Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory

1 rz [WOODFACTORY] Digital Marketing Strategy Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing (111010-PG-Web) 25/01/2015 5523 words, not including Table of Contents, tables and List of References.

Transcript of Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory

Page 1: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory




Digital Marketing


Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing



5523 words, not including Table of Contents, tables and List of References.

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Student Name: Mario Bacco

Course of Study: Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Marketing (111010-PG-Web)

Assignment Title: Digital Marketing Strategy for Woodfactory

Submission Date: 25/01/2015


I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this assignment is my own work,

all sources have been properly acknowledged, and the assignment contains no


I further declare that I have not previously submitted this work or any version of it for

assessment in any other courses or award offered by the Digital Marketing Institute, or

any other institution, without first ensuring that an explicit provision has been made and

that I have obtained written permission from my Course Director for doing so.

Student’s Signature:

Date of signing: 25.01.2015

Page 3: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Contents 1. Executive summary

2. Organizational background

3. Situation Analysis

3.1. Woodfactory Digital Activities

3.2 Competitive analysis

3.3 Swot Analysis

4. Target Audiences & Buyers Personas

4.1 Fashion Addicted

4.2 Art Professional

4.3 Art and Design Driven

5. Objectives

5.1 Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search

5.2. Increase Facebook Fans

5.3 Increase Facebook Engagement

6. Channels

6.1 Search Engine Optimization

6.2 Website

6.3 Facebook

7. Action Plan

7. Budget

9. Measurements

10. List of references

Appendix 1 – Situation Analysis

Appendix 2 – Organic Search

Appendix 3 - SEO

Appendix 4 – Company Website

Appendix 5 – Facebook Channel

Appendix 6 – Action Plan

Appendix 7 - Budget

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Word Count

Word Count N.

Executive Summary 191

Organization Background 122

Situation Analysis 1127

Target Audiences & Buyers Personas 517

Objectives 352

Channels 1822

Action Plan 373

Budget 500

Measurements 519

Total 5523

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1. Executive Summary

This research is written from the perspective of Woodfactory, a small furniture shop established

in 2011 and located in the city of Zurich and managed by its owner and founder.

Introduction to Document: Digital Marketing Strategy

This document is divided into several sections as follows:

1. Situational Analysis: marketing activities of the company and its closest competitors.

2. Target Audiences and Buyer Personas: the three key Buyer Personas which the

company aims to target its marketing efforts.

3. Objectives: targets of the strategy, formatted as SMART goals.

4. Channels: digital channels that will be used to achieve above goals.

5. Action Plan: tasks and responsibilities on a time frame to achieve strategy objectives.

6. Budget: a detailed proposal in terms of monetary costs and time required to implement

the above action plan.

7. Measurements: methods to ensure activities and performances are tracked and

monitored to achieve the goals in a timely manner.

The document is closed with a list of References and a number of Appendices which include

additional supporting data, graphics, and information too large or lengthy to be included in the

main body of the document.

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2. Organizational Background

Established in 2011, Woodfactory is a small "furniture-port-shop" placed in the middle of the

city of Zurich. The business is mainly managed by the founder alone, with the different

required activities (financial, legal, pr, marketing) performed with the involvement of

external agencies or temporarily staff.

This shop aims to offer unique products with a quite distinctive and different design, which

are produced around the world by small manufacturers and not sold through the normal


A large selection of pieces is made of recycled wood: wooden boats, old doors, planks of

wood ceilings, etc. Some wooden elements are combined with metal and get a new industrial

vintage look.

The offer of Woodfactory combines three basic characteristics: functionality, original

design and reasonable price.

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3. Situation Analysis

In terms of marketing spending, a yearly budget of around 7.000CHF is currently spent

mainly between two mayor activities:

BTL (flyers, POS materials, tram displays, in store or external events): 80%

Digital (Website, Facebook): 20%

3.1 Woodfactory Digital Activities: Website & Facebook

a) Website

As mentioned digital activities are currently represented by the company Website and the

company Facebook page.

The company site was launched at the foundation of Woodfactory (August 2011) and

looking at Google Analytics metrics for CY 2014 the site had 38.229 sessions (+21% vs

prev. year) and 28.459 unique visits (+22% vs previous year), around 72% of which

(20.490) were from new visitors.

The bounce rate is at 39% (40% in 2013), therefore the site gets an average of 1.447 visitors

per month (+20% vs prev. year) once bounce rate is deducted.

The average time spent on the website is 2m16s (+20% vs previous year), with an average of

3,84 pages per visit (+38% vs previous year). About 54% of the traffic comes from desktop

users (64% in 2013), while remaining 27% coming from mobile devices (20% in 2013) and

19% from tablet (15% in 2013).

Important to notice that CY 2014 web site metrics showed an increase across all parameters

compared with CY13, particularly after the introduction of the new Web site layout in May

2014 (table below).

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Woodfactory Site metrics (Google Analytics)

Jan-Apr 2013 Jan-Apr 2014 Var May-Dec 2013 May-Dec 2014 Var

Sessions 11'774 13'231 12% 19'779 24'998 26%

Unique Visits 8'853 10'379 17% 14'844 18'529 25%

Bounce Rate 35.77% 42.64% 7% 41.72% 36.80% -12%

Average Time Spent 1.59 1.44 -0.15 1.5 2.33 0.83

Pages per visit 2.99 2.61 -0.38 2.64 4.49 1.85

In terms location and languages, visits are dominantly (85%) coming from Switzerland

(57% of which from Zurich Region) and German speaking visitors (72%), suggesting clear

priorities both in terms of geographic reach and languages applied (keywords, ads, etc.).

Looking at demographics (Oct 2014-Feb 2015, Google Analytics), 40% are 25-34 year old,

23% between 35-44 years old, followed by 45-54 year old (15%), 55-64 year old (8%) and

remaining above 65, with a prevalence of females (61%) confirmed across each age band.

As regards the acquisition channels, Organic Search plays a major role bringing 45% of the

traffic, followed by Direct (28%), Paid Search (17%), Referral (5%) and Social (4%).

Furthermore looking at engagement parameters (Bounce Rate, Time Spent and Pages/Visit),

Organic Search really stands out as the key channel to get new engaged visits.

Acquisition Channels (Google Analytics Jan2014-Dec 2014)

Traffic Acquisition New Visits Bounce Rate Time Spent Avr N. Pages/Visit

Organic Search 45% 45% 36% 2m31s 4,24

Direct 28% 26% 44% 2m12s 3,35

Paid Search 17% 19% 34% 1m44s 3,89

Referral 5% 5% 55% 2m07s 2,96

Social 4% 5% 36% 2m08s 3,68

E-Mail 1% 0% 34% 3m54s 4,78

100% 100% 39% 2m16s 3,84

b) Facebook

As regards the Facebook presence, a Facebook Company Page was created since 2011, and

currently total “Like count” is at 2.266 (at 31 Dec. 2014), strongly increased vs. previous

year (1.070) and representing about 100 likes per month in CY 2014, with a reach of

867.332 people (about 72.278 per month) mainly paid (94%).

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Majority of Woodfactory Facebook Fans are females (57% vs 41% males) in the band age

25-34 (49%) and 35-44, (35%), mainly located in Switzerland (95%).

