Digitized by ChicagoCop · wide polic.· 1•xperience. Ar•ror:-.rt:o.- (;•pl. Arthur Wentzel H...

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Transcript of Digitized by ChicagoCop · wide polic.· 1•xperience. Ar•ror:-.rt:o.- (;•pl. Arthur Wentzel H...

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  • -·.

    Bones Will Sert1e Deaf as\ Ears, Sat1ant Declares 11~a or a d on1\no. which. .,,,hen

    1lre111cd ag111n1l 1.110 1:ionY 1vuct.ure of the \\cad u11nart1IU sound wav11I even to 1.11010 whoeo earl are u.e-

    ~!:W yof\lt, OcL '211.-"I baVC a ~llnl l.ll ~ 'bon«i•· .....

    People nas• 'betn 1ayln1t II. \'ie e:J'p10.1nel1 t\\al I.he ,,r\nc\p\e o' \ ICll· bone conduc\.lon ot 1ound v\gT1LUon• 1 \\1111 bctn 1•·ar:i of rr 1ct·am!t' "''' k

    1 c lo your now liow!

    .. ...................... . ' r.~ G11c1rtmll'i•tl All o/ Our Worl· .


    ANATf11 RUG.in rz· _....:..::....::V~.lJ "C .... ARPET l.~ EAHEHS ( . Inc .

    .otl a "l' ( · ,.. .ro\ c A H"llUt"

    c: II I c: :\GO

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  • Jatwary, 1933

    SKETCHES (;oion't:NrNc.- Sccond Annal Mid.Wet! Conference on Police ProblemJ an.d Mdhods. Harrie Hall, Nortbwc&lern Univcr~ity, Ev11n!ton, lllinoie; Feb· ruU)' I, 2, 3. and 4, 1933. Und er die •w1iicei or the Evanston Police De· putnu.:nl and Nortl1wewtf'rn Univcnily. 01>en to police officer~ Regi11n1ion fee, $2.00.

    OrP-'l'l tNC.- School of Scieniifu: Meth-otl• in Criminal lnve11igation, Crime l)r1ec1ion Lalwrulry, Nortbweatern University. February 6th lo 20th, 1933. Open 10 police officn s. Tuition fee, $60.00.

    CO\lll'tC.- Joint convf'ntion of the In-ternational Auociation of Chiefs of Polic .. and the International Ali50cia· rion for ldcn1Hlea1.ion at Chicago, July 31, Augu~I I , 2, and 3, 1933.

    Ht:·Eu l.n :v.- Col. Calvin Goddard 10 the Hoard of Dirceton of the Inter-national AsHociiition for Identification. Novcmlwr 4, 1932.

    Swom• 11'1.- Kenn•·th Rou6e a.8 a Chi· cap;o polic .. man; univer8ity 11;raduatc, :riminolop;ist. Dcecmbcr 22, 1932. And 250 other reeruiu.

    1'110MOTt.o.- Lieut. ·wi Uiam V. Blaul lo Deputy Chief of Oelectivee, Chi· cago Police DcrJartmcnt, December 10. 1932. Foruwrly in command or de-••··l'tiv"" 111 the office of the St.ate'a Anorr,,.y, Cook County. A veteran of wide polic.· 1•xperience.

    Ar•ror:-.rt:o.- (;•pl. Arthur Wentzel H Chief of PoJi .. e of l.icero, lllinois, auc-•·ceding Lieut. Jo'hn L. Sulliv1n, re· 1tn ig1,,.J to active dut)' in the Chi· cago l'olice Dep11rtment.

    Co~UtENDf!O.-Deteetive Harry Lang, IJctf'Cli••e Division, Chicago. for 1hoot· in!( and almost fatally wounding frank .-Lir·ut. John Tr1J1' )' and hi· a"'~i •tant.e in the Bomh Detail of tl1t· Detectiv,. Oivi~ion for their fiUC"· 1·1·ooful bull allurk• on the homL mu· kct uud tlwir 1l1·ffo1iun of llw Lornh i111l11•lr) in U1i1·11g•>.

    TllE 1-JHTOH

    I ..(

    Pot1tl. .. 1 3. 1 3•• l

    POLICE "13-13" Chicago PoUce lot1rnul

    Published as a monthly prriodical b}· P OLICE "13-13," an Illinois cor-poration. Walter E. \V right. P i; BLISH ER ; Charles De Lacy, EDITOR; John F. Philbin, AD\'ERT1s1sc REPRESESTATIVE. Advertising offices, 118 North La Salle Street. Chicago, Ill. Telephone, Dearborn 1851. Editorial offices, 865 ~orth \Velis street. Telephone D iversey 9577.

