Digital derbyshire conference & expo 2015 combined presentations

Welcome to Digital Derbyshire Conference & Expo 2015 #DDConf

Transcript of Digital derbyshire conference & expo 2015 combined presentations

Welcome to

Digital Derbyshire

Conference & Expo 2015


Joe Battye

Assistant Director

Derbyshire County Council



10.00: Harnessing the Internet to build a digital business in a rural area - Andrew Talbot

10.45: Embracing technology - a local case study - Stephen Gardiner

11.00: Refreshments, Expo and networking

11.30: Digital Marketing, Getting the strategy right - Neil Kelley

12.15: Superfast Broadband update - Derbyshire County Council

12.45: Lunch, Expo and networking

13.45: Top Tools To Make Your Social Networking Easier - Liam Lally

15.15: Q&A panel of experts

16:00 Close #DDConf

“It was the people of Derbyshire who

pioneered the industrial development

which was to change the world during

the last 200 years.

Nowhere will you find such a

concentration of human genius and

heritage sites.”

‘Destination Derbyshire Tourism Officers Group’ 1993 #DDConf

Why Superfast Broadband?

● UK Digital economy currently worth more than £120

billion each year

● Remote working is fast becoming the norm.

● Nine in ten (86%) organisations experience employee

demand for remote working

● Facilitates the “Connected nation”

● Tablets, smartphones and laptops mean two or more

people per household are using high bandwidth

services simultaneously.


Digital Support Programme’s

● Chamber’s eBusiness Club has provided:

○ Support to 800+ businesses across Derbyshire

○ Accessed 8,358 hours of workshop support

○ Distributed £147,276 of technology grants


Andrew Talbot

Harnessing the Internet to build a

digital business, in a rural area


Harnessing the Internet to build a

digital business in a rural area

Andrew Talbot



Can your business exist without

the internet?

Buxton According to Google


2. Wikipedia - Buxton

3. Buxton Water


5. Trip Advisor


7. Buxton Brewery

8. Buxton Festival

9. Buxton Opera House

10.Buxton Golf Club

What are the essentials for running a



1. Telephone Line

2. Postal Address

3. Business Cards

4. Brochure

5. Fax


1. Internet

2. Email

3. Telephone Line

4. Website

5. Social Media

What difference does speed make?

1. Ability to use cloud based systems

2. Communication - quality & cost

3. Time it takes to complete a task

4. Hardware costs

5. What happens if the internet is

not fast enough

My Simple Internet Business Plan

● Find a niche where you can be world class -

Research using the Web

● Build a website - consider eCommerce

● Make sure it ranks on the Search Engines

● Promote knowledge leadership - social

networks, blogs & forums

● Communicate - video, webinars, skype

● Use cloud systems - no capital costs

Product Personalisation Software

● Does anybody know what it is?

● A market that could not exist without the internet

● Demand by being met by bespoke solutions from web


● By creating a product we improved the quality and

decreased the cost

● With a global focus it is a massive market

● So many opportunities

Who can sell Personalised Products

A Modern Internet Business

1. Does not need an office - just a website

2. Does not need stock - use dropship

3. Does not need a telephone - just an email

4. Does not need to use much outbound

marketing - it is all about inbound

5. Harnesses the assets it already has

Internet not all about big business

1. Holiday cottages

2. Speciality eCommerce

3. Manufacturing

4. Retail opportunities - collections,

kiosks, licensing

1. Restaurants

“sandwich platters buxton”

How cloud based systems make IT more affordable




Order Management





Remote working reduces costs

● Reduces traveling time & costs ● Increases the talent pool

● Reduces staff turnover

● Reduces premises costs ● Enables the outsourcing model

Why a rural location is no longer a barrier

1. A single office is not essential

2. Lots of meetings happen online

3. Remote working is more and more popular

4. Many warehouses are outsourced

5. International clients do not care about UK Geography


What a difference Mobile technology can make

My Briefcase

My Most Useful Mobile Apps

1. Leftronic Business Dashboard

2. Zapier Business Automation

3. Sidekick by Hubspot

4. Scoop-iT

5. Mention

6. DocScan HD

7. iTranslate

What next?

