Digital Methods and Tools for Hacking Journalism

Digitale methoden en tools voor datajournalistiek Anne Helmond, PhD bij het Digital Methods Initiative, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hacking Journalism @SETUP, Utrecht 23 maart 2011

Transcript of Digital Methods and Tools for Hacking Journalism

Page 1: Digital Methods and Tools for Hacking Journalism

Digitale methoden en tools

voor datajournalistiek

Anne Helmond, PhD bij het Digital Methods

Initiative, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Hacking Journalism @SETUP, Utrecht 23 maart 2011

Page 2: Digital Methods and Tools for Hacking Journalism

The Digital Methods Initiative is a contribution to

doing research into the "natively digital" where the

focus is on how methods may change, however

slightly or wholesale, owing to the technical

specificities of new media.

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nieuwe methoden en tools

voor cultureel en sociaal

onderzoek met het web

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digital methods initiative tool database:

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digital methods initiative tool database:

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research question -> operationalization &

method: often a chain of tools


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Question: Do the sources acknowledge cablegate?

The Response of the Source

1. Get all links for US embassy websites:

2. Compile list of embassies mentioned in


3. Compare lists

4. Query mentioned embassies for: wikileaks

"Julian Assange"



5. Get number of cables per embassy

6. Visualize output

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aim: get links

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tool: link ripper

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result: links!

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repeat & paste in spreadsheet

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aim: get mentioned

us embassies in cables

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tool: compare lists

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aim: get #nr mentions

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tool: googlescraper

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result: tagclouds

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aim: get most leaked embassy

tool: build on leakfeed API

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further analysis

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mapping the dutch blogosphere

tool: issuecrawler

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tool: issuecrawler

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result: map

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the historical dutch blogosphere

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NL Blogosphere

deceased blogs

tool: linkrippertool: URL responder

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A2K Network Geography, April 2007. Data by the Issuecrawler. Visualization by the Issuegeographer. Annotated southern organizations and places.

tool: issuegeographer

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tool: wikipedia bot edits scraper

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tool: dorling map generator

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#iranelectionproject by Esther Weltevrede et al.

tool: twitterscraper

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censorship explorer