    January CONTENTS 1933

    ··nw1: 1c.n; r D Ec1s 10 .... s - l9~i:f' - lll1utra1imi. ..................... 2

    Moui::K~ C RIME D ETECTION, by Clem Lane ....................... 3 A new11papcrman ul1111iu his vie .. ~ on ,.d encc- in modern c-rimr cJeteclion.

    THE Vn.w OP A Scn:NTIST, by John A. Lanun. ................... 5 A rr1)I)' to Mr. Lune·~ artid•· hy 11 "'•ell· known criminolo~i11t and fornll'r 1>oli('e111an.

    IDE1'TIFlCATION GROUP CO'.'i\ E!\TION, b)>· Calvin Goddarcl. . . . . . . . . . 7

    A rl'11or1 of thoe proceeding• of llu: eonv,.ntion of th.. lnh·rnational A.sociation lor Identification.

    MANY Po1.1~vartmt'llt ~uh· .. "-ttJJl•• 11 r.~ir:t .. t n ' •thcrs, $3 00 per year "' thir- Cnu .. 11 St•t~'I .,nJ l>o!l~t:811111n.1s ; 2.3 ccnh l>f'T t•opy. ...ul"- tnatter at thf' ,,.,.,, ufhct' .lit Ch1c.aKu. Jllntu1!11. under thir ::1c t of M.:irch J. l!C'• \ ,,Juln

  • ··n"'"l' I> I- ( . I .. I 0 ' .. .. - I l) :\ ·i

    1 111~ .i.. .. 1rh u·11, , .. ,.,..,,.,,,,.,..J .lrnm " l"'I''"' Jan101,. ,,.,, ,, TJ., •l'llt>IC ''"'°"'' ,. '" n1at41·

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    BY CLEM LANE f."J11vrw/ StuO. Clm·trrw Dcrih '•'IC<

    _.,. l '11!. ''a.. '' ht•n crime de-h '"· tllf' Iii• clc•tt•elor. tlw

  • a cl

    ., \ 1 Tlltll1° .. "'"" . In r • ., ...... ,., rra1I , ,. or 1hi• 111.111i11n ... madr up laq(eh uf 1111·1111 11•1 " .,f I'"''" fu11 r•. I \'1·11 tn '"" 1h .. 1 1h1· 1u1111I., r of I'"'''• 1111·11 111\ oh .-11 lfl 1111 - 1111 1111 ""'" 11111 .t ~mnll fr11rlio11 o f r Ji , d 11111 ltt1••11I , I

    Po1.1c.t.: ••13. 13 ••

    "onlcl an .. "er prompt}~ ancl prop-e rl r.

    r\ (' hr.1nl of •• ('ai'(' "here a ('f'r-tain la" -t>nforrinll: hody in Cook Count~ imc-i i:d1•cl a ~anL!"te r· ... wid-0\\ into t .11..inll: a -.hot of !'C'opola-min" in thl' h e lie f !'hi' "al' being trr•at" year11 h ad.-:. then• \\a.; a l!reat epiclemir1·01111f'c•I i; ..... i"' lil1· a howl of 11puid1


    I"' •lflllf Slu/t' m 1cR " 13-13" •lalr•rl 11101 tl1c v1~r1J ir1 ron~tilutr·rl "a ser· lt1110 .r•tl1u1•k for gcin1tili1• 111c1horJ• in l'ri rui11ul im···~ligntion.- Thi• wae not i n · fl'lldt•tl lo llll'OO thar thr~f' &dt·nCt'W WPf C rUsnrditf•1I. l'la1hl'f ir "'II~ n·pre~t'nted 111111 1111• v1·rdi1 t woulrJ only 111.ltl 10 pulilil' 111i·unilr·r•t11nJinl( or ftclt'n litie rrinlf• de· h·r t lon, The Edirnr 11.,;n•n with Dr. Lar-&fJfl thut tlw op111ion of an inrx1)('ri1·nrrd. l11y111a11-juror re~urdircg the l1·rl111i•111c of 1l1r Urcr1t io11 l•·•t i • nut to lie 1nk1•n iir'r· iou. ly. Ho~·1·v1•r, it h hr·li•" " '' 111111 Or, Lir un will 1·1m r1•1J., thnt lm1l1 ti ... verdirt uud tlu· j uror's ~l•lt·rn••nt huvc do.;·rJ 1111111y miml~ lo llw tlwory or the dc('t'!)• lion lr•U, 1111j11• t UN thut mi.y lir.-F.1111011.

    l)'Jw of the runk mul file i11vP11tign· tor f 01md in the avcrn~c A mcricnn t•ity.

