Digestive Cookies Recipe

Digestive Cookies Recipe Print Prep time: 15 Mins Cook time: 15 Mins Yields: 45 Cookies  A simple recipe for Britain’s famous digestive cookies. INGREDIENTS: o 1 and 1/3 cups Whole Wheat Flour o 1/4 cup All Purpose Flour o 1 teaspoon Baking Powder o 1/2 teaspoon Salt o 2 tablespoons Rolled oats/quick cooking oats o 5 tablespoons Butter o 1 cup Sugar o 1/3 cup Milk (I used 2%) PROCEDURE: 1. In a l ar ge mi xi ng bowl si ft al l t he dr y ingr edie nt s e xcept oats a nd suga r. Stir in the oats. 2. Ta ke out t he butt er fr om the r ef rigera to r, cut up into sma ll piec es and add it to the flour mixture. Using a pastry blender further cut the butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. If you don’t have a pastry blender you can do this with your fingers or fork too, but it’s more work. 3. St ir in the s ugar and a dd mi lk li tt le by li tt le to form a s of t dough. Knead until smooth. 4. Pr ess the dough into disk, wra p i n pla st ic wr ap and lea ve it in the f ri dge for 30 minutes. Set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off start  preheating the oven at 3 75F for 15 minutes. So by the time the o ven preheats it will  be 30 minutes and you can start working on the cookie dough. Also butter 2 cookie sheets. 5. Li ghtl y f lour th e s ur fa ce. Rol l out th e dough in to 1/ 4 i nc h t hi ckness. Use a cookie cutter to cut out the cookies. Gather the dough scraps, re-roll and continue the same procedure until all the dough is used. 6. The cooki es te nd to st ic k t o t he fl oor, so us e a spat ul a t o l if t a nd tr ansf er  the cookies to the baking sheets. Place them 1 inch apart. Prick all over with a fork. 7. The baking t ime depends on the t hi ckness of th e cooki es and t he ma te ri al of the baking sheet. Note that cookies baked on a dark colored non stick baking sheet tend to bake faster and if not alert the bottom will get burnt. My second batch cookies were thinner than the first batch. So the first batch took 13 minutes, while the second batch was done in 10 minutes. Look for golden color cookies. If baking  both the batches at the same time, place each baking sheet in individual racks and shift sheets halfway through baking. 8. Le ave the cookies i n t he ba ki ng shee t i ts el f f or 5 minut es and t he n t ra ns fer  to a wire rack to cool. TASTE:

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Digestive Cookies Recipe PrintPrep time: 15 MinsCook time: 15 MinsYields: 45 Cookies

 A simple recipe for Britain’s famous digestive cookies.


o 1 and 1/3 cups Whole Wheat Flour 

o 1/4 cup All Purpose Flour 

o 1 teaspoon Baking Powder 

o 1/2 teaspoon Salt

o 2 tablespoons Rolled oats/quick cooking oats

o 5 tablespoons Butter 

o 1 cup Sugar 

o 1/3 cup Milk (I used 2%)


1. In a large mixing bowl sift all the dry ingredients except oats and sugar.

Stir in the oats.

2. Take out the butter from the refrigerator, cut up into small pieces and addit to the flour mixture. Using a pastry blender further cut the butter until the mixture

resembles coarse crumbs. If you don’t have a pastry blender you can do this with

your fingers or fork too, but it’s more work.3. Stir in the sugar and add milk little by little to form a soft dough. Knead

until smooth.

4. Press the dough into disk, wrap in plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge

for 30 minutes. Set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes. When the timer goes off start

 preheating the oven at 375F for 15 minutes. So by the time the oven preheats it will be 30 minutes and you can start working on the cookie dough. Also butter 2 cookie

sheets.5. Lightly flour the surface. Roll out the dough into 1/4 inch thickness. Use a

cookie cutter to cut out the cookies. Gather the dough scraps, re-roll and continue

the same procedure until all the dough is used.6. The cookies tend to stick to the floor, so use a spatula to lift and transfer 

the cookies to the baking sheets. Place them 1 inch apart. Prick all over with a fork.

7. The baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies and the material

of the baking sheet. Note that cookies baked on a dark colored non stick bakingsheet tend to bake faster and if not alert the bottom will get burnt. My second batch

cookies were thinner than the first batch. So the first batch took 13 minutes, whilethe second batch was done in 10 minutes. Look for golden color cookies. If baking both the batches at the same time, place each baking sheet in individual racks and

shift sheets halfway through baking.

8. Leave the cookies in the baking sheet itself for 5 minutes and then transfer to a wire rack to cool.


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o These digestive cookies taste exactly like sweet chapathi (or what we call

chakkara roti in our house). I don’t if everybody makes this chapathi. First you roll

out the chapathi dough, apply generous amount of ghee and sprinkle sugar all over,then fold it and apply ghee and sugar on each fold and roll it out once again and

then cook it on a hot tava. So these cookies taste exactly like that. If you like the

sweet chapathi you will definitely like this one too. Initially you may feel that it isvery sweet but once you eat one cookie you will get addicted to the sweetness and

will reach out for one more.

o As for the texture, it is crispy but not “melt in your mouth” type of crispness but

quite similar to a hard candy. After reading hard candy don’t assume that you

cannot bite it. It’s definitely chewable and very tasty.