● On Demand - will reduce wastage & stock

● 3D Printing - will change behaviour

● Personalisation - will continue to evolve

● Broadband Speed - will drive economic


Stephen Gardiner

Embracing technology



Technology Stephen Gardiner

A Foot Above Limited

Social Media

Digital Derbyshire Conference


A Foot Above Limited



● Sole Trader 2004-2011

● 2nd Clinic opened 2008

● 3rd Clinic 2011

● A Foot Above became Limited in 2011

● eBusiness club

● 4th Clinic 2012


● Reduce costs

● Control

● Reduce time

● Flexibility

● Increase customer service

● Smarter working

Initiation Phase

● Cloud Computing

● Introduction of Google Apps

● Smartphones

● Financial

Survival Phase

● Attend more courses

● Introduction - Patient Management System


● Cloud based Accounts/Payroll system

● Social media presences - FaceBook, Twitter

● Increased Productivity

● Financial benefits


● Social Media - LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest

● YouTube Channel

● New Website - Wordpress

● Introduction of Analytic Tools


● Social Media

● Blogging for Business

● Goal Setting

● Analysis of Analytics

● Marketing campaigns - Scent trails and

Goal Funnels


● Social Media Intern

● Advances


● Improved our Digital Presence

● Improved Customer Service

● Working more Effectively and Efficiently

● Reduced Costs

● Grants for Business Growth

It’s break time!

Please be back

seated for 11:25


Neil Kelly

Digital Marketing

Getting the strategy right


Digital marketing

getting the strategy right…

…if you have any questions… send me a tweet!

SOSTAC® planning model…








objectives strategy tactics

action control




resources scheduling

Smith, 1990


marketing mix

…so, let’s assume that audit is done…

…and you’ve a wealth of insight into the marketing environment

digital objectives...

avoid solely focusing on sales

help to determine/clarify position

help highlight the balance of tactics needed

provide a time frame

provide a means of evaluation and measurement

link back to marketing and corporate objectives

types of objectives…

Unique visitors, traffic, bounce rate, revenue, search percentage

leads, conversions from leads, page views, time, value per visit

sales, sales from leads, sales value, sales volume, average order value

active customers, brand mentions, sentiment, shares, virality

the 5S’s... sell… grow your sales

speak… dialogue, participation and engagement

serve… add value

save… costs

sizzle… take your brand online

Smith, 2000

Ansoff’s Growth Matrix

Market Penetration

Product Development

Market Development Diversification





strategy… Segmentation

…can use ‘classic’ bases and variables for B2C and B2B

…often developed further as persona’s

online behaviour and digital media consumption is vital

Average weekly internet usage is 16.8 hours (2013)






user experience


apps and software

do’s and don’ts



three key approaches…




strategy… OVP

closely tied to the brand position… what is it?

the reasons why the customer will click, register, buy and share

the intrinsic benefits from the site, content, service and functionality

…it’s all about value, what makes your web presence valuable?

the customer journey…

acquisition, conversion, retention

reach, act, convert, engage

reach, engage, activate, nurture


social media, SEM, affiliates, display…


web optimisation, user experience, interaction


…social media, earned media, conact

…developing intelligent strategic objectives

Objective Substantiation Strategies to achieve goals


Link to stage of consumer journey and SMART

Link to audit findings and TOWS options

Link to STP, OVP, growth and positioning

What will you be measuring?

Conversion – increase average order value to £30 per customer

- Increase in disposable income - Increased desire for product

- Position as luxury against key competitors - Differentiation through features OVP – exclusivity

% of unique visitors responding to promotions

…can we please wrap this up?


References and reading

Armstrong, G & Kotler, P. (2008) Marketing- An Introduction. 9th ed Pearson Education: London

Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W.M. & Ferrell, O.C. (2012) Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. 5th European ed. Houghton Mifflin: Abingdon

Ryan, D. and Jones, C. (2009) Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation London: Kogan Page

Wilson, M.S., Gilligan, C., (2005), Strategic Marketing Management, CIM/Elsevier

It’s Lunch time!

Visit the Expo

Please be back

seated for 13:40


Digital Derbyshire

National & Local Update

Frank Horsley

Head of Economic Regeneration

Richard Lundie-Sadd

Interim Project Manager

Broadband Delivery UK

National Overview

HM Government Objective

“…Our goal is simple: within this parliament we

want Britain to have the best superfast broadband

network in Europe.” Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State

for Culture, Media and Sport at time of BDUK launch

By 2015 everyone will have access to universal 2mbit

broadband and at least 90% with access to superfast.