    .\t 1111' pn·11cnl time ti.e re i11 a lrc111c111lo11 t1 i1111u•1t111 in Ilic ri1d1t dirc t'lion a,. shown 1101 only hy the 1111111l1cr or c·ollcgc men who arc m1xiow1 to µ,:ct into police worl.., 11111 tlu· 1111111hcr of ambitious po· licc•mcn \\ lw urc willing to sacri· lice i11 many ways lo take what c·ourt1 artit·le in iii- 1•11tir1•ly he disregard· NI ancl tlw lite ralure cornmhed, es-l'l'ri ull y whe re police lish-i11l! the vn liclit y of fingerprints in i!pitc· of the fnc:t that l·rooks some· 1i111l':< \H'a l' i.: lovet:i. The works of Lol'unl. a IC'aclinµ niminolo,::ist of Fr.me· .. ; of Alclll'rl v, nolt'd for his modu.~ 0111•rnn

  • 6

    \mf'rit-an city, i11 not a criticism of moclt•m M-icntific methods. but it i11 a rint l.ly11tf'111 "hirh is im aluahle. onl} rt>lath .-ly f,.~ departmenltl in th!.'" Unitada 6cltl to "arrant ensahl to each other. What "·t 110 not "anl in the practical crim· inal im•{'11ti~ation field i• nnn c111ir 11pcni who hap· pen to form a hia11 one \lo a' or 1.11· olh


    l>u ,,.. ,,.,. :O:c•1t·111t /ic- C rut11• IJ1·11-. 111111 I 11l111t 11fe111 , 111111 l'ro/r" or o/ l 'ol1rf' ~lf'ttf'r, \ or tll11 r•lr•1tt l 11/1·1•1 m.1•1\ l11h·


    Ii HE pe rsonnel of the Chi-rago Police De partment has been undergoing a

    curious change during the latter months of 1932. Statistice from the office of the Departm ent SecrPtar y, Mr. James Mc weeney, show that aproximate ly eight p e r cent of the total strenJrth of the de-part m ent separated f rorn the ser-vice last year. Of t hese, seven per cent voluntarily resiJrnc'I to take their pension~. The remaininl! one p e r cent, with the exception of a small frac tion who resiµ:ned hut wer e not e liidble to pension. rep· resen ts the total numher


    Chit/ of Po/ic('. E1 anston, Illinois

    POLICE conf creuce of major i m p o r t n n c e is srlwduh•d for February. lt is tlw St•&>rr:.t•ntali\I'.

    Joint Se.uimi Cnn1111t \I. Proo.uun •·on Pm 10.

    l'ro(. l frrut 11 . l'uttkammt'r. l.a\o ~hool l nht•r,it) of Chini;o.

    l· 1111. \ 11'1.. \SO G , .. ., Communcl rr Gu) Ua1 u, C . ::-. :-i., Naul Re,t·ne 0Hil"c·r',. Trainini; Corp,.. ~orlh\oc''h•rn Unht•r1oity. u--"t"d •·~ J.1 .. 111. ]t>h11 ,.;, Ginl(rich. ll. :-. N.

    W11t .. l I l/\t. \ -.u U-.t.n.; 1 1101.11•.. l.un·· ff'llCt' Stult>1·iflr, Cu11ch, :'liortlt'i' C'•h•rn llniwr~il) "n•stlin11: lf' .. 11.

    01.\ION!ITll\TION Ot' CftlMl ... U h1 \t..'>TI ·

    t.' rioN. - f' G. IJ1•nriett. IJC"11ti6l"atio11 ln•1>ector. E'an .. ton Polil"C' O .. pnrlmrnt. ... ,.i.t t'J h) mc•mhl•r& of tlw L'an,ton l'o lirt· Dc·11artm,•nt

    Tiil H~OA \ .. 1' EB. 2ml Joint S,•uion

    h .11u u ("fu .. nc; \TION. .U. H. l'unu ::)pt'rial .\r.rnl in Char11:r, l . ' Drparl· ment or Ju,,tir,., Chirago. llhno1•.

    Ba•it• l'rot:rarn .... lt~U \S ~-. .\m TO l.Hl\lt· l)~-nT•

    1 io-. Col. C:alr in II.

