Digital Bangladesh or Vision 2021

Hamdard University Bangladesh Presented by: Sonya Akter Rupa ID-315161009 Department of CSE

Transcript of Digital Bangladesh or Vision 2021

Hamdard University Bangladesh

Presented by:Sonya Akter



of CSE

Bangladesh is a nation in South Asia, with a population of over 163 million people committed to making a mark in the world as one of the best destination for IT (Information Technology) and ITES (Information Technology Enabled Services) outsourcing. Its current ruling Government coined the term ‘Digital Bangladesh’ in 2008, with an aim to make Bangladesh a leader in IT and ITES services by 2021. The small South Asian nation has been endorsed by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Gartner to name a few, for its potential in IT and ITES service industry.

Exploring the opportunities for students, youth, businesses and

further development of

Digital Bangladesh!!

Bangladesh has been able to attract many IT majors with cheaper resources on rental, infrastructure. The government has invested in IT sector making Bangladesh more competitive across nations through its visionary project Digital Bangladesh 2021! The government attracts companies in IT, and boasts of 500 IT outsourcing companies registered with Bangladesh.

Even with commitment to development, Bangladesh is faced with persistent challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, electricity shortage, and the like. Some of the major issues are related to the youth, their education and the acquired skill sets.

Even though ITES in Bangladesh is developing, same cannot be said about IT as there is urgency for development of resources such as competitive talent pool, infrastructure in ICTs. Many outsourcing companies are investing in Bangladesh, given its competitive prices on hourly basis. Indian market on an average costs around USD20 per employee, per hour and USD10- USD15 in Philippines whereas it is USD8 in Bangladesh.

However for IT majors like Microsoft, Google, IBM, Sony, Apple and Facebook to enter or expand in Bangladesh, skill development has to be enhanced by a huge margin. Gartner has given Bangladesh a "poor" rating in three critical areas - infrastructure, skills and intellectual property security.

Hence to build talent pool is an ultimate need not only to currently attract investments but also to sustain the developments of Digital Bangladesh. The key is to make best use of the new technologies to build world-class skills in all areas of study especially in ICTs, and investing in greater infrastructure and strengthening IP security is essential. With government realizing importance of investment in Cloud, Data Centre, Big Data and IT security which is crucial for development , in Bangladesh. Growth and sustainability could be achieved when right emphasis is given to all three components.

Bangladesh is in dire need of training centers that develops or enhances skills among the youth in various technologies. Institutes such as Indian Institute of Hardware and Technology (IIHT) among others are the kind of institutes that Bangladesh needs. Basically any institute that could offer rich experience in working with the governments and individuals of developing nations, where technology development has become a high priority for the development of the nation itself. Nations like Liberia, Mozambique have invested in ventures offered by IIHT Technologies and the similar institutes in various technology training and are now reaping the benefits. Existence of such institute will help a country like Bangladesh in building talent pool and/or enhancing skills of existing professionals ensuring a sustainable development.

Thank you