Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government

Transcript of Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Page 1: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Digital public services and innovation

Jane Morgan, Scottish Government

Page 2: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Objectives for today

Offer a view of how digital enablement of public services is part of innovation system and can contribute to both societal wellbeing and economic growth

Discuss how we ensure that businesses, including SMEs in our areas , are well placed to act as suppliers for transformation of public services

Discuss how we can engage effectively with business on industry trends so as to future proof service delivery and make services as cost effective as possible


Page 3: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Smart specialisation as a context for digital growth• Smart Specialisation is embedded in Scotland’s approach to

economic growth

• Government Economic Strategy (2007 and refreshed 2011) addresses need for innovation and identifies priority economic sectors:

– life sciences, energy, financial services, creative industries (including digital) food and drink, sustainable tourism and universities

– enabling technologies eg digital

• Scotland’s Digital Future published in 2011 is aligned with EU Digital Agenda.

• Innovation and Entrepreneurship Framework- 2013 3

Page 4: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Digital Participation

Scotland is well positioned to

take full advantage of all

the opportunities of the digital age.

Scotland’s Digital FuturePublic Service Delivery

Digital Economy

Digital Connectivity

Page 5: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

EU and Scottish Digital Frameworks

Delivery of Public Services

Growing a Digital Economy

Digital Participation

Building Digital Connectivity for the


EU Digital Agenda Pillars Scotland’s Strategic Actions

Page 6: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Digital economy- Scotland

Digital sector strengths and opportunities: – Digital health and care, Sensor systems, Smart mobility, Big data

analytics– Being exploited through new publicly funded Innovation centres

bringing together industry and researchers- includes centre on Data Science

Digital as enabler:– Strategy identifies need to increase support for Scottish companies of

all sizes to use digital technology effectively– And need to strengthen skills base: Skills Development Scotland plan

for sector to be published shortly6

Page 7: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Public Services

Public sector is part of innovation system- with business, universities and citizens – quadruple helix

Digital enablement of public services:

•meets user needs through engagement and personalisation = higher quality services•enables savings through “channel shift” = release resources for other public services or wider government spend•creates demand for knowledge, goods and services from other parts of innovation system•creates flows of knowledge between parts of system•includes making more data open and available for re-use by business = new products and services


Page 8: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Delivery of Public Services

Four key strands to Scottish strategy•User focus (citizen and business): delivery on-line; easy access through mygovscot portal; common approach to sign-in/passwords to make access simple

•Effective management of data: using data to target services while respecting privacy; making non-personal data open so others can use it

•A skilled and empowered workforce: specialist skills and skills of wider workforce including leadership for digital world

•Collaboration and value for money: to save money and provide interoperability: common standards; collaborative procurement; re-use before buy before build – including data hosting


Page 9: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Digital Future: Governance

• A Cabinet sub-committee oversees overall direction and delivery. Each strand of strategy has its own formal governance depending on the nature of objectives and deliverables.

• For public services:– Strategy developed with and for the public sector as a whole – Strategy Assurance Board now oversees implementation with

cross sector (eg health, local government, universities and colleges) and industry membership

– Ensures alignment of national level actions and action at sector level

– Each sector has its own strategy, aligned with national strategy, and governance board

– An Industry Board provides advice from the ICT sector linking to a wider Industry Forum


Page 10: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Implementation and budget

Public services•National initiatives funded from Scottish Government budget:

– Portal, verification and sign-in– Some national initiatives involve putting procurement frameworks in place that support

collaboration and reduced spend, but not invovle central spend– Many national actions are about agreeing policy and objectives with implementation by others

•Sector initiatives funded from organisation budgets

Complementary initiatives have dedicated and substantial budgets:• eg Broadband

Potential role of Structural funds to enhance existing approach•Businesses’ digital capacity and skills•Smart city management•Connectivity in remote rural areas 10

Page 11: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

How we ensure that businesses, including SMEs in our region, are well placed to act

as suppliers

In Scotland we•Have dialogue with industry bodies on policy and delivery approach

– National Economic Forum– Industry Board for Digital Public Services– Board links to wider ICT Industry Forum

•Ensure procurement approach is SME friendly; measure results

What makes these work? Other approaches?


Page 12: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

How we engage effectively with business on industry trends so as to future proof service delivery and make services as cost effective as possible

In Scotland we•Improve digital awareness of public sector leaders- Digital Champions development programme

•Ask Industry body to provide technology briefings for public sector

•Use expertise of research and consultancy companies who focus on digital

•Dialogue with individual companies

Other approaches?


Page 13: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

How we will promote “data innovation” - businesses using public sector data to

develop new products and services

In Scotland we:•Need to agree and implement an open data policy; agree priority data sets for release and for quality improvement

•Are exploiting and building on analytical capacity in universities

•Will bring together those (public and private sector) who own data and need solutions with those (business and universities) who have analytical capacity

•Promote a “team Scotland” approach – not separate projects

Your views on this?13

Page 14: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Looking beyond our boundaries

• Dialogue with UK Government Digital Service - and their plans for identity assurance

• International review of on-line services- Estonia,….

• Digital health: part of European partnership on Active and Healthy Living

• Part of S3 Vanguard initiative


Page 15: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Measuring progress• Developing overarching framework for Digital Future• Measurement and Benefits Framework for Digital Public Services: four

benefit quadrants with measures on each


Page 16: Digital public services and innovation Jane Morgan, Scottish Government.

Summary and next steps

• High profile in Scotland for public service reform and role of digital enablement of that

• Good contact with industry but needs to continue and follow through to benefit economy and public services

• Awareness of potential of data innovation is growing but more to be done to achieve collaboration behind a Scottish strategy and plan

Next steps:• Continue to implement digital public service strategy• Work with stakeholders (business, universities, public sector and

citizens) on Data Management Strategy16

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For more information