  • I fl f> 0 I. I C F .. 13-13., 1~. 1~



    1• 11\ ' KI 1"'1 '1. 1\. 111 \ II, l>1rt't'tOr or thr H 11r1·J11 or \1 d1l1•111 P rt•\ Potion or l h t• 1,, 1111-11>11 P oli1·1· Dt purt1111·nl. "ho \\ill u1ltlre·-- tlw •·onrrn•n r1• on tht> i.uhjt'rl .. ,,, 1 Ii. nk' of Traffil' La\\ L n fon•1111·111.-

    ' · "'' • ~' 111 \\ " " " · or 1111 :-.ri1 1111111

  • po I I c· •

    EVANSTON CONFERENCE 1Cm1t'tl /mm /HI/(•' Q)

    l'~\llllHIH.IC \I \"'\l\'I' 01' ( ' 111'49' l>r. Jol1t1 II , \fnr1111n l'rof,. •• ,.r of Po 1 hvloa , '\0111i,, •·•tt•1 n l lnh rr.il)'. •n•I #,.-1111•1"# II. lo.,,,.,,.,, ~ic·ntlllr t ' rlmr l>r-l••r1l1111 l .al1111 •tor)'.

    tf,/,.""''' '" l'rt11{TOt11 C:111 NTt Mt19'l'llM. . 'I'. J. r..11 .. ,,1iun,

    C :•plain. l lnllc•1I M•I••• ~.·rr1•1 ~rn i('r, c:hlraao.

    ~ ,., 11111 ' · lfo/{111 (; \ lt•r, :'u11rn iour cif N•rroti1•• of I l11 ui,., ll. :'. Nu.-utir S.·nlt· ...

    I . II'"' llf'llll ll11~r"1"· \11111\11 '"1 lh .. e1r11'1.

    U 1ll111rr1 0 . frr•f'1111111 , t ' hir( uf Polirr, Eu11•lt111 . lll inoi~.

    Joint St•.uion

    F11u "''' ll1•'41tlllt-' : '"" p,.,. of" Tll• l'ot u t l!~H,rt . \T'\111. Jtul1r rl 1/11 ... J. l.itid~n . ~111H'ri.lr t'c•urt of t -, .. ,&.. C'cmn-1)'.

    11111'\ 11t>11 '1 ios 1' V111 it lh r utnn:"W'T' ' II \\ II \T 11 th •. 1tr n• Ill . l .1n1I. f:J. ,,.;,. F. llurl.r'. l1lr11tilirali•rn llurrAll. l'n· lif'c• n .. , .•. t111e•111, RMhr•h'r. :\. Y.

    I- H lllA'\. FER. :~nl Jc1int S.•. •ion

    T111 1'111 I• I "' ' · ... I' \ llT " THI \ fa1·1~ rc•IMth •' tu 11ny intc•rc~I· i1111 ..... ,. 1 ... hn• l111111lle1l, nrrc·•I lw It••

    •11111lr. l'Oll\ i1·ti1111• oht•i1lf'•I •• hootin11t Ji,. Ian. "it Ill''"'"'· or 11th 1• 1111• 111put-111c111 •• 11·l..110\.lc.•1l1dni: 1h1• U\\anl of tlw Pouc i- " l :i-13" .. d1ol.1~laip iu tlw ~rhool of ~1·i1•11tifi1· Crimt' o~ lc:t' I ion. \ ort lnn•st1' n1 lTni\t•Nih . for hi:- t'l'."41) on 1•rim1• clt'ttttioi1. \Hileii :

    I a111 ,,.1 •• 1 to NI) that I ~r•trfull) ac--\ . Stati.,.i.-ian. :\a1t.-1 SJ~

  • 12 POLICE " 1 3 -13 " l MUMuy, 1911

    EDITORIAL Crime Detection

    II T H E wake of the news

    tliat New York gangsteni a re throwin g their ride vic tims at t h e doors of po-

    lice h e adquarters an d that there have been som ething like five h u n · dred gang murders in Chi ca go in e le·veu years without any convic· tion s of s 11 c h murderer~ the re cornea Cle m Lan e's sea.rching an· alysis of the p a rt c rime de tection has played in this drama. On page 3 of this issu e of t h e C1-11CAco Po· LICE JOURNAL. M r. Lane, experienc· ed n ewspape rman and writer for tl1e Chicago Dail_v NCW$, makes so m e p ene tratin g statem en ts about ~ang murde rs, police work and scientific c ri m e d e tec tion.

    Asio~nizr the o~re.

    Lik 1· m au v otltn p eople. ) Ir. Lan of inc~timnhlc ,·alue to the m in their work.

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    II AH C t·'.~ of I( r ,. r t 1uul hriht•r , no"' c•11rr·N1t in \11t11c·lw11tc-r. E n I{ I " n d • tlJt i1111t plnin·t'lot ltc"8 po·

    h N' c\fllt·m nrc• 11nclo11hh•1lly hrihC'cl.

