Digital and Social Media Marketing Introduction Updated for 2014

Introduction to the Course Digital & Social Media Marketing Susan Fant / These Slides are for Educational Purposes Only – The University of Alabama Marketing Department MKT597: Digital & Social Media Marketing Fall Semester 2013


Digital and Social Media Marketing Introduction Updated for 2014

Transcript of Digital and Social Media Marketing Introduction Updated for 2014

  • 1. Introduction to the Course Digital & Social Media Marketing Susan Fant / These Slides are for Educational Purposes Only The University of Alabama Marketing Department MKT597: Digital & Social Media Marketing Fall Semester 2013
  • 2. The Internet
  • 3. The Course A blend of history, theory, current events and application. Focused on teaching you how to use digital and social media marketing professionally for yourself and for companies/organizations. Skill based on the goal of helping each other find and secure internships and opportunities post-school.
  • 4. The Instructor: Susan Fant Instructor of Marketing and MSM Corporate Director of Engagement and Digital / Social Media Owner, Castle Sands LLC Executive Director FERN Masters: University of St Andrews (Scotland) Managing in the Creative Industries Bachelors: Birmingham-Southern College Business, Editor of The Hilltop News (Blending Art + Business) Castle Sands
  • 5. Whats the point of all of this? THE INTERNET IS DYNAMIC ITS ALWAYS CHANGING (How you proactively foresee and respond to these changes makes the real difference.)
  • 6. Why Should Companies Care? Isnt Social Media Bad? YOU create the Internet.* *(Okay, You didnt create itbut you create the content and you view the content that makes the Internet. Companies can take advantage of social media and digital marketing or miss outor worse, mess it up). Product. Price. Place. Promotion. Monitor, Amplify, Respond and Lead It all happens in this space.
  • 7. Thats 2.06 BILLION Views.a Khols commercial plays first (right now). How does this make any sense? The top watched video on YouTube of ALL time:
  • 8. What does it mean? The earths population is 7.186 Billion (Acording to the U.S. Census Bureau on 8/202014) That means 2.06 Billion+ people watched and rewatched this guy OR over 2/7 of the worlds population watched him.
  • 9. What Else Does it Mean Though? It means we can watch modern history in action. Anytime.
  • 10. It means small businesses and local artists have a chance on the major playing field.
  • 11. It means that an individual person can make a difference. (and sing you a song, make some money, find a following, fall in love, and create an active web show.)
  • 12. It means we have a voice. A global voice.
  • 13. Here is the Tech Generation (and its open to all ages) Alexis Ohanian, Co-Founder Reddit L-R ModCloth Founder, Facebook Founder, Pinterest Founders, Brit + Co Founder
  • 14. We Have Opportunity The opportunity to be a tech founder. to get a job. to satisfy a need. to report. to make a sneezing panda video. (that brings joy to everyone who sees it) For ourselves and for companies and organizations.
  • 15. Beyond the Social Web Randy Komisar Stanford University E-Corner Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers. Co- founder of Claris Corporation. Served as CEO for LucasArts Entertainment.
  • 16. Social Media Isnt a Bubble Social media (and digital marketing) is here to stay. People are an active part of the internet right now. ATTENTION is the scarcest resource companies must compete for 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Its all about Monitor, Amplify, Respond, and Lead. And companies must compete for your attention with cat videos, vacation pictures on Facebook, chatting with your best friend (and new best friends) over Skype, Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn -- ALL KINDS OF MEDIA, MATERIALS, VIDEOS, and INTERACTION.
  • 17. Test Your Internet Strategy Skills Whats the point of Kermit the Frog participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge today?
  • 18. Questions?