Woodfactory Facebook Fans (Facebook Insight)

WoodFactory Fans 13-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Female 57% 0% 3% 30% 19% 4% 1% 1%

vs all Facebook 11% -7% -11% 18% 13% 0% -1% -1%

Male 41% 0% 2% 19% 16% 3% 1% 1%

vs all Facebook -13% -8% -16% 4% 9% -1% 0% -1%

The 26 post created in the last 6 months of 2014 reached 48.783 unique users (on average

1.876 each post), with average 0.55% engagement rate.

Conclusions: Woodfactory web site, with a new layout launched in May 2014, showing

relevant improvements as regards customer experience (time spent and pages per visit).

Both Website and Facebook Analytics confirm target customers being mainly females in the

band ages 25-34 and 35-44, with a geographic reach within Switzerland (mainly in Zurich).

3.2 Competitive analysis

In order compare Woodfactory digital activities and performance, first organic search

competitors have been identified (Organic Search Competitors by Semrush).

Organic Search Competitors (Semrush Report)

Domain Competitor Relevance Common Keywords Phisical Location 1.45 34 Swiss National 1.28 30 Swiss National 1.06 25 Germany 0.67 16 Bern 0.64 15 Zurich 0.58 14 Zurich 0.51 12 Swiss National 0.47 11 Germany 0.42 10 Zurich

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Then this initial list has been compared with real market information coming from

Woodfactory owner (direct interview) and Swiss Furniture Industry data (Möbel Schweitz,

2012 Swiss furniture market).

Competitors were then grouped in two major categories:

mass market players: broad product offer, multiple stores and national coverage (for

instance IKEA, XXXLutz-Gruppe, Otto Gruppe, etc).

niche players: narrow product offer, single store with customer reach limited to a


Excluding mass market players, due to not comparable activities and resources, key

competitors have been identified within the niche players having following characteristics:

1. single location located in Zurich or nearby

2. niche furniture product offer positioned as industrial vintage and/or shabby chic


Once defined this competitive set (Walterwalter, Bilgeri-Moebel, Hektor-living), then key

digital activities have been compared in order to define competitive position of Woodfactory

against key competitors and define benchmarks:

a) Organic Traffic

As organic traffic, Woodfactory seems quite behind competition (see appendix 2):

Number of keywords bringing organic traffic: Woodfactory has only 18 vs 46

of Walterwalter, 42 of Hektor-living or 22 of Bilgeri-moebel.

Yearly number of search queries associated to organic keywords used

(Walterwalter best performer with 12.110 annual search queries associated with

its keywords compared with 3.020 for Woodfactory).

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Average number of search queries per keyword (Walterwalter best performer

with 263 search queries per keyword vs. 168 for Woodfactory).

Position rank achieved in organic search across different keywords compared

with competitors (see table below), clearly showing improvements required for

Woodfactory in order to increase its ranking.

Keywords Position Distribution (Semrush Report)


Top 3 Ranking 1 16 6 0

Positions 4-10 8 14 19 9

Positions 11-20 9 16 17 13

As a results estimated Monthly Organic Traffic (by Semrush) of Woodfactory (137) is far

below its main competitors Walterwalter (1.739), and Hektor-living (423).

b) Paid Search

A previously mentioned, looking at google analytics for CY 2014 paid search brought 17% of

Woof Factory web traffic, with a bounce rate of 34%. Therefore after deducting bounce rate,

about 282 new visitors landed on Woodfactory web site each month through paid search,

though average time spent (1minute 44seconds) was the lowest across all channels.

On the other hand Semrush Reports indicate that across 2014 key competitors (Walterwalter,

Bilgeri-Moebel, Hektor-living) did not invest on paid search.

c) Facebook

Comparing against competitors, Woodfactory facebook page shows the highest number of

fans. Nevertheless the higher number of posts per week of Walterwalter (1.16) compared

with the 0.8 of Woodfactory and the far better engagement rate of both Walterwalter (5.2%)

and Hector-living (5.3%) is really showing effort of competitors to close the gap and promote

through social.

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Facebook Indicators Woodfactory vs competitors (LikeAlyzer Report May 2015)

By LikeAlyzer

Fans 2410 2158 48 169

Last month growth 2.29% 4.20% 4.35% 1.20%

Engagement Rate 0.55% 5.2% 0% 5.3%

Post per week 0.83 1.16 0.29 0.33

Likes,Comments & Share per post 11 14 4 3


Woodfactory is a small organization, relying on outsourcing on many activities; nevertheless

the owner has clearly understood the potential of digital marketing since the establishment of

the company though digital. Indeed after 3 years from its first release the company web site

has been completely renewed, bringing immediate benefits across different parameters.

Woodfactory is overall well positioned in terms of digital activities but there is a relevant gap

in terms of organic search ranking against its main competitor (Walterwalter).

Closing this gap and better exploiting its Facebook presence will enable Woodfactory to

better position itself as “vintage industrial furniture shop, while offsetting the current key

weakness of a shop located in the suburbs of Zurich.

3.3 Swot Analysis

Strenghts Weaknesses

> Company open to Digital Marketing > Store location in Zurich suburbs

> New website design launched in May 2014 > Organic traffic andnatural keywords ranking

> Facebook presence vs. Key competitors > E-commerce not exploited

Opportunities Threats

> Swiss landscape digitally very advanced > Increasing digital competitionfrom current key competitors

> Attract new customres through increased/more effective digital

marketing activities > Entrance of new players in the vintage furniture niche offer

> Further usage of social channels

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4. Target Audiences & Buyers Personas

In this section the three key Buyer Personas have been developed for Woodfactory, using

data gathered from Google Analytics and Facebook Insights, plus interviews with customers

in the store and with the company founder. For each Persona details of their location, age,

gender, marital status, occupation, have been summarised together with other elements such

as lifestyle, hobbies, and channel preferences, in order to provide elements for budget


4.1 Fashion Addicted

Jenny is 25-34 years old single/in relationship, living in Zurich and working in a fashion


Her hobbies are dancing, going to the gym and anything related with art and fashion as

always looking for the latest fashion trends. She has a very active social life and strongly

exploiting Zurich nightlife.

She is a Facebook and Pinterest heavy user in order to communicate and share with her

friends about latest fashion trends or events happening in the city or post pictures about her

latest holidays. She spends most of her income on the rent (the major cost she needs to bear)

while the remaining part is available for her social & lifestyle activities.

As regards her interest in furniture, she is mainly interested in small design objects that can

help her to decorate her apartment (sideboards, lamps, carpets, etc.).

She is very easy to reach with some constrains on disposable income but she does share a lot

of content, therefore delivers value through reach extension and advocacy, while representing

potentially future high value customer, therefore the recommendation budget allocation is

35% to attract, sell and retain for the future.

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4.2 Art Professional

Mark is 25-34 years old married, living in Zurich, where he works for a cooking magazine

as he is a professional photographer as well as trained chef and certified hotelier.

His hobbies are cooking, food, art and design as he studied cooking and hotel management at

the Hotelfachschule in Zurich. He is a Facebook and Instagram heavy user in order to

communicate with his friends and share his professional photos and activities.

He has a quite good disposable income considering the double salary available in his

household while limited time for social activities.