    •• '01w of tlu·m l'iticl: ''lf you pro11· «'

  • Phone Superior 89%

    Rosenow Company

    fLLustrators EngTavers

    CoLor Prin ters


    340 W est Huron St.



    D e p e nda ble Car t a se Con· t ract ora

    4611 W . Fulton St. Phone Eatabrook 12 12

    Phone S u perior 1580

    B ROLi TE

    Quality and Economy for the B akinir lnduatry


    325 Weat Huron St. Chicaso, Ill

    POI.ICE ··13.13••

    A U STI

    Thrc•c• of .\u•tin';. •11tdli1c .. haH' re· "ittnrcl fro111 thl' poli ou. • • •

    \lc·m l1t·r• of tlw n1111111a ncl rt•f(rl'ltecf to !war of 1l1t· d1·1111t or 11t .. "ifr of Offieration ut th1• l nh cr• it) ho·r>ital Drct•mbC'r l Jth. Thrn• \\c•rt• nrwy. S1•c:rt•lar); S..r.,;1•unt \Ii-Conn uml I· rnnk lloruk. Offirrr P1·n llC') lo•l II hrotlle'r, St'qWUnl 'Id 111111 II lirotl1t>r. "hilc- Oflir1·r Hornk • .. f11tllt'r dic·d, ",. an· 'orr) to 'ay.

    • • • 11111 'li1rph) i .. n·1>0rlrtl to lw 11 1>•Licnl

    at tlll' Ech• ort'llt'd lo du• arm of Ho1lr O'BriPn. Th,. fir~t - c·o111inp; from •Omr\\ hrrc• Ll'hind 1h .. dt•,k i• that )Ir. Capt. U'Cotuw

    O'Hri1•11 "rnl to pirk up • tlull1r ,.,, to ha\ r ~·rfl:l'Unt Dillon •lrp on liotli 1ta. 1lollar 11111) \Ir. O"Hrirn'• err11. Th~ ~ ond Ol'

  • (~111c~1\GO l ,A \\'N , · ,rt, J .... , ro.\'I

    ~1 1r•111 " 1111• 111 I •·n, 11·11 i• 11111111 .. ·rr•I emon1 ''"''r n-11n111 on I"'"'""' J.,•fnrr thr In •t .. r 1h.- """ rr•r. lh~ rr•i1111ehn11 h1•umr ··lfo•rh\I' n .. ,.,.mhrr ll•t,

    • • • 0 f f I r I' r '1'1111

    ()'( 1111111•11 \\ "°' \\II• ·hot in ..... r..... r .. ••·nth i• •.u1I I•\ llw •lallnll '"11 lo I ... n•n

    "'''"'I ., '"" """ t 'ro• .. lu••pil•I \\ ,.11 • 1mlfrrman',. foot i• • h·mln oq1•n.

    • • •

    I -- ..... .

    ·~ . .

    • •

    Curt. ,. .,.,,

    om ... I• I r .... '\ 11 hnl••lll •ml \\ 1ll1e111 l\rnnn 111•1lr a11 11111mr11111 rn111r1h11tion In rrim111uln11ir11I ro·,...11.-.·h , \\ t.il .. pr) in11 111110111t lhr 11111 h111r 1·1111• of tll4' 1u·i11hlrnr lmn1I lonl..in11 for 11 li11l1· lunrh lhr I'•'. \nu l..1w". h .. i111 "t..1 it i• thr,· r111110• •• "'" 11 11,•111111111·111 110111 '' hn ".~ hnn11· 1111 "" n•·11hl111rhon•I 1loor•. on;,., ... "iir hnl•nn \\A• 1111 fo1 1•nlin11 tlw 11ni11u1I, ln11 \11 ...... IUW\ f1·h lh111 ho• •l111111'f ht• pri•· •N'\l'•I for th•• •nl..1· of tlw 1·1·i111t' n·1·urol•. Sn lh•')' hro1111hl tlu· 1111111 lo llw •lulion 111111 1'\l'r~ hooh ''ho 1·m1ltl •1111•11 ''a• in 1l•·1•1I 11r11trful.

    • • • 1lni,1•r l ,.,, I Incl~, our h•tul•omr 1•0-

    lir1•n11rn, i• 11•·1111111 lllnr211

    t II I • Ill.