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Whole Wheat Sesame Crackers Recipe PrintPrep time: 15 MinsCook time: 20 MinsYields: 3 to 4 Dozen Cookies.

 A very easy to bake whole wheat cracker recipe.


o 1 and 1/2 cups Whole Wheat Flour 

o 1/4 cup Soy Flour 

o 1/4 cup Sesame Seeds (White Hulled)

o 1/2 teaspoon Salt

o 1/4 cup Oil (Non Hydrogenated)

o 8 to 9 tablespoons Water 


1. Preheat oven to 350F/180C for 15 minutes.

2. While the oven is preheating, in a medium bowl sift the flours and salt.Add the sesame seeds.

3. Add the oil and blend well. Add water little by little to form the dough into

a ball and easy enough to roll.4. Divide the dough into 2 balls. Roll each half to 1/8 inch thick and cut into

squares or sticks. Repeat the same with the other half too. I dusted some all purpose

flour on the surface to roll the dough easily.

5. Place the squares on un-greased baking sheet and bake for about 15-20minutes or until the crackers are crisp. The baking time depends on the thickness of 

the squares.

6. Store in a tightly covered container up to 1 week.

Eggless Pudding Cookies Recipe PrintPrep time: 15 MinsCook time: 12 MinsYields: 24 Cookies Per Each Pudding Mix

 A very simple recipe to bake tasty cookies using instant pudding mixes. These pudding 

cookies have a “melt in your mouth” texture.


o 3/4 Cup Softened Butter 

o 1 Package 3.4Oz Instant Pistachio Pudding Mix

o 1 and 1/4 Cups All Purpose Flour 

o 1/2 Cup Toasted and Chopped Pistachios


1. Preheat oven at 375F/190C for 15 minutes.

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2. In a small mixing bowl, cream butter and pudding mix until smooth. I

used a hand held electric mixer.

3. Gradually beat in flour.

4. Fold in pecans.5. Grease a tablespoon with non stick cooking spray.

6. Take a tablespoonful of dough and drop it on the baking sheet 2 inch


7. Flatten the dough using your fingers.

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8. Bake it for 10-13 minutes or until light golden brown. Mine were perfectly

done at 11 minutes.

9. Remove it from the oven and let it cool on the baking sheet itself for 5

minutes.10. Then transfer it to a wire cooling rack and let it cool completely before

storing it in an airtight container.


1. Toast the nuts before adding it to the dough. This will give a nice crunch

to the cookies. Toast the nuts in the oven while it is preheating.2. Shaping the dough into balls and then flattening it with my palm. For this I

first dropped tablespoonful of dough on the baking sheets. Then I greased my hands

 by with little butter (from the butter wrapper) and then rolled each into ball and then

flattened it by pressing it with my palm. So this time I got beautiful round cookiesfor all the batches. Last time I just dropped a tablespoonful of dough and used a

fork to press it down.

3. The above measurement yields exactly 2 dozen cookies. I used 2 large baking sheets for each dozen and baked it one batch at a time. You can also bake

 both at the same time with one sheet on the middle rack and the other one on the

 bottom rack. If you decide to bake both batches at the same time, be sure to switch

the baking sheets half way through. That is, once it’s baked for 5 minutes, move thetop rack sheet to the bottom and the bottom rack sheet to the top to ensure even


4. Using the same method, bake a batch of French Vanilla cookies, usinginstant french vanilla pudding mix and semi-sweet chocolate chips instead of nuts.

Vegan Chocolate Cookies Recipe & Video Print

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with chopped walnuts and I think that’s the reason we felt that the cookies needed

some more sweetness after we tasted the test cookie and that’s when my husband

suggested to add some raisins. So if you use the chocolate chips you can omit theraisins.


1. The original recipe did not mention to blend together the egg replacer 

 powder and water but I did it because I felt that the margarine and sugar did not

cream as well as it should have. Maybe the margarine should have been even softer.

When I creamed together the margarine and sugar it remained just like coarsecrumbs, so that’s when I decided to add 1/4 cup liquid to get it going. So when you

try this recipe at home, if you think that the butter/margarine and sugar creamed

together very well then go ahead and follow the original recipe by adding the eggreplacer powder directly without any water.

2. teaspoon of egg replacer is used in the original recipe but I chose to use 2

teaspoons because the Ener-G packet I have is not new. It’s almost a year and a half old which I store it in the freezer.

3. This cookie dough is quite thick. Actually pretty thicker than any cookie

dough I have made so far with exception to the vegan crinkle cookies.4. I have a super big cookie sheet so I was able to fit all the 34 cookies (36

minus 2 which I test baked first) in one single sheet. If you are using 2 sheets, you

will have to rotate the pan and move the sheet in the top rack to the bottom and the

vice-versa half way through baking to ensure even baking.5. As mentioned in the Taste section, I chose to use raisins because we felt

the cookies were not sweet enough without the chocolate chips mentioned in the

original recipe. So if you use chocolate chips, I think you might not need the raisins.