As regards his interest in furniture, he is mainly interested in design objects from a

professional stand point as well as to decorate his apartment. Recommended budget

allocation for him is 25%, to attract and sell.

4.3 Art and Design Driven

Annette is 35-44 years old married, living in Zurich and working in a hospital.

Her hobbies are listening music, reading books, going to concerts and contemporary art


She uses Facebook to communicate with her friends and share info about her discoveries on

music bands, books, art galleries, or just artistic images and pictures.

She has a high disposable income considering the double salary available in her household

(herself and her husband).

As regards her interest in furniture, she is interested in nice design objects that can help her to

renovate her apartment. She is considered a high value target therefore recommended

budget allocation for her is 40% in order to attract and sell.

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5 Objectives

In order to set up “digital” objectives, first needs to be underlined the key elements

characterising the furniture industry (see Assignment 1 for further reference):

a) Low frequency of purchase

Attracting new potential customers is crucial for business sustainability

b) High level of customer involvement, both emotionally and financially

Decision process (from awareness to purchase) takes quite long time, therefore

important to establish a strong and durable relation with the costumer also to

exploit advocacy

In store purchase still having a crucial role, with e-commerce potential quite

limited specially in case of high value and high tailored objects

Therefore following Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Actionable, Realistic, and Measurable

Digital Objectives are established:

5.1 Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly

(bounce rate deducted).

Description: in full CY 2014 Woodfactory website had on average 1.447 unique visits across

the different acquisition channels (+20% vs prev. year).

But considering the lack of Woodfactory site performance in terms of Domain Authority, Site

& Server Speed, Keywords Use and Ranking, a further 20% increase seems feasible

specifically for the organic search new visitors (45% of the total), therefore moving from

monthly 651 unique new visitors to 781 (bounce rate deducted).

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5.2 Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors (previous

point) enrolling 1% monthly new visitors.

Description: currently Woodfactory website has the main objective of providing information

to visitors regarding the product range and store location.

E-commerce potential is rather limited due to product offer being very tailored.

In addition to providing information to visitors, a second objective of the portal should be

engaging web visitors in a long lasting relation through Facebook.

5.3 Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Description: despite a good Fan base (compared with main competitors) engagement rate at

0.55% is extremely low compared with Walterwalter (5.2%).

Post per week is also very low (0.83). Facebook needs to be better exploited in order to

showcase high valuable and tailored products.

An average 3% engagement seems a first realistic target between current performance and the

5% achieved by walterwalter.

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6 Channels

This section introduces the channels that will be used to target and engage Woodfactory


6.1 Search Engine Optimization

Organic traffic is obviously the key entry port in order to attract potential new buyers in the

early phase of the decision process.

This also applies to the case of the furniture industry in general, and specifically in the Swiss

landscape as reported in a 2010 Swiss based research (Think with google, Online shopping in

Switzerland) that confirms 24% of the sample (Internet users above 14 years old) looking at

brands/manufacturers websites and another 24% making on-line search on furniture products

(see graph below).

Source: Think with google, Online shopping in Switzerland, 2010

Woodfactory website with the new layout implemented in May 2014 clearly shows

improved performances in terms of bounce rate, average time spent and pages per.

But Organic Traffic is really far from its potential (details in appendix 2). Indeed

Woodfactory estimated Monthly Organic Traffic (by Semrush) of 137 visits is far below its

main competitors Walterwalter (1.739), and Hektor-living (423).

Furthermore looking at Organic Search Queries (see appendix 3) it is evident that most of

the organic traffic is coming through search queries already including the

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“woodfactory” keyword, although in different variants (woodfactory, wood factory, wood

factory zürich, etc), while traffic coming from more generic keywords, typical of search

queries performed at the initial stage of the purchase funnel, is very limited due to the low

rank position achieved.

This implies that actually Woodfactory organic traffic, though bringing about 70% of new

visitors, is mainly bringing people that somehow already know the company (as probably

exposed to Woodfactory BTL activities) while lacking to attract potential new buyers being

in the early phase of information search.

Search Engine Optimization channel should actually address the main task of attracting

new potential buyers searching for “vintage furniture” but not considering Woodfactory as

potential brand/supplier yet.

Woodfactory web site shows a deficit of keywords utilization both from a quantitative (18

keywords compared with 46 of walterwalter website) and qualitative (average 168 search

queries per keyword vs 263 of best in class competitor).

Semrush Report Dec 13-Nov 14

Column1N. Organic Keywords bringing

traffic to the website

Number Search Queries

in CY14

Average number Search

Queries per Keyword 18 3020 168 22 1580 72 46 12110 263 42 6340 151

Here the aim should be to close the gap moving from 18 to 35 keywords used (generating

most competitors’ traffic) and average search queries per keyword from 168 to 250.

Looking in particular to the best in class competitor ( – appendix 3) it is

evident that to attract more organic traffic a full reposition of Woodfactory keywords toward

the “vintage möbel” variants needs to be fully accomplished, moving fully away from

Woodfactory original “shabby chic möbel” positionig.

Furthermore current metatags, header tags and contents need to be aligned accordingly

while today still based on the old “shabby chic” philosophy (see appendix 3).

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Page and Domain Authority needs to be addresses as well, aiming to close the gaps

compared with Walterwalter web site (summary table below and details in the appendix 3).

MOZ Open site Explorer

Column1 bilgeri-mö

Page Authority 34 42 33 38

Internal Links 24 108 235 0

External Links 32 136 41 1855

Total Links 56 244 276 1855

Domain Authority 23 31 28 26

To do so, tools like Moz Open site Explorer and/or Majestic SEO can be exploited to analyse

most relevant and useful external links implemented by competitors (mostly within sites,

blogs or newspapers articles on lifestyle, Zurich shops, home furniture or estate websites).

Aim should be to close the gap rising from current 56 to 150 links (compared with 244 of


Page Speed is another factor currently reducing woodfactory website ranking (summary

table below and details in the appendix 3).

Speed Tests (woodfactory vs.competition)

Column1 bilgeri-mö

PageSpeed Insights Desktop 58/100 74/100 42/100 87/100

PageSpeed Insights Mobile 45/100 64/100 32/100 72/100

Pingdom Website Speed 64/100 78/100 88/100 84/100

Although competitors like hektor-living or bilgeri-moebel get better scores mainly due to

more simple sites, once again walterwalter outperforms despite having a site comparable with

woodfactory in terms of complexity and images.

In particular, following some of the recommendations from PageSpeed Insights and Pingdom

website speed, a right balance needs to be achieved between the need of high-res product

images in the woodfactory site and the download timing of the pages.

Finally others on page SEO, like html Site Map, XML sitemap and regular use of crawling

tools (SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) should also help to achieve

a relevant increase in organic traffic.

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With above mentioned actions the first objective of increasing monthly organic search new

visitors from 651 to 781 (bounce rate deducted) is considered achievable within 4 months

from implementation.