    \ \ '1 \ "\ \.._ \ & < O'tl' \NY l'lwnf' S11prrior 1 QQll

    II 111 '\m 111 'l1rl111tnn Ho11ln•r1I Ch ir11110. Ill

    If r l11n li•trd 11ntl ""'"'"" itoclt.•, '"'""··· '"' "1rrrnflf• "'"' c. n· •. J. c;. 1m:-;:-.'I \'\ C'0\11'\'\Y

    w; " 1••t ,, 111li•on ~lrc•c•t ( "hir111111. Ill.

    rr .. l>r/11 rr l'hm1r A. 1l11"rr :?J•ll .,1101' 111111 ~ \ \ E

    1 I ..;To"\ L \\\ IU"\1 I Ml "ii< 11'\I "\ltl\.I T

    UU:? 1- l•lnn \H•mu·

    - c; () () n II 1-. \ ( T II -l Ill< \C : o C.1- '\ ... H \I. m. \I Tll SI It\ ICE

    Jn, ltpntuh·d N ut •·· ·r Pro nt

    ~O No. \-hl11nel Huul•·• •nl

    Plwnt' :-0111111\ •iel1• (11 ~()

    \l\Jl .:-TIC 'l\LT l·\.TH\

  • 16

    ANTONSEN MOTORS, Inc. Chryslf'r Plymouth Dt'olf'rs

    6455 So. Wutun A,·t'nue Cl1iugo. m.

    Pl1ont' Ht'n•lock 6900


    Enf'llrnt l1ol1an Tobit' d flotf'! Lunch 35C'45c - OinnC'r 50c-85c·

    Sundaye 85t"rit"ncc he hu had with "dead hodit'c." Eithc:r bu-.inc"" hould be pro(· itablC'.

    • • • Patrolmrn Sarngcr and Park• a_re

    rC'all) rrliring. Pa1rolm1n Ah·c-ri.on ha" mo,c-d 10 IJud-.on. \fic-higan. where his al1ili1y .,. an orator will brobably f'nter polilica, "'hit'h "ill not be a novt'hy to him by 11ny mt'an•.

    • Pa1rol11u·n Thoma~ Staplf'ton and John

    F. Dah• did a nic.. piece of work la~I month. "'hen they shot and killt'd Ern· ,.,t Gallo, "ho attempted to c-11capl" in 111 "hot .. ur, Gallo bt'intt id.-ntified by \•ic· 1ir1111 or eitthty robheriC'I. Patrolman Gto. II. Ye4o, alao 1tot his man, ""h

  • l UNIVERSAL PAVING CO. Harry G. (;orlit7., Jr .. "'"'·


    0 \K I' HK, ILLINOIS


    -l:Ul Emerald A\enue Chicago, Ill.


    / r o m

    M edin ah



    ·- -

    Por.1 c •. •• I :~- 13 ''


    St-r11ranl C1111nin11ham •nd hi~ aqu•d m•1lr •n unu•u•lly 11ood 1rrr~t recently wh1·n th«"y apprr· lu·ndf'd one t'i~lwr, i n t r r n • tionall y known ron man. Fi•IH"r h•• tllf' rrp· Ul8lion o( hrin11 one or 1111' ~lirkr•l in thr 1rud1•, thr kind thot hu~ ) 011 lw1111in11 lo tuk•· )our money from )OU. He had a r .. ror1l eoverin1 •1•\rr•l typewritten Cnpt. O'\fnllf')"

    • • • S..r11r•nt Lor1u• •nd his squad •lso

    •hlr("d in the hon1tr~ or the month when dwy raidrd • not in the dinrict •nd took inlo ('Ulitody two hou •nd two girls. The lonrr h•d h1•rn mis~ing Crom thdr homc8 for lrn day~ and Wl'rr found m•kinp; .. hoopl'e in di•habille. Thrir parcnu were 1totitied aml rhuqr;es Wf'rt' plarttl og•inst the you np; nwn.

    • • • Tl ... boy" C'"'lll'rul to C.pt•in O'Malley

    J,..,t "i•h,.~ for lw11hh an1l 8tlf'Cr'88 in the N1·w Y1·1r.

    EAS,.I' CHICAGO C \PT. Cu'"'·•" \1cGu11N

    Rrti1t'd- S..qu·nnt Bill S"'•n~on, P•· 1rolmon Jim c; nffin •nd John Sh,·•· Scrgt. s .. a ncoit fornwrl) commanded Gold Co•i.t df'tDil.

    • • • In ( 'ni/orm- Formcr File Cl('rk Arthur

    Riorig. Look" tinr. Frdo p;ood. Says no-thin11.

    • • • fn /lot II atl'r Sergeant \Villium Kor&·

    tor. E"pc:etNI lo rl'tirr, hut wue too wrll ln.i1lluto·d . Studyinl( Gn·t•k licw.

    • • • llo ld1111{ thf' lJa11:- StrJt. John Qwnn,

    a~ 11 11111. Wlien off :'llew Yror•~ eve, boy• •11111 · .. Tukr the: h1111 wth you."