Delivering superfast broadband and

better mobile connectivity to the nation

1.Superfast broadband coverage to 90% of UK by 2016

2.Standard broadband (2Mbps) for all

3.Superfast broadband to 95% of UK by 2017

4.Exploring options to get superfast broadband to near universal

coverage by 2018+

Phase 1 & 2 - 95% of the UK

£530m government investment to

reach 90% of UK premises by 2016;

44 projects across the UK;

40,000 new premises per week;

2 million premises passed

expected by early 2015;

5 Rural Community Broadband Fund

projects up and running;

4.2 million premises

£250m government investment to

reach 95% of UK by end of 2017;

10 contracts signed;

37 in procurement process;

2 ITTs per week objective;

1million additional premises

Phase 1 superfast roll-out

Phase 2 superfast roll-out

Phase 1 Cumulative Impact 90% by 2016

Phase 2 Cumulative Impact 95% by 2017

Commercial Cumulative Impact c.66%

£10m market test pilots exploring

options for going beyond 95%;

8 pilot projects;

6 pilots now undergoing State aid


2 pilots under further development;

First live services available April 2015;

Working with BT, Virgin, UK Broadband, CityFibre, Gigaclear…

Phase 3 - the final 5%

Phase 3 superfast roll-out

Openreach Fibre Broadband - See how it's built

Digital Derbyshire’s Vision

“To transform & enhance the quality of life for every community in Derbyshire through

excellent access to broadband”

“To provide the best possible digital

infrastructure for superfast broadband to

100% of Derbyshire’s businesses and

residents by 2017”

Rural Urban Digital Divide

•Ofcom’s digital mapping confirms that between 15-20% of those who live or work in rural areas (UK wide) are unable to receive 2mbps.

•Derbyshire’s mapping shows that almost 26,000 premises are unable to experience speeds of 2mbps

•And over 188,000 premises are not included in any commercial plans for superfast broadband

Business Survey headline responses

87% of businesses said that broadband connectivity is very important to business operations Only 11% of businesses said their current provision was very good 48% of businesses are very concerned about the level/quality of broadband in the future 75% of businesses said that the provision of superfast broadband will improve overall business performance 84% of businesses said that in relocating their business availability of superfast broadband would be very or fairly important

Digital Derbyshire’s Key Drivers

• near-universal take-up of affordable broadband

by Derbyshire households

• exploitation of broadband and wider ICT by

Derbyshire businesses and public sector


• urban areas benefit from leading edge levels of


• successive generations of broadband connectivity

rapidly being made available to every community

in Derbyshire

Broadband is vital for Economic


• Makes Derbyshire prime location for investment

• Allows the creation of new business models for new and existing


• Allows the re-engineering of systems & processes

• Provides access to new markets

• Stimulates innovation

• Improves interaction with customers and suppliers

Current Progress

BT Exchange upgrade announcements

Alfreton Horsley Ripley

Ambergate Ilkeston Sandiacre

Ashbourne Kirk Langley Shardlow

Barton Under Needwood Langley Mill Staveley; Derbyshire

Bolsover Leabrooks Tibshelf

Chesterfield Long Eaton Wirksworth

Clay Cross Melbourne; Derbyshire Pleasley

Darley Dale Mosborough Repton

Duffield Old Whittington Holmewood

Grindleford Overseal Hope Valley

Hathersage Pinxton

Next steps

•Roll out a new programme of community and business engagement,

raising awareness and stimulating demand for broadband services,

demystifying the jargon and providing the information required for

residents and businesses to get online

•Update with more up-to-date, easier to

action information

•Build upon the 3D Business Support programme delivered by East

Midlands Chamber and work with business groups to identify priority

areas for future rollout

•Investigate solutions for reaching the last 5% including working with

key partners and business groups


Digital Derbyshire Contacts

Email: [email protected]


Project Manager: Robert Rowen Telephone: 01629 538343

Email: [email protected]

Liam Lally

Top Social Media Tools



Q & A time


Thank you

Safe journey home