6.2 Company Website

As previously mentioned, woodfactory company website has far improved User Experience

since May 2014 with the introduction of the new layout, especially as regards bounce rate

(from 42.64% to 36.80%), average time spent (up to 2m.33sec) and pages per visits arrived to


Woodfactory Site metrics (Google Analytics)

Jan-Apr 2013 Jan-Apr 2014 Var May-Dec 2013 May-Dec 2014 Var

Sessions 11'774 13'231 12% 19'779 24'998 26%

Unique Visits 8'853 10'379 17% 14'844 18'529 25%

Bounce Rate 35.77% 42.64% 7% 41.72% 36.80% -12%

Average Time Spent 1.59 1.44 -0.15 1.5 2.33 0.83

Pages per visit 2.99 2.61 -0.38 2.64 4.49 1.85

Therefore just small adjustments are required to complete the content shift from the original

“shabby chic furniture provider”, still present is some sub-sections (see example below), to

the “vintage furniture provider”.

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Also looking at user journey (appendix 4) the behaviour flow shows traffic mainly landing

in the home page (80%) and then moving into the product page (51% of clicks). As regards

home page, only potential change suggested regards its length, as requires three times

scrolling in order reach the bottom of the page which indeed shows modest click rates (see

appendix 4).

While considering the different product pages (see appendix 4), sideboards, couch-

beistelltische and stuehle-hocker represent the top three product categories in terms of traffic,

in line with actual sales volumes.

But if the the major objective of Woodfactory website, providing product information, is

properly fulfilled, on the other side e-commerce results are modest (less than 2% of the

total sales coming through web).

As mentioned this is strictly related with the overall characteristics of the furniture purchase

(high level of customer involvement, both emotionally and financially), and also due to the

specific product range and positioning of Woodfactory (tailored no-standardized furniture).

Therefore together with the task of providing info to customers in the information search

phase, a second task of the website should be to engage web visitors in a long lasting relation

moving them into Woodfactory Facebook page.

Tough the current Woodfactory homepage already has a Facebook “like box” in each page of

the website, its design is very simple and text based (“Gefält mir” – image below).

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Indeed current click rate is at 0.1% on the Facebook like box in the home page, and even

lower in the product pages subsections (appendix 4).

But considering the high usage of Facebook by all three buyer personas identified, a target of

1% CR is considered achievable after testing and implementing some changes:

1. Modify current Like Box “Gefält mir” adding more recognisable and appealing

Facebook badge (example image below)

2. A variant of the same icon with the call to action “follow us/join us on Facebook”

should be tested (example below).

3. Furthermore a pop up/call to action should be implemented in the products

subsections in order to engage with visitors clearly showing deeper interest for

Woodfactory product range.


The objective of engaging 1% of Woodfactory website new visitors as Facebook fans would

represent, considering the CY2014 38.229 unique visitors of the site, about 27 new Facebook

fans per month, while considering organic improvements (objective 1) around 29 new fans

per month.

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This objective is considered achievable despite the proposed changes might look mild

compared with the improvement aimed (currently 0.1%) considering the large audience of

Facebook users in Switzerland (3.2 million in May 2013 being 64% of the Swiss online

population) and the identified buyer personas being Facebook heavy users.

6.3 Facebook – Social media

As mentioned Woodfactory Facebook presence was established since 2011, and currently

total “Like count” is at 2.266 (at 31 Dec. 2014), strongly increased vs. previous year (1.070)

and representing about 100 likes per month in CY 2014.

Comparing some key Facebook indicators against competitors, Woodfactory facebook page

shows the highest number of fans (see appendix 5).

Nevertheless the higher number of posts per week of Walterwalter (1.16) compared with the

0.8 of Woodfactory and the far better engagement rate of both walterwalter (5.2%) and

hector-living (5.3%) is really showing effort of competitors to close the gap and promote

through social.

But the social media channel needs to become a key element of Woodfactory digital

strategy considering the channel characteristics (designed for people to connect with the

people and things they care most about) and the product characteristics offered by the

company (high level of customer involvement both monetary and emotionally).

Indeed all three Woodfactory Buyer Personas have Facebook accounts and access it

regularly, therefore this channel represents the best way to achieve long lasting engagement

with customers along different stages of the purchase funnel.

As first step a Social Media can play a stronger role in order to influence potential customers

being in the consideration and evaluation phase: as mentioned in the research assignment,

when considering buying new furniture consumers seem to be not particularly loyal to

specific furniture brands while different evaluation criteria are taken into consideration

(Functionality, Personal Style, Comfort, High quality, Cost-effective, Modern design, Natural

materials, Exclusivity).

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In addition Woodfactory product offer is mostly represented by a range of individual unique

pieces, therefore requiring a quite frequent update with potential customers on product

characteristics, availability, and prices.

Social channel is ideal to accomplish this task to deliver product info and updates first by

increasing number of posts, currently at 0.83 per week, at least 1 post per week and ideally

to 2-3 posts per week.

Posting regularly is indeed one of the most important and often neglected tasks for utilizing

Facebook effectively and to keep audience interested and engaged.

As regards post contents opportunities arising from new products arrival should be further

exploited as already showing engagement rates between 7% and 13% (see appendix 5).

As possible improvement, instead of current posts containing multiple product images (see

example), multiple posts should be communicated highlighting the different key

features/characteristics of each single product.

Both organic and paid posts should be used trying and testing different alternatives to match

with the different customer profiles (see matrix personas vs products price and characteristics

in appendix 5).

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Social Media channel, due do its own characteristics, represents the best way to keep the

relation with potential and current customers due to the long purchase process of

Woodfactory products.

The channels and objectives identified above aim the overall strategy of following

Woodfactory customers across the different stages of the purchase funnel:

a) During the Information Search phase by enhancing SEO in order to attract them

into Woodfactory website.

b) During the Consideration and Evaluation phase, first moving them into a more

stable relation within the social channel and then starting engaging them.

Looking beyond a first phase, digital strategy should then continue in a second phase (once

first phase strategy implemented and objectives achieved) exploiting social channel to move

the potential customer toward final purchase (by offering giveaways, coupons to increase in

store traffic) and then keeping customer relation and loyalty to stimulate re-purchase and

advocacy (as graph below).

Woodfactory consumers purchase funnel and digital strategy objectives

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7. Action Plan


As mentioned before the business is mainly managed by the founder alone, while different

activities required (financial, legal, pr, marketing) are performed by external agencies or

temporarily staff.

With the same logic, to ensure the successful implementation and maintenance of the action

plan, following tasks have been identified and assigned between:

Project Supervision => Company Founder (CF)

Project Implementation => Digital Marketing Agency (MA)

The Company Founder will oversee the action plan, and will be particularly involved in the

content development of Facebook posts, as he knows the customers and the industry very

well, while all activities related with the plan implementation will be performed by the

Marketing Agency currently in charge of the web site and digital activities.

The Action Plans, detailed below and with full details in appendix 6, outline the actions,

resources, and timeframes required to achieve the company’s goals as detailed in the

Objectives section within a period of 4 months.

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search

Woodfactory website has relevant gaps compared with its main direct competitors that are

negatively impacting organic traffic.