    • • • On th .. H1pe-Jury H)11n. \tullt· 11 rr-

    r hrr k durin~ the Chri•tmH holiday• •nd noluui) "•• over lool..t·d .

    • • • Trfln•frrri·d 111 John '\\ urrrn rro111 th"

    D1·1...-1h ,. llur1·tt11 and frank \1r 0.-r moll from 1111· ~lnlf• ·~ \Unrrw' ·~ ufhrc.

    • • • 011t11111\t11· - So·rict. Hutth ~mith. ~im· 1•

    lu- "it• muol1• nrtin~ lir111t·111int. 1 lani:• a111111111 11.ul I hwr•rlt-r filr.





    • • •

    2i50 WEST 35th STREET C HI CAGO


    "at the be.st /oocl shops"



    LOYOLA •• L "



    • • • Candy, Cigars and



    Chrysler and Plrmouth U01'01l C ARS

    Phone Fa.ir/u •i500 7lot Place und Stony Island A\e.

    Ch icap;n, Ul.


    R/1w Pnnu anJ lilied Prints. l 'hMt> l 'r111u, fracin,• /Ju~

    lw111t•d, IJraH 1n~ \tau-rials.

    To•I. H a,nuiirkt•I ~t;

    4~~ SOUTH SANG \ \10~ C 11 It : \ G 0

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  • 18


    ASSOCIATED Chicago Metropolitan



    215 West. Wacke r Drive

    Chica go, Ill.


    SERVICE, Inc.

    A comcolidation of Richmond

    & M arkel and Highu:ay

    Motor Ex preu

    Phone 420i

    260 South Highland Avenue


    Specialists i n Whed , Axle and Frame


    Phone VICtory 1177 BEAR SYSTE~!

    H . A . KRIDL E R 2287 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE Speclnl D iscount To l'ollcc omcers)

    Po1.1cE .. 13-13''


  • Janiinr)-. l 933 P o r. 1 c E • • I 3 . 1 3 • '

    DETECTIVE BUREAU Chic( amonii: rho~.- u~iii:ni:d to the Di:·

    tf'di\·e Bureau in the tran~rer or early Dccrmber was Lieut. William Diani, for. mcrly in rharge or drtecti~ct on the 1tall of the State'M Attorney, and now Deputy Chier or De· 1crtivu. TI1e appoint· mcnt or Lif'Ul. Blaul to this po~ition i1 th e c row n in g arhii:vrmcnt or • lonii: and unusually Cnpl. Scho.•mnkrr fine polirc career. Li1•utcnant Blaul join-ed the polir:e fore

  • 20


    ST \"\D \ RD I \U~DRY \.0


    l'honr C f I umrt l 700

    IRlb-20 \\ \ B \~ II \ \"ENUE C II I t: \ G 0

    for Qua/it)' · · · LISE PEHFECTION FLt.;IO-\ l·on('('nlrntnJ fluid "i1h t':t.Ct'p

    llonul clt•infrrtinit:. hl .. ud1init: •nd ~..r111i 8031

    Hl2 ~o. \\ l'•h'rn he .. Chin.:o, Ill.

    ' ORTH P \ Rh. COLLEGE


    3225 I O:-Tl-. H \ \'L~UE tnna 'IH"f' a lhen("e o( C•pl. Chri•t· c·1i-c·n. Tlw job is not ne" lo him, amt.I h .. dot·• it "ith crc•dit lo him•rlf.

    ORTH ROBE"\:"

    Sli,:ht pro1trt' •' in llac· c·onditon or C11pt. Frunk '1:atd1C'll i8 n •porlt·cl. "c• urc• ~la1l to ~•> Capt. !\111td1-•·tr. ''ho ha• h1·1· n undt'qr:oin,: lrc•JI· mC'rtl .11 St. Frunn• ho~pilal. E\'iln•ton, l1a• lo•I •·01i-idt•r11l1lt· "c•ii:ht llc· 11111) ha'-tai 11. complete rl"· ro\rry and r;D PonK p,cKr.11s

    llunn. /Jncon, Sau•al(~ and Lard

    \til\\UUl..C'C' Av .... and .\ui:u•l• fa

    " 1'. 0 '\\ .\ I. S K I

    Ciiran nnd Ci~ardtt"J

    f1I:? '\'orth \.,l1lancl \Hnue Chirairo. lll.


    81?1~rattr Parlor I111li11n 51111,:hetti. Ra,ioli. Chili

    3q3 l \\1•>t Dh·i·ion Strett tln El-ton hf'nur Chfra110. Ill.

