Digital Recap 13-19 April 2015

BULLSEYE WORLDWIDE Digital Recap 13-19 April 2015

Transcript of Digital Recap 13-19 April 2015

Page 1: Digital Recap 13-19 April 2015


Digital Recap

13-19 April 2015

Page 2: Digital Recap 13-19 April 2015

Digital marketing spendings skyrocketed in several years. Next year's expectation is 20% increase, especially in video ads and mobile. But why does marketing managers are so into digital? Yes,

you are correct, the golden key is "data". Value of data is more vital to e-commerce sites which also have an "offline" shop to visit. Reports emphasise that 2/3 of offline sales begin with

consumers' online interaction with the brand.

When Google announced their offline measurement metrics, which basically collects location data from iPhone and Android, matches them with store locations and determine whether a

person who was exposed to ad visited the store, a new threshold of expectations was established for digital marketing. Recently, xAd approached to offline measurement with real physical

boundaries rather than navigational map data. Which also seems applicable since navigational data include not-so specific passersby volume.

As Bullseye, we are looking forward to add offline conversions as a metric right next to CPCs, CTRs and Impressions.


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It does matter to promote your business on all fitting digital platforms. Consumers’ choose to evaluate your products not by just seeing them, they took digital advise nowadays. So, why not just give them

your brand’s experience on first hand? Here several tips to create and maintain a digital presence:

- Be on multiple platforms and use correct content type. It may not be convenient to use same content on each and every platform.

- Don’t try to be inside of every trending topic, make smart decisions.

- If you already have a loyal audience, don’t do radical changes without consulting them. Ask their opinions, and make them feel appreciated.

- If you don’t have loyal audience but trying to build it, try to keep it simple. To keep up within the race add advertising on your marketing budget. Don’t forget to use audience targeting, strong & clear CTAs

and most importantly, optimisation.

- Last but not the least, never underestimate the power of mobile. Definitely give enough attention to mobile as well as desktop.

Check this digital marketing case study of Game of Thrones for future resource.


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Twitter, a targeting heaven, now has another ad placement. You might notice “Suggested by Twitter” ads while visiting a Twitter account, instead of your news feed. This new placement is

presented last month and available to eyes of many logged in users since it is very difficult to target unknown profiles.

Twitter also made another significant merge with Google in previous months, which shows relative tweets about search inquiries on Google.

These news can be interpreted as, Twitter aims to increase their ad revenue with reaching people at a larger scale, as well as a significant increase active user number.

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Whilst Google is facing with a big trial against Europe, which accused by being a “search monopoly”, there are also other news from the global company. It is said that, Google will try to deliver more

precise ads to consumers via using first party data such as customers’ e-mail addresses.

Many marketers are familiar with the term of custom or tailored audiences, which allows companies to use their 1st party data for targeting. It gives ability to target people who are already interested in

company or brand.

However Google’s possible shift from search to advertisement may rise many eyebrows about lack of digital regulations which will not only effect Google but also Facebook, Twitter, etc.. As we all well

aware the market place expectations about increasing ad spendings, future regulations may be damaging to market.

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@bullseyeww Bullseye WorldWide