Action items listed below (focused on keywords optimization, backlinks, page/site speed,

crawling analysis) along with responsibility, frequency, sub-milestones breakdowns should

enable to improve up to 781 monthly unique visits (bounce deducted) within a 4 months


Page 27: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Resources Frequency Duration

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate


Keywords competitive analysis Monitoring and Examining data (with SEM Rush Tools) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Keywords Gap identification vs competition MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items for Website Optimization MA 1 per month 16 wks

Meta Tags & Header tags Analysis (with Moz Page Grader) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report- Meta Tags and Header potential changes MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 18 to 35 keywords (compared with walterwalter 46)

Key Milestone: rising from current 168 search queries per keyword to 250 (compared with walterwalter 263)

Back links competitive & Gap analysis (with Moz Open site Explorer or Majestic SEO) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Potential sites/partners to be contacted MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Creation of contents for backlinks MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision of contents MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Backlinks final placement MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 56 backlinks to 150 (compared with walterwalter 244)

Speed Test Analysis and Key Findings (with Pagespeed, Pingdom) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: equivalent of better page speed score compared with (Pagespeed or Pingdom)

Crawling Test Analysis and Key Findings (with SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Final Key Milestone: Web Site unique visits from organic search at 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base

Woodfactory website has the main objective of providing information to visitors regarding

the product range and store location. In addition the web-site can be exploited to enlarge

Facebook fan base by following below listed action items, mainly focused on content

repositioning and new Facebook “like box” links.

Resources Frequency Duration

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors.

Content Analysis moving fully from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification Content changes required and proposals MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on content changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Content changes implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

New Facebook link proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Call to action "Follow us on Facebook" proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month 16 wks

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: enrolling 1% of monthly website new visitors.

Page 28: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement

Despite a good number of Facebook Fan (compared with main competitors), engagement rate

at 0.55% is lower compared with best in class competitors (5.2%). Post per week is also very

low (0.83).

An average 3% engagement seems a realistic target implementing actions below listed

focused on more regular posting (at least 1 post per week), monitoring and improving of

Facebook contents.

As regards resources here a major role needs to be played by the company founder, due to

weekly tasks to be performed.

Resources Frequency Duration

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 16 wks

Posting Varied Organic Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc. MA 1 per week 16 wks

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. Conversing CF 1 per week 16 wks

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s) MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Key Milestone: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Page 29: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


8. Budget

In terms of marketing spending, so far digital (Website, Facebook) has represented about

20% of the total budget, with the remaining 80% spent on traditional BTL (flyers, POS

materials, tram displays, in store or external events).

The budget developed and detailed below will not cover the total marketing activities

implemented at Woodfactory so far, but will focus on the objectives and activities identified

in this research.

This will provide Woodfactory owner a realistic estimation of expenses required to achieve

objectives identified within a period of 4 months, while slightly lower budged will be needed

to keep those objectives sustainable mid and long term.

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781

monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Here budget assumptions are based on actual quotation received from SEO Swiss (appendix

7) for a SEO service on Woodfactory website, for a period of 4 months on a selection of 10

keywords (150 CHF per month, 600CHF in 4 months). On top of Marketing Agency cost

(MA), time spent by the company founder (CF) to attend the meetings with the agency (as

mentioned in the Action Plan) is estimated in terms of hours spent (6 hours per month).

Once objective achieved, about additional 130 unique visitors per month would be collected

through the website against a monthly cost that should slightly decrease from the initial

150CHF, while a major reduction is expected regarding the time required by company

founder (around 3 hours per month).

Resources Frequency



On Site optimization MA 1 per month 75 75 75 75

Off Site optimization MA 1 per month 75 75 75 75

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement CF 1 per month 6 6 6 6

Total Costs 150 150 150 150


Page 30: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base enrolling 1% monthly new visitors of

Woodfactory Website.

As regards objective 2 a monthly costs of 50 CHF is estimated considering the small changes

required to Woodfactory website in order to modify and enhance Facebook like box across

the site pages and developing further pop-ups in order to drive Facebook fans enlargement.

Once changes implemented the objective is to end up with circa 27-29 new Facebook fans

per month with a limited investment across a 4 month period (200CHF and 12 working hours

of the company founder) with far less costs and time still to be invested after the 4th month.

Resources Frequency


Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors of Woodfactory Website.

Changing content from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month

Revision and Agreement on content changes CF 1 per month 3 3 3 3

50 50 50 50


Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%

In order to reach objective 3 it is crucial to raise number of posts per week from current 0.83

to at least 1 (ideally 2 per week). This activity is currently performed by the company

founder, considering his knowledge about the product and the customers.

Therefore budget assumption regards cost of paid reach (agreed with Woodfactory founder to

consider 125CHF per month) and the time spent on content creation, posting, monitoring and

improving requiring about 16 hours per month (ongoing base).

Resources Frequency


Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 4 4 4 4

Posting Varied Organic & Paid Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc.MA 1 per week 125 125 125 125

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. ConversingCF 1 per week 4 4 4 4

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s)MA/CF 1 per week 4 4 4 4

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 4 4 4 4

Total Cost 125 16 125 16 125 16 125 16


Total budget required will be therefore 325CHF per month (1.300CHF over 4 months period)

and 25 hrs per month of the company founder. On an annual base therefore additional

3.900CHF to current marketing expenses.

Page 31: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


9. Measurements

This section details the methods which the company will utilise to monitor the progress of the

objectives. Using the methods outlined below, the company will be able to examine the

successes and failings of the objectives on a weekly basis.

Objective 1 (SEO: enlarge number of potential customers while being in the information

search phase looking for “vintage möbel”.

In order to track and monitor activities aimed to improve SEO performance, several sub-

aspects have been identified:

a. Keywords: by using Semrush tool, competitors’ keywords can be analysed in order

to identify both quantitative and qualitative gaps.

SEMRUSH Organic Keywords Report

To measure Woodfactory keywords usage, metrics of number keywords used (aiming from

current 18 to 35 compared with walterwalter 46) and more important search queries per

keywords (from current 168 to 250 compared with walterwalter 263) are established.

b. Backlinks: by using tools as Moz Open site Explorer, Majestic SEO or Semrush,

competitive analysis can be performed in order to identify most relevant and useful

external links implemented by competitors (mostly within sites, blogs or newspapers

Page 32: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


articles on lifestyle, Zurich shops, home furniture or estate websites).

To measure success in this area, the aim is to move from current 56 to 150 links (compared

with 244 of walterwalter).

c. Page & Site Speed: following some of the recommendations from PageSpeed

Insights and Pingdom website speed, a right balance needs to be achieved between the

need of a quite rich site with multiple high-res product images / contents and the

download timing of the pages. Objectives in this area should be to achieve a minimum

score of 70 (PageSpeed Insights) and 80 (Pingdom Website) respectively.

d. Crawling: by regular use of tools like SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO

Spider Tool, right structure of the site, correct application of Meta descriptions and

Keywords needs to be achieved.

e. Page and Domain Authority, needs to be constantly monitored as well by using

tools like MOZ Open Site Explorer with the objective of closing gaps vs competition

(see table below).

MOZ Open site Explorer

Column1 bilgeri-mö

Page Authority 34 42 33 38

Internal Links 24 108 235 0

External Links 32 136 41 1855

Total Links 56 244 276 1855

Domain Authority 23 31 28 26

f. Keywords Ranking, as a result of above actions and improvements, an overall

improvement of woodfactory keywords ranking should be achieved through Semrush

or Google Analytics), closing gap vs walterwalter compared with 2014 status (below


Keywords Position Distribution (SemRush Jan-Nov 2014)

Column1 bilgeri-moebel.chTop 3 Ranking 1 16 6 0

Positions 4-10 8 14 19 9

Positions 11-20 9 16 17 13

Page 33: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Monthly checks of above measurements and following improvements should finally enable

the achievement of the SEO objective to increase Woodfactory website unique visits from

organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted) within a period of 4 months.

