
What is a Digipak? A digipak is a style of packaging for a CD, DVD or BD. Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, which contains a plastic shelf that usually holds either one or two CD’s or DVD’s to the wall. Digipaks were first made to be used be big record labels, to make there artists stand out from the crown, plus if they had lyrics in from the album, makes the reader know the song faster if they look at it. In side they can contain lyrics, record label (who helped produce

Transcript of Digipack

What is a Digipak?

A digipak is a style of packaging for a CD, DVD or BD. Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, which contains a plastic shelf that usually holds either one or two CD’s or DVD’s to the wall.

Digipaks were first made to be used be big record labels, to make there artists stand out from the crown, plus if they had lyrics in from the album, makes the reader know the song faster if they look at it.

In side they can contain lyrics, record label (who helped produce it), quotes from the singers, contacts information, fan’s good and thank you messages.

The main singer has been shot in a close up, eye level with the camera, giving the effect of the singers eyes starring at you. They have done this to bring the viewers in closer to the CD cover, as if her was actually look at them. This image is taking up the whole page, showing that this is the main singer and all focus will be on him during the songs and on the cover.

The title is taking up a quilter of the page, showing that this is important but as it’s been placed in front of the singer, shows that this is more important as it’s the title of the band and is what people search for when wanting to listen to is or buy it.

As it’s a male main singer in his twenties, this tends to attract teenage girl and girls with in the same age range.

The style and shapes of the background behind the singer would attract females as it’s very groovy and flows easily but the colours that it’s made up of would attract males as it’s the stereotypical male selection of colours, blue, green, black and a hint of yellow to separate the blue from the green.

This title has a unique font style, making it stand out from the original font type ups, plus it needs to be big, bold, sharp, loud and noticeable to suit it’s style of music. The subheading underneath the title, telling you the album's name is on a different font compared to the Main title. This has been done on purpose because there is more to read in this sentence, so needs to be a more basic font type.

A double page image has been used to make the booklet seem more full, but it also gives the impression of the type of music that this is involved with, dancing, loud and club type music.

They have used a long shot to show his body movement within his dancing, this again relates back to fact that this type of music can be danced to, preternaturally in clubs.

These wavy, streak lines that are continuing from the cover, through the booklet gives the impression of club, disco lights. Beams of light that are normally used in clubbing areas.

A free mid shot, focusing on girls has been used to show the main female singer, plus also gives the atmosphere of people dancing in a club. We can tell this woman in the middle is the main female singer because they have made her stand out by wear a black top, just like the image of the male singer on the front, she’s been placed in the centre and the other woman are facing away from the camera, centre woman is looking straight at the camera.

This image takes up one and a half pages to fill out the booklet more, plus it also allows the main female singer to show an appearance and have the same amount of space to show her face just like the male singer on the front cover.

The other half of the second page has been taken up by the first song that would be played on the CD. This includes the songs title and lyrics to let people sing along to the song if they don’t know the words.

These woman lying erotically on sun beds are going to attract the male sex, potentially teenage boys as this album is aimed at teenagers.

This layout of these pages have swapped round from the previous pages, by doing this people focus on the further right hand side, then automatically look at the woman on the sun beds. This makes sure that the image of these woman are noticed.

The green and blues waves have continued through onto the black background with the song lyrics on to keep the idea of clubbing in the viewers mind. This image is continuing because it’s the house type of the album, it connects each page together.

Song from the CD continue through the booklet. Each song that is mentioned is placed in the same style of front, each new song has a white strip, clearly showing the reader where songs begin, plus the title of the songs are coloured in green, not white to match the style of the blue and green background waves.

This font style is the same style as the subheading being used on the front cover. That have used this font to keep a constant flow through the booklet, plus they couldn’t use the main titles font because that would take the unique style away from it if it was used more then once, also it would be hard to read all of these songs in that style.

Considering that this technique of double paged image has been used before, this is clearly just been put in the booklet to fill up more pages, but on the other hand it could be an idea of continuing the feel of dancing and up beat movement to match the songs that have been printed before this section.

It’s tradition for either the whole band, production team or the main singers to leave a thank you message at the end of the booklet for again either the companies that have helped produce the album or to the public that have brought this album

The booklet has nicely kept the house style flowing through each page, allowing the writing to be red on top of the colours, plus using the right about of colour and an even about of black negative space.

A background has replaced the light beams from the front cover but have continued with the wave of blues, greens and yellows, this creates a stronger connection, even though it is physically connected.

Fan’s information, this allows any big fans to get additional music videos and songs on their phones.

A basic list of the song available on the CD is listed in green and white coloured text. The same font has been used but has just been increased through it’s boldness. As not much needs to be added on the back of the CD cover, the size has been increased on the text to fill up curtain areas more.

This shows that this album is advertised by the Hard2Beat record label company.

A bar code is placed on the back to allow customers to by it from the store.

This is a clear symbol showing that there will be valance and bad language within the album.

A clear image of each of the main singers in each of the corners. The camera is at a slight low angle, making them seem more tough and threatening

A mini CD is representing the CD inside as it has the same patter in the centre.

These pointing out triangles make it seem as if the page is being torn apart by this angry elephant heading towards the viewer.

The title has a sharp white colour on a deep black pointed background. The font is bold, bulky and sharp edged.

Each of these selections tells the reader who sang it, how long it to create and publish it, people who rated it in music magazines and who helped produce it. This continues on for four pages, a description for each song.

Each image of each singer has been edited in black and white with a hint of blue over the top. The hint of blue creates a connection between the images and the house style of the cover. Next to the images is an arrow pointed towards the gutter of the booklet, this takes up more room on the page, allowing them to not type so much on each page, also enhances the attitude that’s coming from the image.

Similar text to the title, but this is more slight and squashed.

These first four paragraphs are personal “thank you” messages from each of the singer to who helped them through rough and good times. It also mentions there favourite and best song they have worked on through the album, plus there favourite music video.

The same style of imagery has been used but been replaced with the bands symbol (angry elephant), they have used the band’s symbol for this section because these two pages are focused on the whole band.

After an individual thank you from each singing member of the band, there is a group thank you, saying they couldn’t do it without each and everyone of them.

A low angle image has been taken to show off the groups power and trust between them. This makes them seem dominating with in this music genre and controlling.

From what there wearing, it shows that this album is based on hip hop/ light rap from the caps, big jackets and the females extra flesh showing.

The blue again has been used as a backdrop but have used the yellow as a standing plat for, this yellow is symbolising gold, showing that there the best with bling.

Bar code for customers to buy it from the shop.

Even though this is on a completely different piece of paper that not physically connected to the front cover, it’d kept with the house style by adding the larger pointed triangles and the main colour blue.

The booklet simple slots into the CD case, showing an attitude and dominating image of the band, allowing the public to get an idea of what the music is going to be like before playing it.

The CD it’s self even carries on the house style by having these faint blue lines running round the disc, plus it has the same font as the front cover.