Digital Video#4 Principles Of Design

Digital Video #4 Principles of Design Go to %26_Principles.html Standards or rules to be observed by artists in creating works of art or to create a good composition. 1. Jot down the principle and explain each of the seven PRINCIPLES of design in your own words. If you do use another web site – please copy and paste it here as a verification of the location of where you gathered the information. Unity (Harmony), Variety, Emphasis (Focal Point), Balance, Movement, Rhythm, Proportion 2. %20Element_Princ.pdf 3. 1. Unity (Harmony) – visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design; It is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits. 4. 2. Variety –occurs when an artist creates something that looks different from the rest of the artwork. An artist may use variety to make you look at a certain part or make the artwork more interesting; helps to create interest and avoid monotony. 5. 3. Emphasis (Focal Point) – Artists use emphasis to make certain parts of their artwork stand out and grab your attention. The center of interest or focal point is the place the artist draws your eye to first; meant to stand out to draw attention to the area.

Transcript of Digital Video#4 Principles Of Design

  • 1. Digital Video #4Principles of DesignGo to or rules to be observed by artists in creating works of art or to create a good composition.1. Jot down the principle and explain each of the seven PRINCIPLES of design in your own words. If you do use another web site please copy and paste it here as a verification of the location of where you gathered the information. Unity (Harmony),Variety,Emphasis (Focal Point), Balance,Movement, Rhythm, Proportion2. 1. Unity (Harmony) visually pleasing agreement among the elements in a design; It is the feeling that everything in the work of art works together and looks like it fits.4. 2. Variety occurs when an artist creates something that looks different from the rest of the artwork. An artist may use variety to make you look at a certain part or make the artwork more interesting; helps to create interest and avoid monotony.5. 3. Emphasis (Focal Point) Artists use emphasis to make certain parts of their artwork stand out and grab your attention. The center of interest or focal point is the place the artist draws your eye to first; meant to stand out to draw attention to the area.6. 4. Balance distribution of visual weight and interest. Symmetrical (formal): balance refers to using the exact same characteristics in the same position on either side of the composition; like a mirror image. Asymmetrical (informal): by using different by equally attracting features on either side of the composition.

2. 7. 5. Movement how the eye moves through the composition; leading the attention of the viewer from one aspect of the work to another. Can create the illusion of action.8. 6. Rhythm regular repetition of, or alternation in elements to create movement and interest.9. 7. Proportion size relationships of one part to another part or to the whole.10. Find on the Internet (once you have completed question #1 above) to demonstrateunderstanding of each PRINCIPLEin video usetwo pictures from a search engine to findan example from other web sites. This means 14 different pictures. Place them with theexplanation.EG. Line as Principle of design in video (enter into Google)