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors.

In this case objective is measurable by monitoring the CTR on the Facebook like Boxes

placed within Woodfactory website and in case of pop-up “become a fan” implementation.

Objective to be achieved, within 4 months, is to obtain a 1% CRT.

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

The Facebook measurement and monitoring can be performed regularly with the Facebook

Insights platform. The Posts tab provides full details regarding the each post on Reach

(Organic/Paid) and different engagement measures, while navigating within individual post

provides exact figures per post.

Page 34: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


10. List of references

Credit Suisse (2014), Retail Outlook 2014, in, [downloaded April 2014].

DeMers, J. (2014). The Top 10 Benefits of Social Media Marketing. Available at http://

marketing/[Accessed November 2014].

Entis, L (2014). Facebook Explains Why Organic Reach Is Dying. Available at [Accessed November 2014]

Ecommerce Europe (2013), Europe B2C Ecommerce Report 2013, in file:///C:/data/2011-



merce_Report_2013.pdf [downloaded April 2014]

Gfk Switzerland (2012), Der Schweizer Online – und Versandhandel 2011, http://www.vsv-


[downloaded April 2014]

Goldbach Group, Annual Report 2013 Executive Report, in

reports/geschaeftsbericht-2013-en/pdf-en/goldbach-gb13-executive-report.pdf [downloaded

May 2014]

Google Quality Guidelines (2014). Irrelevant Keywords. Available at [Accessed August 2014]

Gough Andrew (2013), How to Generate Leads and Get More Business Online, in

[accessed May 2014]

Gough Andrew (2013), The 5-Steps Strategy Guide to LinkedIn Groups, in

[accessed May 2014]

GSMA, European Mobile Industry Observatory (2011), in

Observatory1.pdf [downloaded May 2014]

Hibma, M. (2013). What Are Psychographics? [FAQs] Available at

marketing/what-are-psychographics-faqs-ht [Accessed November/2014]

Holland Heinrich/ Bammel Kristin (2006), Mobile Marketing: Direkter Kundenkontakt über

das Handy, München.

HubSpot (2014). Marketing Grader Tool. Available at

[Accessed November 2014].

IAB Europe Research (2012), Switzerland Launch Presentation Summary, in

Page 35: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


UMMARY_LAUNCH_PRESENTATION.pdf [downloaded May 2014]

IAB Switzerland, Trenn dich von deinen alten Möbeln, in http://www.iab- [accessed May 2014]

Lemire, M. (2013). How to Set SMART Marketing Goals for 2014 [Free Template].

Available at

Marketing-Goalsfor-2013-TEMPLATE.aspx [Accessed July 2014]

Möbel Schweitz (2012), Swiss furniture market, in http://www.s- [downloaded April


Mobile Monday Switzerland (2013), Past Events, in: http://

with-all-that-speed.pdf. [downloaded April. 2014]

MVF Global Customer Acquisition, Lead Generation and Internet Marketing in Switzerland,

in [accessed May 2014]

Munnukka Juha (2007), Characteristics of early adopters in mobile communications

markets, in: Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 25 (7), p719-731.

Nicole Ponder (2013), Consumer attitudes and buying behaviour for home furniture,

Franklin Furniture Institute.

Pcw (2012), Demystifying the Swiss online shoppers, in


Renaud Julien (2013), Swiss & European Online Marketing Trends, in

[accessed May 2014]

Reust Fritz (2010), Strategie: Mobile Marketing Grundlagen Technologien, Fallbeispiele, St.


SimplyMeasured (2014). Facebook Competitive Analysis Report. Available at [accessed December


Thinkwhithgoogle (2010), Online shopping in Switzerland, in

[downloaded April 2014]

Thinkwhithgoogle (2012), The role of digital in the furniture shopper path to purchase, in

purchase.html [downloaded April 2014]

Thinkwhithgoogle (2013), The furniture shopper’s path to purchase, in

[downloaded April 2014]

Page 36: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Thinkwhithgoogle (2013), Our Mobile Planet: Switzerland – Understanding the mobile

consumer, in

switzerland.html [downloaded May 2014]

Universität St Gallen, Konsumententrends im Schweizer Detailhandel 2011, in

20Branchenstudie%202011%20Chart-Auszug%202011.ashx [downloaded May2014]

Verband Schweizer Möbelindustrie möbelschweiz, Publikationen, in http://www.xn-- [downloaded

May 2014]

Page 37: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


APPENDIX 1 – Situation Analysis

a) Woodfactory Site metrics (Google Analytics)