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  • Ja111urr\·, 1933

    ~p~dnl noom" For Pnrt!PS

    n \T AMERICAN RESTAURANT We l'lpeclnllz In ~pn,:hettl

    and Hnvloll

    1201 Ro~roc Slrcet

    I'honP Rn 11(\nlph s:ir.s DH. J •\MES E. ROA BINS

    Chimpodi~I & F0-:J()

    18th ST. nnd thP

  • 22

    ~PA W11trr l'urifi1•r Flltrr

    ll i ,,hr•I Grnrl,. II "'"' l'11ri/i1·111im1

    C'unne•("Cl' 1'u 1\ n.) J•'nu•rt ~11.rklc·r Ma1111forturin11, Co111111m)' I U \\' 1•MI Gr11 11tl ,\, 1•. 1'1•1 Sup 'lfi!l 1

    f'ltl AHS, l'ANIHJ.::-;, IC'I·: l'ltl•:AM MAO AZINl•::'I. 111)010-1. f'fr


    2101 \\"'. C:hirallo .h r mw. C l11rap;o

    J'hrnw 8

  • }nn1111r)'. l 933


    Two Chapd~ 1911-13 Broadway

    3125-27 ,,._ Root-('Vt•h n.1.

    THE OVERLAND PROO. CO. Jrlholt»~t1/,•rs find }obl>crs

    162-64 North Green Stre('t

    Chin1~0, Ill.

    SAM BIRNOORF Cfother mul J-fo1t('r

    3050 Eust 92nd Strt•N

    Chira~o, Ill.

    s T 0 E B E H L n n 0 s. \\·holc•sah· aml Rl'lull

    Mf'nts. Poultry


    All Cargo• lruurrd

    ii I Tilde n Street. Chiugo Phone Monroe 5539


    SANBORN, HOLMES & CO. B It 0 K E ft s -·

    Slll 1f"rior R442 444 Wr11t Grand Avenue

    Chicago, Ill.



    • • • ·153 l'iorlh l\1uy Strcrt

    Chicago, Ill.



    llARrium 3 701 Chicago, lllinoiJ


    - i-

    5141 North Cluk S1rc1•1 t:hicap:o, Ill.

    noc.o c o HOU S E lt1l i:a"l Ohio Stro••·I

    Lunch 11 :30 to 2 :30

    ·" /trrnoon T ra Di11m·r ):30 w 11 : 00

    .. I hellP~·., In Cookl11ac :.uo a orl, plus a new automobile. m eant onl y o ne thing to these alert polirc rne n - that a crime of som e iiort had hecn committed.

    Aud so withou t recou rse to l ie dctec tor11. fin i;i:ervrints. tn1th sc r -ums or ballis tics, the poli4'c mcn ar-rested th e hood lum. A n ti e te ,. t o r ;;i iu F itt li.-r Oc arl10 rn's l'tocl.i11~. hut that Ji,. \\ill ""''eial1y


    4615 w .. st Gr•nd AHnue I 'h•>n" Ca11ll11I 1111.IO

    120 l:i Emer11ld Aven"" "'"'"'' rnrn motlor" 4051

    OEN. y S o111h S1•1e Strc-rt

    Chicaito. Ill.


    f'ruit and V t!~f'tablt>J

    160 \til ... uukf'I• Slrr ••I El11i n, ll1noi1

    T 1• I ~ 11 h 4~ 11 •' " :::;

    I I

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  • -

    Thi.s Space Rese-rved FoT

    M. L. R.

    Your Chicago Home

    North THE 'IAllTI LUS. 6165 Wi111ltrt>/• -""

  • II'

    • ..


    ; TELEPHO?'T~S CENTRAL 0310-0741

    Chicago Tobacco Jobbers Association



    ... ... .... ............. ...... .................... ... ...... ... ... .......... ....... ... .....

    \ J I- \I II I- II .. II I I'

    ). f '. lfomlms & Cum/Jan)'

    S. Ufoom

    ftridge1mrt 1'11luw,.11 Cum /If.Ill y

    .S. l.'n.ssel & Com /Hiil)'

    II 1·:cwr U ru t lwr., II y I>/ lfro t lwr.~

    J. \foyer lf11 t 11al 'fobun·u l.'u m/JUll.\

    } . J>i1w:J & S on l.'/i ica{:o T ubarr·o C1m111un )'

    \ a than f"ox Com l'""Y Gl mc-i ·/1

    '·''" ) . ,, ilh Z 11llrt llr111/wrs

    «LLW* .................... ... ......... .. ... .. ... ... ,.., .., ............. ...

    RO M 171 3 • ..


    € H I CAGO

    • • • • •


    • ••

    t __ ......... - ~ - ... ... ............... . .

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