line  

Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun  

Training  Technology  Integration     X             X          

ELA/Math         X             X      

Internet  Training  (Faculty)       X             X        

Internet  Training  (Students)       X             X        

Curriculum  Projects           X             X    

Tech/Information  Literacy  Skills           X     X         X    

Data  Analysis  Software     X                      

Evaluation  Collect  student  tech  skills  data             X             X  

Collect  faculty  tech  proficiency  data             X             X  

Collect  technology-­‐curriculum  data             X             X  

District  Technology  Team         X           X        

Board  of  Education  Report                       X    

Infrastructure/Hardware   X             X            

Technology  Repair  Log           X       X       X    

Web  Access  Log   X         X         X        

Curriculum/  Staff  Development  Goals   X     X       X       X       X  

Staff  Development  Log             X             X  

Purchasing  Log             X             X  

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Appendix D Edit as necessary.

Management  Chart  Individual(s)  Responsible  (Person(s)  or  Job  Title(s)   Responsibilities  (Samples)  

Time  Estimate  (Hours/month  of  full-­‐time  staff)  

Director of Technology & Network Systems Engineer Provide overall management and coordination. 0.1

Director of Technology & District Finance Director Manage and coordinate funding and budget. 0.1

Director of Technology & Directors Site Principals

Manage and coordinate staff development. 0.1

Director of Technology & Directors Network Systems Technicians, Principals

Manage and coordinate hardware acquisition and installation. 1.0

Network Systems Engineer Manage and coordinate technical support. 1.0

Assistant Superintendent Workforce Preparation Teachers TCOVE Teachers

Coordinate ongoing partner involvement. 0.1

Teachers Grade Level/Department Committee

Director of Technology

Collect data regarding students’ computer skills. 0.1

Teachers Grade Level/Department Committee

Director of Technology

Collect data regarding student’s academic achievement. 0.1

Select Teachers 4-8 Student Ed-Tech Profile Survey. 0.1

Director of Technology Site Principal

Collect data regarding staff development focused on student computer knowledge and skills. 0.1

Director of Technology Site Principal

Collect data regarding staff development focused on integration of technology into the curriculum to improve academic achievement.


Network Systems Engineer Director of Technology Site Principals

Use collected data to monitor and evaluate progress toward benchmarks and the timeline and to plan and make modifications.