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APPENDIX 2 – Organic Search

A. Woodfactory Organic Keywords Report (Semrush Report Dec 13-Nov 14)

Keywords bringing users to

the Wood Factory website

Position the domain

gets in organic search

Previous Position the

domain gets in organic


Average number of search

queries for the given keyword

in last 12 months

% Traffic driven to the

website with the given

keyword vintage möbel 6 11 1900 71%

sideboard shabby chic 1 2 30 10%

vintage möbel schweiz 3 4 110 7%

shabby chic möbel schweiz 11 14 140 5%

möbel vintage 3 6 50 3%

vintage tisch 4 4 50 1%

shabby chic zürich 8 0 110 1%

shabby chic schweiz 19 17 590 1%

vintage gartenmöbel 9 0 40 1.0%

3020 99%

Page 39: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


B. Walterwalter Organic Keywords Report (Semrush Report Dec 13-Nov 14)

Keywords bringing users to

the Walterwalter website

Position the domain gets in organic

search for the given keyword

Previous Position the domain

gets in organic search

Average number of search queries for

the given keyword in last 12 months

% Traffic driven to the website with

the given keyword

vintage möbel 1 1 1900 51.4

vintage 5 4 5400 15.5

retro möbel 1 1 210 5.7

walter vintage 1 1 170 4.6

vintage teppiche 1 1 140 3.8

möbel zürich 8 8 1900 3.3

vintage möbel schweiz 1 1 110 3.0

vintage teppich 1 1 90 2.4

teppich vintage 1 1 50 1.4

möbel vintage 1 1 50 1.4

vintage accessoires 1 1 40 1.1

vintage gartenmöbel 1 1 40 1.1

vintage einrichtung 1 1 40 1.1

vintage teppiche 2 0 140 1.0

walter vintage möbel 1 1 30 0.8

möbelgeschäfte zürich 11 9 170 0.5

vintage tisch 2 2 50 0.4

vintage einrichtung 2 2 40 0.3

möbelgeschäft zürich 11 9 110 0.3

vintage möbel günstig 3 2 50 0.2

möbelhäuser zürich 9 9 140 0.2

mobel zurich 6 3 70 0.2

lampe vintage 4 4 40 0.2

möbelladen zürich 7 7 70 0.2

vintage lampen 7 5 70 0.2

gebrauchte möbel zürich 11 13 50 0.1

moebel zuerich 9 7 70 0.1

vintage möbel shop 6 6 40 0.1

vintage möbel shop 7 7 40 0.1

mobel 17 18 390 0.1

retro lampen 8 6 50 0.1

impressionen möbel 9 12 50 0.1

kindermöbel zürich 12 13 110 0.1

vintage schrank 11 8 30 0.1

möbel in zürich 9 9 40 0.1

vintage kommode 12 12 90 0.1

vintage stühle 8 15 30 0.1

12110 100%

Page 40: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


C. Hektor-living Organic Keywords Report (Semrush Report)

Keywords bringing users to

the Hektorliving website

Position the domain gets in organic

search for the given keyword

Previous Position the domain

gets in organic search

Average number of search

queries for the given

keyword in last 12


% Traffic driven to

the website with

the given keyword

vintage möbel 3 3 1900 40.42

möbel zürich 4 4 1900 31.44

retro möbel 3 3 210 4.46

second hand möbel 2 0 110 3.38

vintage möbel schweiz 2 2 110 3.38

vintage sessel 3 3 90 1.91

bigla gartenmöbel 11 9 170 1.88

moebel zuerich 3 3 70 1.48

vintage gartenmöbel 2 2 40 1.22

vintage tisch 3 3 50 1.06

möbelgeschäft zürich 7 13 110 1.04

gartenmöbel zürich 9 9 140 0.99

vintage stühle 2 2 30 0.92

ledersessel vintage 6 5 70 0.82

vintage lampen 6 3 70 0.82

möbel vintage 4 5 50 0.82

second hand zürich 19 18 1000 0.7

mobel zurich 7 8 70 0.66

vintage möbel shop 4 4 40 0.66

sessel vintage 3 2 30 0.63

vintage ledersofa 3 3 30 0.63

gebrauchte möbel zürich 6 7 50 0.59

6340 99.91

Page 41: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


D. Bilgeri-moebel Organic Keywords Report (Semrush Report)

Page 42: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Keywords bringing users to

the Bilgeri-moebel website

Position the domain gets in

organic search

Previous Position the domain

gets in organic search

Average number of search queries for

the given keyword in last 12 months

% Traffic driven to the website

with the given keyword

shabby chic möbel 10 13 880 53

shabby möbel 10 10 140 8

kommode shabby chic 9 10 140 8

shabby chic möbel schweiz 8 8 140 8

shabby chic kommode 9 9 110 7

schrank shabby chic 4 4 30 4

möbel shabby chic 10 11 70 4

shabby chic schrank 6 6 40 4

sideboard shabby chic 5 9 30 2

1580 99%

Page 43: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Page 44: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory



Organic Search Queries (Woodfactory WebmasterTool Jan-Mar 2015)

Query Clic Impressions CTR Position Rank

woodfactory 440 940 47% 2,2

wood factory 327 2140 15% 5,5

vintage möbel 213 4788 4% 7,3

vintage möbel zürich 103 1562 7% 8,0

wood factory zürich 76 107 71% 1,2

industrial möbel 49 379 13% 9,9

vintage möbel schweiz 48 337 14% 3,5

palettenmöbel schweiz 43 320 13% 3,6

wood factory zurich 32 42 76% 1,2

shabby chic möbel 26 932 3% 17

möbel vintage 22 233 9% 6,4

industrial style möbel 20 167 12% 7,2 19 22 86% 1,0

industrial chic 18 235 8% 14

shabby chic zürich 18 215 8% 8,0

industrial möbel schweiz 17 43 40% 1,0

esstisch vintage 17 98 17% 4,4

wood möbel 16 242 7% 6,2

vintage esstisch 16 112 14% 3,6

barhocker industrial 15 157 10% 4,7

shabby chic möbel zürich 14 63 22% 2,6

möbel industrial 14 130 11% 10

the wood factory 13 266 5% 7,1

industrial chic möbel 13 122 11% 8,1

vintage tisch 12 176 7% 5,9

industrial design möbel 11 95 12% 5,4

vintage shabby chic möbel 10 80 12% 6,6

industrie chic 10 84 12% 19

vintage holz 10 59 17% 14

sideboard shabby chic 10 117 9% 5,0

Page 45: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Walterwalter Organic Keywords Report (Semrush Report Dec 13-Nov 14)

Keywords bringing users to

the Walterwalter website

Position the domain gets in organic

search for the given keyword

Previous Position the domain

gets in organic search

Average number of search queries for

the given keyword in last 12 months

% Traffic driven to the website with

the given keyword

vintage möbel 1 1 1900 51.4

vintage 5 4 5400 15.5

retro möbel 1 1 210 5.7

walter vintage 1 1 170 4.6

vintage teppiche 1 1 140 3.8

möbel zürich 8 8 1900 3.3

vintage möbel schweiz 1 1 110 3.0

vintage teppich 1 1 90 2.4

teppich vintage 1 1 50 1.4

möbel vintage 1 1 50 1.4

vintage accessoires 1 1 40 1.1

vintage gartenmöbel 1 1 40 1.1

vintage einrichtung 1 1 40 1.1

vintage teppiche 2 0 140 1.0

walter vintage möbel 1 1 30 0.8

möbelgeschäfte zürich 11 9 170 0.5

vintage tisch 2 2 50 0.4

vintage einrichtung 2 2 40 0.3

möbelgeschäft zürich 11 9 110 0.3

vintage möbel günstig 3 2 50 0.2

möbelhäuser zürich 9 9 140 0.2

mobel zurich 6 3 70 0.2

lampe vintage 4 4 40 0.2

möbelladen zürich 7 7 70 0.2

vintage lampen 7 5 70 0.2

gebrauchte möbel zürich 11 13 50 0.1

moebel zuerich 9 7 70 0.1

vintage möbel shop 6 6 40 0.1

vintage möbel shop 7 7 40 0.1

mobel 17 18 390 0.1

retro lampen 8 6 50 0.1

impressionen möbel 9 12 50 0.1

kindermöbel zürich 12 13 110 0.1

vintage schrank 11 8 30 0.1

möbel in zürich 9 9 40 0.1

vintage kommode 12 12 90 0.1

vintage stühle 8 15 30 0.1

12110 100%

Woodfactory Meta Description Tag

Walterwalter Meta Description Tag

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MOZ Open site Explorer (

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Majestic SEO Site Explorer (Walterwalter external links)

PageSpeed Insights

Page 49: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Pingdom Website Speed Test

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APPENDIX 4 – Company Website

Woodfactory Behaviour Flow (Google Analytics)

Page 51: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Woodfactory traffic flow details (2nd interaction level)

Woodfactory CR home page

Page 52: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


APPENDIX 5 – Facebook Channel

Facebook Indicators Woodfactory vs competitors (LikeAlyzer Report May 2015)

By LikeAlyzer

Fans 2410 2158 48 169

Last month growth 2.29% 4.20% 4.35% 1.20%

Engagement Rate 0.55% 5.2% 0% 5.3%

Post per week 0.83 1.16 0.29 0.33

Likes,Comments & Share per post 11 14 4 3

Woodfactory Facebook Insights

Facebook Woodfactory vs Walterwalter (Fanpage Karma)

Page 53: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


WalterWalter Facebook Post

Matrix Personas vs Price and Product Characteristics

Page 54: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


APPENDIX 6 – Action Plan

Resources Frequency Duration Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate


Keywords competitive analysis Monitoring and Examining data (with SEM Rush Tools) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Keywords Gap identification vs competition MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Implementation Action Items for Website Optimization MA 1 per month 16 wks

Meta Tags & Header tags Analysis (with Moz Page Grader) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report- Meta Tags and Header potential changes MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Implementation Action Items MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 18 to 35 keywords (compared with walterwalter 46)

Key Milestone: rising from current 168 search queries per keyword to 250 (compared with walterwalter 263)

Back links competitive & Gap analysis (with Moz Open site Explorer or Majestic SEO) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Potential sites/partners to be contacted MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Creation of contents for backlinks MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision of contents MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Backlinks final placement MA 1 per month 16 wks 1

Key Milestone: rising from current 56 backlinks to 150 (compared with walterwalter 244)

Speed Test Analysis and Key Findings (with Pagespeed, Pingdom) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: equivalent of better page speed score compared with (Pagespeed or Pingdom)

Crawling Test Analysis and Key Findings (with SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Final Key Milestone: Web Site unique visits from organic search at 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors.

Content Analysis moving fully from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification Content changes required and proposals MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on content changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1

Content changes implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

New Facebook link proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Call to action "Follow us on Facebook" proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks 1 1

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month 16 wks

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: enrolling 1% of monthly website new visitors.

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 16 wks 1 1 1 1

Posting Varied Organic & Paid Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc. MA 1 per week 16 wks 1 1 1 1

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. Conversing CF 1 per week 16 wks 1 1 1 1

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s) MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks 1 1 1 1

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks 1 1 1 1

Key Milestone: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

wk1 wk2 wk3 wk4

Page 55: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Resources Frequency Duration Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate


Keywords competitive analysis Monitoring and Examining data (with SEM Rush Tools) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Keywords Gap identification vs competition MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items for Website Optimization MA 1 per month 16 wks

Meta Tags & Header tags Analysis (with Moz Page Grader) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report- Meta Tags and Header potential changes MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 18 to 35 keywords (compared with walterwalter 46)

Key Milestone: rising from current 168 search queries per keyword to 250 (compared with walterwalter 263)

Back links competitive & Gap analysis (with Moz Open site Explorer or Majestic SEO) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Potential sites/partners to be contacted MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Creation of contents for backlinks MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision of contents MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Backlinks final placement MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 56 backlinks to 150 (compared with walterwalter 244)

Speed Test Analysis and Key Findings (with Pagespeed, Pingdom) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: equivalent of better page speed score compared with (Pagespeed or Pingdom)

Crawling Test Analysis and Key Findings (with SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Final Key Milestone: Web Site unique visits from organic search at 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors.

Content Analysis moving fully from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification Content changes required and proposals MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on content changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Content changes implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

New Facebook link proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Call to action "Follow us on Facebook" proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month 16 wks

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: enrolling 1% of monthly website new visitors.

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 16 wks 1

Posting Varied Organic & Paid Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc. MA 1 per week 16 wks

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. Conversing CF 1 per week 16 wks

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s) MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Key Milestone: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

wk7 wk8wk6wk5

Page 56: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Resources Frequency Duration Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate


Keywords competitive analysis Monitoring and Examining data (with SEM Rush Tools) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Keywords Gap identification vs competition MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items for Website Optimization MA 1 per month 16 wks

Meta Tags & Header tags Analysis (with Moz Page Grader) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report- Meta Tags and Header potential changes MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 18 to 35 keywords (compared with walterwalter 46)

Key Milestone: rising from current 168 search queries per keyword to 250 (compared with walterwalter 263)

Back links competitive & Gap analysis (with Moz Open site Explorer or Majestic SEO) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Potential sites/partners to be contacted MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Creation of contents for backlinks MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision of contents MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Backlinks final placement MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 56 backlinks to 150 (compared with walterwalter 244)

Speed Test Analysis and Key Findings (with Pagespeed, Pingdom) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: equivalent of better page speed score compared with (Pagespeed or Pingdom)

Crawling Test Analysis and Key Findings (with SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Final Key Milestone: Web Site unique visits from organic search at 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors.

Content Analysis moving fully from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification Content changes required and proposals MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on content changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Content changes implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

New Facebook link proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Call to action "Follow us on Facebook" proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month 16 wks

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: enrolling 1% of monthly website new visitors.

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 16 wks

Posting Varied Organic & Paid Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc. MA 1 per week 16 wks

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. Conversing CF 1 per week 16 wks

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s) MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Key Milestone: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

wk9 wk10 wk11 wk12

Page 57: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


Resources Frequency Duration Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri

Objective 1: Increase Web Site unique visits from organic search from 651 to 781 monthly (bounce rate


Keywords competitive analysis Monitoring and Examining data (with SEM Rush Tools) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Keywords Gap identification vs competition MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and discussion of the Report with Action items agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items for Website Optimization MA 1 per month 16 wks

Meta Tags & Header tags Analysis (with Moz Page Grader) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report- Meta Tags and Header potential changes MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation Action Items MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 18 to 35 keywords (compared with walterwalter 46)

Key Milestone: rising from current 168 search queries per keyword to 250 (compared with walterwalter 263)

Back links competitive & Gap analysis (with Moz Open site Explorer or Majestic SEO) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Potential sites/partners to be contacted MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Creation of contents for backlinks MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision of contents MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Backlinks final placement MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: rising from current 56 backlinks to 150 (compared with walterwalter 244)

Speed Test Analysis and Key Findings (with Pagespeed, Pingdom) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: equivalent of better page speed score compared with (Pagespeed or Pingdom)

Crawling Test Analysis and Key Findings (with SEO Moz Crawl test or Screaming Frog SEO Spider Tool) MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification major causes and possible solutions & costs MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Discussion and Action items Agreement MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Speed Improvement implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

Final Key Milestone: Web Site unique visits from organic search at 781 monthly (bounce rate deducted).

Objective 2: Increase Facebook Fans base exploiting monthly website new visitors enrolling 1% monthly

new visitors.

Content Analysis moving fully from "Shabby Chic" to "Vintage Furniture" MA 1 per month 16 wks

Compiling Report - Identification Content changes required and proposals MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on content changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Content changes implementation MA 1 per month 16 wks

New Facebook link proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Call to action "Follow us on Facebook" proposals development MA 1 per month 16 wks

Revision and Agreement on changes MA/CF 1 per month 16 wks

Implementation of new Facebook links and pop up MA 1 per month 16 wks

Tweaking and Improving MA 1 per month 16 wks

Key Milestone: enrolling 1% of monthly website new visitors.

Objective 3: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

Creation of Content CF 1 per week 16 wks 1

Posting Varied Organic & Paid Content – Text, Graphics, Links, Videos etc. MA 1 per week 16 wks 1

Community Engagement – Responding to comments, questions, and messages. Conversing CF 1 per week 16 wks

Monitoring & Reporting on Posts – Recording post type and success rate(s) MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Tweaking & Improving MA/CF 1 per week 16 wks

Key Milestone: Increase Facebook Engagement from 0.55% to 3%.

wk13 wk14 wk15 wk16

Page 58: Digital Marketing Strategy Woodfactory


APPENDIX 7 – Budget